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Um roteiro para a criação de programa computacional dedicado à geração de pré-projeto arquitetônico de habitações sociais: realimentação de modelo a partir de avaliações pós-ocupação / A roadmap for the creation of dedicated software the generation of pre-architectural project of social housing: feedback model from Post-Occupancy EvaluationsFerreira, Marcelo de Paula 17 April 2009 (has links)
Habitar ambientes dimensionados a partir de estudos antropométricos e Avaliações Pós-Ocupação (APOs) dos aspectos funcionais é conseqüência de processos de projeto arquitetônico a serem consolidados. A tecnologia tem permitido obter um maior controle sobre todas as fases da produção de edificações, sendo a fase de pré-projeto decisiva para o efetivo sucesso de um empreendimento. A presente pesquisa objetiva o desenvolvimento de um roteiro para a elaboração de um programa computacional de Projeto e Desenho Arquitetônico Auxiliado por Computador (CAADD - Computer Aided Architectural Design and Drafting) que contribua para o trabalho do arquiteto nas análises geométricas de dimensionamento funcional de edificações habitacionais sociais multi-familiares, no momento do pré-projeto, considerando as especificidades do conjunto de variáveis envolvidas em cada situação de projeto. Ao escolher as alternativas de composição de Programa de Necessidades no sistema, este geraria maquetes eletrônicas (modelo digital) a partir dos parâmetros definidos no próprio programa. Os volumes abstraídos em meio digital são tratados genericamente no sistema como objetos volumétricos (mobiliário, eletrodomésticos, peças sanitárias, esquadrias, estrutura, vedação). A tecnologia de representação gráfica digital escolhida foi o padrão aberto para a distribuição de conteúdo tridimensional denominado X3D. A montagem do roteiro contempla conceitos de Computação Gráfica e de Geometria Computacional, aplicando critérios para arranjo físico de ambientes da habitação, relação entre ambientes, distribuição de unidades habitacionais (apartamentos) e análises de locação da edificação no sítio urbano. Utilizam-se como referências dimensionais resultados de APOs (classificadas como dados dinâmicos, os quais se alteram com maior freqüência no tempo) e legislação e normas vigentes (classificados como dados estáveis, os quais se alteram com menor freqüência no tempo), visando melhorias espaciais e manutenção contínua da abordagem do projeto e desenho arquitetônico funcional nos novos projetos habitacionais. / The possibility of living in environments that have been sized on the basis of anthropometric studies and post-occupancy evaluations (POEs) of the functionality of buildings is the consequence of architectural design processes yet to be consolidated. This technology has enabled greater control over all stages in the construction of buildings, the pre-design stage being decisive for the success of an enterprise. The objective of the present study is to develop guidelines for designing a computer program for architectural designing and drafting (CAADD-Computer Aided Architectural Design and Drafting) that will serve as an aid to architects in terms of geometrical analyses of the functional dimensions of low-income housing during the pre-design stage, considering the specific aspects of the variables involved in each design. By choosing alternatives for programming the software, the system is set up to enable designers to generate digital models based on standards defined in the program itself. The digitally extracted volumes are treated generically in the system as volumetric objects (furniture, appliances, plumbing fixtures, door and window frames, structures, waterproofing and others). The open standard for distributing tridimensional contents, known as X3D, was chosen as the technology for digital graphic representation. The guidelines take into account concepts for graphic computing and computational geometry and apply criteria for the physical arrangement of living environments, relationships among environments, distribution of the apartments and analyses of the location of the buildings in their urban context. Dimensional references are used to establish these guidelines, including the results of POEs (classifying the data that changes most often over time as \"dynamic\"). Other factors that must be taken into consideration are the local laws, norms and regulations (classified as \"stable\" data, which change less often over time). The objective is to develop spatial improvements and continuous feedback of the approach of the design and functional architectural drafting in new housing designs.
