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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Atsitiktinių ir sisteminių faktorių laminavimo kokybei įtakos tyrimas / Investigation of casual and systematic factors influencing the lamination quality

Umbrasas, Edmundas 22 July 2008 (has links)
Darbe ištirtas elektrofotografinių atspaudų laminavimo stipris bei pailgėjimas atplėšiant laminatą. Tyrimui naudota dešimt skirtingų popieriaus rūšių, šešios laminavimo plėvelių rūšys. Laminavimo stipris testuotas esant dažų dengimo plotui nuo 0 iki 400 % (25 variantai). Nustatyta, kad elektrofotografinių atspaudų laminavimo stipris yra mažesnis už švaraus popieriaus ir tolygiai mažėja didėjant dažų plotui. Laminavimo stipris taip pat priklauso nuo popieriaus ir plėvelės rūšies. Laminavimo blizgiosiomis plėvelėmis laminavimo stipris yra didesnis lyginant su matinėmis plėvelėmis. Šie dėsningumai aiškinami dažų kogezijos ir dažų ir plėvelių adhezijos ypatumais. Nustatytos optimalios laminavimo stiprio atžvilgiu popieriaus ir plėvelių kombinacijos. Darbą sudaro 8 dalys: įvadas, literatūros apžvalga, tyrimų metodika, rezultatai ir jų aptarimas, išvados ir rekomendacijos, santrumpos, literatūros sąrašas, priedai. Darbo apimtis – 59 p. teksto be priedų, 21 lentelė, 35 paveikslai, 17 bibliografinių šaltinių. Darbo priedai pridedami darbo pabaigoje. / The strength and elongation before total delaminating of elctrophotographic prints were investigated. 10 different paper grades and 6 different lamination films were tested. Lamination strength was tested at ink coatings from 0 to 400 % (25 different versions). It was established that lamination strength of electro photographic prints is lower as compared with nonprinted paper. The lamination strength gradually decreases with toner coating and depends on paper and laminating film properties. Glossy films exhibit higher lamination strength as compared with mat tone. These phenomena are explained by toner and films adhesion and cohesion peculiarities. The optimal combinations of paper and lamination film. Thesis consist of: 59 p. text without appendixes, 21 tables, 35 pictures, 17 bibliographical entries. Appendixes are added after the main part of master thesis.

Zwei Anwendungsbeispiele für Textilbeton

Brameshuber, Wolfgang, Mott, Rebecca 03 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Veröffentlichung werden 2 Anwendungsbeispiele für Textilbeton vorgestellt, ein nachträgliches Abdichtungssystem sowie eine bauteilintegrierte Schalung. Teil 1: Da in vielen Regionen Deutschlands steigende Grundwasserspiegel zu verzeichnen sind und bestehende Gebäude, die nicht für den Belastungsfall „drückendes Wasser“ ausgelegt sind, mit einem tragfähigen nachträglichen Abdichtungssystem ertüchtigt werden müssen, wurde ein entsprechendes Abdichtungssystem aus Textilbeton entwickelt. Durch die Verwendung des Textilbetons ist es möglich, ein Abdichtungssystem mit einer geringen Bauteilstärke von 30 mm im Spritzverfahren herzustellen. Teil 2: Die bauteilintegrierte Schalung (BIS) aus Textilbeton nimmt während der Betonage den Frischbetondruck auf. Im Endzustand bildet sie die Bauteiloberfläche und kann Anforderungen hinsichtlich Tragfähigkeit, Sichtbeton- und Oberflächenqualität sowie Oberflächenausbildung (Farbe, Struktur) erfüllen. BISElemente können werksmäßig wirtschaftlich und qualitativ hochwertig hergestellt werden.

