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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Search for 2nbb Excited State Transitions and HPGe Characterization for Surface Events in GERDA Phase II

Lehnert, Björn 30 March 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The search for the neutrinoless double beta (0nbb) decay is one of the most active fields in modern particle physics. This process is not allowed within the Standard Model and its observation would imply lepton number violation and would lead to the Majorana nature of neutrinos. The experimentally observed quantity is the half-life of the decay, which can be connected to the effective Majorana neutrino mass via nuclear matrix elements. The latter can only be determined theoretically and are currently affected by large uncertainties. To reduce these uncertainties one can investigate the well established two-neutrino double beta (2nbb) decay into the ground and excited states of the daughter isotope. These similar processes are allowed within the Standard Model. In this dissertation, the search for 2nbb decays into excited states is performed in Pd-110, Pd-102 and Ge-76. Three gamma spectroscopy setups at the Felsenkeller (Germany), HADES (Belgium) and LNGS (Italy) underground laboratories are used to search for the transitions in Pd-110 and Pd-102. No signal is observed leading to lower half-live bounds (90% C.I.) of 2.9e20 yr, 3.9e20 yr and 2.9e20 yr for the 0/2nbb 2p1, 0p1 and 2p2 transitions in Pd-110 and 7.9e18 yr, 9.2e18 yr and 1.5e19 yr for the 0/2nbb 2p1, 0p1 and 2p2 transitions in Pd-102, respectively. This is a factor of 1.3 to 3 improvement compared to previous limits. The data of Phase I (Nov 2011 - May 2013) of the 0nbb decay experiment GERDA at LNGS is used to search for excited state transitions in Ge-76. The analysis is based on coincidences between two detectors and finds no signal. Lower half-life limits (90 % C.L.) of 1.6e23 yr, 3.7e23 yr and 2.3e23 yr are obtained for the 2nbb 2p1, 0p1 and 2p2 transitions, respectively. These limits are more than two orders of magnitude larger than previous ones and could exclude many old matrix element calculations. In addition to the excited state searches, important measurements and improvements for GERDA Phase II upgrades are performed within this dissertation. 30 new BEGe detectors are characterized for their surface and active volume properties which is an essential ingredient for all future physics analyses in GERDA. These precision measurements reduce the systematic uncertainty of the active volume to a subdominant level. In extension to this, a new model for simulating pulse shapes of n+ electrode surface events is developed. With this model it is demonstrated that the dominant background of K-42 on the detector surfaces can be suppressed by a factor of 145 with an A/E pulse shape cut in Phase II. A further suppression of background is obtained by a liquid argon scintillation light veto. With newly developed Monte Carlo simulations, including the optical scintillation photons, it is demonstrated that Tl-208 in the detectors holders can be suppressed by a factor of 134. K-42 homogeneously distributed in the LAr can be suppressed with this veto in combination with pulse shape cuts by a factor of 170 for BEGe detectors. The characterization measurements and the developed simulation tools presented within this dissertation will help to enhance the sensitivity for all 0/2nbb decay modes and will allow to construct an improved background model in GERDA Phase II. / Die Suche nach dem neutrinolosen Doppelbetazerfall (0nbb) ist eines der aktivsten Felder der modernen Teilchenphysik. Der Zerfall setzt die Verletzung der Leptonenzahl voraus und hätte die Majorananatur des Neutrinos zur Folge. Die durch eine Beobachtung bestimmbare Halbwertszeit des Zerfalls ermöglicht, über ein nukleares Matrixelement, Zugang zur effektiven Majorananeutrinomasse. Die größten Unsicherheiten gehen dabei auf das Matrixelement zurück, welches nur durch verschiedene, teilweise stark voneinander abweichende theoretische Modelle zugänglich ist. Eine Möglichkeit diese Unsicherheiten zu reduzieren bieten genaue Studien des im Standardmodel erlaubten neutrinobegleiteten Doppelbetazerfalls (2nbb) in angeregte Zustände des Tochterkerns. In dieser Dissertation wird der 2nbb-Zerfall der Nuklide Pd-110, Pd-102 und Ge-76 in angeregte Zustände untersucht. Die Untersuchungen von Pd-110 und Pd-102 wurden in drei umfangreichen Gammaspektroskopie-Experimenten in den Untergrundlaboren Felsenkeller (Deutschland), HADES (Belgien) und LNGS (Italien) durchgefürt. Es wurde kein Signal beobachtet und damit die weltweit besten unteren Grenzen für die Halbwertszeit dieser Zerfälle festgesetzt: 2,9e20 yr, 3,9e20 yr und 2,9e20 yr für die 0/2nbb 2p1, 0p1 und 2p2 Übergänge in Pd-110 and 7,9e18 yr, 9,2e18 yr und 1,5e19 yr für die 0/2nbb 2p1, 0p1 und 2p2 Übergänge in Pd-102 (90% C.I.). Dies ist eine 1,3 bis 3-fache Verbesserung gegenüber den vorher bekannten Grenzen. Die Untersuchung des 2nbb-Zerfalls in Ge-76 basiert auf Daten aus Phase I (Nov. 2011 - Mai 2013) des 0nbb-Zerfall Experiments GERDA. Mit der auf koinzidenten Ereignissen basierten Analyse konnte kein Signal beobachtet werden und folgende untere Grenzen für die Halbwertszeit der 2nbb 2p1, 0p1 und 2p2 Übergänge wurden festgelegt: 1,6e23 yr, 3,7e23 yr und 2,3e23 (90% C.L.). Diese 100-fache Verbesserung gegenüber den bisher bekannten Grenzen widerlegt eine Vielzahl älterer, zur Verfügung stehender Matrixelemente. Zusätzlich wurden im Rahmen dieser Dissertation für die Erweiterungen des GERDA Experiments zur Phase II wichtige Messungen durchgeführt und Verbesserungen entwickelt. 30 neu produzierte BEGe Detektoren wurden hinsichtlich ihrer Oberflächeneigenschaften sowie ihrer aktiven Volumina charakterisiert. Diese Präzisisionsmessungen sind für alle zukünftigen Analysen in GERDA notwendig und erlauben die entsprechenden systematischen Unsicherheiten auf ein subdominantes Niveau zu reduzieren. Erweiternd wurde ein neues Model zur Beschreibung der n+ Elektrode entwickelt, welches erstmals erlaubt die Pulsform von Oberflächeninteraktionen zu simulieren. Mithilfe dieses Models konnte demonstriert werden, dass der in Oberflächeninteraktionen begründete und in GERDA dominante Messuntergrund von K-42 auf der Detektoroberfläche durch Pulsformanalyse um das 145-fache unterdrückt werden kann. Eine weitere Untergrundreduzierung wird durch ein Flüssigargon Szintillationsveto erreicht. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden vorhandene Monte Carlo Simulationen um den Transport von optischen Photonen erweitert und die 134-fache Unterdrückung des Tl-208 Untergrundes demonstriert. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit helfen eine deutliche Sensitivitätsverbesserung für die zuküntige Suche nach dem 0/2nbb-Zerfall zu erzielen und erlauben die Erstellung eines präziseren Untergrundmodels in GERDA Phase II.

