Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cowan""
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Energy Consumption of Low Power Wide Area Network Node Devices in the Industrial, Scientific and Medical BandEriksen, Rúni January 2019 (has links)
Low-Power Wide-Area Networks, LPWANs, achieve long communication ranges with a low energy consumption by communicating at low bit rates. Most LPWAN devices are battery powered and are required to operate for an extended period of time, which stresses the requirements for energy efficiency. This thesis investigates the energy consumption of LPWAN devices operating in the Industrial, Scientific and Medical, ISM, band and how use cases affect the consumption. Specifically, LoRa/LoRaWAN and Sigfox are examined. Their key characteristics are described and energy consumption is modelled. The models are verified by comparing the model outputs with measured power consumption of LoRa and Sigfox devices. Through the models, design parameters are investigated with regards to consumption, and product lifetime are estimated. The influence of use cases on energy consumption is explored by measuring the Package Delivery Ratio, PDR, at different ranges using various bit transmission rates.The results showed that the bitrate, data redundancy and protocol overhead were among parameters which could be used to optimise energy efficiency. It was also shown, that the device lifetimes could be significantly increased by increasing the transmission interval and removing message acknowledgements. Realistically, LoRa devices can have a lifetime of more than 10 years and Sigfox 3 years, using a 2800 mWh battery. The use case tests showed that a 100 % PDR should not be expected at any bitrate, but lower bitrates and messaging redundancy increase the likelihood of a successful package delivery. Hence, there is a tradeoff between low energy consumption and range/reliability. Additionally, it was found that a low node to gateway distance and a high gateway density increase the probability of a successful transaction. Thus, the power consumption is tightly coupled to the network configuration. / Low-Power Wide-Area Networks, LPWANs, uppnår långa kommunikationsräckvidder med låg energiförbrukning genom att kommunicera med låga bithastigheter. De flesta enheter är batteridrivna och måste operera över längre tid, vilket ökar kraven för energieffektivitet. Denna avhandling undersöker energiförbrukningen för LPWAN enheter i det industriella, vetenskapliga och medicinska ISM bandet och hur olika användningsfall påverkar förbrukningen. Specifikt undersöks LoRa/LoRaWAN och Sigfox. Deras viktigaste egenskaper beskrivs och deras energiförbrukning modelleras. Modellerna verifieras genom att jämföra resultaten från modellerna med uppmätt effektförbrukning av LoRa och Sigfox-enheter. Genom modellerna undersöks även designparametrar med avseende på strömkonsumtion och produktens livslängd uppskattas. Påverkan användningsfall har på energiförbrukning undersöks genom att mäta Package Delivery Ratio, PDR, vid olika avstånd och bitöverföringshastigheter.Resultaten visade att bitraten, dataredundansen och protokollstorleken var bland parametrar som kunde användas för att optimera energieffektiviteten. Det visades också att enhetens livslängd kunde ökas signifikant genom att öka överföringsintervallet och ta bort meddelandebekräftelser. Realistiskt kan LoRaenheter ha en livslängd på mer än 10 år och Sigfox 3 år, med ett batteri på 2800 mWh. Resultatet av olika test visade att en 100 % PDR inte bör förväntas vid någon bitrate, men lägre bitrater och redundans för meddelanden ökar sannolikheten för en paketleverans. Det finns därför en avvägning mellan låg energiförbrukning och räckvidd och sannolikheten för en lyckad packetleverans. Dessutom konstaterades att en låg nod till gateway-avstånd och en hög gateway-densitet ökar sannolikheten för att transaktioner lyckas. Således är energiförbrukningen tätt kopplad till nätverkskonfigurationen.
