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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Immunosenescence in Choroidal Neovascularization (CNV): Transcriptional Profiling of Naïve and CNV-Associated Retinal Myeloid Cells during Aging

Schlecht, Anja, Thien, Adrian, Wolf, Julian, Prinz, Gabriele, Agostini, Hansjürgen, Schlunck, Günther, Wieghofer, Peter, Boneva, Stefaniya, Lange, Clemens 02 February 2024 (has links)
Immunosenescence is considered a possible factor in the development of age-related macular degeneration and choroidal neovascularization (CNV). However, age-related changes of myeloid cells (MCs), such as microglia and macrophages, in the healthy retina or during CNV formation are illdefined. In this study, Cx3cr1-positive MCs were isolated by fluorescence-activated cell sorting from six-week (young) and two-year-old (old) Cx3cr1GFP/+ mice, both during physiological aging and laser-induced CNV development. High-throughput RNA-sequencing was performed to define the age-dependent transcriptional differences in MCs during physiological aging and CNV development, complemented by immunohistochemical characterization and the quantification of MCs, as well as CNV size measurements. These analyses revealed that myeloid cells change their transcriptional profile during both aging and CNV development. In the steady state, senescent MCs demonstrated an upregulation of factors contributing to cell proliferation and chemotaxis, such as Cxcl13 and Cxcl14, as well as the downregulation of microglial signature genes. During CNV formation, aged myeloid cells revealed a significant upregulation of angiogenic factors such as Arg1 and Lrg1 concomitant with significantly enlarged CNV and an increased accumulation of MCs in aged mice in comparison to young mice. Future studies need to clarify whether this observation is an epiphenomenon or a causal relationship to determine the role of immunosenescence in CNV formation.

Plasma Biomarkers for Age-Related Macular Degeneration

NI, JIAQIAN 13 March 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Detecting Rare Haplotype-Environment Interaction and Dynamic Effects of Rare Haplotypes using Logistic Bayesian LASSO

Xia, Shuang 30 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Variation of Complement Factor H and Mannan Binding Lectin in Human Systemic and Vascular Immune-Mediated Diseases

Kitzmiller, Kathryn Jean January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Fundus characterization for automatic disease screening through retinal image processing

