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Uma proposta de publicação de dados do orçamento público na Web / A proposal for public budget data publishing in the WebSantana, Marcelo Tavares de 04 December 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de publicação de dados de execução do orçamento público em acordo com a legislação brasileira. A partir das leis e da revisão da literatura foram levantados requisitos que devem ser considerados numa publicação de dados que seja processável por máquina. São apresentadas dimensões de dados como qualidade de dados, metadados e taxonomia, além das abordagens Dados Governamentais Abertos e Linked Data. A proposta de publicação resultante além de alinhada com os requisitos estudados prevê processamento por máquina em três níveis: tratamento de dados, validação de dados e colecionamento de conjuntos de dados. Com as tecnologias selecionadas, como XBRL e XSLT, alcançou-se um modelo que atendeu cartorze requisitos levantados, abrindo caminho para estudos como a de uma rede de conjuntos de dados baseada nesta proposta. / This paper presents a proposal for publishing public budget data in accordance with Brazilian law. From the laws have raised requirements that must be considered in the publication data format that is machine-processable. From the literature review were also raised requirements that are part of the proposed publication of this work, such as controlled vocabularies, metadata and taxonomy. Two approaches of open data were also considered in the preparation of the publication format: Open Government Data and Linked Data. The proposed publication resulting from this work, that use technologies like XBRL and XSLT, is aligned with the raised requirements provides three levels of machine-processing: data processing, data validation and collecting datasets.
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Linked Enterprise Data als semantischer, integrierter Informationsraum für die industrielle Datenhaltung / Linked Enterprise Data as semantic and integrated information space for industrial dataGraube, Markus 01 June 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Zunehmende Vernetzung und gesteigerte Flexibilität in Planungs- und Produktionsprozessen sind die notwendigen Antworten auf die gesteigerten Anforderungen an die Industrie in Bezug auf Agilität und Einführung von Mehrwertdiensten. Dafür ist eine stärkere Digitalisierung aller Prozesse und Vernetzung mit den Informationshaushalten von Partnern notwendig. Heutige Informationssysteme sind jedoch nicht in der Lage, die Anforderungen eines solchen integrierten, verteilten Informationsraums zu erfüllen.
Ein vielversprechender Kandidat ist jedoch Linked Data, das aus dem Bereich des Semantic Web stammt. Aus diesem Ansatz wurde Linked Enterprise Data entwickelt, welches die Werkzeuge und Prozesse so erweitert, dass ein für die Industrie nutzbarer und flexibler Informationsraum entsteht. Kernkonzept dabei ist, dass die Informationen aus den Spezialwerkzeugen auf eine semantische Ebene gehoben, direkt auf Datenebene verknüpft und für Abfragen sicher bereitgestellt werden. Dazu kommt die Erfüllung industrieller Anforderungen durch die Bereitstellung des Revisionierungswerkzeugs R43ples, der Integration mit OPC UA über OPCUA2LD, der Anknüpfung an industrielle Systeme (z.B. an COMOS), einer Möglichkeit zur Modelltransformation mit SPARQL sowie feingranularen Informationsabsicherung eines SPARQL-Endpunkts. / Increasing collaboration in production networks and increased flexibility in planning and production processes are responses to the increased demands on industry regarding agility and the introduction of value-added services. A solution is the digitalisation of all processes and a deeper connectivity to the information resources of partners. However, today’s information systems are not able to meet the requirements of such an integrated, distributed information space.
A promising candidate is Linked Data, which comes from the Semantic Web area. Based on this approach, Linked Enterprise Data was developed, which expands the existing tools and processes. Thus, an information space can be created that is usable and flexible for the industry. The core idea is to raise information from legacy tools to a semantic level, link them directly on the data level even across organizational boundaries, and make them securely available for queries. This includes the fulfillment of industrial requirements by the provision of the revision tool R43ples, the integration with OPC UA via OPCUA2LD, the connection to industrial systems (for example to COMOS), a possibility for model transformation with SPARQL as well as fine granular information protection of a SPARQL endpoint.
