Spelling suggestions: "subject:"liquid""
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Liquides ioniques et ultrasons pour l'époxydation d'oléfines : combinaison synergique plus éco-compatible / Ionic liquids and ultrasound assisted epoxidation of olefins : a green and synergic combinationChatel, Grégory 18 October 2012 (has links)
Dans le contexte actuel du développement durable, l'industrie chimique, souvent montrée du doigt par les institutions et le grand public pour son impact négatif sur l'Homme et l'environnement, doit développer des voies de synthèse compétitives et plus éco-compatibles. La préparation d'époxydes à partir d'oléfines représente aujourd'hui un enjeu essentiel du point de vue de la production d'intermédiaires clés pour l'industrie chimique. Basé sur les nombreuses études publiées dans la littérature, ce travail de thèse a eu pour objectif d'étudier le potentiel des liquides ioniques, solvants novateurs aux propriétés uniques, et des ultrasons de puissance, méthode non conventionnelle d'activation, pour l'époxydation d'oléfines catalysée par des porphyrines métallées. Les protocoles expérimentaux de synthèse des liquides ioniques sélectionnés ont été améliorés au regard des principes de la chimie verte et évalués par des indicateurs spécifiques. Ensuite, les mécanismes des réactions d'époxydation ont été mis en évidence grâce à l'utilisation de porphyrines chirales et à l'étude des paramètres sonochimiques en milieu liquide ionique. Finalement, la stabilité des liquides ioniques sous irradiation ultrasonore a été étudiée ; ainsi, leurs produits de dégradation et leurs mécanismes de formation ont été identifiés. / In the current context of sustainable development, the chemical industry, often pointed at by the institutions and the general public for its negative impact on humans and the environment, needs to develop more competitive and more eco-friendly synthetic routes. The preparation of epoxides from olefins is today a critical issue in terms of production of key intermediates for the chemical industry. Based on numerous studies published in the literature, this PhD thesis has aimed at investigating the potential of ionic liquids, innovative solvents with unique properties, and power ultrasound, unconventional method of activation, for the epoxidation of olefins catalyzed by metalloporphyrins. The experimental protocols used for the synthesis of the selected ionic liquids have been improved according to the principles of green chemistry and evaluated by specific indicators. Then, the mechanisms of epoxidation reactions have been evidenced thanks to the use of chiral porphyrins and the study of sonochemical parameters in ionic liquids medium. Finally, the stability of ionic liquids under ultrasonic irradiation has been studied. Their degradation products and their formation mechanisms have been identified.
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Elaboration de micro-supercondensateurs à base d'électrodes en silicium nanostructuré : des nanomatériaux aux dispositifs / Elaboration of micro-supercapacitors with nanostructured silicon based electrodes : from materials to devices : from materials to devicesThissandier, Fleur 17 October 2013 (has links)
Depuis les années 1990, l'électronique portable connait un véritable essor. De plus en pluscomplexes, ces appareils requièrent des besoins énergétiques croissants en termes de puissance,d'autonomie et de durée de vie. De nouveaux dispositifs de stockage pouvant être assemblés au plusproche du circuit micro-électronique et dans l'idéal directement sur la puce doivent donc être développés.Les micro-supercondensateurs représentent une solution prometteuse. Constitués principalementd’électrodes en carbone ou oxydes métalliques, leur fabrication sur les puces de micro-électroniques restedifficile. Cette intégration serait facilitée avec des électrodes à base de silicium. L’objectif de cette thèse estl'élaboration de micro-supercondensateurs constitués d’électrodes en silicium nanostructuré. Leursperformances peuvent être améliorées en travaillant à la fois sur les électrodes et sur l’électrolyte.L’électrode doit être stable en présence de l’électrolyte et avoir une grande surface développée.L’électrolyte doit permettre d’atteindre une tension élevée. Ce travail démontre que seules les électrodes ensilicium fortement dopées avec un traitement de surface adapté ont un comportement capacitif. La surfacedes électrodes est augmentée via la croissance de nanostructures par CVD catalysée par de l’or. L’étude del’influence des paramètres de croissance sur la morphologie des nanostructures a permis d’optimiser leprocédé pour obtenir des nano-arbres fortement dopés longs, denses, hyperbranchés et avec plusieursgénérations de branches ont pu être obtenus. L’utilisation du chlorure d’hydrogène permet de contrôlerprécisément le dopage des nanofils. Les paramètres clés des nanostructures pour obtenir de meilleurescapacités