Zwei Anwendungsbeispiele für Textilbeton

Brameshuber, Wolfgang, Mott, Rebecca 03 June 2009 (has links)
In dieser Veröffentlichung werden 2 Anwendungsbeispiele für Textilbeton vorgestellt, ein nachträgliches Abdichtungssystem sowie eine bauteilintegrierte Schalung. Teil 1: Da in vielen Regionen Deutschlands steigende Grundwasserspiegel zu verzeichnen sind und bestehende Gebäude, die nicht für den Belastungsfall „drückendes Wasser“ ausgelegt sind, mit einem tragfähigen nachträglichen Abdichtungssystem ertüchtigt werden müssen, wurde ein entsprechendes Abdichtungssystem aus Textilbeton entwickelt. Durch die Verwendung des Textilbetons ist es möglich, ein Abdichtungssystem mit einer geringen Bauteilstärke von 30 mm im Spritzverfahren herzustellen. Teil 2: Die bauteilintegrierte Schalung (BIS) aus Textilbeton nimmt während der Betonage den Frischbetondruck auf. Im Endzustand bildet sie die Bauteiloberfläche und kann Anforderungen hinsichtlich Tragfähigkeit, Sichtbeton- und Oberflächenqualität sowie Oberflächenausbildung (Farbe, Struktur) erfüllen. BISElemente können werksmäßig wirtschaftlich und qualitativ hochwertig hergestellt werden.

Massivträ : Jämförelse mellan olika principer för sammanfogning av trä till plattelement med avseende på pris, hållfasthet och ekologi / Solid Wood Systems : Comparison of different principles to combine timber to solid wood boards in consideration of cost, sustainability and ecology

Buck, Dietrich January 2013 (has links)
Ökad användning av byggtekniken massivträ kan ge ett positivt bidrag till hållbart byggande. Utvecklingen inom datornavigerad bearbetning ger massivträ möjligheten att rationalisera byggproduktionen inom trä. Tekniken ligger rätt i tiden och kommer att värderas allt högre då den tillvaratar materialets karaktäristiska egenskaper. Utvecklingen av massivträ har resulterat i teknikvarianter av hur virke kan sammanfogas till solida element. Ett behov har funnits av en marknadsjämförelse mellan befintliga principer där studien förtydligar grundläggande skillnader för intresserade byggaktörer. Problemfrågan för denna studie har varit: vilka principer för sammanfogning av trä till plattelement inom massivträ är mest fördelaktiga? Detta sett utifrån faktorerna produktionskostnad, hållfasthet och ekologiska övervägningar. För att förtydliga den undersökta byggmetodens nytta i ett vidare perspektiv har det presenterats en allmän beskrivning av massivträ. Studien är jämförande och grundar sig på en litteraturstudie samt företagskontakter med 27 företag i 6 länder. Följande tekniker för tillverkning av plattelement i massivträ har behandlats i rapporten:  Limning  Spikning  Klamring  Skruvning  Tvärspänning  Dymling: vertikal-, horisontal- och diagonalgående samt med skruvar i trä  Laskning  Träsvetsning Studien visar att teknikerna inom massivträ skiljer sig åt. Högst bedömning får korslimmat trä (CLT) när det gäller kostnad och hållfasthet. Med hänsyn till ekologin värderas laskat trä högst. Vid en sammanvägning av hållfasthet och ekologi är den skruvformade trädymlingen fördelaktigast. Dessa alternativ ger valfrihet i synlig yta samt ett effektivt resursutnyttjande av lågvärdigare virkeskvalitéer och lämpar sig inom bostadsbyggnation. CLT är mest kostnadseffektivt, inte patentskyddat samt det mest etablerade alternativet på marknaden dock är utvecklingen av ett sunt lim fortfarande under arbete. I pågående forskning finns ett annat alternativ där tekniken träsvetsning visat ge en starkare fog än lim. Ur ekologisk synpunkt är plattelement genomgående i trä är att föredra, då det ger en sund konstruktion i full skala, eftersom inga kemikalier eller lagerresurser används. Forskning har visat att massivträ har en positiv och hälsofrämjande effekt på de boende i motsats till effekterna av icke naturliga material. / The increasing use of solid wood construction methods can have a positive impact on the sustainability of constructions. The development of computer-controlled processing techniques enables the solid wood timber industry to rationalize the construction of buildings. The solid wood techniques come at time and will be higher valued in the future due to the natural characteristics of this material. The improvement of solid wood methods has resulted in various techniques to join wood into solid prefabricated parts. There is a need for a comparative market study of the different principles of solid wood construction to widen the knowledge and to explain interested builders the viability of these techniques. The key question for this study is: Which techniques of combining solid wood elements to whole boards are the most favorable ones concerning wood construction buildings – leaving apart questions of production costs, durability and ecological considerations? To point out the utility of these construction techniques and give them a broader understanding a general study of solid wood construction has been presented. The comparative study is based as well on studies of literature as on reviews of 27 companies in 6 countries. The following techniques for the production of boards made of solid timber elements are considered in this report:  Laminating  Nailing  Stapling  Screwing  Stress laminating  Doweling: vertically, horizontally, diagonally and with wooden screws  Dovetailing techniques  Wood welding techniques The study shows that the techniques of solid wood construction are very different in itself. CLT of cross-laminated timber scores highest in terms of cost and durability, but if one considers ecological factors, dovetailing is best. Taking into account both durability and ecological considerations, doweling is best. These alternatives give some freedom of choice regarding the visibility of surfaces and the efficient use of lower qualities of timber and they are therefore suitable for residential construction buildings. CLT is the most cost-effective, not patented and well established option in the market; the development of more health-friendly adhesives is still going on. Current researches demonstrate an alternative: Wood welding joins the parts better together than gluing them. Considered from the ecological viewpoint, boards made exclusively of wood, are preferable since no chemicals or not renewable resources are used. Recent researches show, that solid wood constructions have positive effects on the health of the residents of these buildings in comparison of buildings using non-natural materials. / <p>ORCID-id: 0000-0001-7091-6696</p>

