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"Do you know what I think?": a cross-linguistic investigation of children's understanding of mental state wordsSouza, Debora Hollanda 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text
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Un programme d'entraînement de la conscience phonologique. Un outil pédagogique pour l'enseignement préscolaire: étude à grande échelle des effets d'un programme d'entraïnement de la conscience phonologique pour différents groupes d'enfants alphabétisés dans un système orthographique régulierBode, Sylvie January 2001 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences psychologiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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A Narrative Enrichment Programme in literacy development of Afrikaans speaking Grade 3 learners in monolingual rural schoolsBrand, Irene 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is motivated by existing information on the discontinuity between home literacy practices
and school literacy expectations of learners who typically speak a local variety of their mothertongue
which is in various ways different from the standardised language of learning and teaching
(LoLT). In this particular case the study refers to Afrikaans as a home language and language in
education. The main concern is that these learners typically perform below par in standardised
South African literacy tests such as the Annual National Assessment (ANA) and the Systemic
Evaluation Test. They show slower achievement of literacy milestones, higher school drop-out rates
and less achievement of access to higher learning opportunities (Lahire, 1995; Siegel, 2007).
A Narrative Enrichment Programme was developed as a means of investigating questions
concerning learners’ levels of language awareness, their understanding and use of different spoken
and written genres, registers and varieties of Afrikaans (including their own), and their general
appreciation for spoken and written forms of language in narrative and in other everyday uses. The
purpose of such an investigation is to better understand the apparent discontinuity between home
language practices and school language expectations, and to suggest new ways of addressing
difficulties that arise in literacy development as a result of such discontinuity.
The first part of the Narrative Enrichment Programme provided learners with an enriched reading,
listening and writing environment in which they could engage with novel stories and work towards
producing their own little books. The second part of the programme consisted of supporting
exercises that addressed narrative structure issues that arose in the course of the first part.
Specifically, exercises of picture-sequencing, picture-sentence matching and an exercise called
Beginning, Middle and End were used to assess how learners recount the various components and
the chronology of a story that was presented to them in the form of a set of topically connected
pictures, and in a longer narrative that was read to them.
Findings show that learners have a keen appreciation of the spoken form of language in that they
loved listening to the stories. One group showed special enthusiasm for retelling stories that they
had heard at home. Another aspect of the programme to which learners responded enthusiastically,
was the activity of illustrating little books; this they appeared to enjoy more than writing them.
Enthusiastic responses of learners are attended to because learning is much more likely to proceed
successfully if learners enjoy the developmental activities. Levels of linguistic awareness with regards to genre, register and grammatical aspects such as spelling differed from learner to learner.
Learners showed varying degrees of dependence on the already familiar genres of fables and fairy
tales. Regarding writing conventions they also showed varying degrees of awareness of (e.g.)
appropriate punctuation. Interesting examples of regional language use which included phonological
awareness of the spoken form are discussed in considerable detail. There were unexpected findings
regarding the influence that learners’ life experiences have on their narrative products. The picture
sequencing activities reflected learners’ use of familiar everyday events and artefacts rather than
reference to ones unfamiliar to them, which were apparently intended in the set of pictures.
The rich and varied data that was collected, illustrates theoretical positions regarding the different
kinds of habitus learners encounter, the ways in which educational systems privilege some linguistic
resources above others, the connections between language and identity, and the ways in which new
forms of literacy may assist in better facilitating learners’ emerging literacy and the learning that
such literacy should facilitate. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is gemotiveer deur inligting oor die diskontinuïteit tussen tuisgebaseerde
geletterdheidspraktyke en skoolgeletterdheidsverwagtinge van leerders wat tipies ’n plaaslike
variant van hulle moedertaal praat, wat op verskeie maniere verskil van die gestandardiseerde taal
wat as medium van onderrig gebruik word. In hierdie geval verwys die studie na Afrikaans as
huistaal en taal-in-onderrig. Die kwessies wat hier ter sake is, is dat hierdie leerders tipies benede
die verwagtinge presteer in gestandaardiseerde Suid Afrikaanse geletterdheidstoetse soos die
Jaarlikse Nasionale Assessering (ANA) en die Sistemiese Evalueringstoets. Hulle bereik
geletterdheidsmylpale stadiger as die norm, vertoon hoër skooluitsaksyfers en minder van hulle
behaal toegang tot hoër onderwysgeleenthede (Lahire, 1995; Siegel, 2007).
