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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterización físico-química de un reestructurado de carne de llama (Lama glama) con inclusión de nuez y transglutaminasa

Romero Oré, Clara Lucía January 2019 (has links)
Elabora un reestructurado de carne de llama con adición de nuez (Juglans regia) y transglutaminasa, quedando este producto enmarcado en un alimento funcional debido a los ácidos grasos omega 3 de la nuez. Para determinar las formulaciones a evaluar se aplicó el método de diseño de mezclas por medio del software Desing-Expert® 11; a las formulaciones obtenidas se les evaluó el color, la textura, pérdidas por cocción y costos luego de lo cual se determinó dos formulaciones con parámetros similares a un reestructurado elaborado con carne de bovino y nuez; estas formulaciones fueron evaluadas sensorialmente a 100 personas, utilizando una escala hedónica de 9 puntos, la que tuvo mayor preferencia se determinó como la fórmula ideal, componiéndose de carne de llama 79%, nuez 20% y transglutaminasa 1%; y las preferencias fueron: me gustó extremadamente 7%, me gustó mucho 24%, me gusto moderadamente 38%, me gusto ligeramente 13% y no le gustó 18%. El reestructurado con formulación ideal tuvo como composición proximal de humedad 59.85%, proteína 22.12%, grasa 15.3% y cenizas 2.7%; con un costo: de S/. 23.50 por kilogramo. Al final se obtuvo un producto aceptado sensorialmente, con buen porcentaje de proteínas y bajo costo. / Tesis

Pharmacokinetic analysis of antimicrobials in llamas with theoretical applications

Al-Ghazawi, Mutasin 13 August 1998 (has links)
Graduation date: 1999

Studies on luteinizing hormone and gonadal steroids in male and female llamas (Lama glama)

Reed, Pamela J. 11 March 1996 (has links)
Graduation date: 1996

Anatomía macroscópica, irrigación y drenaje venoso del aparato reproductor femenino de la llama (Lama glama)

León Misha, Eric January 2009 (has links)
Se utilizaron 4 llamas hembras adultas las que fueron embalsamadas y disecadas en el Laboratorio de Anatomía Animal y Fauna Silvestre de la FMV – UNMSM para realizar la descripción anatómica del tracto reproductor femenino de la llama. Macroscópicamente, la anatomía del aparato reproductor femenino de la llama es similar morfológicamente a la del bovino, diferenciándose por la ausencia de ligamento intercornual y cotiledones, así como por la presentación de un tabique intercornual como es el caso de la alpaca. La distribución de las arterias y venas que irrigaron y drenaron sangre a la cavidad pélvica y aparato reproductor presentaron en un primer tramo a nivel de la arteria iliaca interna, una distribución vascular casi concordante con los patrones descritos en rumiantes; luego siguió un patrón similar a los equinos. A nivel del aparato reproductor los vasos sanguíneos adoptaron un patrón totalmente diferente al descrito en especies domésticas. Se encontraron arterias nunca antes descritas como la arteria vaginal caudal, la arteria vesical media, la arteria vaginal craneal, la arteria uterina dorsal con sus ramas lateral y medial y la arteria arco cervical. A cada arteria encontrada le correspondió una vena satélite con el mismo nombre de la arteria descrita. Se encontró que el cuerno uterino izquierdo presentó una mejor irrigación dado que la arteria uterina derecha envió su rama medial derecha dirigida hacia el lado izquierdo del aparato reproductor. Además, la arteria denominada arteria arco cervical se encargó de establecer comunicación entre las arterias uterinas izquierda y derecha, pasando por la superficie ventral de la cérvix. Ésta arteria puede emerger tanto de la misma arteria uterina como de la rama medial de ésta. Estos hallazgos brindarían nuevas luces respecto a interrogantes reproductivas en camélidos sudamericanos considerando la estrecha relación entre las estructuras vasculares y órgano reproductor. / In order to develop a description of the female llama reproductive tract, four adult female llamas were dissected and embalmed at the FMV - UNMSM Anatomia Animal and Fauna Silvestre Laboratory. Macroscopically, the reproductive system of a female llama is morphologically similar to the cow. However, they are different due to the absence of intercornual ligament and cotyledons, as well as the presence of an intercornual septum, which is found in the alpaca. At first, the distribution of the arteries and veins that irrigated and drained the blood to the pelvic cavity and reproductive system presented a vascular distribution almost equal to the ruminant’s patterns. After that, they followed a pattern similar to that of the equine. At the reproductive system level, the blood vessels adopted a totally different pattern from those described for the domestic species. Arteries were found that had never been described, such as the caudal vaginal artery, medium vesical artery, cranial vaginal artery, dorsal uterine artery with lateral and medial branches and the arch cervical artery. To each artery found, there was a corresponding satellite vein with the same name. We also found that the left uterine horn presented the best irrigation due to the right uterine artery sending its medial right branch to the left side of the reproductive system. In addition, the arch cervical artery established communication between the left and right uterine arteries through the cervix ventral surface. This artery could emerge from the uterine artery itself as well as from its medial branch. These findings could provide new insights about the reproductive system of the South American camels given the close relationship between the vascular and reproductive structures.

