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Modèles de matrices et problèmes de bord dans la gravité de LiouvilleBourgine, Jean-Emile 18 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
L'objet de cette thèse est l'étude de divers problèmes de bord de la gravité bidimensionnelle en utilisant à la fois les méthodes de la gravité de Liouville et les modèles de matrices aléatoires. Elle s'articule autour de deux grands thèmes : le modèle $O(n)$ matriciel et la théorie des cordes en deux dimensions. La première partie expose la méthode développée pour analyser les conditions de bord des modèles statistiques sur réseaux. Celle-ci consiste à utiliser la formulation matricielle du modèle sur réseau aléatoire afin de dériver des équations de boucle dont on prend la limite continue. L'accent est mis sur l'étude des conditions de bords anisotropes récemment introduites pour le modèle $O(n)$. Cette méthode a permis d'obtenir le diagramme de phase associé aux conditions de bord, ainsi que la dimension des opérateurs de bord et le comportement sous les \english{flows} du groupe de renormalisation. Ces résultats peuvent être étendus à d'autres modèles statistiques tels que les modèles ADE. En seconde partie, on s'intéresse à une gravité de Liouville Lorentzienne couplée à un boson libre. Ce modèle peut se réinterpréter comme une théorie des cordes dans un espace cible à deux dimensions dont la version discrète est donnée par une mécanique quantique matricielle (MQM). L'amplitude de diffusion de deux cordes longues à l'ordre dominant est obtenue en utilisant le formalisme chiral de la MQM, le résultat trouvé est en accord avec les calculs effectués dans la théorie continue. En outre, une conjecture a été émise concernant l'amplitude d'un nombre quelconque de cordes longues.
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On completeness of root functions of Sturm-Liouville problems with discontinuous boundary operatorsShlapunov, Alexander, Tarkhanov, Nikolai January 2012 (has links)
We consider a Sturm-Liouville boundary value problem in a bounded domain D of
R^n. By this is meant that the differential equation is given by a second order
elliptic operator of divergent form in D and the boundary conditions are of Robin type on bD. The first order term of the boundary operator is the oblique derivative whose coefficients bear discontinuities of the first kind. Applying the method of weak perturbation of compact self-adjoint operators and the method of rays of minimal growth, we prove the completeness of root functions related to the boundary value problem in Lebesgue and Sobolev spaces of various types.
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Matrix methods for computing Eigenvalues of Sturm-Liouville problems of order fourRattana, Amornrat, Böckmann, Christine January 2012 (has links)
This paper examines and develops matrix methods to approximate the eigenvalues of a fourth order Sturm-Liouville problem subjected to a kind of fixed boundary conditions, furthermore, it extends the matrix methods for a kind of general boundary conditions. The idea of the methods comes from finite difference and Numerov's method as well as boundary value methods for second order regular Sturm-Liouville problems. Moreover, the determination of the correction term formulas of the matrix methods are investigated in order to obtain better approximations of the problem with fixed boundary conditions since the exact eigenvalues for q = 0 are known in this case. Finally, some numerical examples are illustrated.
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Some properties of solutions to weakly hypoelliptic equationsBär, Christian January 2012 (has links)
A linear differential operator L is called weakly hypoelliptic if any local solution u of Lu = 0 is smooth. We allow for systems, i.e. the coefficients may be matrices, not necessarily of square size. This is a huge class of important operators which covers all elliptic, overdetermined elliptic, subelliptic and parabolic equations. We extend several classical theorems from complex analysis to solutions of any weakly hypoelliptic equation: the Montel theorem providing convergent subsequences, the Vitali theorem ensuring convergence of a given sequence, and Riemann's first removable singularity theorem. In the case of constant coefficients we show that Liouville's theorem holds, any bounded solution must be constant and any L^p solution must vanish.