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Cloud native design of IoT baseband functions : Introduction to cloud native principles / Cloud native design av IoT basebandfunktioner : Introduktion till molnprinciperBakthavathsalu, Lalith Kumar January 2020 (has links)
The exponential growth of research and deployment of 5G networks has led to an increased interest in massive Machine Type Communications (mMTC), as we are on the quest to connect all devices. This can be attributed to the constant development of long-distance and low-powered Internet-of- Things (IoT) technologies, or, Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) technologies such as Long-Range (LoRa) and Narrow Band- IoT (NB-IoT). These technologies are gaining prominence in the IoT domain as the number of LPWAN connected devices has doubled from 2018 to 2019. This increase in devices warrants a proportional number of gateways to push the data to the Internet for further analytics. The traditional LPWAN architectures do not provide dynamic scaling of resources or energy-efficient solutions. Thus, a Cloud-Native (CN) split architecture based on the functional characteristics of the components is a necessity. In this work, a software-based implementation of the LoRa stack on GNU Radio is designed and implemented using Software-Defined Radio (SDR). The LoRa gateway is implemented in software completely, replicating the functions of the hardware for communicating with any LoRa Network Server. Several experiments with different setups have been performed on the testbed to measure the resource utilization and packet delay of the LoRa Physical (PHY) and Medium Access Control (MAC) layers. Also, the testbed has been moved into Docker containers to emulate a cloud-based platform and make the transition faster. Higher throughput and lower delay (Improvement in the range of 1.3x - 6.7x) were recorded upon splitting the testbed into Radio Head (RH) and Edge containers. Finally, three potential functional split architectures including the gateway have been discussed while providing a fair trade-off between pooling gain and consumed bandwidth for a CN split architecture. / Den exponentiella tillväxten av forskning och distribution av 5G-nät har lett till ett ökat intresse för massive Machine Type Communicationsn (mMTC) eftersom vi är på jakt att ansluta alla enheter. Detta kan tillskrivas den ständiga utvecklingen av långdistans- och lågdrivna Internet-of-Things-teknologier (IoT) -teknologier, eller, Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) tekniker som Long-Range (LoRa) och Narrow Band- IoT (NB-IoT). Dessa teknologier blir framträdande inom IoT-domänen eftersom antalet LPWAN-anslutna enheter har fördubblats från 2018 till 2019. Denna ökning av enheterna motiverar ett proportionellt antal portar för att driva data till Internet för ytterligare analys. De traditionella LPWAN-arkitekturerna ger inte dynamisk skalning av resurser eller energieffektiva lösningar. Således är en moln-infödd delad arkitektur baserad på funktionernas egenskaper hos komponenterna en nödvändighet. I detta arbete designas och implementeras en programvarubaserad implementering av LoRa-stacken på GNU Radio med hjälp av Software- Defined Radio (SDR). LoRa-gatewayen implementeras i mjukvara fullständigt, vilket replikerar maskinvarans funktioner för att kommunicera med någon LoRaNetwork Server. Flera experiment med olika inställningar har utförts på testbädden för att mäta resursutnyttjandet och paketfördröjningen för LoRa Physical (PHY) och Medium Access Control (MAC) -skikten. Testbädden har också flyttats in i Docker-behållare för att emulera en molnbaserad plattform och göra övergången snabbare. Högre genomströmning och lägre fördröjning (Förbättring inom intervallet 1,3x - 6,7x) registrerades vid uppdelning av testbädden i Radio Head (RH) och Edge containrar. Slutligen har tre potentiella funktionella splitarkitekturer inklusive gateway diskuterats samtidigt som det ger en rättvis avvägning mellan pooling av vinst och förbrukad bandbredd.
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Actors Cooperation Analysis : A Techo-economic Study on Smart City ParadigmAbdirahman Adami, Adnan January 2019 (has links)
Modern cities must overcome complex challenges to achieve socio-economic development and to improve the quality of life as the urban population is rapidly increasing. The concept of smart citie s is a response to these challenges. Thus, emerging technologies that are key enablers for the development of a smart city are said to be IoT and 5G. To deploy such technologies , however, may be expensive and requires the involvement of multiple actors. Hence, lack of cooperation and coordination for planning, financing, deploying and managing the city’s operational networks makes it even more difficult to overcome such challenges. Further, waste management companies and parking services operators in a city have expensive operation costs and services inefficiency due to little utilization of IoT-based solutions. This paper identifies and analyzes smart city ecosyst e ms, value networks, actors, actor’s roles, and business models in order to illustrate business relationships and provide business opportunities in the development of smart and sustainable cities through cooperation and collaboration among involved actors . Target actors that this study focuse s are on Mobile Network Operators, Parking Services Operators, and Waste Management Companies, and uses smart parking and smart waste collection as use-cases. Results show several cooperative business scenarios that can lead to successful business relationships and opportunities. / Moderna städer måste komma över komplexa utmaningar för att åstadkomma social ekonomisk utveckling och förbättra livskvalitén då stadsbefolkningen ständigt ökar. Konceptet smarta städe r är svaret på dessa utmaningar. Således, teknologier som sägs vara nyckelfaktorer i denna utveckling sägs vara IoT och 5G. För att distribuera dessa tekniker, kan bli dyrt och påverkar många aktörer. Därav, brist i samarbete och koordinering av planering, finansiering, distribuering och kontrollen utav sta dens operativa nätverk gör det ännu svårare att komma över dessa utmaningar. Ytligare, avfallshanterings företag och parkeringsbolag i staden har dyra driftkostnader och ineffektiv service på grund av bristande användning av IoT-baserade lösningar. Denna rapport identifiera och analyserar smarta städers ekosystem, värdet av nätverket, aktörer och dess roller samt affärsmodeller för att illustrera affärsrelationer och erbjuda affärsmöjligheter i utveckling av smarta och hållbara städer genom samarbete mellan berörda aktörer. Studien fokuserar på mobila nätverks operatörer, parkingsbolag, avfallshanteringsbolag och använder smart parkering och smart avfallshantering som användningsområden. Resultatet visar olika affärs samarbetsmöjligheter som kan leda till lönsamma affärsrelationer och möjligheter.
