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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Penningtvätt : Revisorns utbildning och möjligheter / Money laundering : The accountant's training and possibilities

Bergqvist Pattihis, Ann January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Revisorer omfattas av penningtvättslagstiftningens krav och ska rapportera misstänkta transaktioner som de upptäcker till Finanspolisen. Men revisorernas rapporteringar är väldigt få. Tidigare studier visar på att bristande utbildning och kunskaper hos revisorerna kan vara en orsak till det låga rapporteringstalet. Andra aspekter som framförts är att det är svårt att hitta oegentligheter under en revision eftersom det endast är ett urval av transaktioner som granskas, samt att penningtvätt lämnar få spår i en årsredovisning.  Syfte: Syftet med studien är att ge en ökad förståelse för revisorers förutsättningar för rapportering av misstänkta transaktioner genom att undersöka hur revisorer utbildas inom penningtvättsområdet och hur revisorernas möjligheter att upptäcka penningtvätt kan se ut i verkligheten.  Metod: Jag har utfört min studie med abduktiv forskningsansats, där jag växlat mellan insamling och tolkning av både teori och empiri för att uppfylla studiens syfte. Jag har samlat min empiri genom semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer med personer från revisionsfirmor och utredande myndigheter, samt att jag använt mig av ett penningtvättsfall med domar från tingsrätt och hovrätt samt årsredovisningar för de bolag som ingick i fallet. Slutsats: Den generella uppfattningen hos respondenterna från revisionsfirmor är att revisorernas utbildning inom penningtvätt är tillräcklig för att uppfylla penningtvättslagens krav. Samtidigt framkommer att det finns ett behov av mer praktisk utbildning för att ge revisorerna bättre förståelse för vad de ska leta efter för att hitta penningtvätt. Vidare framkommer att lagkravet om transaktionsgranskning bör ges mer emfas i revisorernas utbildning. Studiens rättsfallsanalys visar på att revisorernas möjligheter att upptäcka penningtvätt i det aktuella fallet var bättre avseende små bolag. Revisorns val av granskningsmetoder samt att vara observant på avvikande betalningsströmmar är viktiga faktorer som påverkar möjligheterna att upptäcka penningtvätt. / Background: Accountants are subject to money laundering legislation and has to report suspicious transactions they detect to the Financial Police. But accountants submit very few suspicious transactions reports. Previous studies indicate that this could be due to the accountants’ lacking training and knowledge. Other aspects that have been expressed are that it is difficult to find irregularities during an audit as only a selection of transactions are examined, and that money laundering leaves few traces in a financial statement.  Purpose: The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of the accountants’ conditions for reporting suspicious transactions by examining how the accountants are trained in the money laundering field and which possibilities the accountants might have to detect money laundering in reality.  Method: I have performed this study with an abductive research approach, where I have alternated between collecting and interpreting both theory and empirical data to fulfil the purpose of the study. I have gathered my empirical data through semi-structured qualitative interviews with persons from accounting firms and investigative authorities. I have also used a money laundering case with court decisions from Crown court and Court of Appeal together with the financial statements from the limited companies that were involved in the case. Conclusions: The general perception among the respondents from the accounting firms is that the accountants’ training in the money laundering field is sufficient to fulfil the legislative requirements. At the same time it appears that more practical training is required to give the accountants a better understanding of what they should be looking for to detect money laundering. Furthermore, it appears that the legislative requirement for examining transactions should be give more emphasis in the training. The study’s analysis of a court case indicates that the accountants’ possibilities to detect money laundering in the specific case were better regarding smaller sized companies. The accountant’s choice of audit procedures and to be observant of abnormal money flows are important factors that impacts the possibilities to detect money laundering.

