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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Decolonizing minds : the experiences of Latina Mexican American studies majors at a predominately white university

Flores, Alma Itzé 08 July 2011 (has links)
The recent attacks on ethnic studies programs both in Arizona with house bill 2281 and locally at the University of Central Texas serve as an urgent call to address how ethnic studies programs impact the educational trajectories of students. Additionally, research done on ethnic studies programs has largely focused on high school programs, overlooking programs in higher education. Therefore, this study addresses the following question: In what ways does being a Mexican American Studies major influence the experiences of Latinas at a predominately White institution (PWI)? Using Chicana feminist thought and Yosso’s (2005) community cultural wealth model as theoretical perspectives this study seeks to; 1) understand an educational approach (ethnic studies) that has shown success with students of color, 2) fill in the gap in the literature of ethnic studies programs in higher education, and 3) look at the gendered experience of Latinas at PWIs. Through a thematic analysis of six in depth interviews and a focus group conducted with six Latina undergraduates the author finds that Mexican American Studies represents a site or process of reclaiming and redefining. Four major themes are identified and discussed; reclaiming knowledge, the self, and space(s) and redefining la mujer. The findings suggest that there is a relationship between student retention and ethnic studies programs, adding epistemic and mestiza capital to Yosso’s community cultural wealth model, and using ethnic studies programs as models of how to best support students of color at PWIs. The author concludes with the suggestion that more research is needed on the experiences of other undergraduate students (White, African American, men, etc.) that are ethnic studies majors in order to further understand the impact, importance, and wealth of potential in these programs. / text

HIV Risk Behaviors, Previous HIV Testing and Positivity among Hispanic Women Tested for HIV in Florida, 2012

Taveras, Janelle 19 April 2017 (has links)
The prevalence of female adults and adolescents living with diagnosed HIV infection continues to rise. Latina women in the United States (US) are not only disproportionately affected by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, but also underutilize HIV prevention services, such as HIV testing. Data are limited on the differences in HIV risk among Latinas by country of birth, and opportunities still exist to prevent transmission of HIV and reduce HIV-related disparities. This dissertation describes the risk behaviors, testing behaviors, and test results among women tested for HIV at public sites in Florida. Additionally, it compares these characteristics by HIV testing site type among pregnant women. Multivariable logistic regression was used to estimate the adjusted odds ratios (AOR) and associated 95% confidence intervals for the outcome variables of risk behaviors, previous testing, and positive HIV test results. Of the total 209,954 records, 184,037 were from women not currently pregnant, of which 87,569 (45.6%) were among non-Hispanic Blacks (NHBs), 47,926 (26.0%) non-Hispanic Whites (NHWs), and 41,117 (22.3%) Latinas. Women who reported previous HIV testing had decreased odds of being Latina compared to NHW women (AOR 0.90; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.87, 0.94), and testing event results indicate that foreign-born Latina women were significantly less likely to report partner risk (AOR 0.42; 95% CI: 0.40-0.54) than US-born Latina women. Of the 24,863 records of pregnant women, 10,199 (41.1%) were among Latinas, 6,796 (27.4%) were among NHB, and 6,631 (26.7%) were among NHW. The testing records indicated that Latina and NHB women had decreased odds of reporting partner risk than NHW women (Latina: AOR 0.20; 95% CI: 0.14-0.28; and NHB: AOR 0.14; 95% CI: 0.10-0.21), and records of women tested in prisons/jails had higher odds of reporting previous HIV testing compared to prenatal care sites (AOR 1.86; 95% CI: 1.03-3.39). Reported risk behaviors varied by race/ethnicity and Latina country of origin. Knowledge of these differences can enhance current testing and prevention strategies for women, and aid in targeting HIV prevention messaging, program decision-making, and allocation of resources, corresponding to the central approach of High Impact Prevention and the National HIV/AIDS Strategy.

