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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Approche micromécanique du comportement d'un matériau fissuré non saturé / Micromechanical approach of behaviour of a cracked unsaturated material

Tran, Bao Viet 12 January 2010 (has links)
On s'intéresse plus particulièrement à la modélisation du comportement d'un matériau hétérogène méso-fissuré (béton, roche,...), soumis à une sollicitation thermo-hydro-mécanique avec prise en compte du couplage géométrique. Pour conduire cette étude, on s'appuie notamment sur les approches micro-mécaniques du comportement des milieux méso-fissurés non saturés développées depuis quelques années au Laboratoire des Matériaux et des Structures du Génie Civil - Ur Navier - Université Paris Est. Le milieu fissuré non saturé traité ici est constitué d'une matrice solide homogène élastique linéaire et de fissures connectées saturées par deux fluides immiscibles : un liquide et un gaz séparés par une surface capillaire. La fissure est traditionnellement considérée comme une cavité ellipsoïdale (cas 3D) ou elliptique (cas 2D) dont le rapport d'aspect tend vers zéro. Deux morphologies typiques de matériau sont considérés dans ce travail : la situation où les fissures sont toutes orientées dans la même direction et la situation où les fissures possèdent des orientations aléatoires. Dans une première étape, on rappelle brièvement les résultats disponibles concernant la modélisation des fissures non saturées par des cavités ellipsoïdales aplaties. A la fin de cette première partie, on complète les résultats déjà disponibles en étudiant l'influence de l'histoire de chargement sur la réponse de matériau. Dans une deuxième étape, on s'attache à valider une partie des résultats obtenus en utilisant une description des efforts capillaires dans les fissures par une précontrainte homogène en seréférant aux solutions analytiques exactes disponibles dans la littérature permettant de décrire le comportement d'une fissure isolée au sein d'une matrice élastique. Dans une troisième étape, on s'intéresse aux phénomènes de propagation des fissures en condition non saturée. Les lois de propagation sous critique et le phénomène de branchement des fissures sont également prises en compte dans cette approche. La dernière partie de la thèse concerne l'influence de la température sur le comportement des milieux poreux non saturés / The main topic of my work is the development of a micromechanical model for the behaviour of unsaturated mesocracks in media (concrete, rock...) in which the thermo-hydro-mechanical loadingsand thermo-hydro-mechanical couplings are taken into account. For this, we used the micromechanical approach model of behaviour of cracked porous media recently developed at LMSGC. My thesis is focused on the equilibrium configurations of a porous material whose pore space is saturated by a vapour and a liquid phase. The behaviour of an elastic medium containing unsaturated mesocracks is studied in the framework of a micromechanical approach. The cracks are filled by two immiscible fluids, namely a liquid and a gas, separated by a capillary interface. Furthermore, it is assumed that the set of cracks constitutes a connected network ; the capillary pressure is uniform over a representative elementary volume. The cracks are modelled as flat oblate spheroid cavities. Several geometrical configurations of cracks in porous media are considered in the framework of Eshelby-based homogenization methods (parallel cracks, randomly oriented cracks). First, a previously developed model showed that when coupling between the deformation of the cracks and the capillary forces is taken into account, there is no more a one-to-one relationship between the loading parameters and the state-variables. Thus, we describe the loading history prescribed to the material in order to compute its response. Second, we validate these results referring to the exact solutions available in the literature to describe the behaviour of a unsaturated crack within an elastic matrix. Third, the description of crack propagation in unsaturated media is considered in the framework of linear elastic fracture mechanics. The phenomenon of subcritical crack growth due to stress corrosion cracking is taken into account in this approach. Mixed mode fracture in the plane is also examined. Finally, we are interested in the influence of the temperature on the behavior of unsaturated porous media in the framework of the micromechanical approach

Avaliação da estabilidade de trincas em componentes estruturais por meio do parâmetro elasto-plástico integral-J e comparação com resultados obtidos via mecânica da fratura elástica-linear / Crack stability assessment on structural components by using elastic-plastic J-integral parameter and comparison to results obtained from linear-elastic fracture mechanics