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Evaluating the quality of the national government self-help housing scheme in the Western Cape; before and after NHBRC involvementMayongo, Nwabisa January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Business Administration in Project Management))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2018. / According to Section 26 (1) of the constitution of Republic of South Africa, everyone has a right to have a satisfactory house to restore and honour the dignity of the South Africans. However South African government implemented several housing programmes to bridge the gap of housing backlog in South Africa. One of the housing programmes that South African government implemented is People Housing Process (PHP). It was approved in 1998 by South African government. South African government shifted focus on the quality of houses and mainly focused on the quantity of houses delivered through the financial year. There have been a lot of quality complaints on PHP. The quality defects are signs of foundation failures, cracks on foundations, water flooding around the houses, water not properly channelling to the drain, cracks on walls, dampness of walls, mould on walls, water seeping through the windows, poorly applied external plaster, incorrect bonding of internal walls to external walls, walls that are not straight walls, sagging ceiling panels, gable not properly filled with mortar, roof structure not properly tied up, sagging roof coverings, roof leaks, sagging roof tiles and ridges, rust on painted iron material, poor quality of blocks used, insufficient cement on mortar mix and peeling off paint. National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC) are the custodians of the home building industry. They were excluded from PHP from 1998 till March 2012. NHBRC was approved to inspect PHP house in April 2012. Thus, the aim of the study was to compare the houses that were built before NHBRC involvement in PHP with those that were built after NHBRC involvement in PHP. The sample included 50% of each of the two groups (those in houses built without NHBRC involvement and those built with NHBRC involvement), the research involved at least 50 respondents per group (McMillan, et al 2001:177 – recommends 15 respondents per group). The sample size per group has been put at 50 since the larger the sample the higher the accuracy. The study is classified as quantitative research because it intended to quantify the variation in occurrence, situation, problem or issue; the information was gathered using predominantly quantitative variables and the analysis was geared to ascertain the magnitude of the variation. The findings of the study revealed that the quality of the houses that were built under PHP programme before NHBRC intervention on PHP was not up to standard however the quality on those that were built after NHBRC involvement improved. Therefore it is recommended for Western Cape government to implement the rectification programme which was approved by National Department of Human Settlements in 2009 mainly focusing on houses that have been severely structurally compromised and are regarded as unfit for human habitation as it poses a threat to the health and safety of the occupants (The National Housing Code, 2009: 11-13).
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Um roteiro para a criação de programa computacional dedicado à geração de pré-projeto arquitetônico de habitações sociais: realimentação de modelo a partir de avaliações pós-ocupação / A roadmap for the creation of dedicated software the generation of pre-architectural project of social housing: feedback model from Post-Occupancy EvaluationsMarcelo de Paula Ferreira 17 April 2009 (has links)
Habitar ambientes dimensionados a partir de estudos antropométricos e Avaliações Pós-Ocupação (APOs) dos aspectos funcionais é conseqüência de processos de projeto arquitetônico a serem consolidados. A tecnologia tem permitido obter um maior controle sobre todas as fases da produção de edificações, sendo a fase de pré-projeto decisiva para o efetivo sucesso de um empreendimento. A presente pesquisa objetiva o desenvolvimento de um roteiro para a elaboração de um programa computacional de Projeto e Desenho Arquitetônico Auxiliado por Computador (CAADD - Computer Aided Architectural Design and Drafting) que contribua para o trabalho do arquiteto nas análises geométricas de dimensionamento funcional de edificações habitacionais sociais multi-familiares, no momento do pré-projeto, considerando as especificidades do conjunto de variáveis envolvidas em cada situação de projeto. Ao escolher as alternativas de composição de Programa de Necessidades no sistema, este geraria maquetes eletrônicas (modelo digital) a partir dos parâmetros definidos no próprio programa. Os volumes abstraídos em meio digital são tratados genericamente no sistema como objetos volumétricos (mobiliário, eletrodomésticos, peças sanitárias, esquadrias, estrutura, vedação). A tecnologia de representação gráfica digital escolhida foi o padrão aberto para a distribuição de conteúdo tridimensional denominado X3D. A montagem do roteiro contempla conceitos de Computação Gráfica e de Geometria Computacional, aplicando critérios para arranjo físico de ambientes da habitação, relação entre ambientes, distribuição de unidades habitacionais (apartamentos) e análises de locação da edificação no sítio urbano. Utilizam-se como referências dimensionais resultados de APOs (classificadas como dados dinâmicos, os quais se alteram com maior freqüência no tempo) e legislação e normas vigentes (classificados como dados estáveis, os quais se alteram com menor freqüência no tempo), visando melhorias espaciais e manutenção contínua da abordagem do projeto e desenho arquitetônico funcional nos novos projetos habitacionais. / The possibility of living in environments that have been sized on the basis of