Social Supports, Stress and Birth Outcomes among Latina Mothers in Pinellas County, Florida

Detres, Maridelys 12 March 2017 (has links)
Social supports are linked in public health research to improved birth outcomes. This study explored the relationship of social supports, stress and birth outcomes among pregnant Latinas in Pinellas County, Florida. A sample of 411 Healthy Start women at risk of poor birth outcomes participated in this study (99 Latinas, 142 Black, and 158 White). Study methods included ANOVA, Principal Component Analysis, multivariable regression, logistic regression, and structural equation modeling to identify significant associations between social support scores, stress scores, demographics and health risk factors with infant birth weight, preterm and small for gestational age by ethnic group. Study findings indicated there was a direct association between social support and stress across all ethnic groups. However, many confounding variables did not have an effect in the study sample. Latina study participants exhibited significantly lower mean social support scores compared to White and Black participants (p=0.000). Latinas also presented higher stress scores that were significantly different from White and Black participants (p=0.000). The study also found ethnic differences in stress level perceptions using the Perceived Stress Scale. Recommendations for public health included conducting additional studies to assess if the study variables have an impact on a different population, exploring different ethnic interpretations of stress, using repeated measures to assess stress in high risk populations and considering using alternate stress measures such as biological markers and stress life event scales to assess social support, stress and birth outcomes.

Enacting Agency: Understanding How First-Generation College Students’ Personal Agency Supports Disciplinary Role Identities and Engineering Agency Beliefs

Dina Verdin (8966861) 16 June 2020 (has links)
<div> <div> <div> <p>This dissertation is a three study format. In this dissertation, I used an explanatory sequential mixed method design. Study 1 develops a measurement scale to capture first-generation college students’ agency using the constructs of intentionality, forethought, self-reactiveness, and self-reflectiveness. Study 2 used structural equation modeling to establish a relationship between personal agency, disciplinary role identities, and students’ desire to enact engineering agency. Study 3 was a narrative analysis of how Kitatoi, a Latina, first-generation college student, authored her identity as an engineer. Data for study 1 and 2 came from a survey administered in the Fall of 2017 of 3,711 first-year engineering students across 32 ABET universities. </p> </div> </div> </div>

Phenomenological Experience of Mexican Curanderismo

Lopez-Marroquin, Yoseline Paulett 14 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Perceptions of Academic Self-concept: Testimonios of Junior High School Latinas

Aguilar, Ernestina 01 January 2022 (has links)
Eurocentric and marginalizing schooling practices hinder Latino student persistence in US Schools. Furthermore, an intentional focus placed on Latinas uncovers compounding layers of oppression permeating the educational system. Through an analysis of testimonios, this qualitative critical narrative study better understands the schooling experiences and academic self-concept of seven Latina junior high students. Guided by Latino Critical Race (LatCrit) and Intersectionality Theories, it contributes to understandings of how Latina youth experience the transition from elementary to junior high school and how they perceived themselves as scholars. Testimonios were captured through a three-part series of semi-structured videoconference interviews. Data analysis utilized tenets from both LatCrit and Intersectionality frameworks and revealed navigating academic challenges, language challenges in the classroom, and overall belonging were key for participants. Gender and ethnic identity also surfaced as significant factors that impact academic self-concept of Latina student's academic perceptions. The findings lead to suggestions for liberatory pedagogical, political, and social schooling practices.

Barriers to Group Therapy for Latino College Students in the United States

Stoyell, Michelle C. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Integración de sistemas para la documentación, gestión y puesta en valor del patrimonio arquitectónico: el parque arqueológico de las tumbas de la Vía Latina en Roma

