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Sensorless Vector Control and Field Weakening Operation of Permanent Magnet Synchronous MachinesZhang, Yuan 17 December 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Influence of magnetic field exposure and clay mineral addition on the fractionation of Greek yogurt whey componentsKyle, Clinton January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Food Science Institute / Jayendra Amamcharla / Greek yogurt is one of the largest-growing sectors in the dairy industry accounting for over 25% of yogurt sales in the United States. Greek yogurt is produced by removing a portion of water and water soluble components from yogurt. Consequently, a large quantity of Greek yogurt whey (GYW) is being produced as a co-product. GYW is compositionally different from cheese whey, and thus poses economic and environmental challenges to the dairy industry. The objective of the present study was to evaluate two physical treatments as alternative methods for separating valuable GYW components: magnetic fluid treatment (MFT) and the addition of sepiolite, a clay mineral. A MFT chamber was designed using four pairs of neodymium magnets arranged to produce a magnetic field strength of 0.6 Tesla. Three batches of GYW each from two manufacturers were procured. A 2×3 factorial design was used with MFT or without MFT and the addition of zero, two, or four grams of sepiolite per 100g of GYW. The pH of GYW was adjusted to 7.2 using 5N NaOH solution, and the GYW was pumped at a rate of 7.5 L/min through the MFT system with or without MFT chamber attached. The sample was split into three sub-samples, heated to 80°C, and sepiolite was added as per the experimental design. The samples were centrifuged at 1,000g for five minutes. The top aqueous layer was separated and analyzed for total solids, ash, lactose, protein, calcium, phosphates, and sodium content along with color. MFT did not influence the analyzed whey components (P > 0.05) except for lactose. However, addition of sepiolite influenced protein content and a* and b* color values for the top aqueous layers (P < 0.05). Both levels of sepiolite addition resulted in about a 50% decrease in protein compared to original GYW. Adding two grams of Sepiolite per 100g of GYW from manufacturer 1 resulted in b* decreasing from 25.99 to 8.16 compared to treated GYW with no sepiolite. Sepiolite was found to have possible applications in the removal of proteins and color pigments in GYW.
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Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Operational Wave Energy ConvertersLejerskog, Erik January 2016 (has links)
This thesis studies wave energy converters developed at Uppsala University. The wave energy converters are of point absorbing type with direct driven linear generators. The aim has been to study generator design with closed stator slots as well as offshore experimental studies. By closing the stator slots, the harmonic content in the magnetic flux density is reduced and as a result the cogging forces in the generator are reduced as well. By reducing these forces, the noise and vibrations from the generator can be lowered. The studies have shown a significant reduction in the cogging forces in the generator. Moreover, by closing the slots, the magnetic flux finds a short-cut through the closed slots and will lower the magnetic flux linking the windings. The experimental studies have focused on the motion of the translator. The weight of the translator has a significant impact on the power absorption, especially in the downward motion. Two different experiments have been studied with two different translator weights. The results show that with a higher translator weight the power absorption is more evenly produced between the upward and downward motion as was expected from the simulation models. Furthermore, studies on the influence of the changing active area have been conducted which show some benefits with a changing active area during the downward motion. The experimental results also indicate snatch-loads for the wave energy converter with a lower translator weight. Within this thesis results from a comparative study between two WECs with almost identical properties have been presented. The generators electrical properties and the buoy volumes are the same, but with different buoy heights and diameters. Moreover, experimental studies including the conversion from AC to DC have been achieved. The work in this thesis is part of a larger wave power project at Uppsala University. The project studies the whole process from the energy absorption from the waves to the connection to the electrical grid. The project has a test-site at the west coast of Sweden near the town of Lysekil, where wave energy systems have been studied since 2004.
