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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation on the two-dimensional electron gas in InAs quantum wells coupled to epitaxial aluminum for exploration of topological superconductivity

Teng Zhang (11869115) 23 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in shallow InAs quantum wells, combined with epitaxial aluminum, is commonly used to study topological superconductivity. Key features include strong spin-orbit coupling, a high effective g-factor, and the ability to manage proximity-induced superconductivity. My thesis discusses two aspects of this unique material. In the first section, I report on the transport characteristics of shallow InGaAs/InAs/InGaAs quantum wells and evaluate the effect of modulation doping on these shallow InAs quantum well structures. We systematically investigate the magnetotransport properties in relation to doping density and spacer thickness. Optimized samples show peak mobilities exceeding 100,000 cm<sup>2</sup>/Vs at n<sub>2DEG</sub> < 10<sup>12 </sup>cm<sup>-2</sup> in gated Hall bar, marking the highest mobility observed in this type of heterostructure. Our findings suggest that the doping layer moves the electron wave function away from the surface, minimizing surface scattering and enhancing mobility. This mobility improvement does not compromise Rashba spin-orbit coupling or induced superconductivity. In the second section, motivated by a theoretical study by Peng et al., we explore tunneling spectroscopy measurements on DC current biased planar Josephson junctions made on an undoped hybrid epitaxial Al-InAs 2DEG heterostructure. We observe four tunneling conductance peaks in the spectroscopy that can be adjusted by DC current bias. Our analysis indicates that these results come from strong coupling between the tunneling probe and the superconducting leads, rather than from Floquet engineering. We also touch on potential improvements to the device's design and materials. This work lays the groundwork for further investigation of Floquet physics in planar Josephson junctions. This thesis ends with a discussion of other unusual physics that could be explored in these novel shallow InAs quantum wells coupled with epitaxial aluminum.</p>

Benzo-Extended Cyclohepta[def]fluorene Derivatives with Very Low-Lying Triplet States

Wu, Fupeng, Ma, Ji, Lombardi, Federico, Fu, Yubin, Liu, Fupin, Huang, Zhijie, Liu, Renxiang, Komber, Hartmut, Alexandropoulos, Dimitris I., Dmitrieva, Evgenia, Lohr, Thorsten G., Israel, Noel, Popov, Alexey A., Liu, Junzhi, Bogani, Lapo, Feng, Xinliang 22 April 2024 (has links)
Open-shell non-alternant polycyclic hydrocarbons (PHs) are attracting increasing attention due to their promising applications in organic spintronics and quantum computing. Herein we report the synthesis of three cyclohepta[def]fluorene-based diradicaloids (1–3), by fusion of benzo rings on its periphery for the thermodynamic stabilization, as evidenced by multiple characterization techniques. Remarkably, all of them display a very narrow optical energy gap (Egopt=0.52–0.69 eV) and persistent stability under ambient conditions (t1/2=11.7–33.3 h). More importantly, this new type of diradicaloids possess a low-lying triplet state with an extremely small singlet–triplet energy gap, as low as 0.002 kcal mol−1, with a clear dependence on the molecular size. This family of compounds thus offers a new route to create non-alternant open-shell PHs with high-spin ground states, and opens up novel possibilities and insights into understanding the structure–property relationships.

Topological Quantum Impurity Models

Guangjie Li (18419091) 22 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">A bath of free electrons interacting with a local quantum impurity leads to various exotic non-Fermi liquid behaviors, such as the non-integer effective ground state degeneracy of the impurity and the correction to the zero temperature conductance, which is temperature to the power of a fractional number. The former indicates emergent anyons, which are the key ingredients for achieving topological protected quantum computations. The latter can be used for experimentally probing non-Fermi liquid physics. It was recently proposed that a Coulomb blockaded M-Majorana island coupled to normal metal leads realizes a novel type of Kondo effect where the effective impurity “spin” transforms under the orthogonal group SO(M). Inspired by the multichannel generalization of the original Kondo model, we introduce a physically motivated N-channel generalization of this topological Kondo model whose impurity spin stems from the non-local topological ground state degeneracy of the island. This multichannel topological Kondo model supports Z3 parafermion and Fibonacci anyon (not supported by one-channel topological Kondo model) but may be limited to experiments because it is unstable to channel anisotropy. Therefore, we propose a Majorana-free meso- scopic setup which implements the Kondo effect of the symplectic Lie group and can harbor emergent anyons (including Majorana fermions, Fibonacci anyons, and Z3 parafermions) even in the absence of perfect channel symmetry. Besides, I comment on the future work such as the strong tunneling case that is beyond the topological Kondo regime and the two-impurity Kondo physics.</p>

Синтеза и карактеризација нанокомпозитних честица са структуром језгро-омотач / Sinteza i karakterizacija nanokompozitnih čestica sa strukturom jezgro-omotač / Synthesis and characterization of nanocomposite particles with core-shell structure

