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Dissociation and reaggregation of blastema cells from regenerating fore-limbs of adult triturus viridescens in vitroOgonji, Gilbert Odhiambo 01 May 1966 (has links)
No description available.
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Srovnání reakce kardiovaskulárních parametrů na zátěž jednou a oběma dolními končetinami na bicyklovém ergometru / Camparsion of crdiovascular responses to stress by one and both lower limbs on a bicycle ergometer.Baxová, Dana January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the stress on a bicycle ergometer. This theoretical part is a summary of findings on the response of the cardiovascular parameters, one-leg ergometry, description of Borg RPE scale and laterality of the lower limbs. The practical part is a comparison of the measured values of cardiovascular parameters. Furthermore was evaluating the subjective perception of the intensity of workload and compares the workload between the left and right limbs. Methodology and data processing: data collection for statistical processing was carried out from December 2013 to early April 2014. Research group included 16 probands. The results were statistically analyzed and described. Results and conclusions: There are differences in the values of cardivascular parameters at maximum workload between the two and one leg. At submaximal workload are not significant differences Keywords: cardiovascular parameters, one-legged ergometry, laterality, Borg RPE scale
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Péče o dolní končetiny v dospělosti a ve stáří / Care about lower limbs in adulthood and in old age.VOJČOVÁ, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
Introduction: Lower limbs are ones of the most strained body parts to which people do not pay much attention. Conscientious care is absolutely vital for their right functioning. Main aims of the thesis: This thesis is focused on gathering the knowledge and skills in care of lower limbs with people at their adult and old age; and on describing how the care is being performed with the target group of people. The next aim is to describe the health care from the podiatry nurse´s point of view. Methodology: A qualitative research by means of half-structured interviews was chosen as the main method of the survey. People at their adult and old age from České Budějovice were interviewed, as well as a nurse working in the centre of podiatry. Results of the thesis: The research proves some level of knowledge in the field of care of lower limbs both with the adult and elderly citizens. Both these groups of people take care of their lower limbs. The results show conscientiousness with washing their feet and drying them especially in the spaces between their toes. On the one hand, the interviewed people take care of their feet by means of using lotions and by means of pedicure. However, they do not go to see specialists in pedicure. On the other hand, the results show that this kind of skin care is not very regular. The care devoted to nails seems to be problematic, it is necessary to add some information about a more appropriate way of cutting them. The results of choosing shoes; when the choice is based mainly on a fashionable look of shoes; show a bigger need of repeated and more accurate education in this field. The impacts of improperly chosen shoes, irregular care of the lower limbs and also underestimating of prophylactic medical checks were all evident on our informants´ feet. The outputs gained in practice: The intermediate results of this thesis were presented at the Students Scientific Conference. The results of the research were used as the basis for a workshop intended for people at the adult and old age. A suggested educational mental map can be used as a practical tool.
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Desenvolvimento de um jogo para reabilitação de pessoas que sofreram AVC, baseado no exame de cognição ACE-R / Game development for rehabilitation of people who suffered strokes, based on cognition exam ACE-RPasqual, Thales Bueno 14 March 2018 (has links)
O Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) é uma das maiores preocupações da saúde no mundo, sendo a segunda maior causa de morte no mundo e a terceira maior de incapacitação. Sendo a cognição uma das capacidades que são afetadas pelo AVC, é comum o uso de exames para verificar em que nível de estado mental o paciente se encontra. Os pacientes que apresentam incapacidades passam por um longo e complexo programa de reabilitação. Esses indivíduos tornam-se limitados na realização das Atividades de Vida Diárias (AVDs), como caminhar, devido a problemas envolvendo alterações da motricidade em um lado do corpo. O tornozelo é uma articulação importante pois está diretamente ligada à capacidade de caminhar e se manter em pé. Existem diversos exames cognitivos e motores para