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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Processos artísticos no continente latino-americano: uma perspectiva histórica e crítica da I Bienal latino-americana de 1978 e seu legado para a América Latina e o Brasil / Artistic Processes in Latin America: a historical and critical perspective of the I Latin American Biennial of 1978 and its legacy for Latin America and Brazil

Carla Francisca Fatio 01 June 2012 (has links)
O trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a I Bienal Latino-Americana de 1978 e seu Simpósio. O evento trouxe subsídios para o pensamento crítico sobre a América Latina Contemporânea. Observa-se no estudo a relevância do diálogo sobre a arte em sua identidade especificamente latino-americana (não europeia e nem americana), ocorrido nesta Bienal, e dentro dos quadros da Fundação Bienal de São Paulo. A tese apresenta quatro capítulos, além da introdução e das considerações finais. Os capítulos trazem informações sobre: (1) a Fundação Bienal de São Paulo e as Bienais Internacionais e Nacionais; (2) a organização da I Bienal Latino-Americana, o papel e a expectativa da crítica de arte; (3) o Simpósio, a apresentação de algumas teses, a perspectiva dos artistas; (4) a visão crítica de Aracy Amaral, os procedimentos relacionados a uma possível II Bienal Latino-Americana, as comissões estabelecidas pelos críticos de arte; e em especial, fazemos um comparativo da I Bienal Latino-Americana com a 30º Bienal de São Paulo, e as atuais 54º Bienal de Veneza e a Documenta 13, com uma complementação das Bienais do Mercosul e VentoSul. Recuperaram-se documentos inéditos, tendo-se uma preocupação de reconstruir historicamente o processo de organização desta Bienal, e extrair, dos diálogos registrados em textos, as ideias e estratégias pensadas pelo diretor artístico (curador), e pelos críticos envolvidos no Conselho de Arte e Cultura, e no Simpósio sobre o conceito de arte latino-americana. Evidencia-se o papel da crítica de arte. Trata-se igualmente, a questão da I Bienal Latino-Americana em permanecer parcialmente incógnita, por tantas décadas, nos estudos sobre a arte no Brasil. Na análise empreendida, discorre-se sobre a cena política e artística das décadas 1970 e 1980, sempre que este contexto é relevante para entender a ideia de uma mostra latino-americana de grande porte, a organização desta exposição e os seus desdobramentos críticos e culturais no debate sobre América Latina e Caribe. Uma atenção especial é dada, ao papel da arte no processo de integração desta região do continente americano, e seu possível legado para a contemporaneidade. / Initially, this work presents a research on the I Latin America Biennial of 1978 and its Symposium. Secondly, the event brought subsidies to critical thinking about Contemporary Latin America continent. We have noted the relevance of the dialogue about art in its specifically Latin American identity (neither American nor European) occurred in this biennial, and within the frames of the São Paulo Biennial Foundation. Moreover, the thesis is presented in four chapters, besides the introduction and final considerations. The chapters bring information about: (1) São Paulo Biennial Foundation, including the view of the international editions plus the fourth national ones; (2) its organization of the first Latin America Biennial, its position and expectations of the art criticism; (3) the Symposium, the presentation of some thesis, and its artists belief; (4) the thought of the art critics of this period, especially the critical view of Aracy Amaral, the procedures related to a possible II Latin America Biennial, the commissions of art critics; in particular, the comparison of the I Latin American Biennial with the 30th São Paulo Biennial, and similarities with the 54th Venice Biennial and Documenta 13, plus, the Biennial of MERCOSUR and VentoSul. We recovered some unpublished documents and were concerned to reconstruct historically the process of organizing this biennial in study. Ideas and strategies designed by the artistic director (curator) about the concept of \"Latin American art and also by the art critics involved in the Art and Culture Council as well as in the Symposium were extracted from the documents. We have also investigated the issue of the Biennial being partially unknown for so many decades, especially in studies about art in Brazil. All in all, in the undertaken study, the artistic and political scene of the 1970 and 1980s were considered whenever it is a relevant context to understand the idea of a large Latin American exhibition, its organization and its critical and cultural branches for the debate on Latin America and Caribbean. A special attention is given to the role of art in the process of integration of this region of the American continent.