Činnost poskytovatelů platebních služeb při potlačení legalizace výnosů z trestné činnosti a financování terorizmu / Activities of providers of financial services regarding the suppression of legalization of crime proceeds and terrorism funding

Auxt, Matej January 2015 (has links)
Suppressing the legalisation of the earnings of criminal activities along with the terrorism financing represent the essential aspect of terrorism and predicative crimes (from which the illegal earnings are obtained) prevention. Focusing on concealing the tracks of money transfers, the legalisation of the earnings of criminal activities and terrorism financing is being proceeded throughout a series of money transfers and with the help of other financial services. Therefore, it is crucial to mainly focus on the field of payment services providers when trying to supress these activities. For the purposes of supressing the legalisation of the earnings of criminal activities and terrorism financing the banks and other bodies on the financial market are relevant providers of the payment services. The key legal provision regulating the domain in question is the Act no. 253/2008 Coll. (regarding certain precautions against the legalisation of the earnings of criminal activities and terrorism financing) which puts the payment services providers in the role of liable subjects. The diploma theses analyses individual precautions against the legalisation of the earnings of criminal activities and terrorism financing, whose implementation is posed on the liable subjects by national legislation, as well as the...

Problematika legalizace výnosů z trestné činnosti z pohledu českého práva a právní praxe / The issue of money laundering from the perspective of Czech law and legal practice

Foukalová, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
A B S T R A C T This diploma thesis deals with the issue of money laundering. This is a worldwide phenomenon, whose main aim is to disguise the true origin of the funds derived from criminal activity. It has strong potential to disrupt the functioning of the national economies of individual states, and at the same time undermine confidence in the financial and banking system as a whole. Therefore the efforts of the states and international organizations in preventing money laundering are not surprising. The first chapter is explaining the concept of money laundering with the most common semantic connotations including its legal definition. Then the thesis moves to the analysis of different stages and methods of money laundering with the focus on current trends as a virtual currency Bitcoin or trust funds. The third chapter is devoted to analysis of current legislation, both in the Czech Republic and also in the European Union and in the international arena in general. Chapter Four provides a comprehensive overview of the authorities responsible for combating money laundering as a Financial Analytical Unit, Czech National Bank or the Police of the Czech Republic. Following practical part is devoted to detail individual bank measures against money laundering. In this chapter I will try to capture how the...

Role bank v boji proti legalizaci výnosů z trestné činnosti a financování terorismu / The role of banks in the fight against money laundering and financing of terrorism

Pultarová, Hana January 2016 (has links)
Money laundering and terrorist financing are serious problems that may not only disrupt the stability and reputation of financial institutions, but also affect a wide range of individuals. Therefore, this kind of conduct can be punished as a crime, including the active involvement of banks in money laundering. However, the diploma thesis focuses mainly on preventive measures introduced by the provisions of administrative law. The role of a well-functioning banking system is essential for the effective suppression of money laundering and financing of terrorism. Banks are the most frequent reporters of suspicious transactions and the bank services are used by wide range of persons. The role of banks is mainly determined by their designation as obliged entities by the Act no. 253/2008 Coll., on certain measures against the legalization of proceeds of crime and terrorist financing. The obligations arising out of this act are put into context with the Czech Banking Act and with regulations governing payments and implementation of international sanctions, including directly applicable laws of the European Union. The importance of the bank services is also caused by the regulation of cash payments. In connection with the activities of banks, the thesis reflects selected changes that will be introduced by...

Trestný čin legalizace výnosů z trestné činnosti podle § 216 trestního zákoníku / The Crime of Money Laundering under Section 216 of the Czech Criminal Code

Wilsdorf, Jan Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
The Crime of Money Laundering under Section 216 of the Czech Criminal Code Abstract The diploma thesis aims to examine the crime of legalization of proceeds of criminal activities in its narrower sense, i.e. the crime under S. 216 (2) of the Czech Criminal Code. This crime is referred to as "the crime of money laundering" throughout the thesis, as opposed to the crime of possession of stolen goods under S. 2016 (1) of the Czech Criminal Code. The opening chapter reviews the terminology used by Czech law. Then the thesis briefly addresses the phenomenon of money laundering in a broader context; this chapter also provides with statistics of criminal prosecutions for the named crime in the Czech Republic. In a separate chapter, the thesis names some of the most essential international documents adopted in the area of combating money laundering so far. The thesis then describes and evaluates the evolution of the crime of money laundering under Czech criminal law, namely regarding the respective amendments of the law. The following chapter then analyses the most significant elements of the crime of money laundering, and as such, it represents the centrepiece of the thesis. From this analysis, several important and disputed questions arise and are examined further. The thesis emphasizes e.g. the issue of...

