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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Flade, Hans Martin 11 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Das Enzym Glutaminsynthetase (GS) wird in Organen mit niedriger enzymatischer Aktivität in zumeist allen Zellen exprimiert. Auf der anderen Seite ist die Expression in Geweben mit hoher Aktivität auf spezialisierte Zellen beschränkt. So findet man in der Säugerleber Expression der GS nur in Hepatozyten, die in ein bis drei Zellreihen um die Zentralvenen lokalisiert sind. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Frage gestellt, ob der zwischen verschiedenen Spezies hoch konservierte 3’-Bereich der nicht-translatierten Region des GS-Gens an der Regulation der Expression und der Zonierung beteiligt ist. Hierzu wurden Reportergenstudien, transiente Transfektionen sowie Northern-Blot-Experimente unter Verwendung von primären Hepatozyten aus dem periportalen und perizentralen Bereich der Rattenleber durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit lassen eine über das 3’-Ende vermittelte selektive Destabilisierung der GS-mRNA in periportalen (GS-negativen) Hepatozyten vermuten. Zudem zeigte sich, dass die Wechselwirkung des 3’-UTRs mit Bereichen des 5’-UTRs, bzw. dem GS-Promotor für die eigentliche Regulation verantwortlich ist. Es lässt sich vermuten, dass eine posttranskriptionale Regulation neben den in den letzten Jahren aufgeklärten Mechanismen der Regulation der Transkription mit zur Feinsteuerung der Expression der GS beiträgt.

Analysis of alpha-2 macroglobulin from the long-lived and cancer-resistant naked mole-rat and human plasma

Thieme, René, Kurz, Susanne, Kolb, Marlen, Debebe, Tewodros, Holtze, Susanne, Morhart, Michaela, Huse, Klaus, Szafranski, Karol, Platzer, Matthias, Hildebrandt, Thomas B., Birkenmeier, Gerd January 2015 (has links)
Background: The naked mole-rat (NMR) is a long-lived and cancer resistant species. Identification of potential anti-cancer and age related mechanisms is of great interest and makes this species eminent to investigate anti-cancer strategies and understand aging mechanisms. Since it is known that the NMR expresses higher liver mRNA-levels of alpha 2-macroglobulin than mice, nothing is known about its structure, functionality or expression level in the NMR compared to the human A2M. Results: Here we show a comprehensive analysis of NMR- and human plasma-A2M, showing a different prediction in glycosylation of NMR-A2M, which results in a higher molecular weight compared to human A2M. Additionally, we found a higher concentration of A2M (8.3±0.44 mg/mL vs. and 4.4±0.20 mg/mL) and a lower total plasma protein content (38.7±1.79 mg/mL vs. 61.7±3.20 mg/mL) in NMR compared to human. NMR-A2M can be transformed by methylamine and trypsin resulting in a conformational change similar to human A2M. NMRA2M is detectable by a polyclonal antibody against human A2M. Determination of tryptic and anti-tryptic activity of NMR and human plasma revealed a higher anti-tryptic activity of the NMR plasma. On the other hand, less proteolytic activity was found in NMR plasma compared to human plasma.

Generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells using non-synthetic mRNA

Rohani, Leili, Fabian, Claire, Holland, Heidrun, Naaldijk, Yahaira, Dressel, Ralf, Löffler-Wirth, Henry, Binder, Hans, Arnold, A., Stolzing, Alexandra January 2016 (has links)
Here we describe some of the crucial steps to generate induced pluripotent stemcells (iPSCs) usingmRNA transfection. Our approach uses a V. virus-derived capping enzyme instead of a cap-analog, ensuring 100% proper cap orientation for in vitro transcribedmRNA. V. virus\'' 2′-O-Methyltransferase enzymecreates a cap1 structure found in higher eukaryotes and has higher translation efficiency compared to other methods. Use of the polymeric transfection reagent polyethylenimine proved superior to other transfection methods. The mRNA created via this method did not trigger an intracellular immune response via human IFN-gamma (hIFN-γ) or alpha (hIFN-α) release, thus circumventing the use of suppressors. Resulting mRNA and protein were expressed at high levels for over 48 h, thus obviating daily transfections. Using this method, we demonstrated swift activation of pluripotency associated genes in human fibroblasts. Low oxygen conditions further facilitated colony formation. Differentiation into different germ layers was confirmed via teratoma assay. Reprogramming with non-synthetic mRNA holds great promise for safe generation of iPSCs of human origin. Using the protocols described herein we hope to make this method more accessible to other groups as a fast, inexpensive, and non-viral reprogramming approach.

