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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Thoracoscore bodovni sistem u proceni operativnog rizika nakon anatomske i neanatomske resekcije pluća / Thoracoscore scoring system in evaluation of surgical risk following anatomic and non-anatomic lung resection

Mališanović Gorica 27 September 2019 (has links)
<p>Prema literaturnim podacima poslednjih godina velika pažnja je usmerena ka operativnom riziku i mortalitetu koji su postali najvažniji kriterijumi u ocenama rezultata rada hirur&scaron;kih ustanova, ali i svakog hirurga posebno. Zahvaljujući kompleksnom profilu pacijenata koji se podvrgavaju hirur&scaron;kim intervencijama, precizna procena operativnog rizika postaje sve teža. Predikcija ishoda intervencije u najvećoj meri zavisi od preoperativnih faktora rizika. Ipak, neminovno je da i faktori koji su vezani za samu operaciju u određenom stepenu utiču na ishod hirur&scaron;ke intervencije. Shodno tome, dobar model za procenu rizika treba da obuhvati faktore koji će imati najbolju prediktivnu vrednost. Thoracoscore je prvi bodovni sistem razvijen od strane Francuskog udruženja grudnih i vaskularinih hiruga. Zbog nedovoljne primene tokom poslednje decenije i nekonzistentnih rezultata nije do&scaron;lo do &scaron;irokog međunarodnog prihvatanja ovog modela i njegove rutinske upotrebe. Ova činjenica ukazuje na nedostake samog modela i potrebu za rekalibracijom u cilju postizanja bolje saglasnosti između predikcije operativnog rizika i kliničkog stanja bolesnika. Cilj rada je bio da se ustanovi realna vrednost Thoracoscore bodovnog sistema u proceni operativnog rizika i mortaliteta nakon anatomskih i neanatomskih resekcija pluća u na&scaron;im uslovima, i da se utvrdi prediktivna vrednost faktora rizika koji nisu obuhvaćeni Thoracoscore bodovnim sistemom na ishod grudno-hirur&scaron;kih operacija. Istraživanje je sprovedeno po tipu prospektivne kliničke studije i obuhvatilo je 957 bolesnika operisanih na Klinici za grudnu hirurgiju Instituta za plućne bolesti Vojvodine. Izvr&scaron;ene hirur&scaron;ke procedure bile su anatomske resekcije (lobektomija, bilobektomija, pneumonektomija, Sleeve resekcija, segmentektomija) i neanatomske resekcije pluća (Wedge resekcija i druge atipične resekcije). Thoracoscore je izračunat za svakog bolesnika na osnovu devet parametara: godine starosti, pol, ASA skor, dispnea skor, procena op&scaron;teg stanja bolesnika, dijagnostička grupa, hitnost operacije, vrsta operacije i broj komorbiditeta. S obzirom da prediktivna vrednost Thoracoscore bodovnog sistema u proceni operativnog rizika nije bila adekvatna realnom stanju, regresionom analizom je evaluiran značaj tri nova faktora: forsirani ekspiratorni volumen u prvoj sekundi (FEV1), reoperacija i hirur&scaron;ki pristup (torakotomija, video-asistirana torakoskopija &ndash; VATS). Nakon &scaron;to je univarijantnom analizom potvrđeno da su ovi faktori nezavisni prediktori operativnog ishoda, originalni Thoracoscore model je rekalibrisan. Multivarijantnom analizom putem logističke regresije izračunati su novi beta koeficijenti za originalnih devet faktora, kao i za tri nova, te je kreiran lokalni model za procenu operativnog rizika koji je prilagođen na&scaron;oj populaciji. Prosečna starosti bolesnika bila je 62 &plusmn; 7,52 godina. Većinu uzorka (60,7%) činili su pripadnici mu&scaron;kog pola. Najveći broj resekcija činile su lobektomije (61,4%). Malignitet je bio najučestalija indikacija za operaciju (90,3%). Najveći broj bolesnika imao je 1-2 komorbiditeta (64,3%). Prosečna stopa operativnog rizika na osnovu Thoracoscore-a (4,7% ) bila je veća je od stvarnog (2,9%) intrahospitalnog mortalita (p&lt;0,01). Ovaj model je pokazao zadovoljavajuće rezultate jedino u grupi niskog rizika. Predikcija mortaliteta lokalnim modelom za procenu operativnog rizika u grudnoj hirurgiji se, u statističkom smislu, ne razlikuje od stvarnog mortaliteta (p = NS). Thoracoscore ima dobru diskriminativnu moć, ali nezadovoljavajuću kalibrisanost. Shodno tome, Thoracoscore model se može koristiti za stratifikaciju rizika, ali ne i za predikciju mortaliteta. Za razliku, lokalni model je pokazao dobru diskriminaciju i kalibrisanost u na&scaron;im uslovima. Interni model za procenu rizika bi bio od velike koristi u svakodnevnom kliničkom radu, budući da bi oslikavao realno stanje populacije u kojoj je razvijen i vr&scaron;io preciznu predikciju operativnog rizika.</p> / <p>According to the literature data, over the past several years, great attention has been focused on operative risk and mortality which have become the most important criteria in evaluating the results from surgical departments and individual surgeons, as well. Because of complex profiles of patients undergoing surgical interventions, it is becoming more difficult to assess the risk precisely. Prediction of surgical outcomes mostly depends on the preoperative risk factors. However, factors related to the procedure itself effect the surgical outcome to a certain degree. Therefore, a good risk assessment model must contain factors which will have the best predictive value. Thoracoscore is the first scoring system developed by the French Association of Thoracic and Vascular Surgeons. Due to insufficient utilization over the past decade and inconsistent results, this model has not been widely accepted for routine use. This fact indicates that the model lacks certain aspects and needs to be recalibrated in order to achieve better concordance between the predicted operative risk and the clinical state of the patient. The aim of this study was to determine real value of Thoracoscore scoring system for estimation of operative risk and mortality following anatomic and non-anatomic lung resections in our settings, and to determine predictive value of factors not included in Thoracoscore on the outcome of thoracic surgeries. This prospective study included 957 patients who underwent lung resections at the Thoracic surgery clinic of Institute for Lung Diseases of Vojvodina. Performed surgical procedures were anatomic lung resections (lobectomy, bilobectomy, pneumonectomy, Sleeve resection, segmentectomy) and non-anatomic lung resections (Wedge resection and other atypical resections). Thoracoscore was calculated for each patient based on the following nine parameters: age, gender, ASA score, dyspnea score, performance status classification, diagnostic group, urgency of surgery, surgical procedure and number of comorbidities. Because predictive value of Thoracoscore did not correspond to the actual results, regression analysis was used to evaluate the significance of three new risk factors: forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1), reoperation, and surgical approach (thoracotomy, video-assisted thoracoscopy &ndash; VATS). After univariate analysis confirmed that these three factors are independent predictors of operative risk, the original Thoracoscore model was recalibrated. With the use of multivariate analysis by logistic regression, new beta coefficients were calculated for the original nine parameters, as well as for the new three, and consequently a local model for surgical risk assessment that is adapted to our population was created. Average age of patients was 62 &plusmn; 7.52 years. Most of the patients were males (60.7%). Lobectomies constituted the largest number (61.4%) of performed surgeries. The most common indications for surgery were malignant causes (90.3%). Most frequently, patients had 1-2 comorbidities (64.3%). Mean operative risk based on Thoracoscore (4.7%) was greater than the actual intrahospital mortality (2.9%) (p&lt;0.01). This model had adequate results only in the low risk group of patients. Predicted mortality by the local model was not statistically different from the actual mortality (p = NS). Thoracoscore had good discriminative ability, but inadequate calibration. Because of this, Thoracoscore model can be used for risk stratification, but not for mortality prediction. On the other hand, local model showed good discrimination and calibration in our population. Therefore, an internal model for risk assessment would be of great use in everyday clinical practice because it would reflect the real state of the population in which it was developed, predicting the risk more precisely.</p>

