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Amostragem assíncrona baseada em cruzamentos por zero / Asynchronous sampling based in zero crossingSantos, Jefferson França 31 January 2017 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / Synchronous sampling is currently the most widely used analog to digital conversion
method, mainly due to its implementation ease, since it employs a constant sampling
rate. However, a fixed sampling rate can cause unnecessary activations of the sample and
hold circuit, increasing power consumption. Asynchronous analog to digital converters
can be used to solve this problem, sampling only when particulars events occur, such as
amplitude level crossings. This approach has been intensely studied over the last decades,
and arose as an alternative to synchronous sampling. Another asynchronous sampling
approach is the one proposed by Voelcker (1966), where sampling instants are the zero
crossings of the signal. According to him complex zeros must be sampled for perfect signal
reconstruction, in addition to real zeros. Although being physically undetectable, Voelcker
proposes that complex zeros can be “transformed” using the real zeros of all nth signal
derivatives. Nevertheless this can be unfeasible and this work proposes the use of the
Zero Crossing method with a limited number of derivatives. Such approach is justifiable
because in consecutive derivatives, real zeros tends to be close or even repeat themselves,
thus not aggregating any more information about the original signal. Therefore, this
work verifies the applicability of the proposed method for systems that need low power
consumption and a good reconstruction of the sampled signal, being suggest from the
results of this work as a good solution of compromise between synchronous sampling and
Level Crossing. / A amostragem síncrona é o método mais amplamente utilizado na conversão analógica/
digital para sinais do cotidiano, principalmente devido à facilidade de implementálos,
pois a taxa de amostragem é constante. Entretanto, a taxa de amostragem fixa pode
causar ativações desnecessárias do circuito de Sample and Hold, gerando um alto consumo
energético. Os conversores analógicos digitais assíncronos podem ser utilizados para resolver
este problema, amostrando somente quando ocorrem eventos particulares, tais como
os cruzamentos de níveis de amplitude (em inglês - Level Crossing). Esta abordagem está
sendo intensamente estudada nas últimas décadas, e surgiu como alternativa à amostragem
síncrona. Outra alternativa de amostragem assíncrona e a abordagem proposta por
Voelcker, onde os instantes de amostragem são os cruzamentos por zero do sinal. Segundo
ele, para que seja possível obter a perfeita reconstrução do sinal, além dos zeros reais, os
zeros complexos devem ser amostrados. Embora eles sejam fisicamente indetectáveis, Voelcker
propôs que estes podem ser “transformados” em zeros reais a partir das informações
de todos os zeros reais das n-ésimas derivadas do sinal. Contudo isto pode ser impraticável,
e neste trabalho é proposto um novo método de Zero Crossing que utiliza somente até
a 3a derivada. Tal abordagem é justificada pela possibilidade, aqui apresentada de que ao
realizar muitas derivadas do sinal, os zeros reais tendem a ficar muito próximos, ou até se
repetir, não agregando mais informação sobre o sinal original. Diante disso, foi verificado
neste trabalho a aplicabilidade do método proposto para sistemas que necessitem de um
baixo consumo energético e uma boa reconstrução do sinal amostrado, sendo apontado
a partir dos resultados deste trabalho como uma boa solução de compromisso entre a
amostragem síncrona e o Level Crossing.
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Rekonstrukce železniční stanice Lipová Lázně / Upgrading of Lipová Lázně Railway StationKopecká, Denisa January 2018 (has links)
The master's thesis deals with reconstruction design of Lipová Lazně railway station. The main goal is to design new platforms suitable for passengers with reduced mobility and orientation and valid standart. Another goal is to increase line speed. Part of the thesis includes modifications of railway superstructure, substructure and drainage system of the station.
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Vyhledávací studie obchvatu obce Radňovice / Radňovice bypass - Location studyPolický, Radek January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this work is to design variant solution Radňovice bypass of the village. Radňovice is located in the county Vsočina. Road I/19 which is conecting Nové Město na Moravě and Žďár nad Sázavou runs through the center of the village. Road I / 19 provides connections with surrounding villages and transport operators of the adjacent buildings. Most vehicles will only Radňovice crossed. Prospective route for the realignment of the road outside the buildings has tracked for a long time.They were proposed three variants, one of which was selected for detailed processing. There was measured actual traffic flow intensity and rating of perspective traffic intensity for newly designed state.
