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Občanská a politická sféra perspektivou lokálních aktérů v Českých Budějovicích / Civil and political sphere from the perspective of local actors in České BudějoviceBílková, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
Post-socialist states are often linked to low political participation and weak civil society. Simultaneously, there is a visible rise in the phenomenon of urban movements. They serve not only as a platform for mobilization of citizens but also as a platform that builds a bridge between politics and society. Therefore, there is a need to study this phenomenon as an intriguing opportunity for research into the relationship between the civil and political sphere on a local level. The goal of this thesis is to show how city activists look at the civil and political spheres in comparison to the definition offered by theoretical conceptualizations. Research has demonstrated a transition in spheres, where activities are indicated as nonpolitical by activists. These findings are not supported by the presented theory which considers them political, and therefore, this study suggests that the boundaries of the spheres are shifted. Moreover, activists constantly engage in both spheres and therefore enter local politics through their activity. They prefer conventional methods to political actions, which they are not estranged to, but they do not frame them as political.
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Cesta mužů a žen do komunální politiky Kutné Hory / The way men and women into municipal politics of Kutna Hora.Černá, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
The way men and women into municipal politics of Kutna Hora. This work focuses on the motivation and the reasons why men and women to enter municipal politics a medium-sized cities such as Kutna Hora. I put emphasis on issues of participation in the political representation of both sexes. What are the obstacles to municipal politicians to meet at the entrance to the policies and the active participation in political office. I introduced myself to municipal politics in the Czech Republic looks like and what powers and responsibilities councilors city. In the empirical part, I introduced our own research and put a short excursion into the history of Kutna Hora. Obtained through interviews with municipal politicians and politicians were analyzed through three levels of coding. I started from the thesis of Marcela Adamusová, which dealt with master suppression techniques techniques and compared my results with her. Keywords: women, men, gender, municipal politics, local government of Kutná Hora, councilors, master suppression techniques, political reprezentation, barriers.
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Sociálně vyloučená lokalita a její vnímání komunálními politiky / Socially excluded locality and its perception by municipality politicansSeverová, Petra January 2014 (has links)
The Diploma thesis focuses on the issues of social exclusion and people threatened by social exclusion phenomenon. In the thesis I address the process of social inclusion, which is related to socially excluded localities based on particular characteristics and local problems. A separate chapter is devoted to the method of community work that is focused on the effective response to the needs of socially excluded people. Furthermore I emphasize the work of the Agency for Social Inclusion, a major instrument of the Government of the Czech Republic, providing support to municipalities in the process of social integration. The relationship of the majority towards the socially excluded is also discussed within the thesis. Many studies consider the municipality and its government to represent the key role in the process of social inclusion of people endangered by social exclusion. However in the reality there are big differences among the municipalities with regard to the operation and support of socially excluded people. Social departments of some municipalities are acting proactively, others are not. The main difference lies in the self-government approach. Therefore I decided to focus my Diploma thesis research on this particular issue. The aim of the thesis is to describe the attitudes of the members...
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Modely politické reprezentace etnických menšin na komunální úrovni: případové studie vybraných evropských měst / Models of Representation of Ethnic Minorities at Local Level: Case Studies of Selected European CitiesVimmr, Martin Kryšpín January 2014 (has links)
This thesis further analyses the question of political representation of ethnic minorities. Its main theoretical framework is created by theory of cleavages by S. Rokkan and S.M. Lipset, which describes conflict lines within the society and its influence on the party system. Further on, different definitions and approaches to the topic of ethnic identity, ethnic conflict and and ethnic and regional parties are introduced. Second part of this thesis is composed of four case studies of selected European cities with relevant ethnic minorities. These are Leicester in United Kingdom, Espoo in Finland, German Frankfurt am Main and Romanian Cluj-Napoca. These cases are firstly analyzed by context of political representation of ethnic minorities. That is in the first place the share and nature of minority population and in the second place attributes of local political systems within both horizontal and vertical dimension. Factors with direct impact on political representation of ethnic minorities like electoral system, election right and any other special measures are analyzed further on.
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Sociálně vyloučená lokalita a její vnímání komunálními politiky / Socially excluded locality and its perception by municipality politicansSeverová, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The Diploma thesis focuses on the topic of Socially excluded locality and its perception by municipal politicians. The topic is researched in three specific municipalities within a region and on the approach of local municipal politicians towards the issue of social exclusion, while the close proximity of the municipalities also allows to monitor the diversity of particular municipality's approaches on the issue of social exclusion. In the thesis the concept of social exclusion is defined and also described historically both in global and European context. The concept of social exclusion is closely related to the topic of socially excluded locality and the adoption of socially vulnerable people by the majority, therefore the second chapter of the thesis is devoted to this topic. Another theme prepared on the basis of the professional literature focuses on description of the specific situation in the Czech Republic, possibilities and scope of national and municipal politicians' activity. In the last chapter the possibilities of support and work with socially excluded citizens are introduced. Many studies consider the municipality and its government to represent the key role in the process of social inclusion of people endangered by social exclusion. However there are big differences among the...
