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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Some aspects of oxygen and sulphur reactions towards clean steel production

Andersson, Margareta January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Use Of Aluminium Dross For Slag Treatment In Secondary Steelmaking To Decrease Amount Of Reducible Oxides In Ladle Furnace

Aydemir, Onur 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In this study it was aimed to analyse refining processes such as decreasing reducible oxide content of ladle slag with affecting parameters in low carbon aluminum killed grades and for the research Erdemir low carbon steel grades 7112K and 7110K are selected. There was a negative correlation between reducible oxide amount in ladle slag and desulphurization capacity of ladle slag with metal-slag reaction and steel internal cleanliness. To refine these properties of slag, aluminium dross, which was aluminium production discard and has a metallic content around %30-35 was used and after ladle treatment operation, decrease in reducible oxides such as FetO, MnO, SiO2, P2O5 was analysed. After the study it was observed that 653 kg. of converter slag leaked during tapping of steel and SiO2 ve P2O5 content of ladle slag had negligible change after ladle treatment. According to the results, it is observed that initial %10-12 (FetO + MnO) content was reduced to % 4.5-5.0 (FetO + MnO) after ladle treatment with use of aluminium dross. Beside of this, in order to see the effect of this slag reduction on steel cleanliness, low carbon aluminium killed grades were compared with ultra-low carbon aluminium killed grades having (FetO + MnO) content of %16-17 in slag. It was seen that reoxidation of aluminium (loss of dissolved aluminium) during continuous casting for ULC (ultra-low carbon) gradesis 144 ppm but for LC grades it was 94 ppm and it was being expected that ULC steel group would have higher inclusion content after casting.

Some aspects of oxygen and sulphur reactions towards clean steel production

Andersson, Margareta January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Influence of Ladle-slag Additions on BOF-Process Parameters

Dahlin, Anders January 2011 (has links)
The influence of ladle-slag additions on the BOF-process performance were investigated in plant trials. The aim of the study was to recycle ladle slag from secondary steelmaking to the LD-converter to save lime and improve the slag formation. More specifically, two plant trial campaigns covering in total 83 heats, whereof 47 with ladle-slag additions and 36 without ladle-slag additions, were performed.  Slag and steel sampling of the process were performed at tapping as well as during blowing at 15, 35, and 65% of the total blowing time. During the first campaign, ladle slag was added through the chute and lime reductions were made manually to correct for the ladle-slag addition.  In the second campaign, a development of the approach was made to suite a normal production practice. More specifically, the ladle slag was added through the weight-hopper system and implemented in the process-control system. In this way, the lime additions were reduced automatically by approximately 260 kg per heat. Moreover, the heat balance was compensated with a reduction in the iron-ore consumption. Additionally, the lance program was modified and the lance was lowered in the initial stages of the blow.  On the positive side, it was found that no demerits in the metallurgical performance of the process occur when ladle slag is recycled to the BOF-process. Furthermore, only slight affections on the slag composition were found, mainly with respect to the Al2O3 and FeO-content. In addition, the ladle slag was shown to melt during the initial stages of the blow. This contributed to an increased slag weight both during the blow and at tapping. However, a negative effect on the blowing time was experienced during the trials. Although, this effect was more pronounced during the first campaign and could be reduced with a controlled heat balance during the second campaign. / QC 20110503

A cementitious binder from high-alumina slag generated in the steelmaking process

