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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spatial and temporal variability of the soil saturated hydraulic conductivity in gradients of disturbance

Zimmermann, Beate January 2007 (has links)
As land-cover conversion continues to expand into ever more remote areas in the humid tropics, montane rainforests are increasingly threatened. In the south Ecuadorian Andes, they are not only subject to man-made disturbances but also to naturally occurring landslides. I was interested in the impact of this ecosystem dynamics on a key parameter of the hydrologic cycle, the soil saturated hydraulic conductivity (synonym: permeability; Ks from here on), because it is a sensitive indicator for soil disturbances. My general objective was to quantify the effects of the regional natural and human disturbances on the saturated hydraulic conductivity and to describe the resulting spatial-temporal patterns. The main hypotheses were: 1) disturbances cause an apparent displacement of the less permeable soil layer towards the surface, either due to a loss of the permeable surface soil after land-sliding, or as a consequence of the surface soil compaction under cattle pastures; 2) ‘recovery’ from disturbance, either because of landslide re-vegetation or because of secondary succession after pasture abandonment, involves an apparent displacement of the less permeable layer back towards the original depth an 3) disturbances cause a simplification of the Ks spatial structure, i.e. the spatially dependent random variation diminishes; the subsequent recovery entails the re-establishment of the original structure. In my first study, I developed a synthesis of recent geostatistical research regarding its applicability to soil hydraulic data, including exploratory data analysis and variogram estimation techniques; I subsequently evaluated the results in terms of spatial prediction uncertainty. Concerning the exploratory data analysis, my main results were: 1) Gaussian uni- and bivariate distributions of the log-transformed data; 2) the existence of significant local trends; 3) no need for robust estimation; 4) no anisotropic variation. I found partly considerable differences in covariance parameters resulting from different variogram estimation techniques, which, in the framework of spatial prediction, were mainly reflected in the spatial connectivity of the Ks-field. Ignoring the trend component and an arbitrary use of robust estimators, however, would have the most severe consequences in this respect. Regarding variogram modeling, I encouraged restricted maximum likelihood estimation because of its accuracy and independence on the selected lags needed for experimental variograms. The second study dealt with the Ks spatial-temporal pattern in the sequences of natural and man-made disturbances characteristic for the montane rainforest study area. To investigate the disturbance effects both on global means and the spatial structure of Ks, a combined design-and model-based sampling approach was used for field-measurements at soil depths of 12.5, 20, and 50 cm (n=30-150/depth) under landslides of different ages (2 and 8 years), under actively grazed pasture, fallows following pasture abandonment (2 to 25 years of age), and under natural forest. Concerning global means, our main findings were 1) global means of the soil permeability generally decrease with increasing soil depth; 2) no significant Ks differences can be observed among landslides and compared to the natural forest; 3) a distinct permeability decrease of two orders of magnitude occurs after forest conversion to pasture at shallow soil depths, and 4) the slow regeneration process after pasture abandonment requires at least one decade. Regarding the Ks spatial structure, we found that 1) disturbances affect the Ks spatial structure in the topsoil, and 2) the largest differences in spatial patterns are associated with the subsoil permeability. In summary, the regional landslide activity seems to affect soil hydrology to a marginal extend only, which is in contrast to the pronounced drop of Ks after forest conversion. We used this spatial-temporal information combined with local rain intensities to assess the partitioning of rainfall into vertical and lateral flowpaths under undisturbed, disturbed, and regenerating land-cover types in the third study. It turned out that 1) the montane rainforest is characterized by prevailing vertical flowpaths in the topsoil, which can switch to lateral directions below 20 cm depth for a small number of rain events, which may, however, transport a high portion of the annual runoff; 2) similar hydrological flowpaths occur under the landslides except for a somewhat higher probability of impermeable layer formation in the topsoil of a young landslide, and 3) pronounced differences in runoff components can be observed for the human disturbance sequence involving the development of near-surface impeding layers for 24, 44, and 8 % of rain events for pasture, a two-year-old fallow, and a ten-year-old fallow, respectively. / Der tropische Bergregenwald in den Südecuadorianischen Anden unterliegt sowohl anthropogenen Eingriffen, d.h. der Umwandlung von Naturwald in Rinderweiden, als auch natürlichen Störungen in der Form von Hangrutschen. Ziel meiner Arbeit war es, die Auswirkungen dieser regionalen Störungsdynamik auf einen Schlüsselparameter des hydrologischen Kreislaufs, die gesättigte hydraulische Wasserleitfähigkeit (Ks), zu untersuchen und die resultierenden raum-zeitlichen Muster zu beschreiben. In der ersten Studie habe ich eine Synthese aktueller geostatistischer Forschung hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung für die Analyse bodenhydrologischer Daten entwickelt. Diese beinhaltet explorative Datenanalyse und verschiedene Techniken zur Schätzung der Kovarianzparameter; die Ergebnisse habe ich in Bezug auf die Ungenauigkeit räumlicher Vorhersagen bewertet. Es hat sich dabei herausgestellt, dass die Schätztechniken teilweise beachtliche Unterschiede in den Parametern hervorrufen, welche sich hauptsächlich in der räumlichen Konnektivität widergespiegeln. Die wichtigste Rolle im Zusammenhang mit der räumlichen Vorhersage kommt jedoch den vorgeordneten explorativen Analyseschritten zu. In der zweiten Studie habe ich mich mit der Beschreibung des raum-zeitlichen Muster der Wasserleitfähigkeit in den anthropogenen und natürlichen Störungsgradienten beschäftigt. Wichtigste Ergebnisse waren, dass es keine signifikanten Unterschiede der Wasserleitfähigkeit zwischen den verschieden alten Hangrutschen und dem Naturwald gibt. Daraus lässt sich schließen, dass die natürlichen Störungen im Untersuchungsgebiet lediglich marginale Auswirkungen auf die Bodenhydrology haben. Das steht in starkem Kontrast zum anthropogenen Störungskreislauf: die Wasserleitfähigkeit im Weideboden hat gegenüber dem Naturwald um zwei Größenordnungen abgenommen; eine „Erholung“ nach Nutzungsaufgabe scheint mindestens ein Jahrzehnt in Anspruch zu nehmen. Die räumlichen Abhängigkeit von Ks in den Oberböden von Wald und einer alten Brache ist stärker als in jenen der gestörten Flächen, was auf eine störungsbedingte Beeinträchtigung der räumlichen Struktur in geringer Bodentiefe schließen lässt. In der dritten Studie habe ich diese raum-zeitlichen Informationen mit dem örtlichen Niederschlagsregime in Verbindung gebracht, um Rückschlüsse auf die Auswirkungen der störungsbedingten Änderungen von Ks auf hydrologische Fließwege zu ziehen. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass im tropischen Bergregenwald und unter Hangrutschen ubiquitäre Tiefenversickerung dominiert, es allerdings zu einer Verschiebung in laterale Fließrichtungen für die seltenen intensiven Regenereignisse kommen kann. Anthropogene Störungen gehen mit einer um bis zu 50 Prozent erhöheren Wahrscheinlichkeit des Auftretens oberflächennaher Stauschichten einher, was die Bedeutung lateraler Fließwege erhöht. Dies trifft in vergleichbarer Größenordnung auch auf ein Vergleichsökosystem im Tieflandregenwald zu.