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Uma proposta de publicação de dados do orçamento público na Web / A proposal for public budget data publishing in the WebMarcelo Tavares de Santana 04 December 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de publicação de dados de execução do orçamento público em acordo com a legislação brasileira. A partir das leis e da revisão da literatura foram levantados requisitos que devem ser considerados numa publicação de dados que seja processável por máquina. São apresentadas dimensões de dados como qualidade de dados, metadados e taxonomia, além das abordagens Dados Governamentais Abertos e Linked Data. A proposta de publicação resultante além de alinhada com os requisitos estudados prevê processamento por máquina em três níveis: tratamento de dados, validação de dados e colecionamento de conjuntos de dados. Com as tecnologias selecionadas, como XBRL e XSLT, alcançou-se um modelo que atendeu cartorze requisitos levantados, abrindo caminho para estudos como a de uma rede de conjuntos de dados baseada nesta proposta. / This paper presents a proposal for publishing public budget data in accordance with Brazilian law. From the laws have raised requirements that must be considered in the publication data format that is machine-processable. From the literature review were also raised requirements that are part of the proposed publication of this work, such as controlled vocabularies, metadata and taxonomy. Two approaches of open data were also considered in the preparation of the publication format: Open Government Data and Linked Data. The proposed publication resulting from this work, that use technologies like XBRL and XSLT, is aligned with the raised requirements provides three levels of machine-processing: data processing, data validation and collecting datasets.
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Alterung und ArbeitsmarktSchneider, Lutz 08 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Untersuchung hat die Folgen der Alterung von Beschäftigten auf den Arbeitsmarkt zum Gegenstand. Namentlich werden die Produktivitäts- und Lohn-, die Innovations- sowie die Mobilitätseffekte des Alters auf empirischem Weg analysiert. Der räumliche Fokus liegt dabei auch dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt; als Datenbasis fungieren Personen- und Betriebsdaten des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung Nürnberg (IAB). Mit Blick auf die Produktivitäts- und Lohnwirkung des Alters liefert die ökonometrische Analyse von Betrieben des Verarbeitenden Gewerbes Hinweise auf einen positiven Einfluss des Anteils der mittleren Jahrgänge auf die betriebliche Produktivität. Es bestätigt sich der umgekehrt u-förmige Verlauf des Alters-Produktivitätsprofils, der auch in anderen Ländern gefunden wurde. Die Analyse der Produktivitäts-Lohn-Relation im Altersverlauf erbringt ferner deutliche Belege für ein ungleiches Muster beider Profile. Insbesondere die Altersgruppe der 41-50-Jährigen scheint im Vergleich zur Referenzgruppe der über 50-Jährigen aber auch zur Gruppe der 15-30-Jährigen deutlich unter Produktivität entlohnt zu werden. Hinsichtlich des Einflusses der Altersstruktur auf das betriebliche Innovationsverhalten erbringt die mikroökonometrische Untersuchung ebenfalls Belege für einen umgekehrt u-förmigen Verlauf – die Gruppe der Beschäftigten im Alter von ca. 40 Jahren treibt demnach den betrieblichen Innovationsprozess am stärksten. Ein weiterer Befund der Analyse betrifft die Wirkung von Altersheterogenität. Der erwartet positive Innovationseinfluss einer altersgemischten Belegschaft konnte hier nicht belegt werden. Was die Mobilitätseffekte des Alters betrifft, so besagen die Ergebnisse der Arbeit, dass das ein höheres Alter von Erwerbstätigen die – betriebliche und berufliche – Job-Mobilität dämpft. Das geschätzte Mehrgleichungsmodell macht sichtbar, dass sich der Lohn Älterer durch einen Wechsel nur vergleichsweise wenig oder überhaupt nicht verbessern lässt, mithin für die meisten Älteren keine finanziellen Mobilitätsanreize gegeben sind. Die zweite Erkenntnis der Analyse besteht darin, dass das Alter auch nach Kontrolle dieses für Ältere fehlenden Lohnanreizes immer noch signifikant negativ auf die Wechselneigung wirkt. Neben dem Beitrag zur wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Forschung haben die Untersuchungsergebnisse auch Bedeutung für betriebliches und staatliches Handeln. Allgemein gesprochen sind beide Ebenen aufgefordert, die Herausforderungen des demographischen Wandels für die Produktivitätsentwicklung zu bewältigen. Dies ist einerseits