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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Typologie a vývoj obecních uspořádání v Evropě / Municipal Systems in Europe

Lukášová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
This study deals with the typologies and the development of municipal orders in Europe. The theoretical basis of the work is important typologies of individual authors dealing with municipal orders of different countries. These typologies are exploring mostly European countries and looking for similarities across municipal systems of individual countries on the basis of some criteria and in relations between central and local levels and through relations between the institutions of local government with each other. Ten chosen European countries which are used in the typologies form empirical part of work. Countries are studied based on criterion development of municipal structures, especially in terms of amalgamation of municipalities and based on the criterion of executive models, especially in terms of direct election of mayors. For each country is studied the development and present situation of these criteria on the basis of which are determined the aims of this study. It is about finding out topicality of typologies and their comparison with the time of their origin to the present state of municipal orders of individual countries. Another aim is points to trends in local politics and gives an indication of possible future trends in terms of municipal orders in Europe.

Politické dopady zadlužování malých obcí v ČR / Financing of Small Municipalities in the Czech Republic and its Political Impact

Hornek, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
The thesis, Financing of Small Municipalities in the Czech Republic and its Political Impact, reflects a complex topic currently noticeable in the Czech Republic: the existence of critically indebted small municipalities. According to the yearly monitoring provided by the Ministry of Finance, the number of ill-financed communities is increasing. Due to their financial situation, a considerable number of small municipalities are forced to suspend many of the services provided to the residents, even though the legislation in effect guarantees equal competences for both small and big municipalities. In the case of indebted small municipalities, the difficulties are even multiplied. Often, the municipality is forced to abandon the prospect of further development and mere survival is in question. In the above- described communities, the participation in municipal politics tends to be significantly low and the residents express overall disinterest in public affairs. The aim of this work is to present three examples of highly indebted small municipalities with the number of citizens under 500 and to provide a detailed analysis on their situation. The analysed municipalities are the following: Bublava, Nebanice and Prameny and are situated in the Karlovy Vary Region. Inasmuch as the character of the topic...

Transfer těžkých kovů při spalování odpadů / Heavy Metals Transfer during Waste Incineration

Karásek, René January 2011 (has links)
The municipal solid waste (MSW) is a heterogeneous material that consists mainly of organic and mineral substances, metals and water. After thermal treatment this waste redistributes into individual incineration products. This also holds for the metals contained in the waste. This thesis deals with the behaviour of heavy metals and their compounds during the incineration process. Determining the percentage content of heavy metals from the waste entering the process of thermal utilization is practically impossible. The principal aim is to determine the amount of each heavy metal in the MSW from the incineration products. The opening sections of the thesis deal with waste, options of incineration, flue gas cleaning processes and also with the problems of the heavy metals in the environment. The next section introduces recent developments, what possibilities there are for determining the heavy metals in the waste and methods of data evaluation. The experimental part of the thesis introduces of a four-day measuring process that was conducted at the MSW incineration plant SAKO, Inc. The samples of the individual products of incineration were taken and after the laboratory analysis the results for the selected heavy metals were processed. The results include statistical data analysis.

Vývoj kvality vody v povodí Mladotického potoka / Water quality development in Mladoticky Brook catchment area

Vacková, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
Water quality was one of the biggest problems of environment in beginning of 90. of 20th century in the Czech republic. Since 90. the level of water quality was in czech rivers rapidly better. Mainly in big rivers have accomplished great changes. The small rivers haven't notice that rapid changes. The Czech republic, after entrance to the European Union have committed to comply with Directive 91/271/EEC reduce urban waste water and which should have big influence to water quality also in small rivers. During 90. industry technology, agriculture, cleaning technology of waste water etc. reached big development. Therefore the presumption is higher quality of water in the Czech republic since 90. Goal of the thesis is comparison of results from 1999-2000 with results from 2012- 2014 from Mladoticky brook catchment, which is lined up to small river catchments (79,77km2 ). From this comparison there is obvious trend, if conditions of the water quality are really better or not since 90. [33] Since 2012 to 2014 were taken 12 times samples from 11 profiles of water from Mladotice brook catchment and they were consequential chemically analyzed. The samples were evaluated according to ČSN 757221 and compared with results from 1999-2000. From comparison with data 1999-2000 and 2012-2014 was confirmed the...

Působnost obcí a krajů / The powers of municipalities and regions

Konradová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
1 Resume The thesis is divided into two large units, on a theoretical and practical part. Follow the practical part of the work is to be divided on an assessment of selected aspects that are covered by municipal and provincial governments at the European level and in this context, then followed by a separate section on comparative evaluation of the scope of local government in selected European countries. I will focus first on the theoretical part. The issue of regions and municipalities evaluate first in the context of Czech legislation and then subsequently focus on each selected legislation relating to European legislation related to issues of regions and municipalities. Choice of thesis topic was selected based on an appropriate combination of administrative law issues and focus on the broader context of legislation within the EU, which focuses mainly practical part. With regard to the comparison of the Czech legislation and issues of European legislation, so we can get a rich variety of assumptions and considerations, which could be formulated in the context of the considerations de lege fedenda at the level of regions and municipalities. The main concept of the theoretical part is the local authority. Can we talk about the fact that public administration is carried out at its lowest possible level,...