Fronteiras da responsabilização penal de agentes financeiros na lavagem de dinheiro / Criminal responsibility of financial agents in money laundering

Arellano, Luis Felipe Vidal 04 March 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação de Mestrado visa a discutir os limites da imputação penal de delitos de lavagem de dinheiro a funcionários de instituições financeiras que, ordenada ou casualmente, sejam envolvidos em ações praticadas por terceiros, clientes ou não destas instituições, e que possam configurar a realização do tipo objetivo do crime de lavagem de ativos. Com este propósito, são discutidos aspectos como a evolução da ideia de imputação penal vis-a-vis o desenvolvimento do pensamento chamado pós-contemporâneo e suas implicações na dogmática do concurso de pessoas. Ademais, são também descritos detalhadamente os momentos relativos à lavagem de dinheiro que podem ser propícios à participação de agentes financeiros, debatendo-se, em cada caso, a possibilidade ou não de imputação do crime de lavagem a estes agentes. / The following dissertation aims to discuss the limits of criminal imputation of money laundering on financial institutions employees that, casually or not, become involved in actions perpetrated by third parties, clients or not, of those institutions, which may configure the money laundering criminal fattie species. With this purpose, aspects such as the development of criminal imputation idea vis-a-vis the post-contemporary thinking and its implications to criminal participation theory are discussed. In addition, we focus specifically on the probable moment of the money laundering scheme in which the financial agent might be involved, debating, case by case, the possibility of incrimination.

Gapet mellan FATF:s grundläggande rekommendationer och svenska bankers reglering av penningtvätt i praktiken : Beslutsfattande inom svenska banker / The gap between FATF:s founding recommendations and the Swedish bank’s regulation of money laundering : Decision making in Swedish banks

Crnovrsanin, Adelisa, Hajic, Edvina January 2018 (has links)
Penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism är ett internationellt problem som ständigt hotar världsekonomin och det finansiella systemet. Detta har medfört att Financial Action Task Forces grundläggande rekommendationer, som legat till bas för en stor del av regelverken inom den svenska finanssektorn, besitter en betydelsefull roll, likaså enskilda bankmedarbetares beslutsfattande inom de svenska storbankerna.Syftet med studien är att förstå hur och varför det kan existera ett gap mellan FATF:s grundläggande rekommendationer och några svenska bankers agerande i reglering av penningtvätt genom att observera enskilda bankmedarbetares beslutsfattande inom de svenska storbankerna.Beslutsteorier ligger till grund för att förstå hur psykologiska kognitioner kan påverka en individs beslutsfattande. Vår föreställning har även varit den, att enskilda bankmedarbetare inom de svenska storbankerna kan fatta beslut och utföra handlingar i relation till organisationsförhållande så som styr- och kontrollsystem, komplexa organisationsmiljöer, informationssystem, individuell kompetens samt selektion, urval och värderingar, som råder inom banken.Sett till vår teoretiska referensram, empiriska insamling och analys har vi konstaterat att de olika organisationsförhållandena kan vara bidragande faktorer till varför penningtvätt inom svenska storbanker kan uppstå. Banktjänstemän fattar inte enbart oönskade beslut på grund av brister i organisationsförhållandena, utan även på grund av olika kompetensnivåer som innebär att vissa medarbetare med högre kompetens erhåller ett bredare handlingsutrymme. Under studiens gång har vi fått en indikation på att kundkännedom och kundrelation kan vara en kritisk faktor till uppkomsten av penningtvätt, då det existerar osäkerhet i enskilda bankmedarbetares bedömning av kunders trovärdighet / Money laundering and terrorist financing is an international issue that is constantly threatening the world economy and the financial system. This meaning, that FATF's fundamental recommendations, as a basis for a large part of the regulations, within the Swedish financial sector have a significant role in the counter of money laundering as well as the decision-making of bankers in the Swedish major banks.The purpose of the study is to understand how and why there exists a gap between the Financial Action Task Force's fundamental recommendations and the behavior of a number of Swedish banks in the regulation of money laundering by observing bankers'decisionmaking.By applying an abductive approach, decision theories lay the foundation for understanding which psychological cognitions can affect a bankers decision making. Our idea has also been that individuals in the Swedish major banks can make decisions in relation to which organizational relationships such as control system, complex work environments, informations systems, selections and values exist within the bank.Referring to our theoretical reference framework, empirical collection and analysis, we have found that the different organizational relationships can be contributing factors to why money laundering within Swedish major banks can arise. Bankers not only take unwanted decisions because of the shortcomings in the organizational relationships, but also because the employees have different levels of competence and thus have wider scope for action. During the study, we have received an indication that customer relationships and how well bankers knows the customer, can be a critical factor to the emergence of money laundering.