anthropometric studies and post-occupancy evaluations (POEs) of the functionality of buildings is the consequence of architectural design processes yet to be consolidated. This technology has enabled greater control over all stages in the construction of buildings, the pre-design stage being decisive for the success of an enterprise. The objective of the present study is to develop guidelines for designing a computer program for architectural designing and drafting (CAADD-Computer Aided Architectural Design and Drafting) that will serve as an aid to architects in terms of geometrical analyses of the functional dimensions of low-income housing during the pre-design stage, considering the specific aspects of the variables involved in each design. By choosing alternatives for programming the software, the system is set up to enable designers to generate digital models based on standards defined in the program itself. The digitally extracted volumes are treated generically in the system as volumetric objects (furniture, appliances, plumbing fixtures, door and window frames, structures, waterproofing and others). The open standard for distributing tridimensional contents, known as X3D, was chosen as the technology for digital graphic representation. The guidelines take into account concepts for graphic computing and computational geometry and apply criteria for the physical arrangement of living environments, relationships among environments, distribution of the apartments and analyses of the location of the buildings in their urban context. Dimensional references are used to establish these guidelines, including the results of POEs (classifying the data that changes most often over time as \"dynamic\"). Other factors that must be taken into consideration are the local laws, norms and regulations (classified as \"stable\" data, which change less often over time). The objective is to develop spatial improvements and continuous feedback of the approach of the design and functional architectural drafting in new housing designs.
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Mobiliário industrializado popular em situações de uso em moradias de famílias de baixa renda / Mass-produced furniture as used in residences of low-income familiesArbore, Célia Moretti 25 November 2016 (has links)
A literatura de design e de arquitetura sugere a necessidade de realização de estudos mais aprofundados e capilares junto a usuários de baixa renda a respeito da realidade material interior de suas residências, de como se daria a efetiva utilização de bens e objetos pessoais, além de suas aspirações e preferências quanto aos produtos de uso doméstico. Vários autores, neste sentido, ressaltam que a produção brasileira de mobiliário residencial industrializado, também denominado móvel seriado, sobretudo no segmento do consumo popular, não atenderia, integralmente, a seu público principal, concentrado nestas duas faixas socioeconômicas da população. Este alegado descompasso existiria, parcialmente, em razão de designers e fabricantes de móveis populares seriados supostamente desconhecerem as necessidades efetivas dos usuários e as maneiras de interação com seus bens domésticos. Nesta pesquisa, foram investigadas várias situações de uso do referido mobiliário popular industrializado em moradias de usuários selecionados residentes na Grande São Paulo, abordando aspectos tais como: percepções, significados, preferências, avaliações, apropriações, formas de utilização e adequação aos ambientes. Em termos metodológicos, este estudo qualitativo, de caráter essencialmente fenomenológico, mas também observacional, foi constituído pela sistematização e análise associativa de dados obtidos por meio de entrevistas em profundidade semiestruturadas conduzidas com quarenta usuários e doze vendedores. O trabalho de campo foi complementado por observações diretas, produzidas pela pesquisadora, de móveis, objetos e demais arranjos físicos e visuais encontrados nas moradias visitadas e em lojas de móveis populares, com auxílio de registros fotográficos e gravações em áudio. Na análise do conjunto de dados coletados, foram identificados elementos semióticos, estéticos, funcionais, socioculturais e psicológicos, entre outros. Os resultados obtidos permitem iluminar questões efetivas de uso do mobiliário popular, além de hábitos, costumes, preferências estéticas e condições internas das moradias dos usuários participantes. Observou-se, por exemplo, neste sentido, reduzida adequação de parcela significativa do mobiliário às habitações visitadas, bem como presença de improvisações e adaptações a que os usuários comumente recorrem, mesmo em móveis com pouco tempo de aquisição, para que voltem a desempenhar adequadamente suas funções, além de certa resignação de parte dos usuários quanto a deficiências de projeto e de produção verificadas nos móveis, por vezes justificadas, por eles, pelos baixos preços que pagaram. Tais percepções e outros achados disponibilizam, assim, um corpo de insumos para designers e indústria moveleira em geral, sobre necessidades específicas de famílias de baixa renda que encontram, neste mobiliário popular industrializado, sua principal ou única, mesmo que, em casos, precária, opção de compra para atendimento de necessidades básicas de armazenamento de objetos pessoais e de apoio a tarefas domésticas. Espera-se, com esta pesquisa, contribuir para que o projeto e a produção desta classe de produtos ofereça maior adequação ao efetivo modo de vida e necessidades de seus usuários no interior de suas moradias. / The design and architecture literature suggests the need for more in-depth studies with low-income users regarding the material in their homes and how belongings and personal objects would actually be used, as well as what their aspirations and preferences are with regard to domestic products. Several authors in this context emphasize that Brazilian industrial residential furniture