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An Analog for Large-Scale Lacustrine Deposits: 3D Characterization of a Pleistocene Lake Bonneville SpitLopez, Eli D. 07 September 2022 (has links)
Ultra-high-resolution subsurface stratigraphy mapped from 3D ground-penetrating radar (GPR) can provide insights into the fine-scale heterogeneity of reservoirs and other geologic features. Analog models derived from 3D GPR aid in understanding reservoir compartmentalization that may be sub-seismic but still affect fluid flow. We integrate 2D profiles and 3D GPR volumes with measured stratigraphic sections from outcrop exposure to characterize the fine-scale stratigraphy of an ancient Lake Bonneville shoreline deposit (locally, circa 20 ka based on carbon-14 dating) in the Great Basin (northwestern Utah). The heterogeneity of the deposit is expressed as multiple discordant patterns, separated by unconformities that likely were influenced by fluctuating lake levels on the lake margin. Although the study site is only ~8,000 square meters in area, the detailed stratigraphic relationships can be scaled up to inform the characterization of larger sedimentary deposits with economic reservoir potential. The sands, gravels, and marls composing the stratigraphy were deposited during the transgressive phase of the pluvial lake, which preserved shoreline features such as spits and barrier bars. We interpret our site as a spit that extended out into the Pleistocene lake, at times connecting to a nearby persistently subaerially exposed island to form a tombolo. The deposited strata are well-exposed in a fortuitously located gravel quarry. The site provides an excellent natural laboratory for detailed 3D imaging due to the mostly flat ground surface (the quarry floor), low-clay, low-salinity, and low-moisture content of the site. The GPR data were acquired with a 200-MHz antenna (for 2D profiles) and a 400-MHz antenna (for 3D volumes). For the latter, the line spacing was about 0.3 meters with a trace spacing of 2.5 cm. The GPR dataset offers high-resolution images of clinoform sequence stratigraphy down to about 3 meters below the surface of the quarry. The vertical resolution (Rayleigh criterion) of the data is about 6 cm (for 3D volumes) and 13 cm (for 2D profiles). Migration collapsed diffractions and re-positioned dipping reflectors correctly. Deconvolution suppressed multiple reflections and tightened the waveforms. Using petroleum industry mapping software, amplitudes were binned into voxels to create precise 3D volumes, which facilitated more accurate geometrical interpretation (e.g., true dip direction of reflectors). Facies associations from stratigraphic sections measured just above the GPR acquisition level (quarry floor) help to describe and reconstruct the depositional history of the spit. The lithologic interpretation of the GPR reflectors is constrained by the correlation (or extrapolation) of the measured sections to the subsurface data volumes. Reflectivity is controlled by variations in porosity and matrix content (e.g., quartz vs. clays vs. calcite). Our study furnishes a model of transgressive deposits in a lacustrine environment and an analog for clastic sediments deposited on a larger scale in such environments.
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La phase d’hyperextension (Sag) du rift de l’Océan Atlantique sud au Congo : milieux de dépôt, provenance des sédiments et paléoreliefs / The hyperextended phase of south Atlantic rift in Congo : Sedimentary depositional environment, sediment provenances and paleoreliefsKebi-Tsoumou, Sage Paterne Chandrich 14 December 2018 (has links)
Le propos de cette thèse est d’étudier le rift de l’Atlantique sud au Congo, en se focalisant sur (1) la dynamique des reliefs amont du rift (les épaulements de rift), (2) l’architecture stratigraphique du remplissage sédimentaire et (3) le routage sédimentaire ante- à syn-rift. L’etude de terrain a permis de reconstituer la géométrie des paléovallées, le cadre sédimentaire et stratigraphique du remplissage sédimentaire et de discuter des implications géodynamiques de ces paleovalleys en termes de dynamique du rift et de contrôle des systèmes sédimentaires. Ces paléovallées ont été incisées dans le substratum précambrien du Mayombe par des rivières alluviales pendant la phase d'étirement du rifting et remplies par des sédiments d’âge Aptien moyen de la Formation de Chéla. Le remplissage sédimentaire de ces paléovallées consiste en des faciès gravitaires sousaquatiques