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The Effect of HSV-1 Infection on Differentiated and Polarized U937 cellsAldreiwish, Allolo Dreiwish January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Mécanismes effecteurs du rejet aigu humoral : contribution de la voie Notch et du ligand DLL4 à l’interface endothélium/macrophages et à la polarisation des macrophages. / Effector mechanisms of acute humoral rejection : contribution of the Notch signaling pathway and of DLL4 to the endothelium/macrophages crosstalk and to macrophages polarizationPagie, Sylvain 30 September 2016 (has links)
Le rejet aigu humoral (RAH) est une complication post-transplantation qui peut conduire à la dysfonction puis la perte du greffon. Le RAH est caractérisé, au niveau histologique, par la présence de lésions endothéliales et d’un infiltrat de macrophages intravasculaires. Cette étude avait pour objectif d’identifier les mécanismes et voies de signalisation impliqués dans l’altération des cellules endothéliales (CE) au cours du RAH et de nouvelles molécules régulatrices. Nous montrons que l’induction du ligand de la voie Notch Dll4 dans les CE et les macrophages est caractéristique du RAH dans les greffons cardiaques. L’expression endothéliale de Dll4et la sécrétion de l’IL-6 par les CE induit la polarisation des macrophages vers un profil pro-inflammatoire de type M1. Nous identifions aussi Dll4 comme un régulateur négatif et pro-apoptotique de la différentiation vers un phénotype suppressif de typeM2. Nous montrons que les cellules microvasculaires sont les cibles cellulaires privilégiées des anticorps non HLA préformés associés à certains RAH en transplantation rénale. Enfin, nous avons mis en évidence l’activité d’une famille de coumarines issues de végétaux sur l’expression endothéliale de molécules de l’inflammation et de l’immunité. Pour conclure,notre étude montre l’importance de la voie Notch dansl’inflammation liée au RAH et identifie DLL4 et IL-6comme de nouveaux médiateurs de l’inflammation et d’une interaction spatiale et fonctionnelle des CE et des macrophages. Ces travaux proposent donc DLL4 etl’IL-6 comme des cibles moléculaires et les coumarines comme nouvelles molécules bioactives pour le contrôle de l’inflammation et du RAH en transplantation. / Acute humoral rejection (RAH) is a post-transplantcomplication that can lead to dysfunction and graftloss. RAH is characterized histologically by thepresence of endothelial lesions and of an infiltrate ofintravascular macrophages. This study aimed toidentify the mechanisms, the signaling pathwaysinvolved in the alteration of endothelial cells (EC) upon RAH as well as new regulatory molecules fortherapeutic approaches. Here, we show that theinduction of the Notch ligand DLL4 in both the EC andmacrophages is a feature of RAH in cardiac allografts.The expression of Dll4 and secretion of IL-6 inducedpolarization of macrophages into proinflammatory M1-type. We further identify Dll4 as a negative and pro-apoptoticregulator of macrophage differentiation towards a suppressive phenotype M2-type. We foundthat glomerular microvascular cells are the cell targetsof preformed non HLA antibodies causing RAH inkidney transplantation. Finally, we have demonstratedthe inhibitory activity of a series of coumarins issued from plants on the endothelial expression of a panel of inflammation and immunity molecules. In conclusion,our study shows the importance of the Notch pathwayin inflammation-related RAH and identifies DLL4 and IL-6 as new mediators of inflammation and spatial andfunctional interaction of the EC and macrophages. Thiswork therefore propose DLL4 and IL-6 as moleculartargets and coumarins as new bioactive molecules forthe control of inflammation and RAH.