ont été identifiés : dopage, longueur, densité, branches. Les performances des microsupercondensateurs(Tension maximale, Energie, Puissance, Stabilité) avec des électrodes en siliciumnanostructurée ont été évaluées dans différents électrolytes. L’utilisation de liquide ionique (EMI-TFSI)permet d’augmenter la tension maximale et donc l’énergie et la puissance. Des pistes d’amélioration ont étéétudiées : traitement de surface, nouvelles architecture de dispositifs. La compatibilité des procédés utilisésavec ceux de micro-électronique a aussi été vérifiée. / Since 1990, portable electronics is a thriving field. Devices gather more and more functions and thusrequire more and more efficient energy sources in terms of power, autonomy and lifespan. Such sourcesshould be fixed as close as possible from the micro-electronic circuit, ideally directly on chip. Microsupercapacitorsare a promising solution. Due to the electrodes materials (carbon or metallic oxide), theirfabrication directly on chip is still difficult. It should be easier with silicon based electrodes. The aim of thiswork is the elaboration of micro-supercapacitors with nanostructured silicon based electrodes. Theirperformances can be improved by working on the electrode and the electrolyte. The electrode must bestable in the electrolyte and have a high developed surface. The electrolyte must lead to high voltage. Thiswork demonstrates that only highly doped silicon electrodes with an adapted surface treatment have acapacitive behavior. The electrode surface can be increased via nanostructures growth of by gold-catalyzedCVD. Thanks to the study of the influence of growth parameters on the nanostructures morphology, theprocess has been optimized to get highly doped, dense, long and hyperbranched nano-trees with severalbranches generations. Their doping level is precisely monitored thanks to the use of HCl. Doping, length,density and branches are the key parameters to improve the electrode capacity. Micro-supercapacitorsperformances (maximum voltage, energy, power, stability) with such electrodes have been evaluated inseveral electrolytes. Higher voltage, and thus higher energy and power can be reached in ionic liquids.Several improvement trails are investigated: surface treatment, new device design. Our processcompatibility with micro-electronics one has been checked.
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Utilização de líquidos iônicos na síntese de enonas e de enaminonas / Using of the ionic liquids in the synthesis of enones and enaminonesGuarda, Emerson Adriano 05 March 2009 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The use of ionic liquids 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluorborate ([BMIM] [BF4]) and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ([BMIM][PF6]) as
catalytic solvent in the synthesis of 1,1,1-trichloro(fluoro)-3-alken-2-onas [CX3C(O)C(R2)=C(R1)OR] from the reaction of enolethers or acetals with acyl halides
is reported. The results obtained in the presence of ionic liquids were compared with those obtained in the conventional condition already developed in our laboratory, and they demonstrated great improvement in the reaction times, with maintenance of the good yields. Ionic liquids also were used in the reactions of enolethers with poor reactive acylants, as acetyl chloride and benzoyl chloride, proving its efficiency as catalytic media in this reaction type. The ionic liquids were still used as medium in the synthesis of β-enaminones bearing a trifluoro[chloro]methyl starting from the 1,1,1-trichloro(fluoro)-3-alken-2-ones. It was also evaluated the reutilization of the ionic liquids (recharge) after the reactions mentioned above. In all of the cases of recharge there was the maintenance of the times reacionais without significant loss of yield. / Esta tese descreve a utilização dos líquidos iônicos tetrafluorborato de 1-butil-3-metilimidazolium ([BMIM] [BF4]) e hexafluorfosfato de 1-butil-3-metilimidazolium ([BMIM][PF6]) como solventes catalíticos na síntese de 1,1,1-tricloro(fluor)-3-alquen-2-onas [CX3C(O)C(R2)=C(R1)OR] a partir da reação de enoléteres ou acetais com haletos de acila. Os resultados obtidos com líquidos iônicos foram comparados com os obtidos por método convencional já desenvolvido em nosso laboratório, e demonstraram grande melhora nos tempos reacionais e manutenção dos bons rendimentos. Os líquidos iônicos também foram utilizados em reações de enoléteres com acilantes menos reativos como cloreto de acetila e
cloreto de benzoíla, provando ser bons meios catalíticos neste tipo de reação. Os líquidos iônicos foram utilizados como meio para a síntese de trifluoro[cloro]metil β-enaminonas a partir de 1,1,1-tricloro(fluor)-3-alquen-2-onas. Também foi avaliada a reutilização dos líquidos iônicos (recarga) após as reações mencionadas. Em todos os casos, após a recarga os tempos reacionais foram mantidos sem perda significativa nos rendimentos.
