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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arms control and disarmament in Southern Africa: An assessment of civil society and state responses in Mozambique 1995 – 2003

Henda, Mongi Stanley 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Political Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis aims to ascertain the level of success which civil society and state actors have had in dealing with issues of arms control and disarmament in the SADC region during the post- Cold War era. The main research question shall be divided into two key questions, the first being: How successful have states been in managing arms control and disarmament in the SADC region? The second question being: How successful has civil society been in managing arms control and disarmament in the SADC region? The study is therefore an evaluative study and shall be focused on the case study of Mozambique. Two arms control processes shall be evaluated in this regard. First is the “Transforming weapons into Ploughshares” or TAE project which is a civil society campaign aimed at minimizing the harsh impacts that Small Arms and Light Weapons have on Mozambican society. The demarcated time period for this project shall be 1995-2003. Second is state driven operation between South African and Mozambican police aimed at locating and destroying arms caches responsible for fuelling the illicit trade in light arms between the two countries. This project was known as Operation Rachel and shall be evaluated from the period of 1995-2001. Through evaluating these two projects, the study shall seek to make the point that in terms of arms control in post-conflict developing states, there is a role for both state and civil societies. The role of civil society organizations can be seen as one of identifying security threats, raising public awareness and democratizing security issues such as arms control so that society at large becomes active in negating the problem. The role of the state on the other hand is to live up to its duties as the chief provider of security for the designated population within the state’s territorial boundary. Arms control in Mozambique and in the SADC region in general has been mediocre at best since as shall be demonstrated, states are far too weak to offer any meaningful protection to citizens and secondly civil society organizations which have taken it upon themselves to offer this kind of protection are just not well resourced enough to undertake state responsibilities. Thus the key recommendation of this study is that Southern African states invariably need to build up their capacities. Light weapons have spread uncontrollably throughout the region because weak and fractured states could not contain the problem and continue struggling to manage a multitude of security threats. It is therefore up to civil society organizations to build strong societies which can demand stronger state action. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis se doel is om vas te stel tot watter mate die burgerlike samelewing en Staat akteurs sukses behaal het in terme van wapenbeheer en ontwapening in die Suider-Afrikaanse Ontwikkelings Gemeenskap (SAOG) streek na die koue oorlog. Die hoof navorsings vraag sal in twee kern vrae verdeel word, Die eerste vraag is: Hoeveel sukses het die burgerlike samelewing in die SAOG streek gehad met die bestuur van wapenbeheer en ontwapening? Die tweede vraag is: hoeveel sukses het Staat akteurs in die SAOG streek gehad met die bestuur van wapenbeheer en ontwapening? Hierdie studie is dus ʼn evaluerende studie en sal op Mosambiek fokus as gevalle-studie. Twee wapenbeheer prosesse sal in hierdie tesis evalueer word. Eerste, is die “Transforming Weapons into Ploughshares” of “TAE” projek wat ʼn burgerlike samelewings veldtog is, wat hom ten doel gestel het om die negatiewe impak van ligte-wapens op Mosambiekse samelewing te verminder. Die afgebakende tydperk vir hierdie studie sal 1995-2003 wees. Die tweede proses is die staat-gedrewe operasie tussen die Suid-Afrikaanse en Mosambiekse polisie. Die doel van hierdie projek was om die wapen-opslagplekke wat verantwoordelik is vir die onwettige handel in wapens tussen die twee lande te identifiseer en dienooreenkomstig te verwoes. Hierdie was bekend as “Operation Rachel” en sal tussen 1995-2001 evalueer word. Duur die evaluering van hierdie twee projekte sal die studie probeer om die punt te maak dat daar ʼn rol is vir beide die burgerlike samelewing en die staat in terme van wapenbeheer in post-konflik, ontwikkelende lande. Die rol van burgerlike samelewing organisasies kan beskou word as die identifisering van bedreigings wat veiligheid en sekuriteit kan raak, om bewustheid te kweek en die demokratisering van veiligheid en sekuriteit kwessies soos wapenbeheer. Die rol van die staat is om hulle plig te vervul as die ‘hoof verskaffer’ van sekuriteit vir die bevolking binne die staat se territoriale grense. Wapenbeheer in Mosambiek en in die SAOG streek in die algemeen was totdusver minder suksesvol gewees, aangesien state heeltemal te swak is om enige betekenisvolle beskerming aan hulle burgers te verleen. Tweedens, het burgerlike samelewings organisasies wat die verantwoordelikheid aangeneem het om beskerming te verleen net nie genoeg hulpbronne om die staat se verantwoordelikhede te vervul nie. Dus, is die kern aanbeveling van hierdie tesis dat Suider-Afrikaanse state hulle bekwaamheid en kapasiteit sal moet versterk. Ligte wapens het onbeheersd dwarsdeur die streek versprei omdat swak state nie oor die kapasiteit beskik om veelvuldige veiligheids en sekuriteits-bedreigings te kan hanteer nie. Dit hang dus van burgerlike samelewingsv organisasies af om sterk samelewings te bou wat op hul beurt kan aandring op sterker staatsoptrede om hierdie kwessies meer daadwerklik aan te spreek.

