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Návrh spalovenského kotle na spalování směsného komunálního odpadu / Design of steam boiler in waste to energy plantReiskup, Matěj January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the design of the boiler to combustion of mixed communal waste. The introductory chapters present introduction of the problem, short explanation about fuel of the boiler and speciality of the boiler to combustion of mixed communal waste. The main part is the heat calculation of the boiler, which consists of stoichiometry of the combustion, heat losses, then disposition of heat performances to individual exchange surfaces. In the end is summary of calculation and knowledge consequent of the calculation.
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Participace vietnamské národnostní menšiny na české komunální politice / Participation of Vietnamese National Minority in Czech Local PoliticsVitovská, Hana January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the participation of the Vietnamese national minority in the Czech Republic, especially at the level of local politics. The main objective of the thesis is to analyze and critically reflect on the motivations, attitudes, and views of the Vietnamese national minority on political and civic participation with an emphasis the local politics. At the same time, the work explores the forms of participation of the Vietnamese community and the factors that influence them. Because the target group of this work is a Vietnamese national minority, the national minority policy is first analyzed at the international level, followed by analysis at the national level. The reason for this approach is that the international environment plays a vital role in examining national minority politics and ethnic minorities. Selected instruments and institutions of national minority politics in the Czech environment are then further analyzed and compared with the German counterpart where minorities, and in particular the Vietnamese minority, have long been a significant part of society. The research part of the thesis is designed as qualitative research, using document analysis and semi- structured interviews as data acquisition techniques. This is a key part of the whole work where the...
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Prvky politického marketingu v předvolebních kampaních volebních stran v komunálních volbách 2018 v Litvínově / Elements of political marketing in Litvínov 2018 municipal election campaignLamková, Ivana January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is a case study of the town Litvínov from which the author comes from. It analyses the use of political marketing in the party election campaigns, which is described in detail and applied through the Lees-Marshment's theory with the help of semi-structured interviews, questionnaire surveys, mapping of programs and Codes of Conduct. The expected result of the thesis is not only the analysis of the municipal pre-election campaigns of the individual candidate parties using the Lees-Marshment theory, but also critical evaluation of this theory applied within the municipal politics. The partial objective is to compare the use of marketing of regional and national candidate parties within the municipal politics. It is not only a description of this theory, but also an evaluation of the theory suitability on the municipal level. The conclusions point to the fact that political marketing plays a certain role at the municipal level, but the degree of its use is much lower than on the national level.
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Volební kampaně v malých obcích? Případová studie Jemnického mikroregionu / Election Campaigns in small municipalities? Case Study of Microregion of JemniceChvátal, David January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with election campaigns in small municipalities in the context of the Czech Republic, respectively nine municipalities of Microregion of Jemnice, which were selected as a research sample. The work focuses mainly on the analysis of whether election campaigns in these municipalities can be met at all, or what form and character of they have. The subject of the research is also the question if we can meet a certain form of election campaign in those small municipalities where there are disputes about the development of the municipality. This qualitative case study mainly uses the deductive methodological approach, where the basic theoretical approaches and concepts of the researched issue are introduced, from which the specific goals related to the research of campaigns in the Czech municipal environment are proceeded. The analytical part of the thesis is based on an inquiry in selected municipalities of the mentioned microregion, where the semi-structured interviews with successful and unsuccessful candidates from the municipal elections last year, ie. 2018, were used primarily for data collection, analysis of public and virtual documents, community websites or newspaper and municipal newsletters, was used as well. The final part of the thesis then summarizes the partial...
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Komparace zkušeností aktérů a aktérek české komunální politiky z genderové perspektivy / Comparison of experience of men and women participants of the Czech local politics from the gender perspectiveŠmejkalová, Jana January 2020 (has links)
Although the representation of women in terms of the Czech local politics is higher than on regional and state level, still their total number does not reach the participation of men by far. In addition, women are more present on lower decision-making positions of local politics. It is possible to say that women are disadvantaged by the current political and social environment. The qualitative research used in the present paper focuses itself on the reflections of male and female politicians regarding their participation in local politics, whereas their consensus and differences in opinions are monitored especially in regards to such topics as mandatory gender quotas, position of men and women in the local politics, discrimination, and distribution of political agenda as per gender. It has been demonstrated that "the second shift" is the most important factor in the eyes of both male and female politicians, making the involvement of women in the local politics much more difficult. Stereotyped statements of politicians of both genders illustrate the image of the local politics as a significantly male dominated enviroment, where a woman can prove herself only after winning the imaginary battle with the whole system (and after overcoming the intra-party barriers) and for the price of a demanding...