Comparação de algoritmos computacionais de cálculo de dose em radioterapia aplicada aos tumores de pulmão / Comparison of dose calculation algorithms in radiotherapy applied to lung tumors

Gabriela Reis dos Santos 16 September 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Na Radioterapia, a acurácia da distribuição de dose em cálculos com correção de heterogeneidade está diretamente relacionada à escolha do algoritmo de cálculo. Existe uma variedade de algoritmos de cálculo disponíveis no mercado, variando em tempo de processamento e acurácia. Este estudo teve como objetivos quantificar a acurácia de dez diferentes algoritmos de cálculo em objetos simuladores de pulmão e analisar o impacto da escolha do algoritmo na distribuição de dose em radioterapia aplicada a tumores de pulmão. METODOLOGIA: Foram utilizados placas simuladoras de água (água sólida RW3) e pulmão (cortiça) para determinar a Porcentagem de Dose em Profundidade (PDP) e perfil transversal dentro da heterogeneidade (cortiça). As medidas foram realizadas em um Clinac Varian 6EX, com feixes de fótons de 6 MV e dois tamanhos de campo (5 x 5 cm2 e 10 x 10 cm2), irradiando-se filmes radiocrômicos Gafchromic EBT3 e câmara de ionização Scanditronix Wellhofer CC13. Planejamentos de 25 pacientes - 11 com técnica tridimendional (3D) e 14 com técnica de Radioterapia Estereotática Corpórea (SBRT) - foram realizados, inicialmente sem correção de heterogeneidade e, mantendo-se as UM, os cálculos com os diferentes algoritmos/métodos de correção foram comparados com o planejamento inicial. Foram avaliados as doses no volume alvo e nos órgãos em risco. RESULTADOS: As medidas realizadas em objetos simuladores revelaram que os algoritmos baseados no princípio da convolução (Eclipse® Pencil Beam Convolution com métodos de correção Batho, Batho Modificado e TAR equivalente; XiO® Clarkson e Convolution e iPlan® Pencil Beam) apresentaram diferenças de dose significativas na região da cortiça, sempre superestimando a medida, com uma sobredose superior a 8%. Algoritmos mais avançados, como o Eclipse® AAA e Acuros XB, XiO® Superposition e iPlan® XVMC, apresentaram desvios inferiores a 3% na região da heterogeneidade. A análise dos perfis mostra, igualmente, que a segunda classe de algoritmos apresenta melhor comportamento em meios de baixa densidade como a cortiça. A largura da penumbra apresentou desvios inferiores a 1 mm para os algoritmos mais avançados contra diferenças de até 4,5 mm entre os algoritmos baseados em convolução. A análise da distribuição de dose em planejamentos de tumores pulmonares mostrou que todos os cálculos com correção de heterogeneidade presentam doses superiores ao cálculo sem correção de heterogeneidade. O histograma dose-volume (DVH) do volume alvo sofreu um impacto maior do que dos órgãos em risco. Os cálculos realizados com algoritmos baseados em convolução apresentaram distribuições de dose semelhantes entre si, porém diferentes das do cálculo sem correção de heterogeneidade. Eclipse® AAA, Acuros XB, XiO® Superposition e iPlan® XVMC apresentaram distribuições de dose também semelhantes, porém Eclipse® Acuros XB e iPlan® XVMC são ainda mais similares. Os planejamentos de SBRT apresentaram resultados mais discrepantes do cálculo sem correção de heterogeneidade do que os planejamentos 3D. CONCLUSÕES: Os diferentes algoritmos de cálculo disponíveis possuem acurácias diferentes em meios de baixa densidade eletrônica. Essas diferenças possuem impacto nas distribuições de dose em planejamentos de tratamento de tumores pulmonares, sendo o impacto ainda maior para a técnica de SBRT. Entre os algoritmos avaliados, há pelo menos um de cada fabricante que apresentou bom desempenho em objetos simuladores de pulmão e que devem ser priorizados para o cálculo em planejamentos de tratamentos de câncer de pulmão / INTRODUCTION: In Radiotherapy, the dose distribution accuracy in heterogeneity correction calculations is directly related to the choice of calculation algorithm. There are many calculation algorithms commercially available. They vary in accuracy and processing time. This study aimed to quantify the accuracy of ten different calculation algorithms in lung equivalent material and to analyze the impact of the algorithm choice in the dose distribution in Radiotherapy applied to lung tumors. METHODS: It was used plates of water (solid water RW3) and lung (cork) equivalent materials to determine the Percentage of Depth Dose (PDD) and transversal profile inside the heterogeneity (cork). The measurements were performed in a Clinac Varian 6EX, with 6 MV photon beams and two field sizes (5 x 5 cm2 and 10 x 10 cm2), through irradiation of radiochromic films Gafchromic EBT3 and ionization chamber Scanditronix Wellhofer CC13. Treatment planning of 25 patients - 11 with tridimensional (3D) technique and 14 with Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) technique - were performed, first without heterogeneity correction and, by keeping the Monitor Units (MU), the calculations were then performed with the different algorithms/methods of heterogeneity corrections and the results were compared with the initial planning. It was analyzed the target volume and organs at risk doses. RESULTS: The measurements performed in phantoms revealed that algorithms based on the convolution principle (Eclipse® Pencil Beam Convolution with correction methods Batho, Batho Modified and Equivalent TAR; XiO® Clarkson and Convolution e iPlan® Pencil Beam) presented significant dose differences in the cork region, overestimating the measurement, with a overdose higher than 8%. More advanced algorithms, as Eclipse® AAA and Acuros XB, XiO® Superposition and iPlan® XVMC, presented deviations below to 3% in the heterogeneity region. The profile analysis showed, similarly, that the second class of algorithms presents better performance in medium with low electronic density, like cork. The penumbra width presented deviations below to 1 mm for the more sophisticated algorithms against differences up to 4.5 mm between the convolution based algorithms. The dose distribution analysis in lung treatment planning showed that all the calculations performed with heterogeneity corrections presented doses higher than the calculation without heterogeneity corrections. The target volume dose-volume histogram (DVH) had a higher impact compared to the organs at risk. The calculation performed with convolution based algorithms presented dose distributions comparable, although different from the calculation performed without heterogeneity correction. Eclipse® AAA, Acuros XB, XiO® Superposition and iPlan® XVMC presented dose distribution similar, however Eclipse® Acuros XB and iPlan® XVMC are still more similar. The SBRT treatment planning presented higher deviations from the calculation with no heterogeneity correction, compared with the 3D treatment planning. CONCLUSIONS: The different calculation algorithms available have different accuracies in low density mediums. These differences have impact in the dose distributions in lung treatment planning, being the impact higher for the SBRT technique. Between the evaluated algorithms there is, at least one of each manufacturer, that presented acceptable performance in lung equivalent material and it should be the choice in lung treatment planning calculation

