Spelling suggestions: "subject:"kvalifikacijos"" "subject:"kvalifikationer""
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Zvyšování a prohlubování kvalifikace / Qualification Upgrading and Improvement of QualificationBorovec, David January 2011 (has links)
Qualification Upgrading and Improvement of Qualification Abstract The purpose of my thesis is to analyse general legal regulation of improvement of qualification and upgrading of qualification of employees, not only from the perspective of labour law, but also within wider context, i.e. the care of human resources or tax impacts, due to reach a complexity of this analysis. This thesis consists of seven chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of vocational development of employees, especially questions relating to improvement of qualification, upgrading of qualification and qualification agreement. Opening part serves as an introductory part defining the reason for my research, the goals of this paper and representing its structure. Chapter One characterises the care of human resources in the view of constitutional-law and labour-law regulation. The chapter is subdivided into three parts based on approach to extent of the term "the care of employees" - narrower concept, broader concept and historical concept. Chapter Two narrows idea of the care of employees into the scope of vocational development of employees. The chapter is composed of six parts. Part One explores the relevant Czech legal regulation and also mentions European Union law. Part Two describes a substance of the term...
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Vysokoškolské vzdělání jako nutný předpoklad odborné kvalifikace učitelek mateřských škol v měnících se podmínkách/požadavcích na předškolní vzdělávání / University education as a requisite demand for specialized qualification of teachers in numery schools caused by changes is preschool educationHamáková, Ludmila January 2012 (has links)
TITLE: "The university education as a necessary precondition for professional qualifications of kindergarten teachers in changing conditions /requirements for pre-school education." AUTHOR: Bc. Ludmila Hamáková DEPARTMENT: School Management Centre SUPERVISOR: Jan Voda, Ph. D. ABSTRACT The thesis deals with professional demands made on kindergarten teachers by our present society. In its theoretical part, the education preparing kindergarten teachers and pedagogical competences are analysed, which is set into the legislative framework to show the problem area within fundamental legal and pedagogical documents, along with specification of competences and preparatory education, the key concepts. The practical part is focused on gathering profession-related data from two groups of students (two secondary school graduates, three university graduates) to compare the level of their preparatory education. The research part provides conclusions reflecting the higher level of the theoretical education at universities. KEY WORDS: Preparatory education, qualifications, competences
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Porovnání výukových lyžařských učebních plánů a kvalifikací v České republice a na Novém Zélandu / Comparison of ski teaching plans and ski qualifications between Czech republic and New Zealand.Hajšman, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Title: Comparison of ski teaching plans and ski qualifications between Czech republic and New Zealand. Objectives: Main objective of this thesis is the comparison of lesson plans and qualifications between the Czech Republic and New Zealand. As a basic educational program in the Czech Republic was chosen Czech ski school. Methods: This theoretical work processes, sorts and critically analyzing the survey findings on the current topic. Information needed for this work were obtained in several ways. It was a content analysis of documents, observation and experience. Results: After comparing Czech and New Zealand methodology of teaching skiing were not found distinct differences, they appeared in a comparison of the requirements for obtaining the qualifications of the same level - age, length of course and obtained permission to teach. It differs also focus and scope of ski organizations. Keywords: skiing, methodology, qualifications, ski teaching
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Vliv zavádění Národní soustavy povolání a Národní soustavy kvalifikací na trh práce v ČR / The influence of the implementation of the National system of occupations and National system of professional qualifications in the labor market in the ČRLammová, Ivana January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the functioning of the labor market in the Czech Republic its status, development and related concept of lifelong learning and effective use of human capital. The introductory chapters focus on the theoretical definitions of the terms dealing with the concept of lifelong learning and offer a summary of current labor market situation including some statistics. The following part is specifically devoted to defining the National system of occupations and National system of qualifications. These systems are currently being put into practice to increase the effect of the labor market functions and to fulfill the vision of efficient use of human capital. With these systems is also connected to the European system of qualifications which is described in the following chapter. The final sections deal with the functioning of already established processes including the stage of completion. In these chapters I evaluated the effect of the real market and assessed the development of their implementation. Here I took into an account the role of educational and employment agencies and their impact on the successful fulfillment of the meaning of the whole project. This chapter is an analysis of subsequent developments and the effect on the entire market. It also includes a model of the Czech labor market, assuming successful incorporation of both systems and their functions in society.
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Konkurenceschopnost lidského kapitálu České republiky na trhu práce Evropské unieJebavá, Alžběta January 2006 (has links)
Lidský kapitál je ve dnešní době jedním z hlavních determinantů hospodářského vývoje a celkové konkurenceschopnosti ekonomiky. Proto se tato diplomová práce zabývá konkurenceschopností českého lidského kapitálu na trhu práce EU a analyzuje kvalifikační intenzitu nabídky a poptávky na trhu práce ČR a zemí EU-15, které jsou pro naši ekonomiku srovnávací skupinou. Zdůrazňuje především nezbytnost terciárního vzdělání a celoživotního vzdělávání jako klíče k zajištění flexibility lidského kapitálu a naplnění potřeb trhu práce.