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Tratamento superficial de fibras de poliaramida com líquidos iônicos imidazólicosMoraes, Carolina Vicente January 2017 (has links)
Poli(p-fenileno de tereftalamida) (PPTA), usualmente chamado de aramida, é uma fibra polimérica de baixa densidade que possui alta rigidez e resistência à tração, assim como excelente estabilidade térmica e química. Essa fibra é utilizada como reforço em materiais compósitos utilizados nas indústrias aeroespacial e automobilística, em artefatos de proteção balística e de proteção ao corte. No entanto, sua aplicação como reforço em materiais compósitos está limitada por sua baixa afinidade interfacial com matrizes poliméricas, devido a sua superfície lisa e relativamente inerte. Para superar esta desvantagem, diversos tratamentos foram desenvolvidos para modificar a superfície da aramida. Contudo, realizar essa modificação sem diminuir a resistência mecânica da fibra é um grande desafio, assim como desenvolver um método industrialmente viável. Líquidos iônicos (LI) apresentam-se como uma alternativa promissora para a compatibilização da aramida com matrizes poliméricas, devido à possibilidade de ajuste de suas propriedades com a escolha de ânions e cátions específicos. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste estudo é investigar a influência de diferentes LI nas propriedades adesivas entre Kevlar e uma resina epoxídica. Para tanto, as fibras foram submetidas a soluções de etanol e LI imidazólicos (cloreto de 1-n-butil-3-metilimidazólio, cloreto de 1-carboximetil-3-metilimidazólio, metanossulfonato de 1-trietilenoglicol monometil éter-3-metilimidazólio e metanossulfonato de 1-n-butil-3-metilimidazólio) e analisadas por espectroscopia do infravermelho, análise termogravimétrica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. A resistência mecânica das fibras foi investigada por teste de tração e a interface foi caracterizada em termos de molhabilidade e adesão pelos testes de ângulo de contato e pull-out. Os resultados mostraram um aumento na molhabilidade e na adesão nas fibras tratadas com cloreto de 1- n-butil-3-metilimidazólico, metanossulfonato de 1-trietilenoglicol monometil éter-3- metilimidazólio e metanossulfonato de 1-n-butil-3-metilimidazólio. Dois compósitos laminados foram fabricados com os tecidos comercial e tratado com metanossulfonato de 1- trietilenoglicol monometil éter-3-metilimidazólio. Suas propriedades mecânicas foram aferidas por ensaios de tração e short beam. O compósito feito com o tecido tratado apresentou maior resistência mecânica, módulo e tensão de cisalhamento interlaminar. / Poly(p-phenylene terephthalamide) (PPTA), known as aramid, is a low density polymeric fiber that has high rigidity and exceptional tensile strength, as well as excellent thermal and chemical stability. It is used as reinforcement in composite materials in the aerospace and automobile industry and in ballistic and stab-resistant articles. However, its inferior interfacial affinity towards polymeric matrices due to its smooth surface hampers its use in composite materials, preventing full achievement of its potential as reinforcement. To overcome this drawback, various treatments have been applied to modify the aramid surface. Nevertheless it is a great challenge to introduce this modification without diminishing the fiber mechanical properties and to develop an industrially feasible process. Ionic liquids (IL) might be an alternative as compatibilizer in polymeric matrices reinforced with aramid fibers because of their unique set of physical-chemical properties that can be finely tuned by their chemical structures. Hence, the objective of this study is to investigate the influence of different IL on the adhesive properties between Kevlar and epoxy resin. Kevlar fibers were submitted to solutions of ethanol and imidazolium IL (1-n-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride, 1- carboxymethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride, 1-n-hexadecyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride, 1- triethyleneglycol monomethyl ether-3-methylimidazolium methanesulfonate and 1-n-butyl-3- methylimidazolium methanesulfonate) and then analyzed by infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and scanning electron microscopy. The mechanical strength of the fibers was analyzed by tensile strength tests and the interface was characterized by contact angle measurements and pull-out tests. There was an increase in wettability and adhesion of the fibers treated with 1-n-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride, 1-triethyleneglycol monomethyl ether-3-methylimidazolium methanesulfonate and 1-n-butyl-3- methylimidazolium methanesulfonate. Two laminated composites were manufactured with commercial and 1-triethyleneglycol monomethyl ether-3-methylimidazolium methanesulfonate treated fabrics and their mechanical properties were measured with tensile strength and short beam test. The composite made with treated fabrics presented higher mechanical resistance, modulus and interfacial shear strength.