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La spectrométrie de masse : application à l'étude des cellules immunitaires / mass spectrometry : application to the study of immune cellsOuedraogo, Richard 02 December 2013 (has links)
Au regard des nombreux avantages en terme de rapidité, de coût, de sensibilité et de fiabilité de la spectrométrie de masse MALDI-TOF nous avons cru pouvoir l’appliquer à l’étude des cellules eucaryotes intactes, en particulier à l’étude des cellules immunitaires. Nous avons ainsi montré que cette approche était applicable à l'analyse globale des cellules eucaryotes y compris des cellules immunitaire circulantes. En outre, elle a permis de caractériser les multiples facettes d'activation des macrophages humain en analysant les données avec le logiciel R, la librairie « MALDIquant » et des algorithmes spécifiques. Les empreintes peptidiques/protéiques induites par les agonistes M1, IFN-γ, TNF, LPS et LPS + IFN-γ ou les agonistes M2, IL-4, TGF-β1 et IL-10, sont distinctes des macrophages non stimulés et spécifiques de chaque agoniste. La spectrométrie de masse MALDI -TOF peut ainsi être utilisée pour caractériser les sous-types de macrophages M1 et M2. En outre, les empreintes induites par des bactéries extracellulaires (streptocoque du groupe B, Staphylococcus aureus) sont spécifiques et similaires à celles induites par l'IL-4. Les réponses des macrophages à des bactéries intracellulaires (BCG, Orientia tsutsugamushi, Coxiella burnetii) sont également uniques. La spectrométrie de masse MALDI-TOF sur cellules entières a ainsi révélé donc les multiples facettes d'activation des macrophages humains. Enfin, des résultats préliminaires montrent que notre approche pourrait être utilisée en clinique en analysant les cellules circulantes de la réponse immune. / In view of the many advantages in terms of speed, cost , sensitivity and reliability of the MALDI -TOF mass, we thought we could apply it to the study of intact eukaryotic cells, in particular the study of cells immune . We have shown that this approach is applicable to the global analysis of eukaryotic cells including circulating immune cells. In addition, it allowed us to characterize the many faceted of human macrophage activation by analyzing the data with the R software library " MALDIquant " and specific algorithms. The protein/peptide fingerprint induced by the M1 agonists : IFN - γ , TNF , LPS and LPS + IFN - γ or M2 agonists : IL- 4 , TGF - β1 and IL- 10 are distinct to unstimulated macrophages and specific for each agonist. MALDI -TOF Mass spectrometry can then be used to characterize the subtypes M1 and M2 macrophages . In addition, fingerprints induced by extracellular bacteria ( group B streptococcus , Staphylococcus aureus ) are specific and closed to those induced by IL -4 . The responses of macrophages to intracellular bacteria (BCG, Orientia tsutsugamushi , Coxiella burnetii ) are also unique. Mass spectrometry MALDI -TOF of whole cell revealed therefore the multifaceted activation in human macrophages . Finally, preliminary results show that our approach could be used clinically for the analysis of circulating cells in the case of host-pathogen interaction.
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Os leucotrienos no diabetes tipo 1 / Leukotrienes in Type 1 DiabetesRamalho, Theresa Raquel de Oliveira 17 October 2018 (has links)
O diabetes tipo 1 (DT1) é uma doença metabólica associada a uma inflamação sistêmica de baixo grau, responsável por importantes co-morbidades associadas. Nosso grupo demonstrou que esta inflamação depende dos níveis plasmáticos aumentados de leucotrieno-B4 (LTB4), o qual estimula o eixo Myd88/STAT1 amplificando a resposta dos receptores TLR/IL1β em macrófagos. Isso caracteriza o programa pró-inflamatório M1 nestas células, que requer energia proveniente da glicólise e produz substancias tóxicas como espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS) e óxido nítrico (NO). Isto pode ser minimizado pela respiração mitocondrial desacoplada à síntese de ATP no metabolismo lipídico. Assim, na primeira parte do trabalho os macrófagos de camundongos (C57Bl/6) DT1, expressaram níveis elevados de marcadores de oxidação de ácidos graxos, o que não foi observado em macrófagos de camundongos diabéticos tratados com o antagonista de LTB4 (u75302). Além disso, o u75302 também reduziu a expressão aumentada de CD36, receptor envolvido na captação de lipídios, assim como aumento de lipídios intracelulares nestas células. Os elevados níveis de triglicérides e ácidos graxos presentes no plasma dos diabéticos também foram reduzidos pelo antagonista u75302, e isso foi consistente com o aparecimento de marcadores de lipólise (Prdm16 e Fgf21) no tecido adiposo branco destes animais. Da mesma forma, u75302 reduziu o consumo de oxigênio dos macrófagos de animais diabéticos. Isso