Tarpani, José Ricardo 17 October 1995 (has links)
Neste trabalho são comparados os resultados analíticos de previsão de falha de um vaso nuclear PWR destinado à propulsão naval, contendo oito diferentes tipos de trinca, obtidos segundo a Mecânica da Fratura Elástica-Linear (MFEL) e a correspondente Elasto-Plástica (MFEP). Os resultados são fornecidos em termos da pressão interna e do gradiente de deformações ao longo da espessura da parede do componente estrutural, sendo diretamente aplicáveis às condições impostas e desenvolvidas em ensaios isotérmicos de hidro-pressurização. O elevado nível de conservativismo dos resultados derivados segundo a MFEL, via critério KIC de disparo de clivagem, quando comparados àqueles obtidos por meio da MFEP, através do critério de iniciação de rasgamento dúctil, Ji, e em especial dos critérios J50 e Jinstab.dúctil de falha com base na Teoria da Instabilidade do Rasgamento Dúctil ou Elasto-Plástico (TIRD/TIREP) por intermédio de diagramas J x T (integral-J versus módulo de rasgamento), foi avaliado e quantificado. O intenso efeito das dimensões dos corpos de prova nos resultados obtidos a partir de ambas abordagens, assim como o papel determinante dos entalhes laterais nos ensaios da MFEP foram definitivamente comprovados. Foi também demonstrado o saudável conservativismo das previsões segundo o critério J50 para projeto e serviço seguros de plantas nucleares frente às condições reais em que se verifica analiticamente a instabilidade dúctil do componente trincado, tais como definidas por Jinstab.dúctil, assim como das previsões decorrentes dos processos de extrapolação linear de curvas J-R no espaço J x T quando comparadas às resultantes de extrapolações não-lineares mais frequentemente utilizadas. Com relação aos efeitos exercidos nos resultados de previsão de falha pelo tipo, profundidade e comprimento da trinca contida na parede do vaso de pressão, ficou demonstrado que as trincas de superfície são muito mais críticas que as sub-superficiais de idênticas profundidade e comprimento, assim como que as avaliações de integridade são muito mais sensíveis a mudanças na profundidade da trinca relativamente a alterações no seu comprimento. As aproximações entre os resultados obtidos via J50 e através de Jinstab.dúttil, e entre os resultados obtidos pelos procedimentos de extrapolação linear e não-linear de curvas JMAT-TMAT, são muito mais nítidas para as trincas de superfície menos profundas e, em especial para as embutidas, mesmo aquelas mais críticas. Deste modo, a metodologia aqui aprimorada, destinada em última instância a avaliações de integridade estrutural de vasos PWR em transientes de potência durante a sua vida em serviço, se mostrou absolutamente efetiva no caso das trincas mais prováveis em tais circunstâncias, quais sejam, as de pequenas dimensões e situadas superficialmente na parede do vaso. Ainda, foi verificada a tendência da ocorrência do vazamento do meio pressurizante anteriormente à falha do vaso por instabilidade dúctil nos casos da presença das trincas mais profundas, independentemente de serem elas de superfície ou sub-superficiais e, novamente, de seu comprimento, contribuindo assim para a percepção visual da iminência da falha bem como para eventos de freamento de trinca dúctil, impedindo a falha catastrófica do vaso PWR. Por outro lado, trincas rasas ou meno·s profundas tendem a entrar no regime de instabilidade dúctil muito precocemente, com a essência da propagação se dando de modo instável, causando fratura rápida ou súbita do vaso sem sinal anterior. Finalmente, foi comprovada nesse estudo a aplicabilidade da técnica analítica de normalização linear para o levantamento de curvas J-R, e como consequência JMAT-TMAT, para a avaliação de integridade estrutural de componentes robustos falhando de modo dúctil após considerável, e mensurável, crescimento estável de trinca; também, foi aqui proposto o ajuste logarítmico de dados de curvas J-R, em oposição ao hoje consensualmente utilizado via lei de potência, de modo a computar os efeitos do fenômeno de saturação de J, permitindo assim extrapolações conservativas e seguras para as condições em que se verifica a falha do componente nuclear. / In this work the analytical results related to a nuclear pressure vessel failure conditions as obtained by Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) and the Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics (EPFM) were compared for eigth different crack types. The results are supplied in terms of internal pressure and strain gradient through the wall thickness of the structural component, and might be directly applied to isothermal hydrotests experiments. The high conservatism of LEFM approach, by using KIC criterion of cleavage triggering, as compared to results obtained via Ji of ductile crack initiation from EPFM approach, and specially to the J50 and Jduct.instab. criteria based on ductile Tearing Instability Theory through J x T (J-integral x tearing modulus) diagrams, was evaluated and quantified. The overriding effect of specimens size over LEFM and EPFM results were definitely proved, as well as the very strong influence of side-grooving the EPFM specimens. It was demonstrated the healthy conservatism of the predictions following the J50 criterion for safe design and service in the nuclear industry facing the real conditions where ductile instability takes place as analytically defined by Jduct.instab.. In the same way the conservatism of the predictions from the linear extrapolation procedure of J-R curves on J x T space, as compared with the most common non-linear process was proved as well. With respect to the effect exerted by type, depth and length of the crack over the results it was demonstrated that surface cracks are more critical than the embedded ones with identical dimensions, being the analytical evaluation much more sensitive to changes in the crack depth than in its length. The approximations among the results obtained from J50 and Jduct.instab. criteria as well as among the results from the linear and non-linear extrapolation procedure are best verified for the less depth surface cracks and specially for the embedded cracks even the largest ones. So, the methodology here improved, aimed in last instance to structural integrity assessment of PWR vessels on power transients during their service life has been shown to be a powerful tool in evaluating the most expected cracks under such circunstances, that is, those having small dimensions and located on surface wall. Still, it was demonstrated the trend for leak-before-ductile instability in the presence of the deepest surface and internal cracks, allowing the visual perception of the threshold of the vessel failure and the development of crack arrest events avoiding catastrofic rupture of the component. Otherwise, shallow cracks are prone to get very fast in the unstable regime of growth, with the essence of the propagation occuring under this condition, conducting to suddenly fracture of the vessel without any prior evidence. Finally, it was proved in this study the accuracy of the linear normalization technique in deriving J-R curves for the assessment of structural integrity of massive components which fail in a ductile way after undergo large stable crack extensions; it was suggested here the logarithmic fit of J-R data points taking in account more properly the J-saturation phenomena and leading to more safe and conservative extrapolation results when compared to resulting from power-law fit.