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Síntese de líquidos iônicos anfifílicos derivados de Oxa (tia) zolidinas e estudo da interação com BSA e lipossomasBorba, Laise Costa January 2018 (has links)
Os líquidos iônicos, por geralmente apresentar, em sua estrutura, uma cadeia alquílica apolar e uma parte polar, como o cátion imidazólio, podem ser considerados estruturas anfifílicas, e apresentam semelhanças com os tensoativos. Tais estruturas, devido a este caráter anfifílico, podem interagir com estruturas do tipo Lipossomas ou até mesmo com biomoléculas, como a BSA. Neste trabalho, foram sintetizados três líquidos iônicos inéditos, com rendimentos de 52 a 66%, acoplados a sistemas quirais derivados de aminoácidos naturais e de fácil obtenção, como a L-Cisteína, a L-Serina e a L-Treonina. Estes foram caracterizados tanto do ponto de vista estrutural, quanto por suas propriedades fotofísicas. Como procedimento metodológico utilizou-se de ciclocondensação de aminoácidos, esterificação de Steglich e alquilação para inserção de cadeia carbônica ao anel metil-imidazol. Para investigação e confirmação dessas estruturas utilizou-se de estudos de Ressonância Magnética de 1H e de 13C, Infravermelho, além das espectroscopias de absorção na região do UV-Vis e de emissão de fluorescência. Por fim, estes novos líquidos iônicos foram testados com lipossomas e BSA, cujos resultados mostraram boa interação com essas biomoléculas. / Ionic liquids can be considered as amphiphilic structures and have similarities with the surfactants, once they generally have an apolar alkyl chain and a polar moiety, such as the imidazolium cation. Such structures, due to this amphiphilic character, may interact with liposome structures or even with biomolecules, such as BSA. In this work, three new ionic liquids containing chiral systems derived from naturally occurring amino acids, such as L-Cysteine, L-Serine and L-Threonine were synthesized, with yields ranging from 52 to 66%. They were fully characterized both from the structural point of view, and by its photophysical properties. As methodological procedures, amino acid cyclocondensation, Steglich esterification and alkylation were used. In order to investigate and confirm these structures, magnetic resonance studies of 1H and 13C, infrared, as well as absorption spectroscopies in the UV-Vis region and fluorescence emission were used. At last, these new ionic liquids were tested with liposomes and BSA, and the results showed good interaction with these biomolecules.