interdigités dans les argiles lacustres riches en matière organique, recouvrant en discordante le socle Précambrien du Mayombe. Ces depôts s'organisent en une séquence transgressive, caractérisée par l’empilement des séquences élémentaires de type finning-up . L’analyse sédimentologique de carottes a permis de caractériser les environnements de dépôts des Formations de Pointe-Noire, Pointe-indienne et de Chéla, correspondant à la phase d’hyperextension (sag) de l’evolution du rift. La Formation de Pointe-Noire d’âge Barrémien moyen est constituée des faciès gravitaires de cônes sous-lacustres profonds à dominance argileux et riches en matière organique dans lesquels s’intercalent localement des faciès carbonatés de plate-forme peu profonde et gravitaires resédimentés du membre de Toca, accumulés au cours d'une importante transgression associée à un évènement anoxique général. La Formation de Pointe-indienne d’âge Barrémien supérieur à Aptien inferieur est caracterisée par variations latérales et verticales de faciès. Elle comprend des faciès gravitaires gréso-argileux (membre Mengo) de cônes sous-lacustres profonds, surmontés par des faciès mixtes silicoclastiques et carbonatés de rampe interne à moyenne dominée par des vagues de tempêtes (Membre des Argiles vertes) passant progressivement vers le haut à des faciès deltaïques de Tchibota. La formation de Chéla d’âge Aptien moyen se caractérise par des variations latérales et verticales de faciès. Elle comprend des faciès sous-aquatiques de delta alluvionnaire passant latéralement aux faciès gravitaires sous-lacustres, suivi par des faciès de baies mixtes lacustres -marine, surmontés par des faciès de sabkha (membre Vembo) recourvets par les evaorites de Loémé. Les facies de sebkha au sommet de la Formation de Chéla témoignent d’une incursion marine avant la mise en place des évaporites. Les corrélations stratigraphiques entre puits ont permis de subdiviser la succession sédimentaire de la phase d’hyper-extension (sag) en trois principales séquences de dépôt montrant respectivement des tendances rétrogradante, progradante et rétrogradante. La datation des zircons et apatites détritiques a permis de reconstituer le routage sédimentaire ante- à syn-rift et l’évolution de reliefs en amant du rift. Les résultats montrent des changements spatio-temporels de sources de sediments et deux régions de provenance de sédiments. Les sédiments ante-rift (Formation de Vandji) d’age Berriasien proviennent des sources lointaines, confirmant l’existence d’un système pre-rift – et donc d’un bassin antérieur au système rift du segment central de l’Atlantique sud, alimenté de l’ouest à sud-ouest par des sources angolaise et brésilienne. Les sédiments syn-rift (Formation de Djéno) d’age Barremien inférieur et Sag (Formation de chéla) d’age Aptien moyen proviennent des sources locales (massif du Mayombe), ce qui implique un changement majeur de sources et de reliefs entre les phases pre-rift et syn-rift et l’existance des reliefs en amont de la faille bordière pendant les phases d’étirement et d’hyper-extension du rift. / The purpose of this thesis was to study the South Atlantic rift system in Congo by focusing on (1) the dynamic of the upstream paleoreliefs (rift shoulders), (2) the stratigraphic architecture and (3) sediment routing of the pre to syn-rift sedimentary infilling. Detailed field mapping allows to characterize the geometry of the incised valleys, sedimentary environments of thier sediment infilling and to discuss the geodynamic implications of these incised valleys in terms of rift dynamic and control of sedimentary systems. These incised valleys were cut through the Precambrian Mayombe basement by alluvial processes shaping pediments during the stretching period of the rift and filled with middle Aptian siliciclastic sediments of the Chéla formation. The sediment filling consists of flood-generated sublacustrine gravity flow deposits interbedded with organic-rich lacustrine shales, overlying unconformably the basement. These deposits are organized into an overall transgressive depositional sequence, characterized by stacked of elementary fining upward facies sequences. Detailled facies analysis of cores permits to determine the sedimentary environments of the Pointe-Noire, Pointe-Indienne and Chéla Formation, developed during the hyper-extended (sag) rift phase. The middle Barremian Pointe-Noire Formation consists of organic-rich shale-prone deep-lacustrine fan facies intertonguing locally with shallow-water platform