Adesanya, E. D. (Elijah D.) 03 December 2019 (has links)
Abstract About 4 Mt of ladle slag is generated in steelmaking processes in Europe per year, a large proportion of which (80%) is placed in landfills or stored. This pattern is expected to continue without further research for their valorisation due to increasing demand for quality steel products worldwide. Ladle slag (LS) produced in Finland possesses large amounts of calcium and aluminium and mineralogical phases which can exhibit cementitious capabilities and can be utilized in applications where expensive commercial cements are currently being used. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the properties of ladle slag in different activation pathways, including alkali activation and use as a hydraulic binder with gypsum. The results showed that ladle slag can be used alone as a precursor in alkali activation or as the sole binder or a co-binder with gypsum in hydraulic binding. Depending on the activation pathway, compressive strength between 35–92 MPa can be achieved after 28 days. The reaction properties of alkali activated ladle slag are characterized, and it is confirmed through X-ray diffraction (XRD) that the reaction product after alkali activation is mainly an x-ray amorphous (calcium aluminate silicate hydrate-like) phase. Characterization techniques (SEM, XRD, TGA and NMR) used to analyze the LS paste binder with just water showed the hydration products of ladle slag to be dicalcium aluminate octahydrate (C₂AH₈), tricalcium aluminate hexahydrate (C₃AH₆), gibbsite (AH₃) and stratlingite (C₂ASH₈) was also identified after a prolonged period of hydration. Furthermore, it was found that to minimize the conversion, the ideal water-to-binder ratio is 0.35. The conversion mechanism is reduced at this ratio and the strength is slightly affected. Another pathway that can be used to annul the conversion of calcium aluminate hydrates formed in LS paste is through the addition of gypsum to the LS paste system to produce an ettringite-rich binder (C₆A\(\bar{S}\)₃H₃₂). When ettringite is formed in place of calcium aluminate hydrates the strength increases, frost resistance is improved, and drying shrinkage is enhanced. Lastly, a potential application of ladle slag as a refractory material was also investigated. / Tiivistelmä Euroopassa syntyy vuosittain noin 4 Mt terästeollisuden sivutuotetta, JV-kuonaa, josta 80 % läjitetään tai kaatopaikoitetaan. Maailmanlaajuisesti syntyvän kuonan määrä tulee todennäköisesti kasvamaan laadukkaiden terästuotteiden ennustetun kysynnän kanssa. Tämän vuoksi kuonalle tulisi löytää hyötökäyttökohde, jota vältyttäisiin läjitykseltä. JV-kuona sisältääkin suuria määriä kalsiumia ja alumiinia sekä mineralogisia faaseja, joilla on sementtimäisiä ominaisuuksia. Näin kuonaa voitaisiin käyttää sovelluksissa, joissa tällä hetkellä käytetään kalliita kaupallisia sementtejä. Tämän väitöskirjan tarkoituksena oli tutkia JV-kuonan ominaisuuksia sementtimäisenä sideaineena alkali-aktivoinnissa sekä hydraulisena sideaineena yksinään että kipsin kanssa sekoitettuna. Väitöskirjan tulokset osoittivat, että JV-kuonaa voidaan käyttää prekursorina alkali-aktivoinnissa tai hydraulisena sideaineena pelkästään veden kanssa tai yhdessä kipsin ja veden kanssa. Saavutetut puristuslujuuset vaihtelivat 35 ja 92 MPa:n välillä, jotka vastaavat normaalin ja erityislujan betonin lujuuksia. JV-kuonan reaktiotuotteet alkali-aktivonnin jälkeen analysoitiin XRD- ja FTIR-analyyseillä. Tuloksista nähtiin, että alkali-aktivoinnin jälkeen reaktiotuote on sementin kaltainen kalsium-aluminatti-silikaati-hydraati (C-A-S-H) -tyyppinen faasi. XRD-, SEM-, TGA- ja NMR-analyysit osoittivat JV-kuonan hydrataatiotuotteiden olevan erilaisia kalsium-aluminaattihydraatteja (C₂AH₈, C₃AH₆, AH₃ ja C₂ASH₈). Tämän vuoksi työssä tutkittiin eri vesi–kuona-suhteita, ja havaittiin, että kun käytetään alhaista kuona-vesi –suhdetta (0,35), reaktiotuoteiden muutos vähenee ja lujuus paranee. Toinen tapa, jolla voidaan estää reaktiotuotteiden muuttuminen, on kipsin lisäys: lisäämällä kipsiä tuotetaan runsaasti ettringiittiä (C₆A\(\bar{S}\)₃H₃₂). Kun ettringiittiä muodostuu kalsium-aluminaattihydraattien sijaan, lujuus kasvaa, pakkaskestävyys paranee ja kuivumiskutistuma paranee. Väitöskirjan viimeisessä osiossa tutkittiin JV-kuonan mahdollista käyttöä tulenkestävänä materiaalina ja huomattiin, että sen tulenkestävyysominaisuudet vaihtelevat käytetyn aktivointityypin mukaan.

