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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The legal rights and responsibilities of the public school principal in Virginia

Holsinger, Lanny W. January 1982 (has links)
The public school principal in Virginia is in a most vulnerable position. Not only must the principal enforce the policies and regulations of the local school board, state mandates, federal laws and regulations, but must also respond to a multitude of daily crises, any one of which could result in litigation. The primary purposes of this study were to examine and report the current legal status of the public school principalship in Virginia; to analyze and clarify the law as it relates to the school principal's role as both employee and “employer;” and to project trends in the direction which the courts applicable to Virginia appear to be headed. The courts have been very protective of one's constitutional rights, regardless of whether one is a principal, teacher, or student. Thus, principals should guard against violating the constitutional rights of persons under his charge. However, the courts are also sympathetic to the many problems facing schools and administrators, but do expect them to act in a reasonable and prudent manner. / Ed. D.

The Probable Effect of the 1936 and the 1940 Ruling of the State Board of Education of the State of New Mexico on the High School Principal

Walker, K. B. 08 1900 (has links)
The purposes of this study, dealing primarily with the principals of the four-year high school who are affected by the administrative requirements, are to determine (1) the probable effect of the higher standards upon the principals as judged by their responses in meeting the requirements of the 1936 ruling, (2) whether the State, the principal, or both are paying for the improvement of the administration in the public schools resulting from the 1936 ruling, (3) attitudes that resulted from the conditions arising from the demands of the standards of the 1936 ruling, and (4) the probable result of the 1940 ruling.

The Legal Status of Certain Public School Officials in Texas

Cooley, Waldron W. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to determine the exact power that public school officials may exercise and yet remain within the limits of the law. Associated with this purpose is the effort to show that the legal status of their public school officials is not static.

Fiduciary duties of company directors with specific regard to corporate opportunities

Havenga, Michele Kyra 06 1900 (has links)
South African company law is currently the object of comprehensive review. One o f the areas under scrutiny is that of corporate governance. Control over management is vital in the interests of the company itself, its shareholders and its creditors. Effective accountability should be balanced against the need to allow those who manage a certain measure of freedom and discretion in the exercise of their function. Company directors are subject to various duties. This thesis concentrates on their fiduciary obligation. It is suggested that this sui generis obligation is owed to the company as a separate entity. Interests of other groups may sometimes merit con­ sideration. Against the background o f a com parative investigation, a "corporate opportunity" is defined as any property or economic opportunity to which the com­ pany has a claim. South African law protects a company’s claim to an opportunity if it is in the company’s line of business and if the company has justifiably been relying upon the director(s) to acquire it or to assist in its acquisition for the company. The application of established fiduciary principles suffice to resolve corporate opportunity matters. Essentially the application o f these rules amount to a determination whether the director has complied with his fundamental duty to act in the company’s best interests. There seems to be no need for a separate doctrine of corporate opportunities.' A director should only be absolved from liability on account of the company’s inability to pursue an opportunity or its rejection by the company if there was no real conflict of interest. The appropriation of corporate opportunities should not be ratifiable, both because the ratification constitutes a fraud on the minority, and because the decision to ratify cannot be regarded as being in the interests of the company. The relationship between the appropriation of corporate opportunities, misuse of confidential information and competition is investigated. These aspects fre­ quently overlap, but should be distinguished because their bases, and accordingly their appropriate remedies, may differ. Effective control may benefit by a restatement of directors’ fiduciary duties in the Companies Act. To this end certain amendments to the Act are recommended. / Mercantile Law / LLD

