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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estimativa das forças e torques articulares em seres humanos durante o andar em piscina com água rasa / Estimates of joint forces and torques during human walking in pool with shallow water

Maria Isabel Veras Orselli 19 May 2008 (has links)
O ambiente aquático é um recurso bastante utilizado na prática de atividade física, reabiltação e lazer. No entanto, apesar de seu amplo uso, pouco se sabe sobre a demanda mecânica a que nosso corpo está sujeito durante a atividade física neste ambiente. O conhecimento das cargas sobre o corpo durante exercícios em água poderá permitir uma melhor compreensão das adaptações realizadas pelo ser humano para se movimentar neste ambiente e, ainda, auxiliar na prescrição correta de atividades físicas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi, portanto, estimar as forças e torques articulares sobre o tornozelo, joelho e quadril de adultos jovens, saudáveis, durante o andar em ambiente terrestre e aquático (água rasa). Para tanto, conduzimos um experimento no qual 10 indivíduos caminharam com velocidade auto-selecionada nos dois ambientes. Durante o andar medimos as componentes da força de reação do solo, usando uma plataforma de força, e filmamos os movimentos, com auxílio de um de sistema de aquisição de imagens. As forças e torques internos foram determinadas através da técnica da dinâmica inversa e de estimativas das forças de arrasto e respectivos torques, realizadas a partir da teoria das faixas (\"strip theory\"). Os resultados referentes à cinemática articular e descritiva e às forças de reação do solo foram, no geral, semelhantes aos resultados apresentados em estudos anteriores, indicando que não há mudanças na coordenação dos movimentos articulares nem re- organização temporal da passada durante o andar em água. Entretanto, foi possível perceber mudanças nos sentidos dos torques articulares durante o ciclo para o joelho e o quadril, sugerindo que, para manter a mesma coordenação articular sob a ação do empuxo e do arrasto, é necessário promover mudanças nos padrões dos torques internos nestas articulações. Com relação à articulação do tornozelo, os resultados mostram que há diminuição nos torques articulares necessários para gerar a flexão plantar durante o apoio. A estimativa das forças de arrasto se mostrou adequada para descrever a situação experimental, o que indica que os valores apresentados neste estudo são adequados para descrever a carga mecânica no aparelho locomotor durante o andar em piscina com água rasa. / The aquatic environment is a resource often used for the practice of physical activity, rehabilitation, and leisure. However, despite its extensive use, little is known about the mechanical demand that our body is subjected during physical activity in this environment. The knowledge of the load on the human body during water exercise will give us a greater understanding of the adaptations of the human being in water and assist the health professional to the correct prescription for physical activities. The goal of this work was, therefore, to estimate the internal joint forces and moments on the ankle, knee, and hip joints of young healthy adults during walking in the terrestrial and aquatic (shallow water) environments. For that, we conducted an experiment in which 10 subjects walked with self-selected speed in both environments. During the experiment, we measured the components of ground reaction forces, with a force plate, and recorded the subject\'s movements with a video analysis system. To find the forces and moments we used the inverse dynamics procedure and the calculation of drag forces and moments were based on the strip theory. The results concerning the joints and descriptive kinematics and the ground reaction forces were, in general, similar to the results presented in previous studies, indicating that there aren\'t changes in the coordination of joint movements or a re-organization of the stride during walking in water. Meanwhile, we were able to see changes in the directions of joint moments during the gait cycle for the knee and hip joints, suggesting that to keep the same joint coordination under the action of drag and buoyancy, it is necessary to promote changes in the patterns of internal moments in these joints. As for the ankle, the results showed that there is a decrease in joint moments necessary to generate the plantar flexion during the support phase. The estimation of the drag forces was adequate to describe the experimental situation, which suggests that the values presented here can describe correctly the mechanical load on the locomotor system during walking in shallow water.