production, also called furniture in series, especially in the budget furniture segment, does not entirely meet the needs of its main public, concentrated in these two socio-economic groups. This alleged misalignment would exist partially because of designers and manufacturers of low-cost furniture supposedly being unaware of users\' real needs and ways of interacting with their domestic objects. In this research, several ways of using industrial low-cost furniture in selected users\' homes in Greater São Paulo were investigated, looking at aspects such as: perceptions, meanings, preferences, evaluations, appropriations, forms of use and adequacy of the environments. In methodological terms, this essentially phenomenological, but also observational qualitative study was done by the systematization and associative analysis of data obtained through in-depth, semi-structured interviews with forty users and twelve salespeople. The field work was complemented by the researcher\'s direct observation of furniture, objects and other physical and visual arrangements in the homes visited and in budget furniture stores, and also with the aid of photographs and audio recordings. In the analysis of the collected data set, semiotic, aesthetic, functional, sociocultural and psychological elements were identified, among others. The results obtained provide information about the use of low-cost furniture, and also about habits, customs, aesthetic preferences and internal conditions of the participating users\' homes. It was observed, for example, that much of the furniture in the homes visited was of limited adequacy, and there were often user improvisations and adaptations, even in furniture purchased recently, so that it would more adequately fulfill its function. In addition, the users had a certain feeling of resignation about the furniture\'s design and manufacturing deficiencies, sometimes justified, for them, by the low price they had paid. These perceptions and other findings make available, then, input for designers and the furniture industry, in general, on specific needs of low-income families that have, in this industrialized low-cost furniture, their main or only, though sometimes precarious, purchase option to meet their basic needs for storage of their belongings and support for domestic tasks. It is hoped that this research will contribute to the design and production of this class of products becoming more suited to the lifestyles and needs of users in their homes.
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Essays on risk and housingSong, Han-Suck January 2009 (has links)
There is a series of different types of risk on the housing market and related industries. The six papers in this doctoral dissertation are about a number of the many dimensions of risk management on the housing market. The main message of this thesis is that it should be possible for different actors in the housing market to improve risk management. Indeed, the last years’ financial turmoil has revealed that it should not only be possible, but also necessary, to improve risk management at all levels of the economy: at household, corporate, regional, national and international level. Although the complexity of the environment in which we live and act makes it very difficult to predict and quantify risk, the development of risk management techniques should make it possible to better indentify, and reduce risk. The first paper provides a systematic overview of a wide selection of methods or strategies used in different countries to expand but also to maintain home ownership among low income households. The second paper further discusses mortgage and home equity insurance instruments discussed in the first paper. This paper also discusses how a rental insurance policy, as an alternative to traditional rent regulation, may be constructed. Paper 3 develops a formula that might be used in order to value the rental insurance option discussed in paper 2. The fourth paper focuses on the housing building sector by discussing potential benefits of strategic alliances that the different actors in the housing construction market may establish in order to pool resources and manage development risks. The challenge of constructing reliable home price indexes has attracted scholars for many years. Paper 5 develops monthly quality-adjusted price indexes for condominiums (housing cooperative apartments) based on a unique dataset covering sales in the whole of Stockholm municipality from January 2005 to June 2009. Finally paper 6 pays attention to the large increase in housing cooperative conversions sine the 1990s, by deriving a closed-form valuation formula that might be used to value the embedded option an owner of a multi-family rental property has to sell it to a housing cooperative. / QC 20100810
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Medium density housing in Sunnyside, Pretoria.Van Tonder, Francien. January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (MTech. degree in Architecture (Applied Design))--Tshwane University of Technology, 2010. / The issues of concern addressed by this proposal are as follows: Firstly, inclusive housing that affords people from all walks of life the opportunity to partake in and benefit from urban living. Secondly, identification and incorporation of socioeconomic patterns that promote unbound social interaction with the people of Sunnyside and serve as an activity hub alongside the regenerated Walker Spruit. The third issue is the promotion of living that is energy saving. The fourth issue entails the urban regeneration of Walker Spruit. The argument is that housing typologies adjusted to utilising emerging socio-economic activities will mitigate the housing and energy crises and in turn contribute to a more inclusive South African City that will shake off the shadow of a derived past. The site is situated on Bourke Street, adjacent to Walker Spruit.