Identification du comportement quasi-statique et dynamique de la mousse de polyuérathane au travers de modèles de mémoire / Identification of the quasi-static and dynamic behaviour of polyurethane foams through memory models

Jmal, Hamdi 25 September 2012 (has links)
La mousse de polyuréthane est un matériau cellulaire caractérisé par un spectre de propriétés mécaniques intéressant : une faible densité, une capacité à absorber l’énergie de déformation et une faible raideur.Elle présente également des propriétés telles qu’une excellente isolation thermique et acoustique, une forte absorption des liquides et une diffusion complexe de la lumière. Ce spectre de propriétés fait de la mousse de polyuréthane un des matériaux couramment utilisés dans de nombreuses applications phoniques, thermiques et de confort. Pour contrôler la vibration transmise aux occupants des sièges, plusieurs dispositifs automatiques de régulation et de contrôle sont actuellement en cours de développement tels que les amortisseurs actifs et semi-actifs. La performance de ces derniers dépend bien évidemment de la prédiction des comportements de tous les composants du siège et en particulier la mousse. D’une façon générale, il est indispensable de modéliser le comportement mécanique complexe de la mousse de polyuréthane et d’identifier ses propriétés quasi-statique et dynamiques afin d’optimiser la conception des systèmes incluant la mousse en particulier l’optimisation de l’aspect confort. Dans cette optique, l’objectif principal de cette thèse consiste à implémenter des modèles mécaniques de la mousse de polyuréthane fiables et capables de prévoir sa réponse sous différentes conditions d’essais. Dans la littérature, on retrouve les divers modèles développés tels que les modèles de mémoire entier et fractionnaire. L’inconvénient majeur de ces modèles est lié à la dépendance de leurs paramètres vis-à-vis des conditions d’essais, chose qui affecte le caractère général de leur représentativité des comportements quasi-statique et dynamique de la mousse polyuréthane. Pour pallier à cet inconvénient, nous avons développé des modèles qui, grâce à des choix judicieux de méthodes d’identification, assurent une représentativité plus générale des comportements quasi-statique et dynamique de la mousse polyuréthane. En effet, nous avons démontré qu’on peut exprimer les paramètres dimensionnels des modèles développés par le produit de deux parties indépendantes ; une regroupant les conditions d’essais et une autre définissant les paramètres adimensionnels et invariants qui caractérisent le matériau. Ces résultats ont été obtenus à partir de plusieurs études expérimentales qui ont permis l’appréhension du comportement quasi-statique (à travers des essais de compression unidirectionnelle) et dynamique (à travers des tests en vibration entretenue). La mousse, sous des grandes déformations, présente à la fois un comportement élastique non linéaire et un comportement viscoélastique. En outre, une discrimination entre les modèles développés particulièrement en quasi-statique a été effectuée. Les avantages et les limites de chacun y ont été discutés. / Polyurethane foam is a cellular material characterized by an interesting mechanical spectrum of properties: low density, capacity to absorb the deformation energy and low stiffness. It presents also several other properties, such as excellent thermal and acoustic insulation, high absorption of fluids and a complex scattering of light. This spectrum of properties makes polyurethane foam commonly used in many thermal, acoustic and comfort applications. To control the vibration transmitted to the seat occupants, several automatic devices for regulation and control are currently outstanding developments like active and semi-active dampers. The performance of these devices depends, of course, on the prediction of the behaviour of all the seat components and especially foam. Generally, it is essential to model the complex mechanical behaviour of polyurethane foam and identify its quasi-staticand dynamicproperties in order to optimize the design of systems with foam particularly the optimization of the comfort aspect. In this mind, the main goal of this thesis is to implement mechanical models of polyurethane foam reliable and able to provide its response under different test conditions. Several models has been developed in literature such as memory fractional and integer models. The main disadvantage of these models is the dependence of their parameters against the test conditions. It affects the general character of their representativeness to the quasi-static and dynamic behaviours of polyurethane foam. To solve this problem, we developed models with specific identification methods to ensure broader representation of the quasi-static and dynamic behaviour of polyurethane foam. Indeed, we have demonstrated that we can express the dimensional parameters of the developed models by the product of two independent parts; the first contain only the test conditions and the second define the dimensionless and invariant parameters that characterize the foam material. The developed models have been establish after several experimental studies allowing the apprehension of the quasi-static behaviour (through unidirectional compression tests) and the dynamic behaviour (through harmonic vibration tests). The polyurethane foam, under large deformations, exhibits a non linear elastic behaviour and viscoelastic behaviour. In addition, discrimination between the models developed especially in quasi-static case has been conducted. The advantages and limitations of each model have been discussed.