carbonate facies and gravity-flow resedimented carbonate facies of the Toca Member that were deposited in an anoxic deep-lake. The Late Barremian–early Aptian Pointe-Indienne Formation is characterized by facies heterogeneity. This Formation consists of sand-rich sublacustrine-fan gravity facies of Mengo member overlain by storm influenced mixed siliciclastic-carbonate ramp facies (Argiles vertes Member) passing upward to deltaic facies of Tchibota member. The middle Aptian Chéla Formation represents a widespread transgressive unit, characterized by lateral and vertical changes in facies and a variety of depositional environnements. It is made up of interbedded coarse-grained alluvial bedload facies and sub-lacustrine gravity facies at the base, overlain by lacustrine-marine mixed bay facies passing upward to sabkha facies, which in turn are capped by evaporites of the Loémé Formation. The sebkha facies records the late middle Aptian marine transgression on the Congo basin prior to the deposition of Upper Aptian evaporites of Loémé Formation. Well-log stratigraphic correlations permit subdivision of the middle Barremian to middle Aptian syn-hyper-extended rift-related deposits into three major depositional sequences that display retrogradation, progradation, and retrogradation stacking pattern, respectively. Detrital zircon and apatite provenance analyses provide a better understanding of sediment routing systems of the pre to syn-rift infilling, and paleorelief and tectonic evolutions during the Early Cretaceous times. The results show changes in sediment provenances and two different source areas. The Berriasian-Valanginian Pre-rift sediments of the Vandji Formation were derived from multiple and relatively distant source areas, located either in the South America and southern of Africa plate, thus supporting the existence of large intracratonic basin prior to the rifting, fed by prominent large-scale drainage system. located toward the southwest. In contrast to the Pre-rift sediments, the Barremian syn-stretched rift sediments of the Djeno Formation and the Aptian syn- hyper-extended rift sediments of the Chela Formation were derived from adjacent Precambrian Mayombe belt that underwent phases of tectonic uplift during the rifting. Consequently, this implies an abrupt change in sediment provenance and relief between the pre-rift phase and the Syn-rift phase and indicate the persistence of local sources, i.e. from rift shoulders, from the stretching rift phase to the hyper-extended (sag) rift phase.
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Avaliação do histórico de impactos antrópicos na bacia de drenagem do Lago das Garças (São Paulo-SP), durante o século XX, com base nos estoques de nutrientes, metais pesados e compostos orgânicos em sedimento lacustre / Evaluation of human impact at Garças lake drainage basin (São Paulo, SP) during the 20th Century based in nutrients, heavy metals and organic compounds in lacustrine sedimentsJesus, Tatiane Araujo de 07 November 2008 (has links)
O presente estudo visou reconstruir o histórico de impactos antrópicos na bacia de drenagem do Lago das Garças durante o século XX por meio da deposição de contaminantes no compartimento sedimentar. O Lago das Garças está localizado em uma unidade de conservação, Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga (PEFI), inserida em área altamente povoada e urbanizada da cidade de São Paulo. Dois testemunhos de sedimento (LG05-03 e LG05-04, com 70 cm e 65 cm, respectivamente) foram amostrados mediante auxílio de mergulhadores no ponto mais profundo do reservatório, sendo, posteriormente, fatiados a cada 1 cm. Em LG05-03 foram quantificadas as distribuições verticais de carbono orgânico total (COT), nutrientes totais (NT e PT), hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPA), hidrocarbonetos alifáticos (n-alcanos), bem como foi feita a classificação granulométrica. Em LG05-04 foi determinada a deposição de metais pesados (Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb e Zn) e a geocronologia através do isótopo radioativo \'ANTPOT. 