Influence of Fenugreek gum on bread and in vitro physiological effects

Roberts, Keisha 18 May 2012 (has links)
ABSTRACT Influence of fenugreek gum on bread and in vitro physiological effects Keisha T. Roberts Advisors: University of Guelph Dr. S.W. Cui Professor T.E. Graham This thesis examined the effect of fenugreek gum, from Canadian grown fenugreek on bread quality, when substituted for wheat flour at 5 % and 10 %, and the in vitro physiological effects of these breads, based on models of acute and long - term feeding. Study I determined bread could be produced with 10 % fenugreek gum, while maintaining quality parameters of volume and texture, comparable to a control. This was accomplished through the development of a novel bread production method, using the lamination procedure for puff pastry production. The behavior of fenugreek gum and starch (wheat flour) was determined by rapid visco analysis (RVA), farinograph and dynamic rheological measurement, while scanning electron microscopy of bread found fenugreek gum could be identified within the bread matrix. Study 2 in vitro starch digestion found fenugreek gum at 5 % and 10 % reduced glucose liberated from bread, with 10 % fenugreek gum causing a reduction of over 30 %. RVA of fenugreek breads highlighted differences in viscosity between breads and wheat flour substituted with the gum. This was substantial as viscosity measurements by RVA are conducted on raw ingredients and not the food as consumed, which reflects the possible reduction in viscosity with food processing. This study also determined extruding fenugreek gum may have caused morphological changes to the gum, which may possibly contribute to attenuation of glucose liberated in vitro. Study 3 evaluated the accumulation of short chain fatty acids (SCFA) from the fermentation of three substrates: Extruded fenugreek gum, bread with 10 % extruded gum and control bread, based on fecal microbiota from three donors. SCFA profiles varied with substrates and donors, with fenugreek gum having the highest accumulation of SCFA after 12 hours. Donors were a caucuasian Canadian, a black Jamaican and a black Trinidadian who was the only donor culturally exposed to fenugreek. This Trinidadian’s SCFA profiles were consistently higher for fenugreek gum than the other donors. These studies collectively showed fenugreek gum, though viscous could be successfully incorporated into bread and have potential as a functional food and nutraceutical.

Trend-sandwich : Exploring new ways of joining inspiration, such as different kinds of trends, through processes of morphing and melding different trendy garments and materials, for new methods, garment types, materials and expressions.

Bendzovski, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this work is to explore the joining of inspiration, such as different garments and materials, in relation to commonly used methods in the fashion industry when it comes to joining of different trends and references such as clashing and collaging. The work proposes a new method and framework for join- ing inspiration which generates different results depending on what kind of inspiration that is put in to it. A garment can roughly be broken down to a silhouette and shape, materials and details. The material put in to the method and framework is based on information from trend seminars for SS16, because that is how many of today’s trend-oriented fashion brands get there inspiration. Trendy garment silhouettes are mixed through processes of computational morphing in Adobe Flash by a generation of spin in the mixing process were shape hints are used in a new manner. The new generated silhouettes are further developed and materialized through procedures of interpretation and figuration. Different trendy materials are melded in a direct and concrete way through mixed media techniques such as laminating, fusing and vacuum-techniques. The final steps of the method is a garment shape and material synthesis with starting point in the generated shape with the final material. The projects intention is to let the physical experimentation, interpretation and figuration play a central role in the research process for new types of methods, garments, materials and expressive pos- sibilities.

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