Lombalgies chroniques : évaluation des facteurs mécaniques des membres inférieurs au moyen des relations moment-vitesse / Low back pain : evaluation of lower limbs mechanical parameters from torque-velocity relationships under isokinetic conditions

Lemaire, Alexandra 09 December 2014 (has links)
La lombalgie est un problème de santé public induisant de nombreuses répercussions sur le plan économique et social. Le passage à la chronicité concerne moins de 10% des lombalgies, mais représente 85% des coûts liés à la prise en charge de cette pathologie. Dans ce contexte, il parait indispensable de pouvoir optimiser les programmes de réentrainement à l’effort du lombalgique chronique afin de les rendre le plus efficace et le plus pertinent possible. Ce travail de thèse a pour objectif d’évaluer les facteurs mécaniques des membres inférieurs au moyen des relations moment-vitesse dans des conditions isocinétiques. Dans une première étude, nous avons évalué les muscles extenseurs du genou et les muscles fléchisseurs et extenseurs du tronc chez des sujets lombalgiques et des sujets sains. Nous avons, ainsi mis en évidence une faiblesse significative au niveau de la force et de la puissance des muscles extenseurs du genou chez les sujets lombalgiques associée à la faiblesse musculaire du tronc classiquement évoquée pour cette population. Après avoir mis en place, dans une seconde étude, un protocole d’évaluation permettant d’établir des relations moment- et puissance-vitesse pour les muscles extenseurs et fléchisseurs de la hanche, nous avons évalué la force et la puissance de ces groupes musculaires chez des sujets lombalgiques. Les résultats ont, comme pour la première étude, mis en avant une faiblesse significative au niveau de la force et de la puissance de ces groupes musculaires, par rapport à des sujets sains, avec un déficit plus marqué au niveau des extenseurs, comme pour le tronc. L’ensemble des résultats obtenus dans le cadre de ce travail de thèse démontre qu’il est important de proposer un travail de force et de puissance au niveau des membres inférieurs pour les patients lombalgiques chroniques afin de mieux lutter contre le syndrome de déconditionnement qui touche l’ensemble des chaines musculaires des patients. / Low back pain is a public health problem inducing economical and social consequences. Chronicity involves less than 10% of low back pain, but represents 85% of the total costs related to this pathology. In this context, it seems essential to optimize chronic low back pain rehabilitation programs to make them more effective and relevant. The purpose of this phD was then to evaluate lower limbs mechanical factors using torque- and power-velocity relationships. In a first study, knee extensors muscles and trunk flexor and extensor muscles were evaluated in chronic low back pain and healthy subjects. A significant knee extensor strength and power weakness weas observed for chronic low back pain subjects, associated with the typical trunk weakness referred to this population. The second study focused on establishing a protocol allowing assessing hip flexor and extensor torque- and power-velocity relationships. This protocol was then applied to evaluate flexor and extensor hip muscles in chronic low back pain subjects. Results, in accordance with the first study, highlighted a significant strength and power weakness for hip muscle groups in chronic low back pain relative to healthy subjects, with a greater hip extensor deficit, as it is generally observed for the trunk.In conclusion, these different studies showed the importance of proposing torque and power lower limbs rehabilitation for chronic low back pain patients to better fight against the deconditioning syndrome that affects all muscular chains in this population.

Porovnání parametrů měření pohybu horních končetin na suchu a ve vodě / Comparison of parameters measuring upper limb movement on land and water

