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The anti-inflammatory properties of intravenous immunoglobulin in a murine model of allergic airway disease ; effects on the development of regulatory T-cellsMassoud, Amir Hossein 04 1900 (has links)
Les immunoglobulines intraveineuses (IVIg) constituent une préparation polyclonale d’IgG
isolée et regroupée à partir du plasma sanguin de multiples donneurs. Initialement utilisé comme
traitement de remplacement chez les patients souffrant d’immunodéficience primaire ou
secondaire, les IVIg sont maintenant largement utilisées dans le traitement de plusieurs
conditions auto-immunes, allergiques ou inflammatoires à une dose élevée, dite immunomodulatrice.
Différents mécanismes d’action ont été postulés au fil des années pour expliquer
l’effet thérapeutique des IVIg dans les maladies auto-immunes et inflammatoires. Entre autre, un
nombre grandissant de données issues de modèles expérimentaux chez l’animal et l’humain
suggère que les IVIg induisent l’expansion et augmentent l’action suppressive des cellules T
régulatrices (Tregs), par un mécanisme qui demeure encore inconnu. Également, les patients
atteints de maladies auto-immunes ou inflammatoires présentent souvent un nombre abaissé de
Tregs par rapport aux individus sains. Ainsi, une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes par
lesquels les IVIg modulent les cellules T régulatrices est requise afin de permettre un usage plus
rationnel de ce produit sanguin en tant qu’alternative thérapeutique dans le traitement des
maladies auto-immunes et inflammatoires.
Par le biais d’un modèle expérimental d’allergie respiratoire induite par un allergène, nous avons
démontré que les IVIg diminuaient significativement l’inflammation au niveau des voies
aériennes ce, en association avec une différenciation des Tregs à partir des cellules T non
régulatrices du tissu pulmonaire. Nous avons également démontré qu’au sein de notre modèle
expérimental, l’effet anti-inflammatoire des IVIg était dépendant des cellules dendritiques
CD11c+ (CDs) pulmonaires, puisque cet effet pouvait être complètement reproduit par le transfert adoptif de CDs provenant de souris préalablement traitées par les IVIg. À cet effet, il est
déjà établi que les IVIg peuvent moduler l’activation et les propriétés des CDs pour favoriser la
tolérance immunitaire et que ces cellules seraient cruciales pour l’induction périphérique des
Tregs. C’est pourquoi, nous avons cherché à mieux comprendre comment les IVIg exercent leur
effet sur ces cellules. Pour la première fois, nous avons démontré que la fraction d’IgG riche en
acide sialique (SA-IVIg) (constituant 2-5% de l’ensemble des IgG des donneurs) interagit avec
un récepteur dendritique inhibiteur de type lectine C (DCIR) et active une cascade de
signalement intracellulaire initiée par la phosphorylation du motif ITIM qui est responsable des
changements observés en faveur de la tolérance immunitaire auprès des cellules dendritiques et
des Tregs. L’activité anti-inflammatoire de la composante SA-IVIg a déjà été décrite dans des
études antérieures, mais encore une fois le mécanisme par lequel ce traitement modifie la
fonction des CDs n’a pas été établi. Nous avons finalement démontré que le récepteur DCIR
facilite l’internalisation des molécules d’IgG liées au récepteur et que cette étape est cruciale
pour permettre l’induction périphérique des Tregs.
En tant que produit sanguin, les IVIg constitue un traitement précieux qui existe en quantité
limitée. La caractérisation des mécanismes d’action des IVIg permettra une meilleure utilisation
de ce traitement dans un vaste éventail de pathologies auto-immunes et inflammatoires. / Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) is a therapeutic preparation of normal human polyclonal IgG
derived from pooled plasma from a large number of healthy donors. Initially used as replacement
therapy for patients with primary and secondary immune deficiencies, IVIg is now also widely
used for the treatment of a variety of autoimmune, allergic and systemic inflammatory disorders,
at high immunomodulatory doses. The beneficial effect of IVIg in autoimmune and
inflammatory diseases has been attributed to different mechanisms. Increasing evidence shows
that IVIg induces expansion and enhances the suppressive function of regulatory T cells (Tregs)
in different experimental animal models and human subjects, through an unknown mechanism.
Human inflammatory and autoimmune diseases are known to be associated with Treg deficiency.
Therefore, a more precise understanding of the mechanisms by which IVIg modulate Treg
populations seems to be needed for more rational use of this compound as an alternative therapy
in context of various inflammatory and autoimmune disorders.
