Spelling suggestions: "subject:"komparativ"" "subject:"komparativa""
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Musikalische Praxen aus pädagogischen Perspektiven: Eine Festschrift zu Themen und Texten Christopher WallbaumsBarth, Dorothee, Prantl, Daniel, Rolle, Christian 29 June 2023 (has links)
In den Aufsätzen des Bandes werden von verschiedenen Autor:innen des aktuellen musikpädagogisch-wissenschaftlichen Diskurses Themen aufgegriffen und diskutiert, die Christopher Wallbaum ins musikpädagogische Spiel gebracht hat. Didaktische, philosophische, kulturtheoretische und methodologische Fragestellungen bilden zwei große Schwerpunkte: Eine erste Textgruppe beschäftigt sich in konstruktiv-kritischer Form mit musikdidaktisch-konzeptionellen Ansätzen wie der Prozess-Produkt-Didaktik und dem Modell Musikpraxen erfahren und vergleichen. Die zweite Textgruppe setzt sich mit Perspektiven musikpädagogischer Forschung auseinander. Dabei liegt ein Fokus auf Überlegungen zu praxistheoretischen Perspektiven auf Unterricht, zur Arbeit mit Unterrichtsvideographien und zu international vergleichenden Fragestellungen.
Christopher Wallbaum hat nahezu 40 Jahre lang die Musikpädagogik als Lehrer und Hochschullehrer, als Musiker und Mensch geprägt. Sein Denken und Handeln zeigt das Fach als spannendes und herausforderndes, oftmals auch vergnügliches Problemfeld. Er war und ist stets an der Vermittlung von wissenschaftlichem Diskurs und konkreter Unterrichtspraxis interessiert und hat wesentliche Impulse für die musikpädagogische Forschung und Lehre gesetzt.
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Posouzení vlivu vzdálenosti od města Litomyšle na obvyklou cenu vybraných rodinných domů / Assessment of the impact of distance from Litomyšl the usual price of selected housesSýkora, Josef January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis „Assessment of the impal of distance from Litomyšl the usual price of selected houses“ aims todescribe themethodsusedto valuereal estate andselected methods,to maketheircomparisons. This particular ways of evaluation will be devided into pricing according to the price regulations and pricing according to the market. The practical part is concerned in pricing of five family houses whose prices are defined in the cost and comparativemanner according to the regulation and non-regulation (method of direct comparison). There are also valuation of land that make up the single family houses functional units, spell using methods and using the Naegeli´s method class position. In the conclusion is stated, to what extent is the price of selected houses affected by the distance from Litomyšl.
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Analýza vybraných vlivů na výši obvyklé ceny rodinných domů v okrese Svitavy / Analysis of factors influencing the market value of houses in the Svitavy districtPaclíková, Aneta January 2015 (has links)
Master‘s Thesis „Analysic of factors influencing the market value of houses in the Svitavy district“ aims to assess which factors most affect the usual price and the impact on the usual price of houses has selected location. The next task is to determine the price of houses and cost comparison (regulation) method, including land prices, which are houses in a single functional unit. Their final prices are compared with each other, together with a description of the factors that most influence the price. Partial task is to assess the impact on the price of houses have a change in the zoning plan.
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The long and the short of computational ncRNA predictionRose, Dominic 12 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) are transcripts that function directly as RNA molecule without ever being translated to protein.
The transcriptional output of eukaryotic cells is diverse, pervasive, and multi-layered. It consists of spliced as well as unspliced transcripts of both protein-coding messenger RNAs and functional ncRNAs. However, it also contains degradable non-functional by-products and artefacts - certainly a reason why ncRNAs have long been wrongly disposed as transcriptional noise.
Today, RNA-controlled regulatory processes are broadly recognized for a variety of ncRNA classes. The thermoresponsive ROSE ncRNA (repression of heat shock gene expression) is only one example of a regulatory ncRNA acting at the post-transcriptional level via conformational changes of its secondary structure.
Bioinformatics helps to identify novel ncRNAs in the bulk of genomic and transcriptomic sequence data which are produced at ever increasing rates. However, ncRNA annotation is unfortunately not part of generic genome annotation pipelines. Dedicated computational searches for particular ncRNAs are veritable research projects in their own right. Despite best efforts, ncRNAs across the animal phylogeny remain to a large extent uncharted territory.
This thesis describes a comprehensive collection of exploratory bioinformatic field studies designed to de novo predict ncRNA genes in a series of computational screens and in a multitude of newly sequenced genomes. Non-coding RNAs can be divided into subclasses (families) according to peculiar functional, structural, or compositional similarities. A simple but eligible and frequently applied criterion to classify RNA species is length. In line, the thesis is structured into two parts: We present a series of pilot-studies investigating (1) the short and (2) the long ncRNA repertoire of several model species by means of state-of-the-art bioinformatic techniques.