Formování sestřihového komplexu / Spliceosome assembly

Hausnerová, Viola January 2011 (has links)
Pre-mRNA splicing is a process in which introns are removed from eukaryotic transcripts and exons are ligated together. Splicing is catalyzed by spliceosome, a large ribonucleoprotein complex composed of five small nuclear RNAs and more than 100 additional proteins, which recognizes 5' splice site, branch point site and 3' splice site and performs two transesterification reactions to produce mRNA molecules. 5' splice site is recognized by U1 snRNP and U2 auxiliary factor (U2AF) is involved in branch point and 3' splice site recognition in the early splicing complex. There is some evidence of splice sites cooperation during intron recognition in vitro but little is known about the situation in vivo. Using Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) and RNA immunoprecipitation (RIP) methods, we have investigated the early stages of spliceosome assembly. We have employed splicing reporters based on -globin gene and MS2 stem loops to detect interactions of proteins on RNA molecule directly in the cell nucleus. Results of FRET indicate that intact 5' splice site is required for U2AF35 interaction with 3' splice site and that U1C recruitment to 5' splice site is partially limited upon 3' splice site mutation. We have also confirmed by RIP that U2 snRNP association with pre-mRNA molecule requires presence of 5'...

Neonatal 6‐hydroxydopamine and Adult SKF 38393 Treatments Alter Dopamine D<sub>1</sub> Receptor mRNA Levels: Absence of Other Neurochemical Associations With the Enhanced Behavioral Responses of Lesioned Rats

Gong, Li, Kostrzewa, Richard M., Li, Chuanfu 01 January 1994 (has links)
Abstract: To study potential biochemical correlates of dopamine (DA) and serotonin receptor supersensitivity, rats were lesioned at 3 days after birth with 6‐hydroxydopamine (6‐OHDA; 67 µg in each lateral ventricle; desipramine pretreatment, 20 mg/kg i.p., 1 h) and then sensitized with the DA D1 agonist, SKF 38393 HCl (3.0 mg/kg i.p. per day) either ontogenetically (daily, for 28 consecutive days from birth) and/or in adulthood (four weekly injections, 6–9 weeks from birth). Controls received vehicle in place of 6‐OHDA or SKF 38393. Enhanced locomotor responses were observed after SKF 38393 at 6 weeks, only in rats that received SKF 38393 + 6‐OHDA in ontogeny. Locomotor responses were further enhanced in this group after the last of four weekly SKF 38393 injections at the 9th week. These weekly SKF 38393 treatments also produced enhanced responses in 6‐OHDA rats that did not receive SKF 38393 in ontogeny. When striata were studied at 11 weeks, the percentages of high and low affinity DA D1 binding sites were not altered. Basal as well as DA‐, NaF‐, and forskolin‐stimulated adenylyl cyclase activities also were not changed. Dot blot analysis showed that there was a reduction of mRNA levels for DA D1, but not serotonin1C, receptors in the 6‐OHDA groups. However, SKF 38393 at 6–9 weeks eliminated this alteration. Based on these findings it can be proposed that supersensitization may be a consequence of altered neuronal cross talk rather than an imbalance of receptor elements per se.

Identification and Functional Characterization of Trans-acting Factors Involved in Vegetal mRNA Localization in Xenopus Oocytes / Mechanism of mRNA Localization in Xenopus Oocytes / Identifizierung und Funktionelle Charakterisierung Trans-agierender mRNA-Lokalisationsfaktoren in Xenopus Oozyten / Mechanismus der mRNA Lokalisation in Xenopus Oozyten

Arthur, Patrick Kobina 27 June 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Les sHsps en surera: capacitat protectora enfront l'estrés i variabilitat genètica