Using a robust antigen-driven model of allergic airway disease, we have demonstrated that IVIg
markedly attenuates airway inflammation and this effect is associated with the induction of Tregs
from non-regulatory T cells in pulmonary tissues. We have also demonstrated that the antiinflammatory
actions of IVIg, in our model are dependent on a population of pulmonary CD11c+
dendritic cells (DCs), as the action of IVIg could be completely replicated by adoptive transfer of
CD11c+ DCs from IVIg-treated mice. we have shown that tolerogenic DCs involve in the
peripheral induction of Tregs. Given the requirement of DCs in the induction of Tregs, we
explored the mechanism by which IVIg interacts and modulate these cells and for the first time
demonstrated that the purified sialylated fraction of human IgG (SA-IVIg) (that consists 2-5% of whole IgG) interacts with an inhibitory C-type lectin receptor on dendritic (DCIR) and this
interaction triggers an ITIM intracellular signaling cascade. This subsequently results in
rendering tolerogenic activities to DCs and peripheral induction of Tregs. The anti-inflammatory
activity of SA-IVIg has been shown in previous studies, but the mechanism by which it
modulates DCs functions is not well understood. We also demonstrated that DCIR facilitates the
internalization of IgG molecules into DC and this internalization appears to be a crucial step for
induction of Tregs.
IVIg is a costly therapeutic compound. Characterization of the mechanism of action of IVIg can
lead to a better application of this plasma based therapy in a wide range of autoimmune and
inflammatory diseases.
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Genetic predisposition to spontaneous preterm birth:approaches to identify susceptibility genesKarjalainen, M. (Minna) 06 December 2011 (has links)
Approximately 5.5% of all infants are born preterm (before 37 completed weeks of gestation) in Finland. Preterm birth is the cause of several life-threatening neonatal diseases and long-term morbidity. The most important risk factor for preterm birth is intrauterine infection and inflammation. Approximately 70% of preterm births have a spontaneous onset. Evidence suggests that genetic factors are involved in spontaneous preterm birth (SPTB), but knowledge about the actual genes conferring genetic predisposition is limited.
The major aim of this work was to identify genetic factors that predispose to SPTB. Genome-wide linkage analysis was performed to identify genomic regions associating with SPTB in large northern Finnish families recurrently affected by SPTB. Genes near regions with linkage signals were subsequently analyzed in a Finnish case-control population of mothers and infants. Due to their roles in innate immunity, the genes encoding surfactant protein A (SP-A), SP-C, SP-D and mannose-binding lectin (MBL) were also investigated as candidates for SPTB in this population. In addition, expression of SP-C in human and mouse gestational tissues was examined.
Linkage signals were detected on chromosome loci 15q26.3, Xq13.1 and Xq21.1 with the phenotype of being born preterm. In subsequent association analyses, the genes encoding the insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF1R) located within locus 15q26.3 and the androgen receptor (AR) located near locus Xq13.1 were identified as potential novel fetal SPTB susceptibility genes. These genes did not associate with SPTB in the mothers.
An association was found between the Met31Thr polymorphism of the SFTPD gene encoding SP-D and SPTB in the infants. There was no association in the mothers. Polymorphisms of the genes encoding SP-A or MBL did not associate with SPTB.
The Thr138Asn polymorphism of the SFTPC gene encoding SP-C did not associate with SPTB. However, this polymorphism associated strongly with the interval between preterm premature rupture of membranes and SPTB in the fetuses. Expression of SP-C was detected in human and mouse fetal membranes and placenta, and in mouse pregnant uterus.
Currently, there is no effective method to prevent SPTB. The results of this study may help to clarify some of the biological mechanisms underlying SPTB and finally allow the development of specific treatment strategies for its prevention. / Tiivistelmä
Suomessa syntyy noin 5,5 % lapsista ennenaikaisina eli raskauden kestettyä vähemmän kuin 37 täyttä viikkoa. Näillä lapsilla on alttius hengenvaarallisiin sairauksiin, ja osalle heistä jää pysyvä kehitysvamma. Noin 70 % ennenaikaisista syntymistä käynnistyy spontaanisti. Tärkein ennenaikaisen syntymän riskitekijä on kohdunsisäinen tulehdusreaktio. Myös perinnöllisten tekijöiden tiedetään vaikuttavan spontaanin ennenaikaisen syntymän (SEAS) käynnistymiseen, mutta alttiusgeenejä tunnetaan huonosti.