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Srovnání pitného režimu a konzumace alkoholu u středoškolské a učňovské mládeže / Comparison of the Drinking Regime and Alcohol Consumption of High School StudentsNOVOTNÁ, Jitka January 2011 (has links)
My work deals with the problem of alcohol consumption of high school and apprentice students. The goal of my work was to find out what drinks youths prefer and how much of it they drink daily. The next goal was to find out the alcohol consumption of high school and apprentice students. In this research I evaluated how often youths drink alcohol, at what age they first drank it and what their opinion is about its effect on human health. In the theoretical part of this work I dealt with a better drinking regime, different kinds of beverages and I evaluated different alcoholic and non- alcoholic beverages according to their effects on human health. I have described different examples of diseases that are caused by overconsumption of alcohol and those that people with alcohol addiction suffer from. For extra interest I have described the origin of different beverages. In the research part I dealt with the drinking regime of high school and apprentice students. I found out what sweet and sugar free beverages students and apprentices drink and how much they drink daily. It also deals with differences in alcohol consumption between students and apprentices, if boys drink more alcohol than girls and if smokers drink more alcohol than non- smokers. To obtain the results I used questionnaires and gave them to students at high schools and apprentices at vocational schools in České Budějovice. The results were processed in MS Excel. The research confirmed all expected hypothesis. The first confirmed hypothesis was that apprentices drink alcohol more often than high school students. The next confirmed hypothesis was that the above mentioned group does not follow a correct drinking regime. The third confirmed hypothesis was that boys drink alcohol more often than girls. The hypothesis that expected that students and apprentices who smoke drink alcohol more often was also confirmed. The last confirmed hypothesis was, that youths prefers beverages with a content of sugar more than water and sugar free tea.
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Élaboration et caractérisation d`électrodes de carbone à porosité hiérarchique pour la réduction de l`oxygène : vers la compréhension des réactivités à la cathode d`une batterie lithium-air / Preparation and characterization of carbon electrodes of hierarchical porosity towards oxygen reduction : for understanding the cathode`s reactivity of a Lithium-air batteryNasser Al Dine, Walaa Fawaz 28 November 2017 (has links)
Le stockage de l'énergie est un domaine en pleine évolution. Le développement des énergies renouvelable et les besoins croissants d'autonomie énergétique (ordinateur portable, Smartphone, voiture électrique) impliquent le développement de nouvelles technologies, plus performantes, moins coûteuses et écologiquement satisfaisantes. Les batteries lithium-air sont vues comme une alternative prometteuse aux batteries lithium- ion, car elles ont une capacité théorique de stockage 2-3 fois plus élevée. La structuration et la réactivité à la cathode est un verrou important. La présente étude se focalise sur le compartiment positif de la cellule, dans lequel les réactions de l’oxygène sont mises en jeu. Dans un premier temps, des modifications de la surface des électrodes de travail qui puissent agir comme fournisseurs de diènes, en utilisant le mécanisme Diels Alder, sont faites afin de changer les propriétés physico-chimiques de surfaces carbonées. Puis, la chimie click a été utilisée comme une deuxième technique de greffage en montrant que l’hydrophobicité des liquides ioniques influe sur la forme de greffage sur la surface des électrodes. Ensuite ces deux mécanismes de greffage sont utilisés pour étudier la réaction de réduction de l’oxygène et la réactivité du superoxyde à l’interface d’une électrode de carbone qui joue le rôle de cathode. / Energy storage is an evolving field. The development of renewable energies and the growing needs for energy autonomy (laptop, smartphone, and electric car) imply the development of new technologies that are more efficient, less costly and ecologically satisfactory. Lithium-air batteries are seen as a promising alternative to lithium-ion batteries, because they have a theoretical storage capacity 2-3 times higher. Structuring and reactivity at the cathode is an important lock. The present study focuses on the positive compartment of the cell, in which the reactions of oxygen are involved. In a first step, modifications of the surface of the working electrodes which can act as diene suppliers, using the Diels Alder mechanism in order to change the physicochemical properties of carbon surfaces. Then click chemistry was used as a second grafting technique showing that the hydrophobicity of the ionic liquids affects the grafting form on the surface of the electrodes. Then these two grafting mechanisms were used to study the oxygen reduction reaction and the reactivity of the superoxide at the interface of a carbon electrode which functions as a cathode.