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Nastal čas na změnu volebního systému pro komunální volby / It Is Time to Change the Electoral System for Czech Municipal ElectionsBláha, Martin January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the possibilities of changing the electoral system to Czech municipal councils. It is an analytical case study with elements of a policy paper, i.e., a set of recommendations intended especially for legislators. The thesis has two main goals: (1) to identify and summarize aspects of the electoral system that experts call controversial and (2) to suggest possible solutions that would mitigate or eliminate these controversial variables. The work comes with three alternative solutions for changing the electoral system: (A) minor modifications to the existing system, which will facilitate the possibility of election because of preferential votes, and at the same time prevent local governments from performing electoral engineering by purposeful modifications of constituencies; (B) a variably mixed fusion system identical for all municipalities and (C) combination of two systems: unlimited vote for municipalities with less than 2,000 inhabitants and an open PR system for larger municipalities.
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Rodinná politika na úrovni obcí / Local family policyHošková, Alžběta January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis Local Family Policy deals with family support provided by municipalities and other institutions on the local level. The thesis is based on the assumption that in the society there should be a family-friendly environment, which supports them and appreciates their effort. The local level of local family policy is very important for creating such an environment. Next assumption of the thesis is that policy measures take effects not only instrumentally, but great parts of their effect are also symbolical messages sent towards target groups. The thesis focuses on a quick analysis of stakeholders, who intervene into local family policies, describes main activities of municipalities in the field of family policy, identifies the best practice models and analyses existing barriers. In the next part follows an assessment of local family policy from the view of characteristics of a good local family policy, on which most of the experts agree on. Documents, semi structured and informal interviews and involved observation were used as data source for this thesis. Even though the thesis is a qualitative study, and therefore it does not present general conclusions valid for all the municipalities in the Czech Republic, it brings a contribution for its new perspective on this barely explored issue....
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Místní referendum v České republice / Local referendum in the Czech RepublicSvobodová, Pavla January 2011 (has links)
The diploma paper represents a contribution to the research of direct democracy in the Czech Republic, specifically it deals with the most used form of direct citizen participation in governance, local referendum. The paper is mainly empirical - it shows an experience of ten European countries with local referendum as well as the legislative framework and the definition of this instrument in the Czech Republic. The centre point of the whole thesis lies in the real practice and the experience of Czech municipalities with local direct democracy. The data used in this paper come up from research which aimed to collect information on all local referendums in the Czech Republic since 1990. Although this aim has not been fully accomplished, the data allow to study the practice of Czech local referendums. Local referendums are divided into several groups (categories of territorial changes, the environment, issues of internal governance of the municipality and others) within which are further analysed. The aim of the paper is to verify the hypothesis that seeks a relationship among the size of the municipality, subject of voting, quorum and voter turnout. The paper also focuses on the factors that have got fundamental impact on the final result of referendum.
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Volební právo cizinců v komunálních volbách České republiky a jeho využití / Foreign Nationals' Use of the Electoral Law in the Local Elections in Czech RepublicMachová, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis sets itself a task to evaluate the using of voting right by foreign nationals in local elections in the Czech Republic. The thesis shows the approach of other member states of European Union to the voting right of foreign nationals in local elections, the legislative framework and the legal position of foreign nationals in the Czech Republic. The centre point of the thesis lies in the real experience of the foreign nationals and mayors or workers of municipal authorities with voting right in the local elections. Information gained during the research allows to study the practice of voting right. During the research there were discovered reasons why the foreign nationals participate or not in local elections. There were explained opinions of foreign nationals about the quality of information of their possibility to participate in local elections and about the conditions of voting right declared by state. Opinions and ideas of foreign nationals are compared with the opinions and experience of mayors or workers of municipal authorities and state institutions.
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Německá sociálně demokratická architektura komunálního bydlení v Ústí nad Labem v letech 1918-1938. / German social demokratic architecture in municipal housing in Ústí nad Labem, 1918-1938Prouza, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
5 German social democratic architecture in municipal housing in Ústí nad Labem, 1918-1938 Ing. arch. Pavel Prouza Supervisor: Prof. PhDr. Rostislav Švácha, CSc. Abstract The dissertation addresses the issue of architecture in municipal housing built between the two wars in the town of Ústí nad Labem. From mid-nineteenth century the North Bohemian industrial agglomeration, populated mostly by Germans, experienced unprecedented urban and demographic growth. Thus, between 1919 and 1938, the municipality developed a comprehensive project of approximately one hundred buildings. The thesis identifies relations and balanced proportions between a formal analysis of the individual stages of development and a study of their broader historical context. The method of art-historical analysis is applied, whereby the projects are chronologically classified and their urban, typological and chronological aspects are assayed and assessed. The thesis also focuses on the identity of the author, the architect of German origin Franz J. Arnold. The architecture of the Ústí municipal housing complex was designed as a concretization of the social democratic political programme and of the state housing policy, it carries therefore a contents of political significance. The analysis was performed based on archival studies and field...
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