210 Pb\', usando o modelo CIC (Constant Initial Concentration). Os dados foram analisados por meio de análises estatísticas multivariadas (ACP: Análise de Componentes Principais). Com base nas tendências dos dados e na ACP, foi possível estabelecer três fases principais: Fase I: 64-43 cm (~1894-1975): caracterizada por baixas concentrações de nutrientes e contaminantes, sendo possível recuperar níveis préindustriais destes compostos, propostos como valores de referência regionais. Ainda, com base na razão C/N e em razões entre n-alcanos, notou-se, nesta fase o predomínio de aporte de matéria orgânica de origem alóctone; Fase II: 43-26 cm (~1975-1990): aumento abrupto das concentrações de metais pesados e HPA traçadores de veículos automotores, marcando o aumento da poluição atmosférica devido ao grande crescimento econômico do município e maior circulação de veículos na região. Ainda, foi observado aumento gradual das concentrações de NT e PT, atribuídos aos despejos de esgotos não tratados oriundos da Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento e da Fundação Parque Zoológico; Fase III: 26-0 cm (~1990-2005): aumento mais acentuado das concentrações de nutrientes devido aos despejos de esgotos, acarretando em maior eutrofia do sistema, registrada pelo perfil do n-\'C IND.17\'. Pico das concentrações de HPA traçadores do uso de carvão mineral associado às atividades de uma siderúrgica vizinha (Siderúrgica J.L. Alipeti), bem como queda das concentrações destes traçadores coincidindo com mudanças no processo industrial da empresa. Ainda nesta fase notaram-se aumentos expressivos dos teores e fluxos dos HPA traçadores de veículos automotores, corroborando o cenário de aumento vertiginoso da frota de veículos na última década. Desse modo, este estudo contribuiu com o cenário nacional em termos de manejo de bacias hidrográficas urbanas, incluindo registros desde a época pré-revolução industrial no Brasil (~1894) até os dias atuais, demonstrando o potencial do uso de testemunhos lacustres no resgate de informações relativas à contaminação de ecossistemas aquáticos associadas às atividades antropogênicas. / Present study aimed to reconstruct the human impact history on the Garças Lake Drainage Basin during the 20th Century based on contaminants deposition on the lacustrine sediment. Garças Lake is located in a preservation area, the Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga (PEFI), located in a highly populated urban area within the city of São Paulo. Two sediment cores (LG05-03 and LG05-04, 70 cm and 65 cm long) were sampled by divers at the deepest site of the lake, which were sliced at 1 cm intervals. Information for LG05-03 included total organic carbon (TOC), total nutrients (TN and TP), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), aliphatic hydrocarbons (n-alkanes) and grain size vertical distributions. Deposition of heavy metals (Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) and the geocronology by \'ANTPOT. 210 Pb\', using CIC model (Constant Initial Concentration), were determined in LG05-04. Data were analyzed by multivariate statistic analysis (PCA, principal components analysis). Based on data trends and PCA, it was possible to recognized three main phases: Phase I: 64-43 cm (~1894-1975) characterized by low nutrients and contaminants concentrations, allowing retrieving preindustrial levels of these compounds, which are proposed as regional reference values. Besides, C/N ratio and n-alkanes ratios demonstrated aloctonous organic matter predominance; Phase II: 43-26 cm (~1975-1990) characterized by the abrupt increase of heavy metals and vehicular PAHs concentration, indicating the atmospheric pollution increase, due to the great economic rise experienced by the city of São Paulo over that time and the higher vehicles circulation in the region. Yet, it was observed a gradual increase in nutrient concentration attributed to the untreated sewage inputs from the São Paulo State Department of Agriculture and Provisioning headquarters and the city Zoo; Phase III: 26-0 cm (~1990-2005) characterized by a marked increase in nutrient concentration related to the untreated sewage inputs, leading to the increase of eutrophication, as registered by the n-\'C IND.17\' distribution. A peak of coal PAHs concentration was also noticed, related to a neighbor steel mill (J.L. Aliperti), followed by a subsequent decrease of these compounds, coincident with industrial procedures changes. Besides, there was an expressive increase in vehicular PAHs concentrations, corroborating the scenery of a drastic raise of vehicles in the last decade. The present study contributed to the national scenario towards urban drainage basin management. It included records since preindustrial time (~1894) up to the present, highlighting the potential use of lacustrine sediment on the retrieval of historical environmental changes of aquatic ecosystems and associated anthropogenic impacts.