Nikolić Milan 05 May 2014 (has links)
<p>У овој докторској дисертацији приказани су резултати синтеза и карактеризација нано-композитних честица са језгро-омотач структуром. Нанокомпозитне честице су синтетисане у течној фази, електростатичком депозицијом in situ синтетисаних SiO2, Fe3O4, ZnFe2O4 или NiFe2O4 наночестица на површину монодисперзних и сферичних силика језгро честица (средњег пречника ~ 0,4 &mu;m). Силика језгро честице су синтетисане хидролизом и кондезацијом TEOS-a у базној средини. Силика наночестице су добијене неутрализацијом јако базног воденог раствора натријум силиката, док су феритне наночестице синтетисане копреципитацијом из воденог раствора одговарајућих нитратних соли. Да би се омогућила електростатичка депозиција нано-честица, силика језгра су функционализована са 3-аминопропилтриетоксисилан (APTES) или поли(диалилдиметиламонијум хлорид) (PDDA) чиме се повећава изоелектрична тачка силика честица. На овај начин су око силика језгро честица синтетисани једнослојни омотачи на бази SiO2, Fe3O4, ZnFe2O4 или NiFe2O4.<br />Резултати су потврдили да се униформан силика слој може депоновати на функцијонализованим силика честицама. Формиран силика омотач је имао дебљину ~ 30 nm, мезопорозну структуру са средњом величином пора од ~ 8 nm и значајном укупном запремином пора. Због тога су тако добијене силика језгро-омотач наноструктуре погодне за имобилизацију ензима али и неких других активних материја. Такође је потврђено да је оптимална pH вредност за синтезу хомогеног Fe3O4 омотача на нефункционализованим силика језгрима ~ 5,4. Добијени Fe3O4 омотач је суперпа-рамагнетан са температуром блокирања ~ 25 К. Уградња никла и цинка у феритну структуру омотача није било могуће на нижим pH вредностима. Међутим, показано је и да је на вишим pH вредностима велика брзина формирања феритних честица и њихова самоагрегација доминира над конкурентном реакцијом депозиције феритних честица на функционализована силика језгра. У циљу спречавања самоагрегације, депо-зиција ZnFe2O4 и NiFe2O4 наночестица на PDDA-функционализованим силика језгрима је обављена у присуству цитратне киселине на pH &gt; 7. Цитратна киселина пасивизира површину феритних наночестица и на тај начин инхибира самоагрегацију, омогућавајући депозицију ових честица на површину PDDA-функционализованих силика језгара.<br />У овој тези су синтетисане честице са двослојним омотачем, који се састоје од унутрашњег Fe3O4 и спољашњег силика слоја. На PDDA-функцио-нализованим SiO2-језгро/Fe3O4-омотач честицама, обављена је депозиција силика наночестица чиме је формиран спољни мезопорозни силика омотач. Добијене су композитне честице са два различита функционална слоја: унутрашњим који омогућава магнетну сепарацију честице из реакционог медијума и спољним који омогућава имобили-зацију активних материја. Добијени резултати су указали да се ове нанокомпозитне честице могу употребити у биоинжењерству и областима хертерогене катализе.</p> / <p>U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji prikazani su rezultati sinteza i karakterizacija nano-kompozitnih čestica sa jezgro-omotač strukturom. Nanokompozitne čestice su sintetisane u tečnoj fazi, elektrostatičkom depozicijom in situ sintetisanih SiO2, Fe3O4, ZnFe2O4 ili NiFe2O4 nanočestica na površinu monodisperznih i sferičnih silika jezgro čestica (srednjeg prečnika ~ 0,4 &mu;m). Silika jezgro čestice su sintetisane hidrolizom i kondezacijom TEOS-a u baznoj sredini. Silika nanočestice su dobijene neutralizacijom jako baznog vodenog rastvora natrijum silikata, dok su feritne nanočestice sintetisane koprecipitacijom iz vodenog rastvora odgovarajućih nitratnih soli. Da bi se omogućila elektrostatička depozicija nano-čestica, silika jezgra su funkcionalizovana sa 3-aminopropiltrietoksisilan (APTES) ili poli(dialildimetilamonijum hlorid) (PDDA) čime se povećava izoelektrična tačka silika čestica. Na ovaj način su oko silika jezgro čestica sintetisani jednoslojni omotači na bazi SiO2, Fe3O4, ZnFe2O4 ili NiFe2O4.