Rinaldi, Simona 31 October 2022 (has links)
[ES] En la civilización de la antigua Roma, tres de los aspectos más importantes de la vida cotidiana estaban vinculados a la arquitectura: las termas, los acueductos y las tumbas. Esta investigación propone el estudio de la integración de sistemas avanzados para la documentación, gestión y valorización del patrimonio arquitectónico funerario de la Vía Latina y la Vía Appia Antica, en estrecha relación con el tema del Paisaje Cultural. De hecho, el Parque de las Tumbas Latinas alberga uno de los complejos funerarios más importantes, que en la actualidad conserva inalterado el aspecto tradicional del antiguo paisaje romano. A lo largo de una vía empedrada, como todas las vías consulares, la Vía Latina (al igual que la Vía Appia Antica), que, como recuerda Livio, conectaba en su día las ciudades de Roma con Capua, mantiene aún el "congelado" trazado urbano/paisajístico antiguo. El tema de la carretera y el sistema de infraestructuras es, de hecho, una manifestación de una necesidad humana fundamental, la del movimiento, y refleja la historia de toda la humanidad en su evolución. En la actualidad, a lo largo de un tramo de unos 450 metros, hay numerosas tumbas de diversos tipos construidas entre la época republicana y la Alta Edad Media. Este estudio no se centra exclusivamente en el patrimonio arquitectónico de las antiguas tumbas, sino que también pretende realizar un análisis urbanístico de la red de infraestructuras que conecta el yacimiento arqueológico con el centro histórico de Roma y de la relación que se establece entre los restos antiguos y el paisaje tradicional del Lacio en el que se contextualizan: el Ager Romanus. Este aspecto es muy importante para toda la propuesta de investigación, ya que es parte integrante de todo el análisis. De hecho, la sinergia derivada de la relación entre estos componentes, que convergen en su forma esencial, es: "una síntesis de los elementos visuales que insisten en un espacio incluido en un único círculo de horizonte" (Biasutti, 1962). En el caso concreto, el paisaje de la Vía Latina y la Vía Appia Antica es una realidad muy compleja que consiste en la interrelación entre las ruinas (Tumbas), los elementos bióticos, el centro histórico y la red urbana periférica compuesta por las antiguas vías que han de convivir con la continua expansión de los ejes contemporáneos. Por lo tanto, este sistema polifacético del Ager Romanus y del sitio cultural Vía Latina/Appia Antica es comparable a una estructura viva y dinámica y, como tal, debe ser analizada. El último aspecto clave que la investigación quiere abordar es la catalogación. De hecho, los sitios y monumentos históricos no se pueden mantener sólo mediante su uso y utilización pasiva, sino activando todas las operaciones de protección y conservación mediante intervenciones directas (mantenimiento/restauración) e indirectas, como la catalogación constante de las obras históricas y la consiguiente "catalogación dinámica". En el caso de las tumbas de la Vía Latina y de la Vía Appia Antica, este procedimiento está actualmente incompleto: uno de los objetivos de la investigación será la creación de un archivo/base de datos que permita el seguimiento constante de las tumbas antiguas. Para diseñar una herramienta de protección y gestión tan "potente", será necesario utilizar las técnicas de levantamiento arquitectónico más avanzadas que se utilizan actualmente (como el escaneo láser y la fotogrametría, junto con programas informáticos de análisis específicos), acompañadas de un estudio en profundidad de las técnicas de construcción antiguas. / [CA] En la civilització de l'antiga Roma, tres dels aspectes més importants de la vida quotidiana estaven vinculats a l'arquitectura: les termes, els aqüeductes i les tombes. Esta investigació proposa l'estudi de la integració de sistemes avançats per a la documentació, gestió i valoració del patrimoni arquitectònic funerari de la Via Latina i la Via Appia Antica, en estreta relació amb el tema del Paisatge Cultural. De fet, el Parc de les Tombes Latines alberga un dels complexos funeraris més importants, que en l'actualitat conserva inalterat l'aspecte tradicional de l'antic paisatge romà. Al llarg d'una via empedrada, com totes les vies consulars, la Via Latina (igual que la Via Appia Antica), que, com recorda Livio, connectava al seu dia les ciutats de Roma amb Capua, manté encara el congelado traçat urbano/paisajístico antic. El tema de la carretera i el sistema d'infraestructures és, de fet, una manifestació d'una necessitat humana fonamental, la del moviment, i reflectix la història de tota la humanitat en la seua evolució. En l'actualitat, al llarg d'un tram d'uns 450 metres, hi ha nombroses tombes de diversos tipus construïdes entre l'època republicana i l'Alta Edat Mitjana. Este estudi no se centra exclusivament en el patrimoni arquitectònic de les antigues tombes, sinó que també pretén realitzar una anàlisi urbanística de la xarxa d'infraestructures que connecta el jaciment arqueològic amb el centre històric de Roma i de la relació que s'establix entre les restes antigues i el paisatge tradicional del Llis en què es contextualitzen: l'Ager Romanus. Este aspecte és molt important per a tota la proposta d'investigació, ja que és part integrant de tota l'anàlisi. De fet, la sinergia derivada de la relació entre estos components, que