Relações entre meio ambiente urbano e qualidade de vida: Um estudo a partir do caso da poluição do ar / Links between urban environment and quality of life: the case of air pollution

Laís Fajersztajn 14 October 2016 (has links)
As cidades são hoje o habitat natural da espécie humana. Grande parte dos fatores de risco que mais contribuem para o adoecimento são altamente prevalentes nas cidades e são modificados pelo meio ambiente e estilo de vida urbanos, como poluição do ar, falta de saneamento básico, baixos níveis de atividade física, entre outros. Modificações no uso e ocupação do solo, ciclos geoquímicos, clima, sistemas hídricos e biodiversidade, em curso nas cidades, já as caracterizam como um ecossistema particular. Ecossistemas urbanos são complexos. Cada intervenção urbana acarreta uma série de efeitos na cidade, nem sempre previsíveis ou desejáveis, de modo que a governança urbana é um dos principais desafios de desenvolvimento do século XXI. Neste estudo procuramos entender algumas relações entre cidade e qualidade de vida, partindo do caso da poluição do ar. Postulamos que seria possível produzir artigos científicos de bom nível que permitissem integrar diferentes áreas de conhecimento numa linguagem adequada a um publico mais amplo, a fim de orientar formadores de opinião, gestores públicos e órgãos legislativos desejosos de estimular políticas voltadas para a promoção da qualidade de vida. Nesta tese apresentamos na íntegra oito artigos científicos produzidos sobre cidades e qualidade de vida que conduzimos ao longo deste estudo, divididos em quatro tipologias: 1) Estudos a partir da análise de dados secundários; 2) Estudo na ausência de dados secundários sistematizados, 3) Estudo a partir de revisão sistemática e metanálise e 4) Narrativas para públicos diversos. Sete estudos já foram, de alguma forma, publicados. Para fins desta tese, concluímos que é possível produzir artigos científicos de bom nível que integrem conhecimentos científicos de diferentes áreas do conhecimento numa linguagem compreensível para gestores e demais interessados em políticas voltadas para a promoção da qualidade de vida urbana / Cities are today the natural habitat of human beings. Most of the leading risk factors for the global burden of disease are highly prevalent in cities and are partially shaped by urban life style and the built environment (e.g. ambient air pollution, unsafe sanitation, low physical activity levels, among others). Changes in land use and cover, geochemical cycles, climate, hydrosystems and biodiversity are current in course in cities, thus cities can be considered a particular ecosystem. Urban ecosystems are complex, each urban intervention results in a wide range of effects, not all predicable or desired at fist. Urban governance is a major development challenge of the XXI century. In this study, we looked for selected links between cities and quality of life, focusing at first on air pollution-related issues. In this thesis we investigated if it was feasible to produce high quality scientific papers that integrate different scientific topics through a narrative suitable for a broader public: decision-makers and other actors interested in evidencebased urban polices for better quality of life. In this thesis, we depict the full text of eight scientific papers on urban health related issues produced during this postgraduation, seven of which already published. Papers are presented according to the following typologies: 1) Studies that used secondary data analysis, 2) Dealing with scarcity of secondary data, 3) Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis and 4) Narratives for a wider public. We concluded that producing high quality scientific papers that integrate different scientific topics throughout a comprehensive language for a broader public interested in evidence-based urban polices for better quality of life in urban settlements is feasible

Análise da qualidade de uma base de dados a a partir da implementação do Registro Paulista de Tratamento Cirúrgico de Câncer de Pulmão / Analysis a database quality through the implementation of the Paulista Lung Cancer Surgical Treatment Registry

