Spelling suggestions: "subject:"link."" "subject:"lien.""
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Characterizing Interfacial Bonds in Hybrid Metal AM StructuresLinn, John Ross 01 November 2018 (has links)
The capabilities of various metal Additive Manufacturing (AM) processes, such as Powder Bed Fusion – Laser (PBF-L) and Direct Energy Deposition (DED) are increasing such that it is becoming ever more common to use them in industrial applications. The ability to print atop a substrate broadens that scope of applications. There is ongoing research regarding the mechanical properties of additively processed materials, but little regarding the interaction between additive material and its substrate. An understanding of the mechanical and performance properties of the AM/substrate interface is imperative. This paper describes a study of the strength properties of AM/substrate interfaces, with respect to torsion and tension, and compares them to their fully wrought and fully additive counterparts. PBF-L and DED are used to produce tensile and torsion test specimens of two different materials, SS316L and M300 steels. This provides sufficient variety in testing for a confident analysis to be made.
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När normkritik blir normerande : En queerteologisk kritik av feministiskteologisk förståelse av betydelsen av kön i talet om GudHilariusson, Alma Ottilia Tilly January 2024 (has links)
A major motivation for this thesis is the creation of an exchange between the resources of the queer theology of the 2020s and the feminist liturgical movement in the 1990s, specifically regarding the theological consequences of the intersection of theologies of gender/sex with talk to and about God in the context of inclusive liturgical reform work. This thesis conducts an analysis of the discourse regarding inclusive language in the motivational volume accompanying the never accepted handbook proposal for the Swedish church from year 2000. First by applying a reconfigured version of a method borrowed from analytical philosophy, excavates the views of gender/sex underlying the argumentation regarding inclusive language reform and gender-based discrimination. From these results a systematic reconstruction of the motivational volumes theology of gender/sex carried out. Finaly this reconstructed theology is critically evaluated by subjecting it to both the queer theology of Linn Tonstad and the feminist theology of Anne-Louise Eriksson regarding the construction and meaning of gender/sex as well as of liturgical language and its oppressive and liberating functions. This thesis concludes that the theology of gender/sex that follows from the motivational volume’s argumentation, is theologically problematic for the following reasons: The strict gender essentialism and dichotomic understanding om men and women are counterproductive to its emancipatory goal. By situating its argumentation in the patriarchal symbolic imaginary, its efforts to counteract patriarchal dominance becomes entangled in what Tonstad calls “the affective lives of binaries”. This suggests that every theology with an intention of inclusion and the combating of discrimination needs to commit itself to rigorous systematic examination of its theological premises’. Finaly, not only does the lack of such a theology counteract any emancipatory attempt, it also risks when applied in liturgy to severely limit the God that the liturgy speaks to and of.
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Ecology of the bushpig Potamochoerus porcus Linn. 1758 in the Cape Province, South AfricaSeydack, Armin H. W. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD) -- Stellenbosch University, 1990. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT:Bushpig sociology, energetics, reproduction and population dynamics were
studied over an 8-year period in the Cape Province, South Africa. The
social organization was found to be strikingly different from that known
from other suid species. The basic social unit is a unimaternal family
group, occupying a resource-based territority, with a monogamous mating
system. This form of social organisation is related to the dispersed
nature of food resources, to which it provides exclusive access. It is
reminiscent of canid social systems. Agonistic behaviour, communication
and maternal behaviour were studied as the opportunity arose. The
average home range size was 7,2 kmª, ranging from 3,8 to 10.1 kmª. Home
ranges were often traversed within 1-4 days, as part of territory
patrolling. The average diel ranging distance was 3 km. Bushpig were
active during both night and day and exhibited a basic bimodal rhythm.
The main phase of intensive foraging occurred from before dusk to
midnight, with a secondary activity peak after dawn. Activity schedules
were geared to avoid extreme ambient temperatures. Temperature
regulation and water use were investigated, with particular reference to
thermoregulatory behaviour (nest building). pelage characteristics, body
core temperature dynamics, thermoneutral zones and resting metabolic
rates. The thermoneutral zone for 10 kg bushpig juveniles was estimated
to lie between 13° and 30°C and that for adults between 8° and 25°C.
Foraging behaviour, diet and its nutritient content were investigated.