Työssä pyrittiin tunnistamaan SEAS:lle altistavia perinnöllisiä tekijöitä. Perimänlaajuista kytkentäanalyysiä käyttäen etsittiin SEAS:ään liittyviä perimän kohtia tutkimalla toistuvasti ennenaikaisia syntymiä kokeneita isoja pohjoissuomalaisia perheitä. Kytkentäsignaalien lähellä olevia geenejä tutkittiin tutkimusaineistossa, joka koostui suomalaisista äideistä ja lapsista. Surfaktanttiproteiini A:ta (SP-A), SP-C:tä, SP-D:tä ja mannoosia sitovaa lektiiniä (MBL) koodaavia geenejä tutkittiin ehdokasgeeneinä SEAS:lle tässä populaatiossa, koska nämä proteiinit osallistuvat elimistön puolustukseen ja voivat siten vaikuttaa SEAS:ään liittyvään tulehdusreaktioon. Lisäksi tutkittiin SP-C:n ilmentymistä ihmisen ja hiiren sikiökalvoilla, istukassa ja kohdussa.
Kytkentäsignaaleja havaittiin kromosomikohdissa 15q26.3, Xq13.1 ja Xq21.1, kun tutkittavana ilmiasuna oli ennenaikaisena syntyminen. Lisätutkimukset osoittivat, että sikiön insuliininkaltaisen kasvutekijän 1 reseptoria koodaava IGF1R-geeni (kohta 15q26.3) ja androgeenireseptorigeeni AR (lähellä kohtaa Xq13.1) ovat mahdollisia uusia SEAS:n alttiusgeenejä. Nämä geenit eivät selittäneet SEAS:ää äideissä.
Sikiön SP-D:tä koodaavan geenin Met31Thr-polymorfismi tunnistettiin mahdolliseksi riskitekijäksi, mutta tämä polymorfismi ei selittänyt SEAS:ää äideissä. SP-A:ta ja MBL:ää koodaavat geenit eivät liittyneet SEAS:ään.
SP-C:tä koodaavan geenin Thr138Asn-polymorfismi ei ollut yhteydessä SEAS:ään. Sikiön Thr138Asn-polymorfismi liittyi kuitenkin vahvasti sikiökalvojen puhkeamisen ja SEAS:n väliseen kestoon. SP-C:n havaittiin ilmentyvän ihmisen ja hiiren sikiökalvoilla ja istukassa sekä raskaana olevan hiiren kohdussa.
Tulokset antavat uutta tietoa SEAS:n perinnöllisestä taustasta. Tämä tieto voi auttaa selvittämään sen käynnistymiseen johtavia biologisia mekanismeja ja johtaa lopulta uusiin hoitokeinoihin, joilla pystytään estämään spontaaneja ennenaikaisia syntymiä.
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Structure-Function Relationship Of Winged Bean (Psophocarpus Tetragonolobus) Basic Agglutinin (WBA I ) : Carbohydrate Binding, Domain Structure And Amino Acid Sequence AnalysisPuri, Kamal Deep 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Grundlage der vorgelegten Arbeit sind die bei der Alzheimerschen Erkrankung beobachtbaren pathologischen Merkmale, wie die progressive Akkumulation von β-Amyloid-Plaques, cholinerger Dysfunktion und zerebrovaskuläre Abnormalitäten. Die in englischer Sprache verfasste Dissertation ist eine tierexperimentelle Studie, die versucht, den Zusammenhang von β-Amyloid, cholinerger Neurotransmission und zerebralem Gefäßsystem bei der Alzheimerschen Erkrankung näher zu charakterisieren. An Hirnmaterial aus der transgenen Maus Tg2576, die die schwedische Mutation des humanen Amyloidpräkursorproteins als Transgen trägt und ab dem 10. Lebensmonat durch humane β-Amyloid-Plaqueablagerungen in der Hirnrinde imponiert, wurden im Altersverlauf (4 bis 18 Monate) immunhistochemische Untersuchungen zur morphologischen Integrität der zerebralen Mikrogefäße, der kortikalen cholinergen Nervterminalen und der intrazerebralen cholinergen neurovaskulären Innervation durchgeführt.
Am somatosensorischen Kortex werden beispielhaft die Expression des Glukosetransporters 1 oder Solanum tuberosum Lektin als Kapillarmarker und des vesikulären Acetylcholintransporters als Marker für cholinerge Fasern mittels Immunfluoreszenz und Laser-Scanning Mikroskopie erfasst, einer semiquantitativen Computer-gestützten Bildanalytischen Auswertung unterzogen und mit dem Ausmaß der kortikalen Plaquebeladung korreliert. So konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Dichte der Blutgefäße und cholinergen Fasern im somatosensorischen Kortex von transgenen Tieren mit dem Alter im Vergleich zu nichttransgenen Kontrolltieren abnimmt, was mit einer Reduktion der perivaskulären cholinergen Innervation einhergeht.