Controle da geração da drenagem ácida da mineração de carvão pelo método de aditivos alcalinos com escória de aciaria elétrica

Machado, Luciana Angelita January 2013 (has links)
A disposição de rejeitos com potencial de geração de acidez e consequente geração de drenagem ácida de mina (DAM) é um dos grandes problemas ambientais enfrentados pela indústria da mineração de carvão, pois a disposição inadequada contamina a água e o solo. A DAM é uma solução aquosa caracterizada por possuir pH geralmente abaixo de 3 e diversos metais dissolvidos. Devido a essas características, a DAM representa grandes riscos ambientais, em especial, aos recursos hídricos, em consequência da solubilização e mobilização de metais pesados. Este problema requer estudos no sentido de encontrar soluções que venham a minimizar os danos causados ao meio ambiente. A utilização de metodologias alternativas para a disposição dos rejeitos de mineração de carvão constitui em uma estratégia básica para a viabilidade de tais empreendimentos. Visando atender a esta necessidade, o presente trabalho estudou o controle da geração da DAM pelo método de aditivos alcalinos com o uso de escória de aciaria elétrica do forno panela (EAE-FP). A metodologia do trabalho incluiu a caracterização dos materiais, ensaios estáticos e ensaios cinéticos. Os ensaios estáticos foram realizados pelo método de contabilização de ácidos e bases, enquanto que os ensaios cinéticos foram realizados pelo método de células úmidas. Após foi realizada a mistura do rejeito de carvão com a EAE-FP em diferentes dosagens e foram dispostas a céu aberto, sujeitas à precipitação pluviométrica. Esses ensaios tiveram por objetivo uma melhor compreensão dos materiais em ambiente controlado e expostos ao intemperismo. Os resultados demonstram que a água que percolou pelo rejeito de carvão apresentou-se ácida e a água que percolou pela EAE-FP, alcalina. Contudo, os problemas ambientais podem ser em grande parte resolvidos pela mistura do rejeito de carvão com EAE-FP em uma proporção de RC:EAE-FP 10:10 estabelecida pelos ensaios estáticos. Os ensaios cinéticos e o experimento ao ar livre demonstram que durante vários meses de ensaios, na proporção RC:EAE-FP 10:10, ocorre um aumento do pH e uma redução na liberação de acidez, metais e sulfatos na água lixiviada. Análises adicionais de toxicidade para o microcrustáceo (Daphnia similis), peixes (Pimephales promelas) e algas (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata) mostraram que o lixiviado da proporção RC:EAE-FP 10:15, apresentou níveis menores de toxicidade do que o lixiviado da proporção RC:EAE-FP 10:10, além da redução na liberação da acidez, metais e sulfato. Os resultados demonstraram a eficácia do método na qualidade da água de percolação tanto em termos de pH, concentrações de metais e toxicidade do efluente. Pode-se concluir que o método de contabilização de ácidos e bases mostra-se adequado para definir a proporção de mistura dos materiais. Essas misturas podem ser empregadas no controle da DAM tanto em depósitos de rejeitos em superfícies como no retorno dos rejeitos de carvão para o subsolo. / The waste disposal with potential to generate acidity and consequent generation of acid mine drainage (DAM) is one of the major environmental problems facing the coal mining industry since the improper disposal contaminates water and soil. DAM is an aqueous solution characterized by having pH below 3 and typically many dissolved metals. Due to these characteristics, the DAM is major environmental risks, especially to water resources as a result of solubilization and mobilization of heavy metals. This problem requires studies to find solutions that will minimize damage to the environment. The use of alternatives for the disposal of tailings coal mining methodologies constitutes a basic strategy for the viability of such projects. Aiming to address this need, this paper studied the control of the generation of DAM by alkali additives method with the use of the ladle slag of electric steelmaking (LSES). The methodology of the study included the characterization of materials, static tests and kinetic assays. The static tests were performed by the recording method of acids and bases, while kinetic assays were performed by the method of wet cells. Upon mixing coal tailing was performed with the LSES in different dosages and were placed in the open, subject to rainfall. These tests were aimed at a better understanding of the materials in a controlled environment and exposed to weathering. The results demonstrate that water leached by coal waste is introduced and acid leached by water LSES alkaline. However, environmental problems can be largely solved by mixing the coal waste with LSES in a ratio of CW:LSES 10:10 established by static tests. Kinetic assays and outdoor experiment demonstrate that several months of tests, the ratio CW:LSES 10:10, there is an increase in pH and a reduction in the release of acidity, metals and sulphate in the leach water. Further analysis of toxicity microcrustacean (Daphnia similis), fish (Pimephales promelas) and algae (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata) showed that the proportion leached CW:LSES 10:15, showed lower levels of toxicity than the proportion of leached CW:LSES 10:10, besides the reduction in the release of acidity, metals and sulfate. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of the method on the quality of percolating water in terms of pH, metal concentration and toxicity of the effluent. It can be concluded that the method of recording of acids and bases proves to be adequate to set the mixing ratio of the materials. These blends can be used to control both DAM tailings deposits on surfaces such as the return of waste coal underground.