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Decisional involvement of registered nurses in a tertiary hospital in Saudi ArabiaSchoombie, Tracy 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCurr)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Literature suggests that job satisfaction and retention of nurses can be improved by empowering nurses in decision making (Mark, Lindley & Jones, 2009:120; Mangold, Pearson, Schmitz, Scherb, Specht & Loes, 2006:266; Manojlovich, 2007; and Scherb, Specht, Loes & Reed, 2010:2). Positive work environments such as those found in Magnet® accredited hospitals and those where management models have flat hierarchical structures, support the decisional involvement of registered nurses. Decisional involvement is described as “the pattern of distribution of authority for decisions and activities that govern nursing practice policy and the practice environment” (Havens & Vasey, 2005:377).
The purpose of this study was to explore the decisional involvement of registered nurses in a tertiary hospital in Saudi Arabia. It is hypothesized that an empowering shared governance structure will result in a high level of decisional involvement of registered nurses who provide direct patient care.
A quantitative study with a descriptive exploratory design was chosen to answer the research objectives. Through simple random sampling, n=140 registered nurses who provide direct patient care (target population N=672) and through non-probability purposive sampling n=18 nurse managers (target population N=21), participated in the study. A self-administered questionnaire was designed which included a validated tool, namely the Decisional Involvement Scale (Havens & Vasey, 2003:333). A pilot study was completed to test the validity of the self-designed sections of the questionnaire. Numerical data was analysed using STATISTICA v. 11.5 while the open-ended questions were analysed and placed into themes.
It was found that registered nurses who provide direct patient care have low levels of actual and preferred decisional involvement, implying that the authority for decisional involvement lies with managers. The hypothesis that empowering shared governance structures will result in a high level of decisional involvement is not supported. There was no statistical difference identified between bedside Registered Nurses (bedside RNs) and nurse managers in the overall perception of decisional involvement. Factors that were identified to impact on decisional involvement included educational level, experience, leadership styles, the work environment and a culture of shared decision making.
It is recommended that the focus to improve the decisional involvement of registered nurses who provide direct patient care should be on addressing those activities where more decisional involvement is preferred, while concurrently addressing those factors that were identified which would impact on the decisional involvement of all registered nurses. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Literatuurstudies dui aan dat bemagtiging van verpleegkundiges in die proses van besluitneming tot meer werksbevrediging en retensie sal lei. Positiewe werksomgewings soos die by Magnet geakkrediteerde hospitale en die met plat hiërargiese bestuursmodelle dra by tot betrokkenheid van geregistreerde verpleegkundiges in besluitneming. Betrokkenheid by besluitneming word beskryf as ‘die wyse waarop outoriteit versprei is sodat besluite en akwiteite wat verpleegpraktykbeleid en die praktykomgewing bepaal, uitgevoer kan word’ (Havens & Vasey, 2005:377).
Die doel van die studie was om die betrokkenheid te bepaal van geregistreerde verpleegkundiges by besluitneming in ‘n tersiêre hospitaal in Saoedi-Arabië. Die hipotese is dat ‘n bemagtigende, gedeelde bestuurstruktuur sal lei tot ‘n hoë vlak van deelnemende besluitneming by geregistreerde verpleegkundiges verantwoordelik vir direkte verpleegsorg.
Die navorsingsdoelwitte is beantwoord deur middel van ‘n kwantitatiewe studie met ‘n beskrywende, ondersoekende ontwerp. Geregistreerde verpleegkundiges (n=140) wat direkte verpleegsorg lewer (teikengroeppopulasie N=672) is gebruik as deelnemers in die studie. Verpleegdiensbestuurders (n=18) is ook gebruik as deelnemers en gekies deur nie-waarskynlike, doelbewuste steekproefneming (teikenpopulasie N=21). ’n Self-toegepasde vraelys is ontwerp, met insluiting van ‘n geldig verklaarde Besluitnemende Betrokkenheidskaal (Havens & Vasey, 2003:333). ‘n Loodsstudie om die geldigheid van die selfontwerpte deel te bepaal, is voltooi Numeriese data is ontleed deur middel van STATISTICA v. 11.5. Oop-einde vrae is ontleed en in kategorieë georganiseer.