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The impact of relocation of informal settlement communities into new greenfields housing projects in the Ethekwini municipal area.Siqhwala, Luvuyo. January 2002 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.T.R.P.)-University of Natal, 2002.
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Assessing local job creation and employment sustainability within greenfields housing projects : case studies of Wiggins Umkhumbane and Westrich (Durban)Myeni, Vincent. January 2005 (has links)
Most low cost housing beneficiaries either work in the informal sector
with little income to meet all their basic needs, or do not work at all.
They live in poverty because many of them are unskilled, unemployed,
poorly represented economically, politically and socially. Hence the new
South African Housing Policy is said to be enabling the housing
environment to play a more meaningful role in job creation and
employment sustainability. This is said to be achieved through skills
transfer and giving support to small businesses which are geared
towards more labour intensive opportunities.
Job creation, in the context of this study, means training ,and the use of
housing beneficiaries in housing construction. The provision of skills
enhances beneficiaries to engage in self-employment programmes.
Sustainability, on the other hand, looks at the use of dwelling units for
small business purposes, the proximity of housing projects in relation to
areas of employment, and the transfer of skills from place to place when
required. After conducting a survey of 98 beneficiaries, the study
revealed a lack of an effective mechanism for job creation and
employment sustainability within greenfields housing projects.
In order to provide both guidelines and recommendations for the effective
implementation of housing projects, this dissertation assesses the extent
to which greenfields housing projects have been able to create and
sustain employment opportunities for housing beneficiaries. Case studies
used to assess this aspect are Wiggins uMkhumbane in Cato Manor and
Westrich in Newlands West. This study outlines failures and successes in
the manner in which the above mentioned housing projects were
implemented in relation to the creation and sustainability of income
generating activities.
This dissertation is structured as follows: The first chapter introduces
the research problem, research question hypothesis, and the research
method used to conduct the study. The second chapter provides both the
conceptual framework and the literature review for the topic being
investigated. International, national and local case studies are used to
support the flow of the argument. Chapter three introduces the
geographical and historical background of case studies in which the
study was conducted. This historical background is linked to the topic of
study to help to understand the phenomenon of employment. Chapter
four deals with the presentation and analysis of data collected. The
conclusion drawn from the findings and recommendations are found in
chapter five. / Thesis (M.T.R.P.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2005.
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Application of the concept of the sustainable city in low-income housing areas : a case study of Ambleton housing area, Msunduzi Municipality.Alokwu, Cyprian Obiora. January 2006 (has links)
The growing urban population in South Africa has challenged the government's ability to provide adequate housing for the urban poor. In order to respond to the challenges, the government embarked on the initiative of providing Low - Income Housing (L1H). There is, however, a growing concern that these L1H developments may not be sustainable due to a number of reasons, including issues relating to land use and sub- standard construction of houses. There is need to make these L1H areas more sustainable. This can be done by employing the concept of the sustainable city. The concept in recent times has been considered by many people as an ideal to which cities should aspire. The main thrust of this study is to evaluate the concept of the sustainable city in the context of L1H in Ambleton, a settlement constructed by the government to relocate people from illegal, informal settlements within the inner city especially those found adjacent to the industrial areas. The study focuses on the issues of land use in L1H. This focus on land use is underpinned by the fundamental views that land use contributes to urban sustainability. As a result, it is necessary to examine ways in which land is being used in L1H areas and see if the current land use in Ambleton contributes to sustainability. The study shows that some people are satisfied with the amount of open spaces around their houses. Many others, however, are not satisfied because they considered open spaces in .their yard inadequate. Furthermore, public open spaces are not properly managed because there are no services to manage it. In the same vein, people have to travel long distances to get to their places of work and town for economic and leisure activities. Similarly, the provision of waste services and medical services in the study area is grossly inadequate. The study argues on that basis that the above scenario is not in accordance with the concept of sustainable city and can not therefore contribute to, the sustainability of the area of study. / Thesis (M.Env.Dev.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2006.