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Estabilidade isomérica e ligações de hidrogênio em agregados e líquidos moleculares / Isomeric stabibility and hydrogen bonds in clusters and molecular liquidsThaciana Valentina Malaspina Fileti 09 August 2006 (has links)
Neste trabalho, estamos interessados na descrição da estabilidade isomérica de moléculas isoladas e em agregados, assim como em propriedades eletrônicas de agregados moleculares em fase gasosa e estruturas com ligação de hidrogênio em fase líquida. Na primeira investigação, estabilidade isomérica, estudamos a estabilidade relativa dos isômeros "C IND.2v", "C IND.3v" e "C IND.s" da molécula de "AlP IND.3" isolada. Analisamos tanto a estrutura conformacional, quanto a energética dos três isômeros e depois de submetermos as estruturas mais estáveis a cálculos sofisticados de química quântica, extrapolamos os resultados obtidos para as energias dos isômeros ao limite de base completa. Chegamos µa conclusão que o isômero "C IND.3v" é o menos estável dos três investigados, e que os isômeros "C IND.2v" e "C IND.s" apresentam-se como estados quase-degenerados com uma diferença de energia de 'DA ORDEM DE' 1,6 kcal/mol. Ainda pensando na estabilidade isomérica,investigamos os agregados HCN...HOH e "H IND.2"O...HCN, também em fase gasosa. Através de cálculos ab initio obtivemos a estrutura e energética dos dois agregados. Comparamos a energia dos dois agregados depois de obtermos, através de métodos altamente acurados de correlação eletrônica no limite de base completa, e obtivemos que o agregado "H IND.2"O...HCN é o mais estável por 'DA ORDEM DE'1,5 kcal/mol. Na segunda parte de nosso trabalho, investigamos as modificações sofridas em agregados moleculares quando estes são formados em diferentes ambientes, o gasoso e o líquido. Primeiro, analisamos as diferenças nos agregados de pirazina ("N IND.2" "C IND.4" "H IND.4") e água (1:1 e 1:2), através de comparação da estrutura e propriedades eletrônicas obtidas em fase gasosa através de otimização de geometria e em fase líquida, obtidos da simulação computacional Monte Carlo Metropolis. Para as estruturas 1:1 comparamos os resultados nos dois ambientes através da estrutura, energia e momento de dipolo. Para os agregados 1:2 comparamos adicionalmente as contribuições energéticas de muitos corpos e a cooperatividade nos dois ambientes. Todos os resultados nos mostram que os agregados em fase gasosa são cerca de 30% mais estáveis que os agregados do líquido, tanto para os agregados 1:1 quanto para os agregados 1:2. Ao ¯final do trabalho, analisamos as modificações sofridas no espectro eletrônico do formaldeído ("H IND.2"CO) quando este se encontra em ambiente aquoso. Analisamos especificamente o deslocamento da banda de energia referente à transição n- > "'pi'POT.*" deste espectro quando consideramos 1, 2 e 3 moléculas de água solvatando o formaldeído e também quando incluímos toda a primeira camada de solvatação, 18 moléculas de água, todas inclusas explicitamente no cálculo quântico. Adicionalmente, fizemos estimativas para a contribuição da dispersão de London e da relaxação da ligação C=O no deslocamento da banda n- > "'pi'POT.*" do formaldeído solvatado / In this work, we study the isomeric stability of isolated molecules and molecular clusters. We study the change of some electronic properties of molecular clusters in gas and liquid phases. The first application is the relative isomeric stability of isolated AlP3 in C2v, C3v and Cs symmetries. We analyze the conformational structure and the total energy of the three isomers using sophisticated quantum chemistry calculations and using CCSD(T)/cc-pVXZ (X = 2, 3, 4 and 5) level and extrapole to the infinite basis set limit. The locations of the two states on the potential energy hyper-surface are obtained and show that they represent well-defined and stable isomers. We also investigate the HCN...HOH and H2O...HCN clusters in gas phase, using ab initio calculations to obtain the optimized structure of these two molecular clusters. We present a systematic study of the stability of the H2O...HCN and HCN...HOH complexes calculating the binding energy of both systems using the aug-cc-pVXZ basis sets with X=2,3,4 and extending the results to the infinite limit. At the best theoretical level, CCSD(T), the H2O...HCN cluster is more stable than HCN...HOH by ~ 1.5 kcal/mol. In the second part of our work, we investigate the electronic modifications in molecular clusters due to the different environments of these clusters, the gas and the liquid phases. We analyze the pyrazine-water clusters (1:1 and 1:2) obtained in gas and liquid phases and compare the structure and electronic clusters properties. For the 1:1 pyrazine-water clusters we compare the structures, total energy and dipole moments. For the 1:2 pyrazine-water clusters we analyze the many-body contributions to the interaction energy and cooperativity. All results show that the gas phase clusters have interaction energies that are around 30% of the liquid clusters. Finally, we analyze the absorption electronic spectrum of formaldehyde in liquid water. We specifically analyze the shift of the n-pi* electronic transition. We consider 1, 2, 3 and 18 water molecules solvating the formaldehyde, all explicitaly included in the TD-DFT calculations. Additionally, we make estimates of the London dispersion contribution and C=O stretching effects in the shift of the n-pi* electronic transition of formaldehyde in water.