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Network simulation for the monitoring of water distribution infrastructureXia, Jing January 2021 (has links)
The smart society, including smart infrastructures is developing quickly. The smart monitoring of the water distribution systems is a significant part of this development, trying to address possible problems in the Water Distribution Networks (WDNs) such as water leakages, pressure instability and water contamination. By sampling and sensing important parameters in the water distribution infrastructure and sending these data to control systems through a low power wide area network (LPWAN), a Cyber Physical System (CPS) of a digitalized WDN can be built. This thesis provides support for the design of such a CPS, by the design of a simulation framework, which includes coordinated WDN and communication network simulators. First, we make a selection on the communication network simulators and protocol stacks. Network simulator 3 (NS-3) is chosen as the simulation tool and Long Range (LoRa)/long range wide-area network (LoRaWAN) is chosen as the network protocol. The EPANET software is used as WDN simulator. Then, the existing implementation of the LoRaWAN protocol stack in NS-3 is modified, to allow the network simulator run parallel to the WDN simulator, and to transmit WDN sampling data to a control center. Finally, the effect of the communication network properties on the performance of the WDN monitoring system is evaluated, and it is shown that the communication delays can affect the monitoring performance even in small systems. The thesis provides the first steps of the development of a simulation environment of the cyber physical system of digitalized water distribution networks, and is expected to support further research in the area. / Det smarta samhället, inklusive smarta infrastrukturer, utvecklas snabbt. Den smarta övervakningen av vattendistributionssystemen är en betydande del av denna utveckling, som försöker lösa eventuella problem i vattendistributionsnäten (WDN) såsom vattenläckage, tryckinstabilitet och vattenförorening. Genom att ta prov och känna av viktiga parametrar i vattendistributionsinfrastrukturen och genom att skicka dessa data till ett kontrollsystem via ett LPWAN, kan ett CPS av ett digitaliserat WDN byggas. Detta examensarbete ger stöd för designen av en sådan CPS, genom utformningen av ett simuleringsramverk, som inkluderar koordinerade simulatorer för WDN och kommunikationsnätverk. Först gör vi ett urval på simulatorer för protokollstackar och kommunikationsnätverk. NS-3 väljs som simuleringsverktyg och LoRa/LoRaWAN väljs som nätverksprotokoll. EPANET-mjukvaran används som WDN-simulator. Sedan modifieras den befintliga implementeringen av LoRaWAN-protokollstacken i NS-3, för att tillåta nätverkssimulatorn att köras parallellt med WDN-simulatorn och för att överföra WDN-samplingsdata till ett kontrollcenter. Slutligen utvärderas effekten av kommunikationsnätverkets egenskaper på prestandan hos WDN-övervakningssystemet, och det visas att förseningarna i kommunikationsnätet kan påverka övervakningsprestandan även i små system. Avhandlingen ger de första stegen i utvecklingen av en simuleringsmiljö av det cyberfysiska systemet för digitaliserade vattendistributionsnät, och förväntas stödja ytterligare forskning inom området.
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An alternative roaming model inLoRaWANLamberg-Liszkay, János, Lisauskas, Tadas January 2018 (has links)
LoRaWAN is an open networking technology designed for IoT devices that al-lows wireless data transmission over longer ranges than some other wireless tech-nologies, like Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, for devices that are constrained in terms of size,price, and available power. The current design of roaming among networks in LoRaWANis heavily inspired by that of mobile networks, as the use of roaming agreementsis mandated. Roaming agreements create unnecessary administrative overhead thathinders deployments. A roaming model that is quicker and simpler to deploy couldsave money for current users, and could even attract new users to the technology.To circumvent the necessity of roaming agreements, a new, scalable and agreement-less roaming model should be proposed. In this thesis project a literature survey isconducted, investigating similar technologies to find hints or inspiration for a newroaming model. It is found that the broker software architecture pattern put in thecontext of roaming in LoRaWAN suits the requirements quite well, so the new roam-ing model has been developed based on that. A software simulation has been imple-mented to gather data regarding the scalability of the model. It has been found thatthe proposed model is both scalable, and agreement-less.