avaliar o dano causado aos indivíduos, bem como sua melhora ao longo da terapia, porém a área da saúde carece de ferramentas que possam unir a avaliação com os recursos de reabilitação. Portanto, este projeto tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um jogo voltado para reabilitação motora para o membro inferior e cognitiva para pessoas que sofreram AVC baseado em um exame de análise cognitiva e interface com temática familiar, utilizando um mecanismo projetado especificamente para reabilitação de tornozelo. O principal objetivo deste projeto é desenvolver um jogo que o desempenho do jogador se correlacione com o desempenho do mesmo no Addenbrooke\'s Cognitive Examination Revised (ACE-R). Pensando no público de maior incidência do AVC, o jogo tem uma temática de familiaridade visando a fácil identificação e imersão do indivíduo no processo de reabilitação, para esse fim foi desenvolvido um jogo baseado em cartas de baralho. Dessa forma o projeto focou em três frentes principais: a articulação a ser reabilitada, a patologia e o perfil de usuário. Este trabalho seguiu uma metodologia para seu desenvolvimento desde a fase de estratégia, especificações e planejamento, concepção e homologação. Os resultados se mostraram satisfatórios dentro dos objetivos estabelecidos dando abertura para diversas frentes de estudo em relação a desenvolvimento de jogos, imersão e desempenho de indivíduos em jogos virtuais, cinemática do tornozelo e níveis cognitivos. Este trabalho também pode ser utilizado como guia para novos desenvolvimentos de jogos sérios integrado com mecanismos robóticos para reabilitação. / The Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) or Stroke is one of the greatest health concerns in the world, being the second largest cause of death in the world and the third largest cause of disability. Since cognition is one of the capacities that are affected by stroke, it is common to use tests to find out what level of the patient\'s mental state is. Patients with disabilities experiences need a long and complex rehabilitation program. They become limited in performing Daily Life Activities (DLA), such as walking, due to problems involving the movement alterations in one body\'s side. The ankle is directly linked to to walk and stand ability. There are several cognitive and motor tests to evaluate the damage caused to subjects, as well as their improvement throughout therapy, but the health care area lacks tools that can integrate the evaluation with the rehabilitation tools. Therefore, this project aims to develop an ankle rehabilitation game for people who have suffered from stroke, based on a cognitive analysis examination that has interface with family thematic, using a mechanism designed specifically for ankle rehabilitation. The main goal of this project is to develop a specifically game that correlates with Addenbrookes Cognitive Examination (ACE-R). Thinking about the audience of higher incidence of CVA, the game will have a familiar theme for the easy identification and immersion of the individual in the rehabilitation process, for this purpose a game based on playing cards was developed. In this way the project was focused on three main fronts: the articulation, the pathology and the user\'s profile. This work followed a methodology to be developed since its strategy, specifications and planning, conception, testing and homologation. The results proved to be satisfactory within the stated objectives, opening up several study fronts in relation to game development, immersion and performance of individuals in virtual games, ankle kinematics and cognitive levels. This work also can be used as a guide for new serious game development integrated with robotic mechanisms for rehabilitation.
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Heterogeneidade metabólica muscular associada à assimetria funcional. / Muscle metabolic heterogeneity associated with functional asymmetry.Semiatzh, Marcelo 09 October 2018 (has links)
No contexto da atividade física, é aceito que a maioria das pessoas apresenta membros inferiores (MI) assimétricos, um deles atuando como lado dominante (DM), enquanto o outro é considerado não dominante (ND). Existe heterogeneidade da resposta dos MI de acordo com a função (DM / ND) em face de estímulos, como caminhada, manutenção da postura e exercício. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a heterogeneidade metabólica e biomecânica entre os MI, comparando biópsias de ambos os músculos gastrocnêmios mediais em indivíduos ativos (AT) e muito ativos (MA). A expressão gênica da proteína de ligação aos ácidos graxos (FABP) no músculo gastrocnêmio medial(GM) mostrou diferença significativa (p <0,05) apenas no membro ND, com maior expressão no AT, enquanto a citrato sintase (CS) mostrou diferenças (p <0,05) no membro DM, com maior expressão em MA. Para os indivíduos MA, houve diferença significativa (p <0,05) entre os MI para FABP e CS que foram mais expressas no membro DM. Em relação aos impulsos horizontal de frenagem da marcha, a lateralidade causou diferença significativa (p <0,05) entre os indivíduos no grupo AT, com maior frenagem em ND. Quanto ao esforço, a diferença significativa para o impulso horizontal de frenagem da marcha(p <0,05) ocorreu somente no membro ND, sendo maior frenagem no grupo AT. Na propulsão, a diferença (p <0,05) ocorreu para o impulso de propulsão horizontal da marcha com interferência lateral no esforço somente no membro DM, sendo o maior no grupo MA. Para o impulso vertical de propulsão da marcha, independente do esforço, DM apresenta menor impulso. Nossos dados apontaram para a existência de diferenças metabólicas e biomecânicas entre os hemisférios opostos que podem ser exacerbados pelo exercício contínuo e especializado. Os resultados do fator lateralidade nos membros de DM e ND mostram diferentes adaptações entre os grupos, que podem ser consideradas na pesquisa e na clínica. / In the context of physical activity, most people present asymmetric lower limbs (LL), one of them acting as the dominant (DM) side, while the other is considered non-dominant (ND). There is heterogeneity of LL response according to function (DM/ND) in the face of stimuli such as walking, posture maintenance and exercise. The aim of this study was to evaluate metabolic and biomechanical heterogeneity between the LL, comparing muscle biopsies of active (AC) and very active (VA) individuals. Gene expression of fatty acid binding protein (FABP) in the gastrocnemius medial muscle showed a significant difference (p <0.05) only for ND, with higher expression in the AC, while citrate synthase (CS) expression was different (p <0.05) in DM limb, with higher expression in VA. For VA, there was significant difference (p <0.05) between the limbs, as FABP and CS expression was higher in DM. There was significant difference (p <0.05) regarding impulses in braking, considering laterality in the AC group, with higher braking capacity in ND. In concern to effort, a significant difference (p <0.05) was found for ND, as the parameters were higher in AC. In the case of propulsion, the difference (p <0.05) occurred with laterality interfering in the effort degree in the DM, with horizontal impulse propulsion being superior in VA. For the vertical impulse of gait propulsion, regardless of the effort, DM presents less impulse. Our data point out to the existence of metabolic and biomechanical differences between the opposite body hemispheres that may be exacerbated by continued exercise and specialization. The laterality factor results in the DM and ND limbs showing different adaptations between groups and are of relevance for exercise prescription and study.
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Avaliação do efeito da meia elástica na hemodinâmica venosa dos membros inferiores de corredores / Evaluation of the effect of compression stockings in venous hemodynamic of the lower limbs of runnersCastilho Junior, Oswaldo Teno 02 October 2015 (has links)
RESUMO Castilho Junior, O T. Avaliaço do efeito da meia elástica na hemodinâmica venosa dos membros inferiores de corredores. 2015. 71f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Faculdade de Medicina Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto - SP. Introdução: A literatura médica a respeito da eficácia e dos benefícios do uso de meias elásticas de compressão graduada (MECG) na corrida é controversa e inconclusiva. Objetivo: O objetivo foi verificar as alterações da hemodinâmica venosa dos MMII pela pletismografia a ar (PGA) , do lactato sanguíneo e da resposta clínica provocadas pela corrida em atletas amadores saudáveis sem e com o uso de MECG. População e Método: Dez atletas (4 homens e 6 mulheres), corredores voluntários, com idade média 40,3 anos, índice de massa corporal (IMC) médio de 21,88, foram submetidos a avaliações de parâmetros hemodinâmicos venosos por meio da PGA (IEV-índice de enchimento venoso; FE-fraço de ejeção e FVR-fração de volume residual), dosagem de lactato capilar e avaliação clínica (frequência cardíaca, dor e conforto nos MMII) em 3 situações: em repouso (antes da corrida); logo depois de uma corrida de 10 km em esteira com inclinação de 1% sem o uso de MECG e uma semana após com o uso de MECG. Todas as variáveis foram analisadas estatisticamente e considerou-se 5% o nível de significância. Resultado: Após a corrida houve elevação significativa dos valores de IEV dos MMII no grupo sem em relação ao grupo com MECG e em repouso. Houve queda significativa da FVR do membro inferior direito no grupo com MECG em relação aos grupos em repouso e sem meia elástica, o que não ocorreu no membro inferior esquerdo. A FE foi semelhante em todas as situações. O lactato elevou-se no final da corrida no grupo sem MECG e notou-se tendência a elevação no grupo com MECG, mas a diferença inicial e