Die erhobenen Befunde stützen die von J.C. de la Torre und T. Mussivand schon im Jahre 1993 formulierte „vaskuläre Hypothese“, wonach bei der sporadischen Form der Alzheimerschen Erkrankung alters- und Lebensstil-bedingte Schädigungen des zerebralen Gefäßsystems eine zentrale Rolle bei der Manifestierung der Erkrankung spielen.:CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION
1.1 Alzheimer’s disease 1
1.2 APP processing and β-amyloid production 2
1.3 Cholinergic dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease 5
1.4 Cerebrovascular abnormalities in Alzheimer’s disease 8
1.5 Cholinergic innervation of intracortical cerebral microvessels 9
1.6 Transgenic Tg2576 mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease 11
1.7 Aim of study 14
2.1 Materials 15
2.1.1 Chemical reagents used 15
2.1.2 Biological reagents used 15
2.1.3 Preparation of solutions and buffers 15
2.1.4 Antibodies and reagents used for immunohistochemistry 17
2.1.5 Transgenic animals 19
2.2 Methods 20
2.2.1 Tissue preparation and sampling of sections 20
2.2.2 Immunohistochemistry 20 Protocol of immunofluorescent labeling 20 Protocol of immunoperoxidase labeling (ABC technique) 21 Combination of primary and secondary antibodies 22 Protocol of β–amyloid immunolabeling
(Formic acid epitope retrieval method) 23
2.2.3 Histochemistry 23 Thioflavin S staining 23 Nissl staining 23 Solanum Tuberosum Lectin (STL) staining 24
2.2.4 Double and triple-coloured immuno-/ histochemical staining of brain sections 24
2.2.5 Microscopy and digital image processing 25
2.2.6 Morphological and morphometric analyses 25 Cortical microvessels 25 Cortical cholinergic innervation 27 Total density of VAChT-immunoreactivity 27 Estimation of the density of varicosities on cholinergic fibres 29 Estimation of cholinergic perivascular innervation of cortical
microvessels 29 Three-dimensional-imaging of vessels innervation 30
2.2.7 Statistical analysis 30
3.1 Developmental and amyloid plaque-related changes in cerebral cortical
capillaries in transgenic Tg2576 Alzheimer mice 31
3.1.1 Morphological distribution of brain vessels in the cerebral cortex of
wild type mice 31
3.1.2 Microvessel density under plaque burden 33
3.2 Developmental and amyloid plaque-related changes in cholinergic
neurotransmission in cholinoceptive target regions of transgenic Tg2576 mice 39
3.2.1 Visualisation of cholinergic nerve terminals in mouse brain 39
3.2.2 VAChT-Expression in wild type and transgenic Tg2576 mice 40
3.3 Role of cholinergic system in β-amyloid-related changes in the cerebrovascular
system of transgenic Tg2576 mice 46
3.3.1 Solanum tuberosum lectin (STL) histochemistry in visualisation of brain
vessels, β-amyloid, and microglia 46 Solanum tuberosum lectin and brain vessels 46 Solanum tuberosum lectin and β-amyloid plaques 47 Solanum tuberosum lectin staining to visualize glial cells 48
3.3.2 Cholinergic perivascular innervation of cerebral cortical microvessels in
transgenic Tg2576 and wild type mice 50
4.1 β-Amyloid and brain vascular system: the vascular hypothesis of Alzheimer’s disease 55
4.1.1 Evidences of a role of vascular mechanisms in Alzheimer’s disease 55
4.1.2 Effect of β-amyloid on brain vascular system 57
4.1.3 Effect of ischemia and hypoperfusion on APP processing 59
4.1.4 Effect of β-amyloid on cholinergic function in brain vascular system 59
4.2 Aim of study and main results obtained 61
4.3 Age-related changes in cerebral cortical microvessels in the presence and absence
of β-amyloid plaque load 62
4.4 Age-related changes of cholinergic terminals in cholinoceptive target regions in the presence and absence of β-amyloid plaque load 64
4.4.1 VAChT – a reliable marker for detection of cholinergic terminals
in cerebral cortex 64
4.4.2 The barrel field of the somatosensory cortex 1 (S1BF) as a model region
to reveal age-related changes in cholinergic innervation 65
4.4.3 VAChT expression: morphological and morphometric studies 66
4.5 Age-related changes in cholinergic innervation of cerebral cortical microvessels in
the presence and absence of β-amyloid plaque load 69
4.5.1 STL – a mono-marker for detection of cortical vessels, senile amyloid
plaques and activated microglia in cerebral cortex 69
4.5.2 Cholinergic perivascular innervation of cerebral cortical microvessels in
transgenic Tg2576 mice 70
4.5.3 Quantitation of cholinergic input on cerebral microvessels of mouse brain 71
4.6 Summary and conclusions 75
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