Morales Martínez, Sandra 30 July 2015 (has links)
[EN] The World Health Organization estimates that in 2010 there were 285 million people visually impaired in the world. It is calculated that the 80\% of these cases are preventable or treatable. In addition, aging population and chronic disease increase are two factors that predict a higher number of blindness cases in the future. Hypertension, diabetic retinopathy (DR), age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and glaucoma are the most common pathologies in the current society that provoke retinal damage and can be directly related to blindness and vision loss. The early diagnosis of these diseases allows, through appropriate treatment, to reduce costs generated when they are in advanced states and may become chronic. This fact justifies screening campaigns. However, a screening campaign requires a heavy workload for trained experts in the analysis of anomalous patterns of each disease, which in addition to the increase of population at risk, makes these campaigns economically unfeasible. Therefore, the need of automatic screening system developments is highlighted. The final goal of this thesis is the implementation of novel methods that allow the analysis and processing of fundus images to implement an automatic screening of four of the most important diseases that affect world population. In particular, the main objective of the thesis is to build up algorithms for the characterization of the retinal structures and the retina background in order to assist in the discrimination between a ``normal" and pathological retina. Mathematical morphology along with other operators are used for the detection of the retinal vessels and the optic disk. The proposed methods work properly on databases with a large degree of variability. Not only have the main structures been segmented, but significant features have also been extracted from them to be used in a computer aided diagnosis software for hypertensive risk determination. The texture of the retina background is also analyzed in this work by means of local binary patterns with the aim of identifying DR and AMD and avoiding the need of segmentation of the characteristic retinal lesions of each disease. The results are promising above all for AMD diagnosis. / [ES] La Organización Mundial de la Salud estima que en 2010 había 285 millones de personas con alguna discapacidad visual en el mundo. Se calcula que el 80\% de estos casos son evitables o tratables. Además, el envejecimiento de la población y el aumento de las enfermedades crónicas son dos factores que hacen prever un número todavía mayor de casos de ceguera en el futuro. La hipertensión, la retinopatía diabética (RD), la degeneración macular asociada a la edad (DMAE) y el glaucoma son las enfermedades más comunes que provocan daños en la retina y, por tanto, están directamente relacionadas con la ceguera y con la pérdida de visión. El diagnóstico de estas enfermedades en estadios tempranos permite, mediante el tratamiento adecuado, reducir los costes que generan en estados ya avanzados y que en la mayoría de los casos acaban convirtiéndose en crónicas, lo que justifica la realización de campañas de cribado. Sin embargo, una campaña de cribado exige una gran carga de trabajo de personal experto entrenado en el análisis de los patrones anómalos propios de cada enfermedad, lo que sumado al aumento de la población de riesgo, hace que estas campañas sean inviables económicamente. Por lo tanto, se evidencia la necesidad del desarrollo de sistemas de cribado automáticos. El objetivo final del presente trabajo es la implementación de métodos novedosos de análisis de imágenes de fondo de ojo para usarlos en un sistema de cribado de cuatro de las enfermedades más importantes