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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experimental Investigations on Hypersonic Waverider

Nagashetty, K January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In the flying field of space transportation domain, the increased efforts involving design and development of hypersonic flight for space missions is on toe to provide the optimum aerothermodynamic design data to satisfy mission requirements. Aerothermodynamics is the basis for designing and development of hypersonic space transportation flight vehicles such as X 51 a, and other programmes like planetary probes for Moon and Mars, and Earth re-entry vehicles such as SRE and space shuttle. It enables safe flying of aerospace vehicles, keeping other parameters optimum for structural and materials with thermal protection systems. In this context, the experimental investigations on hypersonic waverider are carried out at design Mach 6. The hypersonic waverider has high lift to drag ratio at design Mach number even at zero degree angle of incidence, and this seems to be one of the special characteristics for its shape at hypersonic flight regime. The heat transfer rates are measured using 30 thin film platinum gauges sputtered on a Macor material that are embedded on the test model. The waverider has 16 sensors on top surface and 14 on bottom surface of a model. The surface temperature history is directly converted to heat transfer rates. The heat transfer data are measured for design (Mach 6) and off-design Mach numbers (8) in the hypersonic shock tunnel, HST2. The results are obtained at stagnation enthalpy of ~ 2 MJ/kg, and Reynolds number range from 0.578 x 106 m-1 to 1.461 x 106 m-1. In addition, flow visualization is carried out by using Schlieren technique to obtain the shock structures and flow evolution around the Waverider. Some preliminary computational analyses are conducted using FLUENT 6.3 and HiFUN, which gave quantitative results. Experimentally measured surface heat flux data are compared with the computed one and both the data agree well. These detailed results are presented in the thesis.

Prédiction par méthode intégrale du bruit d'écoulement à faible nombre de Mach en conduite en présence d'obstacles / Integral methods for the caculation of the air flow noise in ducts in the presence of fixed obstacles

Papaxanthos, Nicolas 23 November 2016 (has links)
Ce manuscrit porte sur le développement d’une méthode de calcul du bruit d’écoulement à faible nombre de Mach en conduite en présence d’obstacles. Elle consiste en une simulation numérique de l’écoulement dont les données sauvegardées servent dans un deuxième temps à l’estimation du rayonnement acoustique. Le calcul de mécanique des fluides est réalisé avec un modèle de turbulence LES incompressible. Un code a été développé pour le calcul acoustique qui comprend la transformée de Fourier des données de l’écoulement, le calcul par méthode intégrale et les post-traitements. L’originalité de la méthode réside dans le fait qu’elle nécessite comme informations sur l’écoulement uniquement des données surfaciques. Aucune donnée volumique n’a besoin d’être sauvegardée durant le calcul de mécanique des fluides. Dans une conduite obstruée par un obstacle, les principales sources de bruit se situent à proximité de l’obstacle et le rayonnement diffracté sur l’obstacle domine sur le rayonnement direct des sources. C’est la diffraction du rayonnement incident qui rend négligeable les données volumiques dans le calcul acoustique. Elle est étudiée et illustrée à travers le cas simplifié du rayonnement d’une source placée à proximité d’un obstacle en conduite. Des comparaisons calculs/essais favorables valident la méthode et le code de calcul développé. Plusieurs configurations sont étudiées : l’insertion dans un conduit rectangulaire droit d’un diaphragme, d’un agencement de deux diaphragmes et d’un volet. En présence d’un diaphragme, une théorie de la similitude est introduite ; en présence d’un double diaphragme, des phénomènes d’interaction entre les deux obstacles apparaissent et sont analysés ; et en présence d’un volet, des résonances particulières sont examinées. / This manuscript deals with the development of a calculation method of low Mach number flow noise in ducts in the presence of fixed obstacles. lt consists of a numerical simulation of the flow during which data are saved and used in a second time to estimate the acoustic radiation. The fluid calculation is performed with an incompressible LES turbulence model. A code has been developed for the acoustic computation which includes the Fourier transform of the flow data, the integral computation and the post-processing. The originality of the method lies in the fact that it requires as information on the flow only surface data. No volume term needs to be saved during the fluid calculation. ln a duct obstructed by an obstacle, the main sources of noise are located near the obstacle and the scattered field on the obstacle dominates on the direct radiation of the sources. lt is the diffraction of the incident radiation which makes the volume data negligible in the acoustic calculation. This is studied and illustrated through the simplified case of the radiation from a source located near a ducted obstacle. Favorable comparisons with measurements validate the method and the developed code. Several configurations are studied: the insertion into a straight rectangular duct of a diaphragm, an arrangement of two diaphragms and a flap. ln the presence of a diaphragm, a theory of similarity is introduced; in the presence of a double diaphragm, interaction phenomena between the two obstacles appear and are analyzed; and in the presence of a flap, particular resonances are examined.