Landnutzungswandel und Biodiversität / eine historisch-ökologische Analyse am Beispiel des Naturraumes Göttinger Wald / Landuse changes and biodiversity / a case study in the natural landscape unit

Preutenborbeck, Jessica 01 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Saturated hydraulic conductivity in the humid tropics : sources of variability, implications for monitoring and effects on near-surface hydrological flow paths

Haßler, Sibylle Kathrin January 2013 (has links)
Large areas in the humid tropics are currently undergoing land-use change. The decrease of tropical rainforest, which is felled for land clearing and timber production, is countered by increasing areas of tree plantations and secondary forests. These changes are known to affect the regional water cycle as a result of plant-specific water demand and by influencing key soil properties which determine hydrological flow paths. One of these key properties sensitive to land-use change is the saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) as it governs vertical percolation of water within the soil profile. Low values of Ks in a certain soil depth can form an impeding layer and lead to perched water tables and the development of predominantly lateral flow paths such as overland flow. These processes can induce nutrient redistribution, erosion and soil degradation and thus affect ecosystem services and human livelihoods. Due to its sensitivity to land-use change, Ks is commonly used to assess the associated changes in hydrological flow paths. The objective of this dissertation was to assess the effect of land-use change on hydrological flow paths by analysing Ks as indicator variable. Sources of Ks variability, their implications for Ks monitoring and the relationship between Ks and near-surface hydrological flow paths in the context of land-use change were studied. The research area was located in central Panama, a country widely experiencing the abovementioned changes in land use. Ks is dependent on both static, soil-inherent properties such as particle size and clay mineralogy and dynamic, land use-dependent properties such as organic carbon content. By conducting a pair of studies with one of these influences held constant in each, the importance of static and dynamic properties for Ks was assessed. Applying a space-for-time approach to sample Ks under secondary forests of different age classes on comparable soils, a recovery of Ks from the former pasture use was shown to require more than eight years. The process was limited to the 0−6 cm sampling depth and showed large variability among replicates. A wavelet analysis of a Ks transect crossing different soil map units under comparable land cover, old-growth tropical rainforest, showed large small-scale variability, which was attributed to biotic influences, as well as a possible but non-conclusive influence of soil types. The two results highlight the importance of dynamic, land use-dependent influences on Ks. Monitoring studies can help to quantify land use-induced change of Ks, but there is a variety of sampling designs which differ in efficiency of estimating mean Ks. A comparative study of four designs and their suitability for Ks monitoring is used to give recommendations about designing a Ks monitoring scheme. Quantifying changes in spatial means of Ks for small catchments with a rotational stratified sampling design did not prove to be more efficient than Simple Random Sampling. The lack of large-scale spatial structure prevented benefits of stratification, and large small-scale variability resulting from local biotic processes and artificial effects of destructive sampling caused a lack of temporal consistency in the re-sampling of locations, which is part of the rotational design. The relationship between Ks and near-surface hydrological flow paths is of critical importance when assessing the consequences of land-use change in the humid tropics. The last part of this dissertation aimed at disclosing spatial relationships between Ks and overland flow as influenced by different land cover types. The effects of Ks on overland-flow generation were spatially variable, different between planar plots and incised flowlines and strongly influenced by land-cover characteristics. A simple comparison of Ks values and rainfall intensities was insufficient to describe the observed pattern of overland flow. Likewise, event flow in the stream was apparently not directly related to overland flow response patterns