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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uticaj molekularnih svojstava maltodekstrina na tehnološko ponašanje niskoenergetskih prehrambenih emulzija / Influence of molecular characteristics of maltodextrins on technological behaviour of low-energy food emulsions

Dokić-Baucal Ljubica 10 May 2002 (has links)
<p>Apstrakt je obrađen tehnologijama za optičko prepoznavanje teksta (OCR).</p><p>Maltodekstini, hidrolizati skroba niskog stepena konverzije (dekstrozni ekvivalent manji od 20), imaju &scaron;iroku upotrebu u prehrambenoj, kozmetičkoj i farmaceutskoj industriji. U prehrambenoj industriji koriste se u niskoenergetskim prehrambenim emulzijama (majonez, salatni prelivi, namazi) kao zamena za masne materije da bi obezbedili viskozitet, poželjne senzorne osobine i smanjenje energetske vrednosti proizvoda.<br />Viskozitet razblaženih rastora maltodekstrina različitog dekstroznog ekvivalenta i botaničkog porekla meren je kapilarnim viskozimetrom i izračunate su vrednosti unutra&scaron;njeg viskoziteta za pojedine maltodekstrine. Vrednosti untra&scaron;njeg viskoziteta i molekulske mase pokoravaju se zavisnosti &Scaron;taudingerove jednačine, iako su molekuli maltodekstrina relativno kratki i ne spadaju u grupu polimera. Utvrđena je mogućnost odredivanja DE- vrednosti viskozimetrijskin putem i izvedene su jednačine za dva opsega DE (5-10 / 10-20).<br />Da bi se ispitalo pona&scaron;anje emulzija sa maltodekstrinima (emulgovanje) u procesnim uslovima, kao i osobine fmalnih proizvoda (tečljivost, mazivost) ispitivana je dinamika emulgovanja, veličina kapljica i reolo&scaron;ko pona&scaron;anje, tj. uticaj različitih faktora na disperzione karakteristike emulzija suncokretovog ulja u vodi stabilizovanih prehrambenim emulgatorom, sa dodatkom maltodekstrina u kontinualnoj fazi.<br />Utvrđeno je da osobine maltodekstina kao &scaron;to je stepen konverzije (DE-vrednost) tj. veličina molekula maltodekstrina, utiču na dispezione i reolo&scaron;ke osobine emulzija. Uticaj koncentracije ulja i maltodekstrina, kao i delimična zamena ulja maltodekstrinom, na osobine emulzija su takode ispitivane. Sa povećanjem koncentracije ulja, pri istoj koncentraciji maltodekstrina u kontinualnoj fazi, emulzije menjaju tip proticanja od pseudoplastičnog preko tiksotropnog do antitiksotrpnog. Atitiksotropija izazvana smicanjem rezultat je formiranja unutra&scaron;nje strukture emulzije usled povezivanja kapljica ulja preko molekula maltodekstrina kao i orijentacije i deformacije kapljica ulja i maltodekstrina.<br />Dodatkom maltodekstrina za pri istoj koncentraciju ulja i vremenu emulgovanja dobijene su se emulzije sitnijih kapi.<br />Emulzije sa niskom koncentracijom ulja (30%) sa maltodekstrinom u kontinualnoj fazi bile su nestabilne i pokazivale efekat isplivavanja na povr&scaron;inu (creaming), &scaron;to je posledica interakcija molekula maltodekstrina i molekula emulgatora Tween 80 u kontinualnoj fazi i na povr&scaron;ini kapi.</p> / <p>Abstract was processed by technology for Optical character recognition (OCR).</p><p>Maltodextrins, low converted products of starch hydrolysis (dextrose equivalent less than 20), have been subject of various investigations due to their wide application in food industry, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. They are used in various low energy food emulsions (mayonnaise, salad dressing, spreads) as fat replacer to provide desirable viscosity, texture and sensory fat-like mouthfeel.<br />Viscosity of diluted maltodextrin solutions of different dextrose equivalent and botanical origin were determined by capillary visometer and intrinsic viscosity [q] of each tested maltodextrin was calculated. The values of [q] together with molecular mass M have shown applicability of Staudinger equation, regardless maltodextrin molecules are rather short. The possibility for the determination of DE-values of maltodextrins by viscometric method has been deduced and the equation was calculated for two ranges of DE (5-10/ 10-20).<br />In order to assess behavior of sunflower oil in water emulsions stabilized with food grade emulsifier with addition of maltodextrins in continuous phase in processing (emulsification), as well as end products in application (pouring, spreading) the emulsification dynamics, globule size changes and rheological behavior, as well as, the influence of different factors on dispersion characteristics of such emulsions were studied.<br />Dispersion and viscous properties of emulsions were influenced by certain specific maltodextrin characteristics such as degree of conversion (DE value) i.e. size of maltodextrin molecules. Influence of oil and maltodextrin concentration and partial substitution of oil with equivalent quantity of maltodextrin were investigated too. With increase of oil concentration at the same concentration of maltodextrin in continuous phase, emulsions undergo changes in flow type from shear-thinning to thixotropic and antithixotropic. Antithxotropy induced by shear, was result of formation of network due to two competing factors; linking of oil droplets through maltodextrin molecules as well as orientation of deformed oil droplets and maltodextrin molecules.<br />Addition of maltodextrin, at the same oil concentration and emulsification time, resulted in formation of emulsions with smaller oil droplets.<br />Emulsions with low oil concentration (30%) with maltodextrin in continuous phase were unstable, showing so called creaming effect. This was mainly due to interactions between maltodextrin and emulsifier Tween 80 molecules which took place in continuous phase and on droplet surfaces.</p>