Controle da geração da drenagem ácida da mineração de carvão pelo método de aditivos alcalinos com escória de aciaria elétrica

Machado, Luciana Angelita January 2013 (has links)
A disposição de rejeitos com potencial de geração de acidez e consequente geração de drenagem ácida de mina (DAM) é um dos grandes problemas ambientais enfrentados pela indústria da mineração de carvão, pois a disposição inadequada contamina a água e o solo. A DAM é uma solução aquosa caracterizada por possuir pH geralmente abaixo de 3 e diversos metais dissolvidos. Devido a essas características, a DAM representa grandes riscos ambientais, em especial, aos recursos hídricos, em consequência da solubilização e mobilização de metais pesados. Este problema requer estudos no sentido de encontrar soluções que venham a minimizar os danos causados ao meio ambiente. A utilização de metodologias alternativas para a disposição dos rejeitos de mineração de carvão constitui em uma estratégia básica para a viabilidade de tais empreendimentos. Visando atender a esta necessidade, o presente trabalho estudou o controle da geração da DAM pelo método de aditivos alcalinos com o uso de escória de aciaria elétrica do forno panela (EAE-FP). A metodologia do trabalho incluiu a caracterização dos materiais, ensaios estáticos e ensaios cinéticos. Os ensaios estáticos foram realizados pelo método de contabilização de ácidos e bases, enquanto que os ensaios cinéticos foram realizados pelo método de células úmidas. Após foi realizada a mistura do rejeito de carvão com a EAE-FP em diferentes dosagens e foram dispostas a céu aberto, sujeitas à precipitação pluviométrica. Esses ensaios tiveram por objetivo uma melhor compreensão dos materiais em ambiente controlado e expostos ao intemperismo. Os resultados demonstram que a água que percolou pelo rejeito de carvão apresentou-se ácida e a água que percolou pela EAE-FP, alcalina. Contudo, os problemas ambientais podem ser em grande parte resolvidos pela mistura do rejeito de carvão com EAE-FP em uma proporção de RC:EAE-FP 10:10 estabelecida pelos ensaios estáticos. Os ensaios cinéticos e o experimento ao ar livre demonstram que durante vários meses de ensaios, na proporção RC:EAE-FP 10:10, ocorre um aumento do pH e uma redução na liberação de acidez, metais e sulfatos na água lixiviada. Análises adicionais de toxicidade para o microcrustáceo (Daphnia similis), peixes (Pimephales promelas) e algas (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata) mostraram que o lixiviado da proporção RC:EAE-FP 10:15, apresentou níveis menores de toxicidade do que o lixiviado da proporção RC:EAE-FP 10:10, além da redução na liberação da acidez, metais e sulfato. Os resultados demonstraram a eficácia do método na qualidade da água de percolação tanto em termos de pH, concentrações de metais e toxicidade do efluente. Pode-se concluir que o método de contabilização de ácidos e bases mostra-se adequado para definir a proporção de