Strength and Moisture Aspects of Steel Timber Dowel Joints in Glulam Structures : An Experimental and Numerical Study

Sjödin, Johan January 2008 (has links)
Joints are critical parts of timber structures, transmitting static and dynamic forces between structural members. The ultimate behavior of e.g. a building depends strongly on the structural configuration and the capacity of its joints. The complete collapse of a building or other less extensive accidents that may occur usually start as a local failure inside or in the vicinity of a joint. Such serious failures have recently occurred in the Nordic countries. Especially the collapses of two large glued-laminated timber (glulam) structures clearly indicate the need of an improved joint design. The trend toward larger and more complex structures even further increases the importance of a safer design of the joints. One aim of this partly experimentally and partly numerically based work has been to investigate if the short term capacity of steel-timber dowel joints loaded parallel to the grain is affected by an initial drying exposure. The experimental results showed that the load-bearing capacity of the joints is indeed reduced by such moisture changes. Moisture induced stresses was mentioned to be the explanation. The key point is that the climates chosen in the present work (20°C / 65% RH and 20°C / 20% RH) are equivalent to service class 1 according to EC5 (Eurocode 5 2004). Thus, EC5 predicts no decrease in load-bearing capacity, in relation to the standard climate used during testing. A decrease in load-bearing capacity in the range of 5-20%, which was found in the present work, is of course not negligible and, therefore, there could be a need to introduce the effect of drying in design codes. Because similar results were also observed for a double-tapered glulam beam, further work should consider timber structures in general. Two numerical methods in order to predict the capacity of multiple steel-timber dowel joints loaded parallel to the grain were tested in the thesis. For the first method, where fracture mechanics (LEFM) concepts were implemented, a good correlation with the experimental results was seen. Also for the second method, where the capacity for a single dowel-type joint as given in EC5 was used as a failure criterion, a good correlation to traditional EC5 calculations of multiple dowel-type joints was seen. One advantage of using numerical methods in design is that the capacity of the joint can be calculated also for cases when the dowels are placed in more complex patterns. From both a structural and an architectural point of view this can be very important. In addition, such numerical methods are effective tools for the structural engineer when considering complicated loading situations in joints, i.e. eccentric loading giving moments in the joint.

Elastic Analysis Of A Circumferential Crack In An Isotropic Curved Beam Using Modified Mapping-collocation Method

Amireghbali, Aydin 01 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The modified mapping-collocation (MMC) method is applied to analyze a circumferential crack in an isotropic curved beam. Based on the method a MATLAB code was developed to obtain the stress field. Incorporating the stress correlation technique, the opening and sliding fracture mode stress intensity factors (SIF)s of the crack for the beam under pure bending moment load case are calculated. The MMC method aims to solve two-dimensional problems of linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) by combining the power of analytic tools of complex analysis (Muskhelishvili formulation, conformal mapping, and extension arguments) with simplicity of applying the boundary collocation method as a numerical solution approach. Qualitatively, a good agreement between the computed stress contours and the fringe shapes obtained from the photoelastic experiment on a plexiglass specimen is observed. Quantitatively, the results are compared with that of ANSYS finite element analysis software. The effect of crack size, crack position and beam thickness variation on SIF values and mode mixity is investigated.

Seismic Strengthening Of A Mid-rise Reinforced Concrete Frame Using Cfrps: An Application From Real Life

Tan, Mustafa Tumer 01 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
SEISMIC STRENGTHENING OF A MID-RISE REINFORCED CONCRETE FRAME USING CFRPs: AN APPLICATION FROM REAL LIFE Tan, Mustafa T&uuml / mer M.S., Department Of Civil Engineering Supervisor: Prof. Dr. G&uuml / ney &Ouml / zcebe Co-Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. BariS Binici May 2009, 162 pages FRP retrofitting allows the utilization of brick infill walls as lateral load resisting elements. This practical retrofit scheme is a strong alternative to strengthen low to mid-rise deficient reinforced concrete (RC) structures in Turkey. The advantages of the FRP applications, to name a few, are the speed of construction and elimination of the need for building evacuation during construction. In this retrofit scheme, infill walls are adopted to the existing frame system by using FRP tension ties anchored the boundary frame using FRP dowels. Results of experiments have previously shown that FRP strengthened infill walls can enhance lateral load carrying capacity and reduce damage by limiting interstory drift deformations. In previous, analytical studies, a detailed mathematical model and a simplified version of the model for compression struts and tension ties was proposed and verified by comparing model estimations with test results. In this study, an existing 9-storey deficient RC building located in Antakya was chosen to design and apply a hybrid strengthening scheme with FRPs and reduced number of shear walls. Linear elastic analysis procedure was utilized (force based assessment technique) along with the rules of Mode Superposition Method for the reftrofit design. FRP retrofit scheme was employed using the simplified model and design was conducted such that life safety performance criterion is satisfied employing elastic spectrum with 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years according to the Turkish Earthquake Code 2007. Further analytical studies are performed by using Modal Pushover and Nonlinear Time-History Analyses. At the end of these nonlinear analyses, performance check is performed according to Turkish Earthquake Code 2007, using the strains resulting from the sum of yield and plastic rotations at demand in the critical sections. CFRP retrofitting works started at October 2008 and finished at December 2008 for the building mentioned in this study. Eccentric reinforced concrete shearwall installation is still being undertaken. All construction business is carried out without evacuation of the building occupants. This project is one of the first examples of its kind in Turkey. Keywords: CFRP, Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers, Masonry Infill Walls, Reinforced Concrete Infill Walls, Mid-Rise Deficient Structures, Turkish Earthquake Code 2007, Modal Pushover Analysis, Nonlinear Time History Analysis, Linear Elastic Building Assessment