Letícia Leone Lauricella 29 November 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O câncer de pulmão é a terceira neoplasia maligna mais frequentemente diagnosticada em todo o mundo e a primeira em termos de mortalidade. O tratamento cirúrgico é a melhor abordagem nos estágios iniciais, contudo, está associado a morbimortalidade considerável. Para que o impacto do tratamento cirúrgico na diminuição global da mortalidade pelo câncer de pulmão no estado de São Paulo seja maior, precisamos conhecer os indicadores de qualidade das instituições envolvidas no tratamento desta neoplasia, através da criação de uma base de dados abrangente, confiável e transparente. Este estudo envolveu a implementação do Registro Paulista de Tratamento Cirúrgico do Câncer de Pulmão (RPCP). O desfecho principal foi a análise da qualidade dos dados capturados através de um sistema de auditoria direta e indireta, com o intuito de identificar as variáveis com menor padrão de qualidade. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo, multicêntrico, com participação de 10 instituições no estado de São Paulo. A auditoria dos dados foi realizada de forma direta por revisão dos prontuários, para análise da taxa de discordância, Coeficiente Kappa e Intraclass correlation e de forma indireta para análise dos índices de completude, acurácia e consistência. RESULTADOS: Dos 536 casos disponíveis, 511 foram incluídos para a auditoria indireta. O índice total de completude por questionário variou de 0,82 a 1, sendo que as seguintes variáveis obtiveram valor individual abaixo da meta estabelecida de 0,8: ECOG, MRC, hematócrito, potássio, uréia, creatinina, DHL, albumina, cálcio e FA, tempo de cirurgia e data da recidiva. O índice total de acurácia e consistência foi 0,99 e 0,96, respectivamente. Para auditoria direta foram randomizados 100 casos entre os 511 iniciais, sendo 4 excluídos, restando 96 para análise. As variáveis com maiores taxas de discordância ( > 20%), estavam no questionário de avaliação pré-operatória (ECOG, MRC, carga tabágica, DPOC, PFP, peso, altura, IMC e exames laboratoriais). Variáveis relacionadas ao estadiamento (tamanho da neoplasia, invasão de estruturas adjacentes, status linfonodal não invasivo) e dados cirúrgicos (tempo de cirurgia) também apresentaram taxas > 20%. CONCLUSÕES: A auditoria indireta dos dados mostrou índices de completude, acurácia e consistência aceitáveis para o padrão estabelecido e comparáveis a bancos de dados internacionais. Por outro lado, a auditoria direta, revelou algumas variáveis com altos índices de discordância, dados que serão analisados futuramente para aprimoramento do RPCP e que poderão contribuir para o desenvolvimento de outras bases de dados semelhantes / BACKGROUND: Lung cancer is the third malignant neoplasm most frequently diagnosed worldwide and the first in terms of mortality. Surgical treatment is the best approach in the initial stages; however, it\'s associated with considerable morbidity and mortality. In order to improve the surgical treatment global impact on lung cancer mortality in the state of Sao Paulo, we need to know the quality indicators of the institutions involved in the treatment of this neoplasm through the creation of a extensive, reliable and transparent database. The study involved the implementation of the Paulista Lung Cancer Registry (PLCR). The main outcome was the quality analysis of the data captured through a direct and indirect audit system, in order to identify the variables with the lowest quality standard. METHODS: A prospective, multicenter study with the participation of 10 institutions in the state of São Paulo. The data audit was performed directly, through the revision of medical registries, with the intention to analyze the discordance rate; and indirectly, with the intention to analyze the completeness, accuracy and consistency indexes. RESULTS: Of the 536 cases available, 511 were included for the indirect audit. The total completeness index per questionnaire ranged from 0.82 to 1, and the following variables had a in individual value bellow the established target of 0,8: ECOG, MRC, hematocrit, potassium, urea, creatinine, LDH, albumin, calcium, AF, surgical time, date of recurrence. The total accuracy and consistency index was 0.99 and 0.96, respectively. For direct audit, 100 cases were randomized among the initial 511, of which 4 were excluded, remaining 96 for analysis. The variables with the highest discordance rates ( > 20%) were in the preoperative evaluation questionnaire (ECOG, MRC, smoking rate, COPD, PFT, weight, high, BMI and lab tests). Variables related to staging (size of neoplasm, invasion of adjacent structures, noninvasive lymph node status) and surgical data (time of surgery) also presented rates > 20%. CONCLUSIONS: Regarding the established standards, the Indirect audit showed acceptable completeness, accuracy and consistency indices, comparable to international databases. On the other hand, the direct audit revealed some variables with high discordance indices, data that will be analyzed in the future for the improvement of the PLCR and that may contribute to the development of other similar databases

