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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Život seniorů na venkově s ohledem na volnočasové aktivity / Life of seniors in the country with regard to their leisure activities

Kocurová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the life of current seniors in the country with regard to their leisure activities. The first part defines key terms, such as aging and old age; senior; active aging; ageism; Leisure, its functions and the factors that affect it. The second section deals with the different types of organized and unorganized leisure activities for seniors. The main part is the qualitative research of the life of seniors in the country. The research was conducted by interviewing fifteen seniors living in rural areas.

Gambling behaviour and leisure-time activities among adolescents in Sweden

Nilsson, Robin January 2020 (has links)
Aim: This study examined associations between leisure-time activities and gambling participation respectively problem gambling among adolescents in Sweden. Furthermore, the study examined sex differences and the degree of possibly confounding factors. Methods: The data was obtained from European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs, 2019 (n=1,911). Chi2-tests and logistic/multiple logistic regressions were used to analyze the data. Results: Unstructured leisure-time activity was robustly positively associated with gambling participation, structured leisure-time activity was weakly negatively associated with gambling participation among students. Unstructured leisure-time activity was moderately positively associated with problem gambling, structured leisure-time activity was weakly negatively associated with problem gambling among students. Unstructured leisure-time activity was strongly positively associated with gambling participation, structured leisure-time activity was strongly negatively associated with gambling participation for boys. Unstructured leisure-time activity was weakly positively associated with gambling participation for girls. Parental monitoring, school adjustments and externalizing behaviour problems affected the association between unstructured leisure-time activity for students respectively boys. Conclusion: Associations were found of varying extent between leisure-time activities and gambling participation respectively problem gambling. More and stronger associations were found for boys than girls and possibly confounding factors affected the association between unstructured leisure-time activity and problem gambling to some degree.

Funkční změny pražských vltavských ostrovů / Functional changes of Prague Vltava islands

Steyerová, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
FUNCTIONAL CHANGES OF PRAGUE VLTAVA ISLANDS The aim of this thesis is to document and analyze functional changes of Prague islands on the river Vltava, with emphasis on their use for free-time activities. This work focuses particularly on the development of Prague islands during the last decade. Directed interviews with main contemporary personalities who are performing their activities on the islands, standardized interviews with visitors on selected islands and knowledge from field research were used to accomplish the aim of the thesis. The work on this thesis also included collection of historical materials (maps, photographic documentation) for a planned exhibition as one of the outputs of this work which would be a way how to present scientific results by popular means. Keywords: Prague, islands, Vltava River, leisure time activities, exposition

Historický vývoj volnočasových aktivit ve Varnsdorfu (1945-1989) / The historical development of leisure time activities in Varnsdorf (1945-1989)

Louková, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the historical development of leisure activities in the North Bohemian town of Varnsdorf. It particularly deals with the period from 1945 to 1989 in great detail. The text also contains a chapter describing general free time issues and a brief chapter devoted to the development of leisure activities in Varnsdorf until 1945. It mentions Mr. Josef Mašín as an important local personam who remarkably influenced leisure activities in the town. Keywords: leisure time pedagogy, historical development, leisure time activities, Varnsdorf, Josef Mašín

Způsoby trávení volného času a rizikové chování žáků středních škol / The ways of spending leisure time and the risk behaviour of secondary school pupils

ŠPERŇÁKOVÁ, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
The thesis anatomizes issues of habit-forming substances using among secondary school students who have tendencies to behave dangerous in relation to drugs and content of their leisure time. The thesis is divided into practical and theoretical part. The aim of the theoretical part is to describe the views on the sense and role of leisure time, the forms of spending leisure time and the risk behaviour at this age group. The attention is also paid to the ways of prevention. The practical part contains the description and analysis of spending leisure time among secondary school pupils and the risk behaviour of this age group in the relation to the habit-forming substances using. The author tries to prove potential connection between spending leisure time and the usage of habit-forming substances. On the basis of gained experience the author can recommend possible ways of organization of free time activities and related prevention to secondary schools where the research was provided.

Rozdíly ve způsobu trávení volného času žáků 2. stupně základní školy žijících ve městě a na venkově / Differences in Use of Leisure Time of Students in Second Stage of Basic Education Living in Town and in Country

DRAŽKOVÁ, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the leisure time of children at second stage of elementary school. It identifies differences in leisure time of children living in the city and in the countryside. In the theoretical part the leisure time is processed, functions of leisure time and function of education in the leisure time. Further there are defined leisure time interest activities, there is explained the organization and disorganization of leisure time. There are also described places where children can spend their leisure time. In the thesis there is briefly described the physical and mental development of the child´s older school age. For the practical part it was chosen the questionnaire method. There are set goals and assumptions of the research. The investigation was attended by pupils from three schools, one school of urban and two rural schools in the district of Sušice. The identified differences in leisure time of children in the city and in the countryside are summarized in the conclusion of the thesis.