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Evolving stakeholder roles and perceptions of sustainability of low cost housing developments in Msunduzi Municipality : the case of Ambleton.Mwanamwenge, Mwansa. January 2007 (has links)
Many development agencies active in South Africa including the Built Environment Support Group (BESG) and Hifab International Ab have voiced concern about the sustainability of common housing production practices for low income housing developments. Since early 1999 when the country reached the one million mark of housing subsidies granted by government from 1994, the drive for numbers was gradually replaced by a dawning concern for the likely impacts on health and the environment of the kinds of settlements being produced. The purpose of this dissertation is to use a case study approach to review and assess the changing policies, roles and perceptions of key stakeholders of the sustainability of government supplied low cost housing. The review and assessment is against the legislative framework of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA), the environmental requirements within the Department of Housing (DOH) policy and principles of sustainability that need to apply in Msunduzi Municipality. In so doing, the intention is to create an integrated picture that covers a socio-economic profile of the inhabitants of the project area, the quality of housing and the environmental conditions prevailing. This aim of the dissertation was achieved by (i) identifying the trends in the roles played in the sustainability of the low cost housing settlements by authorities, house occupants, developers, NGOs and CBOs (ii) identifying the perceptions of the sustainability of the low cost housing projects by the above mentioned stakeholders (iii) understanding the perceptions of communities on the use of the open spaces around their homes and in their communities and (iv) creating an integrated picture of trends in roles and perceptions in the form of a systems diagram. On the basis of the household survey and key informant interviews carried out during the study, the key findings are the following: (1) There is poverty, low levels of formal education and a lack of social cohesion, making it difficult for the home owners to play a positive role in sustaining their settlement. There is need to organize and educate the residents on housing and environmental maintenance issues. This can be done by creating Community Based Organisations (CBOs) in the form of Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) in which both the municipality and Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) can participate. The SMMEs are already being planned for by the Msunduzi Municipality. (2) The municipality lacks capacity to fully initiate projects as well as to interpret and implement Environmental Management Plans (EMPs). There is, therefore, a need to train and recruit staff with these skills or engage NGOs with that capacity. On the other hand the indigent policy introduced by the municipality to subsidize basic services will, if well administered, help maintain minimum health standards in the settlement. (3) The septic tank toilet type in the study area is not compatible with the community needs and geotechnically cannot function properly. This causes a lot of dissatisfaction among the residents and is a health hazard. The toilet problem is a priority issue which needs to be addressed. (4) There is a break in the chain of communicating between the community and municipality on housing and environmental issues, due mainly to a lack of implementation of the ward committees and a tenuous relationship between the Department of Housing and the municipality. The ward committees should be set up and a positive mutually beneficial relationship between DOH and the municipality should be developed. (5) The community view about the use of their open spaces is that they should be used for agriculture and business including shops. There is therefore a need to provide agricultural extension services and promote small businesses within the community in order to enhance food security and create employment. (6) The community lacks a clinic, a police station and shops. These services are critical for the smooth functioning of the settlement. The question of how such services are delivered remains a challenge as financial resources remain scarce. Finally, environment, participation, futurity and equity being the four principles which make housing policy and practice sustainable will only be integrated into low cost housing settlements if: (i) the EMP is developed and implemented with involvement of the community (environment and participation principles); (ii) in order to make the houses durable, the norms and standards based on the National Building Regulations and Building Standard Act must be followed (futurity principle); and (iii) skills development, education and creation of jobs will enable residents of the low income settlements to have a share of the national wealth (equity and participation principles). / Thesis (M.Env.Dev.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2007.
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