within the catchments. The study emphasises the importance of combining pedological, hydrological, meteorological and botanical measurements to comprehensively understand the land use-driven change in hydrological flow paths. In summary, Ks proved to be a suitable parameter for assessing the influence of land-use change on soils and hydrological processes. The results illustrated the importance of land cover and spatial variability of Ks for decisions on sampling designs and for interpreting overland-flow generation. As relationships between Ks and overland flow were shown to be complex and dependent on land cover, an interdisciplinary approach is required to comprehensively understand the effects of land-use change on soils and near-surface hydrological flow paths in the humid tropics. / Tropische Regionen sind einem andauernden Landnutzungswandel unterworfen. Einerseits wird tropischer Regenwald für Holz- und Flächengewinnung abgeholzt, andererseits fallen Flächen im Zuge der Urbanisierung brach. Diese werden zum Teil mit Nutzholz-Plantagen aufgeforstet, zum Teil entwickelt sich auf ihnen natürlicher Sekundärwald. Änderungen in der Landnutzung beeinflussen Bodeneigenschaften und dadurch implizit den Wasserkreislauf der Region. Eine dieser wichtigen landnutzungsabhängigen Bodeneigenschaften ist die gesättigte hydraulische Leitfähigkeit oder Permeabilität, die maßgeblich die Versickerungsrate im Boden bestimmt. Eine niedrige Permeabilität hemmt die (vertikale) Versickerung und kann dazu führen, dass laterale hydrologische Fließpfade wie z.B. Oberflächenabfluss aktiviert werden. Dadurch wird sowohl die Bodenerosion und Nährstoffverlagerung verstärkt als auch die Auffüllung des Grundwasserspeichers verringert. In welchem Maße jedoch die Änderung der Permeabilität während des Landnutzungswandels eine Änderung der hydrologischen Fließpfade nach sich zieht, ist noch unzureichend erforscht. Die Zielstellung der vorliegenden Dissertation war, mit Hilfe der Permeabilität als Indikatorvariable die Auswirkungen des Landnutzungswandels auf bodennahe hydrologische Fließpfade zu beurteilen. Dabei sollten die Quellen der Variabilität der Permeabilität anhand des Einflusses von Bodentyp und Landnutzung eingeschätzt, diese Variabilität in das Design einer Probenahmestrategie für die Permeabilität integriert und die Auswirkungen dieser Einflüsse auf die Aktivierung lateraler Fließpfade untersucht werden. Die Studien wurden in Panama durchgeführt, da dieses Land stark vom Landnutzungswandel betroffen ist, eine gute Forschungsinfrastruktur aufweist und sich durch die hohen Niederschläge des tropischen Klimas Änderungen im Wasserkreislauf besonders stark auswirken. Zwei Teilstudien zu den Quellen der Variabilität der Permeabilität lieferten Hinweise auf einen möglichen Einfluss des Bodentyps, der jedoch durch den lokal stärkeren Einfluss der Landnutzung überprägt wurde. Auf regionaler Skala wurde die Erholung der Permeabilität unter Sekundärwald nach einer vorhergehenden Weidenutzung belegt. Beide Studien deuteten auf einen maßgeblichen Einfluss der Landnutzung und der räumlichen Struktur der Permeabilität auf die untersuchten Prozesse hin. Für die effiziente Abschätzung zeitlicher Veränderungen der Permeabilität, wie sie im Zuge des Landnutzungswandels auftritt, ist die Einbeziehung dieser räumlichen Strukturen in das Design einer Probenahmestrategie für die Permeabilität von großer Bedeutung, wie in einem Vergleich vier verschiedener Designs gezeigt wurde. Der Zusammenhang zwischen der Permeabilität und der Entstehung von Oberflächenabfluss konnte nicht durch einfache Ansätze, wie dem Vergleich der Permeabilität mit Regenintensitäten oder der Betrachtung des Gebietsabflusses, erklärt werden. Vielmehr scheint ein komplexes Zusammenspiel aus meteorologischen, biologischen, bodenkundlichen und hydrologischen Faktoren zu wirken. So wurde die räumliche Struktur des Oberflächenabflusses im Untersuchungsgebiet vermutlich durch eine Kombination aus Landnutzungs- und Permeabilitäts-Einflüssen bedingt, zu deren Aufklärung weitere notwendige Messungen vorgeschlagen werden. Zusammengefasst konnte anhand der Permeabilität der Einfluss des Landnutzungswandels auf die hydrologischen Fließpfade gut aufgezeigt werden. Eine besondere Bedeutung kommt hierbei der Betrachtung der landnutzungsabhängigen räumlichen Struktur der Permeabilität zu. Für die Prozessaufklärung der Aktivierung lateraler Fließpfade müssen jedoch Messungen aus verschiedenen Disziplinen kombiniert werden.