que afectan a la población actual. En concreto, el objetivo principal de la tesis es el desarrollo de algoritmos para la caracterización de las estructuras y del fondo retiniano, los cuales servirán de ayuda para discriminar una retina ``normal" de otra patológica. Para la detección de los vasos retinianos y del disco óptico, se ha usado morfología matemática además de otros operadores. Se ha demostrado que los métodos propuestos para este fin funcionan adecuadamente en bases de datos con un alto grado de variabilidad. No sólo se han segmentado las principales estructuras retinianas, sino que, además, se han extraído sus características más significativas para determinar el riesgo hipertensivo. En este trabajo, también se han analizado las texturas presentes en el fondo de la retina por medio de la teoría de los patrones binarios locales con el objetivo de identificar la RD y la DMAE a la vez que se evita la necesidad de la segmentación de las lesiones específicas de cada enfermedad. Los resultados son prometedores, sobre todo, para la detección de la DMAE. / [CA] L'Organització Mundial de la Salut estima que en 2010 havia 285 milions de persones amb alguna discapacitat visual en el món. Es calcula que el 80\% d'aquests casos són evitables o tractables. A més, l'envelliment de la població i l'augment de les malalties cròniques són dos factors que fan preveure un número encara major de casos de ceguera en el futur. La hipertensió, la retinopatia diabètica (RD), la degeneració macular associada a l'edat (DMAE) i el glaucoma són les malalties més comuns que provoquen danys en la retina i, per tant, estan directament relacionades amb la ceguera i amb la pèrdua de visió. El diagnòstic d'aquestes malalties en estadis primerencs permet, per mitjà del tractament adequat, reduir els costos que generen en estats ja avançats i que en la majoria dels casos acaben convertint-se en cròniques, la qual cosa justifica la realització de campanyes de garbellament. No obstant això, una campanya de garbellament exigix una gran càrrega de treball de personal expert entrenat en l'anàlisi dels patrons anòmals propis de cada malaltia, que si es suma a l'augment de la població de risc, fa que aquestes campanyes siguen inviables econòmicament. Per tant, s'evidencia la necessitat del desenrotllament de sistemes de garbellament automàtics. L'objectiu final del present treball és la implementació de mètodes nous d'anàlisi d'imatges de fons d'ull per a usar-los en un sistema de garbellament de quatre de les malalties més importants que afecten la població actual. En concret, l'objectiu principal de la tesi és el desenvolupament d'algoritmes per a la caracterització de les estructures i del fons retinià, els quals serviran d'ajuda per a discriminar una retina ``normal" d'una altra patològica. Per a la detecció dels vasos retinians i del disc òptic, s'ha usat morfologia matemàtica a més d'altres operadors. S'ha demostrat que els mètodes proposats per a aquest fi funcionen adequadament en bases de dades amb un alt grau de variabilitat. No sols s'han segmentat les principals estructures retinianes, sinó que, a més, s'han extret les seues característiques més significatives per a determinar el risc hipertensiu. En aquest treball, també s'han analitzat les textures presents en el fons de la retina per mitjà de la teoria dels patrons binaris locals amb l'objectiu d'identificar la RD i la DMAE al mateix temps que s'evita la necessitat de la segmentació de les lesions específiques de cada malaltia. Els resultats són prometedors, sobretot, per a la detecció de la DMAE. / Morales Martínez, S. (2015). Fundus characterization for automatic disease screening through retinal image processing [Tesis doctoral]. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/53933