Saneamiento y detoxificación de carne de llama (Lama glama) con Sarcocystis aucheniae mediante cocción, horneado, fritura y congelado

Godoy Zegarra, Roxana Beatriz January 2006 (has links)
Con el objetivo de sanear y detoxificar carne de llama infectada con Sarcocystis aucheniae fue tratado con los métodos físicos cocción (100º por 10 min.), horneado (105ºC por 65 min.), fritura y congelado (-20ºC por 10 días). Es decir, volviéndolo inviable al parásito y desnaturalizando la proteína contenida dentro del macroquiste la cual es tóxica para el humano. Sustancia proteica a partir de extracto de macroquistes provenientes de carnes tratada físicamente y no tratada fueron inoculados subcutáneamente en conejos (30) a dosis de 100 g de proteína por kilogramo de peso vivo. Así mismo, cachorros (13) fueron alimentados aprox. con 200gr de carne de llama tratada físicamente y no tratada conteniendo un mínimo de 100 macroquistes de Sarcocystis aucheniae. Ningún conejo perteneciente a los grupos tratados físicamente murió en el transcurso del experimento, sólo los conejos pertenecientes al grupo congelado presentaron moderada sintomatología tóxica caracterizada por hipertermia, anorexia, congestión de mucosas y depresión. Los perros pertenecientes al grupo tratado por los métodos físicos no eliminaron esporoquistes durante los 30 días de observación que duró el experimento. Palabras Claves: Sarcocystis aucheniae, macroquistes, esporoquistes, conejos, perros. / With the objective to sanify and to detoxify meat of llama infected with Sarcocystis aucheniae was dealt with the physical methods boilet (100º by 10 min.), baked (105ºC by 65 min.), sriet and sroze (-20ºC by 10 days). That is to say, returning it nonviable to the parasite and denaturing the protein contained within the macrocyst which is toxic for the human. Protein substance from extract of originating macrocysts of meats treated and physically treated was not inoculated subcutaneously in rabbits (30) to dose of 100μg of protein by kilogram of body weight. Also, puppies (13) were fed approx with 200gr on meat on llama treated and physically not treated containing a minimum about 100 macrocysts of Sarcocystis aucheniae. No rabbit pertaining to the treated groups physically died in the course of the experiment, only the rabbits pertaining to the sroze Group displayed moderate toxic symptomatology characterized by hypertherm, anorexy, congestión of mucous and depression. The dogs pertaining to the group treated by the physical methods did not eliminate esporoquistes during the 30 days of observation that lasted the experiment. Key Words: Sarcocystis aucheniae, macrocysts, esporoquistes, rabbits, dogs.

