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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Validação de modelo para previsão de vida útil de estruturas de concreto armado : iniciação da corrosão por cloretos

Silvestro, Laura January 2018 (has links)
É crescente a preocupação mundial com a durabilidade e o atendimento da vida útil de projeto estabelecida pelas normativas para estruturas de concreto armado. Desta maneira, torna-se fundamental a utilização de modelos representativos dos processos de degradação para uma correta previsão da vida útil deste tipo de estrutura. Isto posto, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo a validação, com base em dados de exposição natural, do modelo para a previsão da vida útil de estruturas de concreto armado proposto por Andrade (2001). Para esta validação foram coletados dados na literatura referentes à penetração de cloretos em estruturas de concreto e foram obtidos dados experimentais da concentração de cloretos em prismas de concreto e argamassa moldados com cimento CP II – F, CP III, CP IV e CP V – ARI, com relações a/c de 0,45, 0,55 e 0,65, expostos por um período de 3, 2 e 1 ano, respectivamente, em ambiente protegido e desprotegido da chuva em zona de atmosfera marinha, na cidade de Vitória. Também foram avaliados os perfis de cloretos de blocos de concreto moldados com cimento CP IV, CP V, CP V + 5% SA e CP V + 10% SA e relações a/c de 0,45, 0,55 e 0,65, que permaneceram expostos por 9 anos na cidade de Tramandaí. Paralelamente, foram avaliadas a influência do tipo de cimento, da relação a/c, da condição de exposição (protegido e desprotegido da chuva) e da adição de sílica ativa na penetração de cloretos em matrizes cimentícias, bem como a diferença desta penetração em concretos e argamassas moldados com os mesmos materiais e relações a/c. Para isto foram retiradas, dos prismas e blocos de concreto e argamassa, amostras sob a forma pulverulenta, para posterior determinação da concentração de cloretos utilizando o equipamento CL - 2000 da NDT James Instruments. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que o tipo de cimento que determinou maiores concentrações de cloretos foi o CP III; que prismas de concreto tendem a apresentar concentrações superiores aos de argamassa, em função da existência da zona de transição entre a pasta e o agregado graúdo. No tocante à corrosão de armaduras desencadeada por cloretos, o ambiente desprotegido mostrou-se mais danoso; a utilização de teores de sílica ativa em percentuais de 5 e 10% é eficiente na redução do ingresso de cloretos; baixas relações a/c apresentaram concentrações superficiais mais elevadas, em contrapartida, a medida que a profundidade em relação à superfície do concreto aumenta, há uma redução nestes teores. Por fim, em relação à validação do modelo de Andrade (2001) constatou-se que, para os dados com pequenos tempos de exposição, o modelo apresentou níveis de resposta similares à penetração de cloretos in situ, com bons resultados dentro de um faixa de variação de 35%, associados a diferenças máximas de apenas 4,6 mm entre os valores observados e calculados. Para os dados com tempos de exposição superiores, as diferenças foram expressivas, indicando a necessidade de um ajuste no sentido de melhor descrever o crescimento da concentração superficial ao longo do tempo. / International concern about durability and service life design established by regulations is growing. Therefore, the use of representative models of degradation processes for a correct prediction of service life of reinforced concrete structures become fundamental. Moreover, this research aimed to validate, based on natural exposure data, the model for the prediction of service life of reinforced concrete structures proposed by Andrade (2001). For this validation, data were collected in the literature regarding the chloride penetration in concrete structures and experimental data were obtained in concrete and mortar prisms molded with cement CP II – F, CP III, CP IV and CP V, with w/b ratios of 0,45, 0,55 and 0,65, exposed for a period of 3, 2 and 1 year, respectively, in a rainfall protected and unprotected environment in a marine atmosphere zone, in the city of Vitória. The profiles of concrete blocks molded with cement CP IV, CP V, CP V + 5% SA and CP V + 10% SA, and w/b ratios of 0,45, 0,55 and 0,65, who remained exposed for 9 years in the city of Tramandaí, were also evaluated. At the same time, were evaluated the influence: of the cement type, the w/b ratio, the exposure condition (protected and unprotected from rainfall) and the addition of silica fume in chloride penetration in cementitious matrixes, as well as the difference of this penetration in concretes and mortars molded with the same materials and w/b ratios. For this purpose, pulverulent samples were removed from the prisms and blocks of concrete and mortar for further determination of chloride concentration using the CL – 2000 equipment of the NDT James Instruments. The results indicated the type of cement with highest chloride concentrations was CP III; that concrete prisms tend to have higher concentration than mortar, due to the exist of the transition zone between the past and the coarse aggregate; with regard to corrosion triggered by chlorides the unprotected environment is more damaging; the use of silica fume in percentages of 5 and 10% is efficient to reduce the chloride ingress; low w/b ratios showed higher surface concentration, in contrast, as the depth in relation to the concrete surface increases, there is a reduction in theses contents. Finally, in relation to the validation of Andrade´s model (2001), it was found that, for data with small exposure times, the model showed similar response levels to chloride penetration in situ, with good results within a range of variation of 35%, associated with maximum differences of only 4,6 mm between the observed and calculated values. For the data with longer exposure times, the differences were expressive, indicating the need for an adjustment in order to best describe the growth of the surface concentration over time.
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Development of Life Prediction Models for Rolling Contact Wear in Ceramic and Steel Ball Bearings.