Značaj optičke koherentne tomografije makule kod glaukoma otvorenog ugla / Optical coherence tomography of macula in primary open angle glaucoma

Babović Siniša 13 May 2016 (has links)
<p>Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi da li postoji razlika u debljini makule kod pacijenata sa glaukomom otvorenog ugla (POAG) u odnosu na zdravu populaciju i u zavisnosti od stepena progresije bolesti, kao i da se utvrdi da li postoji povezanost između promene debljine makule i stepena o&scaron;tećenja vidnog polja i debljine peripapilarnog sloja nervnih vlakana u zavisnosti od stepena progresije bolesti. Materijal i metode: U ovu kliničku prospektivnu studiju je uključeno 186 pacijenata. Na osnovu kliničkog nalaza formirane su tri grupe. Prva grupa (kontrolna &ndash; grupa zdravih): 68 pacijenata bez očnih oboljenja, sa najboljom korigovanom vidnom o&scaron;trinom &ge; 0.9, intraokularnim pritiskom (IOP) &le; 21 mmHg, normalnim odnosom ekskavacije i povr&scaron;ine glave vidnog živca i normalnim nalazom vidnog polja. Druga grupa (rani glaukom): 78 pacijenata sa klinički dijagnostikovanim primarnim glaukomom otvorenog ugla (sa karakterističnim o&scaron;tećenjem glave vidnog živca i sloja nervnih vlakana retine i kod kojih je srednja vrednost devijacije standardne automatske perimetrije MD &gt; -6 dB, prema Hodap klasifikaciji), bez drugih očnih ili sistemskih oboljenja, koja bi imala uticaj na nastanak glaukoma i sa najboljom korigovanom vidnom o&scaron;trinom &ge; 0.5. Treća grupa (glaukom srednjeg stepena): 40 pacijenata sa klinički dijagnostikovanim primarnim glaukomom otvorenog ugla (sa karakterističnim o&scaron;tećenjem glave vidnog živca i sloja nervnih vlakana retine i kod kojih je srednja vrednost devijacije standardne automatske perimetrije -6 dB &gt; MD &gt; -12 dB, prema Hodap klasifikaciji), bez drugih očnih ili sistemskih oboljenja, koja bi imala uticaj na nastanak glaukoma i sa najboljom korigovanom vidnom o&scaron;trinom &ge; 0.5. Svim pacijentima je bio urađen kompletan oftalmolo&scaron;ki pregled, kompjuterizovano vidno polje (Humphrey Field Analyzer, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Germany, SITA Standard, test C 24-2) i optička koherentna tomografija sloja nervnih vlakana peripapilarno i u predelu makule (SOCT Copernicus HR, Optopol Tech. SA, Zawiercie, Poland). Rezultati: Perifovea i parafovea, pokazuju statistički značajno smanjenje debljine i zapremine sloja nervnih vlakana u odnosu na stepen progresije glaukoma otvorenog ugla, pri čemu je ono nagla&scaron;enije u perifovei (p&lt;0,05). U svim segmentima makule (TPeriF, IPeriF, SPeriF, NPeriF, TParaF, SParaF, IParaF i NParaF) dolazi do smanjenja debljine i zapremine sloja nervnih vlakana sa progresijom bolesti (p&lt;0,05). Segmenti makule TPeriF, IPeriF, a potom i SPeriF, prema navedenom redosledu, predstavljaju segmente sa najvećim potencijalom za predikciju ranih glaukomskih o&scaron;tećenja s obzirom na uočeno najveće smanjenje debljine i zapremine nervnih vlakana (p&lt;0,05). Segmenti makule SParaF i NParaF predstavljaju segmente sa najvećim potencijalom za predikciju napredovanja glaukomskih o&scaron;tećenja srednjeg stepena s obzirom na uočeno najveće smanjenje debljine i zapremine nervnih vlakana (p&lt;0,05). Debljina RNFL glave vidnog živca se statistički značajno smanjuje sa progresijom bolesti u svim posmatranim segmentima (p&lt;0,05). Međusobni odnos između grupe zdravih i grupe pacijenata sa ranim glaukomom ukazuje da je statistički značajno smanjenje debljine RNFL prisutno u svim segmentima osim u segmentima P3 i P4 (p&gt;0,05). Merenja debljine RNFL u segmentu P6 imaju najbolji potencijal za predikciju ranog glaukoma s obzirom na najizraženije smanjenje debljine nervnih vlakana upravo u ovom segmentu (p&lt;0,05). Merenja debljine RNFL u segmentu P1 ima najbolji potencijal za predikciju dalje progresije bolesti. Debljina sloja nervnih vlakana makule srazmerna je smanjenju debljine RNFL na glavi vidnog