foi consistente com os resultados obtidos em macrófagos de camundongos diabéticos deficientes da UCP1, os quais apresentaram maior peso corporal, maior massa de gordura e metabolismo mitocondrial mais baixo do que diabéticos WT. A perda de gordura também foi recuperada pelo tratamento com u75302 indicando o envolvimento do LTB4 na perda de adiposidade e dislipidemia em DT1. Na segunda parte do trabalho, confirmamos a participação dos leucotrienos na inflamação sistêmica em DT1 induzida por estreptozotocina. Camundongos (129SvE) diabéticos apresentaram níveis sistêmicos elevados das citocinas e este aumento não ocorreu em 129Sve deficientes da enzima 5-lipoxigenase (5LO-/-), responsável pela síntese de leucotrienos. A freqüência de monócitos pró-inflamatórios (CD11b+Ly6ChighLy6G-) circulantes estava aumentada em camundongos diabéticos WT mas não nos 5LO-/-. Macrófagos peritoneais residentes de camundongos diabéticos também apresentaram um fenótipo semelhante ao M1 classicamente ativado (alta expressão de Nos2 e Stat1, e alta produção de NO), que não foi revertido com o estímulo de IL4 in vitro ou in vivo. Por outro lado, os macrófagos dos 5LO-/- diabéticos apresentaram o fenótipo de macrófagos M2 alternativamente ativados (alta expressão de Ym1 e Arg1, e alta atividade de arginase). Os animais WT diabéticos tiveram cicatrização deficiente que se correlacionou com uma baixa freqüência de macrófagos M2 (CD45+F4/80+CD206+) nas lesões cutâneas comparado com os demais grupos. Juntos, estes dados sugerem que no DT1 os leucotrienos contribuem para a inflamação sistêmica e reprogramação dos monócitos e macrófagos para perfil inflamatório e isto está associado com aumento do metabolismo energético nestas células. Estas alterações induzidas nos macrófagos pelos níveis elevados de leucotrienos, particularmente LTB4, se correlacionam com a cicatrização deficiente, com a perda de gordura e hiperlipidemia nos camundongos DT1, sugerindo que o LTB4 possa ser um alvo terapêutico no diabetes. / Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a metabolic disease associated to systemic low grade inflammation, which has an important role in co-morbidities. Our group showed that this inflammation depends on the high systemic levels of leukotriene-B4 (LTB4), which stimulateds MyD88/Stat1 axis, amplifying TLR/IL1β response in macrophages. This characterizes pro inflammatory M1 program, which requires energy from glycolysis, and produces harmful molecules, such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide (NO). This can be mitigated by mitochondrial respiration uncoupled to ATP synthesis in lipid metabolism. Therefore, in the first part of this study, macrophages from T1D mice (C57Bl/6) expressed high levels of fatty acid oxidation markers, which was not observed in macrophages from T1D mice treated with LTB4 receptor antagonis, u75302. Moreover, u75302 also reduced the high expression od CD36, a receptor involved in lipids uptake, and also reduced intracellular lipids in these cells. The high levels of triglycerides in diabetic plasma were reduced by u75302, and this is consistent with lipolysis markers (Prdm16 and Fgf21) in white adipose tissue of these mice. This was also consistent with results obtained in macrophages from diabetic UCP1 deficient mice, which had higher body weight and lower mitochondrial metabolism then WT diabetics. Fat loss was also recovered by u75302 treatment, indicating an involvement of LTB4 in adiposity loss and dyslipidemia in T1D. In the second part of this study, we confirmed leukotrienes participation in systemic inflammation in T1D streptozotocin-induced. T1D mice (129SvE) increased systemic levels of cytokines, which was not observed in T1D 5-lipoxygenase deficient mice (5LO-/-).The frequency of pro inflammatory monocytes (CD11b+Ly6ChighLy6G-) was increased in WT diabetic mice, but not in 5LO-/-. Resident peritoneal macrophages in diabetics had a phenotype similar to M1 classically activated (Nos2 and Stat1 highly expressed, and high production of NO), which was not reversed by IL-4 stimulation in vitro and in vivo. On the other hand, macrophages from diabetic 5LO-/- had a phenotype M2 alternatively activated (Ym1 and Arg1 highly expressed, and high arginase activity). WT diabetic mice had a defective wound healing, which was related to low frequency of M2 (CD45+F4/80+CD206+) macrophages in cutaneous wounds, compared to the other groups. All together, our data suggest that in T1D leukotrienes induce systemic inflammation, and reprogram pro inflammatory phenotype in monocytes and macrophages, and this is related to increased energetic metabolism in these cells. These alteration in macrophages due to leukotrienes effects, mainly LTB4, are correlated to defective healing, with fat loss, and dyslipidemia in T1D mice, suggesting that LTB4 can be a therapeutic target in diabetes.