Assessment of soil fertility change and sustainability of agroecological management in different land use systems of the southern Ecuadorian Andes / Bewertung der Veränderung der Bodenfruchtbarkeit und der Nachhaltigkeit des agroökologischen Managements in verschiedenen Landnutzungssystemen Südecuadors anhand quantitativer und qualitativer Methoden

Bahr, Etienne 16 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The thesis was conducted to investigate soil fertility changes and assess the sustainability of agroecological management in different land-use systems of the southern Ecuadorian Andes using quantitative and qualitative methods. Ecuador still holds the highest deforestation rate of all Latin American countries which also has a large impact in the research area by forest conversion into agricultural land. Agricultural land-use systems in the research area are multifaceted due to heterogeneous biophysical and socio-economic conditions. To map this diversity, land-use systems were investigated in Yantzaza (low-external-input), El Tambo (irrigated cash crops) and San Lucas (integrated nutrient management). Yet, management effects on soil fertility have not been assessed systematically in Ecuadorian farming systems which hampers the evaluation whether agroecological management is sustainable. Therefore, the present study used a set of quantitative and qualitative approaches to assess soil fertility changes at plot and farm scale with a nutrient balance/chronosequence approach and local expert knowledge. Nutrient balances were modeled with Nutmon after adaptation of difficult-to-quantify flows to the local conditions facilitating area and land-use specific calculation. Soil nutrient balances in the research area were diverse and varied between −151 to 66 kg ha-1 a-1, −4 to 33 kg ha-1 a-1 and −346 to 39 kg ha-1 a-1 for NPK, respectively. The evaluation of socio-economic and soil fertility explanatory variables revealed that up to 70% of the balances’ variability could be explained. Land-uses with a strong market orientation such as annual crops in El Tambo received large amounts of external inputs which were often focused on mineral N fertilization causing strongly negative PK balances. In contrast, P balances were mainly positive after the application of organic fertilizers and nutrient recycling as was found in perennial crops of San Lucas. NP balances in annual crops of Yantzaza were most negative due to the low-external-input system with nonexistent fertilization as well as leaching and burning of crop residues. Highest soil nutrient stocks were found in land-uses benefiting from a surplus of within-farm flows. The quantification of soil nutrient stocks and their temporal changes were carried out with a chronosequence approach in Yantzaza. SOC stocks in annual/perennial crops and pastures decreased between 14% and 19% after forest conversion by slash-and-burn. Annual sites were abandoned not later than five years after forest conversion due to a shortage of available N and P closely linked to low-external-input management. Stocks for TN, TP, TS and exchangeable bases increased above forest level in perennial crops and pastures 6-20 years after forest conversion. Yet a strong decrease in SOC and soil nutrient stocks was found in oldest perennial and pasture sites compared to medium aged sites. This was traced back to adverse site processes such as the decay of clay humus complexes, leaching as well as poor pasture management. To assess sustainability of the agroecological management, a set of sustainability indicators was implemented including N balances, yearly N stock change and SOC stocks as well as total (TN) and available (PO4-P) soil nutrient stocks. Sustainability assessment took place based on individual land-uses and nutrients within each pilot study since soil fertility change did not show a consistent trend within one research area. Despite mainly negative soil nutrient balances, the impact on the yearly soil nutrient stock change was often negligible due to large soil nutrient pools. Annual and perennial crops of Yantzaza and pastures of San Lucas exceeded the threshold value of 1% for yearly TN stock losses. Yet, only annual crops in Yantzaza, having the highest yearly TN stock losses of 4.9%, also showed severe TN and SOC losses between 15-25% below those of the forest reference area. Therefore, the present agroecological management of annuals in Yantzaza is not sustainable which was also indicated by the abandonment of these sites not later than 5 years after forest conversion due to soil fertility decline. Hence, it is proposed to install an integrated agricultural management in annual crops of Yantzaza using nutrient recycling and fertilization for the replenishment of soil nutrient stocks. Nutrient balance studies indicated an average N-fertilizer application of more than 200 kg ha-1 a-1 for annual crops in El Tambo and low SOC stocks in soils of the colluvial foot slopes. Therefore, a laboratory incubation experiment was conducted to investigate fertilization effects of urea and newly introduced guinea pig manure on the microbial activity in colluvial and eroded soils of El Tambo. While urea fertilization induced an acceleration of SOM mineralization, a combined fertilization (urea + GPM) increased the amount of microbial biomass and provided mineral nitrogen for immediate plant uptake. SOM stocks in colluvial soils were 40% below those of eroded soils which was partly due to the positive priming effect after urea fertilization. A participatory appraisal with local farmers resulted in the adaptation of the present harvest residue management aiming at SOM maintenance in colluvial soils. Yet, the calculation of the potential for SOM replenishment indicated that only the maize residue biomass had the potential to compensate for SOM mineralization losses. Therefore, it is recommended to support SOM replenishment by additional organic inputs since SOM has to be maintained in the long-term to enable agricultural productivity.