Sensitivity analysis of low-density jets and flames

Chandler, Gary James January 2011 (has links)
This work represents the initial steps in a wider project that aims to map out the sensitive areas in fuel injectors and combustion chambers. Direct numerical simulation (DNS) using a Low-Mach-number formulation of the Navier–Stokes equations is used to calculate direct-linear and adjoint global modes for axisymmetric low-density jets and lifted jet diffusion flames. The adjoint global modes provide a map of the most sensitive locations to open-loop external forcing and heating. For the jet flows considered here, the most sensitive region is at the inlet of the domain. The sensitivity of the global-mode eigenvalues to force feedback and to heat and drag from a hot-wire is found using a general structural sensitivity framework. Force feedback can occur from a sensor-actuator in the flow or as a mechanism that drives global instability. For the lifted flames, the most sensitive areas lie between the inlet and flame base. In this region the jet is absolutely unstable, but the close proximity of the flame suppresses the global instability seen in the non-reacting case. The lifted flame is therefore particularly sensitive to outside disturbances in the non-reacting zone. The DNS results are compared to a local analysis. The most absolutely unstable region for all the flows considered is at the inlet, with the wavemaker slightly downstream of the inlet. For lifted flames, the region of largest sensitivity to force feedback is near to the location of the wavemaker, but for the non-reacting jet this region is downstream of the wavemaker and outside of the pocket of absolute instability near the inlet. Analysing the sensitivity of reacting and non-reacting variable-density shear flows using the low-Mach-number approximation has up until now not been done. By including reaction, a large forward step has been taken in applying these techniques to real fuel injectors.

Simulations massivement parallèles des écoulements turbulents à faible nombre de Mach / Massively parallel simulation of low-Mach number turbulent flow

Malandain, Mathias 15 January 2013 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est l'accélération des solveurs de Gradient Conjugué avec déflation utilisés pour la résolution de l'équation de Poisson pour la pression, dans le cas de la simulation d'écoulements à faible nombre de Mach sur des maillages non structurés. Une méthode de redémarrage basée sur une estimation de l'effet des erreurs numériques a été mise en œuvre et validée. Par la suite, une méthode à trois niveaux de maillage a été créée, et deux techniques ont dû être développées pour réduire le nombre d'itérations sur les niveaux grossiers : l'une permet la création de solutions initiales grâce à une méthode de projection adaptée, l'autre consiste en une adaptation du critère de convergence sur les niveaux grossiers. Les résultats numériques sur des simulations massivement parallèles montrent entre autres une réduction considérable du temps de calcul global. D'autres pistes de recherche sont introduites, notamment concernant l'équilibrage dynamiques de charge de calcul. / The main objective of this thesis is to accelerate deflated Conjugate Gradient solvers used for solving the pressure Poisson equation, for the simulation of low-Mach number flows on unstructured meshes. A restart method based on an estimation of the effect of numerical errors has been implemented and validated. Then, a three-level deflation method has been created, and two techniques are developed in order to reduce the number of iterations on the coarse levels : one of them is the creation of initial guesses thanks to a well-suited projection method, the other one consists in adapting the convergence criterion on the coarse grids. Numerical results on massively parallel simulations show, among others, a drastic reduction of the computational times of the solver. Other lines of research are introduced, especially regarding dynamic load balancing.

Qualitative properties of radiation magnetohydrodynamics. / Qualitative properties of radiation magnetohydrodynamics.

Kobera, Marek January 2016 (has links)
We consider a simplified model based on the Navier-Stokes-Fourier system coupled to a transport equation and the Maxwell system, proposed to describe radiative flows in stars. We establish global- in-time existence for the associated initial-boundary value problem in the framework of weak solutions. Next, we study a hydrodynamical model describing the motion of internal stellar layers based on compressible Navier-Stokes-Fourier-Poisson system. We suppose that the medium is electrically charged, we include energy exchanges through radiative transfer and we assume that the system is steadily rotating. We analyze the singular limit of this system when the Mach number, the Alfven number, the Peclet number and the Froude number go to zero in a certain way and prove convergence to a 3D incompressible MHD system with a stationary linear transport equation for transport of radiation intensity. Finally, we show that the energy equation reduces to a steady equation for the temperature corrector.