Obchodování s dluhopisy na kapitálovém trhu v ČR / Bonds Trading on the Capital Market in the Czech Republic

SVOBODOVÁ, Hana January 2008 (has links)
Themes my diploma is ,,Bonds trading on the capital market in the Czech Republic``. In introductory part of my thesis I deal with theoretic summary and functioning of capital market, regulation and supervision of capital market and individual subjects acting in this market. In more detail I deal with describeing the Prague Stock Exchange and company RM-System. I further define conception the bond and I describe long bonds, theirs basic kinds and conceptions used in the bonds. I also allude to series of different kinds of the bonds, that the offer on the international markets. Next part of my thesis is aimed to describe the development of the Czech market of bonds. I analyze the development of bonds trading in the last of several years on the regulated markets and the OTC-markets in the Czech Republic. In the close of my thesis I analyze the development of bonds trading on the Czech market of bonds in comparasion with Slovakian, Polish and Hungarian markets. This analysis was take in on comparision of the Stock Exchange of chosen countries.

Česká pirátská strana v lokální politice

PEKAŘ, Martin January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the Czech Pirate Party participation on the Czech political scene. It focuses on the formation of the party and its programme, achievements in the past elections and the preparations for the upcoming elections. It analyses the 2014 municipal council election, which happened to be the most successful election for the Czech Pirate Party in terms of elected representatives. It defines the municipal authorities in accordance with the relevant law. It focuses on the principle of the local election, its system, electoral method and the rules for the candidate parties. It introduces local coalition typology and also analyses the type of coalition in selected municipalities. It introduces the Czech Pirate Party 2014 municipal council election programme and party's candidate lists in selected municipalities. It analyses thoroughly the fulfilment of their campaign promises and the methods used for the realization of the Pirate politics. It compares Czech Pirate Party's coalition and opposition behaviour.

Finanční vyrovnání v SRN / The financial compensation in FRG

KOTTOVÁ, Dominika January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis is focused on the complicated mechanism of financial compensation in the Federal Rebublic of Germany. Its aim is the analysis of functioning of the mechanism at different levels of the public administration of the federation (federal level, level of the federal states, municipal level). The thesis approximates the current discussion on financial compensation and describes the position of the capital city Berlin in process of the financial compensation.

Vliv typu zástavby na množství tříděného komunálního odpadu v Českých Budějovicích / Influence of urban type to quantity of separated household refuse in České Budějovice

KAISEROVÁ, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with sorting of a municipal waste by a different type of build-up are in the city of České Budějovice. A research was focus on central build-up area and suburban built-up area. This simply means research among family houses and prefabricated houses. For the first part of the research was chosen a territory with a similar quantity of inhabitants. Sorted municipal waste container was observed for a different time periods. The aim of this part was to find differences in: sorted municipal waste amount (plastics, paper, colored glass, colorless glass), inhabitant's behaviour to waste sorting, total possibilities of municipal waste treatment and possibilities for an improvement in municipal waste sorting for suburban build-up area. The second part of the research was based on a questionnaire form leaded to family houses inhabitants and prefabricated houses inhabitants in České Budějovice. There where these types of questions : if inhabitants do the waste sorting, how do they behave while waste sorting, if an offer and a size of sorted waste container is sufficient, what next possibilities in waste sorting would inhabitants appreciate and what do they think about recycling costs and situation in the Czech Republic.

Proměna exekutivních koalic na Magistrátu Hlavního města Prahy ve volebním období 2010-2014 / Transforming of Executive Coalitions in Prague in the Electoral Period 2010-2014

Horký, Miroslav January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis Transforming of Executive Coalitions in Prague in the Electoral Period 2010 - 2014 is to analyze influences, which have an important role in a process of establishing executive coalitions and also in their stability. The analysis is based on a classical theory of coalitions, discursive analysis, interviews with direct participants and on official documents. One of the aims is to describe the level of possibility in application of theoretical concepts of coalition theory in the area of Prague's political system. There are many points of view, from which we look at stability and forming of coalitions. For example, very important point of view is an influence of making and implementing politics or an influence of politicians from national level. A big importance is focused on negotiating between participants, their statements in media and their real steps and decisions. The intention of this thesis is not an invention of general model which should be applied on similar local system, but to explain and describe the uniqueness of Prague local system and the election period of 2010 - 2014.

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