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Contribution à la conception d'un système d'acquisition de signaux biomédicaux pour la télésurveillance médicale / Contribution to the design of a biomedical signals acquisition system for medical telemonitoringTlili, Mariam 23 October 2018 (has links)
L’objectif des travaux menés dans le cadre de cette thèse est le déploiement d’un dispositif médical embarqué et portable assurant l’acquisition et la transmission du signal biomédical électrocardiogramme. Il doit intégrer des techniques de traitement avancées et un étage de communication radio. A la quête de nouvelles idées non encore explorées par la communauté scientifique, nous proposons dans notre travail d’appliquer une acquisition compressée intelligente par exploitation du caractère parcimonieux du signal électrocardiogramme à l’aide d’un convertisseur analogique-numérique à échantillonnage non-uniforme. / The objective of this thesis is the deployment of an embedded and portable medical device for acquisition and transmission of the biomedical electrocardiogram signal. The device incorporates advanced processing techniques and a radio communication module. In search of new ideas not yet explored by the scientific community, we propose in our work to apply an intelligent compressed acquisition by exploiting the sparsity character of the electrocardiogram using a non-uniform sampling analog-to-digital converter.
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Ein risikobasiertes Verfahren zur Sicherheitsbeurteilung von BahnübergängenSchöne, Eric J. 10 June 2013 (has links)
Ausgehend von der Feststellung, dass in Deutschland bislang kein quantitatives Verfahren zur Beurteilung der Sicherheit von Bahnübergängen existiert, wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit ein Vorschlag für ein solches Verfahren entwickelt. Das zugrunde liegende Risikomodell ermöglicht es, aus den Parametern eines einzelnen Bahnübergangs die individuellen Risiken unterschiedlicher Gruppen von Straßenverkehrsteilnehmern sowie das kollektive Risiko des Bahnübergangs abzuschätzen. Zur Bewertung dieser Risiken wurden Vorschläge für Akzeptanzkriterien hergeleitet. Ein weiterer Teil der Untersuchung beschäftigte sich mit der Ermittlung und Bewertung risikoreduzierender Maßnahmen. Das Verfahren entstand auf Basis umfangreicher Literaturstudien, qualifizierter Schätzungen und ergänzender empirischer Untersuchungen.
Der Neuigkeitswert des Modells – auch vor dem Hintergrund der aus dem Ausland bekannten Ansätze – besteht in der differenzierten Betrachtung nicht nur des einzelnen Bahnübergangs, sondern auch der einzelnen Verkehrsarten und insbesondere der einzelnen zum Bahnübergang hin- und vom Bahnübergang wegführenden Verkehrsströme. Dadurch wird der Erkenntnis Rechnung getragen, dass sich die spezifischen Eigenschaften der Straßenverkehrsteilnehmer sowie der von ihnen genutzten Zu- und Abflusswege auf die Sicherheit auswirken können.