mistura dos materiais. Essas misturas podem ser empregadas no controle da DAM tanto em depósitos de rejeitos em superfícies como no retorno dos rejeitos de carvão para o subsolo. / The waste disposal with potential to generate acidity and consequent generation of acid mine drainage (DAM) is one of the major environmental problems facing the coal mining industry since the improper disposal contaminates water and soil. DAM is an aqueous solution characterized by having pH below 3 and typically many dissolved metals. Due to these characteristics, the DAM is major environmental risks, especially to water resources as a result of solubilization and mobilization of heavy metals. This problem requires studies to find solutions that will minimize damage to the environment. The use of alternatives for the disposal of tailings coal mining methodologies constitutes a basic strategy for the viability of such projects. Aiming to address this need, this paper studied the control of the generation of DAM by alkali additives method with the use of the ladle slag of electric steelmaking (LSES). The methodology of the study included the characterization of materials, static tests and kinetic assays. The static tests were performed by the recording method of acids and bases, while kinetic assays were performed by the method of wet cells. Upon mixing coal tailing was performed with the LSES in different dosages and were placed in the open, subject to rainfall. These tests were aimed at a better understanding of the materials in a controlled environment and exposed to weathering. The results demonstrate that water leached by coal waste is introduced and acid leached by water LSES alkaline. However, environmental problems can be largely solved by mixing the coal waste with LSES in a ratio of CW:LSES 10:10 established by static tests. Kinetic assays and outdoor experiment demonstrate that several months of tests, the ratio CW:LSES 10:10, there is an increase in pH and a reduction in the release of acidity, metals and sulphate in the leach water. Further analysis of toxicity microcrustacean (Daphnia similis), fish (Pimephales promelas) and algae (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata) showed that the proportion leached CW:LSES 10:15, showed lower levels of toxicity than the proportion of leached CW:LSES 10:10, besides the reduction in the release of acidity, metals and sulfate. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of the method on the quality of percolating water in terms of pH, metal concentration and toxicity of the effluent. It can be concluded that the method of recording of acids and bases proves to be adequate to set the mixing ratio of the materials. These blends can be used to control both DAM tailings deposits on surfaces such as the return of waste coal underground.

Controle da geração da drenagem ácida da mineração de carvão pelo método de aditivos alcalinos com escória de aciaria elétrica