A Platform for a Wheeler's Delayed-Choice Experiment in Optical Fiber / En fiberoptisk plattform till Wheeler's experiment med sent val

Åhlgren, Gustaf January 2022 (has links)
Quantum mechanics has played a big role in the development of our understanding of the smallest things in the universe. It has provided descriptions for phenomena like single electrons or single photons, which are single particles of light. One of the most mysterious properties of quantum systems is the ability to behave as a particle or a wave. In 1978, J. A. Wheeler devised an experiment to investigate if a quantum system knows in advance if it should propagate as a wave or as a particle through an experiment, by changing the experiment after the quantum system has entered the experimental set-up.  Here an optical all-in fiber platform for a Wheeler's delayed choice experiment is modeled, constructed and tested using commercially available fiber optic components. This is in contrast to previous delayed choice experiments, which have used free-space components in some parts of their experimental set-up. The optical set-up was modeled and simulated using a quantum formalism, with future work in mind if the platform is used to perform a quantum delayed-choice experiment. The platform used a Sagnac interferometer as the second beamsplitter in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, to perform the choice of measuring either particle or wave properties. Using a fiber platform, the length of the platform can easily be extended with more fiber to accommodate a large separation between the beamsplitter in the beginning of the set-up, and the Sagnac interferometer at the end of the set-up. The result was a stable platform to measure particle behavior of light with good performance, and the ability to switch between these measurements on the fly. The system was tested with classical light, but the light source can be changed from a laser, to for example an attenuated laser, to enter the quantum domain for performing a quantum delayed-choice experiment using the platform. / Kvantmekaniken har inneburit stora genombrott i vår förståelse av de allra minsta tingen i universum. Kvantmekaniken har gett oss beskrivningar av fenomen som enstaka elektroners beteende eller enstaka ljuspartiklar, så kallade fotoner. En av de märkligaste egenskaperna som finns hos subatomära partiklar är förmågan att upptärda som en våg eller som en partikel, beroende på sammanhanget. År 1978 beskrev J. A. Wheeler ett experiment för att undersöka om en kvantmekanisk partikel, till exempel en foton, vet i förväg om den skall färdas som en partikel eller som en våg genom en experimentuppställning. Undersökningen av detta görs genom att ändra experimentuppställningen samtidigt som den kvantmekaniska partikeln färdas genom uppställningen.  En fiberoptisk plattform för Wheelers experiment med sent val modelleras, byggs med kommersiella fiberoptiska komponenter och testas i denna uppsats. Detta skiljer sig från tidigare experiment som har använt frirymds optik i någon del av experimentuppställningen. Den optiska kretsen modelleras med kvantmekanikens formalism, detta för att underlätta för framtida experiment som använder plattformen för att genomföra den kvantmekaniska varianten av Wheelers experiment med sent val.  Plattformen består av en Sagnac interferometer som ersätter den andra stråldelaren i en Mach-Zehnder interferometer, och därmed ger funktionen att kunna byta mellan mätning av partikelegenskaper och mätning av vågegenskaper. Den fiberoptiska plattformen är enkel att förlänga för att skapa ett långt avstånd mellan den första stråldelaren och Sagnac interferometern. Resultatet var en stabil plattform med god förmåga att mäta partikelegenskaper respektive vågegenskaper hos ljus och byta mellan dessa mätlägen under experimentets gång. Systemet testades med klassikt laserljus men denna ljuskälla kan enkelt bytas ut mot en dämpad laser för att komma ned på ljusnivåer med enstaka fotoner, och därmed kunna genomföra den kvantmekaniska varianten av Wheelers experiment med sent val.