Avaliação da estabilidade de trincas em componentes estruturais por meio do parâmetro elasto-plástico integral-J e comparação com resultados obtidos via mecânica da fratura elástica-linear / Crack stability assessment on structural components by using elastic-plastic J-integral parameter and comparison to results obtained from linear-elastic fracture mechanics

José Ricardo Tarpani 17 October 1995 (has links)
Neste trabalho são comparados os resultados analíticos de previsão de falha de um vaso nuclear PWR destinado à propulsão naval, contendo oito diferentes tipos de trinca, obtidos segundo a Mecânica da Fratura Elástica-Linear (MFEL) e a correspondente Elasto-Plástica (MFEP). Os resultados são fornecidos em termos da pressão interna e do gradiente de deformações ao longo da espessura da parede do componente estrutural, sendo diretamente aplicáveis às condições impostas e desenvolvidas em ensaios isotérmicos de hidro-pressurização. O elevado nível de conservativismo dos resultados derivados segundo a MFEL, via critério KIC de disparo de clivagem, quando comparados àqueles obtidos por meio da MFEP, através do critério de iniciação de rasgamento dúctil, Ji, e em especial dos critérios J50 e Jinstab.dúctil de falha com base na Teoria da Instabilidade do Rasgamento Dúctil ou Elasto-Plástico (TIRD/TIREP) por intermédio de diagramas J x T (integral-J versus módulo de rasgamento), foi avaliado e quantificado. O intenso efeito das dimensões dos corpos de prova nos resultados obtidos a partir de ambas abordagens, assim como o papel determinante dos entalhes laterais nos ensaios da MFEP foram definitivamente comprovados. Foi também demonstrado o saudável conservativismo das previsões segundo o critério J50 para projeto e serviço seguros de plantas nucleares frente às condições reais em que se verifica analiticamente a instabilidade dúctil do componente trincado, tais como definidas por Jinstab.dúctil, assim como das previsões decorrentes dos processos de extrapolação linear de curvas J-R no espaço J x T quando comparadas às resultantes de extrapolações não-lineares mais frequentemente utilizadas. Com relação aos efeitos exercidos nos resultados de previsão de falha pelo tipo, profundidade e comprimento da trinca contida na parede do vaso de pressão, ficou demonstrado que as trincas de superfície são muito mais críticas que as sub-superficiais de idênticas profundidade e comprimento, assim como que as avaliações de integridade são muito mais sensíveis a mudanças na profundidade da trinca relativamente a alterações no seu comprimento. As aproximações entre os resultados obtidos via J50 e através de Jinstab.dúttil, e entre os resultados obtidos pelos procedimentos de extrapolação linear e não-linear de curvas JMAT-TMAT, são muito mais nítidas para as trincas de superfície menos profundas e, em especial para as embutidas, mesmo aquelas mais críticas. Deste modo, a metodologia aqui aprimorada, destinada em última instância a avaliações de integridade estrutural de vasos PWR em transientes de potência durante a sua vida em serviço, se mostrou absolutamente efetiva no caso das trincas mais prováveis em tais circunstâncias, quais sejam, as de pequenas dimensões e situadas superficialmente na parede do vaso. Ainda, foi verificada a tendência da ocorrência do vazamento do meio pressurizante anteriormente à falha do vaso por instabilidade dúctil nos casos da presença das trincas mais profundas, independentemente de serem elas de superfície ou sub-superficiais e, novamente, de seu comprimento, contribuindo assim para a percepção visual da iminência da falha bem como para eventos de freamento de trinca dúctil, impedindo a falha catastrófica do vaso PWR. Por outro lado, trincas rasas ou meno·s profundas tendem a entrar no regime de instabilidade dúctil muito precocemente, com a essência da propagação se dando de modo instável, causando fratura rápida ou súbita do vaso sem sinal anterior. Finalmente, foi comprovada nesse estudo a aplicabilidade da técnica analítica de normalização linear para o levantamento de curvas J-R, e como consequência JMAT-TMAT, para a avaliação de integridade estrutural de componentes robustos falhando de modo dúctil após considerável, e mensurável, crescimento estável de trinca; também, foi aqui proposto o ajuste logarítmico de dados de curvas J-R, em oposição ao hoje consensualmente utilizado via lei de potência, de modo a computar os efeitos do fenômeno de saturação de J, permitindo assim extrapolações conservativas e seguras para as condições em que se verifica a falha do componente nuclear. / In this work the analytical results related to a nuclear pressure vessel failure conditions as obtained by Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) and the Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics (EPFM) were compared for eigth different crack types. The results are supplied in terms of internal pressure and strain gradient through the wall thickness of the structural component, and might be directly applied to isothermal hydrotests experiments. The high conservatism of LEFM approach, by using KIC criterion of cleavage triggering, as compared to results obtained via Ji of ductile crack initiation from EPFM approach, and specially to the J50 and Jduct.instab. criteria based on ductile Tearing Instability Theory through J x T (J-integral x tearing modulus) diagrams, was evaluated and quantified. The overriding effect of specimens size over LEFM and EPFM results were definitely proved, as well as the very strong influence of side-grooving the EPFM specimens. It was demonstrated the healthy conservatism of the predictions following the J50 criterion for safe design and service in the nuclear industry facing the real conditions where ductile instability takes place as analytically defined by Jduct.instab.. In the same way the conservatism of the predictions from the linear extrapolation procedure of J-R curves on J x T space, as compared with the most common non-linear process was proved as well. With respect to the effect exerted by type, depth and length of the crack over the results it was demonstrated that surface cracks are more critical than the embedded ones with identical dimensions, being the analytical evaluation much more sensitive to changes in the crack depth than in its length. The approximations among the results obtained from J50 and Jduct.instab. criteria as well as among the results from the linear and non-linear extrapolation procedure are best verified for the less depth surface cracks and specially for the embedded cracks even the largest ones. So, the methodology here improved, aimed in last instance to structural integrity assessment of PWR vessels on power transients during their service life has been shown to be a powerful tool in evaluating the most expected cracks under such circunstances, that is, those having small dimensions and located on surface wall. Still, it was demonstrated the trend for leak-before-ductile instability in the presence of the deepest surface and internal cracks, allowing the visual perception of the threshold of the vessel failure and the development of crack arrest events avoiding catastrofic rupture of the component. Otherwise, shallow cracks are prone to get very fast in the unstable regime of growth, with the essence of the propagation occuring under this condition, conducting to suddenly fracture of the vessel without any prior evidence. Finally, it was proved in this study the accuracy of the linear normalization technique in deriving J-R curves for the assessment of structural integrity of massive components which fail in a ductile way after undergo large stable crack extensions; it was suggested here the logarithmic fit of J-R data points taking in account more properly the J-saturation phenomena and leading to more safe and conservative extrapolation results when compared to resulting from power-law fit.