Service Oriented Architecture & Web Services : Guidelines for Migrating from Legacy Systems and Financial Consideration

Adeyinka, Oluwaseyi January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to present guidelines that can be followed when introducing Service-oriented architecture through the use of Web services. This guideline will be especially useful for organizations migrating from their existing legacy systems where the need also arises to consider the financial implications of such an investment whether it is worthwhile or not. The proposed implementation guide aims at increasing the chances of IT departments in organizations to ensure a successful integration of SOA into their system and secure strong financial commitment from the executive management. Service oriented architecture technology is a new concept, a new way of looking at a system which has emerged in the IT world and can be implemented by several methods of which Web services is one platform. Since it is a developing technology, organizations need to be cautious on how to implement this technology to obtain maximum benefits. Though a well-designed, service-oriented environment can simplify and streamline many aspects of information technology and business, achieving this state is not an easy task. Traditionally, management finds it very difficult to justify the considerable cost of modernization, let alone shouldering the risk without achieving some benefits in terms of business value. The study identifies some common best practices of implementing SOA and the use of Web services, steps to successfully migrate from legacy systems to componentized or service enabled systems. The study also identified how to present financial return on investment and business benefits to the management in order to secure the necessary funds. This master thesis is based on academic literature study, professional research journals and publications, interview with business organizations currently working on service oriented architecture. I present guidelines that can be of assistance to migrate from legacy systems to service-oriented architecture based on the analysis from comparing information sources mentioned above.

Model-Driven Software Modernization

Kowalczyk, Krzysztof, Kwiecinska, Anna January 2009 (has links)
This thesis elaborates the Model-Driven Software Modernization (MDSM), that has been identified by us, and is defined as a group of approaches toward modernization of legacy code. MDSM approaches are based on models, tools and processes known from the Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) that aims in automation of modernization process. This thesis describes identified MDSM approaches and related standards. Additionally, it suggests that certain kinds of modernization can be implemented in a more efficient way, when a new approach, that has been proposed by the authors, is used. An exemplary modernization, that solves selected industry problem, is implemented to demonstrate that the alternative approach is feasible. In addition, the availability of tools for MDA, which can be adopted in MDSM process, is discussed and guidelines for implementing MDSM are proposed.

Underhåll och Migrering av Legacy-System / Maintenance and Migration of Legacy Systems

Nyberg, Pontus, Elofsson, Tim January 2013 (has links)
Legacy-system sköter idag flera kritiska affärsprocesser hos många företag och banker. Dessa system är dyra att underhålla och uppdatera med nya funktioner. Legacy-systemenär också svåra att anpassa till en tjänsteorienterad arkitektur eller SOA (Service OrientedArchitechture). Därför vill företagen börja fasa ut dessa system. SOA är ett tankesätt i hur man strukturerar ett system. Allt ska vara uppbyggt av tjänster som inte är beroende avvarandra och därför i framtiden blir lättare att byta ut, ändra eller ta bort. Eftersom ingen tjänst ska vara beroende av någon annan skadas ingen annan del av systemet om en tjänst ändras. Eftersom fler och fler företag idag vill övergå till en SOA så letar de efter sätt att migrerasina legacy-system till modernare plattformar. Det finns flera olika sätt att migrerera legacy-system. Alla har olika fördelar och nackdelar. En av de säkrare metoderna är Chicken Little (steg-för-stegmetod), men den tar längre tid än att till exempel använda sig av metoden Cold Turkey som även kallas Big Bang. Big Bang för att man byter ut hela systemet på till exempel en helg eller liknande (drastisk metod). Flera företag har också specialiserat sig på att automatiskt översätta gammal kod till modernare, den tekniken heter transcoding. Det finns även företag som jobbar med att få bland annat Cobol att jobba ihop med modernare utvecklingsplattformar såsom Java. Ett av de mer aktiva företagen som arbetar med detta är Micro Focus, som har utvecklat ett bibliotek som gör att du kan starta Cobol-program från Java eller .NET. Författarna har med hjälp av deras Java-bibliotek skapat ett program åt Bluegarden som kan starta upp Cobol-program. Programmet skapades för att påvisa vad de kan använda för att slippa flera steg i uppstart av Cobol-program. För att undvika att man får legacy-system i framtiden har det även kommit fram flera underhållsmodeller. Underhållsmodellerna fungerar på olika sätt, men alla har som mål att undvika legacy-system. / Legacy systems today manages many critical business processes of many organisations and banks. These systems are expensive to maintain and update with new features. Legacy systems is also difficult to adapt to a SOA (Service Oriented Architecture). Therefore, the companies want to begin phasing out these systems. SOA is an approach in how to structure a system. Everything should be built of services that are not depending on each other and therefore in the future will be easy to replace, update or delete. Since no services will be dependent on any other, you can change one without harming another. More and more companies today want to move to a SOA, therefore they are looking for ways to migrate their legacy systems to modern platforms. There are several ways to migrate legacy systems. Every way has different advantages and disadvantages. One of the safer methods is called Chicken Little, but it takes longer than, for example using the method Cold Turkey. Several companies have also specialized in automatically translating old code to a modern programming language, this technique is called transcoding. There are companies that are working to get Cobol to work with more modern languages such as Java. One of the bigger companies that is developing ways to combine COBOL and Java is Micro Focus. They have developed a library that allows you to start COBOL programs from Java. To avoid legacy systems in the future, several maintenance models have been created. Maintenance models are structured in different ways, but all have the goal to avoid future legacy systems.