Ultrastructural and functional characterization of myofibroblasts in lung diseases

Karvonen, H. (Henna) 18 February 2014 (has links)
Abstract Pulmonary fibrosis, lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are severe diseases and common death causes worldwide. Due to the lack of an effective therapy, the investigation of cell biological mechanisms behind these diseases is essential. An activation of stromal cells, including myofibroblasts, is a main feature found in the pathogenesis of lung diseases. Myofibroblasts express alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), have specific ultrastructure, produce extracellular matrix proteins and possess contractile capacity. Detailed structure and function of myofibroblasts and their roles in healthy and diseased lung are not yet wholly understood. The investigation of the myofibroblasts may further offer novel tools for the acquisition of proper diagnosis, prognosis and medical treatment. The study aimed to characterize the ultrastructural, functional and disease-specific features of stromal cells, particularly myofibroblasts, in interstitial and malignant lung diseases. The functional properties evaluated here were differentiation, invasive and contractile properties. The study material included in vitro stromal cells cultured from bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluids. The appearance and location of myofibroblasts in different lung compartments of non-smokers and the COPD-patients were examined in vivo. The cells were investigated by light and electron microscopy. The α-SMA expression was analysed by gene or protein assays. The study demonstrated that stromal cells could be cultured from diagnostic BAL fluid samples and lung tissues. Cultured cells were a mixture of fibroblasts and myofibroblasts. A small proportion of cells exhibited progenitor-like features. Myofibroblasts revealed differential features in electron microscopy and invasive or contractile assays. When studying tissues from healthy and COPD lungs, myofibroblasts were located both in alveoli and airways. In alveoli myofibroblasts localized in widened alveolar tips which were newly described structures and locations of myofibroblasts in healthy and diseased lung. The amount of myofibroblasts in large airways, but not in peripheral lung, was increased in COPD. We concluded that myofibroblasts have several locations in normal and COPD lung, which suggests a function both in pulmonary regeneration and the pathogenesis of COPD. Smoking altered the phenotype of myofibroblasts regardless of its origin. / Tiivistelmä Keuhkofibroosi, keuhkosyöpä ja keuhkoahtaumatauti (COPD) ovat kansallisesti ja maailmanlaajuisesti yleisiä ja kuolemaan johtavia sairauksia. Taudinmääritys ja hoito ovat vaativia, eikä kaikille potilaille ole parantavaa hoitoa. Keuhkosairauksien kaikkia solubiologisia mekanismeja ei vielä tunneta, mikä on yksi syy lääkekehityksen ongelmiin. Interstitiaaleissa ja pahanlaatuisissa keuhkosairauksissa esiintyy paljon aktiivisia sidekudossoluja, kuten muuntuneita fibroblasteja eli myofibroblasteja. Ne tunnistetaan hienorakenteesta, jota voidaan tutkia elektronimikroskoopilla. Myofibroblastit ilmentävät myös solun sisäistä sileän lihaksen alfa-aktiinia (α-SMA), tuottavat sidekudoksen proteiineja ja kykenevät supistumaan. Myofibroblastien hienorakenteen ja toiminnan selvittäminen voi antaa lisätietoa keuhkosairauksien syntymekanismeista, jolloin diagnostiikkaa, ennustetta sekä hoitoja voidaan arvioida paremmin. Väitöskirjassa selvitettiin myofibroblastien hienorakennetta ja toimintaa eri keuhkosairauksissa. Tutkitut toiminnalliset ominaisuudet olivat erilaistumispotentiaali, invasiivisuus ja supistumiskyky. Sairauksien kliinistä käyttäytymistä ja potilaiden tupakointitottumuksia tarkasteltiin suhteessa solubiologiatason havaintoihin. Tutkimusmateriaali kerättiin taudinmäärityksen yhteydessä interstitiaalisia keuhkosairauksia, keuhkoahtaumatautia tai keuhkosyöpää sairastavilta potilailta. Tulosten mukaan bronkoalveolaarihuuhtelunesteestä (BAL) ja keuhkokudospaloista voidaan soluviljelymenetelmin kasvattaa ja ylläpitää solulinjoja. Viljellyt solut muodostivat sekasolupopulaatiota, joissa esiintyi pääosin fibroblasteja ja vaihteleva osuus myofibroblasteja. Pieni osa soluista ilmensi kantasoluille tyypillisiä piirteitä. Myofibroblastien tyyppipiirteet ja toiminnalliset ominaisuudet vaihtelivat taudeittain. Kudoksessa myofibroblasteja ilmentyi sekä keuhkorakkuloissa että ilmateissä. Keuhkorakkulatasolla myofibroblastit sijoittuivat irrallisten alveoliseinämien laajentuneisiin päihin, joita ei ole aiemmin tutkittu tieteellisessä kirjallisuudessa myofibroblastien yhteydessä. Keuhkoahtaumatauti ja tupakointi vähensivät näiden rakenteiden määrää perifeerisessä keuhkossa, kun taas suurissa ilmateissä keuhkoahtaumatauti lisäsi myofibroblasteja. Päättelimme, että myofibroblastit edistävät keuhkoahtaumataudin syntyä isoissa ilmateissä, mutta saattavat osallistua keuhkojen korjaukseen keuhkorakkuloissa ja pienissä ilmateissä.