Aus den erzielten Erkenntnissen wurden Empfehlungen zur Weiterentwicklung der Regelwerke abgeleitet. Hierzu gehört die Forderung nach einer stärkeren Risikoorientierung der Gestaltungsregeln, die insbesondere die aufgezeigten Einflussfaktoren berücksichtigen müssen.:Abbildungsverzeichnis 6
Tabellenverzeichnis 8
Formelzeichenverzeichnis 9
1 Einleitung 11
1.1 Ausgangssituation 11
1.2 Zielstellung 13
1.3 Abgrenzung 13
1.4 Vorgehen 14
2 Forschungsstand 16
2.1 Risikomodelle 16
2.1.1 Deutschland 16
2.1.2 Europäisches Ausland 21
2.1.3 Nordamerika 26
2.1.4 Asien und Australien 29
2.1.5 Schlussfolgerungen 32
2.2 Verhaltensmodelle 35
2.2.1 Anlagen 35
2.2.2 Abläufe 36
2.2.3 Fehler 38
2.2.4 Schlussfolgerungen 41
2.3 Risikoschwerpunkte 42
2.3.1 Verkehrsarten 43
2.3.2 Unfallsituationen 44
2.3.3 Unfallursachen 45
2.3.4 Schlussfolgerungen 47
3 Systemdefinition 49
3.1 Bahnübergangsanlagen 49
3.2 Straßenverkehrsteilnehmer 52
4 Risikoanalyse 55
4.1 Grundlagen 55
4.2 Entscheidungsbereich 60
4.2.1 Aussetzung 60
4.2.2 Gefährdung 72
4.2.3 Unabwendbarkeit 96
4.2.4 Schadensausmaß 103
4.3 Räumungsbereich 113
4.3.1 Aussetzung 113
4.3.2 Gefährdung 114
4.3.3 Unabwendbarkeit 116
4.3.4 Schadensausmaß 118
4.4 Zusammenfassung 119
5 Risikobewertung 120
5.1 Grundlagen 120
5.2 Methoden 120
5.3 Anwendung 123
5.3.1 Individuelles Risiko 123
5.3.2 Kollektives Risiko 124
5.4 Zusammenfassung 125
6 Risikobeherrschung 127
6.1 Grundlagen 127
6.2 Entscheidungsbereich 128
6.2.1 Aussetzung 128
6.2.2 Gefährdung 129
6.2.3 Unabwendbarkeit 134
6.2.4 Schadensausmaß 134
6.3 Räumungsbereich 135
6.3.1 Aussetzung 135
6.3.2 Gefährdung 135
6.3.3 Unabwendbarkeit 136
6.3.4 Schadensausmaß 136
6.4 Zusammenfassung 137
7 Gesamtverfahren 138
7.1 Ablauf 138
7.2 Plausibilitätsprüfung 139
7.3 Sensitivitätsanalyse 143
7.3.1 Ausgangsszenarien 143
7.3.2 Schienenfahrzeuglänge 144
7.3.3 Schienenfahrzeuggeschwindigkeit 145
7.3.4 Schienenverkehrsstärke 146
7.3.5 Vorsperrzeit 147
7.3.6. Straßenverkehrsstärke 148
7.3.7 Kreuzungswinkel 150
7.3.8 Straßengeschwindigkeiten 151
7.3.9 Sicherungsart 152
7.3.10 Gefährdungsfaktoren 153
7.3.11 Sichtverhältnisse I 154
7.3.12 Sichtverhältnisse II 155
7.3.13 Räumungsprobleme 156
7.3.14 Schlussfolgerungen 157
7.4 Anwendungsbeispiele 158
7.4.1 Beispiel 1 158
7.4.2 Beispiel 2 162
7.4.3 Beispiel 3 165
8 Empfehlungen 170
8.1 Überblick 170
8.2 EBO 171
8.3 DB-Richtlinie 815 173
8.4 BÜV-NE 174
8.5 StVO 175
8.6 VwV-StVO 176
9 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 177
9.1 Zusammenfassung 177
9.2 Ausblick 180
184 Glossar 199
Anhang 203
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Level Crossing Times in Mathematical FinanceOsei, Ofosuhene 01 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Level crossing times and their applications in finance are of importance, given certain threshold levels that represent the "desirable" or "sell" values of a stock. In this thesis, we make use of Wald's lemmas and various deep results from renewal theory, in the context of finance, in modelling the growth of a portfolio of stocks. Several models are employed .