Mutations de l'héritage rabelaisien dans la littérature française du XIXe siècle : la figure du bon vivant et le rapport à la nourriture / Mutations into Rabelais' Legacy during the Nineteenth Century's French Literature : the 'Bon Vivant' Character and the Link with Food

Leroy, Alexandre 05 November 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de la thèse est de proposer un point de vue global de l’héritage rabelaisien sur la littérature du XIXe siècle, tant dans la critique littéraire que dans le roman, à travers la représentation du bon vivant mais aussi du repas. Il s’agit aussi de remarquer les références des multiples écrivains quant à des œuvres telles que le Gargantua. Le bon vivant décrit par Rabelais sera le medium principal de notre travail. Le personnage et ses traits spécifiques seront comparés aux adaptations des auteurs consacrés, tels que Balzac, Dumas, Gautier, Flaubert ou encore Zola, mais également d’écrivains aujourd’hui moins connus comme Nodier ou Cladel. On verra comment les écrivains du XIXe siècle font coïncider le texte de référence avec leur temps et leurs styles propres. L’abîme entre les XVIe et XIXe siècles est large et profond, et implique un certain nombre de mutations dans l’adaptation du personnage et de sa nourriture. A fortiori, les choix d’écriture des écrivains sont autant d’indices révélateurs de ce qui frappait, positivement ou négativement, les auteurs rabelaisants dans le style de leur auteur fétiche ; ils montrent aussi des buts particuliers que l’on mettra en lumière. / The thesis’s objective is to propose a global point of view of Rabelais’s legacy on the Nineteenth Century’s French Literature, in the critique as in the fiction, through the representation of the ‘bon vivant’ character and the food. We will study the references between the authors towards Rabelais’s books such as Gargantua. The ‘bon vivant’ (like Gargantua itself) as described by Rabelais is the main tool of my work. The character and its proper characteristics will be compared to its adaptations by some of the French most famous writers from the French Nineteenth Century, like Balzac, Dumas, Gautier, Flaubert or Zola, but also by some less known authors like Nodier or Cladel. We will see how they link the Rabelaisian source to their own time and styles. The chasm between the 16th and the 19th Centuries is large and deep, and implies some mutations in the adaptation of the ‘bon vivant’ and its food. Furthermore, the writers’ choices in the writing are some clues revealing what marked (positively or negatively) the authors who admired Rabelais inside the style of their beloved writer. These choices can also show some particular goals of the writing, that we will try to point out.