Primena jednodimenzionalnog i volumetrijskog merenja u evaluaciji terapijskog odgovora karcinoma pluća višeslojnom kompjuterizovanom tomografijom / The unidimensional and volumetric measurement evaluation of therapy responce in lung carcinomaby multislice computed tomography

Vasić Nada 21 October 2019 (has links)
<p>Karcinom pluća predstavlja vodeći uzrok smrtnosti među svim malignim obolenjima, a uprkos dostignućima u dijagnostici i terapiji u poslednjih 30 godina nije do&scaron;lo do bitnog pobolj&scaron;anja izuzetno niske ukupne stope petogodi&scaron;njeg preživljavanja kod ovih pacijenata. U momentu otkrivanja bolesti preko trećine svih novootkrivenih slučajeva nalazi se u IV stadijumu bolesti. Precizno i adekvatno praćenje odgovora tumora na terapijski tretman kod obolelih od karcinoma pluća u IV stadijumu kao i &scaron;to ranije utvrđivanje progresije bolesti, odnosno neefikasnosti terapijskog tretmana kod ove grupe bolesnika od velikog je značaja, jer za ove pacijente hemioterapija predstavlja jedinu terapijsku opciju. Postojeće konvencionalne metode jednodimenzionalnih merenja i procena tumorskog odgovora na terapijski tretman prema RECIST kriterijumima ne koriste sve prednosti CT dijagnostike i oslanjaju se na subjektivnost manuelnih merenja. Primena naprednih radiolo&scaron;kih tehnika, poput volumetrije, mogu doprineti razvoju imidžing praćenja terapijskog odgovora tumora kod pacijenata sa karcinomom pluća. Cilj istraživanja je evaluacija primene jednodimenzionalnog i volumetrijskog merenja u proceni terapijskog odgovora karcinoma pluća vi&scaron;eslojnom kompjuterizovanom tomografijom. Metodologija: Istraživanjem po tipu prospektivne studije obuhvaćeno je 100 pacijenata obolelih od karcinoma pluća u IV stadijumu bolesti u vreme otkrivanja, koji su ispitivani u periodu od 2013. do 2016. godine u Institutu za plućne bolesti Vojvodine u Sremskoj Kamenici i koji su ispunili kriterijume za ulazak u studiju. Kod svih pacijenata obuhvaćenih istraživanjem, dva radiologa nezavisno su evaluirali sve CT preglede grudnog ko&scaron;a, izvr&scaron;ili jednodimenzionalna manuelna i volumetrijska merenja odabranih target lezija &scaron;to je omogućilo utvrđivanje unutarčitačke i međučitačke varijabilnosti i slaganja rezultata merenja target lezija primenom ispitivanih metoda. Na osnovu rezutata izvr&scaron;enih merenja urađena je kategorizacija terapijskog odgovora tumora primenom konvencionalnih RECIST kriterijuma kao i primenom modifikovanog sistema kategorizacije za volumetrijsku evaluaciju terapijskog odgovora sa modifikovanim optimalnim graničnim vrednostima za klasifikovanje progresije bolesti i pozitivnog odgovora na terapiju, izračunatim na osnovu ispitivanog uzorka (model 3Dindividual). Urađeno je poređenje manuelne i volumetrijske procene terapijskog odgovora primenom razičitih ispitivanih sistema klasifikacije uz utvrđivanje stepena različite klasifikacije i analizu preživljavanja pacijenata do pojave progresije bolesti. Uticaj morfolo&scaron;kih karakteristika &ldquo;target&rdquo; lezija na rezultate volumetrijskog merenja određen je analizom odstupanja izmerenog volumena tumora u odnosu na aritmetičku sredinu između grupa lezija ispitivanih morfoo&scaron;kih karakteristika. Rezultati: Primena volumetrijskog merenja, na ispitivanom uzorku, dovodi do niže stope varijabilnosti rezultata merenja dimenzija target lezija u odnosu na konvencionalnu manuelnu metodu merenja i u slučaju međučitačke varijabilnosti (0,9% vs 6,5%) i u pogledu unutarčitačke varijabilnosti (4,9% vs 0,9%). Volumetrijskom evaluacijom terapijskog odgovora tumora uz primenu modifikovanih graničnih vrednosti kategorizacije (model 3D-individual) postiže se značajno različita klasifikacija terapijskog odgovora u odnosu na primenu konvencionalnih RECIST kriterijuma. U slučaju volumetrijske evaluacije terapijskog odgovora, klasifikovanje pacijenata primenom novog sistema kategorizacije &rdquo;3D-individual&rdquo; dovodi do različite klasifikacije u 22,2 % slučajeva u poređenju sa RECIST ekvivalent kriterijumima za volumetriju, uz održavanje jednako dobre predikcije PFS ova dva sistema. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da izgled ivica lezija i odnos lezije prema okolnim anatomskim strukturama imaju srednji uticaj na varijabilnost rezultata volumetrijskih merenja. Zaključak: Primena volumetrijskog merenja kao novog aspekta morfolo&scaron;ke procene odgovora karcinoma pluća na primenjenu terapiju može unaprediti dono&scaron;enje terapijskih odluka kako u lečenju individualnih bolesnika tako i u vođenju kliničkih istraživanja.</p> / <p>Lung cancer is the leading cause of mortality among all malignancies, and despite advances in diagnostics and therapy over the past 30 years, there has been no significant improvement in the extremely low overall rate of a five-year survival with these patients. At the time of the diagnosis, more than a third of all newly discovered cases are at the IV stage of the disease. Precise and adequate monitoring of the response of the tumor to therapeutic treatment with lung cancer patients in IV stage, as well as the early detection of progression of the disease or inefficiency of therapy in this group of patients is of great importance as chemotherapy is the only therapeutic option for these patients. The existing conventional methods of one-dimensional measurement and assessment of tumor response to therapeutic treatment according to RECIST criteria do not use all the advantages of CT diagnostics and rely on the subjectivity of manual measurements. Advanced radiological techniques, such as volumetry, can contribute to the development of the image monitoring of the therapeutic response of tumors in patients with lung cancer. The aim of this study is to evaluate the application of one-dimensional and volumetric measurement in the assessment of the therapeutic response to lung cancer with multslice computerized tomography. Methodology: A study per type of prospective study included 100 patients with lung cancer at the IV stage of the disease at the time of detection, which were tested in the period between 2013 and 2016 at the Institute of Pulmonary Diseases of Vojvodina in Sremska Kamenica and met the criteria for entering the study. With all patients involved in the study, two radiologists independently assessed all CT chest exams, performed one-dimensional manual and volumetric measurements of selected target lesions, which enabled the determination of intraobserver and interobserver variability and the agreement of the target lesion measurement results using the test method. Based on the results of the performed measurements, the categorization of the therapeutic response of the tumor with conventional RECIST criteria, as well as the application of a modified categorization system for volumetric assessment of the therapeutic response with modified optimal limit values for classification (progression of the disease and positive response to the therapy) was performed, calculated on the basis of the tested sample. Comparison of manual and volumetric estimates of the therapeutic response was made using various classification systems with the determination of the degree of difference in classification and analysis of survival of patients until the progression of the disease. The influence of morphological characteristics of target lesions on the results of volumetric measurement was determined by the analysis of the deviation of the measured tumor volume relative to the arithmetic mean between the groups of lesions of the examined morphological characteristics. Results: The application of volumetric measurements on the test sample leads to a lower rate of variability in the results of measuring the dimensions of the target lesions compared to the conventional manual measurement method, and in the case of interobserver variability (0.9% versus 6.5%) and in terms of intraobserver variability (4.9% to 0.9%). The volumetric assessment of the therapeutic response of the tumor using modified boundary categorization values (3Dindividual model) results in a significantly different classification of the therapeutic response in relation to the use of conventional RECIST criteria. In the case of volumetric assessment of the therapeutic response, the classification of patients using the new &ldquo;3D-individual&rdquo; categorization system leads to a misclassification in 22.2% of cases compared to RECIST equivalent to volumetric criteria, reflecting the equally good predictability of PFS in these two systems. The results of the study showed that the appearance of the lesion margins and relation to the surrounding anatomical structures influenced the variability of the results of volumetric measurements. Conclusion: The application of volumetric measurements as a new aspect of the morphological evaluation of lung cancer response to applied therapies can help in making therapeutic decisions both in the treatment of individual patients and in the conduct of clinical trials.</p>