erforderlich, um die nötigen Ressourcen für eine Gesellschaft zu generieren, in der sich ein steigender Anteil im nicht-erwerbsfähigen Alter befindet. Andererseits ist dies unerlässlich, um den wachsenden Anteil der Älteren, die noch im erwerbsfähigen Alter sind, mit echten Beschäftigungschancen auszustatten und so Erwerbstätigkeit im Kontext einer alternden Gesellschaft zu unterstützen. / The present study analyses the labour market effect of workers’ ageing. Explicitly, the impact of age on productivity and wages, on innovation as well as on mobility is explored empirically. The econometric analyses are based on firm and employment data from the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) and, thus, refer to the labour market of Germany. Regarding the productivity and wage effects of age the econometric results confirm a positive correlation between firm productivity and the share of middle-aged employees (41-50 years old) within the manufacturing sector. Hence, the results provide evidence of an inverted u-shaped age-productivity profile in this sector also found for other countries. Furthermore, age-wage and age-productivity profiles seem to follow unequal patterns. Compared to the group of the 15-30 and the 51 and above years old workers the group of middle-aged employees earn less than a productivity based wage scheme would require. In terms of age effects on innovativeness the micro-econometric analysis again reveals an inverted u-shaped profile. Workers aged around 40 years seem to act as key driver for innovation activities within firms. An additional finding concerns the impact of age diversity on innovation. The expected positive effect of a heterogeneous age structure is not confirmed by the data. With respect to labour market mobility results are in favour of a negative correlation between age and job mobility either in terms of changing professions or firms. The estimation of a multi equation model verifies that expected wages of older workers do not or only marginally increase due to job mobility, so, financial incentives to change jobs are very low. Yet, even after controlling the absent wage incentive older employees still remain more immobile than younger workers. Altogether, these results should not only be of academic interest but also informative for actors on the firm and the governmental level. Both sides are asked to cope with the challenges of demographic change. Only by maintaining productivity and innovativeness until old ages the necessary resources can be generated to preserve an economy’s prosperity even if the share of non-active population is increasing by demographic developments. Secondly, enhancing productivity is essential to ensure employability of older persons and to sustain the size of workforce even in the circumstances of an ageing economy.
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[pt] Dados estatísticos são uma das mais importantes fontes de informação para atividades humanas e organizações. No entanto, o acesso, consulta e correlação deste tipo de dados demanda grande esforço, principalmente em situações que envolvem diferentes organizações. Soluções que facilitem o acesso e a integração de grandes bases de dados analíticos, desta forma, agregam muito valor a este cenário. Neste trabalho propomos um arcabouço de software que permite com que dados estatísticos sejam eficientemente transformados e representados no formato de triplas RDF. Utilizando como base o DataCube Vocabulary, padrão W3C para o processo de triplificação de informações, a solução proposta facilita a consulta, análise, e reuso dos dados quando no formato RDF. O processo inverso, RDF para Excel, também é suportado, de modo a oferecer uma solução para a integração e consumo de dados RDF a partir de planilha. / [en] Statistical data represent one of the most important sources of information both for humans and organizations alike. However, accessing, querying and correlating statistical data demand a great deal of effort, especially in situations that involve different organizations. Therefore, solutions to facilitate the manipulation and integration of large statistical databases add value to this scenario. In this dissertation we propose a framework that allows statistical data to be efficiently processed and represented as RDF triples. Based on the DataCube Vocabulary, W3C s triplification standard, the proposed solution makes it easy to query, analyze, and reuse statistical data in RDF format. The reverse process, RDF for Excel, is also supported, so as to offer a solution for the integration and use of RDF data in spreadsheets.