Jofré Fradera, Anna 31 January 2003 (has links)
Els organismes responen a la temperatura i a molts altres estressos sintetitzant un grup de proteïnes anomenat proteïnes de xoc de calor (HSPs). En plantes les sHsps, d'entre 15 i 30 kDa formen el grup més abundant i divers, classificat en funció de la seva localització subcel.lular i homologia en: mitocondrials, cloroplàstiques, de reticle endoplasmàtic i citoplàsmiques de classe I i II. Les sHsps-CI s'ha descrit que s'indueixen per estrès tèrmic, hídric i oxidatiu (peròxid d'hidrògen, llum UV, ozó) i en resposta a algunes hormones. També s'expressen durant el desenvolupament, per exemple durant l'embriogènesi, on es creu que podrien tenir un paper protector de l'embrió enfront la dessecació. Tot i que hi ha abundants treballs que correlacionen la resistència a l'estrès i l'acumulació de sHsps-CI, els mecanismes moleculars d'aquesta activitat són poc conguts. Tot i això, per diverses sHsps-CI ha estat descrita una activitat xaperona in vitro i, més recentment, que la seva sobreexpressió augmenta la viabilitat de cèl.lules d'E.coli en condicions d'estrès tèrmic.L'estudi de l'acumulació de sHsps-CI en surera (Quercus suber) mitjançant immunodetecció en electroforesi bidimensional mostra uns patrons d'acumulació complexos i formats per dos grups d'espècies proteiques principals, a l'entorn dels 10 i 17 kDa respectivament, que mostren una inducció diferencial en funció del teixit i l'estrès. Mentre que les espècies proteiques de 17 kDa s'indueixen per temperatura però no per estrès oxidatiu, les de ca. 10 kDa ho fan per estrès oxidatiu i no per temperatura. Ambdós grups d'espècies proteiques s'acumulen conjuntament en fel.lema. Assajos de PCR i RT-PCR han permès clonar parcialment tres noves sHsps-CI en surera: Qshsp10-CI, QshspC-CI i QshspD-CI. Aquest fet confirma la multigeneïcitat de les sHsps-CI en surera que apuntava el patró bidimensional. Dels nous clons obtinguts destaca especialment Qshsp10-CI, un gen que presenta un codó stop enmig del domini &#61537;-cristal.lí que fa que a la proteïna que se'n dedueix li manqui un 55% del domini &#61537;-cristal.lí i tota l'extensió C-terminal. Es tractaria de la sHsp més petita i més truncada descrita fins al moment. L'anàlisi de l'expressió de Qshsp10-CI mitjançant RT-PCR mostra expressió en plantes tractades amb H2O2 però no en les que han estat sotmeses a un xoc de calor. Aprofitant l'oportunitat que oferia aquesta sHsp-CI de ser utilitzada com a model per l'estudi de la importància del domini &#61537;-cristal.lí i l'extensió C-terminal en l'activitat protectora enfront l'estrès, es va voler determinar la capacitat que tenia d'augmentar la viabilitat de cèl.lules d'E. coli en condicions d'estrès tèrmic i oxidatiu. Els resultats mostren que la proteïna recombinant QsHsp10-CI, tot i la important truncació que té, és capaç de protegir cèl.lules d'E. coli en condicions d'estrès tèrmic i, remarcablement, en condicions d'estrès oxidatiu. Tots aquests resultats indiquen que les espècies proteiques de ca. 10 kDa podrien correspondre a Qshsp10-CI i tenir un paper en les cèl.lules del fel.lema en la protecció enfront l'estrès oxidatiu.L'estrès oxidatiu provoca lesions al DNA que poden produir errors en la replicació, transcripció o traducció i generar proteïnes aberrants. Donades les condicions d'estrès oxidatiu a les quals es troben sotmeses les cèl.lules del fel.lema, s'ha volgut estudiar la variabilitat dels seus àcids nucleics. La determinació de la taxa de mutació de la regió codificant del gen Qshsp17.4-CI en mRNA i DNA de fel.lema i àpex radicular, un teixit jove i en creixement actiu va mostrar unes taxes sorprenentment elevades en l'mRNA (1/1784 pb) i el DNA genòmic (1/1520 pb) del fel.lema. Aquestes taxes són les més altes descrites en un genoma nuclear eucariota i són similars a les dels virus d'RNA d'evolució ràpida com el virus de l'Hepatitis C. Amb aquestes taxes de mutació, un terç dels mRNAs del fel.lema de la surera contindrien missatges aberrants i la supervivència de les cel.lules es veuria compromesa. Això implica que el fel.lema hauria de ser considerat com un mosaic de cèl.lules genèticament heterogènies i, per tant, una sola seqüència no defineix en tota la seva amplitud un gen en aquest teixit. No es va detectar cap mutació en àpex de rel. Amb l'objectiu d'aprofundir en el coneixement de les mutacions que es donen en aquests dos teixits i per tal de poder fer una anàlisi qualitativa més completa que permetés especular sobre el seu origen, es va aplicar un mètode de selecció de seqüències mutants en base a la utilització