ʼn Narratiewe Verrykingsprogram is ontwikkel as ʼn instrument om vrae te ondersoek wat verband
hou met leerders se vlakke van taalbewustheid, hulle begrip en gebruik van verskillende gesproke
en geskrewe genres, registers en variante van Afrikaans (insluitend hulle eie), en hul algemene
waardering vir gesproke en geskrewe vorme van taal in narratief en in ander alledaagse gebruike.
Die doel van so 'n ondersoek is om die ooglopende diskontinuïteit tussen huistaalpraktyke en
skooltaalverwagtinge beter te verstaan, en om voorstelle te ontwikkel vir die aanspreek van
probleme wat in geletterdheisontwikkeling ontstaan as gevolg van so ʼn diskontinuïteit.
Die eerste deel van die Narratiewe Verrykingsprogram het leerders voorsien van 'n verrykte
omgewing waarin hulle aktief betrokke kon raak by nuwe verhale en kon werk aan die produksie van
hul eie klein boekies. Die tweede deel van die program het bestaan uit ondersteuningsoefeninge
wat spesifiek kwessies van narratiefstruktuur wat in die eerste deel na vore gekom het, aangespreek
het. Meer spesifiek, prentorganiseringsoefeninge, die verbind van sinne aan illustrasies, en 'n
oefening genaamd “Begin, Middel en Einde” is gebruik om na te gaan hoe leerders rekenskap gee
van die verskillende komponente en die chronologie van ’n verhaal wat aan hulle voorgehou is in die
vorm van ʼn stel tematies verwante illustrasies, en in ʼn langer narratief wat aan hulle voorgelees is.
Bevindinge toon dat leerders waardering vir die gesproke vorm van taal het, soos geïllustreer in
hulle luistergereedheid as stories voorgelees word. Een groep het entoesiasme getoon vir die
oorvertel van stories wat hulle by die huis gehoor het. ’n Ander aspek van die program waarop
leerders met entoesiasme gereageer het, was die aktiwiteit van illustrasie van hulle boekies; hulle
het kennelik die aanbied van visuele illustrasies meer geniet as die skryfproses. Entoesiasme van leerders is as belangrik beskou omdat leerprosesse baie meer waarskynlik geslaagd sal wees as
leerders die ontwikkelingsaktiwiteit geniet. Vlakke van taalbewustheid ten opsigte van genre,
register en grammatikale aspekte soos spelling, verskil van een leerder tot ’n volgende. Leerders het
verskillende grade van afhanklikheid getoon van die fabel- en sprokiegenres. Betreffende
skryfkonvensies het hulle wisselende grade van bewustheid getoon van (bv.) gepaste
leestekengebruik. Interessante voorbeelde van die gebruik van streektaal, wat fonologiese
bewussyn van die gesproke vorm insluit, word in besonderhede bespreek. Daar was onvoorsiene
bevindinge betreffende die invloed wat leerders se lewenservaringe op hulle narratiewe produkte
gehad het. Die prentordeningsaktiwiteite het leerders se gebruik van bekende alledaagse gebeure
en artefakte gereflekteer; hulle het nie verwys na wat vir hulle onbekend was nie al het die stel
prente oënskynlik iets anders beoog as wat die leerders daarvan gemaak het.
Die ryk en gevarieerde data wat versamel is, illustreer teoretiese posisies rakende die verskillende
soorte habitus waarmee leerders gekonfronteer word, die wyse waarop onderwyssisteme party
soorte taalvaardighede bo ander reken, die verbande tussen taal en identiteit, en die maniere
waarop nuwe vorme van geletterdheid ingespan kan word om leerders se ontluikende geletterdheid
en die leergeleenthede wat sodanige geletterdheid fasiliteer, te bevorder.