<br />Rezultati su potvrdili da se uniforman silika sloj može deponovati na funkcijonalizovanim silika česticama. Formiran silika omotač je imao debljinu ~ 30 nm, mezoporoznu strukturu sa srednjom veličinom pora od ~ 8 nm i značajnom ukupnom zapreminom pora. Zbog toga su tako dobijene silika jezgro-omotač nanostrukture pogodne za imobilizaciju enzima ali i nekih drugih aktivnih materija. Takođe je potvrđeno da je optimalna pH vrednost za sintezu homogenog Fe3O4 omotača na nefunkcionalizovanim silika jezgrima ~ 5,4. Dobijeni Fe3O4 omotač je superpa-ramagnetan sa temperaturom blokiranja ~ 25 K. Ugradnja nikla i cinka u feritnu strukturu omotača nije bilo moguće na nižim pH vrednostima. Međutim, pokazano je i da je na višim pH vrednostima velika brzina formiranja feritnih čestica i njihova samoagregacija dominira nad konkurentnom reakcijom depozicije feritnih čestica na funkcionalizovana silika jezgra. U cilju sprečavanja samoagregacije, depo-zicija ZnFe2O4 i NiFe2O4 nanočestica na PDDA-funkcionalizovanim silika jezgrima je obavljena u prisustvu citratne kiseline na pH &gt; 7. Citratna kiselina pasivizira površinu feritnih nanočestica i na taj način inhibira samoagregaciju, omogućavajući depoziciju ovih čestica na površinu PDDA-funkcionalizovanih silika jezgara.<br />U ovoj tezi su sintetisane čestice sa dvoslojnim omotačem, koji se sastoje od unutrašnjeg Fe3O4 i spoljašnjeg silika sloja. Na PDDA-funkcio-nalizovanim SiO2-jezgro/Fe3O4-omotač česticama, obavljena je depozicija silika nanočestica čime je formiran spoljni mezoporozni silika omotač. Dobijene su kompozitne čestice sa dva različita funkcionalna sloja: unutrašnjim koji omogućava magnetnu separaciju čestice iz reakcionog medijuma i spoljnim koji omogućava imobili-zaciju aktivnih materija. Dobijeni rezultati su ukazali da se ove nanokompozitne čestice mogu upotrebiti u bioinženjerstvu i oblastima herterogene katalize.</p> / <p>This thesis presents the results of the synthesis and characterization of the nanocomposite particles with core-shell structure. Nanocomposite particles were synthesized by liquid-phase technique through electrostatic deposition of in situ synthesized SiO2, Fe3O4, ZnFe2O4 or NiFe2O4 nanoparticles on the surface of spherical and monodispersed silica core particles (average size ~ 0.4 &mu;m). Silica core particles were prepared by hydrolysis and condensation of tetraethylorthosilicate in basic conditions. Silica nanoparticles were obtained by neutralization of highly basic sodium silicate solution while ferrite nanoparticles were obtained by coprecipitation from solutions of the corresponding nitrate salts. To improve electrostatic assembling of nanoparticles on the surface of silica core particles, the latter were functionalized with 3-amino-propyltriethoxysilane (APTES) or poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDDA) which increases the isoelectric point of the silica core particles. In this way SiO2, Fe3O4 , ZnFe2O4 or NiFe2O4 shells were synthesized around the silica core particles, respectively.<br />The results confirmed that uniform silica layer can be deposited at the functionalized silica core particles. The formed silica layer had thickness of ~ 30 nm, mesoporous structure with average pore size of ~ 8 nm and high total pore volume. This makes silica shell suitable for immobilization of enzymes. Optimal conditions for synthesis of homogenous and thin Fe3O4 shell around non-functionalized silica core particles were found at pH ~ 5.4. Obtained Fe3O4 shell was superparamagnetic with blocking temperature at ~25 К. Incorporation of nickel and zinc into ferrite structure was impossible at lower pH values. However at higher pH the formation rate of Ni- and Zn-ferrite particles becomes very fast and the self-aggregation dominates the competing formation of the ferrite shell around functionalized silica cores. Because of that the self-aggregation was prevented by surface modify-cation of ZnFe2O4 and NiFe2O4 nanoparticles with citric acid before their deposition on the PDDA-functionalized silica core and homogenous and continuous shells were finally obtained at pH &gt; 7.<br />In addition, bilayered shell composed of internal Fe3O4 layer and external SiO2 layer, were also prepared. Silica nanoparticles were deposited on the surface of PDDA-functionalized SiO2-core/Fe3O4-shell particles which induced formation of external mesoporous silica shell. Obtained composite particles had two different functional layers: internal which would allow its magnetic separation from reaction mixture and external which could allow imobilization of various molecules and nanoparticles such as enzymes inside its pores. Based on these results, obtained nanoparticles could be used in bioengineering and heterogenous catalysis.</p>