Daar is gevind dat geregistreerde verpleegkundiges wat direkte pasiëntsorg lewer, laer vlakke van werklike en verkose betrokkenheid het in besluitneming, wat aandui dat die outoriteit vir besluitnemende betrokkenheid by bestuurders lê. Die hipotese dat bemagtigende gedeelde bestuurstrukture tot ‘n hoë vlak van deelneming in besluitneming sal lei, word nie ondersteun nie. Daar was nie ‘n beduidende statistiese verskil tussen geregistreerde verpleegkundiges wat by die bed betrokke is en verpleegdiensbestuurders met algehele waarnemingsbetrokkenheid by besluitneming nie. Geïdentifiseerde faktore wat ‘n rol speel by betrokkenheid by besluitneming behels opvoedkundige vlak, ondervinding, leierskapstyle, die werkomgewing en ‘n kultuur van gedeelde besluitneming.
Daar word aanbeveel dat aktiwiteite waarby geregistreerde verpleegkundiges wat direkte pasiëntsorg lewer, verkies om meer betrokke by te wees tydens besluitneming, aangespreek word. Terselfdertyd moet geïdentifiseerde faktore wat ‘n rol speel in die betrokkenheid van besluitneming van alle geregistreerde verpleegkundiges ook aangeroer word.
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Analysis of interior permanent magnet motors with non-overlapping windingsGermishuizen, Johannes Jacobus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009.
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Μελέτη σύγχρονης μηχανής μόνιμου μαγνήτη για λειτουργία ως ανεμογεννήτρια με τη χρήση μεθόδου πεπερασμένων στοιχείωνΜπαρμπατζά, Αλεξάνδρα 20 February 2014 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία πραγματεύεται τη μελέτη και προσομοίωση ενός τμήματος μιας ανεμογεννήτριας η οποία μελλοντικά θα συνδεθεί στο τριφασικό δίκτυο. Η εργασία αυτή εκπονήθηκε στο Εργαστήριο Ηλεκτρομηχανικής Μετατροπής Ενέργειας του Τμήματος Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και Τεχνολογίας Υπολογιστών της Πολυτεχνικής Σχολής του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών.
Συγκεκριμένα μελετήθηκε και προσομοιώθηκε μια σύγχρονη μηχανή μόνιμου μαγνήτη, η οποία θα αποτελέσει τη γεννήτρια της διάταξης, η οποία συνδέεται στην έξοδο με έναν τριφασικό μετατροπέα. Σκοπός του μετατροπέα είναι η μετατροπή της εναλλασσόμενης τάσης που δέχεται στην είσοδο του, και προέρχεται από την τάση εξ επαγωγής στο στάτη της μηχανής, σε μια συνεχή τάση στην έξοδο του μετατροπέα, δηλαδή πρόκειται για έναν ανορθωτή. Επιπλέον ο μετατροπέας αυτός είναι ένας μετατροπέας ανύψωσης της τάσης, δηλαδή ένας μετατροπέας τύπου boost. Η ανύψωση αυτή γίνεται έχοντας ως δεδομένο ότι ο απώτερος σκοπός μας είναι η σύνδεση της ανεμογεννήτριας στο δίκτυο των 220 V. Συγκεκριμένα η συνεχής τάση που θα μας δώσει ο ανορθωτής προορίζεται να μετατραπεί εκ νέου σε εναλλασσόμενη, από μια διάταξη αντιστροφέα, ώστε τελικά να προκύψει μια κατάλληλη τάση για σύνδεση της ανεμογεννήτριας στο δίκτυο. Ύστερα από μελέτη διαφόρων ανορθωτικών διατάξεων επιλέχθηκε να χρησιμοποιηθεί στην προσομοίωσή ο τριφασικός ανορθωτής ανύψωσης ενός διακοπτικού στοιχείου. Ο διακόπτης του ανορθωτή παλμοδοτήθηκε με την τεχνική της Διαμόρφωσης Εύρους των Παλμών (Pulse Width Modulation-P.W.M) ενώ ένας PI ελεγκτής χρησιμοποιήθηκε προκειμένου να προσαρμοστεί η συνεχής τάση εξόδου του μετατροπέα στις απαιτήσεις του δικτύου.