Saneamiento y detoxificación de carne de llama (Lama glama) infectada con Sarcocystis aucheniae mediante métodos químicos : marinado, ahumado, curado seco y curado húmedo

Granados Zavaleta, Lidia Natalia January 2006 (has links)
Con el objetivo de sanear y detoxificar la carne de llama parasitada naturalmente con macroquistes de Sarcocystis aucheniae, fue dividida en 4 grupos para ser tratada con los métodos químicos: marinado (vinagre y sal) por 48 horas, ahumado (60º C) por 2 horas, curado seco y curado húmedo por 10 días; además de evaluar una porción de carne sin tratamiento (grupo control positivo). Se preparó un lisado a partir de macroquistes provenientes de carnes tratadas y no tratadas, los cuales fueron inoculados subcutáneamente en conejos a dosis de 100μg por kilogramo de peso vivo. Murieron todos los conejos del grupo curado húmedo y del grupo control positivo; no así los del grupo marinado, ahumado y curado seco. Los animales que murieron presentaron similar sintomatología tóxica, caracterizadas por depresión, hipertermia, anorexia, congestión de mucosas, ataxia y opistótomos. Así mismo, grupos de cachorros de perros se alimentaron con carne de llama parasitada con Sarcocystis aucheniae (de 150 a 200 macroquistes por cachorro) previamente tratada con uno de los métodos químicos anteriormente señalados, excepto el grupo de cachorros que ingirió carne parasitada no tratada (grupo control positivo). Solamente los perros del grupo control positivo eliminaron esporoquistes a partir del día 14 post - ingestión. El grupo control negativo en conejos (inoculados con solución salina) no mostraron signos de toxicidad y grupo control negativo de cachorros (alimentados con alimento balanceado) no eliminaron esporoquistes. Los resultados obtenidos nos demuestran que los tratamientos marinado, ahumado y curado seco lograron sanear y detoxificar la carne de llama parasitada con Sarcocystis aucheniae, mientras que el curado húmedo no logro. Palabras Claves: Sarcocystis aucheniae, macroquistes, carne, conejos, inóculos, perros, esporoquistes. / With the objective of clearing and disinfecting the llama meat, naturally infected with macro-cysts of Sarcocystis aucheniae, the meat was divided into 4 groups to be treated with chemical methods: marinated (with vinegar and salt) for 48 hours, smoked (till 60ºC) for 2 hours, dry cured, humid cured for 10 days; also to evaluate a portion of the meat without treatment (as positive control group). It was prepared lisis of macro-cysts from treated meats and non-treated meats, which were inoculated into rabbits; a dose of 100ug for each kilogram to rabbit’s lived weight. All the rabbits in the humid cured group and the positive control group died but not those in the marinated, smoked and the dry cured groups. The animals which died had the same toxic, characterized by depression, hyperthermia, anorexia, mucous congestion, ataxia and opistotoms. Likewise, groups of puppies were fed with the infected llama meat with Sarcocystis aucheniae parasites (between 150 to 200 macro-cysts per puppy) previously treated with one of the chemical methods as explained earlier, except the positive control group, which were fed with non-treated meat. Only the dogs in the positive control group eliminated esporoquistes after alimentation for 14 days. The negative group control of rabbits (inoculated with saline or salt solution) did not show intoxication signs and the negative control group of puppies (fed with balanced dog food prepared) did not eliminate esporoquistes. The results obtained show us that treatments marinated with vinegar and salt, smoked and dry cured methods were be able to clean and disinfect the llama meat infected with macro-cysts of Sarcocystis aucheniae, while the humid cured method does not achieved the same result. Keys Words: Sarcocystis aucheniae, macro-cysts, meat, rabbits, inoculos, dogs, and esporoquistes.

Digestibilidad In vivo de la alfalfa y cebada en llamas (Lama glama) en el centro experimental agropecuario Condoriri

Alarcón Chuquichambi, Adelaida. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ing. Agrónomo)--Universidad Técnica de Oruro, Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas Pecuarias y Veterinarias, Departamento de Zootecnía y Veterinaía, 2005. / Reproduced from copy at BYU's Benson Institute. Includes bibliographical references (leaves [63]-67).