Synthèse et caractérisation de matériaux moléculaires magnétiques incorporant des ions métalliques 3d et 4d/5d connectés par des ponts cyanures / The synthesis and characterization of low dimensional molecule-based magnetic materials having a cyanido bridge between 3d and 4d/5d transition metal ions

Bhowmick, Indrani 06 September 2012 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous avons synthétisé de nouveaux matériaux moléculaires hétérométalliques pontés par des groupements cyanures en utilisant la chimie de coordination donneur-accepteur. Les précurseurs moléculaires basés sur un ion métallique 3d (MnII/III, FeII, NiII, CuII) agissent en tant qu’unités acceptrices, alors que les précurseurs 4d (RuIII) et 5d (ReIV) de type trans-cyanido ont été utilisés comme groupements donneurs. Le chapitre I présente une approche théorique avec quelques exemples des matériaux magnétiques de basse dimensionnalité : molécule et chaîne aimant qui illustrent le rôle du ligand cyanido pour concevoir les matériaux magnétiques. En outre, nous avons sélectionné des précurseurs cyanido à base de métaux 4d/5d pour leur anisotropie magnétique plus élevée par rapport aux ions de métaux 3d. Le choix des précurseurs moléculaires, leur synthèse et leur caractérisation ont été largement décrits dans le chapitre II. Au cours de ce travail de recherche, nous avons obtenu de nombreux systèmes moléculaires hétérométalliques mais également des systèmes unidimensionnels. Les chapitres III, IV et V décrivent la synthèse, la structure cristallographique et la caractérisation magnétique de tous les complexes synthétisés. L’empilement cristallin compact des molécules conduit à un état fondamental antiferromagnétique pour la plupart des complexes ce qui perturbe souvent les phénomènes de relaxation magnétique. Nous avons donc établi les diagrammes de phases magnétiques pour la plupart de ces systèmes. De plus, certaines des chaînes ReIV/MnIII et une chaîne ReIV/FeII présentent des comportements magnétiques de type "chaîne aimant" et donc une bistabilité magnétique. / In this thesis, we have synthesised new cyanido bridged heterometallic molecule-based magnetic materials with the tool of simple donor-acceptor coordination chemistry. The 3d metal ion (MnII/III,FeII, NiII, CuII) based molecular precursors acted as acceptor building blocks, whereas the 4d (RuIII)and 5d (ReIV) trans-cyanido type molecular precursors were used as donor moieties.Chapter I contains a theoretical approach with examples of low dimensional magnetic materials:Single Molecule and Single Chain Magnets that illustrate the role of the cyanido ligand to design such magnetic materials. Furthermore, we emphasized the 4d/5d metal based cyanido precursors for their higher magnetic anisotropy over the 3d metal ions. The choice of molecular precursors, their synthesis and characterization were extensively described in chapter II. In this research work, we have obtained many heterometallic molecular complexes and also one dimensional systems. Chapter III, IV and V contain the synthesis, X-ray crystallographic and magnetic characterization of all the newly synthesized complexes. The close crystal packing of the molecules lead to an antiferromagnetic ground state for most of the complexes and this often perturbed the magnetic relaxation phenomena. As expected, we have found metamagnetic phase diagrams for most of these systems. Some of the ReIV/MnIII and a ReIV/FeII one dimensional compounds exhibited Single-Chain magnet like properties and thus magnetic bistability.

Espécies polinucleares de cobre e ferro com catalisadores de oxidação e modelos de sítios ativos / Polynuclear species of copper and iron as oxidation catalysts and types of active sites

Alves, Wendel Andrade 23 March 2005 (has links)
Diferentes complexos de cobre(II), contendo ligantes do tipo base de Schiff e um grupamento imidazólico, com interesse bioinorgânico, catalítico e como novos materiais, foram preparados na forma de sais perclorato, nitrato ou cloreto e caracterizados através de diferentes técnicas espectroscópicas (UV/Vis, IR, EPR, Raman) e espectrometria de massa Tandem (ESI-MS/MS), além de análise elementar, condutividade molar e medidas de propriedades magnéticas. Alguns destes compostos, obtidos como cristais adequados, tiveram suas estruturas determinadas por cristalografia de raios-X. As espécies di- e polinucleares contendo pontes cloreto, mostraram desdobramentos das hiperfinas nos espectros de EPR, relacionados à presença do equilíbrio com a respectiva espécie mononuclear, devido à labilidade dos íons cloretos, dependendo do contra-íon e do tipo de solvente utilizado. Adicionalmente, em solução alcalina, estes compostos estão em equilíbrio com as correspondentes espécies polinucleares, onde os centros de cobre estão ligados através de um ligante imidazolato. Em meio alcalino, estes compostos polinucleares contendo ponte imidazolato foram também isolados e caracterizados por diferentes técnicas espectroscópicas e magnéticas. Através da variação estrutural e também do ligante-ponte foi possível modular o fenômeno da interação magnética entre os íons de cobre em estruturas correlatas di- e polinucleares. Os respectivos parâmetros magnéticos foram obtidos com ajuste das curvas experimentais de XM vs T, correlacionando-se muito bem com a geometria, ângulos e distâncias de ligação entre os íons, quando comparado com outros complexos similares descritos na literatura. Posteriormente, estudaram-se os fatores relacionados com a reatividade de todas essas espécies como catalisadores na oxidação de substratos de interesse (fenóis e aminas), através da variação do tamanho da cavidade nas estruturas cíclicas ou de variações no ligante coordenado ao redor do íon metálico. Vários deles se mostraram bons miméticos de tirosinases e catecol oxidases. Um novo complexo-modelo da citocromo c oxidase (CcO), utilizando a protoporfirina IX condensada ao quelato N,N,-bis[2-(1,2-metilbenzimidazolil)etil]amino e ao resíduo de glicil-L-histidina, foi sintetizado e caracterizado através de diferentes técnicas espectroscópicas, especialmente EPR. A adição de H2O2 ao sistema completamente oxidado, FeIII/CuII, a -55°C, ou o borbulhamento de oxigênio molecular a uma solução do complexo na sua forma reduzida, FeII/CuI, saturada de CO, resultou na formação de adutos com O2, de baixo spin, estáveis a baixas temperaturas. / Different Schiff base copper(II) complexes containing an imidazole ligand were prepared as perchlorate, nitrate and chloride salts, and characterized by different techniques (UV/Vis, IR, EPR, Raman) and tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS), besides elemental analysis, conductivity measurements and magnetic properties. Some of these complexes, suitable crystals were isolated, allowing its structure to be determined by X-ray crystallography. Equilibria involving mono- and dinuclear species containing chloro-bridges were monitored in solution by EPR spectra, indicating a significant dependence on the solvent, and the counter-ion. In alkaline solution, deprotonation of the imidazole moiety promotes a self-assembled process, by coordination of the irnidazolate nitrogen atom to a copper(II) center of an adjacent unit, leading to the macrociclic or zig-zag-chain structures. These complexes were isolated and characterized by different spectroscopy techniques and magnetic susceptibility. The use of different bridging ligands and well-designed polydentate ligands afforded correlated structural features and exchange coupling constant in a series of di- e polinuclear copper(II) complexes. The magnetic parameters of these compounds were determined by temperaturedependent magnetic studies XM vs T, showing that the sign and the magnitude of the exchange coupling constant depends of the geometry, angle at the bridge, as well as on the bond length between paramagnetic ions, when compared with other complexes already described in the literature. The catalytic activity of the obtained complexes toward the usual biological oxidant, molecular oxygen, were then compared. Most of the di- and polynuclear compounds showed to be efficient catalysts of the aerobic oxidation of amines and o henolic substrates. Differinvg in some structural features, their tyrosinase-like catalytic activity was verified to be influenced by several factors, including steric hindrance of the ligands, cavity dimensions and accessibility of the oxidant to the catalytic center. A new biomimetic model system of the cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) derived from protohemin-IX and it contains a glycyl-L-histidine methyl ester arm axially binds the iron; the bis(benzimidazole) group acts as copper-coordinating site. has been prepared and characterized by different spectroscopic techniques, including EPR spectroscopy. The H2O2 addiction to the fully oxidised state of the system at -55ºC, or bubbling molecular oxygen into a CO-saturated solution of the reduced FeII/CuI state of the complex, resulted in a low spin oxygenated intermediate.