First direct measurement of F←L using ISR events in deep inelastic scattering at HERA

Scott, Jonathan Paul January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Structure of the virtual photon at HERA

Macdonald, Neil Scott January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

A first estimate of #sigma#(e'+p #-># e'+W#+-#X) and studies of high ←p←T leptons with ZEUS detector at HERA

Waters, David January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

A top quark mass measurement using a matrix element method

Linacre, Jacob Thomas January 2010 (has links)
A measurement of the mass of the top quark is presented, using top-antitop pair (t-tbar) candidate events for the lepton+jets decay channel. The measurement makes use of Tevatron proton-antiproton collision data at centre-of-mass energy 1.96 TeV, collected at the CDF detector. The top quark mass is measured by employing an unbinned maximum likelihood method where the event probability density functions are calculated using signal (t-tbar) and background (W+jets) matrix elements, as well as a set of parameterised jet-to-parton mapping functions. The likelihood function is maximised with respect to the top quark mass, the fraction of signal events, and a correction to the jet energy scale (JES) of the calorimeter jets. The simultaneous measurement of the JES correction (ΔJES) provides an in situ jet energy calibration based on the known mass of the hadronically decaying W boson. Using 578 lepton+jets candidate events corresponding to 3.2 inverse femtobarns of integrated luminosity, the top quark mass is measured to be 172.4 ± 1.4(stat+ΔJES) ± 1.3(syst) GeV/c², one of the most precise single measurements to date.

Measurement of inclusive jet cross sections in high total transverse energy photoproduction with the ZEUS detector at HERA

Nath, Pathikonda Chandrika January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

QCD analysis of deep inelastic lepton-hadron scattering in the region of small values of the Bjorken parameter x

Staśto, Anna January 1999 (has links)
We present the new framework based on BFKL and DGLAP evolution equations in which the leading in(Q(_2)) and in(l/x) terms are treated on equal footing. We introduce a pair of coupled integro-difFerential equations for the quark singlet and the unintegrated gluon distribution. The observable structure functions are calculated using high energy factorisation approach. We also include the sub-leading in (l/x) effects via consistency constraint. We argue that the use of this constraint leads to more stable solution to the Pomeron intercept than that based on the NLO calculation of the BFKL equation alone and generates resummation to all orders of the major part of the subleading in (l/x) effects. The global fit to all available deep inelastic data is performed using a simple parametrisation of the non-perturbative region. We also present the results for the longitudinal structure function and the charm component of the F(_2) structure function. Next; we extend this approach to the low Q(^2) domain. At small distances we use the perturbative approach based on the unified BFKL/DGLAP equations and for large distances we use Vector Meson Dominance Model and, for the higher mass qq states, the additive quark approach. We show the results for the total cross section and for the ratio of the longitudinal and transverse structure functions. Finally, we calculate the dijet production and consider the decorrelation effects in the azimuthal distributions caused by the diffusion in the transverse momentum k(_r) of the exchanged gluon. Using the gluon distribution which is fixed by the fit to the DIS data we are able to make absolute predictions. We show the results for the dF(_r)/dɸ, the total cross section and also the distributions in Q(^2) as well as in the longitudinal momentum fraction of the gluon. Our theoretical predictions are confronted with the measurements made using ZEUS detector at HERA.