d'enzims de restricció. Les mutacions detectades en fel.lema es corresponen amb les relacionades, en altres sistemes no nuclears (plasmidis, fags i DNA bacterià), amb l'estrès oxidatiu. En conseqüència, l'estrès oxidatiu al qual estan sotmeses les cèl.lules del fel.lema podria ser el causant de l'elevada taxa de mutació detectada. D'acord amb això, el tipus majoritari de productes d'oxidació de les bases del DNA que s'acumulen en brots de plàntules de surera en resposta al peròxid d'hidrògen produeixen el mateix tipus de mutacions detectades en l'mRNA del fel.lema de la surera. La major sensibilitat d'aquest nou mètode ha permès, a més, detectar mutacions en molècules d'mRNA de rel, un teixit en el qual no s'havia trobat cap mutació utilitzant el mètode de clonatge i seqüenciació directa. Tot i això, el tipus de mutacions predominants no estan relacionades amb l'estrès oxidatiu sinó amb erros en la reparació dels àcids nucleics. / Small heat shock proteins (sHsps,15-30 kDa) are the most abundant and diversified Hsps in plants. They have been classified according to its homology and cellular localisation in: mitochondrial, chloroplastic, endoplasmic reticulum and class I and II citoplasmic sHsps. Although sHsps-CI are involved in the stress response and accumulate at some stages of embryonic development and there is abundant work correlating stress resisitance and sHsps accumulation, the molecular mechanisms of their activity are not well known. However, in vivo and in vitro chaperone activity under temperature stress has been described. 2D immunodetection patterns of cork oak (Quercus suber) sHsps-CI (thermic, hydric and oxidative). At the 17 kDa region there is a set of protein species highly induced by temperature and, at least some of them correspond to QsHsp17.4-CI. On the other hand, protein species at the ca. 10 kDa region are highly induced under oxidative stress conditions and accumulate in the endogenous oxidatively stressed tissues xylem and phellem but not after a heat shock. PCR and RT-PCR assays allowed us to clone three new members of the sHsps-CI multigenic family in cork oak. Among them, Qshsp10-CI is specially interesting because codes for a truncated protein that lacks 55% of the &#61537;-crystallin domain and all the C-terminal extension, being the more C-terminal truncated sHsp reported to date. Overexpression of recombinant QsHsp10-CI and a more truncated protein lacking the whole &#61537;-crystallin domain in E. coli cells shows that most of the &#61537;-crystallin domain and all the C-terminal extension are dispensable, but amino acids 1 to 41 of the &#61537;-crystallin domain (including the consensus II region) are essential for sHsps-CI protective activity under temperature and oxidative stress conditions. The expression of Qshsp10-CI in response to oxidative but not temperature stress and its protective activity of E. coli cells under oxidative stress conditions points to a correspondence between Qshsp10-CI and the ca. 10 kDa protein species detected in 2D immunodetections and a protective activity of those in the oxidatively stressed phellem cells. Endogenous oxidative stress of phellem cells might generate mutations accumulation in nucleic acids. Variability analyses of DNA and mRNA of phellem cells in the coding region of Qshsp17.4-CI showed a surprisingly high rate of mutation in both mRNA (1/1784 bp) and genomic DNA (1/1520 bp). These are the highest rates described for a nuclear eukariotic genome and are similar to those detected in RNA viruses. With these mutation rates one third of mRNAs of phellem cells would contain mutations and code for abnormal proteins. No mutations were detected in root tip, a normally growing young tissue. With the aim of deeping into the nature of mutations that accumulate in phellem cells, we applied a method to in vitro select mutant sequences using restriction enzymes. The types of mutation predominant in phellem cells mRNA were those related with oxidative stress in other systems (plasmids, phages and bacterial DNA). In addition, the predominant DNA lesions that accumulate in H2O2 treated cork oak plantlets, as shown by GC-MS analyses, generate the same type of mutations detected in mRNA of phellem cells. Accordingly, the high accumulation of mutations detected in phellem cells might be due to its endogenous oxidative stress. Moreover, young and actively growing tissues are also subjected to a certain degree of base lesions and mRNA mutations. However, both mutational spectrum and accumulation levels are different compared to oxidatively stressed tissues.