Estudo da evolução microestrutural e das propriedades magnéticas do aço inoxidável austenítico AISI 201 laminado a frio / Study of the microstructural evolution and magnetic properties of a cold rolled AISI 201 austenitic stainless steel

Souza Filho, Isnaldi Rodrigues de 20 August 2015 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, devido ao elevado preço do níquel, uma nova série de aços inoxidáveis austeníticos com um menor teor de níquel foi criada. A essa nova série foi dado o nome de série 200. Dentre os aços dessa classe, o AISI 201 tem sido utilizado em aplicações onde a elevada resistência à corrosão não é tão necessária. Neste trabalho de Mestrado investigou-se a formação e a reversão da martensita induzida por deformação em um aço inoxidável austenítico AISI 201 laminado a frio em 20, 40 e 60% de redução em espessura. Das chapas laminadas foram retiradas amostras que foram recozidas em várias temperaturas (200-800oC) por 1 hora. Amostras do material laminado em 60% de redução em espessura também foram recozidas por várias temperaturas (200-800oC) e por vários tempos (5-180min). Com isso, avaliou-se a evolução microestrutural do material durante a laminação frio e durante o recozimento por meio de medidas de microdureza Vickers, microscopias óptica, eletrônica de varredura e eletrônica de transmissão, difração de elétrons retroespalhados, difração de raios X e medidas de magnetização. Além disso, foram realizados cálculos termodinâmicos para a previsão da formação de fases nesse material. Constatou-se que o material de partida não era completamente austenítico, possuindo uma pequena fração de ferrita ? residual em sua microestrutura. Com relação às medidas de magnetização, observou-se que a fração de fase ferromagnética (martensita) aumenta com o aumento da deformação, aumentando a magnetização de saturação (Ms) do material. Para pequenas deformações (20% de redução em espessura) houve a ocorrência de um pico no valor de campo coercivo do material (Hc). Com o aumento da deformação (40 e 60%) os valores de Hc diminuíram. Com relação à reversão da martensita induzida por deformação durante os recozimentos, observou-se que ela ocorre na faixa de temperatura de 500-700oC para o material laminado em 60% de redução em espessura. O comportamento do material nesse estudo corrobora o que tem sido reportado na literatura para os aços da série 300. Entretanto, pouco tem sido publicado com relação às propriedades magnéticas do aço inoxidável austenítico AISI 201, principalmente com relação ao campo coercivo. Neste trabalho também foram realizadas medidas de magnetização durante o recozimento das amostras (condição in situ). Os parâmetros obtidos desses experimentos in situ foram comparados com aqueles obtidos para as amostras recozidas isotermicamente. / In the last years, since nickel price increased, another series of austenitic stainless steel with less amount of nickel has emerged: the series 200. The AISI 201 stainless steel has been used where intermediated corrosion resistance is needed. In this work, the formation of strain-induced martensite and its reversion in an AISI 201 austenitic stainless steel were studied. The material was characterized in terms of microstructure and then cold rolled up to 20, 40 and 60% of thickness reduction. For all degree of reduction, samples were annealed at several temperatures (200-800oC) for 1 hour. Additional samples taken from the 60% cold-rolled material were also annealed at several temperatures (200-800oC) for several times (5-180minutes). The microstructural evolution during cold rolling and annealing was evaluated using microhardness Vikers testing, light optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, electron backscatter diffraction, X-Ray diffraction and magnetization measurements. Phase predictions were also performed using software Thermo-calc©. It was observed that the as-received material was not fully austenitic. It has a small fraction of ?-ferrite within its matrix. The amount of ferromagnetic phase (martensite) increases with increasing deformation. For small deformation (20%), there is a peak in the coercive field of the material (Hc). As deformation increases, Hc values decrease. It was also observed that the martensite reversion takes place at 500-700oC. The behavior of the material is in accordance with what has been reported in the literature for the 300 series. However, only few works have been reported concerning AISI 201 stainless steel and its magnetic properties. In this work, magnetic measurements were also carried out during annealing (in situ condition). The obtained parameters from the in situ magnetic measurements were compared to those ones obtained from the isothermally annealed samples.