Funkcionalne karakteristike smeša maltodekstrina i namenske masti kao komponenti niskoenergetskih masnih punjenja za konditorske proizvode / Functional characteristics of vegetablefat/maltodextrin gel blends as a component for low calorie confectionery fat fillings

Hadnađev Miroslav 19 April 2012 (has links)
<p>Masna punjenja predstavljaju grupu proizvoda koje se<br />koriste u konditorskoj i pekarskoj industriji. Kako ona<br />najče&scaron;će sadrže između 30-40% masti, teži se dobijanju<br />formulacija sa redukovanim sadržajem masti. To se<br />može postići zamenom dela masne faze uz upotrebu<br />zamenjivača masti, najče&scaron;će hidrokoloida koji imaju<br />osobine slične osobinama zamenjene masti.<br />Maltodekstrini i njihovi geli mogu se koristiti kao<br />zamenjivači masti. Oni predstavljaju produkte hidrolize<br />skroba koji su rastvorljivi u vodi, mogu da poseduju<br />osobine formiranja gela, imaju slične mazive osobine<br />kao i masti i blagi i neutralni ukus.<br />U ovom radu ispitivane su reolo&scaron;ke osobine različitih<br />maltodekstrina kao i sme&scaron;a namenske biljne masti i<br />rastovora/gela maltodekstrina u odnosu 9:1. Na<br />osnovu dobijenih rezultata utvrđeno je da su od svih<br />ispitivanih komercijalnih maltodekstrina,<br />maltodekstrini <em>01970 </em>i <em>N-Lite D</em> sa namenskom biljnom<br />masti davali stabilne sisteme. Stoga su maltodekstrini<br /><em>01970</em> i <em>N-Lite D</em> kori&scaron;ćeni za dalja istraživanja.<br />Namenska biljna mast zamenjivana je sa 15 i 20%<br />gelima maltodekstrina <em>01970</em> i <em>N-lite D</em> u tri različita<br />odnosa: 16,7% gela maltodekstrina i 83,3% namenske<br />biljne masti; 33,3% gela maltodekstrina i 66,7%<br />namenske biljne masti i 50% gela maltodekstrina i<br />50% namenske biljne masti. Određivane su reolo&scaron;ke<br />osobine metodom histerezisnog postupka,<br />viskoelastične osobine, kao i teksturne osobine<br />pripremanih sme&scaron;a. Dobijeni rezultati su ukazivali da<br />prisustvo maltodekstrinskih gela u sme&scaron;i sa<br />namenskom biljnom masti utiče na pad tiksotropnosti i<br />čvrstoće i povećanje prividnog viskoziteta i<br />viskoelastičnosti ispitivanih sistema. Sve sme&scaron;e<br />namenske biljne masti i gela maltodekstrina služile su<br />kao komponenta masne faze za pripremu masnih<br />punjenja sa smanjenim sadržajem masti. Povećanjem</p><p>zamene dela masne faze maltodekstrinskim gelima u<br />masnim punjenjima uzrokovalo je povećanje<br />tiksotropnosti i čvrstoće kao i promenu boje krajnjeg<br />proizvoda. Na osnovu senzorske ocene sprovedene od<br />strane iskusnog senzorskog panela i na osnovu testa<br />prihvatljivosti od strane netreniranih potro&scaron;ača,<br />najbolje ocenjena masna punjenja bila su ona kod kojih<br />je 5% masti zamenjeno maltodekstrinskim gelima.<br />Međutim, na osnovu rezultata testa prihvatljivosti<br />uočeno je da su i sistemi sa 15% zamene masti bili<br />senzorski prihvatljivi. Takođe je i na osnovu rezultata<br />sprovedenog upitnika na uzorku od 250 ispitanika<br />utvrđeno da su potro&scaron;ači (64,4%) zainteresovani za<br />konzumiranje konditorskih proizvoda sa smanjenim<br />sadržajem masti.</p> / <p>Confectionery fat fillings are products used in<br />confectionery and baking industry. They contain<br />approximately 30-40% of fat. Due to the high fat<br />content, fat fillings have considerable high caloric<br />value. Therefore, there is a trend to decrease fat<br />content in fat filling formulation. That can be achieved<br />by replacing the portion of the fat phase with fat<br />replacers, most often with hydrocolloids having<br />characteristics which tend to mimic properties of<br />replaced fat. Maltodextrins and their gels can be used<br />as potential fat replacers. Maltodextrins represent<br />starch hydrolysis products soluble in water. Also they<br />posses gel forming ability, spreading ability similar to<br />fats, and bland and non sweet taste.<br />Rheological properties of different types of<br />maltodextrins were examined. Also, blends prepared<br />with 90 % of vegetable fat and 10% of maltodextrin<br />solution/gels were rheologically characterised.<br />According to obtained results, it was found that among<br />all tested commercial maltodextrins,<em> 01970</em> and <em>N-Lite<br />D</em> built stable systems. Therefore, they were used in<br />further measurements.<br />Vegetable fat was partially replaced by 15 and 20% of<br /><em>01970</em> and <em>N-Lite D</em> maltodextrin gels in three different<br />ratios (16.66%, 33.33% and 50% respectively). Steady<br />shear, dynamic oscillatory measurements as well as<br />textural measurements were performed. The obtained<br />results indicated that the presence of maltodextrin gels<br />in blends with vegetable fat influenced the decrease of<br />thixotropy and hardness and increase of viscosity and<br />viscoelasticity of the tested systems. All maltodextrin<br />gel/vegetable fat blends were further used for</p><p>preparation of confectionery fat fillings. The increase in<br />the amount of fat reduction resulted in the increase of<br />thixotropy and hardness and change in colour of the<br />final product. According to sensory analysis performed<br />by trained sensory panel as well as by measurement of<br />product acceptance&ndash;preference performed by<br />untrained panellists (consumers), fat filling with 5% fat<br />reduction had the highest scores. However, according<br />to product acceptance&ndash;preference measurements it<br />was estimated that the final product with 15% fat<br />reduction was also sensory acceptable. The results of<br />survey performed on 250 participants showed that<br />consumers (64.4%) were interested in consuming low<br />fat confectionery product</p>