A legal perspective on the power imbalances in the doctor-patient relationship

Le Roux-Kemp, Andra 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLD (Public Law))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The unique and intimate relationship that exists between a medical practitioner and his/her client is possibly one of the most important relationships that can come into being between any two people. This relationship is characterised and influenced by the qualities and attributes specific to the nature and historical development of medical care, as well as medical science in general. The doctor-patient relationship is also influenced by the social dynamics of a particular community, environmental factors, technological advances and the general social and commercial evolution of the human race. With regard to medical care and health service delivery, the doctor-patient relationship is furthermore vital to the quality of the care provided, as well as to the outcomes and relative success of the specific medical intervention or treatment. One of the distinct characteristics of the doctor-patient relationship is the power imbalance inherent in this relationship. The medical practitioner has expert knowledge and skill, while the patient finds himself or herself in an unusually dependent and vulnerable position. It is because of this important role that the doctor-patient relationship still plays in health service delivery today; the susceptibility of the relationship to a variety of influences, and the characteristic power imbalances inherent in this relationship, that a study of the doctor-patient relationship in South African medical- and health law is necessary. The characteristic power imbalances will be considered from a legal perspective in this dissertation. This study provides a comprehensive source of the doctor-patient relationship from a legal perspective. Where relevant, references are made to theories and principles from other disciplines, including sociology, economy and medical ethnomethodology. The prevalence and consequences of power imbalances in the doctor-patient relationship are identified and discussed with the aim of bringing these to the attention of both the legal fraternity, and medical practitioners. Specific problem areas are identified and solutions are offered, including the following: • The adverse consequences of power imbalances inherent in the doctor-patient relationship on the medical decision-making process are considered from various perspectives. With regard to these adverse consequences, the doctrine of informed consent is analysed and evaluated in great detail. • The influence of paternalistic notions in health service delivery; the business model of health service delivery and the effects of managed care and consumer-directed health care on the doctor-patient relationship and health service delivery in general are also analysed from a legal perspective, and specifically with regard to the power imbalances inherent in this relationship. • The role of autonomy, self-determination and dignity, as well as the principles of beneficence in medical practice, are reconsidered in an attempt to provide a solution for redressing the power imbalances inherent in the doctor-patient relationship. • The fiduciary nature of the doctor-patient relationship and the special role of trust in the relationship are emphasised throughout the dissertation as the focal point of departure in the doctor-patient relationship and the main constituent in any legal endeavor to redress the power imbalances inherent in it. / AFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Die unieke en intieme verhouding wat bestaan tussen ‘n mediese praktisyn en ‘n pasiënt is wêreldwyd waarskynlik een van die belangrikste verhoudings wat tussen twee persone tot stand kan kom. Hierdie verhouding word gekenmerk en beïnvloed deur kwaliteite en eienskappe eie aan die besonderse aard en historiese ontwikkeling van gesondheidsorg, sowel as die mediese wetenskap in die algemeen. Die dokter-pasiënt verhouding word verder beïnvloed deur die sosiale dinamika van ‘n bepaalde gemeenskap, omgewingsfaktore, tegnologiese vooruitgang en die algemene sosiale en kommersiële ontwikkeling van die mensdom. Op die terrein van gesondheidsorg en mediese dienslewering is die dokter-pasiënt verhouding voorts ook sentraal tot die kwaliteit van die mediese sorg wat verskaf word, sowel as die uitkomste en relatiewe sukses van die spesifieke mediese behandeling. Een van die kenmerkende eienskappe van die dokter-pasiënt verhouding is die magswanbalans wat daar tussen dokter en pasiënt bestaan. Die mediese praktisyn beskik oor deskundige kennis en vaardighede, terwyl die pasiënt hom- of haarself in ‘n ongewone, afhanklike en kwesbare posisie bevind. Dit is dan veral weens die besondere rol wat hierdie verhouding steeds in hedendaagse gesondheidsorg speel, die beïnvloedbaarheid van hierdie verhouding deur ‘n verskeidenheid faktore, sowel as die kenmerkende magswanbalans inherent in die verhouding, dat ‘n ondersoek na die dokter-pasiënt verhouding in die Suid-Afrikaanse mediese reg noodsaaklik is. Hierdie kenmerkende magswanbalans sal vanuit ‘n regsperspektief verder in hierdie proefskrif ondersoek word. Hierdie studie bied ‘n omvattende bron van die dokter-pasiënt verhouding benader vanuit ‘n regsperspektief, terwyl verwysings na teorieë en beginsels van ander dissiplines soos die sosiologie, ekonomie en mediese etnometodologie ook waar nodig ingesluit word. Die voorkoms en gevolge van ‘n magswanbalans in die dokter-pasiënt verhouding word verder geïdentifiseer en bespreek ten einde dit onder die aandag te bring van beide regslui en medici. Spesifieke probleemareas wat geïdentifiseer is en die oplossings wat daarvoor aan die hand gedoen is sluit die volgende in: • Die nadelige gevolge van die bestaan van ‘n magswanbalans in die dokter-pasiënt verhouding op die mediese-besluitnemingsproses word bespreek vanuit verskillende persepktiewe. Met betrekking tot hierdie nadelige gevolge, word die leerstuk van ingeligte toestemming in besonder geanaliseer en geëvalueer. • Die invloed van ‘n paternalistiese benadering tot gesondheidsorg, die besigheids-model van gesondheidsorg, en die effek van bestuurde- en verbruikersgedrewe gesondheidsorg inisiatiewe op die dokter-pasiënt verhouding en die verskaffing van gesondheidsdienste in die algemeen word ook vanuit ‘n regsperspektief ge-analiseer. Spesifieke aandag word in dié verband gegee aan die invloede van hierdie benaderings en perspektiewe op die magswanbalans inherent aan die dokter-pasiënt verhouding. • Die besondere rol van autonomie, selfbeskikking en menswaardigheid, asook die beginsels van weldadigheid in gesondheidsorg, word heroorweeg in ‘n poging om ‘n meer gelyke distribusie van mag in die dokter-pasiënt verhouding te verseker. • Die fidusiêre aard van die dokter-pasiënt verhouding en die besondere rol wat vertroue in hierdie verhouding speel, word in hierdie proefskrif beklemtoon en word voorts as die basis van die dokter-pasiënt verhouding beskou. Vertroue, as ‘n kenmerk van die dokter-pasiënt verhouding, behoort ook die fokuspunt te wees van enige poging om die magswanbalans in die dokter-pasiënt verhouding aan te spreek.