Kružík, Josef January 2021 (has links)
Title: Comparison of parameters for measuring the movement of the upper limbs on land and water. The Aim: The aim of this work is to compare selected parameters of swimming performance and technique, obtained in a 25m pool, in a pool with countercurrent (Flum) and on a biokinetic simulator Biokinetic. The Methods: The data used in the diploma thesis were obtained by direct measurements in the swimming pool, in Flum and by means of the Biokinetic swimming simulator. SmartPaddles were used to collect data. The data were then evaluated by Trainsense software and processed into tables and graphs. The Results: Based on the results, we can state that the highest power (W) was always delivered on the Biokinetic. The biggest difference between the average performances of upper limb was in the right hand during the crawl, when the hand on the Biokinetic (257 N) gave 701% of the performance of the right hand in the pool (42.53 N). The results of the average force of the upper limb propulsion for Butterfly in the pool were 19.08 N for the right hand and 17.21 N for the left hand. For Butterfly in the Flum were 13.68 N for the right hand and 11.93 N for the left hand. During the crawl, the proband generated 12.66 N with the right hand and 13.96 N with the left hand. When swimming in Flum, the force values for...

Design hydromasážní vany pro horní končetiny / Design of Hydromassage Bathtub for Upper Limbs

Vávra, Marek January 2019 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is design of hydrotherapy bathtub for upper limbs that reacts mainly to ergonomic weaknesses of current solutions. Created design concept is mainly focused on users comfort. Its appearance reflects the environment of medical and rehabilitation facilities.

Vybrané parametry posturální stability u výkonostní kategorie tanečního sportu / Selected parameters of postural stability in elite sport dance group

Kadlec, Jan January 2013 (has links)
Title: Selected parameters of postural stability in elite sport dance group. Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate selected parameters of postural stability in elite sport dancers in Czech Republic during their preparatory period and to define the relation of postural stability to body composition, equality and ability of explosive strength production of lower limbs. Methods: The group of 10 elite sport dancers, composed of men (n=5, age=25,1±2,4 years, height=181,9±3,8 cm, weight=73,7±7,5 kg) and women (n=5, age=24±3,2 years, height=169,1±5,7 cm, weight=53,8±3,6 kg), was longitudinally observed during their preparatory period. At the beginning and on the top (national championship) postural stability, body composition and dynamic performance were evaluated. These following devices were used for testing: force plate FootScan (RScan International, Belgium), bioimpedance analyzer BIA 2000M (Datainput, Germany) and Tanita (Tanita Corporation, Japan), dynamometric force plates Kistler 8611 (Kistler, Switzerland). Results were evaluated by descriptive and inductive (paired t-test) statistics. Results: Results showed high similarity of followed selected parameters in elite sport dancers at the beginning and also at the top of preparatory period. Postural stability was slightly impaired, but...

Analýza okamžitého vlivu kinesiotapingu na horní končetiny při pádu do kliku v gymnastickém aerobiku / Analysis of the immediate effect of kinesiotaping on the upper limbs when falling into a handle in gymnastic aerobics

Vítková, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
Title: Analysis of the immediate effect of kinesiotaping on the upper limbs when landing into a press-up position when doing gymnastic aerobics Objectives: The aim of this diploma thesis is to find out if the use of the tape on the upper limbs changes the acceleration associated with the reaction inertial force of the arm, the angle in the elbow joint and wrist when landing into the press-up position, as well as subjective evaluation of probands. The hypothesis for the practical part is that the angles in the joints mentioned and the magnitude of the force with the applied tap change, which would result in better stabilization of the upper limbs in this element, as well as positive evaluation of the probands. Methods: The theoretical part deals with kinesiological-biomechanical description of upper limbs and the characteristics of gymnastic aerobics. Moreover, biomechanical analysis and kinesiotaping are described. The practical part is devoted to the measurement of landings into the press-up position  first without tape and then with tape. The tape is described in detail. The XSens MVN was used to record motion. Results: The results showed that kinesiotape had no effect on the angle of the elbow and wrist joints or shoulder joints when landing into the press-up position. However, a positive...