Étude de la rupture quasi-fragile d’un béton à l’échelle mésoscopique : aspects expérimentaux et modélisation / Study of quasibrittle fracture of concrete at mesoscale : experimental aspects and modelling

Gangnant, Alexandre 09 December 2016 (has links)
Le béton présente une rupture quasi-fragile du fait de la présence d’une zone d’élaboration de la rupture principalement microfissurée et de taille conséquence, se développant en avant du front de fissure. L’objectif de ces travaux consiste à mettre en évidence le processus d’évolution de la zone d’élaboration et l’étendue de cette dernière, et ce, sur la base d’une campagne d’essai Wedge Splitting suivie de simulations numériques aux éléments-finis utilisant le modèle d’endommagement isotrope de Fichant – La Borderie à l’échelle mésoscopique. Expérimentalement, les courbes de résistance obtenues dans le cadre de la Mécanique Linéaire Élastique de la Rupture équivalente attestent d’un phénomène de confinement précoce de la zone d’élaboration manifestement lié à la géométrie testée et aux propriétés du béton étudié.Les simulations numériques obtenues sur la base du modèle d’endommagement sont en accord avec les résultats expérimentaux et conduisent également à soupçonner ce phénomène de confinement. Par la suite, la simulation numérique est à nouveau utilisée sur cette même géométrie de spécimen mais en réduisant les propriétés de rupture de la matrice cimentaire afin de diminuer la taille de la zone d’élaboration. Les résultats de cette nouvelle simulation montrent un développement libre de la zone d’élaboration suivie d’une propagation auto-similaire de la fissure principale attestée par la présence d’un régime plateau de la courbe de résistance correspondante.Une analyse détaillée du champ d’endommagement puis du champ d’énergie restituée est réalisée et permet de mettre en évidence un critère de développement de la zone d’élaboration fondée sur une valeur maximale du taux local de restitution d’énergie d’endommagement. / Concrete exhibits a quasibrittle fracture due to the existence of a large fracture process zone (FPZ), mainly microcracked, which develops ahead of the crack front. The aim of the current work consists in highlighting the FPZ development and its extent. For that purpose,an experimental campaign using Wedge Splitting Test was carried out and followed by finite element simulation using Fichant – La Borderie isotropic damage model acting at the mesoscale of concrete. Experimental analysis exhibits that by the use from Resistance curves estimated in the framework of equivalent Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics, the used geometry combined to the studied concrete properties are subjected to a confinement of FPZ. Numerical simulations achieved by the damage model are in agreement with experimental results and also seem to show FPZ confinement. There after, numerical simulations are used again on the same specimen geometry but by decreasing fracture properties of cementitious matrix, in order to minimize the FPZ size. Numerical results exhibit that the FPZ was now freely developed and followed by a self-similar propagation of the main crack as shown by the existence of a “plateau” value on the corresponding Resistance curve. A numerical analysis is performed and leads to the propositionof a FPZ development criteria based on a maximal value of the local damage energy release rate.