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Einbindung moderner Überwachungsarten für Bahnübergänge auf ETCS-StreckenBiehl, Anika 21 September 2022 (has links)
Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit befasst sich mit modernen Überwachungsarten für die Einbindung von Bahnübergängen auf ETCS-Strecken. Im Rahmen der Harmonisierung des europäischen Eisenbahnverkehrs werden Strecken zunehmend mit dem Zugbeeinflussungssystem ETCS ausgerüstet, wobei vollüberwachte Systeme eine bedeutende Rolle spielen. Durch flache ETCS-Bremskurven kann es an Bahnübergängen herkömmlicher Überwachungsarten zu betrieblichen Einschränkungen kommen, was es zu vermeiden gilt. Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit ist es, Potenziale moderner Überwachungsarten für Bahnübergänge auf ETCS-Strecken aufzuzeigen. Zu Beginn werden herkömmliche Überwachungsarten und Konflikte bei deren Einbindung auf ETCS-Strecken beleuchtet. Es folgt eine Untersuchung der modernen Überwachungsarten sowie der zukünftigen Schnittstellenarchitektur zwischen Bahnübergangssicherungsanlage (BÜSA) und Stellwerk. Darauf aufbauend werden Vergleiche mit konventionellen Überwachungsarten anhand von beispielhaften Anwendungsfällen angestellt und Möglichkeiten zur Beschleunigung des Entwicklungsprozesses für eine zeitnahe Anwendungsreife identifiziert. Abschließend erfolgt eine Prüfung der Voraussetzungen für die Erprobung im Sicherungstechnischen Labor der TU Dresden.:1 Einführung
2 Grundlagen
3 Moderne Überwachungsarten Bahnübergänge
4 Moderne Überwachungsarten auf ETCS-Strecken
5 Entwicklung der Standardschnittstelle SCI-LX
6 Erprobung im SIL
7 Ergebnisse und Diskussion
8 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick / The present study addresses modern types of level crossing monitoring for the integration of level crossings on ETCS railway lines. As part of the harmonization of European rail traffic, lines are increasingly being equipped with the European Train Control System (ETCS), whereby fully supervised systems play an important role.
Due to flat ETCS braking curves, operational restrictions can occur at level crossings of conventional monitoring types, which must be avoided. The aim of this study is to highlight the potential of modern level crossing monitoring types on ETCS lines and to identify outstanding development steps up to application maturity. At the beginning, conventional types of level crossing monitoring and conflicts in their integration on ETCS lines are examined. This is followed by an analyzation of new level crossing monitoring types and the future interface architecture between the level crossing protection system and the interlocking. Based on this, comparisons are made with conventional monitoring types by use cases, and possibilities for accelerating steps in the development process for timely application maturity are identified. Finally, the prerequisites for testing in the Railway Safety Engineering Laboratory of the TU Dresden are checked.:1 Einführung
2 Grundlagen
3 Moderne Überwachungsarten Bahnübergänge
4 Moderne Überwachungsarten auf ETCS-Strecken
5 Entwicklung der Standardschnittstelle SCI-LX
6 Erprobung im SIL
7 Ergebnisse und Diskussion
8 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
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Radio Wave Propagation Measurements and Modeling for Land Mobile Satellite SystemsMousselon, Laure 09 December 2002 (has links)
The performance of a mobile satellite communications link is conditioned by the characteristics of the propagation path between a satellite and mobile users. The most important propagation effect in land mobile satellite system is roadside attenuation of the signals due to vegetation or urban structures. System designers should have the most reliable information about the statistics of the propagation channel to build reliable systems that can compensate for bad propagation conditions.
In 1998, the Virginia Tech Antenna Group developed a simulator, PROSIM, to simulate a propagation channel in the case of roadside tree attenuation in land mobile satellite systems. This thesis describes some improvements to PROSIM, and the adaptation and validation of PROSIM for Digital Audio Radio Satellite systems operating at S-band frequencies. The performance of the simulator for S-band frequencies was evaluated through a measurement campaign conducted with the XM Radio signals at 2.33 GHz in various propagation environments. Finally, additional results on dual satellite systems and fade correlation are described. / Master of Science
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Empirical RF Propagation Modeling of Human Body Motions for Activity ClassificationFu, Ruijun 19 December 2012 (has links)