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Biomarqueurs moléculaires d'occupation des sols, du sol au sédiment : exemple du bassin-versant et du lac d'Aydat (Puy-de-Dôme) / Molecular biomarkers of land use, from soil to sediment : example of the catchement and of the lake Eydat (French Massif Central)Lavrieux, Marlène 08 December 2011 (has links)
Cette étude propose une analyse intégrée de biomarqueurs moléculaires de sols, depuis leur site de production jusqu'à leur archivage sédimentaire lacustre. Un inventaire des lipides neutres est d'abord réalisé sur des sols d'usages contrastés : prairies/pâtures et forêts. Globalement, cette approche permet de distinguer (1) des composés linéaires ubiquistes, et (2) des composés (poly-)cycliques, généralement spécifiques. Parmi ces derniers figurent les acétates de triterpényle et les méthoxyserratènes, respectivement biomarqueurs d'Astéracées et de Pinacées. La persistance de l'empreinte moléculaire d'un ancien usage des sols est aussi démontrée. Ensuite, l'analyse multi-proxy d'une carotte sédimentaire couvrant les 6700 dernières années révèle l'impact prépondérant des activités humaines sur le fonctionnement hydrologique du lac, depuis l'époque gallo-romaine. Les assemblages moléculaires précédemment définis dans les sols sont globalement retrouvés, associés à un nouveau biomarqueur spécifique du chanvre, d'intérêt paléoenvironnemental. Une tentative de reconstitution des anciennes occupations des sols apparaît conforme aux données historiques et paléoenvironnementales antérieures. / This study proposes an integrated analysis of molecular biomarkers of landuse, from their genesis in soils to their archiving in the lacustrine sediment. An inventory of neutral lipids is realized on soils of two contrasted landuses: grassland/pasture and forest. This approach globally allows to distinguish (1) ubiquist linear compounds and (2) (poly-)cyclic compounds, generally specific. Among these ones, triterpenyl acetates and methoxyserratenes are detected and are respectively biomarkers of Asteraceae and Pinaceae. The persistence of a molecular imprint of an ancient landuse is also demonstrated. Then, the multi-proxy analysis of a sedimentary core, covering the last 6700 years, shows the prominent impact of human activities on the hydrologic functioning of the lake since the gallo-roman period. Molecular assemblages previously defined in soils are globally detected in sediments, associated with a new specific biomarker of hemp, of palaeoenvironmental interest. Hypotheses for the reconstitution of past landuses appear to be consistent with previous historical and palaeoenvironmental data.
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Distribuição mineralógica dos sedimentos superficiais da lagoa do Caçó (MA)Mbengue, Abdoulaye 12 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca de Pós-Graduação em Geoquímica BGQ (bgq@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-07-12T16:19:02Z
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Dissertaçãi final ultima.pdf: 1724559 bytes, checksum: fbd685dbe3586363bcfe625529593f18 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-12T16:19:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertaçãi final ultima.pdf: 1724559 bytes, checksum: fbd685dbe3586363bcfe625529593f18 (MD5) / Universidade Federal Fluminense. Instituto de Química. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geoquímica, Niterói, RJ / A fração mineralógica é importante para a reconstrução de mudanças ambiental e
paleoambiental dos sedimentos lacustres. As frações inorgânicas alóctones e
autóctones fornecem informação sobre a evol
ução dos ecossistemas no ambiente de
sedimentação da lagoa e na ba
cia de sedimentação e s
obre também as condições
físico- químicas da coluna da água. Nós apr
esentamos resultados da distribuição
mineralógica dos sedimentos superficiais da
lagoa Caço. 59 amostras foram coletadas
por mergulhar ao longo dos transects tran
sversais e do transectlongitudinal nesta
lagoa. Cada perfil transversal começa pela
margem caracterizada por macrophytes,
atravessa a parte central e emerge na outr
a margem da lagoa. Todos os pontos da
amostragem foram -geo-referenciados e a pr
ofundidade da coluna da água foi medida.