Identification des leptons tau et recherche du boson de Higgs dans l'état final mu+tau dans l'expérience D0 auprès du Tevatron

Madar, Romain 02 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
La notion de symétrie de jauge est au coeur de notre compréhension de l'interaction électrofaible et permet d'expliquer l'ensemble des observations expérimentales actuelles. Pourtant, l'incompatibilité intrinsèque entre l'invariance de jauge et la masse des particules nécessite d'introduire une nouvelle particule, le boson de Higgs, toujours non observée à ce jour. Cette thèse présente l'analyse de 7.3/fb de collisions protons-antiprotons à sqrt{s} = 1.96 TeV enregistrées par le détecteur D0 au Tevatron en vue de la recherche du boson de Higgs dans l'état final mu+tau. Cette analyse vient compléter les canaux principaux dimuons, électron-muon et diélectrons en exploitant également la désintégration H -> WW -> lvlv, majoritaire dans la fenêtre de masse accessible au Tevatron. L'état final contenant un lepton tau, leur identification parmi les jets a été améliorée d'environ 15% grâce au développement de plusieurs idées : l'ajustement des paramètres du réseau de neurones d'identification, la prise en compte de certaines dépendances cinématiques des performances de l'algorithme, l'exploitation du temps de vie du lepton tau et une étude exhaustive visant à inclure la mesure du détecteur de pieds de gerbe dans le processus d'identification. Dans un second temps, la recherche du boson de Higgs dans l'état final mu+tau étant dominée par le bruit de fond W+jets (où un jet est faussement identifié comme un lepton tau), une méthode a été élaborée pour obtenir une modélisation convenable de ce bruit de fond, non fournie par la simulation par défaut. Cette méthode est basée, entre autres, sur l'étude de la corrélation de charge entre le muon et le candidat tau qui permet de mesurer ce bruit de fond dans les données en excluant la région du signal. Ensuite, l'exploitation des cinématiques et/ou topologies différentes du signal et du bruit de fond a permis d'optimiser cette recherche atteignant alors une sensibilité attendue (observée) de 7.8 (6.6) fois le Modèle Standard pour une masse de 165 GeV/c2. Enfin, l'interprétation de l'analyse dans un scénario à quatre familles de fermions a été effectuée. Pour la première fois, cette analyse est incluse dans les combinaisons D0 et Tevatron présentées à Moriond EW et EPS 2011.

Measurement of High-Q2 Neutral Current Cross-sections with Longitudinally Polarised Positrons with the ZEUS Detector

Stewart, Trevor 07 January 2013 (has links)
The cross sections for neutral current (NC) deep inelastic scattering (DIS) in e+p collisions with a longitudinally polarised positron beam are measured at high momentum transfer squared (Q2 > 185 GeV2) at the ZEUS detector at HERA. The HERA accelerator provides e+-p collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 318 GeV, which allows the weak contribution to the NC process to be studied at high Q2. The measurements are based on a data sample with an integrated luminosity of 135.5 pb-1 collected with the ZEUS detector in 2006 and 2007. The single differential NC cross sections dsigma/dQ2, dsigma/dx and dsigma/dy and the reduced cross section are measured. The structure function xF3 is determined by combining the e+p NC reduced cross sections with the previously measured e-p measurements. The interference structure function xF 3^gamma,Z is extracted at Q2 = 1500 GeV2. The cross-section asymmetry between the positive and negative polarisation of the positron beam is measured and the parity violation effects of the electroweak interaction are observed. The predictions of the Standard Model of particle physics agree well with the measurements.

Lepton Flavor Violating Radion Decays In The Randall-sundrum Scenario

Korutlu, Beste 01 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The lepton flavor violating interactions are worthwhile to examine since they are sensitive to physics beyond the Standard Model. The simplest extension of the Standard Model promoting the lepton flavor violating interactions are the so called two Higgs doublet model which contains an additional Higgs doublet carrying the same quantum numbers as the first one. In this model, the lepton flavor violating interactions are induced by new scalar Higgs bosons, scalar h^0 and pseudo scalar A^0, and Yukawa couplings, appearing as free parameters, are determined by using the experimental data. On the other hand, the possible extra dimensions are interesting in the sense that they ensure a solution to the hierarchy and cosmological constant problems and also result in the enhancement in the physical quantities of various processes. In the present work, we predict the branching ratios of lepton flavor violating radion decays r-&gt / e^+- mu^-+, r-&gt / e^+- tau^-+ and r-&gt / mu^+- tau^-+ in the two Higgs doublet model, including a single extra dimension, in the framework of the Randall Sundrum scenario. We observed that the branching ratios of the processes we study are at most at the order of 10^-8 for the small values of radion mass and it decreases with the increasing values of the radion mass. Among the LFV decays we study, the r-&gt / mu^+- tau^-+ decay would be the most suitable one to measure its branching ratio.

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