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Komunální volby 2010 z pohledu volebních kampaní. Využití politického marketingu stranou TOP 09 / Municipal Elections in 2010 and Electoral Campaigns. Usage of Political Marketing by TOP 09Peisertová, Vendula January 2012 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the use of political marketing by the political party TOP 09 during the municipal elections in 2010. This chosen topic explores issues that have not been covered by the Czech political research yet. The thesis is mostly based on the theoretical concepts of Lees-Marshment and Bruce Newman. The research surmised that the political party TOP 09 had implemented political marketing techniques during the last municipal elections, and it might be considered, as described by Lees-Marshment model, as a market-oriented party. The thesis uses qualitative research methods. Its second part comprises of two case studies on the municipal campaigns of TOP 09 in the cities of Olomouc and Prague: the empirical evidence reviews campaign strategy, electoral programme, election polls, relations to the other candidate parties, media coverage, campaign organization, internal marketing and (last but not least) campaign financing. The thesis comes to conclusions that TOP 09 was using political marketing on municipal level, but still there are differences in the extent of its usage. While the Prague party organization behaved as a market-oriented one, the Olomouc regional organization might be described as a sales-oriented party.
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Voličská percepce volebního systému pro komunální volby / Voter Perception of the Electoral System for Local ElectionsPalkosková, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
1 Abstract This paper tries to demonstrate an incorrect perception of the Czech municipal electoral system by voters. In order achieve this aim I identified the following research questions. Firstly, what is the perception of preferential voting by voters in the Czech local electoral system? Secondly, do voters use a strategic voting in the municipal elections? Thirdly, is there some influence on voters' decisions depending on the form of a candidate subject? These questions were answered on the basis of my own research, which took place in a chosen municipality. I showed that voters perceive preferential voting by the wrong way, which primarily comes from their low awareness of the electoral system. Furthermore, it was found that the different perception of the candidates affects a voter behavior. Unfortunately, whether voters use a strategically choice in municipal elections, I could not prove it.
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Vliv věku, vzdělání a typu bydlení na recyklaci odpadů (případová studie města Třebíč) / Waste recycling - Impact of age, education and type of housing on waste recycling (case study of the town Třebíč)Blažejová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
In my thesis I am concerned with defining the influence of the free selected factors - age structure, education and type of housing - on waste recycling by people living in the town of Třebíč. The theoretical part of thesis is focused on theoretical information and factual data. I explain the terms, with which we meet in the context of waste management, and I also introduce the legislation governing the waste management. I mention the early days of sorting and compare the present not only in European countries but also in the Czech Republic. The following part is a presentation of the town of Třebíč and its waste management. For more complete context, I included the cooperation of the town with the firms that have the waste management as their main activity, and the public. Before the next part, I describe the objectives and the hypotheses. In the empirical part, I explain the results from a questionnaire survey conducted among resident of the town Třebíč. Respondents answered twenty questions concerning the classification of waste in their household, thanks to which I obtained data for the evaluation of hypotheses. The aim was to demonstrate the influence of age, education and housing type on waste sorting. The findings confirm the influence of two factors - age and type of housing. Age affects...
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Občanská vybavenost v Pacově v 60. letech 20. století / Civic amenities in Pacov in the 1960sPultrová, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis named Civic amenities in Pacov in the 1960s examines a civic amenities in the town of Pacov in the 1960s within regional history. The main purpose of this thesis is to describe the development of defined areas of civic amenities (health care, retail network, communal services) providing some (basic) needs of citizens in the chosen city and time period. The primary source of this research are the archival sources from the examined period. This thesis at first introduces the research topic and purposes of the work, important concepts and sources used, then the national historical context of the examined period. The main part of the thesis follows: a description of the development of specific areas of civic amenities. The thesis ends with visual materials related to the topic. Key words Civic amenities, health care, retail network, communal services, regional history
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Horizont odpadu / Waste horizonOchotná, Barbora Unknown Date (has links)
The city is a place of accumulation, production and reproduction of production resources and consumption of goods, but waste typically accumulates outside it. It falls out of our horizon physically and mentally. The waste we produce changes the landscape and transforms the processes on earth without most of us visiting the "places of transformation". The project works with the idea of redirecting the final phase of the production chain back to the place of consumption by producing elements of public space from municipal waste. The presentation of waste leads to an awareness of its amount and degree of consumption. At the same time, waste becomes something much more ambivalent, possibly useful or even beautiful.