Assessment of soil fertility change and sustainability of agroecological management in different land use systems of the southern Ecuadorian Andes

Bahr, Etienne 06 May 2015 (has links)
The thesis was conducted to investigate soil fertility changes and assess the sustainability of agroecological management in different land-use systems of the southern Ecuadorian Andes using quantitative and qualitative methods. Ecuador still holds the highest deforestation rate of all Latin American countries which also has a large impact in the research area by forest conversion into agricultural land. Agricultural land-use systems in the research area are multifaceted due to heterogeneous biophysical and socio-economic conditions. To map this diversity, land-use systems were investigated in Yantzaza (low-external-input), El Tambo (irrigated cash crops) and San Lucas (integrated nutrient management). Yet, management effects on soil fertility have not been assessed systematically in Ecuadorian farming systems which hampers the evaluation whether agroecological management is sustainable. Therefore, the present study used a set of quantitative and qualitative approaches to assess soil fertility changes at plot and farm scale with a nutrient balance/chronosequence approach and local expert knowledge. Nutrient balances were modeled with Nutmon after adaptation of difficult-to-quantify flows to the local conditions facilitating area and land-use specific calculation. Soil nutrient balances in the research area were diverse and varied between −151 to 66 kg ha-1 a-1, −4 to 33 kg ha-1 a-1 and −346 to 39 kg ha-1 a-1 for NPK, respectively. The evaluation of socio-economic and soil fertility explanatory variables revealed that up to 70% of the balances’ variability could be explained. Land-uses with a strong market orientation such as annual crops in El Tambo received large amounts of external inputs which were often focused on mineral N fertilization causing strongly negative PK balances. In contrast, P balances were mainly positive after the application of organic fertilizers and nutrient recycling as was found in perennial crops of San Lucas. NP balances in annual crops of Yantzaza were most negative due to the low-external-input system with nonexistent fertilization as well as leaching and burning of crop residues. Highest soil nutrient stocks were found in land-uses benefiting from a surplus of within-farm flows. The quantification of soil nutrient stocks and their temporal changes were carried out with a chronosequence approach in Yantzaza. SOC stocks in annual/perennial crops and pastures decreased between 14% and 19% after forest conversion by slash-and-burn. Annual sites were abandoned not later than five years after forest conversion due to a shortage of available N and P closely linked to low-external-input management. Stocks for TN, TP, TS and exchangeable bases increased above forest level in perennial crops and pastures 6-20 years after forest conversion. Yet a strong decrease in SOC and soil nutrient stocks was found in oldest perennial and pasture sites compared to medium aged sites. This was traced back to adverse site processes such as the decay of clay humus complexes, leaching as well as poor pasture management. To assess sustainability of the agroecological management, a set of sustainability indicators was implemented including N balances, yearly N stock change and SOC stocks as well as total (TN) and available (PO4-P) soil nutrient stocks. Sustainability assessment took place based on individual land-uses and nutrients within each pilot study since soil fertility change did not show a consistent trend within one research area. Despite mainly negative soil nutrient balances, the impact on the yearly soil nutrient stock change was often negligible due to large soil nutrient pools. Annual and perennial crops of Yantzaza and pastures of San Lucas exceeded the threshold value of 1% for yearly TN stock losses. Yet, only annual crops in Yantzaza, having the highest yearly TN stock losses of 4.9%, also showed severe TN and SOC losses between 15-25% below those of the forest reference area. Therefore, the present agroecological management of annuals in Yantzaza is not sustainable which was also indicated by the abandonment of these sites not later than 5 years after forest conversion due to soil fertility decline. Hence, it is proposed to install an integrated agricultural management in annual crops of Yantzaza using nutrient recycling and fertilization for the replenishment of soil nutrient stocks. Nutrient balance studies indicated an average N-fertilizer application of more than 200 kg ha-1 a-1 for annual crops in El Tambo and low SOC stocks in soils of the colluvial foot slopes. Therefore, a laboratory incubation experiment was conducted to investigate fertilization effects of urea and newly introduced guinea pig manure on the microbial activity in colluvial and eroded soils of El Tambo. While urea fertilization induced an acceleration of SOM mineralization, a combined fertilization (urea + GPM) increased the amount of microbial biomass and provided mineral nitrogen for immediate plant uptake. SOM stocks in colluvial soils were 40% below those of eroded soils which was partly due to the positive priming effect after urea fertilization. A participatory appraisal with local farmers resulted in the adaptation of the present harvest residue management aiming at SOM maintenance in colluvial soils. Yet, the calculation of the potential for SOM replenishment indicated that only the maize residue biomass had the potential to compensate for SOM mineralization losses. Therefore, it is recommended to support SOM replenishment by additional organic inputs since SOM has to be maintained in the long-term to enable agricultural productivity.