The crisis of truth and word : a defense of revelational epistemology in the theology of Carl F. H. Heny

King, Kevin Lebel 02 April 2009 (has links)
There are times when a confluence of events, individual talent, preparation and strategic timing all meet at the same point in time which result in a historic period on the larger scale of history. Such is the life and legacy of Carl F. H. Henry. Henry was born at a strategic time in the history of the Protestant church in the United States. He possessed and developed intellectual gifts that far surpassed most of his contemporaries. He also possessed an ability to be at the momentous shifts in Christian history in the United States. This study examines, in historical context, the surrounding circumstances and the developments from those circumstances that gave rise to “the dean of evangelical theologians,” Carl Henry. Henry burst onto the theological scene while the ambers were still burning from World War II. While the world was recovering from war, Protestantism, both in the U.S. and in Europe, was recovering from a battle of its own. In the United States, the conflict between liberals and conservatives had provided deep divides in the county’s denominations. With liberals having assumed seats of power in denominational structures and institutions of higher learning, the conservatives had withdrawn both culturally and theologically. Across Europe, two world wars within one generation had significantly damaged the cardinal doctrines of liberalism. In its place, came the rise of neo-orthodoxy. While on the surface the renewed emphasis on the Bible seemed to offer great promise, the philosophical underpinnings of neo-orthodoxy would soon erode the short lived hope that a return to the foundation of scriptural authority, as expressed by the Reformers, was in the making. It was into the this milieu that Carl Henry emerged onto the scene, with the publishing of The Uneasy Conscience of Modern Fundamentalism, as a major theological voice calling for a renunciation of the obscurantism of the fundamentalists, and a re-engagement with culture both in terms of social ministries and a renewed commitment to academic excellence. In addition to The Uneasy Conscience of Modern Fundamentalism, which received much more recognition that the preceding volume, Remaking the Modern Mind and then the later work, The Protestant Dilemma, these two books laid out the basic theological method that Henry would follow throughout his career resulting in his magnum opus, God, Revelation and Authority. It is here that evangelicalism finds its most definitive defense of biblical authority, inspiration and inerrancy, grounded in Henry’s theological methodology—revelational epistemology. In addition to Henry’s prodigious theological output, he was instrumental in changing the theological landscape in America. Having called for the re-engagement of the culture and the mind, Henry was pivotal in the forming of several key evangelical institutions. Henry actively took part in the founding of the NAE, ETS, Fuller Seminary and Christianity Today. Henry’s legacy is cemented in his ability to articulate and formulate viable contemporary expressions to fulfill the Great Commission. His contributions to the Kingdom of God are as monumental in their breadth and scope as the King he served. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Church History and Church Policy / unrestricted

Valores humanos, jogos olímpicos e envolvimento: uma pesquisa com os alunos e profissionais de educação física / Human values, olympic games and involvement: a research with students and professionals in physical education

Otávio Augusto Gratão 04 May 2018 (has links)
Uma das principais metas do Movimento Olímpico é o desenvolvimento de valores humanos por meio dos valores olímpicos que são definidos como valores contidos no âmbito olímpico, e mais ainda, os valores de nossa sociedade como um todo, dada a presença e importância do esporte na história e formação da humanidade (BINDER, 2012). Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo descrever a relação entre a percepção que estudantes e profissionais de educação física têm de valores humanos e o envolvimento com os Jogos Olímpicos (JO) Rio 2016. A amostra foi composta por 317 estudantes e profissionais de educação física que responderam a um questionário em que para mensurar a percepção dos valores foi utilizada a Escala de Educação e Valores Olímpicos (EEVO-36) que foi respondida em escala de Likert de 5 pontos e para o envolvimento foram utilizadas escalas de Shank e Beasley (1998) tanto para mensurar envolvimento comportamental como atitudinal. Os resultados mostraram que o valor trabalho em equipe afeta e é afetado por valores de excelência e autocontrole, e também é afetado pelo fator envolvimento atitudinal, contudo, excelência e autocontrole não afetam um ao outro. Desta forma, percebe-se como a variável trabalho em equipe parece ser a variável que conecta as demais. Mediante aos resultados, foi possível concluir que existe uma necessidade de uma estratégia de alavancagem do legado valores humanos voltados para estudantes e profissionais de educação física para que o Movimento Olímpico atinja seu objetivo de disseminar valores humanos por meio dos JO. / One of the main goals of the Olympic Movement is the development of human values through olympic values. Olympic values are defined as values contained within the Olympic framework, and even more so, the values of our society as a whole, given the presence and importance of sport in the history and formation of mankind (BINDER, 2012). These values seem to be closely related to the activity of physical education professionals. Thus, this study aimed to describe the relationship between the perception that students and professionals in physical education have of human values and involvement with the Rio 2016 Olympic Games (OG). The subjects were 317 students and professionals in physical education. To measure the perception of values, the Olympic Values and Education Scale (EEVO-36) was used, which was answered on a Likert scale of 5 points. For the involvement, scales of Shank and Beasley (1998) were used both to measure behavioral and attitudinal involvement. The results showed that the value of teamwork affects and is affected by values of excellence and self-control. However, excellence and selfcontrol do not affect one another. It was also found that teamwork is affected by the attitudinal involvement factor. In this way, one can see how the variable teamwork seems to be the variable that connects the others. It is concluded that there is a need for a strategy of leveraging the legacy human values aimed at students and physical education professionals so that the Olympic Movement achieves its goal of disseminating human values through the OG.