Η μηχανή που μελετήθηκε είναι μια σύγχρονη γεννήτρια μόνιμου μαγνήτη οχτώ πόλων, ονομαστικής ισχύος 660 W, ονομαστικής τάσης 48 V και ονομαστικής ταχύτητας 3000 rpm. Για την εξομοίωσή της χρησιμοποιήθηκε το λογισμικό Οpera σε δύο διαστάσεις (2d). Στο περιβάλλον σχεδίασης κυκλωμάτων του ίδιου προγράμματος σχεδιάστηκε σε πρώτη φάση ο τριφασικός ανορθωτής και έτσι έγινε εξαγωγή των αποτελεσμάτων για το σύστημα ανοιχτού βρόχου. Στη συνέχεια έγινε διασύνδεση του λογισμικού Opera με το Simulink του Matlab ώστε να επιτευχθεί έλεγχος κλειστού βρόχου αλλά και εκ νέου εξαγωγή των αποτελεσμάτων ανοιχτού βρόχου, ενώ παράλληλα πραγματοποιήθηκε εξομοίωση του συστήματος μηχανής μετατροπέα εξ ολοκλήρου στο Simulink του Matlab με σκοπό την επιλογή των βέλτιστων παραμέτρων του PI ελεγκτή. / This thesis deals with the design and simulation of a section of a wind turbine which will in future be connected to the three-phase network. The thesis was accomplished in Electromechanical Energy Conversion Laboratory , Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Patras.
Specifically, it was studied and simulated a permanent magnet synchronous machine , which is connected to the output with a three-phase converter. The purpose of the converter is to convert the alternating voltage it receives at its entrance, and it comes from the induced voltage in the stator of the machine , into a constant output voltage. Furthermore, the converter’s purpose is to elevate the voltage as it is a boost converter. The voltage should be elevated because the ultimate goal is to connect the wind turbine to the grid of 220 V. Specifically, the dc output voltage of the rectifier, is intended to be converted back into the appropriate ac voltage in order to connect the wind turbine to the grid. Having studying various rectifier’s topologies, it had been chosen the three-phase single switch boost rectifier. The Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) was chosen for the rectifier’s switch and a PI controller was used to adjust the DC output voltage of the converter to the grid .
The studied machine is a permanent magnet synchronous generator with eight poles , rated power 660 W, 48 V nominal voltage and rated speed of 3000 rpm. For the simulation, it was used Opera F.E.M. software in two dimensions (2d). In the same program’s design environment was designed the three-phase rectifier and the results for the open loop system were taken. Then, in order to achieve closed – loop control, the rectifier model was created in the “Matlab/Simulink” environment and the machine F.E.M. model was created in “Opera-2D” environment and they were combined into a composite model. By using this interface we managed to re export also results for the open loop system in order to compare the new results with the ones when only the Opera (machine-rectifier) model was used. Finally, the system machine – rectifier was simulated entirely in Simulink of Matlab in order to select the optimum parameters of the PI controller.
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Design and performance evaluation of a magnetically geared axial-flux permanent magnet generatorBronn, Lodewyk 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is a description of how the first magnetically geared axial flux permanent magnet generator
(MGAFG) is designed, constructed and experimentally evaluated. Magnetic gears (MGs) allow for
contact-less power transfer and lubricant free operation, which may solve the reliability concerns with
current mechanically geared wind energy converters.
However, the complex structure of MGs may present serious challenges to its design. Thus, special
care should be given to the mechanical layout and the electromagnetic influence of every component.
The MGAFG can be configured to be magnetically coupled or decoupled. In the coupled configuration
the permanent magnets (PMs) of the MG contribute to the total flux linkage in the PM generator
(PMG). The coupled configuration is therefore more efficient. The processing time required to optimise
the decoupled configuration is however much faster, since the MG and the PMG can be optimised
The optimised results show that a torque density in excess of 100kNm/m3 could be achieved, which
is significantly higher than any of known electrical machines. However, owing to excessive losses in the
mechanical support structures, the prototype exhibited lower torque density and poor efficiency. The
design related aspects and issues are analysed and discussed in detail in an attempt to outline problem
areas in the design process. Relevant recommendations are also given for future design improvements.