Structure électronique des interfaces Co(OOOl)/MoS2 et Ni(lll)/WSe2 pour l'injection de spin dans un semi-conducteur bidimensionnel / Electronic structure and magnetic properties of the Co(OOOl)/MoS2 and Ni(lll)/WSe2 interfaces for electrical spin injection in two-dimensional semiconductors

Garandel, Thomas 13 November 2017 (has links)
Les monofeuillets de dichalcogénures de métaux de transition (TMDC) tels que MoS2 ou WSe2 sont des semiconducteurs bidimensionnels à gap direct, dont les allées K et K' sont inéquivalentes dans la première zone de Brillouin : la levée de dégénérescence induite par le couplage spin-orbite entre les bandes de spin up et dawn est inversée entre les vallées K et K'. Des contacts métalliques magnétiques devraient permettre une injection de spin efficace depuis une électrode magnétique vers un TMDC. Les indices de vallée (Kou K') et de spin (up ou dawn) étant fortement couplés, cela permettrait de sélectionner électriquement l'une ou l'autre des vallées et de réaliser des dispositifs à base de TMDC pour la spintronique (exploitant le spin des électrons) ou pour la valléetronique (exploitant l'indice de vallée des électrons). Dans cette thèse, nous explorons les propriétés physiques des interfaces Co(OOOl)/MoS2 et Ni(lll)/WSe2 par des méthodes de calcul ab-initia basées sur la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité. Nous démontrons la nature covalente des liaisons à l'interface entre les monofeuillets de TMDC et les surfaces magnétiques Co(OOOl) et Ni(lll). Nous décrivons la structure atomique de ces interfaces, ainsi que la modification des moments magnétiques induite par des transferts de charge électrique entre atomes. Les liaisons covalentes aux interfaces confèrent aux monofeuillets de MoS2 et de WSe2 un caractère métallique. Nos calculs donnent finalement accès à la polarisation en spin au niveau de Fermi du TMDC connecté à ces électrodes magnétiques, ainsi qu'à la hauteur de la barrière Schottky (différence entre le niveau de Fermi dans la phase métallique du TMDC situé sous le contact magnétique et le bas de la bande de conduction du TMDC pur dans le canal). / Transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) single layers like MoS2 or WSe2 are direct band gap two-dimensional semiconductors, with non-equivalent K and K' valleys in the first Brillouin zone. The degeneracy liftingbetween spin-up and spin-down energy bands induced by spin-orbit coupling is inverted between the K and K' valleys . Magnetic metallic contacts should allow spin-injection from a magnetic electrode to a TMDC single layer. The valley (K or K') and spin (up or down) indexes being strongly coupled, this should also allow to electrically select one of the valleys in TMDC-based spintronic or valleytronic deviees. In this Thesis, we have studied the physical properties of the Co(OOOl)/MoS2 and Ni(lll)/WSe2 interfaces with first-principles methods based on the density functional theory. We demonstrated that the TMDC single layers are covalently bound to the Co(OOOl) and Ni(lll) surfaces. We describe the atomic structure of these interfaces and the modification of the magnetic moments induced by charge transfer between interface atomes. The MoS2 and WSe2 single layers become metallic when they are covalently bound to the magnetic metals. We also calculated the spin-polarization at the Fermi level of the TMDC layers connected to th Co and Ni electrodes and the Schottky barrier height (difference between the Fermi level in the metallic phase of the TMDC below the magnetic contact and the bottom of the conduction band in a pure TMDC channel).