Improving system integration by standardizing and automating the Modbus protocol

Ågren, David January 2020 (has links)
Communicating devices are on the rise. Fueled by the introduction of Internet-of-Thing (IoT) and Industry 4.0, more and more devices are capable of information sharing. There is a long history of communicating devices in industrial and building management contexts that previously relied on fieldbuses. One of these legacy fieldbuses is the Modbus protocol, originating in serial communication and now adapted for use with Ethernet. It has significant adoption in the fields of industrial automation systems (IAS) and building management systems (BMS) but carries many limitations. Industrial systems often have a long lifespan and fundamental changes are not introduced quickly. This leads to a need for legacy communication protocols to be able to function alongside the new paradigms for the foreseeable future. In order to facilitate this phase, an attempt to improve system integration in the Modbus context is performed in this thesis. By utilizing standardization and automation principles, additional functionality and definitions are proposed to the Modbus protocol to help improve system integration. By using interviews with system integrators and document reviews of available Modbus description documents three iterative development processes are performed to answer the research questions.  A proposed data model is presented, allowing for a standardized way to represent the contents of a Modbus register. Its attributes are clearly defined with descriptions and constraints. A new function code specification (0x47) is defined and presented in the same form as other function codes are described in the current Modbus specification. It allows for Modbus descriptors to be retrieved directly from the slave device. As a proof-of-concept the function code is developed in an existing Modbus implementation (Modbus4J). A client application is created to allow for fully functional demonstrations for a broader audience. The resulting communication is captured in Wireshark and presented as proof-of-concept.

Her Brown Body Is Glory: A Legacy of Healing Forged Through Sisterhood and Dance

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: “Her Brown Body Is Glory: A Legacy of Healing Forged Through Sisterhood and Dance” fondly captures the process of creating the evening length dance project, Her Brown Body Is Glory (HBBIG). This document addresses many themes, such as liminality, rites of passage, trauma in the African American community (like the effects of Dr. Joy DeGruy Leary’s “Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome (PTSS) theory), and provides a perspective of healing rooted in dance, rituals, and community. This research focuses on dance being the source of intervention to create sisterhood among African American women of many shades. Throughout the creation of this dance project, the choreographer and dancers collaboratively generated experiences to cultivate a space of trust, vulnerability, sisterhood, and growth. The use of written, verbal, and movement reflection supported this creative process as the main source of ritual to check in with self, building community amongst the dancers, and generating choreography. The insertion of these sisterhood rituals into the production became the necessary element of witness for the audience to experience an authentic and moving performance of Her Brown Body Is Glory. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Dance 2020

Mensuration et évaluation des impacts et héritages de projets de mega événement dans le cadre du capital immatériel / Impact/legacy measurement and evaluation in mega event projects with focus on intangible assets