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Development of a method for predictive calculations density of ionic liquids in a wide range of temperature and pressure / Desenvolvimento de um mÃtodo preditivo para cÃlculos de massa especÃfica de lÃquidos iÃnicos em um amplo intervalo de temperatura e pressÃo.Nathan Sombra Evangelista 27 February 2014 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Ionic liquids are compounds
of considerable interest due to their unique
properties. A detailed knowledge of these properties is of great importance. In particular, the
liquid density is a very important property required in many design problems
and, therefore, in
process simulation
Experimental measurements
this property is
not viable
for all the existing
ionic liquids
Therefore, development of new methods for
its estimation
is essential.
In this
, a new group contribution
capable of estimating ionic liquids density
range of temperatur
e (251.62
15 K) is proposed.
This method
) is an
extension of a reliable existing method
able to estimate
the same
organic molecular compounds
at several temperatures and
atmospheric pressure
of density at
higher pressures (up to 300 MPa)
was performed by the use of a Tait
type equation.
A large databank containing 21845 experimental density data for 863 pure ionic liquids and
994 experimental data for 15 different binary mixtures of these com
pounds has been applied in
the development of
this work
The results presented indicated that the model was able to
estimate the volumetric behavior (T, P,
of various ionic liquids (
species) and
binary mixtures
containing these
(x, T,
. The method
has been
compared to the best existing group contribution models
able to estimate
the same property.
analysis of different criteria
the application and implementation of the proposed
method in process simulators. / LÃquidos iÃnicos sÃo compostos possuidores de uma sÃrie de caracterÃsticas fÃsico-quÃmicas desejÃveis para diferentes aplicaÃÃes industriais. O conhecimento das suas propriedades, sobretudo da massa especÃfica, à fundamental para que eles sejam aplicados em simuladores de processos. A determinaÃÃo experimental de tal propriedade à impraticÃvel para todos os lÃquidos iÃnicos existentes, de forma que mÃtodos capazes de estima-las sÃo requeridos. Neste trabalho, à apresentado um novo mÃtodo de contribuiÃÃo de grupos capaz de estimar a massa especÃfica dessa classe de compostos em um amplo intervalo de temperatura (251,62 â 473,15 K), o qual foi denominado âGCVOL-ILâ. O mÃtodo proposto à uma extensÃo do modelo âGCVOL-OL-60â, o qual à capaz de estimar satisfatoriamente a massa especÃfica de compostos orgÃnicos moleculares a diferentes temperaturas e à pressÃo atmosfÃrica. A estimativa da massa especÃfica a altas pressÃes (atà 300 MPa) foi realizada por meio de uma equaÃÃo do tipo Tait. Para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho, foi criado um banco de dados, composto de 21845 dados experimentais de massa especÃfica para 863 diferentes lÃquidos iÃnicos puros alÃm de 994 dados experimentais para misturas binÃrias contendo compostos dessa classe. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o modelo proposto foi capaz de estimar satisfatoriamente o comportamento volumÃtrico (T, P, ρ) de uma grande variedade de lÃquidos iÃnicos puros (incluindo espÃcies policatiÃnicas), bem como o comportamento (x, T, ρ) das misturas binÃrias estudadas. Na etapa final do trabalho, o mÃtodo foi comparado com os trÃs melhores modelos de mesma natureza existentes na literatura. A anÃlise de uma sÃrie de critÃrios indicou que o mÃtodo à competitivo frente aos existentes, o que encoraja sua utilizaÃÃo e implementaÃÃo em simuladores de processos.