Theoretical study of the transition-metal oxides Pb2FeMoO6 and ZrO2 / Étude théorique des oxydes de métaux de transition Pb2FeMoO6 et ZrO2

Zhang, Yan 26 September 2014 (has links)
Ces dernières années, les oxydes de métaux de transition ont suscité de grands intérêts du point de vue fondamental et technologique. A cet égard, nous nous concentrons sur deux types d'oxydes : le première, le Perovskite double Pb2FeMoO6, avec un potentiel d'application sur des appareils magnétorésistances et spintroniques ; le deuxième, la zircone ZrO2 avec de excellentes propriétés mécaniques et diélectriques pour être utilisée dans les domaines de matériaux structuraux et fonctionnels. Dans la présente étude, nous utilisons la méthode ab-initio (first-principles calculation) pour étudier les détails des orbites décomposés des structures électroniques et des propriétés magnétiques du Pb2FeMoO6 massif de structure parfaite, massif avec des défauts et en structure de plaque. En même temps, les détails des orbites décomposés des structures électroniques, les propriétés mécaniques, dynamiques et diélectriques de six phases de la ZrO2 (cubique, tétragonale, monoclinique, orthorhombique I (Pbca), orthorhombique II (Pnma) et (Pca21)) ont également été étudiés. D'abord nous allons faire les calculs ab-initio sur les propriétés structurales, électroniques et magnétiques de double pérovskite Pb2FeMoO6 massif avec structure parfaite, massif avec défauts et en structure de plaque. La densité des états orbitaux décomposés montre le champ cristallin octaédrique des six atomes d'oxygène autour de métal de transition (des Fe ou des Mo) et divise les cinq états dégénérés des atomes libres de Fe ou Mo dans un états triplement dégénéré t2g (dxy, dyz et dzx) avec une énergie plus faible et dans un états doublement dégénéré eg (dz2 et dx2-y2) avec une énergie plus élevée. La nature semi-métalliques et les propriétés de transport complètes (100%) de spin de polarisation de Pb2FeMoO6 massif et en structures de plaque reflètent un grand potentiel d’application dans les dispositifs magnéto-résistifs et spintroniques. Le caractère semi-métallique est maintenu pour le composé Pb2FeMoO6 désordonné contenant d’antisites Fe(Mo), de lacunes de VFe, VO ou VPb, alors qu'il disparaît quand les antisites Mo(Fe), les échanges entre Fe-Mo ou les lacunes de VMo sont présents même la concentration de défauts est réduite jusqu'à C = 6,25%. Ainsi, les antisites Mo(Fe), les échanges entre Fe-Mo ou les lacunes de VMo doivent être évités afin de préserver le caractère semi-métallique du composé Pb2FeMoO6 et donc être utilisables dans des dispositifs magnéto-résistifs et spintroniques.Ensuite, basé sur la rigidité élastique constantes individuelle calculée Cij de six phases de ZrO2, les propriétés élastiques et mécaniques des agrégats polycristallins ont été prédits. Nous avons donc examiné le caractère isolant de la phase cubique/tétragonale de ZrO2 sous forme film avec différentes combinaisons et différentes épaisseurs possibles dans des plans avec des faibles indices de Miller [(001), (110) et (111)] (pour la phase cubique) et [(001), (100), (110), (101) et (111)] pour la phase tétragonale. Il se trouve que pour les différentes combinaisons et épaisseurs possibles dans ces trois / cinq plans avec faibles indices de Miller, seulement ZrO2-terminé sous forme d’un film orienté dans le plan (110)/(100) et O-terminé sous forme d’un film orienté (111)/(101) des phases cubique/tétragonale de ZrO2 maintiennent le caractère isolant même les épaisseurs d’empilement est réduit jusqu'à deux et trois couches atomiques. Puisque cubique et tétragonale ZrO2 ont grande anisotropie élastique, comme un exemple, le stress et l'énergie de déformation densité ont été calculées pour tous {hkl} -oriented grains d'un film ZrO2 cubique polycristallin. / Transition-metal oxides have attracted exceptional research interest in recent years from both fundamental and technological perspectives. In this respect, we focus on two types of oxides, first, the double perovskite, Pb2FeMoO6 for a potential magnetoresistive and spintronics device application, second, zirconia ZrO2 with great mechanical and dielectric properties can be widely used in both structural and functional material fields. In this thesis we use first-principles calculations (ab-initio) to study systematically the detailed orbital-decomposed electronic structures and magnetic properties of Pb2FeMoO6 in the perfected bulk, defected bulk and slab structures. The detailed orbital-decomposed electronic structures, the mechanical, dynamical and dielectric properties of the ZrO2 in six phases (cubic, tetragonal, monoclinic, orthoI (Pbca), orthoII (Pnma) and (Pca21)) have also been studied.Firstly, considering the comparable ionic radius of Pb2+ (1.49Å) with that of Sr2+ (1.44Å), we propose for the first time to substitute Sr2+ ion with Pb2+ ion in Sr2FeMoO6 and a detailed study has been performed on the Pb2FeMoO6 in the perfected bulk, defected bulk and slab structures. The half-metallic nature and a complete (100%) spin-polarized transport properties reflect the bulk and especially slab Pb2FeMoO6 a potential application in magnetoresistive and spintronics devices; The detailed orbital-decomposed density of states show the octahedral crystal-field of the six oxygen atoms around transition-metal Fe or Mo atoms splits the five-fold degenerate states of the free Fe or Mo atoms into triply degenerate t2g (dxy, dyz and dzx) states with lower energy and doubly degenerate eg (dz2 and dx2-y2) states with higher energy, which cannot be observed in previous partial density of states ( ); The Fe3+ and Mo5+ ions are in the (3d5, s=5/2) and (4d1, s=1/2) states with positive and negative magnetic moments respectively and thus antiferromagnetic coupling via oxygen between them; The half-metallic character is maintained for the disordered Pb2FeMoO6 compounds containing FeMo antisite, VFe, VO, or VPb vacancy, while it vanishes when MoFe antisite, Fe-Mo interchange or VMo vacancy are presented even the defect concentration reduce down to C=6.25%. So the MoFe antisite, Fe-Mo interchange or VMo vacancy defects have to be avoided in order to preserve the half-metallic character of the Pb2FeMoO6 compounds and thus usable in magnetoresistive and spintronics devices.Secondly, based on the calculated individual elastic stiffness constants Cij of six ZrO2 phases, the elastic and mechanical properties of the polycrystalline aggregates have been predicted. We further exam the insulating characters of the cubic/tetragonal ZrO2 slabs with various possible terminations and thicknesses within three [(001), (110) and (111)]/five [(001), (100), (110), (101) and (111)] lower index Miller planes. It is found for the first time that among various possible terminations and thicknesses within these three/five lower index Miller planes, only ZrO2-terminated slabs of the (110)/(100) Miller plane and O-terminated slabs of the (111)/(101) Miller plane of cubic/tetragonal ZrO2 maintain the insulating character and thus usable as a gate dielectric oxide in IC industry even the slab thicknesses reduce down to 2 and 3 atomic layers, respectively; Since cubic and tetragonal ZrO2 have larger elastic anisotropy, both stress and strain energy density have been calculated for all {hkl}-oriented grains of a cubic ZrO2 polycrystalline film as one example.