Studying land-use and land-cover change with high resolution data / an assessment of the Carpathian Ecoregion

Knorn, Jan 24 May 2012 (has links)
Naturschutzgebiete sind ein essentieller Bestandteil zur Wahrung natürlicher Lebensräume. Oft verfehlt die Einrichtung solcher Schutzzonen jedoch den erwarteten Effekt. Die größte Gefahr liegt hierbei neben dem Klimawandel im direkten Einfluss des Menschen. Besonders in Phasen sozioökonomischen Umschwungs und damit verbundenen Landnutzungsveränderungen oder auch illegaler Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen, sind Naturschutzgebiete in ihrer Funktion gefährdet. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist somit, Ursachen des Landnutzungswandels sowie dessen Auswirkungen und Ausmaß am Beispiel des rumänischen Teils der Karpaten-Ökoregion abzuleiten. Das Untersuchungsgebiet ist ein wichtiges Zentrum für Biodiversität und in ihm befindet sich Osteuropas größte gemäßigte Waldregion sowie einige der letzten europäischen Urwälder. Rumänien umschließt mehr als die Hälfte der Karpaten und es ist hiernach von besonderem Interesse, Gründe und Auswirkungen des rezenten post-sozialistischen Landschaftswandels zu untersuchen. Mit Hilfe von Landsat Aufnahmen sowie einer ad hoc entwickelten Methode zur Klassifizierung großräumiger Gebiete, wurden Veränderungen in der Waldbedeckung für die post-sozialistische Zeit abgeleitet. Die Ergebnisse offenbaren großflächige Forstveränderungen, auch innerhalb von Naturschutzgebieten und Urwäldern. Institutionelle Umbrüche und eine rapide Umgestaltung in den Eigentumsverhältnissen, wurden als Hauptursachen herausgestellt. Rumänische Naturschutzgebiete erreichen nicht die gewünschte Effektivität und Urwäldern werden weiterhin dezimiert. Die Arbeit verdeutlicht den Einfluss sozioökonomischer Veränderungen auf die Entstehung von Raubbau und legt Defizite in der Effektivität von Schutzbemühungen zum Erhalt der Biodiversität und verbundener Ökosystemleistungen offen. / Protected areas are one cornerstone of conservation efforts to safeguard natural habitats from destruction and overexploitation. Still, many of these areas remain less effective than initially envisioned. Besides climate change, main threats originate from enduring human activities. Protected areas are particularly at risk during periods of rapid socio-economic changes, which can trigger widespread land-use change and illegal resource use. The main goal of this thesis is to assess the extend and underlying causes of land-use change in protected areas and forest habitats within the Carpathian Ecoregion. The Romanian Carpathians were selected as a focus area in this study, because they comprise Eastern Europe’s largest continuous temperate forest region as well as some of the last and largest tracts of European old-growth forests, and they are a major hotspot of biodiversity. Romania comprises more than half of the Carpathian Ecoregion and it is of particular interest to study the causes and effects of land-use changes, which have emerged after the collapse of socialism in 1989. Post socialist forest cover change was quantified for the last 25 years using Landsat images and an ad hoc developed large area classification technique. Results show widespread forest disturbances, even inside protected areas and old-growth forests. Drivers of these disturbances can be related to institutional change and changes in ownership. The effectiveness of Romania’s protected area network in terms of its ability to safeguard biodiversity is most likely decreasing, and intact old-growth forests continue to disappear. This thesis reveals how rapid socio-economic changes may lead to overexploitation, and highlights substantial shortcomings in the effectiveness of protection efforts to safeguard biodiversity and related ecosystem services.

Monitoring land use change in the Brazilian rainforest and savanna with Landsat time series