Regional differences in the nutritional quality of bushpig diets in the
Eastern and Southern Cape were associated with the predominance of
nutrient-rich and nutrient-poor substrates respectively. These in turn
were reflected by divergent life history features in the populations
from the two regions. Patterns of growth and energy storage were
described and the value of various parameters (e.g. mass to size ratio,
fat depositions, blood composition) to evaluate condition was
investigated. In studying reproductive biology, sexual maturation,
female reproductive cycles, prenatal litter statistics, foetal
development, 1actation, breeding seasonality and reproductive turnover
were the main aspects addressed. The role of food quality, body
condition and social status in determining reproductive success was
discussed. Bushpig population density estimates in the Southern Cape
ranged between 0,3 and 0,5 animals/kmª• The dynamics of Southern and
Eastern Cape populations were found to differ. The differences are
consistent with the hypothesis that social organisation is determined by
the distribution and availability of food while diet quality shapes
life history tactics. A life history model was developed which links
edaphoclimatic environmental conditions with diet quality, metabolic
turnover rate and, ultimately, life history features. In the concluding
chapter some of the managerial implications of the research findings are
discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:Die sosiologie, fasette van die energiebalans (temperatuurregulasie,
voeding). voortplanting en bevolkingsdinamika van bosvarke is in die
Kaapprovinsie (Suid-Afrika) oor 'n tydperk van 8 jaar bestudeer. Dit
kon bewys word dat die sosiale organisasie van die bosvark van die van
ander varksoorte verskil. Die basiese sosiale eenheid bestaan uit 'n
familiegroep wat slegs 'n enkele telende moederdier bevat. Ruimtelike
organisasie is gebaseer op 'n stelstel van voedingsterritoriums. 'n
Monogamiese paringstelsel kom voor. Die yl verspreiding van voedsel
word as die onderliggende rede vir die sosiale organisasie beskou.
Gedragspatrone (kommunikasie, aggressie, grootmaak van kleintjies) is
bestudeer soos die geleentheid voorgekom het. Heelwat ooreenkomste is
gevind tussen die sosiale organisasie van die bosvark en lede van die
hondefamilie. Die gemiddelde woongebiedgrootte is 7,2 kmª (tussen 3,8
en 10,1 kmª). Woongebiede word gewoonlik binne 1-4 dae deurkruis en dus
soos territoria gepatroleer. Die gemiddelde daaglike bewegingsafstand
was 3 km. Bosvarke was beide gedurende die nag en die dag aktief en het
'n bimodale aktiwiteitsritme gevolg. Die hoofaktiwiteitsfase van
intensiewe voeding het tussen sononder en middernag plaasgevind, met 'n
sekondere fase na sonop. Soedoende is temperatuuruiterstes vermy.
Temperatuurregulasie en watergebruikpatrone is bestudeer, insluitend
temperatuurreguleringsgedrag, haarkleedeienskappe, liggaamskerntemperature,
termoneutraliteit en metabolise omset. Voedingsgedrag, voedsel en
die voedingswaarde daarvan is ondersoek. Verskille tussen die Oos- en
Suid-Kaap in die kwaliteit van voedsel hang saam met die laer vlak van
voedingsstowwe in die gronde van die Suid-Kaap. Bosvarkbevolkings in
die twee streke toon verskille in populasiedinamika wat hieraan
toegeskryf kan word. Groei- en energiestoorpatrone is beskryf. Die
moontlikhede is ondersoek om kondisie te evalueer met behulp van
parameters soos massa tot grootte-verhoudings, vetneerleggings en
bloedwaardes. Aspekte van voortplantingsbiologie, soos geslagsrypheid,
vroulike voortplantingssiklusse, voorgeboortelike werpselgroottes,
foetale ontwikkeling, laktasie, seisoenaliteit en voortplantingsomset is
behandel. Die rol van voedselkwaliteit, kondisie en sosiale status by
die bepaling van voortplantingsukses word bespreek. Skattings van die
bevolkingsdigtheid van bosvarke in die Suid-Kaap het gewissel tussen 0,3
en 0,5 diere per kmª• Op grond van die verskille in bevolkingsdinamika
tussen bosvarke in die Suid- en Oos-Kaap is 'n model ontwikkel om die
verband tussen bevolkingsregulering en lewensstrategieeë (life history
tactics) te verklaar. Hiervolgens het voedselbeskikbaarheid die tipe
sosiale organisasie bepaal terwyl die lewensstrategieë van bevolkings
die gevolg is van voedselkwaliteit. Die model stel vaar 'n verband
tussen groeipleksomstandighede, voedselkwaliteit, metaboliese omset en
bevolkingsdinamika. In die laaste hoofstuk word sommige van die
bestuursimplikasies van die navorsingsbevindinge bespreek.
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