Fracture Energy And Process Zone In Plain Concrete Beams (An Experimental Study Including Acoustic Emission Technique)

Muralidhara, S 10 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Concrete, which was hitherto considered as a brittle material, has shown much better softening behavior after the post peak load than anticipated. This behavior of concrete did put the researchers in a quandary, whether to categorize concrete under brittle materials or not. Consequently concrete has been called a quasi-brittle material. Fracture mechanics concepts like Linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) and Plastic limit analysis applicable to both brittle and ductile materials have been applied to concrete to characterize the fracture behavior. Because of quasi-brittle nature of concrete, which lies between ductile and brittle response and due to the presence of process zone ahead of crack/notch tip instead of a plastic zone, it is found that non-linear fracture mechanics (NLFM) principles are more suitable than linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) principles to characterize fracture behavior. Fracture energy, fracture process zone (FPZ) size and the behavior of concrete during fracture process are the fracture characteristics, which are at the forefront of research on concrete fracture. Another important output from the research on concrete fracture has been the size effect. Numerous investigations, through mathematical modeling and experiments, have been carried out and reported in literature on the effect of size on the strength of concrete and fracture energy. Identification of the sources of size effect is of prime importance to arrive at a clear analytical model, which gives a comprehensive insight into the size effect. With the support of an unambiguous theory, it is possible to incorporate the size effects into codes of practices of concrete design. However, the theories put forth to describe the size effect do not seem to follow acceptable regression. After introduction in Chapter-1 and literature survey in Chapter-2, Chapter-3 details the study on size effect through three point bend (TPB) tests on 3D geometrically similar specimens. Fracture behavior of beams with smaller process zone size in relation to ligament dimension approaches LEFM. The fracture energy obtained from such beams is said to be size independent. In the current work Size effect law (Bazant et al. 1987) is used on beams geometrically similar in three dimensions with the depth of the largest beam being equal to 750mm, and size independent fracture energy G Bf is obtained. In literature very few results are available on the results obtained from testing geometrically similar beams in three dimensions and with such large depth. In the current thesis the results from size effect tests yielded average fracture energy of 232 N/m. Generally the fracture energies obtained from 2D-geometrically similar specimens are in the range of 60-70 N/m as could be seen in literature. From 3D-geometrically similar specimens, the fracture energies are higher. The reason is increased peak load, could be due to increased width. The RILEM fracture energy Gf , determined from TPB tests, is said to be size dependent. The assumption made in the work of fracture is that the total strain energy is utilized for the fracture of the specimen. The fracture energy is proportional to the size of the FPZ, it also implies that FPZ size increases with increase in (W−a) of beam. This also means that FPZ is proportional to the depth W for a given notch to depth ratio, because for a given notch/depth, (W−a) which is also W(1 − a ) is proportional to W`because (1 − a ) is a constant. WWThis corroborates the fact that fracture energy increases with size. Interestingly, the same conclusion has been drawn by Abdalla & Karihaloo (2006). They have plotted a curve relating fracture process zone length and overall depth the beam. In the present study a new method namely Fracture energy release rate method is suggested. In the new method the plot of Gf / (W−a) versus (W−a) is obtained from a set of experimental results. The plot is found to follow power law and showed almost constant value of Gf / (W−a) at larger ligament lengths. This means that fracture energy reaches a constant value at large ligament lengths reaffirming that the fracture energy from very large specimen is size independent. The new method is verified for the data from literature and is found to give consistent results. In a quasi-brittle material such as concrete, a fracture process zone forms ahead of a pre-existing crack (notch) tip before the crack propagates from the tip. The process zone contains a scatter of micro-cracks, which coalesce into one or more macro-cracks, which eventually lead to fracture. These micro-cracks and macro-cracks release stresses in the form of acoustic waves having different amplitudes. Each micro or macro crack formation is called an acoustic emission (AE) event. Through AE technique it is possible to locate the positions of AE events. The zone containing these AE events is termed the fracture process zone (FPZ). In Chapter-4, a study on the evolution of fracture process zone is made using AE technique. In the AE study, the fracture process zone is seen as a region with a lot of acoustic emission event locations. Instead of the amplitudes of the events, the absolute AE energy is used to quantify the size of the process zone at various loading stages. It has been shown that the continuous activities during the evolution of fracture process zone correspond to the formation of FPZ, the size of which is quantified based on the density of AE events and AE energy. The total AE energy released in the zone is found to be about 78% of the total AE energy released and this is viewed as possible FPZ. The result reasonably supports the conclusion, from Otsuka and Date (2000) who tested compact tension specimens, that zone over which AE energy is released is about 95% can be regarded as the fracture process zone. As pointed out earlier, among the fracture characteristics, the determination of fracture energy, which is size independent, is the main concern of research fraternity. Kai Duan et al. (2003) have assumed a bi-linear variation of local fracture energy in the boundary effect model (BEM) to showcase the size effect due to proximity of FPZ to the specimen back boundary. In fact the local fracture energy is shown to be constant away from boundary and reducing while approaching the specimen back boundary. The constant local fracture energy is quantified as size independent fracture energy. A relationship between Gf , size independent fracture energy GF , un-cracked ligament length and transition ligament length was developed in the form of equations. In the proposed method the transition ligament length al is taken from the plot of histograms of energy of AE events plotted over the un-cracked ligament. The value of GF is calculated by solving these over-determined equations using the RILEM fracture energies obtained from TPB tests. In chapter-5 a new method involving BEM and AE techniques is presented. The histogram of energy of AE events along the un-cracked ligament, which incidentally matches in pattern with the local fracture energy distribution, assumed by Kai Duan et al. (2003), along the un-cracked ligament, is used to obtain the value of GF , of course using the same equations from BEM developed by Kai Duan et al. (2003). A critical observation of the histogram of energy of AE events, described in the previous chapter, showed a declining trend of AE event pattern towards the notch tip also in addition to the one towards the specimen back boundary. The pattern of AE energy distribution suggests a tri-linear rather than bi-linear local fracture energy distribution over un-cracked ligament as given in BEM. Accordingly in Chapter-6, GF is obtained from a tri-linear model, which is an improved bi-linear hybrid model, after developing expressions relating Gf , GF , (W−a) with two transition ligament lengths al and blon both sides. The values of Gf , and GF from both bi-linear hybrid method and tri-linear method are tabulated and compared. In addition to GF , the length of FPZ is estimated from the tri-linear model and compared with the values obtained from softening beam model (SBM) by Ananthan et al. (1990). There seems to be a good agreement between the results. A comparative study of size independent fracture energies obtained from the methods described in the previous chapters is made. The fracture process in concrete is another interesting topic for research. Due to heterogeneity, the fracture process is a blend of complex activities. AE technique serves as an effective tool to qualitatively describe the fracture process through a damage parameter called b-value. In the Gutenberg-Richter empirical relationship log 10N=a−bM, the constant ‘b’ is called the b-value and is the log linear slope of frequency-magnitude distribution. Fault rupture inside earth’s crust and failure process in concrete are analogous. The b-value, is calculated conventionally till now, based on amplitude of AE data from concrete specimens, and is used to describe the damage process. Further, sampling size of event group is found to influence the calculated b-value from the conventional method, as pointed out by Colombo et al. (2003). Hence standardization of event group size, used in the statistical analysis while calculating b-value, should be based on some logical assumption, to bring consistency into analytical study on b-value. In Chapter-7, a methodology has been suggested to determine the b-value from AE energy and its utilization to quantify fracture process zone length. The event group is chosen based on clusters of energy or quanta as named in the thesis. Quanta conform to the damage stages and justify well their use in the determination of the b-value, apparently a damage parameter and also FPZ length. The results obtained on the basis of quanta agree well with the earlier results.

