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Size and shape effects for the nano/micro particle dynamics in the microcirculationLee, Sei Young 07 December 2010 (has links)
The nano/micro particles have been widely used as a carrier of therapeutic and contrast imaging agents. The nano/micro particles have many advantages, such as, specificity, controlled release, multifunctionality and engineerability. By tuning the chemical, physical and geometrical properties, the efficacy of delivery of nano/micro particle can be improved. In this study, by analyzing the effect of physical and geometrical properties of particle, such as, size, shape, material property and flow condition, the optimal condition for particle delivery will be explored. The objectives of this study are (1) to develop predictive mathematical models and (2) experimental models for particle margination and adhesion, and (3) to find optimal particle geometry in terms of size and shape to enhance the efficiency of its delivery. The effect of particle size expressed in terms of Stokes number and shape, namely, spherical, ellipsoidal, hemispherical, discoidal and cylindrical particle on the particle trajectory is investigated. For discoidal and cylindrical particles, the effect of aspect ratio is also considered. To calculate particle trajectory in the linear shear flow near the substrate, Newton's law of motion is decomposed into hydrodynamic drag and resistance induced by particle motion. The drag and resistance is estimated through finite volume formulation using Fluent v6.3. Particle behavior in the linear shear flow does strongly depend on Stokes number. Spherical particle is transported following the streamline in the absence of external body force. However, non-spherical particles could across the streamline and marginate to the substrate. For non-spherical particles, the optimal [Stokes number] in terms of particle margination is observed; [Stokes number almost equal to] 20 for ellipsoidal, hemispherical and discoidal particle; [Stokes number almost equal to] 10 for cylindrical particle. For discoidal particle with [gamma subscript d]=0.2 shows fastest margination to the substrate. The effect of gravitational force is also considered with respect to the fluid direction. When the gravitational force is applied, mostly, gravitational force plays a dominant role for particle margination. However, using small particle aspect ratio ([gamma subscript d]=0.2 and 0.33), spontaneous drift induced by particle-fluid-substrate interaction could overcome gravitational effect in some cases ([Stokes number]=10, G=0.1). In addition the adhesion characteristic of spherical particle has been studied using in vitro micro fluidic chamber system with different particle size and flow condition. The experimental results are compared to the mathematical model developed by Decuzzi and Ferrari (Decuzzi and Ferrari, 2006) and in vivo test (Decuzzi et al., 2010). The optimal particle size for S=75 and 90 is found to be 4-5 [micrometer] through the in vitro non-specific interaction of spherical particle on the biological substrate. The suggested mathematical model has proven to be valid for current experimental condition. At the end, the mathematical model, in vitro flow chamber results and in vivo test have been compared and the scaling law for particle adhesion on the vessel wall has been confirmed. / text
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Non-Linear Assessment of a Concrete Bridge Slab Loaded to Failure / Icke-linjär analys av ett betongbrodäck belastat till brottIsabell, Eriksson, Karlsson, Niklas January 2016 (has links)
This thesis covers an investigation regarding the failure in the bridge slab of Gruvvägsbron, which was the result of the full scale test that the bridge was subjected to prior to demolition. Using the non-linear finite element software ATENA 3D, a model of the bridge was assembled, with the purpose to attempt to reenact the test procedure and realistically capture the failure load and behaviour. This in order to be able to conclude what kind of failure that occurred. The initial part of this thesis presents a summary of a conducted literature study, which aims to give deeper knowledge regarding the linear shear and punching shear phenomena and their respective failure mechanisms, and how they are applied on bridge slabs. Furthermore, the shear capacity of the bridge was calculated according to current design codes. A parameter study was conducted on the model, which initially showed a over-stiff response. The aim of this was to study the influence of key variables on the outcome of the analysis, and hopefully get closer to the failure load acquired inthe experiment. From the studied parameters, it was observed that a combined reduction of the tensile strength and fracture energy, together with a low fixed crack coefficient had the largest influence on the outcome of the analysis. It was also observed that the location of the failure and failing load was dependant on how the loading was applied to the model, i.e. via load control or deformation control. The final