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Risk management associated with tariff-linked agreementsMahlatsi, Tsatsi Jonas 01 1900 (has links)
The study focuses on tariff-linked (or commodity-linked) agreements entered into between a power utility and commodity producers. The main purpose of these types of agreements is to link electricity tariff payable by commodity producers to the price of the commodity produced thereby transferring a certain level of commodity price risk to the power utility.
The study looks at risk management practices of a power utility company with a particular reference to tariff-linked agreements. Also, the study critically analyses risk hedging mechanisms put in place by the power utility. The report makes practical recommendations, where applicable, in dealing with these risks.
Risk management continuously evolve to meet the challenges of complex financial world. Despite the latest sophisticated risk management tools available commodity producers still encounter difficulties to hedge the price risk. The challenge for the power utility is the application of new risk management tools to effectively manage price risk. / Business Management / M.Com. (Business Economics)
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Methodology for Conflict Detection and Resolution in Semantic Revision Control SystemsHensel, Stephan, Graube, Markus, Urbas, Leon 11 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Revision control mechanisms are a crucial part of information systems to keep track of changes. It is one of the key requirements for industrial application of technologies like Linked Data which provides the possibility to integrate data from different systems and domains in a semantic information space. A corresponding semantic revision control system must have the same functionality as established systems (e.g. Git or Subversion). There is also a need for branching to enable parallel work on the same data or concurrent access to it. This directly introduces the requirement of supporting merges.
This paper presents an approach which makes it possible to merge branches and to detect inconsistencies before creating the merged revision. We use a structural analysis of triple differences as the smallest comparison unit between the branches. The differences that are detected can be accumulated to high level changes, which is an essential step towards semantic merging. We implemented our approach as a prototypical extension of therevision control system R43ples to show proof of concept.
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Comparison of different commercial ELISAs for detection of antibodies against porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus in serumSattler, Tatjana, Wodak, Eveline, Revilla-Fernández, Sandra, Schmoll, Friedrich January 2014 (has links)
Background: In recent years, several new ELISAs for the detection of antibodies against the porcine reproductive and respiratory disease virus (PRRSV) in pig serum have been developed. To interpret the results, specificity and sensitivity data as well as agreement to a reference ELISA must be available. In this study, three commercial ELISAs (INgezim PRRS 2.0 - ELISA II, Priocheck® PRRSV Ab porcine – ELISA III and CIVTEST suis PRRS E/S PLUS - ELISA IV, detecting PRRSV type 1 antibodies) were compared to a standard ELISA (IDEXX PRRS X3 Ab Test - ELISA I). The serum of three pigs vaccinated with an attenuated PRRSV live vaccine (genotype 2) was tested prior to and several times after the vaccination. Furthermore, serum samples of 245 pigs of PRRSV positive herds, 309 pigs of monitored PRRSV negative herds, 256 fatteners of assumed PRRSV negative herds with unknown herd history and 92 wild boars were tested with all four ELISAs. Results: ELISAs II and III were able to detect seroconversion of vaccinated pigs with a similar reliability. According to kappa coefficient, the results showed an almost perfect agreement between ELISA I as reference and ELISA II and III (kappa > 0.8), and substantial agreement
between ELISA I and ELISA IV (kappa = 0.71). Sensitivity of ELISA II, III and IV was 96.0%, 100% and 91.5%, respectively. The specificity of the ELISAs determined in samples of monitored PRRSV negative herds was 99.0%, 95.1% and 96.4%, respectively. In assumed negative farms that were not continually monitored, more positive samples were found with ELISA II to IV. The reference ELISA I had a specificity of 100% in this study. Conclusions: All tested ELISAs were able to detect a PRRSV positive herd. The specificity and sensitivity of the tested commercial ELISAs, however, differed. ELISA II had the highest specificity an ELISA III had the highest sensitivity in comparison to the reference ELISA. ELISA IV had a lower sensitivity and specificity than the other ELISAs.