convergixen en la seua forma essencial, és "una síntesi dels elements visuals que insistixen en un espai inclòs en un únic cercle d'horizonte" (Biasutti, 1962). En el cas concret, el paisatge de la Via Latina i la Via Appia Antica és una realitat molt complexa que consistix en la interrelació entre les ruïnes (Tombes), els elements biòtics, el centre històric i la xarxa urbana perifèrica composta per les antigues vies que han de conviure amb la contínua expansió dels eixos contemporanis. Per tant, este sistema polifacètic de l'Ager Romanus i del lloc cultural Via Latina/Appia Antica és comparable a una estructura viva i dinàmica i, com a tal, ha de ser analitzada. L'últim aspecte clau que la investigació vol abordar és la catalogació. De fet, els llocs i monuments històrics no es poden mantindre només per mitjà del seu ús i utilització passiva, sinó activant totes les operacions de protecció i conservació per mitjà d'intervencions directes (mantenimiento/restauración) i indirectes, com la catalogació constant de les obres històriques i la consegüent "catalogación dinámica". En el cas de les tombes de la Via Latina i de la Via Appia Antica, este procediment està actualment incomplet: un dels objectius de la investigació serà la creació d'un archivo/base de dades que permeta el seguiment constant de les tombes antigues. Per a dissenyar una ferramenta de protecció i gestió tan "potente" serà necessari utilitzar les tècniques d'alçament arquitectònic més avançades que s'utilitzen actualment (com l'escaneig làser i la fotogrametria, junt amb programes informàtics d'anàlisis específiques), acompanyades d'un estudi en profunditat de les tècniques de construcció antigues. / [EN] In the civilization of ancient Rome, three of the most important aspects of daily life were linked to architecture: the Baths, the Aqueducts and the Tombs. This research proposes the study of the integration of advanced systems for the documentation, management and valorization of the architectural funerary heritage of the Via Latina and Via Appia Antica, in close relation to the theme of Cultural Landscape. In fact, the Park of the Latin Tombs is home to one of the most important funerary complexes, which currently preserves the traditional appearance of the ancient Roman landscape unchanged. Along a cobbled road, like all consular roads, the Via Latina (as well as the Via Appia Antica), which, as recalled by Livio, once connected the cities of Rome with Capua, still maintains the "frozen" ancient urban/landscape layout. The theme of the road and the infrastructure system is, in fact, a manifestation of a fundamental human need, that of movement, and reflects the history of all humanity in its evolution. Today, along a stretch of about 450 meters, there are numerous tombs of various types built between the Republican Age and the early Middle Ages. This study does not focus exclusively on the architectural heritage of the ancient tombs, but also aims at an urban analysis of the infrastructural network connecting the archaeological site to the historical center of Rome and of the relationship established between the ancient remains and the traditional landscape of Lazio in which they are contextualized: the Ager Romanus. This aspect is very important for the entire research proposal, as it is an integral part of the entire analysis. In fact, the synergy derived from the relationship between these components, which converge in their essential form, is: "a synthesis of the visual elements that insist on a space included in a single circle of horizon" (Biasutti, 1962). In the specific case, the landscape of the Via Latina and the Via Appia Antica is a very complex reality that consists in the interrelation between the ruins (Tombs), the biotic elements, the historical center and the peripheral urban network composed by the ancient roads that have to coexist with the continuous expansion of the contemporary axes. Therefore, this multifaceted system of the Ager Romanus and the Via Latina/Appia Antica cultural site is comparable to a living and dynamic structure and, as such, must be analyzed. The last key aspect that the research wants to address is cataloguing. In fact, historical sites and monuments cannot be maintained only by using them and using them passively, but by activating all the operations of protection and conservation through direct interventions (maintenance/restoration) and indirect ones such as the constant cataloguing of historical works and the consequent "dynamic cataloguing". For the Tombs of the Via Latina and the Via Appia Antica this procedure is currently incomplete: one of the objectives of the research will be the creation of a file/database that will allow the constant monitoring of the ancient Tombs. In order to design such a 'powerful' protection and management tool, it will be necessary to use the most advanced architectural survey techniques currently in use (such as laser scanning and photogrammetry, in conjunction with specific analysis software) accompanied by an in-depth study of ancient construction techniques. / Rinaldi, S. (2022). Integración de sistemas para la documentación, gestión y puesta en valor del patrimonio arquitectónico: el parque arqueológico de las tumbas de la Vía Latina en Roma [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/188939

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