model failed at a load which surpassed the actual failure load by 10.5%. The mode of failure obtained in all the analyses were the result of a large shear crack propagating from the edges of the loading plate, through the slab to the slab/girder-intersection. This indicates that the type of failure that occurred was primarily due to a linear shear mechanism with a secondary punching effect. The design values calculated by keeping with the current codes resulted in too conservative values when compared to the obtained failure load from the experiment. This proves the difficulty in regarding the internal force distribution in slab struc-tures as well as the shear carrying width, which from the analysis were found to be larger than that obtained from the code. / Denna uppsats behandlar en utredning gällande brottet i plattan på Gruvvägsbron, som var resultatet av det fullskaletest som bron utsattes för innan rivning. Med hjälp av den icke-linjära finita element-programvaran ATENA 3D skapades en modell avbron, med syfte att på ett realistiskt sätt försöka återskapa experimentet och fånga brons verkliga beteende. Detta för att således kunna dra slutsatser angående brottets natur. Den första delen av denna uppsats innehåller en sammanfattning av en utförd litteraturstudie, som ämnar ge en ökad förståelse angående fenomenen skjuvning och genomstansning, tillsammans med olika brottmekanismer relaterade till dessa. Vidare har brons motstånd mot skjuv- och genomstansningbrott beräknats enligt rådande normer. En parameterstudie utfördes på modellen, då den ursprungligen uppvisade ett överstyvt beteende. Syftet med detta var att studera nyckelparametrars påverkan på analysens resultat, och eventuellt komma närmare den verkliga brottlasten i experimentet. Av de studerade parametrarna observerades att en samtida reduktion av draghållfasthet och brottenergi, samt ett lågt värde på den så kallade "fixedcrack"-koefficienten gav störst inverkan på resultatet. Vidare observerades att brottets lokalisering och brottlasten var beroende av hur lasten påfördes modellen, dvs genom last- eller deformationsstyrning. Den slutgiltiga modellen gick till brott vid en last som översteg den verkliga brottlasten med 10.5%. Brottet som skedde var i samtliga analyser resultatet av en skjuvspricka som sträckte sig från kanten av lastplattan, genom plattan, ner till mötet mellan platta och balk. Detta indikerar att den typ av brott som skedde var ett primärt skjuvbrott med en sekundär stanseffekt. Lastvärdena beräknade enligt rådande normer tycks vara för konservativa, om jämförelse görs med lasten som uppnåddes i experimentet. Detta visar på svårigheten i att bedöma den inre kraftspridningen i plattor, och även dess skjuvbärande bredd, då analysen visade att denna var betydligt större än vad som ges i koden.
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Numerical simulation of an inertial spheroidal particle in Stokes flow / Numerisk simulering av en trög sfäroidisk partikel i StokesflödeBagge, Joar January 2015 (has links)
Particle suspensions occur in many situations in nature and industry. In this master’s thesis, the motion of a single rigid spheroidal particle immersed in Stokes flow is studied numerically using a boundary integral method and a new specialized quadrature method known as quadrature by expansion (QBX). This method allows the spheroid to be massless or inertial, and placed in any kind of underlying Stokesian flow. A parameter study of the QBX method is presented, together with validation cases for spheroids in linear shear flow and quadratic flow. The QBX method is able to compute the force and torque on the spheroid as well as the resulting rigid body motion with small errors in a short time, typically less than one second per time step on a regular desktop computer. Novel results are presented for the motion of an inertial spheroid in quadratic flow, where in contrast to linear shear flow the shear rate is not constant. It is found that particle inertia induces a translational drift towards regions in the fluid with higher shear rate. / Partikelsuspensioner förekommer i många sammanhang i naturen och industrin. I denna masteruppsats studeras rörelsen hos en enstaka stel sfäroidisk partikel i Stokesflöde numeriskt med hjälp av en randintegralmetod och en ny specialiserad kvadraturmetod som kallas quadrature by expansion (QBX). Metoden fungerar för masslösa eller tröga sfäroider, som kan placeras i ett godtyckligt underliggande Stokesflöde. En parameterstudie av QBX-metoden presenteras, tillsammans med valideringsfall för sfäroider i linjärt skjuvflöde och kvadratiskt flöde. QBX-metoden kan beräkna kraften och momentet på sfäroiden samt den resulterande stelkroppsrörelsen med små fel på kort tid, typiskt mindre än en sekund per tidssteg på en vanlig persondator. Nya resultat presenteras för rörelsen hos en trög sfäroid i kvadratiskt flöde, där skjuvningen till skillnad från linjärt skjuvflöde inte är konstant. Det visar sig att partikeltröghet medför en drift i sidled mot områden i fluiden med högre skjuvning.
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