Project management training for community development

Ntlonze, Chapman Mphuthumi 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Government of South Africa introduced the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) as a means of addressing the sub-standard, living conditions many underprivileged and disadvantaged societies were experiencing in the country. That gave community development impetus. The RDP, as a government policy, presupposed that public institutions would be responsible for its implementation. That implied that public officials, inter alia, would have to facilitate community development. This change agent status of public officials also implied that they would have, out of necessity and demand, to acquire or to demonstrate knowledge of project and community development management skills. Management sciences argue that an organisations' effectiveness is, amongst other, the result of interplay between the internal capacity (inputs), outputs (production) and outcomes (impacts). Internal capacity includes, among others, the training of personnel for the achievement of goals. This study, as stated in the research question, seeks to explain the relationship between project management training and effective community development. It seeks to establish whether there are a significant number of public officials who are trained in project management for community development. The study focuses on the Province of the Eastern Cape, especially the Department of Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture, with special reference to cultural officers. The study further presents the Willowvale Case Study to demonstrate in a practical way the relevance of project management skills to the implementation of community development programmes. This case study also serves as base to launch arguments in favour of trained public officials. The research results suggest that public officials, especially cultural officers, lack project management skills. These findings presuppose that the implementation of some community development projects may be flawed, delayed or postponed. The study recommends that the Province of the Eastern Cape consider setting up an interdepartmental body for the purpose of establishing an integrated project and community development training policy, in consultation with relevant tertiary institutions for support and advice. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse regering het die Heropbou- en Ontwikkelingsprogram (HOP) ingestel as instrument om die substandaard lewensomstandighede wat verskeie minderbevoorregte en agtergestelde gemeenskappe in die land ervaar, aan te spreek. Die HOP, as regeringsbeleid veronderstel dat openbare instellings verantwoordelik is vir die implementering daarvan. Dit impliseer dat openbare amptenare, onder andere, gemeenskapsontwikkeling moet fasiliteer. Hierdie veranderingsagent status van openbare amptenare impliseer dat hulle as 'n noodsaaklikheid vaardighede in projekbestuur en gemeenskapsontwikkeling moet bekom of oor beskik. In die bestuurswetenskappe word geargumenteer dat organisatoriese effektiwiteit onder andere die resultaat is van 'n verwantskap tussen interne kapasiteit, uitsette en uitkomste. Interne kapasiteit fokus onder andere weer op opleiding vir die bereiking van doelwitte. Hierdie studie poog om die verhouding tussen projekbestuursopleiding en effektiewe gemeenskapsontwikkeling te verklaar. Die studie probeer bepaal of 'n saakmakende hoeveelheid openbare amptenare opgelei is in projekbestuur vir gemeenskapsontwikkeling. Die studie fokus op die Provinsie van die Oos-Kaap, spesifiek die Department van Sport, Ontspanning, Kuns en Kultuur, met spesiale verwysing na kultuurbeamptes. 'n Gevalstudie van die Willowvale gemeenskap demonstreer op 'n praktiese wyse die relevansie van projekbestuursvaardighede vir die implimentering van gemeenskapsontwikkelingprogramme. Die gevalstudie verskaf ook 'n basis vir argumente ten gunste van opgeleide openbare amptenare. Die resultate van die studie suggereer dat openbare amptenare, veral kultuurbeamptes projekbestuursvaardighede kortkom. Hierdie bevindinge dui daarop dat die implementering van sekere gemeenskapsontwikkelingsprojekte beperkinge het, vertraag word en selfs gestaak kan word. Die studie beveel aan dat die Provinsie van die Oos-Kaap dit oorweeg om 'n interdepartementele liggaam te vestig. Die doel hiervan moet wees om 'n geïntegreerde Projek- en Gemeenskapsontwikkeling Opleidingsbeleid in konsultasie met relevante tersiêre instellings in te stel.