Explozivní síla v kondiční přípravě fotbalistů kategorii dorostu / Explosive power in conditioning young soccer players

Presl, Aleš January 2019 (has links)
Bibliographic identification PRESL, Aleš: Explosive power in fitness training of soccers in teengers. Diploma thesis. Charles Univerzity. Faculty of Physical Education and Sport. Department of Athletic. Supervisor: PhDr. Radim Jebavý, PhD. Prague: FTVS UK, 2019. Abstract Title: Explosive power in fitness of soccers in teengers Objectives: The main of the thesis is to determine the influence of the interventional fitness program on the development of explosive strength of the lower extremities by means of plyometric exercises in the youth category in football and its subsequent comparison in three measurements between the experimental and control group. Methods: Testing was performed using four motor tests and an intervention program with two-group plyometric exercises. 16 footballers aged 17.6 ± 0.9 took part in 3 measurements with an interval of 4 weeks. The data were processed using basic statistical methods. Results: The interventional fitness program had a positive effect on increasing the level of explosive strength in the experimental group. Due to the introductory part of TJ and 3 measurements, the control group also improved significantly. Keywords: youth category, strength abilities, lower limbs, intervention program, comparison

Explozivní síla v kondiční přípravě fotbalistů kategorii dorostu / Explosive power in conditioning young soccer players

Presl, Aleš January 2020 (has links)
Bibliographic identification PRESL, Aleš: Explosive power in fitness training of soccers in teengers. Diploma thesis. Charles Univerzity. Faculty of Physical Education and Sport. Department of Athletic. Supervisor: PhDr. Radim Jebavý, PhD. Prague: FTVS UK, 2019. Abstract Title: Explosive power in fitness of soccers in teengers Objectives: The main of the thesis is to determine the influence of the interventional fitness program on the development of explosive strength of the lower extremities by means of plyometric exercises in the youth category in football and its subsequent comparison in three measurements between the experimental and control group. Methods: Testing was performed using four motor tests and an intervention program with two-group plyometric exercises. 16 footballers aged 17.6 ± 0.9 took part in 3 measurements with an interval of 4 weeks. The data were processed using basic statistical methods. Results: The interventional fitness program had a positive effect on increasing the level of explosive strength in the experimental group. Due to the introductory part of TJ and 3 measurements, the control group also improved significantly. Keywords: youth category, strength abilities, lower limbs, intervention program, comparison

TMS stimulus-response asymmetry in lower limbs : Difference in stimulated muscles between dominant and non-dominant leg

Pivac, Adna January 2022 (has links)
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a 37-year-old non-invasive tool and can be used for diagnostic, therapeutics, and research purposes. In research, TMS is mostly used to stimulate the motor cortex, resulting in a neuroelectric excitatory response called a motor evoked potential (MEP). The resulting nerve signal leads to muscle movement, which can be measured by electromyography (EMG). Majority of previous research has targeted muscles of the upper limbs, due to the relative inaccessibility of the cortical leg area. Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate whether asymmetry occurs during lower limb stimulation and if there is a difference in stimulated muscles between dominant and non-dominant leg. Nine healthy adults conducted cortical stimulation over the motor cortex using double cone coil. EMG was recorded from the rectus femoris, tibialis anterior and abductor hallucis on both left and right leg. Depending on the subject's tolerance, data was collected by delivering 30 or 35 pulses. For each intensity, five MEPs were recorded, starting at 30% of the intensity and increasing in steps of 10%. Results showed no significant difference (p>0,05) between the dominant and non-dominant leg in all three muscles. In conclusion, the study no stimulus response asymmetry between the dominant and non-dominant leg in the respective muscle.

Phantom Limbs / Ghost Architecture

Hernandez Hernandez, Berenice Janice January 2022 (has links)
This project asks questions about identity, place and the role of structures as memory aids. It specifically deals with the aftermath of having moved from one culture to another,  and how being surrounded by a new and foreign architectural world can interrupt one’s connec-tion to the sense of self. Working from the question “Can I recreate what I lost by using an imaginary architecture imbued with my memories?” I create what I call architectural ghosts, structures made with porcelain, wood, wire and metal as an attempt to replace the memory connections I lost when leaving Mexico.

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