živca, pri čemu je ona uočljivija na nivou segmenata koji su okarakterisani kao dobri prediktori za nastanak, odnosno progresiju bolesti (P6 sa IPeriF i TPeriF, odnosno P1 sa SPeriF), &scaron;to dodatno nagla&scaron;ava njihovu važnost u dijagnostici glaukoma otvorenog ugla. Debljina makule kod pacijenata sa glaukomom otvorenog ugla je opisana umerenom do dobrom povezano&scaron;ću sa stepenom o&scaron;tećenja vidnog polja, pri čemu je ona najjača kod TPeriF, IPeriF i SPeriF segmenata i srazmerna je stepenu o&scaron;tećenja vidnog polja. Koeficijenti korelacije između vrednosti srednje devijacije vidnog polja i debljine RNFL, odnosno&nbsp; sloja nervnih vlakana makule, pokazuju snažniju povezanost u odnosu na parametre dobijenog smanjenja debljine nervnih vlakana u makuli, &scaron;to otvara mogućnost za dalja istraživanja. Segmenti glave vidnog živca i makule, koji su pokazali najbolju diskriminaciju u smislu predikcije nastanka POAGa, kao i oni koji sugeri&scaron;u na njegovu progresiju, sme&scaron;teni su na lokacijama koje su međusobno povezane opisanim prirodnim tokom nervnih vlakana.&nbsp; Zaključak: Optička koherentna tomografija makule je važna pomoćna metoda u dijagnostici glaukoma kojom je moguće izdvojiti pacijente sa ranim glaukomom u odnosu na zdravu populaciju, odnosno utvrditi progresiju glaukoma otvorenog ugla.</p> / <p>All patients underwent complete ophthalmologic examination, SAP (Humphrey Field Analyzer, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Germany, SITA Standard, test C 24-2) and optical coherent tomography scans of RNFL and macula (SOCT Copernicus HR, Optopol Tech. SA, Zawiercie, Poland). Results: Perifoveal and parafoveal nerve fiber layer have shown significant reduction of thickness and volume compared to stage of POAG progression, where perifovea showed higher significance (p&lt;0,05). All macular segments (TPeriF, IPeriF, SPeriF, NPeriF, TParaF, SParaF, IParaF i NParaF) showed reduction in thickness and volume compared to disease progression (p&lt;0,05). Macular segments TPeriF, IPeriF, as well as SPeriF, represent segments with highest potential to predict early glaucomatous damage according to the most significant reduction of nerve fiber layer thickness and volume (p&lt;0,05). Macular segments SParaF and NParaF represent segments with highest potential to predict progression of POAG according to the most significant reduction of nerve fiber layer thickness and volume (p&lt;0,05). Optic nerve head (ONH) RNFL thickness showed reduction compared to POAG progression in all segments (p&lt;0,05). All ONH segments except P3 and P4 showed significant reduction of RNFL comparing control group to early glaucoma group patients (p&gt;0,05). ONH segment P6 was found to be the highly specific for early glaucoma prediction according to the most significant reduction of RNFL thickness (p&lt;0,05), while segment P1 was found to have highest potential for POAG progression. Macular nerve fiber layer thickness reduction follows ONH RNFL thickness reduction and there is mutual relation between both macular and ONH segments (P6 to IPeriF and TPeriF, P1 to SPeriF) with highest specificity for early defects and POAG progression. It was shown that macular thickness changes have moderate to good correlation with visual filed changes and it was highest in TPeriF, IPeriF and SPeriF segments. This correlation was found to be higher in macula then in ONH RNFL thickness changes, compared to visual field changes. Both macular and ONH RNFL segments, which were found to have highest specificity to POAG prediction and progression, are located in areas which mutually connect following natural course of nerve fiber layer between them. Conclusion: Optical coherence tomography of macula represents important ancillary method in POAG diagnosis and follow up, allowing to differentiate between early glaucoma patients and healthy individuals, as well as to determine progression of glaucomatous disease.</p>