Performance Characteristics of Rayon from Bamboo in Bed Sheets Through Laundering

Kohler, Jennifer 01 May 2012 (has links)
Due to the recent production and popularity of the textile fabric rayon from bamboo, relatively little information is available regarding related performance characteristics. This thesis serves to evaluate the performance of rayon from bamboo in the bed sheet application. Three tests were conducted to determine dimensional stability, fabric hand, and weight, thickness, and density of the rayon from bamboo throughout twelve laundering cycles. Results indicate a lack of dimensional stability, superior hand, and acceptable changes in weight, thickness, and density.

Civil recovery of corruptly-acquired assets : a legal roadmap for Nigeria

Opedayo, Okubule Bukola January 2010 (has links)
<p>The aim of this research paper is to examine the legal framework for the recovery of corruptly-acquired assets, with particular emphasis on the Nigerian situation. Its primary focus is a detailed examination of the legal mechanisms for the recovery of such assets in the context of international asset recovery. Despite the success of the Nigerian government in recovering the Abacha loot,8 siphoning off of public funds by public office holders continues, and charges of fraud persist against top bank executives alleged to have converted depositors&rsquo / funds fraudulently. The prevailing criminal or conviction-based forfeiture mechanism in Nigeria appears inadequate to deal effectively with these situations. The need to enhance capacity through the adoption of civil or non-conviction based forfeiture laws therefore becomes imperative.</p>

Prevention pillar of anti-money laundering regime in Russia in the context of global AML standards

Subbotina, Natalya January 2008 (has links)
The paper examines the approach taken by Russian government to control money laundering by creating the preventive framework which has undergone significant changes over the past six years. With respect to the prevention of money laundering, the discussion involves a review of international standards and norms which constitute the global AML regime. Recognizing the need for adding the domestic dimension to the studies of international regimes with the help of two-level game theory, the paper further analyzes the preventive pillar of the domestic AML regime in Russia in comparison with the global standards. It concludes that the federal law, which is the cornerstone of the domestic AML regime, as well as institutional framework created in Russia, both formally comply with the international norms. The analyses of the practical implementation of the AML legislation in the financial institutions focus on legislative base for the regulated, behavioral patterns of the banks in the AML prevention, and the conflicts and debates, lately emerged within the domestic AML regime. This paper aims to show how new regulations have influenced both domestic AML regime and its main actors. The paper concludes that the existent domestic regime lacks interaction and communication between its actors which leads to the breach of the main principle and goal of a regime – cooperation. The paper argues that the representatives of banking community in Russia could play the role of epistemic community proposed by the cognitive theory of international regimes. Given the functions of epistemic community it could foster better understanding of the context and purposes of the AML regime, thus, decreasing uncertainty and facilitating cooperation between the parties. The paper will conclude with the recommendations on the future research about how risk-based approach to banking regulation of the AML prevention rather than traditional rule-based compliance method can be effective.

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