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p- Laplacian operators with L^1 coefficient functionsWang, Wan-Zhen 27 July 2011 (has links)
In this thesis, we consider the following one dimensional p-Laplacian eigenvalue problem:
-((y¡¦/s)^(p-1))¡¦+(p-1)(q-£fw)y^(p-1)=0 a.e. on (0,1) (0.1)
and satisfy
£\y(0)+ £\ ¡¦ (y¡¦(0)/s(0))=0
£]y(1)+£]¡¦ (y¡¦(1)/s(1))=0 (0.2)
where f^(p-1)=|f|^p-2 f=|f|^p-1 sgnf; £\, £\¡¦, £], £]¡¦ ∈R
such that £\^2+£\¡¦^2>0 and£]^2+£]¡¦^2>0;
and the functions s,q,w are required to satisfy
(1) s,q,w∈L^1(0,1);
(2) for 0≤x≤1, we have s≥0,w≥0 a.e.;
(3) for any x∈ (0,1), ¡ì_0^1 s(t)dt>0, ¡ì_0^x w(t)dt>0,and¡ì_x^1 w(t)dt>0;
(4) if for some x_1<x_2,we have¡ì_ x1^x2 w(t)dt=0,then¡ì_ x1^x2 |q(t)|dt=0;
(5) for all n∈N, there is a partition {£a_i^(n)}_i=1 ^2n of [0,1] such that for any 0<k≤n-1, ¡ì_£a_2k^(n)^ £a_2k+1^(n) w>0 and ¡ì_£a_2k+1^(n)^ £a_2k+2^(n) s>0.
We call the above conditions Atkinson conditions, first introduce in [1].There conditions include the case when s,q,w∈L^1(0,1) and s,w>0 a.e.
We use a generalized Prufer substitution and Caratheodory theorem to prove the existence and uniqueness for the solution of the initial value problem of (0.1) above. Then we generalize the Sturm oscillation theorem to one dimensional p-Laplacian and establish the Sturm-Liouville properties of the p-Laplacian operators with L^1 coefficient functions. Our results filled up some gaps in Binding-Drabek [3].
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Semi-Analytic Method for Boundary Value Problems of ODEsChen, Chien-Chou 22 July 2005 (has links)
In this thesis, we demonstrate the capability of power series, combined with numerical methods, to solve boundary value problems and Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problems of ordinary differential equations. This kind of schemes is usually called the numerical-symbolic, numerical-analytic or semi-analytic method.
In the first chapter, we develop an adaptive algorithm, which automatically decides the terms of power series to reach desired accuracy. The expansion point of power series can be chosen freely. It is also possible to combine several power series piecewisely. We test it on several models, including the second and higher order linear or nonlinear differential equations. For nonlinear problems, the same procedure works similarly to linear problems. The only differences are the nonlinear recurrence of the coefficients and a nonlinear equation, instead of linear, to be solved.
In the second chapter, we use our semi-analytic method to solve singularly perturbed problems. These problems arise frequently in fluid mechanics and other branches of applied mathematics. Due to the existence of boundary or interior layers, its solution is very steep at certain point. So the terms of series need to be large in order to reach the desired accuracy. To improve its efficiency, we have a strategy to select only a few required basis from the whole polynomial family. Our method is shown to be a parameter diminishing method.
A specific type of boundary value problem, called the Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problem, is very important in science and engineering. They can also be solved by our semi-analytic method. This is our focus in the third chapter. Our adaptive method works very well to compute its eigenvalues and eigenfunctions with desired accuracy. The numerical results are very satisfactory.
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An inverse nodal problem on semi-infinite intervalsWang, Tui-En 07 July 2006 (has links)
The inverse nodal problem is the problem of understanding the potential
function of the Sturm-Liouville operator from the set of the nodal data ( zeros of
eigenfunction ). This problem was first defined by McLaughlin[12]. Up till now,
the problem on finite intervals has been studied rather thoroughly. Uniqueness,
reconstruction and stability problems are all solved.