Huq, Fazul, dpmeng@bigpond.com January 2007 (has links)
The potential for significant performance increases, using ceramic materials in un-lubricated rolling element bearing applications, has been the subject of research over the past two decades. Practical advantages over steel include increased ability to withstand high loads, severe environments and high speeds. However, widespread acceptance has been limited by the inability to predict wear life for ceramic bearing applications. In this thesis, the rolling contact wear of 52100 bearing steel and Over-aged Magnesia-Partially-Stabilised Zirconia (OA-Mg-PSZ) ceramic are examined using a newly developed rolling contact wear test rig. The new wear test rig simulates the system geometry of an un-lubricated hybrid (ceramic and steel) ball bearing. The new wear test rig is versatile in that it allows low cost samples to be utilised resulting in a larger number of samples that can be tested. Wear samples of 52100 bearing steel and OA-Mg-PSZ produced by the new wear test rig were examined for mass loss and wear depth. The wear behavior of both the steel and ceramic material showed a dependence on operating variables time and load. Load was varied between 300N to 790N. Typical mass loss after 1 hour of testing 52100 bearing steel at 790N was 0.03 grams as compared to OA-Mg-PSZ which was 0.001 grams. The rolling contact wear of the OA-Mg-PSZ was an order of magnitude lower than that of the 52100 bearing steel. The wear mechanism for 52100 bearing steel was typical of plastic deformation and shearing near and below the surface of rolling contact. Once cracks extend to reach the surface, thin flat like sheets are produced. In OA-Mg-PSZ the wear mechanism initially is that of plastic deformation on the scale of the surface asperities with asperity polishing occurring followed by lateral cracks and fatigue spallation. Results obtained using the new rolling contact wear test rig led to the establishment of a new equation for wear modeling of 52100 bearing steel and OA-Mg-PSZ ceramic materials.
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Aging structure life prediction and reliability assessment

Che, Yunxiang, S3145469@student.rmit.edu.au January 2008 (has links)
Confront with the serious aging problem in aircraft structure field, the profession was tasked to unveil the mysterious in the mechanism of aging. In decades, many endeavours were put into different subjects such as, fatigue and crack calculation, corrosion analysis, reliability evaluation, life prediction, structure monitor and protection, structure repair, etc. In an effort of developing a reasonable model for life prediction and reliability evaluation, a wide range of topics in the field of aging structure reliability are reviewed. Many existing methods and tools are carefully studied to distinguish the advantages, disadvantages and the special application. With consideration of corrosion fatigue life, and based on the data obtained through investigating service status of the aging aircraft, a fuzzy reliability approach is proposed and presented. Initially, the thesis presents the literature review in the field, introducing the well-established theories and analysis tools of reliability and points out how such these methods can be used to assess the life and reliability of aging structure. Meanwhile, some characteristic parameters and distributions, as well as some crucial calculation formulations, procedures for aging aircraft reliability/risk analysis are given. Secondly, mathematical models are established to evaluate the initial crack size and to assess both randomness and fuzziness of the variables, which also successfully work out the probability of survival of existing structures over a time period and predict the operation time under specific reliability requirement. As a practical approach to the reliability of aging aircraft structure, example is presented and evaluated. While conduct the calculation, a few programs based on FORTRAN code are developed to solve the none-linear equation, to work out the multi dimension integration and to simulate the survival probability. The crack life prediction software AFGROW is selected for comparison of the calculation results, which also shows the appropriate accuracy of the established model. As conclusion, the effects of some variables including fuzzy factors on reliability and life of aging aircraft structure are finally discussed. It is apparent that the confines of the model are existing as fact because of the huge assumption of the parameters input and model uncertainties. Suggestions on further prospective research are proposed respectively.
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Development of LCF life prediction model for wrinkled steel pipes