Reconocimiento de calreticulina de Trypanosoma cruzi por subclases de inmunoglobulinas G presentes en el suero de camélidos inmunizados de la especie Lama glama

Veloso Baeza, Linda Marisol January 2017 (has links)
Memoria para optar al Título Profesional de Médico Veterinario. / Los camélidos poseen tres subclases de Inmunoglobulina G (IgG): IgG1, IgG2 e IgG3. Las dos últimas, carecen de cadena liviana, conociéndose como anticuerpos de cadena pesada (AcCP). Su sitio de unión al antígeno, formado por los dominios variables de las cadenas pesadas, posee un peso molecular de 15 kDa, pudiendo generarse biotecnológicamente (nanobody). Este hecho facilita su producción, biodistribución, penetración tisular y neutralización de proteínas de membrana que participan en el proceso de infectividad. La proteína Calreticulina de Trypanosoma cruzi (TcCRT) participa en la infectividad y evasión del sistema inmune por parte del parásito. Nanobodies anti-TcCRT podrían ser utilizados para disminuir su infectividad. En este contexto, previamente, dos llamas (Lama glama) inmunizadas con TcCRT recombinante (rTcCRT) produjeron un suero anti-rTcCRT. Con el fin de averiguar qué subclase de IgG es responsable de esta reactividad, esta Memoria de Título propuso determinar la(s) subclase(s) de IgG que reconocen rTcCRT en estos sueros inmunes. Para ello, se generó una columna de sefarosa unida a rTcCRT en la que se incubaron los sueros inmunes de ambas llamas, obteniéndose fracciones purificadas cuya reactividad anti-rTcCRT fue comprobada mediante Western Blot. Los sueros purificados fueron cargados en geles de poliacrilamida en presencia de dodecil sulfato de sodio al 12%, en condiciones reductoras y no reductoras, que se tiñeron con azul de Coomassie. Se observaron bandas cuyo peso molecular concuerda con IgG1. Se concluye, que las llamas inmunizadas produjeron IgG1 contra rTcCRT, sin embargo, para comprobar la generación de IgG2 e IgG3 se requerirán estudios adicionales / The camelids have three subclasses of immunoglobulin G (IgG): IgG1, IgG2 and IgG3. IgG2 and IgG3 lack of a light chain, called heavy chain antibodies (HCAbs). The site of binding to the antigen consists of the variable domains of both heavy chains and has a molecular weight of 15 kDa, being possible to generate it biotechnologically (nanobody). This fact allows its easy production, better biodistribution, tissue penetration and neutralizaztion of membrane proteins participating in the infectious process. Trypanosoma cruzi calreticulin (TcCRT) is a protein involved in the infectivity and evasion of the host immune system. Nanobodies anti-TcCRT could be used to decrease the parasite infectivity. In this context, previously, two immunized llamas (Lama glama) with recombinant TcCRT (rTcCRT) produced an anti-rTcCRT serum. To find out the subclass of IgG responsible of this reactivity, this Undergraduate Thesis proposed to determine the IgG subclass(es) of IgG (IgG1, IgG2 and IgG3) able to recognize rTcCRT in these immune sera. For this, it was generated a Sepharose column linked to rTcCRT in which were incubated both llama immune sera. We obtained purified anti-rTcCRT fractions whose reactivity were tested by Western Blot. Purified sera were loaded on a 12% polyacrylamide gel in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate under reducing and non-reducing conditions and stained with Coomassie blue. Observed bands were consistent with the molecular weight of IgG1. In conclusion, both immunized llamas produced IgG1 against rTcCRT, however, additional studies may be performed to demonstrate the generation of IgG2 and IgG3

Diluents for cryopreservation of semen from non-woolly llamas (Lama glama)