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Domažlice v době Petra Hany / Domažlice in the times of Petr HanaMacháčková, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis deals with history of the city Domažlice in the times of Petr Hana. It means from 1861 to 1905 when he permanently resided there. The thesis is divided into two chapters. The first one is devoted to the period up to 1889 when Petr Hana became a burgomaster. The second one is devoted to the period when he became a mayor. Both parts deal with the political, economic, cultural and social events and point to connection with activities of Petr Hana. It shows importance of this man in their connection with a development of the city and his share on events which took place in the defined period. Specifically in both chapters, I examine elecetions, a governance and city management, unions and their activities, a development of education, an economy and an industry, city institutions and different projects. I try to reveal the character of this period from gathered information. The main sources are, in addition to archival resources available in the Archival of Muzeum of Chodsko and the State Regional Archive in Domažlice, period copies of the local newspaper "Posel od Čerchova" and "Domažlické listy" which enable to capture the atmosphere of the period in this thesis the best.
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Právní regulace znečišťování ovzduší na komunální úrovni / Legal regulation of air pollution on municipal levelDvorská, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the legal regulation of air protection on the municipal level. It is focused on providing an overview of legal instruments which are available on the municipal level, as well as the evaluation of their sufficiency and efficiency and point out the most significant instruments and some shortcomings of recent legislation. Some chosen instruments embodied in Czech law are compared with relevant German regulation. Also some specific, arguable constitutional aspects are taken in consideration and evaluated. The thesis provides a comparison of the old and the new Act on the Protection of Air at the field of interest.
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Pojem odpad a kategorizace odpadu / The concept of waste and the classification of wasteTrojanová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the legal definition of waste; it analyzes the meaning of the concept of waste in international, European and Czech legislation. The paper mentions the rich jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union, which has significantly influenced the concept of waste in the Directive 2008/98/EC. The thesis also concerns with the Act. No. 185/2001 Coll., on waste, and with the concept of by-product and concept of end-of-waste status. The paper also shows the classification of waste in the Czech legislation and defines the categories of hazardous waste, non-hazardous waste and municipal waste.
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Analýza obsahů českých deníků ve vztahu k politickým stranám a jejich lídrům kandidujícím ve volbách do Zastupitelstva hlavního města Prahy v roce 2010 / Analysis of Czech dailies' content in relation to political parties during election campaign before municipal elections in PragueKodým, Václav January 2013 (has links)
Diploma Thesis "Analysis of Czech dailies' content in relation to political parties during election campaign before municipal elections in Prague" presupposes that media and politics influence each other very strongly. In the theoretical part it first presents the media's role in society and describes the journalists' role evolution. Using the concept of mediatization it explains the media and political logic(s) inter-relation. In the next chapter it presents the historical development of political communication with regards to its ongoing transformation. After that it explains several concepts that are used when describing this process. Particularly it presents the concept of personalization and describes its two forms followed by definitions and critical evaluation of the concepts. In the empirical part it first presents the parties, dailies and municipal elections in the Czech Republic. Using the research method of quantitative content analysis it tries to find out the amount of attention/space that parties and candidates got in the newspapers during eleven weeks before the municipal elections in Prague in 2010. As a second step it tries to find out the level of personalization and its pre-defined forms. In the final part it presents the results and suggests possible extensions of the research.
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Vyhodnocení cíle politiky v oblasti nakládání s komunálními biologicky rozložitelnými odpady z hlediska efektivity / Evaluation of policy objectives in the management of biodegradable municipal waste in terms of efficiencyMareš, Josef January 2009 (has links)
The work deals with the critical assessment of the requirement of Council Directive 1999/31/EC on the landfill of waste for a gradual reduction in landfilling of biodegradable municipal waste (BMW). The aim of this work was to evaluate this requirement in terms of economic efficiency using the meta-analysis of selected complex studies based on cost-benefit analysis. Studies focused on natural and technical parameters and available specific data for Czech Republic of particular ways of processing BMW were also used for finding of private and social costs and benefits balance. Based on the results of this balance is not possible to decide whether fulfillment of the requirement will increase economic efficiency. Results are calculated from large number of input values, some of which shows significant variability. Oxidation rate of uncaptured CH4 in the process of landfilling BMW is characteristic example. This parameter varies between values 10 % and 90 %. While for value 10 % would separate collection of biowastes and its composting presented option with higher economic efficiency, for value 90 % is the result opposite.
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