Zhang, Jianmin 06 1900 (has links)
This research program focused on the behaviour of low cycle fatigue (LCF) of wrinkled pipes, and was designed to develop the LCF life prediction models for the wrinkled pipes. It consisted of three phases of work, which are strip tests, full-scale pipe tests, and finite element analysis (FEA). In strip tests, 39 strip specimens were tested by a complete-reversed stroke-controlled method to investigate the effects of bend angle, bend radius, and stroke range on the low-cycle fatigue (LCF) life. Also, the LCF behaviour was explored by viewing the spectra of key variables and their corresponding hysteresis loops. The failure mechanism was discussed by examining the fracture surfaces. Two LCF life prediction models, life-based and deterioration rate-based, were developed and their prediction results were evaluated. In full-scale pipe tests, two specimens were tested according to a complicated loading procedure. The loading was a combination of axial load, bending moment, and internal pressure; and it consisted of monotonic loading stage and cyclic loading stage. Based on those two tests, the global and local behaviour were investigated, the failure mechanism was studied and the application of the developed LCF life prediction models was discussed. In FEA, three numerical models were developed and they were the strip model, the half-pipe model and the full-scale pipe model. In the strip model, the residual stresses and strains were analyzed and discussed. In the half-pipe model, the effects of pipe geometry, internal pressure, and global deformation on the wrinkle geometry were studied and discussed. In the full-scale pipe model, the full-scale pipe tests were simulated and both the global behaviour and local behaviour were discussed. From this research program, some important conclusions were obtained. The wrinkle geometry is found to be greatly related to the pipe geometry, internal pressure, and global deformation. The global deformation has become localized after the wrinkle is fully developed. The opening deformation cycle is more detrimental to wrinkled pipes than the closing deformation cycle. The test results also show that the seam weld governs the failure of wrinkled pipes if the pipes are subjected to cyclic axial deformation. The LCF life prediction models developed from this research program demonstrate good prediction capacity when they are applied to both strip tests and full-scale pipe tests. / Structural Engineering
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Integrated environmental assessment methods as a tool for sustainable design : some case studies

Strömberg, Larissa January 2005 (has links)
QC 20100930

Service life estimation in building design : A development of the factor method

Marteinsson, Björn January 2005 (has links)
The built environment usually constitutes a very important part of the real capital of a nation, and the construction sector represents more than 10% of the yearly Gross National Product of the industrialised world. Good planning of all construction is important, and consideration of the service life of the work is of great interest and is a significant aspect of sustainability considerations. The need for more knowledge about degradation of materials, for structured methodology, and for working tools for those involved in the planning process, has resulted in an extensive effort in pre-normative research and standardisation regarding this field. This thesis presents a discussion on service life planning and the role of the Factor Method in such work, and especially, discussion of modification and development of the methodology. In the design process, the need to evaluate the service life of products is a great challenge, as the results will depend on both material properties and the environment in which the material is placed or used. A practical solution has to be based on a good knowledge in the field, but also on a sound working strategy, to ensure that different design scenarios can be compared in a standardised or structured way. The Factor Method is a promising working tool for such an evaluation and comparison, but is as such, still more of a methodology, than a method. Examples of the use of the methodology are still very limited, and the method as such, is much discussed by researchers. However, its future will depend upon how practical it will be to apply in use. The method is useful to estimate the service life of products, based on a known reference service life and a number of modifying factors. These factors in turn depend on the conditional differences between the specific project and the reference, in-use conditions. This thesis discusses the required precision of such a methodology, especially in light of inherent distributions in material properties, and the fact that the consequences of failure are often very limited. In such cases, the standardised Factor Method is considered to be quite useful, and should give the parties involved a good means for working in a structured and systematic way. / QC 20101019
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Numerical And Experimental Investigation Of Fatigue Life In Deep Drawn Parts