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Orthographic awareness in learning Chinese charactersLam, Ho-cheong., 林浩昌. January 2006 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Education / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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Englishes in Hong Kong: students' awareness of, attitudes towards accent differences and the intelligibility ofaccents of EnglishLam, Chun-hin., 林進軒. January 2007 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Linguistics / Master / Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics
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Phonological awareness and the ability to read English as a second languageKwok, Ka-man., 郭家敏. January 2006 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Linguistics / Master / Master of Arts
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The role of morphological awareness among Mandarin-speaking and Cantonese-speaking childrenLuan, Hui., 欒輝. January 2005 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Psychology / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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The relationship between morphological awareness and lexical ability of International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme students in Hong Kong = Xianggang guo ji wen ping ke cheng zhong xue xiang mu xue sheng de yu su yi shi yu ci hui neng li guan xi yan jiu / The relationship between morphological awareness and lexical ability of International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme students in Hong Kong = 香港國際文憑課程中學項目學生的語素意識與詞彙能力關係研究Cheung, Kai-fai, 張佳暉 January 2014 (has links)
近年來,香港有不少國際學校和直資學校開辦國際文憑課程(IB,International Baccalaureate),很多非華語學生選擇學習中文作為第二語言。然而,當中很多學生在使用詞彙上產生偏誤,而在二零零八年,香港教育局發布了《中國語文課程補充指引(非華語學生)》諮詢文件中,指出漢字的字形、聲調、語彙都是中文第二語言學習者的難點(香港課程發展議會,2008),這些難點均涉及語素。以往曾有不少研究,探討語素意識與詞彙知識習得的關係,因此,研究者期望以中文第二語言學習者作為研究對象,探討漢語語素意識與詞彙能力的關係。
International Baccalaureate (IB) Curriculum is adopted by more and more international schools and direct-subsidy schools in Hong Kong. At the same time, more and more non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students choose to study Chinese Language as a second language in IB curriculum. However, the vocabulary learning is one of the difficulties when they learn Chinese. The Education Bureau has published ‘Consultation Paper on Developing a “Supplementary Guide to the Chinese Language Curriculum for Non-Chinese Speaking Students” ’ and points out those NCS students encounter difficulties in learning Chinese graphemes, tones, vocabulary, etc. These difficulties are related to morpheme. Many researchers have conducted to study on relationship between morphological awareness and lexical knowledge. This dissertation aims to study on the relationship between morphological awareness and lexical ability of IB Middle Year Programme (MYP) students in Hong Kong.
This is a quantitative research. Data collection includes two tests of the morphological awareness and lexical ability paper-pencil tests and one summative unit test of Chinese Language subject in a school. IB MYP students of two classes participated in this study and their morphological awareness and lexical ability were tested and analyzed by the statistical analysis software. The objectives of the study are: (1) Analysis on the types of lexicon errors of IB MYP students in Hong Kong; (2) Analysis on the relationship between morphological awareness and lexical ability of IB MYP students in Hong Kong; (3) Suggestions on developing of morphological awareness in learning Chinese Language as a second language.
The results find that most of the lexicon errors were related to the tones and radical components of Chinese character, it is suggested to develop the homophone awareness and the orthographic awareness of Chinese character to reduce the lexicon errors. The morphological awareness of students has influence on student’s lexical ability. The homophone awareness has a closer relationship with lexical ability. The morphological awareness of the mental lexicon has an influence on the amount of mental lexicon and the ability of using lexicon. It is suggested to develop the morphological awareness of students in teaching Chinese as a second language to further study the relationship between the development of morphological awareness and mental lexicon in the future. / published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education
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Morphological awareness and vocabulary knowledge in second-language adolescent learners : an intervention studyKan, Lai-chi, 簡麗姿 January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of instructional approaches to phonics and morphological awareness on literacy development of second-language learners. Of the 106 Chinese-speaking adolescents in a 6-hour English training programme, about half were taught affix and root meanings, while others were taught basic phonic rules. The focus lay on teaching students how to break words apart into meaningful parts and clusters of sounds. Chinese adolescents receiving morphological instruction performed significantly better on affixed word production and vocabulary knowledge by inferring word meanings from word parts. They seemed better able to discriminate affixed words on the basis of prefix and suffix. This study provides empirical evidence for the importance of teaching morphemes in the English-as-second-language curriculum. / published_or_final_version / Educational Psychology / Master / Master of Social Sciences
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The critical language awareness perspective in grade eleven ESL classes in the Goldfields area08 January 2009 (has links)
D.Litt. et Phil. / This study argues that the Critical Language Awareness Perspective adds an essential dimension to language learning and teaching. It further holds that this dimension brings to consciousness both the learners’ and teachers’ critical awareness of language use. It is this awareness that exposes the non-neutrality of language as a medium of communication. The CLA perspective engages both language learners and teachers in questioning and responding to the common-sense assumptions that are linguistically mediated. It also helps them to critically use language to achieve their own objectives. Three of these could be to use language in order to progress well with their studies, find employment and to change their societal psychic and thinking for the betterment of the general public. In this way the CLA perspective assists in developing responsible citizenry. This study therefore examines whether the Critical Language Awareness Perspective is part of the English Second Language programme in grade eleven ESL classes in the Goldfields area. It begins by examining the literature that indicates that the CLA perspective is a significant component of the any language teaching and learning practice. It then examines the empirical data in order to confirm that the CLA perspective does not form part of ESL teaching and learning practice in the context under investigation. It finally suggests possible solutions that could be adopted to facilitate the incorporation of CLA in the ESL class.
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