Avaliação dos efeitos adversos, com ênfase na retinotoxicidade, desencadeados pelo uso de difosfato de cloroquina em 350 doentes com lupus eritematoso / Evaluation of adverse effects, emphasis on retina toxicity, triggered by the use of chloroquine diphosphate in 350 patients with lupus erythematosus

Ponchet, Maria Raquel Nogueira Cavalcante 19 April 2005 (has links)
Os antimaláricos, cloroquina e hidroxicloroquina, têm sido usados há décadas com bons resultados terapêuticos para o tratamento do lupus eritematoso e são considerados medicações seguras, muito embora, haja preocupação em relação à retinotoxicidade, notadamente com a cloroquina. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a ocorrência dos efeitos adversos desencadeados pelo tratamento com 250mg/d de difosfato de cloroquina em doentes com lupus eritematoso, dando ênfase à retinotoxicidade. Foram estudados 350 doentes e reavaliados seus respectivos prontuários, que datavam de 1980 a 2003. Os doentes foram acompanhados no ambulatório de colagenoses da Divisão de Dermatologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. A ocorrência dos efeitos adversos foi de 35,7%, sendo que 17,4% decorreram de alterações oculares. Em 12% dos doentes ocorreu pigmentação retiniana sugestiva de retinopatia antimalárica, em 3,1% depósitos corneanos e, em 2,3%, sintomas visuais agudos. Em 10% dos doentes houve alterações gastrointestinais: epigastralgia (6%), náuseas e vômitos (3,7%) e diarréia (0,3%). Alterações dermatológicas ocorreram em 3,4% dos doentes: rash cutâneo no início do tratamento (2%), exacerbação de quadro de psoríase pré-existente (0,3%) e pigmentação cutânea (1,1%). Ocorreram ainda cefaléia (2,9%), alterações neuromusculares (1,7%) com quadro gripal símile no início do tratamento (1,1%), neuropatia sensitiva (0,3%) e miopatia compatível com miastenia (0,3%) e, sintomas neuropsiquiátricos (0,3%). A droga foi suspensa devido aos efeitos adversos em 22,9% dos doentes, principalmente, em decorrência de alterações oculares, gastrointestinais e dermatológicas. A reavaliação oftalmológica de 12% dos doentes com pigmentação retiniana, confirmou a retinopatia antimalárica em apenas 2,6%, o que demonstrou uma tendência à valorização de alterações retinianas inespecíficas, discretas e unilaterais, com indicação desnecessária da suspensão da droga em 9,4% dos doentes. Não ocorreram casos de retinopatia antimalárica avançada com lesão do tipo bull-eye. Não houve associação estatisticamente significativa entre a ocorrência de efeitos adversos e alterações retinianas com dose diária de difosfato de cloroquina por quilo de peso e com o tipo clínico do lupus eritematoso. As alterações retinianas foram estatisticamente significativas nos doentes acima de cinqüenta anos quando comparado ao grupo abaixo dos cinqüenta anos, possivelmente pela dificuldade em diferenciar as alterações iniciais da retinopatia antimlárica daquelas decorrentes da degeneração macular senil. O controle oftalmológico foi realizado em intervalo médio de 10,5 meses, demonstrando que o controle anual foi eficaz para o acompanhamento dos doentes. Nove doentes foram expostas durante o primeiro trimestre gestacional, não ocorrendo casos de mal formação fetal / Antimalarial agents, chloroquine and hydroxichloroquine, have been used for decades leading to good therapeutic outcomes at treatment approach for lupus erythematosus and are considered safe medication; however, the main concern is retina toxicity, especially with chloroquine. The purpose of the present study was to conduct analysis of the occurrence of adverse effects, triggered by use of 250 mg/d of chloroquine diphosphate at treatment for lupus erythematosus, especially retina toxicity. We analyzed 350 patients and reviewed their medical charts, from 1980 to 2003. The patients were followed up by the outpatient unit of collagenosis, Division of Dermatology, Hospital das Clinicas, Medical School, University of São Paulo. The occurrence of adverse effects was 35.7%, and eye affections were detected in 17.4% of patients. Impairment of retina pigmentation suggestive of antimalarial retinopathy occurred in 12%, cornea deposits in 3,1%, and acute visual symptoms in 2.3%. Gastrointestinal affections were detected in 10% of patients: epigastralgia (6%), nausea and vomiting (3.7%) and diarrhea (0.3%). Dermatological affections occurred in 3.4% of patients: skin rash in the beginning of treatment (2%), exacerbation of preexisting psoriasis (0.3%) and skin pigmentation (1.1%). We also detected headache (2.9%), neuromuscular disorders (1.7%) with flu-like episode at the beginning of treatment (1,1%), sensitive neuropathy (0,3%) and myopathy compatible with myasthenia (0.3%) and neuropsychiatric symptoms (0.3%). Discontinuation of drugs owing to side effects occurred in 22.9% of the patients, being that the main affections were eye, gastrointestinal and dermatological occurrences. Ophthalmologic reevaluation of retina pigmentation affections occurred in 12% of the patients, but we confirmed antimalarial retinopathy only in 2.6%, detecting a tendency to value nonspecific, discreet and unilateral affections, which generated unnecessary recommendations for discontinuation of drug in 9.4% of the patients. There were no cases of advanced retinopathy with bull-eye type lesion. There was no statistically significant association between occurrence of adverse effects and retina affections with daily dose per kg of chloroquine diphosphate and the differents types of lupus erythematosus. In patients over the age of 50, there was statistically significant increase in number of retina affections when compared to the group aged below 50 years, possibly owing to difficulty to differentiate between initial affections in antimalarial retinopathy from those resultant from senile macular degeneration. Ophthalmologic control was conducted on average after 10.5 months, showing that annual follow-up was effective to keep track of patients. Nine of the patients were exposed during the first gestational trimester and there were no cases of fetal malformations