Kapasiteitsbou van informele gemeenskapsgebaseerde organisasies deur maatskaplike werkers van die ACVV

Boshoff, Shanie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work (Social Work))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / This research addresses the problem of how formal organisations can assist on building the capacity of informal community based organisations (CBO’s). Although informal CBO’s are being regarded as valuable resources rendering much needed services to marginalized communities, they are at present still exclude from governmental funding, because they do not meet the requirements prescribed by the state. To obtain the funds which will enable informal CBO’s to render effective and sustainable services to marginalized and poor vulnerable communities, it is from the developmental perspective in welfare crucial to build the capacity of these informal CBO’s. As a point of departure the researcher provides a general picture of the current structure of social service providers in South Africa. This is done, first of all, by conceptualizing “social service providers” within the context of general concepts such as “social welfare” and “social work”. In this respect a schematic representation provides a general picture of the various categories of social service providers involved, followed by a concise description of each, including their focuses, roles and responsibilities. This necessitates that a distinction should be drawn between the government sector, parastatal organisations, profit-yielding non-governmental organisations and non-governmental organisations without a profit-seeking motive. The concept “capacity building” is explored in accordance with the policy and legislative framework applicable to the capacity building of informal CBO’s by formal welfare organisations. This framework is supplemented by a description of other key concepts which have a bearing on the capacity building of informal CBO’s by formal welfare organisations, such as “empowerment” and “development”. Emanating from this an attempt is made to formulate the objective of the capacity building of informal CBO’s by formal welfare organisations. From the diversity of the developmental requirements and the obstacles informal CBO’s experience, aims for obtaining capacity building are deduced.

Partners in education : some policy guidelines for improving relations among different role players in the new education system with reference to the greater Newcastle Area

Biyela, Isaac M. 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study focuses on problems in the teaching fraternity after 1994. The transition to democracy brought about major changes in the running of the civil service. This study explores how the education policy of the central government in general, and that of KwaZulu-Natal Province in particular, affected human relations between school managers and teachers. A questionnaire was used to investigate the issue. Education policy guidelines and literature have been used to illustrate how policy can produce unintended consequences. The respondents to the questionnaire were selected school managers and teachers. The questions were aimed at gauging opinion regarding issues such as protection of line managers, moratorium on teacher transfers, the Labour Relations Act, commitment to teaching and training needs, to name just a few. Human relations seemed to worsen from 1996 to 1999 as most educators disobeyed the rules and to same extent continued to do so even after this period, in the name of unionism driven by "relatively" fair labour practice. One of the contentious issues in the conflict was the Labour Relations Act of 1995 that streamlined all labour sectors, thus doing away with differentiated legislation on each sector. The study found that the following factors contributed to strained human relations in the KwaZulu-Natal education sector: The abolition of corporal punishment in schools, a general lack of recognition for educational achievement of educators, a lack of recognition for good performance by supervisors, the way in which the Labour Relations Act was implemented in schools, unregulated voluntary severance packages for teachers, and the refusal by teacher unions to take up the duty loads of terminated temporary educators. In the light of the above the study made four recommendations: Knowledge and understanding of the Labour Relations Act should be strengthened among educators, further education of teachers should be recognised as it affects the quality of education in schools, the re-opening of educator transfers should be investigated, and training programmes are important to ensure capacity building. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie fokus op probleme wat in die onderwys-sektor ervaar is na 1994. Die transisie na demokrasie het groot veranderinge gebring tot die manier waarop die staatsdiens bestuur is. Die studie ondersoek die manier waarop mense-verhoudinge tussen skoolbestuurders en onderwysers, affekteer is deur die beleid van die sentrale regering in die algemeen, en die provinsie van KwaZulu-Natal in die besonder. 'n Vraelys is gebruik om die ondersoek te doen. Onderwysbeleidsriglyne en literatuur is gebruik om te illustreer hoe beleid in hierdie gevalonvoorsiene gevolge gehad het. Die respondente tot die vraelys is geselekteerde skoolbestuurders en onderwysers. Die vrae is gemik daarop om die opinies rakende die volgende kwessies te meet: die beskerming van lynbestuurders, die moratorium op onderwyser verplasings, die Wet op Arbeidverhoudinge, die verbeterings tot onderwys- en opleidingsbehoeftes, ensomeer. Verhoudinge het veral tussen 1996 en 1999 versleg, met die gevolg dat die meerderheid van onderwysers in die provinsie die department se reëls gebreek het (selfs na hierdie periode), in die naam van vakbond-aksie gedryf deur "relatiewe" regverdige arbeidspraktyk. In hierdie verband, was een van die vernaamste sake in die konflik die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge van 1995. Hierdie wet het alle arbeidsektore onder een bedeling gestroomlyn en so weggedoen met gedifferensieerde wetgewing vir elke sektor. Die studie vind op grond van die vraelys dat die volgende faktore die vernaamstes was in die KwaZulu-Natal onderwys sektor: Die afskaffing van lyfstraf in die skole, die tekort aan erkenning van studie deur onderwysers, die tekort aan erkenning vir goeie prestasie deur toesighouers, die manier waarop die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge in skole toegepas is, ongereguleerde toekenning van vrywillege aftrede pakkette, en die weiering deur onderwys vakbonde om die verpligtinge van afgedankte tydelike onderwysers to skouer. In die lig van hierdie faktore is die volgende voorstelle gemaak: Kennis en verstaan van die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge moet beter aan onderwysers gekommunikeer word, verdure studie deur onderwysers moet erken word aangesien dit die kwaliteit van onderwys beinvloed, onderwys verplasings moet weer ondersoek word, en opleidingsprogramme is 'n belangrike manier van kapasiteitsbou.