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Methodology for Conflict Detection and Resolution in Semantic Revision Control SystemsHensel, Stephan, Graube, Markus, Urbas, Leon January 2016 (has links)
Revision control mechanisms are a crucial part of information systems to keep track of changes. It is one of the key requirements for industrial application of technologies like Linked Data which provides the possibility to integrate data from different systems and domains in a semantic information space. A corresponding semantic revision control system must have the same functionality as established systems (e.g. Git or Subversion). There is also a need for branching to enable parallel work on the same data or concurrent access to it. This directly introduces the requirement of supporting merges.
This paper presents an approach which makes it possible to merge branches and to detect inconsistencies before creating the merged revision. We use a structural analysis of triple differences as the smallest comparison unit between the branches. The differences that are detected can be accumulated to high level changes, which is an essential step towards semantic merging. We implemented our approach as a prototypical extension of therevision control system R43ples to show proof of concept.
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Linked Enterprise Data als semantischer, integrierter Informationsraum für die industrielle DatenhaltungGraube, Markus 01 March 2018 (has links)
Zunehmende Vernetzung und gesteigerte Flexibilität in Planungs- und Produktionsprozessen sind die notwendigen Antworten auf die gesteigerten Anforderungen an die Industrie in Bezug auf Agilität und Einführung von Mehrwertdiensten. Dafür ist eine stärkere Digitalisierung aller Prozesse und Vernetzung mit den Informationshaushalten von Partnern notwendig. Heutige Informationssysteme sind jedoch nicht in der Lage, die Anforderungen eines solchen integrierten, verteilten Informationsraums zu erfüllen.
Ein vielversprechender Kandidat ist jedoch Linked Data, das aus dem Bereich des Semantic Web stammt. Aus diesem Ansatz wurde Linked Enterprise Data entwickelt, welches die Werkzeuge und Prozesse so erweitert, dass ein für die Industrie nutzbarer und flexibler Informationsraum entsteht. Kernkonzept dabei ist, dass die Informationen aus den Spezialwerkzeugen auf eine semantische Ebene gehoben, direkt auf Datenebene verknüpft und für Abfragen sicher bereitgestellt werden. Dazu kommt die Erfüllung industrieller Anforderungen durch die Bereitstellung des Revisionierungswerkzeugs R43ples, der Integration mit OPC UA über OPCUA2LD, der Anknüpfung an industrielle Systeme (z.B. an COMOS), einer Möglichkeit zur Modelltransformation mit SPARQL sowie feingranularen Informationsabsicherung eines SPARQL-Endpunkts. / Increasing collaboration in production networks and increased flexibility in planning and production processes are responses to the increased demands on industry regarding agility and the introduction of value-added services. A solution is the digitalisation of all processes and a deeper connectivity to the information resources of partners. However, today’s information systems are not able to meet the requirements of such an integrated, distributed information space.
A promising candidate is Linked Data, which comes from the Semantic Web area. Based on this approach, Linked Enterprise Data was developed, which expands the existing tools and processes. Thus, an information space can be created that is usable and flexible for the industry. The core idea is to raise information from legacy tools to a semantic level, link them directly on the data level even across organizational boundaries, and make them securely available for queries. This includes the fulfillment of industrial requirements by the provision of the revision tool R43ples, the integration with OPC UA via OPCUA2LD, the connection to industrial systems (for example to COMOS), a possibility for model transformation with SPARQL as well as fine granular information protection of a SPARQL endpoint.
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