A identificação da fração mineralógica
e sua quantificação foram feitas pela
difractometria de Raio-X e pela espectrom
etria no infravermelho. A distribuição da
fração mineralógica caracteriza as difer
entes zonas de prof
undidade da lagoa Caçó e
identifica os processos que controlam as
variações da sedimentação inorgânica. Os
minerais mais importantes identificados neste estudo forma quartzo, goethite, kaolinite e
sílica amorfo. Geralmente, ao longo de cada
transect, quartzo e sílica amorfa diminuem
da margem ao centro da lagoa. A goethite e
a kaolinite tendem a aumentar na parte
central da lagoa. A distribuição de mi
nerais detriticos parece ser controlada
principalmente pelo hidrodi
nâmico da lagoa, que é in
fluenciado fortemente pela
intensidade e a Constancia
dos ventos. Para os minerai
s autigenicos, os fatores
principais que controlam a distribuição minera
l devem ser: (1) para o sílica amorfo: a
ocupação da zona litoral pelos macrophytes, que
forneceram o substrato e os nutrientes
para a produção de diatomáceas, em maior
parte epiphytes ; (2) para o goethite: a
entrada hidrológica, pela superfície ou pelos
fluxos subsuperficiais, que contribuem com
a entrada de Fe(II), que será oxidada na água de superfície da lagoa, tendo por
resultado a precipitação do goethite. Assim, os
minerais detriticos (quartzo e kaolinite)
são bons marcadores potenciais da erosão na
bacia da drenagem da lagoa, quanto os
minerais autigenicos podem dar informação importante sobre as condições físico-
químicas do ambiente passado. / Mineralogical fraction is important to the reconstruction of environmental and
paleoenvironmental changes from lacustrine
sediments. Allochtonous and Autochtonous
inorganic fractions provide information about
the evolution of eco
systems in the lake
catchment and in the sedimentation basin
and about physical and chemical water
column conditions. We present results of rec
ent mineralogical distri
bution from surficial
sediments of Caço Lake. 59
samples were collected by
diving along transverse
transects and one longitudinal transect in this
lake. Each transverse profile stars from a
margin characterized by emergent macrophytes,
crosses the central part of the lake and
finishes in the other margin of the lake.
All sampling points were geo-referenced and the
water column depth was measured. The identif
ication of mineralogical fraction and its
quantification were d
one by x-ray diffractometry and by
infrared spectroscopy. The
distribution of the mineralogical fraction characterizes the different depth zones of the
Caço lake and identify the proce
sses that control variations
of inorganic sedi
mentation in
this lake. The most important
minerals identified in this
study were quartz, goethite,
kaolinite and amorphous si
lica. Generally, along each
transect quartz and amorphous
silica decrease from the margin to the center
of the lake. The goethite and kaolinite tend
to increase in the central part of the lake.
The distribution of detritic minerals appear to
be mainly controlled by lake hydrodynamics, wh
ich is strongly influenced for the intensity
and constancy of trade winds. Fo
r the authigenic minerals, the main factors controlling
the mineral distribution must be: (1) for amorphous silica: the occupation of the littoral
zone by macrophytes, which gave substrate and
nutrients to the production of diatom, in
larger part epiphytes; (2) for the goethite: hy
drological input, by surface or sub-surface
flows, which contribute with t
he entrance of Fe(II), which wil
l be oxidized in the lake
surface water, resulting in pr
ecipitation of goethite. Thus
, the detritic minerals (quartz
and kaolinite) are potentially go
od markers of erosion in the
lake drainage basin, while
authigenic minerals may give important
information about the past physicochemical
conditions of the environment.
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Histórico de contaminação por elementos-traços na planície aluvial do Alto Rio Paraná / History contamination by trace elements in the floodplain of the Upper Paraná RiverRemor, Marcelo Bevilacqua 19 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T14:38:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2013-02-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Objective: Investigate the temporal evolution of the supply of trace elements, identifying
trends in the historical concentration of the drainage basin of the Upper Paraná River
Floodplain. Material and Methods: The corers extracted of the Patos Pond and the
Garças Pond were sliced into uniform intervals of 2.2 and 2.0 cm respectively. Later the
geochronological analysis was performed by the method radiochemical of isotope 210Pb.