Estudo das alterações retinianas em olhos de coelhos após injeções intravítreas seriadas de infliximabe / Study of retinal alterations in eyes of rabbits after serial intravitreous injections of infliximab

RASSI, Alan Ricardo 08 October 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:25:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Alan Ricardo Rassi.pdf: 1456250 bytes, checksum: c7e131ba3c1d15cc824df69f5c3dc3f6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-10-08 / The objective of this study was to determine the levels of toxicity of two and three intravitreous injections of infliximab to the retina and choroid of albino rabbits by means of histological, electroretinographic and clinical ophthalmological tests. Twelve New Zealand albino rabbits (24 eyes) were used in the study. Each eye was given two (n=10) or three (n=10) serial intravitreous 2 mg injections of infliximab dissolved in 0.06 ml of saline, at monthly intervals. A separate group of rabbits (n=4 eyes) served as a control group. Ninety days after the first injection, the rabbits underwent electroretinographic and clinical ophthalmological tests. After being enucleated, the eyes underwent histological examination. No clinical ophthalmologic abnormalities were detected in the 24 eyes studied. The histological change noted was the presence of rare lymphocytes and eosinophiles in the posterior vitreous of four eyes subjected to two injections and six eyes subjected to three injections of infliximab, but it was not considered clinically significant. One clinically significant abnormality was found, a severe inflammatory reaction with vitreous exudates and ganglion cell edema in both eyes of a single rabbit, subjected to two to three injections of infliximab. The electroretinographic tests showed amplitudes that were on the average 12% smaller than those obtained before the treatment. However, there were no statistically significant differences when comparing amplitude or the implicit time between the pre and post-treatment electroretinographic findings, in all groups examined. Then, two and three intravitreous 2 mg injections of infliximab in eyes of rabbits at monthly intervals did not cause any changes after a 90-day follow-up, according to histological, electroretinographic tests and clinical ophthalmological evaluation. It was concluded that serial intravitreous infliximab doses to rabbits is a safe procedure. / O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar os níveis de toxicidade de duas e três aplicações intravítreas de infliximabe na retina e coroide de coelhos albinos, por meio de exames clínicos oftalmológicos, eletrorretinográficos e histológicos. Foram utilizados doze coelhos albinos (24 olhos) da raça New Zealand. Cada olho recebeu duas (n=10 olhos) ou três (n=10 olhos) injeções intravítreas seriadas de 2 mg de infliximabe dissolvidos em 0,06 ml de solução salina, em intervalos mensais. Um grupo separado de olhos (n=4 olhos) serviu como controle. Noventa dias após a primeira injeção, os coelhos foram novamente submetidos a exames clínicos oftalmológicos e eletrorretinográfico e, após enucleados, os olhos foram submetidos a exame histológico. Nos 24 olhos estudados, não foram detectadas alterações clínicas oftalmológicas. A alteração histológica notada foi a presença de raros linfócitos e eosinófilos na região posterior do vítreo de quatro olhos submetidos a duas aplicações e de seis olhos que receberam três aplicações de infliximabe, mas sem significado clínico. Foi encontrada uma única alteração clinicamente significante, caracterizada como reação inflamatória grave, com presença de exsudatos vítreos nos dois olhos de um coelho, que foi submetido a duas e três aplicações de infliximabe. Os exames eletrorretinográficos mostraram amplitudes em média 12% menores do que aquelas obtidas antes do tratamento, porém sem diferenças estatisticamente significantes, comparando-se a amplitude ou o tempo implícito entre os achados eletrorretinográficos pré e pós-tratamento em todos os grupos examinados. Assim, duas e três aplicações intravítreas de infliximabe em olhos de coelhos em intervalos mensais, na dosagem de 2 mg, não provocaram alterações após seguimento de noventa dias, quer no exame histológico, na eletrorretinografia ou na avaliação clínica oftalmológica. Conclui-se que doses seriadas de infliximabe por via intravítrea em coelhos é um procedimento seguro.

Avaliação dos efeitos adversos, com ênfase na retinotoxicidade, desencadeados pelo uso de difosfato de cloroquina em 350 doentes com lupus eritematoso / Evaluation of adverse effects, emphasis on retina toxicity, triggered by the use of chloroquine diphosphate in 350 patients with lupus erythematosus