Preparação e caracterização de microesferas poliméricas à base de metacrilato de glicidila e divinilbenzeno com propriedades magnéticas / Preparation and characterization of polymeric microspheres based on glycidyl methacrylate and divinylbenzene with magnetic properties

Carla do Nascimento Queiroz 31 March 2011 (has links)
Nesta Dissertação, foram sintetizadas microesferas poliméricas com propriedades magnéticas à base de metacrilato de glicidila e divinilbenzeno pela técnica de polimerização em suspensão. O material utilizado para conferir as propriedades magnéticas ao copolímero foi magnetita sintetizada no laboratório. Foram estudados os efeitos da modificação da magnetita com ácido oleico, da velocidade de agitação, do teor de agente reticulante, do teor de material magnético adicionado e do teor de agente de suspensão sobre as características das partículas poliméricas obtidas. As microesferas foram caracterizadas quanto ao seu aspecto morfológico, à estabilidade térmica, à incorporação de material magnético e quanto às suas propriedades magnéticas. A quantidade de partículas de ferro incorporadas foi afetada pela velocidade de agitação durante a síntese, pelo teor de material magnético adicionado, pela fase de dispersão do material magnético e pelo teor de monômeros no copolímero. A estabilidade térmica dos copolímeros foi afetada, principalmente, pelo teor de material magnético incorporado e pelo teor de monômeros, levando em consideração resinas com a mesma quantidade de material magnético adicionado. A magnetização de saturação para as microesferas foi afetada pelo teor de material magnético incorporado. A modificação da superfície da magnetita com ácido oleico foi considerada importante para a incorporação do material magnético na matriz do copolímero.Partículas poliméricas magnéticas com comportamento superparamagnéticos foram obtidas com morfologia esférica e magnetização de saturação de 7,11 (emu/g), utilizando razão molar de monômeros de 50/50 %, 1 % de PVA, 20 % de magnetita modificada com ácido oleico adicionada à fase orgânica e velocidade de agitação mecânica de 500 rpm / In this dissertation, polymeric microspheres with magnetic properties based on glycidyl methacrylate and divinylbenzene were synthesized by suspension polymerization technique. In order to obtain magnetic properties, magnetite particles modified by oleic acid were synthesized in laboratory. The effects of stirring rate, concentration of crosslink, the concentration of magnetite added and the concentration of stabilizer on the particles properties were studied. The magnetic microspheres were characterized according their morphology, thermal stability, incorporation of magnetite and their magnetic properties. The incorporate of iron particles content was mainly affected by stirring rate during the synthesis, by the content of magnetic material added, by the dispersion phase of magnetic material and by the monomers content in the copolymer. The thermal stability of copolymers was mainly affected by the content of magnetic material incorporated and by the monomers content, taking in account the resins with the same content of magnetic material added. The saturation magnetization for the microspheres was effected by the content of magnetic material incorporated. The modification with oleic acid was considered important to the incorporation of the magnetic material in the copolymer matrix.Magnetic polymeric particles with superparamagnetic behavior have been obtained with spherical morphology and saturation magnetization of 7.11 (emu/g). It was used monomers molar ratio of 50/50 %, 1% PVA, 20 % magnetite particles modified by oleic acid dispersion on organic phase and stirring rate of 500 rpm during the synthesis

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