Private Military Companies as "new peacemakers" in Africa : is regulation sufficient?

Van Jaarsveld, Aldri 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis evaluates and explores the function of Private Military Companies (PMCs) on the African continent. The phenomenon of PMCs evolved after the end of the Cold War. This study focuses on the relevant international and national legislation regulating PMCs that conduct active military assistance operations. These PMC operations have a strategic impact on the political, social, economical and security environments of the areas in which they are contracted to operate. The purpose of the thesis is to assess whether PMCs are efficient and cost effective, can be held accountable and to whom, and if current legislation (national and international) regulating PMCs is sufficient. This thesis is a literature survey that seeks descriptive and comparative information relevant to the purpose of this study. It deals with that information qualitatively. No empirical research has been conducted. It is therefore not an opinion survey as no questionnaires have been completed, although interviews with knowledgeable people have been conducted. The thesis focuses on the operations conducted by the now defunct Executive Outcomes (of the Republic of South Africa), a combat type PMC in Angola and Sierra Leone and Military Professional Resources Incorporated (of the United States of America), a non-combat type PMC in Equatorial Guinea. The study concludes that PMC operations through legitimate government contracts at international level are indeed legitimate. The regulations (international and national, if they exist) regarding PMCs are not sufficient, and allow for many grey areas. PMCs that operate in this sphere of grey areas are unacceptable for the international community in the current milieu. PMCs are, however, operating in a vacuum of accountability and regulation (international and national). With sufficient legislation, PMCs could be the new peacemakers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis evalueer en ondersoek die funksionering van Privaat Militêre Maatskappye (PMM’e) en hul werksaamhede in Afrika. Die PMM-verskynsel het voortgespruit uit die stilstand van die Koue Oorlog. Die tesis fokus op die relevante internasionale en nasionale wetgewing rakende PMM’e wat aktief in een of ander formaat by militêre operasies betrokke is. Hierdie PMM-operasies het ’n beduidende strategiese impak op die sosio-politiese, ekonomiese en sekuriteitareas van die gebiede waartoe hul gekontrakteer is. Die doel van die tesis is om die effektiwiteit en koste-effektiwiteit van PMM’e te evalueer, asook om uit te vind of hulle aanspreeklik is en aan wie hulle verantwoording moet doen. Daar is ook gefokus op huidige wetgewing (internasionaal sowel as nasionaal) rakende PMM’e om die doeltreffendheid van sodanige wetgewing te bepaal. Hierdie tesis is ‘n opname van beskrywende en vergelykende literatuurstudies, relevant tot die doel van die tesis. Inligting is kwalitatief aangewend. Geen empiriese navorsing is onderneem nie. Hierdie tesis is ook nie gebaseer op ‘n meningsopname nie. Geen vraelyste is ingevul nie, maar daar is wel onderhoude met kenners van die betrokke vakgebied gevoer. Die tesis fokus op die vroeëre werksaamhede van die ontbinde “Executive Outcomes” as Suid-Afrikaanse PMM wat aktief betrokke was by oorlogvoering in Angola en Sierra Leone en ook op die steeds aktiewe Amerikaanse PMM “Military Professional Resources Incorporated” wat in Ekwatoriaal Guinieë werksaam is en wat nie aktief by oorlogvoering betrokke raak nie. Die tesis kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat PMM-kontrakte wat bekom word deur legitieme regeringskontrakte op internasionale vlak wel legitiem is. Daar is bevind dat wetgewing (internasionaal en nasionaal, waar wel beskikbaar) rakende PMM’e egter nie voldoende en effektief is nie. Daar is steeds baie grys areas rakende verantwoordbaarheid en wetgewing van PMM’e. Dit is in hierdie grys areas waarin baie PMM’e funksioneer en waardeur hulle onaanvaarbaar vir die internasionale gemeenskap in die huidige klimaat is. Doeltreffende wetgewing kan moontlik verseker dat PMM’e die nuwe vredemakers kan word.