The quantification of element Mercury was performed with the equipment LUMEX. While
the others trace elements were quantified by flame atomic absorption spectrometry,
opening following the Method USEPA 3050B. Results: The sedimentation rate of the
Garças Pond is 7.7 mm year-1 (2.66 kg m-2 year-1) and of the Patos Pond is 6.0 mm year-1
(1.94 kg m-2 year-1). Conclusion: The sediments of the Patos Pond and the Garças Pond
have concentrations of trace elements similar to the background. The main factor that
regulates the supply of trace elements in the Upper Paraná River Floodplain is the flood
pulses, which can be magnified by the El Niño phenomenon. The burning of cane sugar,
increased agriculture, urbanization and release of effluents from steel mills contributed to
the increase in the concentration of some trace elements. While the adsorption by
macrophytes and process oligotrophication caused by damss upstream of the floodplain,
resulted in the reduction of the concentration of other elements / Objetivo: Investigar a evolução temporal do fornecimento de elementos-traço,
identificando tendências na concentração histórica da bacia de drenagem da Planície
Aluvial do Alto Rio Paraná. Material e Método: Os corers extraídos da Lagoa dos Patos e
na Lagoa das Garças foram fatiados em intervalos uniformes de 2,2 e 2,0 cm
respectivamente. Posteriormente foi realizada a análise geocronológica pelo método
radioquímico do isótopo 210Pb. A quantificação do elemento Mercúrio foi realizada com o
equipamento LUMEX. Enquanto os demais elementos-traço foram quantificados por meio
de absorção atômica de chama, com abertura seguindo o método USEPA 3050B.
Resultados: A taxa de sedimentação da Lagoa das Garças é de 7,7 mm ano-1 (2,66 kg m-2
ano-1) e da Lagoa dos Patos é de 6,0 mm ano-1 (1,94 kg m-2 ano-1). Conclusão: Os
sedimentos das Lagoas dos Patos e da Lagoa das Garças possuem concentrações de
elementos-traço semelhantes aos valores de referência. O principal fator que regula o
fornecimento de elementos-traço na planície aluvial do Alto Rio Paraná são os pulsos de
inundação, que podem ser magnificados pelo fenômeno climático El Niño. A queima da
cana-de-açúcar, aumento da agropecuária, urbanização e lançamento de efluentes de
siderúrgicas contribuíram para o aumento da concentração de alguns elementos-traço.
Enquanto a adsorção por macrofitas aquáticas e o processo de oligotrofização, causado
pelas barragens a montante da planície aluvial, acarretaram na redução da concentração de
outros elementos
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The sedimentology and stratigraphic architecture of the Cathedral Bluffs Tongue of the Wasatch Formation, South Pass, WyomingMcHugh, Luke P Unknown Date
No description available.
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Avaliação do histórico de impactos antrópicos na bacia de drenagem do Lago das Garças (São Paulo-SP), durante o século XX, com base nos estoques de nutrientes, metais pesados e compostos orgânicos em sedimento lacustre / Evaluation of human impact at Garças lake drainage basin (São Paulo, SP) during the 20th Century based in nutrients, heavy metals and organic compounds in lacustrine sedimentsTatiane Araujo de Jesus 07 November 2008 (has links)
O presente estudo visou reconstruir o histórico de impactos antrópicos na bacia de drenagem do Lago das Garças durante o século XX por meio da deposição de contaminantes no compartimento sedimentar. O Lago das Garças está localizado em uma unidade de conservação, Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga (PEFI), inserida em área altamente povoada e urbanizada da cidade de São Paulo. Dois testemunhos de sedimento (LG05-03 e LG05-04, com 70 cm e 65 cm, respectivamente) foram amostrados mediante auxílio de mergulhadores no ponto mais profundo do reservatório, sendo, posteriormente, fatiados a cada 1 cm. Em LG05-03 foram quantificadas as distribuições verticais de carbono orgânico total (COT), nutrientes totais (NT e PT), hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPA), hidrocarbonetos alifáticos (n-alcanos), bem como foi feita a classificação granulométrica. Em LG05-04 foi determinada a deposição de metais pesados (Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb e Zn) e a geocronologia através do isótopo radioativo \'ANTPOT. 