Müller, Hannes 11 May 2016 (has links)
Die Abwägung von Wirtschaftswachstum, Nahrungsmittelsicherheit und Bewahrung natürlicher Ökosystemdienstleistungen ist eine der wesentlichen Herausforderungen für die heutige Gesellschaft. Diese Dissertation zielt darauf ab, mit Hilfe von zeitreihenbasierten Fernerkundungsmethoden den Status und die Veränderungen von Landnutzung, und Landbedeckung im brasilianischen Regenwald und der Savanne zu erfassen. Dabei wurde untersucht, inwieweit der Einsatz zeitlicher Information die Trennung von Ackerland, Weideland und natürlicher Vegetation in einer heterogenen Savannenlandschaft erleichtert. Im Anschluss wurden langfristige Zeitreihen von Satellitenbildern genutzt, um die historische Entwaldung und das Nachwachsen der Sekundärvegetation nachzuvollziehen. Der verfolgte Ansatz stellte deutlich den Mehrwert zeitlicher Information zur Trennung von Ackerland, Weideland und natürlicher Vegetation in den komplexen Landnutzungssystemen der Savannenlandschaften heraus. Die langzeitlichen Analysen zur Entwaldungsdynamik zeigten erstmals die Bedeutung der historischen Abholzung im Untersuchungsgebiet. Hier wurde die Hälfte aller Abholzung zwischen 1984-2012 vor dem Jahr 2000 registriert. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass auf bis zu 50% der Abholzungsflächen in Pará und maximal 25% der Abholzungsflächen in Mato Grosso Sekundärvegetation aufgewachsen ist. Die höheren Aufwuchsraten in Pará deuten auf eine geringere Bewirtschaftungsintensität der dominierenden Weidesysteme im Vergleich zu Mato Grosso hin. Zudem werfen die unterschiedlichen Dynamiken von Abholzungs- und Aufwuchsprozessen ein neues Licht auf die politischen und ökonomischen Rahmenbedingungen der 90er Jahre, nach dem Zusammenbruch des Militärregimes. Darüber hinaus helfen die räumlich expliziten Informationen zur langfristigen Entwaldung und Wiederaufwuchs dabei, die Schätzungen der regionalen Kohlenstoffbilanz zu verfeinern und Kernbereiche für die Wiederherstellung der Landschaft zu identifizieren. / Reconciling trade-offs between economic growth, food security and ecosystem services is one of the major challenges for today’s society. This dissertation aims to monitor status and changes of land use and land cover (LULC) in the Brazilian rainforest and savanna employing time series-based analysis of Landsat imagery. First, it was investigated how temporal information facilitates the separation of cropland, pasture and natural vegetation in a heterogeneous savanna landscape of the Brazilian Cerrado. Second, a long-term record of satellite imagery was used to uncover historic deforestation and regrowth processes. Outcomes of the LULC assessment demonstrated a high additional value of temporal information for separating cropland, pasture and natural vegetation in complex land use systems of savanna landscapes. In regard to the long-term deforestation analysis (1984-2012), spatio-temporal clearing patterns emphasized the relevance of historical deforestation with half of the overall deforestation being detected before 2000. Investigating post-deforestation regrowth dynamics, results revealed secondary vegetation on up to 50% of the deforested area in Pará and a maximum of 25% in Mato Grosso. Higher regrowth rates in Pará indicated a lower management intensity on the dominating pasture systems compared to Mato Grosso. Differences in historic deforestation and regrowth dynamics shed a new light on possible impacts of political incentives in the 90s after the collapse of the military regime in 1984. In this context, the results set a valuable basis to investigate the influence of proximate and underlying drivers on land change in the region. Spatially explicit information on long- term deforestation and regrowth dynamics further allows to refine estimates on the regional carbon balance and to identify core areas for landscape restoration.

Land use change and its effects on vegetation trends and fire patterns in Mediterranean rangelands

Sonnenschein, Ruth 07 June 2013 (has links)
Trockengebiete, die etwa 40% der globalen Landoberfläche abdecken, Lebensgrundlage für 2 Millionen Menschen bilden, einzigarte Biodiversität enthalten und wichtige Ökosystemdienstleistungen bereitstellen, sind beträchtlichem Druck durch Landnutzungs- und Klimawandel ausgesetzt. Die räumlichen Muster dieser Landnutzungsänderungen sowie deren Ursachen sind jedoch nur in Ansätzen verstanden. Fernerkundung kann Veränderungen großräumig beobachten, aber Methoden fehlen, um diese Veränderungen, die graduell und abrupt (z.B. Feuer) auftreten können, abzuleiten. Die Ziele dieser Dissertation waren die Entwicklung fernerkundlicher Methoden, um verschiedene Landnutzungsänderungen in mediterranen Ökosystemen zu quantifizieren und um den Einfluss verschiedener Landnutzungsprozesse auf das Feuerregime besser zu verstehen. Die griechische Insel Kreta wurde als Untersuchungsgebiet gewählt. Zuerst wurden basierend auf Trendanalysen von Landsatzeitreihen verschiedene Vegetationsmaße verglichen. Demnach führen einfache Vegetationsmaße zu ähnlich guten Ergebnissen und ermöglichen eine effiziente Beobachtung großer Gebiete. Anschließend wurden Veränderungstrajektorien abgeleitet, um graduelle und abrupte Prozesse zu unterscheiden und um zu analysieren, wie Landnutzungssysteme und Feuerregime sich auf Kreta ausgewirkt haben. Mittels einer statistischen Modellierung wurde der relative Einfluss von Landnutzungsprozessen auf das Feuerregime quantifiziert. Die Ergebnisse zeigten ein komplexes Muster von graduellen Vegetationsveränderungen und Feuern und deuten darauf hin, dass Feuer hauptsächlich vom Beweidungssystem abhängt. Feuer traten häufig am Fuße der Berge auf, wohingegen in den Berggebieten Vegetationszunahme vorherrscht. Die statistische Modellierung bestätigte, dass Extensivierung und Klima die Hauptursachen des kretischen Feuerregimes sind. So ist zu vermuten, dass sich das ehemals durch Brennmaterial limitierte Feuerregime zu einem trockenheitsgetriebenen entwickeln wird. / Drylands cover about 41% of the earth’s surface, sustain the livelihoods of 2 billion people, harbor unique biodiversity and provide important ecosystem services, but land use and climate change exert considerable pressure on these ecosystems. However, pattern and drivers of land use change are weakly understood. Remote sensing can monitor these changes for large areas but methods to detect both gradual and abrupt events like fires are missing. The main objectives of this thesis were to develop remote sensing based methods to better quantify the impact of land use change on fire-prone Mediterranean ecosystems, and to apply these methods to better understand the influence of different land use processes on fire regimes. The island of Crete (Greece) served as study region where diverging land use transformation are extensive, fires are frequent and environmental gradients are large. First, the trade-off between different vegetation estimates when using Landsat-based trend analyses was quantified. The results suggested that simple vegetation estimates perform equally well and thus, allow for effective mapping of large areas. Second, a trajectory change detection approach was applied to separate gradual changes from abrupt events and to answer the question how land use systems and fire regimes have affected Crete’s rangelands. Statistical modeling was then used to quantify the relative importance of land use processes in driving the fire regime. The results show that vegetation changes resulted in complex pattern of gradual changes and fires likewise. The fire regime appeared to be mainly driven by changing grazing systems. Fires were frequent in foothills whereas mountains showed increasing vegetation as a result of land abandonment. The statistical modeling confirmed that land extensification and climate are the primary drivers of fire regimes on Crete. The results suggest that the former fuel-limited fire regime will likely shift towards a drought-driven fire regime.