Дејство метформина и нитроглицерина са 2-деокси-Д-глукозом и кофеином на одабраним ћелијским културама / Dejstvo metformina i nitroglicerina sa 2-deoksi-D-glukozom i kofeinom na odabranim ćelijskim kulturama / The action of metformin and nitroglicerin with 2-deoxy-D-glucose and caffeine on selected cellular cultures

Zeljković Vesna 18 October 2019 (has links)
<p>У овој дисертацији испитивана су антитуморска дејства антихипергликемијског лека метформина, вазодилататорног лека нитроглицерина, и комбинација ових лекова са дијагностичким средством 2-деокси-D-глукозом и/или радио и хемио сензибилизатором кофеином на хуманим културама аденокарцинома плућа (A549), колоректалног карцинома (HT29), аденокарцинома цервикса (HeLa), као и на контролној ћелијској култури нормалних фибробласта плућа (МRC 5). In vitro испитивање утицаја метформина, нитроглицерина, 2-деокси-D-глукозе и кофеина на проли- ферацију ћелија карцинома грлића материце (HeLa), ћелијској култури аденокарциномa плућа (A549) и ћелијској линији карцинома дебелог црева (HT29). Ћелије у експоненцијалној фази раста третиране су растућим концентрацијама метформина, нитроглицерина и 2-деокси-D-глукозе и утврдила се дозна зависност цитотоксичног ефекта. Метформин, кофеин и 2-деокси-D-глукоза су утицали на смањење процента преживљавања туморских ћелија, док је применом нитроглицерина овај ефекат изостао, иако у експериментима код истовремене примене нитроглицерина и кофеина постоји пад процента преживелих ћелија. Најпотентнији ефекат је постигнут код истовремене примене метформина и кофеина, док је разлог за одсуство снажног цитотоксичног ефекта метформина и 2-деокси-D-глукозе код комбиноване примене молекуларни механизам деловања појединачних супстанци. Снажан пролиферативни ефекат је евидентиран применом метформина и кофена на здравим фибробластима плућа.</p> / <p>U ovoj disertaciji ispitivana su antitumorska dejstva antihiperglikemijskog leka metformina, vazodilatatornog leka nitroglicerina, i kombinacija ovih lekova sa dijagnostičkim sredstvom 2-deoksi-D-glukozom i/ili radio i hemio senzibilizatorom kofeinom na humanim kulturama adenokarcinoma pluća (A549), kolorektalnog karcinoma (HT29), adenokarcinoma cerviksa (HeLa), kao i na kontrolnoj ćelijskoj kulturi normalnih fibroblasta pluća (MRC 5). In vitro ispitivanje uticaja metformina, nitroglicerina, 2-deoksi-D-glukoze i kofeina na proli- feraciju ćelija karcinoma grlića materice (HeLa), ćelijskoj kulturi adenokarcinoma pluća (A549) i ćelijskoj liniji karcinoma debelog creva (HT29). Ćelije u eksponencijalnoj fazi rasta tretirane su rastućim koncentracijama metformina, nitroglicerina i 2-deoksi-D-glukoze i utvrdila se dozna zavisnost citotoksičnog efekta. Metformin, kofein i 2-deoksi-D-glukoza su uticali na smanjenje procenta preživljavanja tumorskih ćelija, dok je primenom nitroglicerina ovaj efekat izostao, iako u eksperimentima kod istovremene primene nitroglicerina i kofeina postoji pad procenta preživelih ćelija. Najpotentniji efekat je postignut kod istovremene primene metformina i kofeina, dok je razlog za odsustvo snažnog citotoksičnog efekta metformina i 2-deoksi-D-glukoze kod kombinovane primene molekularni mehanizam delovanja pojedinačnih supstanci. Snažan proliferativni efekat je evidentiran primenom metformina i kofena na zdravim fibroblastima pluća.</p> / <p>In this dissertation, the anti-cancer effects of an antihyperglycaemic agent of metformin, a vasodilator drug nitroglycerin, and a combination of these drugs with a 2-deoxy-D-glucose diagnostic agent and / or radio and hemio sensitizer with caffeine on human cultures of adenocarcinoma of the lungs (A549), colorectal carcinoma (HT29), cervix adenocarcinoma (HeLa), as well as on the control cell culture of normal fibroblasts of the lungs (MRC 5). An in vitro study of the effects of metformin, nitroglycerin, 2-deoxy-D-glucose and caffeine on the proliferation of cervical cancer cells (HeLa), cell culture of the lung adenocarcinoma (A549), and colon cancer of the colon (HT29). The cells at the exponential growth stage were treated with rising concentrations of metformin, nitroglycerin and 2-deoxy-D-glucose, and the cytotoxic effect was determined. Metformin, caffeine, and 2-deoxy-D-glucose reduced the number of tumor cells, while nitroglycerin did not it could be concluded. Although there is a decrease in survival in experiments with the simultaneous administration of nitroglycerin and caffeine, the most effective effect is achieved in the simultaneous use of metformin and caffeine, while the reason for the absence of a potent cytotoxic effect of metformin and -deoxy-D-glucose is the molecular mechanism of the action of individual substances. The most significant effect was achieved with the simultaneous administration of metformin and caffeine to the cell culture of lung adenocarcinoma. A potent proliferative effect was recorded using metformin and 2-deoxy-Dglucose on healthy lung fibroblasts.</p>

Zinc oxide nanoparticles affect the expression of p53, Ras p21 and JNKs: an ex vivo/in vitro exposure study in respiratory disease patients

Kumar, A., Najafzadeh, Mojgan, Jacob, B.K., Dhawan, A., Anderson, Diana January 2015 (has links)
No / Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles are the mostly used engineered metal oxide nanoparticles in consumer products. This has increased the likelihood of human exposure to this engineered nanoparticle (ENPs) through different routes. At present, the majority of the studies concerning ZnO ENPs toxicity have been conducted using in vitro and in vivo systems. In this study, for the first time we assessed the effect of ZnO ENPs on the major cellular pathways in the lymphocytes of healthy individuals as well as in susceptible patients suffering from lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. Using the differential expression analysis, we observed a significant (P < 0.05) dose-dependent (10, 20 and 40 microg/ml for 6h) increase in the expression of tumour suppressor protein p53 (40, 60 and 110%); Ras p21 (30, 52 and 80%); c-Jun N-terminal kinases; JNKs) (28, 47 and 78%) in lung cancer patient samples treated with ZnO ENPs compared to healthy controls. A similar trend was also seen in COPD patient samples where a significant (P < 0.05) dose-dependent increase in the expression of tumour suppressor protein p53 (26, 45 and 84%), Ras p21 (21, 40 and 77%), JNKs (17, 32 and 69%) was observed after 6h of ZnO ENPs treatment at the aforesaid concentrations. However, the increase in the expression profile of tested protein was not significant in the asthma patients as compared to controls. Our results reiterate the concern about the safety of ZnO ENPs in consumer products and suggest the need for a complete risk assessment of any new ENPs before its use.

Proteinska ekspresija i genska amplifikacija receptora humanog epidermalnog faktora rasta 2 ( HER2) kod adenokarcinoma pluća / Protein expression and gene amplification of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) with lung adenocarcinoma