Aytekin, Oguz 01 May 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Sheet metal forming has an important place among metal forming processes. As the usage of sheet metal increases, the fatigue simulation and optimization of these parts become more important. This thesis study examines the change of the fatigue life of a sheet metal part after forming. A sphere-like shape is deep drawn and change in thickness and residual stresses are analyzed. To understand the effect of residual stresses, deep drawn parts with and without residual stress tested against the fatigue failure. In parallel, the forming process is simulated with an implicit finite element method (FEM). The success of forming simulation is discussed in the study. Thickness changes and residual stresses calculated with FEM are included in computer aided fatigue analysis. The effect of thickness changes is examined with the results of FEM analysis. The effectiveness of the whole simulation process is discussed by comparing the outputs of experiments and computational analysis.

Development of LCF life prediction model for wrinkled steel pipes

Zhang, Jianmin Unknown Date
No description available.

Contribuição ao estudo da carbonatação do concreto com adição de sílica ativa em ambiente natural e acelerado

Possan, Edna January 2004 (has links)
Devido à preocupação com a durabilidade das estruturas de concreto armado surgiram novas linhas de pesquisa destacando-se, dentre elas, a previsão de vida útil. Estes estudos deram origem a diversos modelos que tentam estabelecer o comportamento do concreto quando exposto a ambientes agressivos durante um determinado período. Existem várias maneiras de se modelar este comportamento: com base em resultados obtidos em experiências anteriores; a partir de ensaios de degradação acelerados; por métodos determinísticos e probabilísticos ou estocásticos. A estimativa de vida útil das estruturas de concreto empregando dados de ensaios acelerados é recomendada pela ASTM E-632 (1996) desde que estes sejam correlacionados com resultados de ensaios não acelerados ou naturais. A correlação entre estes ensaios possibilita a determinação dos coeficientes de aceleração, os quais expressam o número de vezes em que o ensaio acelerado representa o fenômeno de degradação natural. Dentro deste contexto o presente trabalho avalia a carbonatação do concreto com e sem adição de sílica ativa exposto a degradação natural e acelerada, verificando também a influência do teor desta adição e da relação água/aglomerante na carbonatação. Em paralelo foram determinados os coeficientes de carbonatação (kc) e de aceleração (αa). Os concretos estudados possuem relação água/aglomerante de 0,30; 0,35; 0,45; 0,60 e 0,80 e teor de adição de 0; 5; 10; 15e 20%. A carbonatação natural das amostras foi avaliada após 7 anos de exposição ao CO2, tendo como ambiente de degradação a cidade de Porto Alegre, RS. Os dados de carbonatação acelerada foram obtidos aos 7, 28, 63 e 98 dias de exposição ao CO2 com concentração de 5%, temperatura de 25°C e umidade relativa (UR) de 70%. Para o ensaio acelerado, baseado em análise estatística por meio de regressão múltipla não-linear, os resultados apontaram que a adição de sílica ativa em dosagens com relação água/aglomerante elevada aumenta a profundidade de carbonatação do concreto. Para a relação água/aglomerante de 0,80 com 0 e 20% de adição de sílica ativa, os coeficientes de aceleração obtidos foram de 31,15 e 35,49, respectivamente. / New researches has been appeared with the concern of reinforced concrete structures durability, standing out the service life prediction. These studies creates some models that establish the concrete performance when exposed to an aggressive environment. There are several ways to modeling this performance: with results obtained in previous tests; with accelerated degradation tests; or deterministic and stochastic methods. The concrete structures service life prediction using short term test data are recommended by ASTM E-632 (1996) since these are correlated with long term test results. The correlation among these tests makes possible the acceleration coefficient determination, which express how the accelerated tests represents the natural degradation phenomenon. In this sense, this work evaluate the concrete carbonation with and without silica fume exposed to natural and accelerated test, verifying the influence of silica fume tenor in this material and water – binder ratio in the carbonation. In addition to this, were determined the carbonation (kc) and acceleration coefficients (αa). The concretes studied has a 0,30; 0,35; 0,45; 0,60 and 0,80 water-binder ratio and 0; 5; 10; 15 and 20% addition tenor. The samples natural carbonation was analyzed after 7 years of CO2 exhibition from Porto Alegre city environment degradation. The accelerated carbonation data were obtained in 7, 28, 63 and 98 days of CO2 exhibition with 5% concentration, temperature of 20°C and humidity of 60%. In accelerated tests, based on statistical analysis through nonlinear estimation multiple regression, the results showed that the silica fume addition in high water-binder ratio mixtures increases the concrete carbonation depth. For water-binder ratio 0,80 with silica fume addition of 0 and 20%, the acceleration coefficients obtained were 31,15 and 35,49, respectively.
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Contribuição ao estudo da carbonatação do concreto com adição de sílica ativa em ambiente natural e acelerado