210 Pb\', usando o modelo CIC (Constant Initial Concentration). Os dados foram analisados por meio de análises estatísticas multivariadas (ACP: Análise de Componentes Principais). Com base nas tendências dos dados e na ACP, foi possível estabelecer três fases principais: Fase I: 64-43 cm (~1894-1975): caracterizada por baixas concentrações de nutrientes e contaminantes, sendo possível recuperar níveis préindustriais destes compostos, propostos como valores de referência regionais. Ainda, com base na razão C/N e em razões entre n-alcanos, notou-se, nesta fase o predomínio de aporte de matéria orgânica de origem alóctone; Fase II: 43-26 cm (~1975-1990): aumento abrupto das concentrações de metais pesados e HPA traçadores de veículos automotores, marcando o aumento da poluição atmosférica devido ao grande crescimento econômico do município e maior circulação de veículos na região. Ainda, foi observado aumento gradual das concentrações de NT e PT, atribuídos aos despejos de esgotos não tratados oriundos da Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento e da Fundação Parque Zoológico; Fase III: 26-0 cm (~1990-2005): aumento mais acentuado das concentrações de nutrientes devido aos despejos de esgotos, acarretando em maior eutrofia do sistema, registrada pelo perfil do n-\'C IND.17\'. Pico das concentrações de HPA traçadores do uso de carvão mineral associado às atividades de uma siderúrgica vizinha (Siderúrgica J.L. Alipeti), bem como queda das concentrações destes traçadores coincidindo com mudanças no processo industrial da empresa. Ainda nesta fase notaram-se aumentos expressivos dos teores e fluxos dos HPA traçadores de veículos automotores, corroborando o cenário de aumento vertiginoso da frota de veículos na última década. Desse modo, este estudo contribuiu com o cenário nacional em termos de manejo de bacias hidrográficas urbanas, incluindo registros desde a época pré-revolução industrial no Brasil (~1894) até os dias atuais, demonstrando o potencial do uso de testemunhos lacustres no resgate de informações relativas à contaminação de ecossistemas aquáticos associadas às atividades antropogênicas. / Present study aimed to reconstruct the human impact history on the Garças Lake Drainage Basin during the 20th Century based on contaminants deposition on the lacustrine sediment. Garças Lake is located in a preservation area, the Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga (PEFI), located in a highly populated urban area within the city of São Paulo. Two sediment cores (LG05-03 and LG05-04, 70 cm and 65 cm long) were sampled by divers at the deepest site of the lake, which were sliced at 1 cm intervals. Information for LG05-03 included total organic carbon (TOC), total nutrients (TN and TP), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), aliphatic hydrocarbons (n-alkanes) and grain size vertical distributions. Deposition of heavy metals (Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) and the geocronology by \'ANTPOT. 210 Pb\', using CIC model (Constant Initial Concentration), were determined in LG05-04. Data were analyzed by multivariate statistic analysis (PCA, principal components analysis). Based on data trends and PCA, it was possible to recognized three main phases: Phase I: 64-43 cm (~1894-1975) characterized by low nutrients and contaminants concentrations, allowing retrieving preindustrial levels of these compounds, which are proposed as regional reference values. Besides, C/N ratio and n-alkanes ratios demonstrated aloctonous organic matter predominance; Phase II: 43-26 cm (~1975-1990) characterized by the abrupt increase of heavy metals and vehicular PAHs concentration, indicating the atmospheric pollution increase, due to the great economic rise experienced by the city of São Paulo over that time and the higher vehicles circulation in the region. Yet, it was observed a gradual increase in nutrient concentration attributed to the untreated sewage inputs from the São Paulo State Department of Agriculture and Provisioning headquarters and the city Zoo; Phase III: 26-0 cm (~1990-2005) characterized by a marked increase in nutrient concentration related to the untreated sewage inputs, leading to the increase of eutrophication, as registered by the n-\'C IND.17\' distribution. A peak of coal PAHs concentration was also noticed, related to a neighbor steel mill (J.L. Aliperti), followed by a subsequent decrease of these compounds, coincident with industrial procedures changes. Besides, there was an expressive increase in vehicular PAHs concentrations, corroborating the scenery of a drastic raise of vehicles in the last decade. The present study contributed to the national scenario towards urban drainage basin management. It included records since preindustrial time (~1894) up to the present, highlighting the potential use of lacustrine sediment on the retrieval of historical environmental changes of aquatic ecosystems and associated anthropogenic impacts.
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Characterizing the Depositional History of Three Ponds, Bath Nature Preserve, Bath, OhioKemp, Matthew L. 21 May 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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A Plio-Pleistocene Record of Lacustrine Ostracodes from Butte Valley, California: Faunal Responses to Tectonic and Climatic ChangeMathias, Frank Furlong, Jr. 29 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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