final do lactato nas duas situações permaneceu semelhante. As manifestações clínicas (frequência cardíaca , dor, conforto e lesões) foram semelhantes em todas as situações após a corrida sem e com MECG. Conclusão: Apesar de inalteradas as manifestações clínicas ( frequência cardíaca, dor e desconforto) e dos níveis de lactato de corredores amadores, sadios, após a corrida de 10km com inclinação de 1%, o uso de MECG teve efeitos positivos na hemodinâmica venosa dos MMII, aferidos pela PGA e caracterizados pela redução do IEV em ambos os membros e pela queda da FVR, pelo menos no membro inferior direito. / Background: The literature about the efficacy and the benefits of wearing compression stockings (CS) in running is controverse and inconclusive. Objective: The objective was to verify the changes of venous hemodynamic parameters of the lower limbs measured by air pletismography (APG), of the capillary lactate and of some clinical aspects promoted by running in normal healthy runners wearing or not compression stockings. Methods: Ten volunteer runners (4 men, 6 women), mean age 40,3 years, mean corporal mass index of 21,88, were submitted to evaluation the hemodynamic parameters measured by APG (venous filling index VFI; ejection fraction EF and residual venous fraction - RVF), measurement of capillary lactate and clinical aspects (cardiac frequency, pain, comfort and lesions) in 3 situations: at rest (before running); after a 10 Km running on a treadmill with 1% inclination degree without CS and a week later, after the same running wearing compression stockings. All variables were statistically analised and it was considered 5% as the significance level. Results: After running there was significant elevation of the VFI in the group without CS compared to the groups at rest and with CS. There was also a meaning descent of the RVF levels of the right lower limb of the volunteers wearing CS compared to those without CS and at rest, but this was not noticed on the left lower limb. The EF was the same in all situations. The lactate levels increased after running without CS and there was a tendency of elevation with the use of CS, but the initial and final differences in both situations remained the same. The clinical aspects (cardiac frequency, pain, comfort and lesions) were similar after running with or without CS. Conclusion: Although there were no changes of the clinical aspects (cardiac frequency, pain, comfort and lesions) and the lactate levels of healthy amateur runners after a 10 Km running on a treadmill with a 1% elevation degree, APG showed that the use of CS promoted beneficial effects on venous hemodynamics of the lower limbs, featured by the fall of the VFI levels on both lower limbs and the fall of the RVF levels on the right lower limbs.
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The role of heterogenic spinal reflexes in coordinating and stabilizing a model feline hindlimbBunderson, Nathan Eric 01 April 2008 (has links)
In addition to its intrinsic importance during quiet standing, posture also serves as
the background for a wide variety of other critical motor tasks. The hierarchical nature of
the motor control system suggests that the different layers may be responsible for
different aspects of posture. I tested the hypothesis that spinal reflexes are organized
according to optimal principles of stability, control accuracy, and energy. I found that
there were no globally stable muscle activation patterns for muscles operating near
optimal fiber length, suggesting that the intrinsic viscoelastic properties of muscle are
insufficient to provide limb stability. However, for stiffer muscles a stable limb could be
created by selectively activating muscles based on their moment-arm joint angle
relationships. The optimal organization of length and velocity feedback to control and
stabilize the endpoint position of a limb could not be produced from a purely muscle
controller, but required neural feedback to improve endpoint performance, reduce
energetic cost, and produce greater coordination among joints. I found that while
muscles at near optimal fiber length were insufficient to provide limb stability, the length
feedback provided by the autogenic stretch reflex was sufficient to stabilize. Length
feedback was also sufficient to produce the directional tuning of muscle activity and
constrained ground reaction forces as is observed in experiments. These results have
implications for controlling powered prosthetic devices, suggesting that subdividing the
responsibility for stability among hierarchical control structures will simultaneous
improve stability and maneuverability of the devices.
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Organic broilers in floorless pens on pasture /Bassler, Arnd W., January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning). Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv. / Härtill 6 uppsatser.