Possan, Edna January 2004 (has links)
Devido à preocupação com a durabilidade das estruturas de concreto armado surgiram novas linhas de pesquisa destacando-se, dentre elas, a previsão de vida útil. Estes estudos deram origem a diversos modelos que tentam estabelecer o comportamento do concreto quando exposto a ambientes agressivos durante um determinado período. Existem várias maneiras de se modelar este comportamento: com base em resultados obtidos em experiências anteriores; a partir de ensaios de degradação acelerados; por métodos determinísticos e probabilísticos ou estocásticos. A estimativa de vida útil das estruturas de concreto empregando dados de ensaios acelerados é recomendada pela ASTM E-632 (1996) desde que estes sejam correlacionados com resultados de ensaios não acelerados ou naturais. A correlação entre estes ensaios possibilita a determinação dos coeficientes de aceleração, os quais expressam o número de vezes em que o ensaio acelerado representa o fenômeno de degradação natural. Dentro deste contexto o presente trabalho avalia a carbonatação do concreto com e sem adição de sílica ativa exposto a degradação natural e acelerada, verificando também a influência do teor desta adição e da relação água/aglomerante na carbonatação. Em paralelo foram determinados os coeficientes de carbonatação (kc) e de aceleração (αa). Os concretos estudados possuem relação água/aglomerante de 0,30; 0,35; 0,45; 0,60 e 0,80 e teor de adição de 0; 5; 10; 15e 20%. A carbonatação natural das amostras foi avaliada após 7 anos de exposição ao CO2, tendo como ambiente de degradação a cidade de Porto Alegre, RS. Os dados de carbonatação acelerada foram obtidos aos 7, 28, 63 e 98 dias de exposição ao CO2 com concentração de 5%, temperatura de 25°C e umidade relativa (UR) de 70%. Para o ensaio acelerado, baseado em análise estatística por meio de regressão múltipla não-linear, os resultados apontaram que a adição de sílica ativa em dosagens com relação água/aglomerante elevada aumenta a profundidade de carbonatação do concreto. Para a relação água/aglomerante de 0,80 com 0 e 20% de adição de sílica ativa, os coeficientes de aceleração obtidos foram de 31,15 e 35,49, respectivamente. / New researches has been appeared with the concern of reinforced concrete structures durability, standing out the service life prediction. These studies creates some models that establish the concrete performance when exposed to an aggressive environment. There are several ways to modeling this performance: with results obtained in previous tests; with accelerated degradation tests; or deterministic and stochastic methods. The concrete structures service life prediction using short term test data are recommended by ASTM E-632 (1996) since these are correlated with long term test results. The correlation among these tests makes possible the acceleration coefficient determination, which express how the accelerated tests represents the natural degradation phenomenon. In this sense, this work evaluate the concrete carbonation with and without silica fume exposed to natural and accelerated test, verifying the influence of silica fume tenor in this material and water – binder ratio in the carbonation. In addition to this, were determined the carbonation (kc) and acceleration coefficients (αa). The concretes studied has a 0,30; 0,35; 0,45; 0,60 and 0,80 water-binder ratio and 0; 5; 10; 15 and 20% addition tenor. The samples natural carbonation was analyzed after 7 years of CO2 exhibition from Porto Alegre city environment degradation. The accelerated carbonation data were obtained in 7, 28, 63 and 98 days of CO2 exhibition with 5% concentration, temperature of 20°C and humidity of 60%. In accelerated tests, based on statistical analysis through nonlinear estimation multiple regression, the results showed that the silica fume addition in high water-binder ratio mixtures increases the concrete carbonation depth. For water-binder ratio 0,80 with silica fume addition of 0 and 20%, the acceleration coefficients obtained were 31,15 and 35,49, respectively.
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