A study of the quality of classroom management strategies

Chan, Kam-man., 陳錦文. January 1992 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education

Retention of employees in the institutions of higher learning with special reference to the Central University of Technology : Free State

Moeketsi, Maganyane Mittah 11 1900 (has links)
The research investigates the retention of employees in the institutions of higher learning and the focus is placed on the Central University of Technology: Free State (CUT). The research is undertaken because the employees at the Central University of Technology: Free State, are resigning from their positions and join rival institutions and other organisations. This creates a problem on part of students, fellow employees and management. There is therefore, a need to find reasons behind these mass resignations of employees and also to look at the retention strategies that can be employed to keep employees at the Central University of Technology: Free State. In order to address the above purpose of the research, various retention strategies to keep talented employees are discussed, and factors that lead to employees leaving the institutions are also placed under the spotlight. The discussion shows that talent management has a direct relationship with employee needs and motivation. Qualitative and quantitative methods of research are used to analyse the retention strategies employed at the Central University of Technology: Free State. The findings of the research reveal that factors such as working environment, satisfying work-life, personal career development, emotional exhaustion as well as rewards versus performance exacerbate mass exodus of talented employees at the institution. It is also disclosed that there are retention strategies in place but are not effectively implemented. The findings revealed that managers and supervisors play crucial roles in the interpretation and implementation of strategies. Working conditions should be improved so that employees stay with the institution and perform to the best of their ability. Training should be made compulsory for every employee as it provides necessary skills. Best performance and rewards should match performance in order to keep employees at the institution. / Public Administration and Management / M. Admin. (Public Administration)