Maria Raquel Nogueira Cavalcante Ponchet 19 April 2005 (has links)
Os antimaláricos, cloroquina e hidroxicloroquina, têm sido usados há décadas com bons resultados terapêuticos para o tratamento do lupus eritematoso e são considerados medicações seguras, muito embora, haja preocupação em relação à retinotoxicidade, notadamente com a cloroquina. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a ocorrência dos efeitos adversos desencadeados pelo tratamento com 250mg/d de difosfato de cloroquina em doentes com lupus eritematoso, dando ênfase à retinotoxicidade. Foram estudados 350 doentes e reavaliados seus respectivos prontuários, que datavam de 1980 a 2003. Os doentes foram acompanhados no ambulatório de colagenoses da Divisão de Dermatologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. A ocorrência dos efeitos adversos foi de 35,7%, sendo que 17,4% decorreram de alterações oculares. Em 12% dos doentes ocorreu pigmentação retiniana sugestiva de retinopatia antimalárica, em 3,1% depósitos corneanos e, em 2,3%, sintomas visuais agudos. Em 10% dos doentes houve alterações gastrointestinais: epigastralgia (6%), náuseas e vômitos (3,7%) e diarréia (0,3%). Alterações dermatológicas ocorreram em 3,4% dos doentes: rash cutâneo no início do tratamento (2%), exacerbação de quadro de psoríase pré-existente (0,3%) e pigmentação cutânea (1,1%). Ocorreram ainda cefaléia (2,9%), alterações neuromusculares (1,7%) com quadro gripal símile no início do tratamento (1,1%), neuropatia sensitiva (0,3%) e miopatia compatível com miastenia (0,3%) e, sintomas neuropsiquiátricos (0,3%). A droga foi suspensa devido aos efeitos adversos em 22,9% dos doentes, principalmente, em decorrência de alterações oculares, gastrointestinais e dermatológicas. A reavaliação oftalmológica de 12% dos doentes com pigmentação retiniana, confirmou a retinopatia antimalárica em apenas 2,6%, o que demonstrou uma tendência à valorização de alterações retinianas inespecíficas, discretas e unilaterais, com indicação desnecessária da suspensão da droga em 9,4% dos doentes. Não ocorreram casos de retinopatia antimalárica avançada com lesão do tipo bull-eye. Não houve associação estatisticamente significativa entre a ocorrência de efeitos adversos e alterações retinianas com dose diária de difosfato de cloroquina por quilo de peso e com o tipo clínico do lupus eritematoso. As alterações retinianas foram estatisticamente significativas nos doentes acima de cinqüenta anos quando comparado ao grupo abaixo dos cinqüenta anos, possivelmente pela dificuldade em diferenciar as alterações iniciais da retinopatia antimlárica daquelas decorrentes da degeneração macular senil. O controle oftalmológico foi realizado em intervalo médio de 10,5 meses, demonstrando que o controle anual foi eficaz para o acompanhamento dos doentes. Nove doentes foram expostas durante o primeiro trimestre gestacional, não ocorrendo casos de mal formação fetal / Antimalarial agents, chloroquine and hydroxichloroquine, have been used for decades leading to good therapeutic outcomes at treatment approach for lupus erythematosus and are considered safe medication; however, the main concern is retina toxicity, especially with chloroquine. The purpose of the present study was to conduct analysis of the occurrence of adverse effects, triggered by use of 250 mg/d of chloroquine diphosphate at treatment for lupus erythematosus, especially retina toxicity. We analyzed 350 patients and reviewed their medical charts, from 1980 to 2003. The patients were followed up by the outpatient unit of collagenosis, Division of Dermatology, Hospital das Clinicas, Medical School, University of São Paulo. The occurrence of adverse effects was 35.7%, and eye affections were detected in 17.4% of patients. Impairment of retina pigmentation suggestive of antimalarial retinopathy occurred in 12%, cornea deposits in 3,1%, and acute visual symptoms in 2.3%. Gastrointestinal affections were detected in 10% of patients: epigastralgia (6%), nausea and vomiting (3.7%) and diarrhea (0.3%). Dermatological affections occurred in 3.4% of patients: skin rash in the beginning of treatment (2%), exacerbation of preexisting psoriasis (0.3%) and skin pigmentation (1.1%). We also detected headache (2.9%), neuromuscular disorders (1.7%) with flu-like episode at the beginning of treatment (1,1%), sensitive neuropathy (0,3%) and myopathy compatible with myasthenia (0.3%) and neuropsychiatric symptoms (0.3%). Discontinuation of drugs owing to side effects occurred in 22.9% of the patients, being that the main affections were eye, gastrointestinal and dermatological occurrences. Ophthalmologic reevaluation of retina pigmentation affections occurred in 12% of the patients, but we confirmed antimalarial retinopathy only in 2.6%, detecting a tendency to value nonspecific, discreet and unilateral affections, which generated unnecessary recommendations for discontinuation of drug in 9.4% of the patients. There were no cases of advanced retinopathy with bull-eye type lesion. There was no statistically significant association between occurrence of adverse effects and retina affections with daily dose per kg of chloroquine diphosphate and the differents types of lupus erythematosus. In patients over the age of 50, there was statistically significant increase in number of retina affections when compared to the group aged below 50 years, possibly owing to difficulty to differentiate between initial affections in antimalarial retinopathy from those resultant from senile macular degeneration. Ophthalmologic control was conducted on average after 10.5 months, showing that annual follow-up was effective to keep track of patients. Nine of the patients were exposed during the first gestational trimester and there were no cases of fetal malformations

Etablierung eines Messverfahrens für die Komplementkomponente FHR-3 und seine Anwendung auf die Bestimmung von FHR-3 Plasmakonzentrationen bei Patienten mit altersabhängiger Makuladegeneration. / Establishment of a measurement procedure for the complement FHR-3 and its application to the determination of FHR-3 plasma concentrations in patients with age-related macular degeneration.

Och, Daniela 01 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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