Machado, Luciana Angelita January 2013 (has links)
A disposição de rejeitos com potencial de geração de acidez e consequente geração de drenagem ácida de mina (DAM) é um dos grandes problemas ambientais enfrentados pela indústria da mineração de carvão, pois a disposição inadequada contamina a água e o solo. A DAM é uma solução aquosa caracterizada por possuir pH geralmente abaixo de 3 e diversos metais dissolvidos. Devido a essas características, a DAM representa grandes riscos ambientais, em especial, aos recursos hídricos, em consequência da solubilização e mobilização de metais pesados. Este problema requer estudos no sentido de encontrar soluções que venham a minimizar os danos causados ao meio ambiente. A utilização de metodologias alternativas para a disposição dos rejeitos de mineração de carvão constitui em uma estratégia básica para a viabilidade de tais empreendimentos. Visando atender a esta necessidade, o presente trabalho estudou o controle da geração da DAM pelo método de aditivos alcalinos com o uso de escória de aciaria elétrica do forno panela (EAE-FP). A metodologia do trabalho incluiu a caracterização dos materiais, ensaios estáticos e ensaios cinéticos. Os ensaios estáticos foram realizados pelo método de contabilização de ácidos e bases, enquanto que os ensaios cinéticos foram realizados pelo método de células úmidas. Após foi realizada a mistura do rejeito de carvão com a EAE-FP em diferentes dosagens e foram dispostas a céu aberto, sujeitas à precipitação pluviométrica. Esses ensaios tiveram por objetivo uma melhor compreensão dos materiais em ambiente controlado e expostos ao intemperismo. Os resultados demonstram que a água que percolou pelo rejeito de carvão apresentou-se ácida e a água que percolou pela EAE-FP, alcalina. Contudo, os problemas ambientais podem ser em grande parte resolvidos pela mistura do rejeito de carvão com EAE-FP em uma proporção de RC:EAE-FP 10:10 estabelecida pelos ensaios estáticos. Os ensaios cinéticos e o experimento ao ar livre demonstram que durante vários meses de ensaios, na proporção RC:EAE-FP 10:10, ocorre um aumento do pH e uma redução na liberação de acidez, metais e sulfatos na água lixiviada. Análises adicionais de toxicidade para o microcrustáceo (Daphnia similis), peixes (Pimephales promelas) e algas (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata) mostraram que o lixiviado da proporção RC:EAE-FP 10:15, apresentou níveis menores de toxicidade do que o lixiviado da proporção RC:EAE-FP 10:10, além da redução na liberação da acidez, metais e sulfato. Os resultados demonstraram a eficácia do método na qualidade da água de percolação tanto em termos de pH, concentrações de metais e toxicidade do efluente. Pode-se concluir que o método de contabilização de ácidos e bases mostra-se adequado para definir a proporção de mistura dos materiais. Essas misturas podem ser empregadas no controle da DAM tanto em depósitos de rejeitos em superfícies como no retorno dos rejeitos de carvão para o subsolo. / The waste disposal with potential to generate acidity and consequent generation of acid mine drainage (DAM) is one of the major environmental problems facing the coal mining industry since the improper disposal contaminates water and soil. DAM is an aqueous solution characterized by having pH below 3 and typically many dissolved metals. Due to these characteristics, the DAM is major environmental risks, especially to water resources as a result of solubilization and mobilization of heavy metals. This problem requires studies to find solutions that will minimize damage to the environment. The use of alternatives for the disposal of tailings coal mining methodologies constitutes a basic strategy for the viability of such projects. Aiming to address this need, this paper studied the control of the generation of DAM by alkali additives method with the use of the ladle slag of electric steelmaking (LSES). The methodology of the study included the characterization of materials, static tests and kinetic assays. The static tests were performed by the recording method of acids and bases, while kinetic assays were performed by the method of wet cells. Upon mixing coal tailing was performed with the LSES in different dosages and were placed in the open, subject to rainfall. These tests were aimed at a better understanding of the materials in a controlled environment and exposed to weathering. The results demonstrate that water leached by coal waste is introduced and acid leached by water LSES alkaline. However, environmental problems can be largely solved by mixing the coal waste with LSES in a ratio of CW:LSES 10:10 established by static tests. Kinetic assays and outdoor experiment demonstrate that several months of tests, the ratio CW:LSES 10:10, there is an increase in pH and a reduction in the release of acidity, metals and sulphate in the leach water. Further analysis of toxicity microcrustacean (Daphnia similis), fish (Pimephales promelas) and algae (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata) showed that the proportion leached CW:LSES 10:15, showed lower levels of toxicity than the proportion of leached CW:LSES 10:10, besides the reduction in the release of acidity, metals and sulfate. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of the method on the quality of percolating water in terms of pH, metal concentration and toxicity of the effluent. It can be concluded that the method of recording of acids and bases proves to be adequate to set the mixing ratio of the materials. These blends can be used to control both DAM tailings deposits on surfaces such as the return of waste coal underground.

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