In the first part of the thesis, we focus on the detection of short ncRNAs exhibiting thermodynamically stable and evolutionary conserved secondary structures. We provide evidence for the presence of short structured ncRNAs in a variety of different species, ranging from bacteria to insects and higher eukaryotes. In particular, we highlight drawbacks and opportunities of RNAz-based ncRNA prediction at several hitherto scarcely investigated scenarios, as for example ncRNA prediction in the light of whole genome duplications. A recent microarray study provides experimental evidence for our approach. Differential expression of at least one-sixth of our drosophilid RNAz predictions has been reported. Beyond the means of RNAz, we moreover manually compile sophisticated annotation of short ncRNAs in schistosomes. Obviously, accumulating knowledge about the genetic material of malaria causing parasites which infect millions of humans world-wide is of utmost scientific interest.
Since the performance of any comparative genomics approach is limited by the quality of its input alignments, we introduce a novel light-weight and performant genome-wide alignment approach: NcDNAlign. Although the tool is optimized for speed rather than sensitivity and requires only a minor fraction of CPU time compared to existing programs, we demonstrate that it is basically as sensitive and specific as competing approaches when applied to genome-wide ncRNA gene finding and analysis of ultra-conserved regions.
By design, however, prediction approaches that search for regions with an excess of mutations that maintain secondary structure motifs will miss ncRNAs that are unstructured or whose structure is not well conserved in evolution.
In the second part of the thesis, we therefore overcome secondary structure prediction and, based on splice site detection, develop novel strategies specifically designed to identify long ncRNAs in genomic sequences - probably the open problem in current RNA research. We perform splice site anchored gene-finding in drosophilids, nematodes, and vertebrate genomes and, at least for a subset of obtained candidate genes, provide experimental evidence for expression and the existence of novel spliced transcripts undoubtedly confirming our approach.
In summary, we found evidence for a large number of previously undescribed RNAs which consolidates the idea of non-coding RNAs as an abundant class of regulatory active transcripts. Certainly, ncRNA prediction is a complex task. This thesis, however, rationally advises how to unveil the RNA complement of newly sequenced genomes. Since our results have already established both subsequent computational as well as experimental studies, we believe to have enduringly stimulated the field of RNA research and to have contributed to an enriched view on the subject.
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„Vielfalt“ in musikbezogenen DiskursenClausen, Bernd January 2009 (has links)
1. Vorbemerkung
2. Was Vielfalt nicht heißt
3. Was meint denn nun musikalische Vielfalt?
4. Schlussbemerkung
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Grundsätzliche Strategien und methodische Wege des Umgangs mit (sich bildenden) eigenen und fremden kulturellen Identitäten der Schülerinnen und Schüler im MusikunterrichtJank, Birgit January 2009 (has links)
1. Interkulturelles Musiklernen in der Schule - einige grundsätzliche Anmerkungen
2. Zielsetzungen eines interkulturellen Musikunterrichts
3. Probleme eines schulischen interkulturellen Musiklernens
4. Methodische Versuche und Optionen eines interkulturellen Musiklernens
4.1 Methodische Wege eines interkulturellen Musiklernens
5. Ausblick
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Vergleichende Musikpädagogik am Beispiel der Länder Spanien und DeutschlandRodríguez-Quiles y García, José A. January 2009 (has links)
1. Musikpädagogik in Spanien: ein neues Forschungsgebiet
2. Konzeptionelle Rahmenbedingungen
3. Aktueller Stand und geplante Fortführung des Forschungsprojektes
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Spain : current planning for music educationRodríguez-Quiles y García, José A. January 2009 (has links)
1. Introduction
2. Music in the curriculum of The Educación Obligatoria
2.1 Music in Educación Primaria
- Listening and Comprehension
- Music Making
- Rational Analysis (Musical Notation)
2.2. Music in Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (E.S.O. Compulsory Secondary education) and Bachillerato (Pre-University Education)
3. Music in the Spanish Non-Compulsory Education
3.1. Elementary and Medium Levels
3.2. The “Title of Higher Music Education”
4. The new certificate of “Didactic Specialization”
5. Concluding remarks
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¿Están los alemanes interesados por el flamenco? : una aproximación a la cultura flamenca en la República FederalRodríguez-Quiles y García, José A. January 2009 (has links)
Are the Germans interested in flamenco nowadays? If so they are, then how can a type of art that is so different from both German cultured and popular music be represented in the culture of that country? Possible answers to this and other questions on the still romantic image of flamenco held in Central Europe, will be provided by the analysis of the flamenco being offered at German universities, festivals, private dance schools, publishing houses and websites.
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Haben die Deutschen Interesse am Flamenco? : eine Annäherung an die Flamencokultur in der Bundesrepublik DeutschlandRodríguez-Quiles y García, José A. January 2009 (has links)
Are the Germans interested in flamenco nowadays? If so they are, then how can a type of art that is so different from both German cultured and popular music be represented in the culture of that country? Possible answers to this and other questions on the still romantic image of flamenco held in Central Europe will be provided by the analysis of the flamenco being offered at German universities, festivals, private dance schools, publishing houses and websites.
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