Isolation and Characterization of Human Precatalytic Spliceosomal B Complexes / Isolierung und Charakterisierung des humanen präkatalytischen spleißosomalen B Komplexes

Deckert, Jochen 18 January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Identification de protéines impliquées dans la localisation des ARNm au niveau de l'appareil mitotique

Oré Rodriguez, Sulin 04 1900 (has links)
La localisation des ARNm au niveau des microtubules et des centrosomes laisse voir le centrosome et le fuseau mitotique comme des complexes ribonucléoprotéiques. Cependant, le mécanisme de localisation des ARNm à ces différentes structures ainsi que leurs fonctions dans la régulation de la mitose restent encore incompris. L’objectif était ici de caractériser des protéines de liaison à l’ARN (RNA Binding Proteins, RBPs) fonctionnellement impliquées dans la localisation des ARNm mitotiques chez la Drosophile et d’évaluer la conservation de la fonction de ces RBPs dans les cellules humaines. La déplétion de RBPs par RNAi générée dans des Drosophiles mutantes résulte en des phénotypes distincts de localisation anormale de l’ARNm centrosomique cen et en des défauts mitotiques différents selon le RBP ciblé, suggérant des fonctions différentes de ces RBPs. De plus, dans les jeunes embryons, les RBPs Bru-2 et Mask semblent être fonctionnellement importants pour la mitose via la régulation de l’ARNm cen, donnant un aperçu de la possible fonction mitotique de RBPs dans la régulation d’un ARN centrosomique. De plus, il a été observé dans un criblage d’immunofluorescence dans des cellules HeLa en métaphase que HNRNPUL1 colocalise au fuseau et aux centrosomes. HNRNPUL1 pourrait être impliqué dans la régulation de l’ARNm CDR2 (orthologue de cen) puisque la déplétion de l’orthologue de HNRNPUL1 dans la Drosophile, CG30122, résulte en une localisation anormale de l’ARNm centrosomique cen. / The localization of mRNA to microtubules and centrosomes has led to the suggestion that the centrosome and mitotic spindle are in fact ribonucleoprotein complexes. However, the mechanism of mRNA localization to those structures and its functional contribution in mitosis regulation remain poorly characterized. The objectives here were to identify RNA Binding Proteins (RBPs) involved in mitotic mRNA localization in Drosophila and to assess the conservation of the function of these RBPs in human cells. RNAi-mediated RBP depletion in Drosophila mutants leads to distinct phenotypes of abnormal localization of the centrosomal cen mRNA, and to different mitotic defects depending on the targeted RBP, suggesting different functions for these RBPs. Moreover, in young embryos, Bru-2 and Mask RBPs seem to be functionally important for mitosis through cen mRNA regulation, giving insight into a possible RBP mitotic function in regulating a centrosomal mRNA. In addition, data from an immunofluorescence screen on HeLa cells at metaphase suggests that HNRNPUL1 colocalizes to the spindle and centrosomes. HNRNPUL1 may be involved in the regulation of CDR2 mRNA (cen ortholog) because depletion of the HNRNPUL1 ortholog in flies, CG30122, disrupted cen mRNA localization.

Funkce proteinu Slu7 v sestřihu pre-mRNA Saccharomyces cerevisiae / The function of Slu7 protein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae pre-mRNA splicing

Ničová, Eva January 2012 (has links)
Alternative splicing is one of the mechanisms how to regulate gene expression. Under different conditions, different mRNAs encoding proteins with different function, localization or stability can be made from one cellular transcript. The human hSlu7 protein affects the alternative splicing of some genes through alternative 3'splice site (3'SS) selection. Although it was thought that alternative splicing is absent from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, recent results argue against such conclusion. We therefore decided to characterize the function of the yeast Slu7 protein, which participates in the second step of splicing and is closely associated with the 3'SS selection. We focused on a highly conserved uncharacterized motif in the essential part of the Slu7 protein named the RED motif. Mutations in this motif caused second step splicing defects with some substrates and altered the alternative 3'SS usage ratio of some splicing constructs. Our results implicate a role for the RED motif in selecting proper 3'splice sites, especially the distal ones. Genetic interactions of slu7 mutations with PRP22 and PRP45 mutant alelles add to the intricate interaction network of splicing factors and suggest a possible role of Slu7p in facilitating the Prp22p association with the spliceosome.

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