VYUŽITÍ ARTETERAPIE A ARTEFILETIKY VE VOLNOČASOVÝCH AKTIVITÁCH / Application of Arttherapy and Artphiletics in leisure time activities

ŘEHÁKOVÁ, Petra January 2010 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis focuses on the definition of the terms of Art Therapy and Artphiletics. The history of these subjects describes the different approaches within these fields via several charts. The fundamental area of the thesis is the creativity and the process of creation, which are considered to be a concurrent realm of Art Therapy and Artphiletics. The thesis presents the primary reasons for the use of Art Therapy and Artphiletics in leisure time activities by specifying the positive effects of the creativity and the process of creation. The aim of the thesis is to map the importance of the process of creation, which is the "core" of Art Therapy and Artphiletics and due to it, draws the attention to the legitimacy of the use of these subjects within the realm of art-related leisure time activities.

Centrum volnočasových aktivit / Centre of leisure time activities

Badalová, Pavla January 2013 (has links)
The final thesis Centrum volnočasových aktivit is elaborated in a form of bulding plan containing all units by valid regulations. The designed object is placed on the plots number 1970 and 1980/1 in the cadastral area Zábřeh. The main bulding is conceived as the four floor building wiht the partial besement. The building is a brick of a comprehensive system based on the underlying belts. The roof is designed flat. This building is suitable for leisure activities, there are classrooms and space to relax in the café. On the top floor there are two separate apartments for the owners of the building. Built up area is 561 m2., Area 7896 m2 plots.

"Lite mer sommarlov helt enkelt" : En samverkansuppsats med Rädda Barnen och Aktiv Ungdom i Uppsala om betydelsen av barns deltagande på sommarlägret Sommarkul i Gottsunda, Uppsala / “Simply a bit more of a summer holiday” : A cooperation essay with Save the Children and Aktiv ungdom in Uppsala about the meaning of childrens participation at the summer holiday camp Sommarkul in Gottsunda, Uppsala

Callmyr, Janet, Sjöstrand, Sarah January 2023 (has links)
Föreliggande studie tillkom i samverkan med Rädda Barnen och Aktiv Ungdom i Uppsala. De båda ideellt drivna verksamheterna bedriver årligen ett kostnadsfritt sommarlovsläger för barn i låg- och mellanstadieåldern i ett socialt- och socioekonomiskt utsatt område i Uppsala. Studien undersökte vad det betyder för familjer att barnen ges möjlighet att delta på sommarlovslägret ur föräldrars perspektiv, ledares perspektiv och Rädda Barnens lokalförenings perspektiv. Studien bygger på kvalitativ forskningsmetod, semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes och resultatet analyserades genom en tematisk analys. Den utvecklingsekologiska modellen var studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt, modellen tydliggör hur interaktioner eller förändringar inom barnets olika system aldrig är fristående utan i ständig växelverkan med varandra. Resultatet visar att deltagande i sommarlovslägret har en positiv påverkan på barnet, föräldern och familjen. Deltagandet bidrar till att minska barnens isolering och att minska föräldrastress som är avhängig familjens ekonomiska förutsättningar och begränsningar i vardagen. Detta resultat går i linje med tidigare forskning som tydligt framhåller den organiserade fritidens betydelse för barns utveckling och hälsa. Studiens slutsats är att barn i socialt- och socioekonomiskt utsatta områden ofta missgynnas de många hälsofrämjande aspekter som deltagande i organiserade fritidsaktiviteter medför. Det är av stor vikt att kostnadsfria fritidsaktiviteter genomförs inom socioekonomiskt utsatta områden för att möjliggöra deltagande som annars kan hindras av begränsade ekonomier och transportmedel.

Role učitele primární školy při výběru volnočasových aktivit dětí mladšího školního věku / Primary school teacher's role when choosing leisure time activities for children of first grades of primary schools

Kašparová, Renata January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of how teachers influence the choice of leisure time activities of children of first grades of primary school. The aim is to track in which way a teacher can influence the process. The theoretical background of the thesis are notions, such as leisure time, the characteristics and progress of young school children and the atmosphere in which young children spend their leisure time. Theinfluences are analyzed that form children and affect the way they spend their lemure time. Particular attention is paid to the role of a primary school teacher and the ways in which they can influence their pupils' leisure time. The practical part compares leisuretime activities of children in Prague and in a small town.

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