Incorporation and release of organic volatile compounds in a bio-based matrix by twin-screw extrusion / Incorporation et libération de composés organiques volatils dans une matrice d'agromatériaux par extrusion bi-vis

Castro Gutierrez, Natalia 18 February 2016 (has links)
Dans le contexte actuel, les communautés scientifiques et politiques sont centrées sur les différentes manières de mieux préserver et utiliser les ressources naturelles de notre planète. Dans le but de réduire la consommation des matières issues du pétrole, et de développer de nouveaux produits et procédés industriels plus propres, l’industrie des fragrances et des arômes cherche aujourd’hui à développer de nouveaux matériaux bio-sourcés pour protéger leurs molécules volatiles odorantes. Dans ce travail de thèse, les maltodextrines ont été choisies comme composé majoritaire, les protéines de pois et un amidon modifié ont été sélectionnés comme additifs compatibilisants pour la composition des matrices d’agromatériaux. L’incorporation des molécules volatiles odorantes, ainsi que l’élaboration des matrices encapsulantes ont été réalisées en une seule étape, grâce à la technologie d’extrusion bi-vis à basse température. Les caractéristiques physicochimiques, thermiques et morphologiques de ces nouvelles matrices enrobantes ont été analysées, de même que la détermination de leur efficacité d’encapsulation et du profil de libération du principe actif. Les différentes investigations menées ont permis de mieux comprendre l’impact des formulations et de l’incorporation des molécules volatiles odorantes sur les paramètres opératoires. Les interactions entre la matrice enrobante et le principe actif ont également été étudiées. Les conditions d’extrusion établies, ainsi que les caractéristiques de ces nouvelles matrices encapsulantes, s’avèrent être pertinentes pour le domaine de la parfumerie. / Nowadays, scientific and political communities are focused on ways to better preserve and manage the natural resources of our planet. In order to reduce consumption of fossil resources, and to develop more environmentally friendly industrial processes, the industry of flavors and fragrances became interested in developing new bio-based encapsulating materials. In the present work, maltodextrins have been chosen as main component of the matrix, and pea protein isolate and a modified starch were selected as compatibilizing additives. The incorporation of volatile odorant compounds and the elaboration of the new bio-based delivery systems were performed, all in one single step, by low temperature twin-screw extrusion. The physicochemical, thermal and morphological properties of these matrices were studied, as well as the encapsulation efficiency and the release profile of the active compounds. These investigations have led to a better understanding of the impact of the formulations and of the incorporation of the active compound on the process parameters. The interactions between the wall and the encapsulated materials were also analyzed. The characteristics of the new bio-based delivery systems and the established extrusion process conditions were found to be very promising to be employed in the field of perfumery.

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