Bustos Fernández, Franz Nicolas 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The collection and preservation of llama semen is not a standardized procedure as it is in cattle. It has a number of complications that are mainly associated with the characteristics of the semen. In order to contribute to the knowledge of reproductive biology, we decided to evaluate the behavior of llama semen in relation to the different diluters in this study. This study was done at the National Germplasm Bank for Camelids which is part of the Ministry of Rural Development of Agriculture and Environment. The Ministry is located in the Agriculture Experiment Center of Condoriri which belongs to the College of Agriculture, Livestock, and Veterinary Sciences of the Technical University of Oruro. The University is located 49 km northeast of the province of Cercado in the department of Oruro and 12 km northeast of the community of Caracollo. The geographic coordinates of Caracollo are 17º31’41” south latitude and 67º14’02” west longitude. It is at an altitude of 3830 m above sea level and has an area of 1640 ha (Geographical map of the Military Geographical Institute). The macroscopic evaluations made were: pH (7.2 - 7.6), volume (2 - 4.5 cc), color (clear white or milky white), density, or consistency by simple inspection (subjective). The microscopic evaluations made were: motility (50 - 70%), viability (50 - 70%), concentration (20 - 40 x 107/esp./cc), and abnormalities (10% at most). All materials and environments used in this assessment were at room temperature. The analysis of variance test at 99% probability showed that the macroscopic and microscopic characteristics are affected by different harvest times. The two diluter preparations studied were 1) PBS diluter (with all its components that will serve the sperm as energy, nutrient, and cushioning), egg yolk, blood serum, and glycerol, and 2) TRIS diluter (with all its components that will serve the sperm as energy, nutrient, cushioning, and elements to avoid contamination), egg yolk, blood serum, and glycerol. All these materials were brought to 35 - 37ºC before being added to the semen. The prepared samples containing the diluent were then cooled to 5ºC. The samples were then collected for storage, with special care to maintain the sample temperature. The freezing was done slowly by placing the rack of containers at a given height of liquid nitrogen for seven to ten minutes. Following this, the containers were submerged. This slow freezing process prevented problems in the metabolism of the sperm after thawing. The samples were unthawed at intervals of 15 and 30 days by rapidly removing them from the liquid nitrogen and placing them in a water bath for 30 seconds. The evaluations of viability, motility, and concentration were all performed within 15 minutes of thawing. The results obtained from the analyses after thawing on average were better for the diluter PBS than for the diluter TRIS. The analysis of variance test at 99% probability showed that the characteristics after thawing were affected differently according to the diluter used in the dilution.

Biochemical Components in the Secretion of the Bulb Urethral Glands of Llama (Lama Glama) in Three Ages

Flores, Demetrio Laruta 01 January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
The present study was performed in the Zoo-Technical Engineering department of the Tiahuanaco Rural Academic Unit of the Bolivian Catholic University. The biochemical components of the secretions produced by the bulb urethral glands of male llama that were studied are glucose, inorganic phosphorus, creatinine, total proteins, albumin, total lipids, cholesterol, and triglycerides. Spectrophotometer standardized techniques were used in nine animals of three, four, and five years of age from communities of the Ingavi province. Groups comprised of three animals each were selected by age criteria. After dissecting and separating the pelvic urethra, gland secretion was obtained by finger pressure. The process was made after beneficiating the animals. The bulb urethral gland secretions present a white color and a hard viscous consistency. The results of biochemical analysis in the three ages are as follows : glucose 535.79 mg/dl; inorganic phosphorus 30.67 mg/dl; creatinine 25.34 mg/dl; total proteins 11.78 g/dl; albumin, 8.596 g/dl; total lipids 1022.55 mg/dl; cholesterol 168.83 mg/dl; and triglycerides, 605.10 mg/dl. Animal age significantly influences on the concentrations of glucose, creatinine, and total lipids with a probability of (p>= 0.05). Animal age has no influence over the concentrations of inorganic phosphorus, total proteins, albumin, cholesterol, and triglycerides with a probability of (p

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