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Measuring a LoRa Network : Performance, Possibilities and LimitationsLiljegren, Alexander, Franksson, Robin January 2018 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to highlight the various limitations that the LPWAN LoRa and by proxy other similar technologies currently suffers from to give further insight into how these limitations can affect implementations and products using such a network. The thesis will be supported by experiments that test how a LoRa network gets affected by different environmental attributes such as distance, height and surrounding area by measuring the signal strength, signal to noise ratio and any resulting packet loss. The experiments are conducted using a fully deployed LoRa network made up of a gateway and sensor available to the public. To successfully deploy a LoRa network one needs to have concrete information about how to set it up depending on different use cases as battery lifetime and a solid connection has to be kept in mind. We test the various performance aspects of a LoRa network including signal quality and packet loss at different communication ranges. In addition to that we also test different environments and investigate how these can impact the performance. The conclusions made in this thesis are that a LoRa network is limited in its use cases for smaller scale projects with low gateway elevation that still require a large distance. This is due to the obstruction of the signal quickly making it reach unusable levels at roughly 300m in a city and 600m in a forest. Making the line of sight free either by elevation of the hardware or by adapting to the terrain makes the network perform very well making the possibility for packet loss lower which in combination with the low duty cycle of the transmissions is needed as every packet lost is going to be very noticeable.
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Comparison of Performance and Power Consumption Between GPS and Sigfox Positioning Using Pycom ModulesZhou, Xujia, Flora, Eduardo January 2018 (has links)
Sigfox is one of the newly-emerging LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Network) technologies aiming to provide power-efficient solutions to the world of IoT. This study presents a comparison between Sigfox Geolocation and GPS (Global Positioning System) in terms of power consumption and performance which includes three metrics: accuracy and precision, response rate and response time. This study includes for the first part a series of lab tests where Sigfox Geolocation and GPS were studied in a single Sleep, Wake up, Idle, Tx/Rx cycle. For the second part, field tests with different geographical parameters (altitude, population, mobility) were conducted. Results of lab tests show that power consumption difference between Sigfox and GPS is a linear function of Idle time. In field tests, GPS presents a far superior performance than Sigfox in all metrics and marginally better power efficiency for relatively short Idle interval. For both GPS and Sigfox, a correlation between power efficiency and performance was observed. Results show that GPS operates best in rural environments while Sigfox stands out in urban ones. Payload size was observed to affect Sigfox in both power consumption and performance while different transmission rates only affect power consumption but do not seem to impact the other metrics. A solution based on the outcome of this study is suggested for a freight-monitoring system where geolocation is handled by GPS and the coordinates transmitted via Sigfox. As an emerging technology under constant development, Sigfox Geolocation is expected to have improved performance in the near future.
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Obecná bezpečnost Internetu věcí / General Security of the Internet of ThingsPáleník, Luděk January 2018 (has links)
The thesis "General Security of the Internet of Things" deals with the analysis of networks with low power consumption in the theoretical part -- especially LoRaWAN networks. Further, the thesis deals with the general security of the Internet of things and the security risks of LoRaWAN networks. The practical part is focused on building the LoRaWAN gateway, which is realized with the Raspberry Pi platform with the iC880A-SPI extension module. The gateway is put into operation with full settings, assignment to the network server. Sensors configuration, creation an application, and assign it to the application server. In the practical part, a replay attack on LoRaWAN technology, which demonstrates the vulnerability of this technology, is realized.
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Implementace a vyhodnocení komunikační technologie LoRaWAN v simulačním prostředí NS-3 / Implementation of the LoRaWAN Communication Technology Using the Network Simulator 3Mašek, Petr January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the description of LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Network) technologies for use in IoT (Internet of Things) communication scenarios. The theoretical part compares communication technologies operating in the license-exempt frequency band, i.e. Sigfox and LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network). Furthermore, technologies using the licensed frequency spectrum are discussed, specifically, attention is focused on NB-IoT (Narrow Band IoT). Emphasis is placed on LoRaWAN technology and the properties of the unlicensed frequency band below the 1 GHz, which is utilized by this technology. The practical part of the thesis consists of the evaluation of simulation scenarios using an integrated module in the simulation environment NS-3 (Network Simulator 3). Attention is focused mainly on the analysis of data transmission success using selected communication parameters of LoRaWAN technology. The obtained simulation outputs with a focus on mMTC (massive Machine-Type Communication) communication scenarios confirm the relationship between the number of end devices and gateways, communication distance and transmission reliability, or the limit value for the duty cycle.
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Systém zabezpečení včelích úlů před nepovolenou manipulací / Beehive security system against unauthorized manipulationMilota, Martin January 2021 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the design of beehive security system against unauthorized manipulation. The system uses LoRaWAN wireless communication technology for data transmission. The device records the movement of the beehive using an accelerometer and then locates the beehive using a GPS module. The low-energy system works via a battery-powered ESP32 microcontroller and is located on a beehive. The battery is charged using a solar panel. The system can be modularly expanded with additional sensors to monitor the condition of the bees. The device has been tested in practice, where it has been confirmed that it meets the required properties for securing beehives.
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