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Cepas TgChBrUD2 e ME49 de Toxoplasma gondii induzem polarização de macrófagos humanos para o perfil M1Gois, Paula Suellen Guimarães 01 April 2016 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / Several immunological mechanisms are responsible for the control of Toxoplasma gondii infection. The immune response occurs initially because of the participation of innate immune cells, in which macrophages play an important role. The existence of atypical strains of T. gondii with a genetic pattern different from clonal strains lead concern worldwide, principally because these strains cause severe symptoms especially in immunocompromised individuals and congenitally infected newborn. In this sense, we investigated the in vitro polarization of human macrophages to M1 or M2 profile after the infection with RH, ME49 clonal strains and TgChBrUD2 Brazilian strain. THP-1 cells were treated with PMA to induce their differentiation into macrophages. The cells were plated and infected with T. gondii tachyzoites from TgChBrUD2, RH or ME49 strains at a 2:1 (parasites: host cell) ratio or incubated only with medium (control uninfected cells). The supernatant was collected for cytokine analysis and measurement of nitrite. The macrophages were used for quantification of urea, evaluation of parasitism, analysis of morphology and surface markers. Our results showed an up-regulation of MIF during infection by TgChBrUD2, RH and ME49, and low levels of IL-10 compared to control. In addition, TgChBrUD2-infected macrophages show high levels of IL-6 production compared to non-infected macrophages and RH infection. Regarding secretion of nitrite, the infection by TgChBrUD2 exhibited high levels of nitrite compared to control and RH infection. The urea production showed a down-regulation in macrophages infected with TgChBrUD2 and ME49 in comparison to control. The analysis of morphology revealed that TgChBrUD2-infected macrophages induced the cells to change their morphology to spindle shaped. On the other hand, PCR analysis showed an increased amount of T. gondii DNA in RH-infected macrophages compared to infection with TgChBrUD2 and ME49. Thus, our results showed that RH strain produced an insuficient pro-inflamatory response that influenced the proliferation of parasite, in contrast, TgChBrUD2 and ME49 induced characteristic factors of polarization to M1 macrophages, in which the atypical strain showed high production of pro-inflamatory mediators that helped to countain the replication of this strain. / Vários mecanismos imunológicos são responsáveis pelo controle da infecção por Toxoplasma gondii. A resposta imune a este patógeno ocorre inicialmente pela participação de células da imunidade inata, na qual macrófagos têm papel importante. A existência de cepas atípicas de T. gondii com padrão genético diferente das clonais desperta grande preocupação mundial, uma vez que, geralmente, causam sintomas graves particularmente em indivíduos imunocomprometidos e naqueles infectados congenitamente. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar, in vitro, a polarização de macrófagos humanos derivados da linhagem THP-1 para um perfil M1 ou M2 após infecção com as cepas clonais RH, ME49 e a cepa atípica TgChBrUD2. Células THP-1 foram tratadas com PMA para induzir sua diferenciação em macrófagos funcionais. Após a diferenciação, esses macrófagos foram plaqueados e infectados com as cepas TgChBrUD2, RH ou ME49 de T. gondii em diferentes abordagens experimentais. Como controle foram utilizados macrófagos não infectados. Os sobrenadantes de cultura de macrófagos nas diferentes condições experimentais foram coletados para análise de citocinas pelo teste ELISA e dosagem de nitrito pela reação de Griess. As células foram utilizadas para avaliação da morfologia, quantificação da ureia por espectrofotometria, dos marcadores expressos na superfície celular por citometria de fluxo e do parasitismo por PCR. Nossos resultados mostraram um aumento das citocinas MIF durante infecção pelas cepas TgChBrUD2, RH e ME49, bem como uma diminuição de IL-10 quando comparado aos macrófagos não infectados. Além disso, macrófagos infectados pela cepa atípica apresentaram altos níveis de secreção de IL-6 em relação ao controle. Em relação a produção de nitrito, apenas os macrófagos infectados por TgChBrUD2 apresentaram aumento em relação aos macrófagos controle e aos infectados por RH. A dosagem de ureia revelou uma redução da atividade de arginase na infecção por TgChBrUD2 e ME49 comparado aos macrófagos não infectados. A análise da morfologia celular mostrou que a infecção por TgChBrUD2 induziu os macrófagos a mudarem seu formato de circulares para fusiformes. Por outro lado, a análise de PCR mostrou que a cepa RH proliferou significativamente mais nos macrófagos em comparação com as cepas TgChBrUD2 e ME49. Desse modo, nossos resultados mostraram que a cepa RH induziu resposta pró-inflamatória insuficiente que influenciou na proliferação do parasito, por outro lado, TgChBrUD2 e ME49 induziram fatores característicos da polarização para macrófagos M1, de modo que a cepa atípica mostrou maior liberação de mediadores pró-inflamatórios que auxiliaram a conter a replicação desta cepa. / Mestre em Imunologia e Parasitologia Aplicadas
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