Rodrigues, Mauricio 09 May 2016 (has links)
Les méga événements peuvent jouer un rôle important dans le développement régional et la compétitivité des pays/villes d'accueil. Cet avantage est une fonction de l'effet de levier des investissements dans les infrastructures, le tourisme, et dans le développement du bien-être des habitants. Toutefois, les méga événements ont aussi des désavantages potentiels. Afin de vérifier le rapport coût-bénéfice des méga événements, la plupart des chercheurs mesurent les résultats et les impacts socio-économiques tangibles de ces projets. Néanmoins, des études plus récentes indiquent que les impacts immatériels constituent potentiellement les principaux bénéfices économiques des méga événements. Les capitaux immatériels sont devenus des facteurs stratégiques pour la création de valeur future et sont désormais considérés comme les facteurs clés de la croissance économique et de la compétitivité. Cependant, l'existence de méthodes opérationnelles fiables pour évaluer les aspects immatériels de méga événements est encore rare. Ainsi, l'objectif de la recherche est de développer un modèle pour mesurer et évaluer la performance des impacts des projets de méga événements, en tenant compte des actifs immatériels. À cette fin, nous avons appliqué le paradigme de recherche connu sous le nom de design science research (DSR). Le DSR est basé sur le fait de créer une solution pratique, le plus souvent un artefact, pour résoudre les problèmes pertinents et complexes, en tenant compte du contexte dans lequel ses résultats seront appliqués, dans un processus de recherche qui puise dans les théories existantes pour arriver à une solution. De manière à prévenir l'absence d'un contexte réel, et d´un objectif bien défini pour analyser les impacts, le modèle a été développé en se focalisant sur les interventions de la Coupe du Monde de la FIFA 2014 dans l'industrie du tourisme et au sein dela région de la ville du Rio de Janeiro. Sur la base des approches de mesure du capital immatériel disponibles, nous avons développé un cadre théorique et un modèle opérationnel pour rassembler les facteurs de succès immatériels pertinents. Un modèle a été développé, appelé le modèle des impacts immatériels de méga événements (ME-I2). Il est composé de cinq dimensions du capital immatériel, chacune incorporant un groupe d'actifs, 15 dans l’ensemble, et 42 indicateurs pour mesurer la performance des interventions du projet dans le développement de ces actifs. L'application du modèle permet trois résultats. La détermination du degré d'importance (valeur relative) de chaque dimension du capital immatériel, l’ évaluation des performance des interventions du projet, d'une manière générale et en ce qui concerne chaque dimension du capital immatériel, et la détermination de la valeur dynamique du capital immatériel. Le modèle a été testé dans une étude de cas et a démontré son adéquation et pertinence. Il émerge comme un outil potentiel pour fournir des informations pour la gestion et la prise de décision stratégique en vue du développement de la valeur pour les le pays/villes d'accueil. Il traduit par ailleurs les perceptions et les attentes des parties prenantes et pourrait être une source précieuse d'informations en ce qui concerne les facteurs de succès immatériels qui pourraient améliorer la performance des méga événements et soutenir la compétitivité et le développement régional. / According some evidences, mega events can play a significant role in local development and competitiveness. This benefit is generally due to the catalyst effect of a series of factors related to infrastructure, tourism and local population welfare/quality of life. However, mega events also have potential downsides. In order to assess the cost-benefit of hosting them, we usually measure its socio-economic outcomes and impacts. Nevertheless, recent studies indicate positive intangible impacts as potentially important benefits. The intangible assets have become strategic factors for value creation, and are considered central factors to economies’ growth and competitiveness. However, the existence of reliable operational methods to assess and evaluate the mega events intangible aspects is still unclear. Thus, the present study objective is to develop a performance model for measure and evaluate the mega event projects impacts, taking into account the intangible assets. To perform it, we applied the design science research (DSR) paradigm. The DSR is based on the act of creating an applicable solution, typically an artifact, to solve a relevant complex problem that taking into consideration the context in which their results will be applied, in a search process that draws from existing theories to come up with a solution. To prevent the lack of a real-life event context and a well-defined objective to the impact analysis we developed the model focusing on the 2014 FIFA World Cup interventions in the Tourism industry at the Rio de Janeiro region. Based on the traditional intangible measurement theory, we developed a theoretical framework and an operational model to gather the relevant intangible success factors. We named it the Mega Event Intangibles Impacts (ME-I2) Model. It consists of five dimensions of the intangible capital, each one incorporating a group of assets, 15 as a whole, and 42 indicators to measure the performance of the interventions in developing such assets. The ME-I2 model returns three different outcomes. The degree of importance (relative value) for each dimension of intangible capital, performance ratings for the mega event interventions in an overall fashion and concerning each capital dimension, and the dynamic value of the intangible capital. We tested the ME-I2 model in a pilot-study and the model showed its adequacy and appropriateness, seeming to us an interesting tool to provide information for effective strategic management and decision-making focused on contribute to translate more effectively the intangible impacts into tangible improved value creation (legacies) for the host city/country. It maps the perceptions and expectations of the mega event stakeholders and could be a valuable font of information in regard of some intangible success factors that could improve the mega event performance.

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