Pole napětí a deformace v okolí trhlin s komplikovanou geometrií čela zatížených ve smykových zátěžných módech / Deformation and stress fields at the front of shear cracks with complicated geometry

Žák, Stanislav January 2018 (has links)
Tato závěrečná práce je shrnutím výzkumu smykově zatěžovaných trhlin, který proběhl v průběhu čtyř let doktorského studia jejich autora Ing. Stanislava Žáka (Středoevropský technologický institut, Vysoké učení technické v Brně). Předložená práce je zaměřena na prohloubení znalostí v oblasti pokročilé lomové mechaniky, konkrétně pro smykové zatěžování trhlin kombinované s případy geometrických odchylek trhlin od běžně používaných modelů. To mimo jiné znamená návrh nových přístupů a modelů a popis součinitelů intenzity napětí pro geometricky komplikované trhliny. První část práce je věnována shrnutí současných přístupů v lomové mechanice a dále i popisu numerických metod, použitých v dalších výpočtech. Kromě klasických přístupů se tato část textu zabývá i novějším výzkumem zaměřeným na smykové zatěžování trhlin, speciálně pro dva typy zkušebních těles – válcový vzorek s obvodovým vrubem a trhlinou zatížený prostým smykem nebo krutem a CTS těleso umožňující zatížení trhliny v módech I, II a také v jejich kombinaci I+II. Další část textu je zaměřena na konkrétní výpočty lomových parametrů při použití nových modelů s komplikovaným čelem trhliny. Teoretické řešení lomových parametrů pro oba výše zmíněné modely je porovnáno s experimentálními výsledky, získanými v navazujících projektech. U modelu válcového vzorku je popsána možnost zjednodušení budoucích modelů těles s podobným typem komplikované trhliny a současně je na něm popsán lokální vliv zubatosti čela trhliny na indukci lokálního zatížení v módu II při globálním zatížení v módu III. Tyto výsledky jsou přímo propojeny s experimentální kvantifikací únavového šíření lomu při zatížení v módu III. CTS těleso je použito k popisu vlivu drsnosti trhliny na součinitele intenzity napětí. Na tomto modelu je pozorován jak globální pokles hodnoty KII při zvyšující se drsnosti trhliny, tak i lokální změny v namáhání trhliny podél jednotlivých nerovností. Výsledky potvrzují, i pro dosud málo zkoumané smykové zatěžování, že mikrostruktura lomových ploch a čela trhliny má vliv na lomové parametry. Rozšiřují tak současné znalosti v oboru lomové mechaniky popisem geometrického stínění čela trhliny pro zátěžné módy II a III.

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