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Možné překážky uplatnění žen v komunální politiceČerná, Jaroslava Bc. January 2007 (has links)
Práce se zaměřuje na zjištění možných překážek, které ženám angažujícím se v komunální politice tuto činnost znesnadňují, případně jim ve vstupu do komunální politiky brání. Terénní šetření formou intenzivního výzkumu se omezuje na oblast Třeboňska.
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Mestská zeleň a inštitucionálny rámec jej zabezpečovania / Urban green spaces and its institutional frameworkSukupová, Kristína January 2012 (has links)
The thesis Urban green spaces and its institutional framework attempts to analyze different cases of urban green spaces foundation and administration in which various public and private entities act. Based on these foundations it tries to come with an overview of the most important forms of provision of greenery in cities. Through research of available literature we came to the understanding that greenery in urban environments is not just a result of municipal service provided by a public authority but to its foundation, administration, financing and maintenance contribute also other entities. The overview created in the thesis is not exhaustive but can serve as an inspiration for various subjects at a time when local public authorities do not have sufficient resources to ensure satisfactory range and quality of public green.
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Přínos odborné praxe pro absolventy oboru Ochrana veřejného zdraví na Zdravotně sociální fakultě Jihočeské univerzity v Českých Budějovicích / Benefits of professional practice for graduates in subject of Public Health Protection at Faculty of Health and Social Studies of University of South BohemiaHARTMANOVÁ, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The main objective of the thesis called: "Benefits of professional practice for graduates in subject of Public Health Protection at Faculty of Health and Social Studies of University of South Bohemia", was to monitor graduates´ views of quality and benefits of professional practice in this field. As a partial objective I decided to find out whether the practice experience met the expectations of graduates. I set three research hypotheses. The first hypothesis says, the graduates in subject of Public Health Protection rate professional practice as beneficial. The second hypothesis says, the graduates in subject of Public Health Protection rate the professional practice as good. The third and last research hypothesis says, the professional practice met the graduates? expectations. First two hypotheses were fully proved, the third hypothesis was proved only from 50%. My thesis is divided into the theoretical and practical part. The chapter "Current State" was worked out by the method of secondary data analysis. I tried to summarize different fields and issues and to explain concepts related to the study and practice of students. The quantitative method was applied to process empirical research. The method of a questionnaire was applied to gather data. The questionnaire was compiled only for the purpose of this research and has 45 questions. There are closed, open and semi-closed questions in the questionnaire. The research sample consists of graduates in subject of Public Health Protection at Faculty of Health and Social Studies in České Budějovice. The data were gathered from November 2010 till March 2011. Survey was voluntary and anonymous. The questionnaires were distributed to 125 graduates in Public Health Protection via the Internet. The resulting research file consists of 72 respondents (100%). Until now, no literature that would examine this issue has been published. Therefore, the findings are unlikely to confront. This thesis might be a valuable feedback providing matter-of-fact and specific comments of graduates. I hope, this research will be inspiration for improvement of both professional practice and tuition.
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Možnosti eliminace rizik predikujících sociální exkluzi rodin s dětmi se zdravotním postižením / The possibilities of elimination of risks predicating social exclusion of families caring for children with a disabilityFRANCOVÁ, Hana January 2010 (has links)
The theoretical part of this presented text specifies circumstances of social exclusion of caring families and the system of supportive measures in the Czech republic that should prevent the above mentioned social event. In compliance with the title of the work there has been a goal set: to identify the risks causing social exclusion of families caring for children with a disability.. To get the most complex view of the said problems the author undertook a partial inquiry by both social workers, by whom she was assessing the limits of their knowledge and skill potential, and by political representatives of municipalities, by whom she concentrated on the causes of limited application of municipal policy determining social exclusion of families caring for children with a disability. The above mentioned goal of this research was carried out by means of sociological qualitative and quantitative methods. The investigator was at the same time interested in how the caring families themselves used the means of civilian participation relating to improvement of their life situation.
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Analýza veřejných služeb na municipální úrovni / Analysis of Public Services at the Municipal LevelRousek, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
There are analyzed in this dissertation thesis the public services delivered on the municipal level. This issue is analyzed comprehensive at first. There are analyzed six services in detail after then. These are the six following services: waste, cemetery, greenery, communications, lighting and sewage. The text of this thesis is divided into two major units. The first chapter describes the theoretical background of the problem and the methodology for elaboration. The second chapter analyzes the problem of public services in terms of theoretical con-cepts, legal terms and authors own investigation. This chapter analyzes in detail six selected public services. It is completed draft measures for the municipal public ser-vices. The aim of this dissertation thesis is to find out the State-of-Art of public service deli-vering and to purpose possible changes leading to demand approach of municipal service delivering.
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