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Aplikace zákona o veřejných zakázkách v praxiHeroldová, Zuzana January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá tématem veřejných zakázek, především aplikací zákona v praxi. Teoretická část vysvětluje pojmy používané v zákoně. V analytické části jsem se věnovala problematickým místům zákona, jako např. zjednodušené podlimitní řízení, čtení nabídkových cen při otevírání nabídek, podání více nabídek, prokázání kvalifikace prostřednictvím subdodavatele a dalším.
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Veřejné zakázky - vývoj právní úpravy a jeho dopady na hospodářskou praxi / Public contractsŠtěpánek, Petr January 2005 (has links)
Public contracts constitute a special method of making contracts, where one side is represented by a public contractor, who intends to expend public funds. There are legal adjustments aimed to make this expenditure effective and economical. The domain of public contracts is also significant for the European Union, and there are standard procedures which should guarantee that subjects from any member state can apply for the public contracts. Consequently the public contracts adjustment is also included in the European law, in the form of directions. The topic of public contracts is a very complex one, therefore in my research I concentrate only on its more important aspects. First, I follow the historic development in this domain and how it was influenced by European law. Then I discuss the main institutes of public contracts, such as the definition of public contract itself, individual assignment procedures, the issue of qualification, methods of offer evaluation and law supervision. In the final part I provide some findings from application practice. Basic conclusions of my work identify the excessively complicated and formal legal regulations, which are often consequence of frequent changes of public contracts legislation, to be a main obstacle for the proper law application. In my opinion, the solution to this situation should consist in stabilizing the legal regulations in its present form. This would mean that the emerging problems could be solved by judicial doctrina.
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Srovnání herních výkonů ženských elitních evropských družstev / A comparison between top women's European teams performancesDošková, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
Title A comparison between top European teams performances Objectives − to focus on women's world football trends − to compare between Czech club or national team and top European teams − to analyze football systems, basic formations, set pieces solving − to evaluate qualitative and quantitative data and situation which was researched − to evaluate the research − to suggest a groundwork to training process Methods I used both direct and indirect observation methods in particular football matches. I had both videos available, even in one of the matches I attend as a player. I was researching particular game elements quantitatively and qualitatively as well. Base to the evaluation of the matches, I tried to suggest appropriate practice to eliminate deficiencies, which could be further used in training process. Results Results show the position of Czech women's football in Europe, the comparison between top European teams and if any of Czech teams could success in strong competition. Further, results show model situation of teams in offensive system and how the goals are scored. Also, results led to point out the deficiencies in Czech women's football with offering of solutions. Key words Women's football, quantitative and qualitative research, AC Sparta Prague, Olympique Lyon, national team, Czech...
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Možnosti vzdělávání dospělých cizinců v ČR / Possibilities of education of foreigners in the Czech RepublikNěmcová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
There are more and more foreigners living every year in the Czech Republic. Their lives, working opportunities and overall social integration are significantly affected by their education and the access to it. This diploma thesis brings essentially an overview of possibilities of education in four areas: the learning of the Czech language and the access to university, high school or higher vocational school education; the acquisition of social, cultural and legal awareness, as well as other paths for gaining qualification or retraining. However, foreigners are commonly faced with deterrents when coming from a foreign educational system to the Czech one: nostrification of their documents, bureaucracy, language barriers and financial difficulties. The research part of the thesis has shown that there are some differences between two large minorities - the Americans and the Ukrainians - as to their access to education and motivation to learn. Furthermore, it has ascertained that their integration also hinges upon whether they are coming to the Czech Republic with a secure goal (job, studies, Czech partner or family) and what their financial background is.
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Postup při zadávání a vyhodnocování veřejných zakázek na municipální úrovni veřejného sektoru v ČR / Process of Placing and Evaluating of Public Procurement at Municipal Level of Public Sector in the Czech RepublicPetýrková, Lenka January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce na téma "Postup při zadávání a vyhodnocování veřejných zakázek na municipální úrovni veřejného sektoru v ČR (s případovou studií)" se zabývá analýzou nového zákona 137/2006 Sb., o veřejných zakázkách a popisuje jednotlivé fáze zadávacího a hodnotícího procesu od prvotního plánování přes zákonem stanovené postupy a lhůty zadávání, specifika zadávací dokumentace a různé metody výběru až po realizaci výběrového řízení a uzavření smlouvy. V případové studii pak práce ukazuje, jak by v praxi mělo vypadat efektivní řízení veřejných zakázek na municipální úrovni veřejného sektoru v ČR.
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