Miladinović Mirjana 11 January 2019 (has links)
<p>Receptor humanog epidermalnog faktora rasta 2 (HER2) pripada porodici receptora protein-tirozin kinaze čija je aktivacija povezana sa proliferacijom malignih ćelija, inhibicijom apoptoze, tumorskom angiogenezom i sposobnosti invazije i metastaziranja. Povećana proteinska ekspresija HER2 receptora može nastati kao posledica amplifikacije gena i/ili transkripcijskih promena. Ekspresija HER2 receptora u humanim tumorima povezuje se sa agresivnijim pona&scaron;anjem i lo&scaron;ijom prognozom. Učestalost povećane proteinske ekspresije HER2 receptora u nesitnoćelijskim karcinomima pluća (NSCLC) je najvi&scaron;e zastupljena u adenokarcinomu u odnosu na druge histolo&scaron;ke tipove. Identifikacija HER2 pozitivnih NSCLC omogućava određivanje grupe pacijenata koji bi bili kandidati za specifičnu terapiju. Problem predstavlja izbor metode detekcije HER2 receptora i nepostojanje utvrđenog protokola za očitavanje rezultata kao &scaron;to postoji kod karcinoma dojke i želuca. Osnovni ciljevi ove doktorske disertacije su bili: da se odredi učestalost povećane proteinske ekspresije HER2 receptora u adenokarcinomu pluća; da se uporede rezultati povećane proteinske ekspresije HER2 receptora dobijene kori&scaron;ćenjem HER2 antitela &bdquo;Hercep Test Dako&ldquo; i &bdquo;Ventana anti-HER2/neu (4B5)&ldquo; antitela; da se uporedi prisustvo amplifikacije HER2 gena pomoću in situ hibridizacije (ISH) (Dual IHC HER2 kit;Ventana Medical Systems) retestiranjem uzoraka kod kojih je povećana proteinska ekspresija HER2 receptora ocenjena sa 2+ i 3+ dobijena &bdquo;Hercep Test Dako&ldquo; sa prisustnom amplifikacijom HER2 gena na uzorcima koji su pomoću &bdquo;Ventana anti-HER2/neu (4B5)&ldquo; ocenjeni sa 2+ i 3+; da se uporedi učestalost povećane proteinske ekspresije HER2 receptora i prisustva HER2 genske amplifikacije kod različitih histolo&scaron;kih podtipova adenokarcinoma pluća; da se utvrdi da li je povećana proteinska ekspresija HER2 receptora u adenokarcinomu pluća i/ili prisustvo genske amplifikacije povezano sa demografskim (starost i pol pacijenta) parametrima, pu&scaron;ačkim statusom, pojavom metastaza u regionalnim limfnim čvorovima i udaljenim organima, infiltracijom pleure i okolnih struktura, odnosno stadijumom bolesti. Povećana proteinska ekspresija HER2 receptora u adenokarcinomu pluća iznosi 7,4% za Hercep Test Dako i 2,7% za Ventana anti-HER2/neu (4B5) antitelo. Kod pozitivne ekspresije slažu se u 2%, dok se kod negativne ekspresije slažu u 91,9% slučajeva, &scaron;to je ukupno 93,9%. Učestalost amplifikacije HER2 gena kod adenokarcinoma pluća je 17,6%, od toga je kod 2,7% slučajeva prisutna high grade amplifikacija. Postoji statistički značajna povezanost između povećane proteinske ekspresije HER2 receptora dobijene upotrebom HercepTest Dako i Ventana anti-HER2/neu (4B5) antitela i amplifikacije HER2 gena. Amplifikacija HER2 gena prisutna je kod 90,9% pacijenata sa povećanom proteinskom ekspresijom HER2 receptora koja se dobije upotrebom HercepTest Dako i kod 75% upotrebom Ventana anti-HER2/neu (4B5) antitela. Povećana proteinska ekspresija HER2 receptora dobijena pomoću HercepTest Dako i Ventana anti-HER2/neu (4B5) antitela je najče&scaron;ća kod solidnog predominantnog tipa adenokarcinoma u patolo&scaron;kom T2a deskriptoru i IB stadijumu i acinarnog predominantnog tipa adenokarcinoma u patolo&scaron;kom T1b deskriptoru i IA stadijumu. Amplifikacija HER2 gena je najče&scaron;ća kod solidnog a zatim kod acinarnog i papilarnog predominantnog tipa adenokarcinoma. Povećana proteinska ekspresija HER2 receptora dobijena pomoću HercepTest Dako i Ventana anti-HER2/neu (4B5) antitela i amplifikacija HER2 gena se najče&scaron;će javljaju kod mu&scaron;karaca, pu&scaron;ača, u starosnoj dobi od 61-70 godina, tumora veličine 31-50 mm, N0 i M0 statusu bolesti, bez prisustva tumorske infiltracije pleure i okolnih struktura.</p> / <p><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:DocumentProperties> <o:Author>Tanja Lakic</o:Author> <o:Version>12.00</o:Version> </o:DocumentProperties></xml><![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:TrackMoves/> <w:TrackFormatting/> <w:PunctuationKerning/> <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/> <w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>false</w:SaveIfXMLInvalid> <w:IgnoreMixedContent>false</w:IgnoreMixedContent> <w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText>false</w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText> <w:DoNotPromoteQF/> <w:LidThemeOther>EN-US</w:LidThemeOther> <w:LidThemeAsian>X-NONE</w:LidThemeAsian> 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activity, which is directly linked to malignant cells proliferation, apoptosis inhibition, tumor angiogenesis and ability for invasion and metastasis. Increased protein expression of HER2 receptors can be the consequence of gene amplification and/or transcription changes. Expression of HER2 receptors in human tumors is associated with more aggressive behavior and worse prognosis. Incidence of increased protein expression of HER2 receptors in non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLS) is mainly represented in adenocarcinoma, in comparison with other histological types. Identification of HER2 positive NSCLC enables determination of a group of patients who would be candidates for specific therapy. The problem occurs in choosing the method of detection of HER2 receptors and non-existence of determined protocol for reading the results, as the one ones which exist for breast and gastric carcinoma. The main objectives of this PhD dissertation were: to determine the incidence of increased protein expression of HER2 receptors in lung adenocarcinoma; to compare the results of the increased protein expression of HER2 receptors obtained by using HER2 antibodies &quot;HercepTest Dako&quot; and &quot;Ventana anti-HER2/neu (4B5)&quot; antibodies; to compare the presence of HER2 gene amplification by in situ hybridization (ISH) (Dual IHC HER2 kit: Ventana Medical Systems) by retesting the samples in which the increased protein expression of HER2 receptors was graded with 2+ and 3+, obtained by &quot;HercepTest Dako&quot; with present gene HER2 amplification on samples obtained by &quot;Ventana anti-HER2/neu (4B5) and graded with 2+ and 3+; to compare the incidence of increased protein expression of HER2 receptors and presence of HER2 gene amplification in different histological subtypes of lung adenocarcinoma; to determine if the increased protein expression of HER2 receptors in lung adenocarcinoma and/or presence of gene amplification is related to demographic (age and sex of the patient) parameters, smoking status, appearance of metastases in regional lymphatic nodes, distant organs, infiltration of pleura and surrounding structures, and stage of the disease. Increased protein expression of HER2 in lung adenocarcinoma is 7.4% for HercepTest Dako and 2.7% for Ventana anti-HER2/neu (4B5) antibody. In positive expression they are correlated in 2%, while in negative expression they are correlated in 91.9% cases, which is overall 93.9%. The incidence of HER2 gene amplification in lung adenocarcinoma is 17.6%, from that in 2.7% of the cases high grade amplification is present. There is a statistically significant correlation between increased protein expression of HER2 receptors obtained by use of HercepTest Dako and Ventana anti-HER2 /neu (4B5) antibody and amplification of HER2 genes. Amplification of HER2 genes is present in 90.9% of patients with increased protein expression of HER2 receptors, which is obtained by using HercepTest Dako and in 75% patients by using Ventana anti-HER2/neu (4B5) antibody. Increased protein expression of HER2 receptors obtained by HercepTest Dako and Ventana anti-Her2/neu (4B5) antibody is most common in solid predominant type of adenocarcinoma in pathological T2a descriptor and IB stadium and acinar predominant type of adenocarcinoma in pathological T1b descriptor and IA stadium. Amplification of HER2 genes is most common in solid, and then in acinar and papillary predominant type of adenocarcinoma. Increased protein expression of HER2 receptors obtained by HercepTest Dako and Ventana anti-HER2/neu (4B5) antibody and amplification of HER2 genes most commonly occurs in men, smokers, at the age of 61-70 years, tumor size 31-50 mm, NO and MO disease status, without presence of tumor infiltration of pleura and surrounding structures. </span></p>

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