Spelling suggestions: "subject:"landshövdingen"" "subject:"landholding""
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Etik i Stadsplanering : "Gotlandsfallet": ett etiskt perspektiv på händelsenLindholm, Anton January 2011 (has links)
Detta arbete tar upp begreppen etik och moral samt hur etiska teorier kan användas för att analysera ett visst handlande. Både generella etiska teorier samt en etisk modell/teori, kopplade till arbetet som offentlig tjänsteman, tas upp för att se på fallstudien ur ett etiskt perspektiv. Fallstudien är en händelse som utspelade sig på Gotland under sommaren 2009. Det var ingen vanlig storm som drabbade ön i Östersjön utan en väldigt intensiv ”mediastorm”. Dåvarande landshövding Marianne Samuelsson och storföretagaren Max Hansson var de två huvudaktörerna. Det var en ansökan om dispens för en tillbyggnad inom strandskyddsområde, från Hanssons sida, som näst intill slutade i ett tillstånd av kaos. Hansson beskylldes för att tidigare ha byggt till exempel tennisbana samt områden för golfspel utan dispens inom strandskyddsområde/naturreservat och där det existerade ett riksintresse. Anläggningarna var i så fall förbjudna och media var snabba med att skriva om svartbyggen och byggfusk. Det blev en konflikt mellan länsstyrelsens medarbetare och landshövdingen huruvida Hansson skulle få dispens eller inte. Landshövdingen tog ett eget beslut som skulle få oanade följder, speciellt för henne själv där media låg i startgroparna för hårdbevakning. Följden blev även att förtroendet för myndighetsväsendet på Gotland och antagligen i landet försvagades. Syftet med arbetet är att ur ett etiskt perspektiv undersöka om landshövdingen handlade rätt eller fel. Frågan varför hon tog de beslut hon gjorde ska även försöka besvaras. Andra detaljersom kan anses etiska eller oetiska kommer även att belysas.
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Vår nådiga vilja och befallning : Kungl. Maj:ts brev till landshövdingen på Gotland 1735 / Our Gracious Will and Command : Letters from His Majesty the King to the County Governor of Gotland in 1735Lennersand, Britt Marie January 2011 (has links)
This is a study of the letters from His Majesty the King to the county governor of Gotland in 1735. In the Age of Liberty the king had limited power. Royal decisions were made with the Council of the Realm where the King only had the advantage of having two votes and a casting vote. Furthermore, the Council had to act according to the decisions of the Estates of Parliament, if at least three of the four Estates were in agreement. The duties of the county governor were set out in a detailed instruction of which the most recent version was issued in 1734. The county governors also received tasks in laws and royal ordinances I have examined in full the thirty letters from the King that have been entered in the diary of the county secretariat of Gotland in 1735. My aim has been to examine the nature of the letters, what kind of action that was expected of the county governor and how the letters compared to the County Governor Instruction. Although the letters ostensibly came from the King, there are frequent reminders that the Council of the Realm and the Estates were those who had the real power. Most of the letters were circular letters. Presumably letters with the same contents were sent to all county governors. About a third of the letters had printed enclosures which the county governor was asked to make public. In some cases the Estates had first sent a letter to the King in Council asking them to make a certain decision. Only one of the letters was without doubt sent only the county governor in Gotland and this was also the only letter which had a reply sent back to the King. The county governor was expected to respond to the letters, which he usually did by sending information to one of the civil service departments, by communicating ordinances to the public, or by taking other measures. Two of the letters contained instructions that could be interpreted as additions to the County Governor Instruction. On the whole, the correspondence for the year of 1735 covered all the main parts of the county governor’s responsibilities.
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Synen på arbetslösheten i Växjö stad under 1820-1860-talet / The View of the Unemployment in the City of Växjö 1820-1860Paulsson, Carina January 2014 (has links)
This study examines the view of the people, unemployed in the city of Växjö during the period from 1820 to 1860. The focuses are on the perspective in which these people where seen by the municipal executive board in the city of Växjö. The result of this study shows that the rulers had a conservative wiev of them who were unemployed. Usually, the meaning was that their situation was only caused by their own laziness. Starting “Workinghouse” was the best way solving the problem with them who were unemployed, was the common opinion in the view of the rulers.
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