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Porovnání procenta tělesného tuku dolních končetin u studentů učitelství prvního stupně ZŠ s šetřením z roku 2005 pomocí bioelektrické impedance / Comparison body fat at student's elementary school teaching with survey from the 2005 year by the help of bioelectrical impedance of lower extremitiesJAREŠOVÁ, Petra January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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REVISÃO DE ESPÉCIES NEOTROPICAIS RELACIONADAS AO GÊNERO Alona (Crustacea, Chydoridae), COM OCORRÊNCIA NO BRASIL / REVISION OF SPECIES OF THE GENUS Alona (Crustacea, Chydoridae) FROM BRASILSousa, Francisco Diogo Rocha 26 February 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Alona genus was, for a long time, considered the main group of species within the family Chydoridae, presenting high diversity when compared to other genera. The reason behind this statement emerges from the polyphyletic nature of Alona, which has been the subject of intensive taxonomic changes in order to establish natural groups. Thus, the aim of this thesis was to review Neotropical species related to the genus Alona, occurring in Brazil. Different populations of the two main lineages of Alona, the Hexalona-branch and Coronatella-branch were analyzed. Three species groups of Hexalona-branch were evaluated and the results pointed to the description of: Alona margipluma Sousa, Elmoor-Loureiro & Santos, 2015 representing the costata-group; Alona cf. intermedia and Alona sp. nov. 1 representing the intermedia-group; Alona cf. guttata representing the guttata-group. The gen. nov. 1 and sp. nov. 2 also belongs to Hexalona-branch, but could not be fitted in any group of known species due to the distinct set of morphological characteristics observed in the main head pores, postabodme, limbs I, III and IV. The results related to Coronatella-branch led to the description of three new species of the genus Coronatella: C. paulinae Sousa, Elmoor-Loureiro & Santos, 2015, C. serratalhadensis Sousa, Elmoor-Loureiro & Santos, 2015 and C. undata Sousa, Elmoor-Loureiro & Santos, 2015. At the same time, the morphology of C. poppei (Richard, 1897) has been fully reviewed and the absence of C. rectangula (Sars, 1861) in tropical regions was confirmed. Furthermore, the pulchella-group of Alona sensu lato has a new species with geographical distribution in the southern portion of South America: this species was named Alona kaingang Sousa, Elmoor-Loureiro & Santos, 2015 (now considered
to belong to the genus Ovalona). In addition, this thesis proposes a new genus, which includes Alona dentifera and Alona siamensis. / O gênero Alona foi, durante muito tempo, considerado o principal agrupamento morfológico dentro da família Chydoridae, apresentando elevada diversidade quando comparado a outros gêneros. A razão por trás desta afirmação emerge da natureza polifilética de Alona, que tem sido alvo de intensas modificações taxonômicas com o propósito de estabelecer grupos naturais. Desta maneira, o objetivo desta tese foi revisar espécies Neotropicais relacionadas ao gênero Alona, com ocorrência no Brasil. Diferentes populações das duas principais linhagens de Alona, os ramos Hexalona e Coronatella, foram analisadas. Três grupos de espécies do ramo Hexalona foram avaliados e os resultados apontaram para a descrição de: Alona margipluma Sousa, Elmoor-Loureiro & Santos, 2015 representando o grupo costata; Alona cf. intermedia e Alona sp. nov. 1 representando o grupo intermedia; Alona cf. guttata representando o grupo guttata. O gen. nov. 1 e sp. nov. 2 também pertence ao ramo Hexalona, contudo não pôde ser encaixado em nenhum grupo de espécies conhecido por conta do distinto conjunto de características morfológicas observadas nos poros cefálicos principais, pós-abodme, apêndices torácicos I, III e IV. Os resultados relacionados ao ramo Coronatella conduziram à descrição de três novas espécies do gênero Coronatella: C. paulinae Sousa, Elmoor-Loureiro & Santos, 2015, C. serratalhadensis Sousa, Elmoor-Loureiro & Santos, 2015 e C. undata Sousa, Elmoor-Loureiro & Santos, 2015. Ao mesmo tempo, a morfologia de C. poppei (Richard, 1897) foi inteiramente revisada e a ausência de C. rectangula (Sars, 1861) na região tropical foi confirmada. Ainda, o grupo pulchella de Alona sensu lato ganhou uma nova espécie com distribuição geográfica na porção meridional da América do Sul: esta
espécie foi nomeada de Alona kaingang Sousa, Elmoor-Loureiro & Santos, 2015 (agora considerada pertencente ao gênero Ovalona). Além disto, nesta tese é proposto um novo gênero para abrigar Alona dentifera e Alona siamensis.
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