Understanding the immediate and time-delayed effects of deforestation on biodiversity in the Gran Chaco

Semper-Pascual, Asunción 23 November 2020 (has links)
Landnutzungswandel ist eine der Hauptursachen von Biodiversitätsverlust. In den Tropen und Subtropen führt eine Ausweitung von Agrarflächen zu vermehrter Abholzung der Wälder. Selbst wenn zukünftige Waldrodungen vermieden werden können, ist ein weiterer Artenrückgang sehr wahrscheinlich, da viele Arten zeitverzögert auf Veränderungen reagieren. Die Hauptziele dieser Arbeit waren die Auswirkungen vergangener und aktueller Landnutzung auf Biodiversität im argentinischen Chaco besser zu verstehen und Ansätze zu entwickeln, um negative Effekte schon vor einem lokalen Aussterben zu erkennen. Der argentinische Chaco ist aufgrund seiner Landnutzungsgeschichte, den hohen Abholzungsraten und der hohen Biodiversität bestens für eine solche Untersuchung geeignet. Meine Arbeit zeigt, dass der Artenreichtum an Vögeln und Säugetieren stark durch vergangene Landschaftsmuster beeinflusst wurde, was auf zeitverzögerte Reaktionen auf Landnutzungswandel hindeutet, sowie darauf, dass ein Teil der momentan vorkommenden Arten durch vergangene Landnutzungsänderungen noch aussterben wird. Die zeitverzögerten Reaktionen sind hauptsächlich eine Folge von Lebensraumfragmentierung, mehr noch als von Lebensraumverlust. Meine Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Vorkommen von Ameisenbären seit 1985 stark rückläufig ist, insbesondere seit 2000, als die Ausweitung von Agrarflächen besonders stark zunahm. Abschließend konnte ich zeigen, dass Pekaris meist in abgelegenen Regionen mit hohem Waldanteil vorkommen, sowie dass physiologischer Stress bei Pekaris negativ mit Nahrungsverfügbarkeit korreliert, jedoch nicht mit Abholzung. Meine Arbeit legt nahe, dass Abholzung generell zum Artensterben im argentinischen Chaco beiträgt. Während manche Arten sehr schnell verschwinden, sterben andere nicht direkt aus, was ein Zeitfenster für Naturschutzmaßnahmen eröffnet. Die hier vorgestellten Ergebnisse können dabei helfen solche Zeitfenster in von Abholzung bedrohten Gebieten zu identifizieren. / Land-use change is a primary driver of biodiversity loss. During recent decades, the tropics and subtropics have witnessed accelerating deforestation rates, resulting in widespread extinctions. Even if further deforestation was to be avoided, species would likely continue to disappear due to delays in their responses to land-use change. The goals of this thesis were to provide a better understanding of the effects of past and contemporary land use on biodiversity in the Argentine Dry Chaco, and to develop approaches that capture the impacts of land-use change on biodiversity before local extinctions occur. The Argentine Dry Chaco provides an excellent scenario for this purpose due to its dynamic land-use history, the high deforestation rates, and its high biodiversity levels. At the community level, I found that species richness of birds and mammals was influenced by past landscape patterns, suggesting time-delayed responses to land-use change and the evidence of an extinction debt. These time-delayed responses were due to habitat fragmentation rather than habitat loss. At the population level, I found that giant anteater occupancy decreased particularly after 2000 when agriculture expanded rapidly. My results further suggested that land-use change had substantial indirect effects on species’ populations. Finally, I assessed the effects of deforestation on collared peccaries at the population and individual level. Peccary occupancy was highest in areas with high woodland cover. Where peccaries were present, physiological stress was negatively correlated with food availability. Overall, this thesis shows that deforestation is driving species to extinction in the Argentine Dry Chaco. While some species may disappear quickly following deforestation, extinctions of others may not be immediate, providing an opportunity to prevent those extinctions. The approaches presented in this thesis help to identify those opportunities in dynamic landscapes such as deforestation frontiers.

Economic valuation of of land use change - A case study on rainforest conversion and agroforestry intensification in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia / Die ökomische Bewertung des Landnutzungswandels - Eine Fallstudie über die Umwandlung von Regenwald und die Intensivierung von Agroforstsystemen in Zentral-Sulawesi, Indonesien

Juhrbandt, Jana 08 July 2010 (has links)
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