"Many current and future medical devices are wearable, using the human body as a conduit for wireless communication, which implies that human body serves as a crucial part of the transmission medium in body area networks (BANs). Implantable medical devices such as Pacemaker and Cardiac Defibrillators are designed to provide patients with timely monitoring and treatment. Endoscopy capsules, pH Monitors and blood pressure sensors are used as clinical diagnostic tools to detect physiological abnormalities and replace traditional wired medical devices. Body-mounted sensors need to be investigated for use in providing a ubiquitous monitoring environment. In order to better design these medical devices, it is important to understand the propagation characteristics of channels for in-body and on- body wireless communication in BANs. The IEEE 802.15.6 Task Group 6 is officially working on the standardization of Body Area Network, including the channel modeling and communication protocol design. This thesis is focused on the propagation characteristics of human body movements. Specifically, standing, walking and jogging motions are measured, evaluated and analyzed using an empirical approach. Using a network analyzer, probabilistic models are derived for the communication links in the medical implant communication service band (MICS), the industrial scientific medical band (ISM) and the ultra- wideband (UWB) band. Statistical distributions of the received signal strength and second order statistics are presented to evaluate the link quality and outage performance for on-body to on- body communications at different antenna separations. The Normal distribution, Gamma distribution, Rayleigh distribution, Weibull distribution, Nakagami-m distribution, and Lognormal distribution are considered as potential models to describe the observed variation of received signal strength. Doppler spread in the frequency domain and coherence time in the time domain from temporal variations is analyzed to characterize the stability of the channels induced by human body movements. The shape of the Doppler spread spectrum is also investigated to describe the relationship of the power and frequency in the frequency domain. All these channel characteristics could be used in the design of communication protocols in BANs, as well as providing features to classify different human body activities. Realistic data extracted from built-in sensors in smart devices were used to assist in modeling and classification of human body movements along with the RF sensors. Variance, energy and frequency domain entropy of the data collected from accelerometer and orientation sensors are pre- processed as features to be used in machine learning algorithms. Activity classifiers with Backpropagation Network, Probabilistic Neural Network, k-Nearest Neighbor algorithm and Support Vector Machine are discussed and evaluated as means to discriminate human body motions. The detection accuracy can be improved with both RF and inertial sensors."
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Factors shaping pedestrians’ unsafe behaviour at actively protected level crossings / Facteurs influençant le comportement non sécuritaire des piétons aux passages à niveau actifsStefanova, Teodora 10 September 2015 (has links)
Le nombre des collisions avec des piétons aux passages à niveau restant stable dans les dernières années, c’est un problème majeur au niveau international. Suite à la revue étendue de la littérature, des lacunes scientifiques importantes liées à l’étude du comportement du piéton ont été identifiées. L’objectif principal de ce programme de recherche était de contribuer à mieux comprendre le comportement du piéton aux passages à niveau actifs en Australie, où malgré la mise en place des protections renforcées pour les piétons, le nombre de collisions reste plus important que sur les autres types de passages à niveau. Trois études ont été réalisées pour répondre aux trois buts de recherche que nous nous proposons d'examiner dans le cadre de ce programme. La première étape de recherche qui est exploratoire a été réalisée dans le cadre des études 1 et 2 dont les conclusions ont permis d'identifier les facteurs influençant la prise de décision aux passages à niveau. A la fin de cette étape un nouveau modèle systémique a été développé pour servir d’instrument à l’analyse du comportement du piéton, influencé par des facteurs de tous les niveaux du système. Dans la deuxième étape empirique de recherche, nous avons mené l’étude 3 pour examiner l’impact de facteurs clés sur les comportements à risque dans différentes situations à risque de traversée des piétons. L’articulation des trois études est une illustration des bénéfices associés avec l’utilisation à la fois des méthodes systémiques et traditionnelles, résultant des contributions théoriques et pratiques importantes. / Level crossing collisions with pedestrians are a major issue worldwide and in Australia, where their number remains stable in recent years. An extended review of the literature highlighted a number of important scientific gaps in current knowledge on the factors shaping specifically pedestrian behaviour. The main objective of this research program was to contribute to the better understanding of pedestrian behaviour at active level crossings in Austalia, where a larger number of collisions are reported despite the reinforced safety measures in place. Three research aims were formulated and supported the development of three studies.Study 1 and 2 were part of the first explorative stage of research and informed on the main factors shaping crossing decisions of pedestrians. At the end of this stage a new systems-based framework was developed as a tool for the analysis of pedestrian behaviour as influenced by factors across all system levels. Study 3, part of the empirical stage of research, examined in depth the influence of key precursors of unsafe behaviour across different crossing situations. The articulation of the three studies demonstrates the benefits of using systems-based and traditional individual-centred methods in a complementary manner resulting in important theoretical and practical contributions.
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