Integrated Inp Photonic Switches

May-Arrioja, Daniel 01 January 2006 (has links)
Photonic switches are becoming key components in advanced optical networks because of the large variety of applications that they can perform. One of the key advantages of photonic switches is that they redirect or convert light without having to make any optical to electronic conversions and vice versa, thus allowing networking functions to be lowered into the optical layer. InP-based switches are particularly attractive because of their small size, low electrical power consumption, and compatibility with integration of laser sources, photo-detectors, and electronic components. In this dissertation the development of integrated InP photonic switches using an area-selective zinc diffusion process has been investigated. The zinc diffusion process is implemented using a semi-sealed open-tube diffusion technique. The process has proven to be highly controllable and reproducible by carefully monitoring of the diffusion parameters. Using this technique, isolated p-n junctions exhibiting good I-V characteristics and breakdown voltages greater than 10 V can be selectively defined across a semiconductor wafer. A series of Mach-Zehnder interferometric (MZI) switches/modulators have been designed and fabricated. Monolithic integration of 1x2 and 2x2 MZI switches has been demonstrated. The diffusion process circumvents the need for isolation trenches, and hence optical losses can be significantly reduced. An efficient optical beam steering device based on InGaAsP multiple quantum wells is also demonstrated. The degree of lateral current spreading is easily regulated by controlling the zinc depth, allowing optimization of the injected currents. Beam steering over a 21 microns lateral distance with electrical current values as low as 12.5 mA are demonstrated. Using this principle, a reconfigurable 1x3 switch has been implemented with crosstalk levels better than -17 dB over a 50 nm wavelength range. At these low electrical current levels, uncooled and d.c. bias operation is made feasible. The use of multimode interference (MMI) structures as active devices have also been investigated. These devices operate by selective refractive index perturbation on very specific areas within the MMI structure, and this is again realized using zinc diffusion. Several variants such as a compact MMI modulator that is as short as 350 µm, a robust 2x2 photonic switch and a tunable MMI coupler have been demonstrated.

Using satellite data to calculate entropy of electrons at collisionless shocks

Berglund, Sofie, Wallner, Alice January 2022 (has links)
The solar wind is a supersonic flow of protons and electrons emitted in all directions from the sun. As the supersonic solar wind encounters Earth’s magnetic field, it creates the Earth’s bow shock, which increases the kinetic entropy of electrons passing through it. In this study, the aim is to analyze shock crossings of Earth’s bow shock in order to draw conclusions of which shock parameters that are important forkinetic entropy generation. Due to knowledge gained from an earlier study by M. Lindberg et al. [1], the shock crossings of interest in this study are quasi-perpendicular shocks with a low electron plasma beta. The data used is measured with the NASA MMS spacecraft and accessed through IRF Uppsala. As a result,a database with 13 shock crossings was created and the entropy change was related to, among other parameters, temperature and density change, shock angle, Alfv´en Mach number, ion ram pressure and upstream magnetic field. We found that a highAlfv´en Mach number related nearly proportionally to a large change in electron entropy for low electron plasma beta quasiperpendicularcollisionless shock crossing. / Solvinden består av protoner och elektroner som emitteras ut från solen i alla riktningar med enorma hastigheter. När dessa partiklar, med en hastighet som överstiger signalhastigheten, träffar Jordens magnetfält uppstår Jordens bågchock. Bågchocken ökar den kinetiska entropin hos elektroner som färdas genom den. För den här studien är målet att analysera chockkorsningar vid Jordens bågchock för att kunna dra slutsatser om vilka chockparametrar som är viktiga för generering av kinetisk entropi. Till följd av en tidigare studie av M. Lindberg et al. [1] är det endast kvasi-vinkelräta chockkorsningar med ett lågt plasma beta som denna studie avser. Den uppmätta datan erhålls från NASAs MMS satelliter och kan nås genom IRF Uppsala. Resultatet blev en databas med 13 chocker där entropiförändringen plottades mot bl. a. temperaturoch densitetsändring, chockvinkel, Alfve´n Machtal, jontrycket och magnetfältet uppströms. Det upptäcktes då att ett högt Alfve´n Mach-tal indikerade på en stor entropiökning hos kollisionslösa, kvasi-vinkelräta chockkorsningar med låga elektronplasmabeta. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2022, KTH, Stockholm

Performance Characteristics of an Innovative Wind Power System

Kerze, David James January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Micro-fabrication of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer combining laser direct writing and fountain pen micropatterning for chemical/biological sensing applications.

Kallur, Ajay 05 1900 (has links)
This research lays the foundation of a highly simplified maskless micro-fabrication technique which involves incorporation of laser direct writing technique combined with fountain pen based micro-patterning method to fabricate polymer-based Mach-Zehnder interferometer sensor arrays' prototype for chemical/biological sensing applications. The research provides methodology that focuses on maskless technology, allowing the definition and modification of geometric patterns through the programming of computer software, in contrast to the conventional mask-based photolithographic approach, in which a photomask must be produced before the device is fabricated. The finished waveguide sensors are evaluated on the basis of their performance as general interferometers. The waveguide developed using the fountain pen-based micro-patterning system is compared with the waveguide developed using the current technique of spin coating method for patterning of upper cladding of the waveguide. The resulting output power profile of the waveguides is generated to confirm their functionality as general interferometers. The results obtained are used to confirm the functionality of the simplified micro-fabrication technique for fabricating integrated optical polymer-based sensors and sensor arrays for chemical/biological sensing applications.

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