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Produção de grafeno pela abertura de nanotubos de carbono auxiliada por líquido iônico e uso em nanocompósitos de resina epoxídicaKleinschmidt, Ana Claudia January 2014 (has links)
No fim do século XX cresceu o interesse por materiais com potencial para aplicação na área da nanotecnologia. Um destes materiais é o grafeno (alótropo do carbono da espessura de um átomo), indicado para aplicações que exploram desde propriedades ópticas até mecânicas. Todavia, os métodos de produção estabelecidos até o momento geram normalmente um produto com alto grau de defeitos estruturais. Por isso, o objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver um método mais brando para obtenção de grafeno, por meio do desenrolamento de nanotubos de carbono (NTC) de parede múltipla na presença de líquidos iônicos (LI) (que possuem caráter lubrificante e estabilizador) e adicioná-lo à resina epoxídica para avaliar seu efeito nas propriedades do nanocompósito. A metodologia consistiu em definir a rota a que a mistura NTC:LI (bis(trifluorometanosulfonil)imidato de 1-n-butil-3-metilimidazólio – BMImNTf2), na proporção 1:10, deveria ser submetida e depois avaliar variações para validação do método (alteração de temperatura, solventes – LI BMImCl e tolueno e nanocarga – grafite). As misturas de grafeno-NTC/LI produzidas foram adicionadas na proporção de 0,1% em massa de grafeno-NTC à resina epoxídica. A caracterização das misturas se deu pelas técnicas de microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (MET), espectroscopia Raman e microscopia de força atômica (AFM), e dos nanocompósitos, também por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), análise termogravimétrica (TGA), calorimetria diferencial exploratória (DSC), infravermelho (IV) análise dinâmico-mecânica (DMA) e ensaios mecânicos. A morfologia observada em MET e AFM evidenciou que a rota em que a mistura permaneceu 3 h em aquecimento e agitação magnética sob vácuo e 3 h sob sonificação resultou em grafeno de algumas camadas. Os resultados de Raman mostraram que foi produzido grafeno de boa qualidade, baseando-se na razão ID/IG. Nos nanocompósitos, confirmou-se que BMImNTf2 mantém as folhas de grafeno abertas. Já com BMImCl a morfologia dos NTC permanece inalterada, mas seu grau de emaranhamento é diminuído pela ação lubrificante deste LI, o que reflete em melhoria na resistência ao impacto. Os NTC sem a presença de um LI de forma geral não conferiram melhoria à matriz polimérica (ex: queda de 35% na dureza). / In the late twentieth century, the interest in materials with potential application in the nanotechnology´s field has increased. One of these materials is graphene (carbon allotrope of a single atom thickness), suitable for applications, which exploit properties such as optical or mechanical. However, the methods developed up to now to obtain graphene usually generate a product with high degree of structural defects. Therefore, the aim of this study was to produce graphene sheets through a milder route of unrolling multi-walled carbon nanotubes (CNT) in ionic liquids (IL; which have a lubricating and stabilizing character) and to add it to an epoxy resin to evaluate its effect on the nanocomposite properties. The methodology consisted of defining the route through which the 1:10 mixture of CNT:IL (1-n-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imidate - BMImNTf2) should be submitted, and then evaluate possible variations for validating the method (change in temperature, solvents - toluene and IL BMImCl and nanofiller - graphite). The produced graphene-CNT/IL mixtures were added at 0.1% by weight of graphene-CNT to epoxy resin. Characterization of the graphene/IL mixtures was done by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Raman spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM), and the nanocomposites also by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), dynamical mechanical analysis (DMA) and mechanical tests. The morphology observed using TEM and AFM showed that the route based on 3 h under heating, stirring and vacuum, followed by 3 h of sonication leads to CNT unrolling. Raman spectra showed that the produced graphene was of good quality, based on the low ID/IG ratio. In the nanocomposites, CNT unrolling was confirmed when IL BMImNTf2 was used, yielding reasonable property improvements. In the case of IL BMImCl, the unrolling of the CNT did not occur, but the lubricant effect of the IL decreased the degree of entanglement, which increased its impact strength. Differently, the non-treated CNT generally reduced the properties of the polymer matrix, e.g. a 35% drop in hardness.
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