An Historical Perspective of Oregon's and Portland's Political and Social Atmosphere in Relation to the Legal Justice System as it Pertained to Minorities: With Specific Reference to State Laws, City Ordinances, and Arrest and Court Records During the Period -- 1840-1895

Boston, Clarinèr Freeman 14 March 1997 (has links)
Racial and ethnic minorities are disproportionately represented in Portland, Oregon's criminal justice system. Laws, legal procedures and practices that excessively target minorities are not new phenomena. This study focused on a history of political and social conditions in Oregon, and subsequently, Portland, from the 1840' s to 1895, that created unjust state laws and city ordinances that adversely impacted Native Americans, African Americans, and Chinese Immigrants. Attention was also given to the Jewish population. The approach was to examine available arrest and court records from Oregon's and Portland's early beginnings to ascertain what qualitative information records could provide regarding the treatment of minorities by the justice system. As an outgrowth of this observation, it was necessary to obtain an understanding of the legal environment related to arrests and dispositions of adjudications. Finally, a review of the political and social atmosphere during the time period provided a look at the framework that shaped public attitudes and civic actions. Examination of available arrest records and court records recorded during the period were conducted at the City of Portland's Stanley Paar Archives. Observations were limited to the availability of archive records. Oregon's history, relative legislation, Portland's history and applicable ordinances were studied and extrapolated from valid secondary resources. Political and social conditions were reviewed through newspaper accounts during recorded history from that time period. Research indicated that Native Americans, African Americans and Chinese Immigrants were: not legally afforded equal access to Oregon land provisions; denied equitable treatment under the law in comparison to their white counterparts; were unjustly targeted for criminal activities by the enactment and enforcement of laws based on racist views; and, negatively used as political ploys to the advantage of candidates seeking public office. Much of this research is akin to actions in many political, legal and justice arenas of the 1990' s, that continue to adversely impact racial/ethnic minorities unfairly. Although members of the Jewish community were not negatively affected by law, they suffered social injustices. However, they were members of the legal and political fiber that shaped civic sentiments and legislative action in both positive and negative ways.


劉耀強 January 2002 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

An examination of the care and protection order in Hong Kong

Lam, Shuk-wah, Grace., 林淑華. January 1990 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Sociology / Master / Master of Social Sciences

An exploratory study of adolescent attitudes towards laws prohibiting underage consensual sex

Kwan, Hang-kay., 關幸姬. January 1998 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Sociology / Master / Master of Social Sciences

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