The costs of magnetic material accounts for over fifty percent of the total cost of the prototype. Therefore
to make the manufacturing of the MGAFG more economically viable magnetic material should be
minimised in the design process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word die eerste magnetiese geratte aksiale vloed permanente magneet generator
(MGAVG) ontwerp, vervaardig en eksperimenteel geëvalueer. In magnetiese ratte (MR) is daar geen
kontak tussen werkende dele nie, daarom word geen smeermiddels benodig nie. Dit dra by tot die
betroubaarheid van die ratkaste in wind energie generators en kan onderhoud grotendeels uitskakel.
Die komplekse struktuur van magnetiese ratte kan egter die betroubaarheid van die ontwerp juis
verswak. Daarom moet die meganiese uitleg noukeurig beplan word sodat dit nie die elektromagnetiese
werking ondermyn nie.
Die magnetiese rat (MR) en die permanente magneet generator (PMG) van die masjien kan magneties
of sonder magnetiese koppeling verbind word. In die gekoppelde konfigurasie dra all die permanente
magnete van die MR gesamentlik by tot die totale vloed-koppeling in die PMG. Wat die magnetiese
gekoppelde konfigurasie meer doeltrefend maak. Minder tyd word benodig om die nie magnetiese
gekoppelde konfigurasie te optimaliseer omdat die MR en die PMG apart geoptimaliseer kan word.
Die optimale resultate toon dat ’n wringkrag van meer as 100kNm/3 bereik kan word, wat aansienlik
beter is as die van bekende elektriese masjiene.
Maar as gevolg van oormatige verliese in die meganiese strukture, toon die prototipe lae wringkrag
digtheid en swak doeltreffendheid. Die ontwerp probleme word ontleed en bespreek in ’n poging
om probleem areas in die ontwerp te identifiseer. Relevante aanbevelings word gegee vir toekomstige
ontwerp verbeterings.
Die koste van die magnetiese material verteenwoordig meer as vyftig persent van die vervaardigings
koste van die prototipe. Koste kan bespaar word op die vervaardiging van die MGAVG deur die
hoeveelheid magnete wat gebruik word te beperk.
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Analysis and design of a double-sided rotor iron-cored radial flux permanent magnet synchronous wind turbine generatorVan Wijk, Johannes Hendrik 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The electromagnetic and mechanical design aspects of an optimally designed double-sided rotor radial flux permanent magnet wind generator with non-overlap iron-cored stator windings are analysed in this thesis. The generator topology proposed in this study aims to reduce the strength demand on the generator structural support, caused by the magnetic attraction forces between the rotor and stator iron components, and in so doing reducing the overall generator mass. The proposed design has very good cooling properties. Compared to a conventional iron-cored permanent magnet generator and an air-cored permanent magnet generator, the double-sided rotor iron-cored topology performs the best with reference to mass and efficiency. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die elektro-magnetiese en meganiese ontwerp-aspekte van ‘n optimal ontwerpte tweesydige rotor radial-vloed permanente magneet windgenerator met nie-oorvleulende ysterkern statorwindings word in hierdie tesis ontleed. Met die generator topologie wat in hierdie studie voorgestel word, word beoog om die strukturele materiaal wat vir die generator benodig is te verminder. Die magnetise aantrekkingskragte tussen die yster komponente van die rotor en stator word dus aangespreek in hierdie studie, om sodoende ook die algehele massa van die permanente magneet generator te verminder. Die voorgestelde tweesydige-rotor ontwerp het baie goeie verkoelings eienskappe en het ‘n kleiner massa en hoër effektiwiteit as beide ‘n konvensionele ysterkern generator met ‘n enkelsydige-rotor en ‘n tweesydige-rotor lugkern permanente magneet generator met dieselfde drywingsvermoë.
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A new phase decoupling permanent magnet brushless DC motor and its control夏偉, Xia, Wei. January 1996 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Electrical and Electronic Engineering / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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Design of transverse flux machines using analytical calculations&finite element AnalysisAnpalahan, Peethamparam January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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