In this thesis, I investigate the inverse nodal problem on semi-infinite intervals
q(x) is real and continuous on [0,1) and q(x)!1, as x!1. we have the
following proposition. L is in the limit-point case. The spectral function of the
differential operator in (1) is a step function which has discontinuities at { k} ,
k = 0, 1, 2, .... And the corresponding solutions (eigenfunction) k(x) = (x, k)
has exactly k zeros on [0,1). Furthermore { k} forms an orthogonal set. Finally
we also discuss that density of nodal points and a reconstruction formula on semiinfinite
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Inverse Sturm-liouville Systems Over The Whole Real LineAltundag, Huseyin 01 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis we present a numerical algorithm to solve the singular Inverse Sturm-Liouville problems with symmetric potential functions. The singularity, which comes from the unbounded domain of the problem, is treated by considering the limiting case of the associated problem on the symmetric finite interval. In contrast to regular problems which are considered on a finite interval the singular inverse problem has an ill-conditioned structure despite of the limiting treatment. We use the regularization techniques to overcome the ill-posedness difficulty. Moreover, since the problem is nonlinear the iterative solution procedures are needed. Direct computation of the eigenvalues in iterative solution is handled via psoudespectral methods. The numerical examples of the considered problem are given to illustrate the accuracy and convergence behaviour.
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Ambarzumyan problem on treesLin, Chien-Ru 23 July 2008 (has links)
We study the Ambarzumyan problem for Sturm-Liouville operator defined on graph. The classical Ambarzumyan Theorem states that if the Neumann eigenvalues of the Sturm-Liouville operator defined on
the interval [0,£k] are exactly {n^2: n ∈ N ⋃ {0} }, then the potential q=0. In 2005, Pivovarchik proved two similar theorems with uniform lengths a for the Sturm-Liouville operator defined on a 3-star graphs. Then Wu considered the Ambarzumyan problem for graphs
of nonuniform length in his thesis. In this thesis, we shall study the Ambarzumyan problem on more complicated trees, namely, 4-star graphs and caterpillar graphs with edges of different lengths. We
manage to solve the Ambarzumyan problem for both Neumann eigenvalues and Dirichlet eigenvalues. In particular, the whole spectrum can be partitioned into several parts. Each part forms the solution to one
Ambarzumyan problem. For example, for a 4-star graphs with edge lengths a, a, 2a, 2a form the solution to 3 different Ambarzumyan problems for the Neumann eigenvalues.
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Spectral Theory And Root Bases Associated With Multiparameter Eigenvalue ProblemsMohandas, J P 02 1900 (has links)
(1) -yn1+ q1y1 = (λr11 + µr12)y1 on [0, 1]
y’1(0) = cot α1 and = y’1(1) = a1λ + b1
y1(0) y1(1) c1λ+d1
(2) - yn2 + q2y2 = (λr21 + µr22)y2 on [0, 1]
y’2(0) = cot α2 and = y’2(1) = a2µ + b2
y2(0) y2(1) c2µ + d2
subject to certain definiteness conditions; where qi and rij are continuous real valued functions on [0, 1], the angle αi is in [0, π) and ai, bi, ci, di are real numbers with δi = aidi − bici > 0 and ci = 0 for I, j = 1,2.
Under the Uniform Left Definite condition we have proved an asymptotic theorem and an oscillation theorem. Analysis of (1) and (2) subject to the Uniform Ellipticity condition focus on the location of eigenvalues, perturbation theory and the local analysis of eigenvalues. We also gave a bound for the number of nonreal eigenvalues.
We also have studied the system
T1(x1) = (λA11 + µA12)(x1)
and T2(x2) = (λA21 + µA22)(x2)
where Aij (j =1, 2) and Ti are linear operators acting on finite dimensional Hilbert spaces Hi (i = 1, 2). For a pair of commutative operators Γ = (Γ0, Γ1) constructed from Aij and Ti on the Hilbert space tensor product H1 ⊗ H2, we can associate a natural Koszul complex namely
Dºr-(λ,μ) D1 r-(λ,μ)
0 H H ø H H 0
We have constructed a basis for the Koszul quotient space N(D1Г−(λ,µ))/R(D0Г−( λ,µ)) in terms of the root basis of (Г0, Г1).
(For equations pl refer the PDF file)
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