Gest??o de stakeholder e cria????o de valor: um estudo de caso

Vieira, Clodoir Gabriel 18 August 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-03T18:33:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Clodoir_Gabriel_Vieira.pdf: 1123012 bytes, checksum: 7c74f0cab08816d281791b7b8daa018e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-18 / This research, based on qualitative analysis, proposes to investigate the relationship between the shareholder management and value creation, seeking to collaborate with the Business Administration studies. Therefore, the Harisson et al. (2010) model considered, raising a discussion around the influence of management for value creation. The specific goals of this work are: (a) expanding the proposed model by Harisson et al. (2010), evaluating its applicability in the Brazilian scenario, focusing on the supplier stakeholder management; (b) analysing a real case, which is recognized as a successful one, towards the relationship of company and stakeholders; (c) Demonstrating how an Information Technology (IT) company focused on supplier can apply the model of Harison et al. (2010) model, looking to increase its competitive advantage by managing the stakeholders; (d) raising propositions about the theme for future development by other researchers. This investigation was made by studying the case focused on the supplier stakeholder, i.e., that one interested in optimizing its clients' business as a way to guarantee the relationship continuity for supplying products. The perspectives of members from the company used for this research, such as the President, Finance Director, Sales Director, and supplier, considered along this work. From these interviews, relevant data created for using in this research / Esse estudo, de natureza qualitativa, se prop??s a investigar como se d?? a rela????o entre a gest??o de stakeholders e a cria????o de valor, buscando contribuir para os estudos do campo da Administra????o. Para isso, foi considerado o modelo de Harrison et al. (2010), que prop??e uma discuss??o se a gest??o do stakeholder gera valor. Os objetivos espec??ficos deste estudo s??o: (a) aprofundar o modelo proposto por Harrison et al. (2010), avaliando sua aplicabilidade ?? realidade brasileira, com ??nfase na gest??o do stakeholder fornecedor; (b) analisar um caso real, na rela????o empresa e stakeholders; (c) investigar como uma empresa do setor tecnologia da informa????o com foco no fornecedor pode aplicar o modelo de Harrison et al. (2010), para aumentar sua vantagem competitiva por meio da gest??o de stakeholders; (d) levantar proposi????es sobre o tema, que possam ser testadas por outros pesquisadores. A investiga????o foi realizada por meio de um estudo de caso com ??nfase no stakeholder fornecedor, ou seja, aquele que se interessa pela otimiza????o1 dos neg??cios de seus clientes como forma de garantir a continuidade do fornecimento de seus pr??prios produtos. Participaram desse estudo stakeholders integrantes da empresa, quais sejam: diretor presidente; diretor financeiro; diretor de vendas; e fornecedor. Estas entrevistas geraram dados para a elabora????o do presente estudo

Alfabetiza????o financeira e sua influ??ncia nas decis??es de consumo de produtos financeiros

SILVA NETO, Odilon Feitosa 24 April 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Elba Lopes (elba.lopes@fecap.br) on 2016-04-07T18:12:18Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Odilon_Feitosa_da_Silva_Neto.pdf: 802495 bytes, checksum: 2cfe6494011fceeb2dd72a93163e7985 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-07T18:12:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Odilon_Feitosa_da_Silva_Neto.pdf: 802495 bytes, checksum: 2cfe6494011fceeb2dd72a93163e7985 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-04-24 / The present research has sought to explain the context and usage of credit financial products in Brazil, considering the recent scenario of financial inclusion. Thus, the research has sought to verify the relation between the level of financial literacy of the individuals and the quality in decision making when consuming credit financial products. Also, the research discusses the relevant terms related to the theme and the main credit products recently offered by the financial institutions in the national market. Considering the focus of this research, the present work has allowed evaluation of the level of financial literacy of 317university students interviewed in a private university in the city of Sao Paulo regarding credit usage. Finally, the work proves that the higher the financial literacy level, the better the decision making in credit products consumption by the university students is, since they make choices that involve lower costs. / A presente pesquisa procurou explorar o contexto e utiliza????o de produtos financeiros de cr??dito no Brasil, considerando o recente cen??rio de inclus??o financeira. Assim, o estudo buscou verificar a rela????o entre o grau de alfabetiza????o financeira dos indiv??duos e a qualidade de suas decis??es ao consumir produtos financeiros de cr??dito. O estudo, ainda, discorre sobre os termos pertinentes ao tema e os principais produtos de cr??dito oferecidos atualmente pelas institui????es financeiras que atuam no mercado nacional. Levando-se em considera????o o objeto de pesquisa, o presente trabalho permitiu avaliar o grau de alfabetiza????o financeira de317 estudantes universit??rios entrevistados em uma universidade particular no centro da cidade de S??o Paulo no tocante ?? utiliza????o de produtos de cr??dito. Por fim, o trabalho comprova que quanto maior o n??vel de alfabetiza????o financeira, melhor s??o as tomadas de decis??o pelos universit??rios no consumo de produtos de cr??dito, uma vez que eles optam por opera????es de menor custo

Total quality management: old, new or what, and implications for the Hong Kong service sector.

January 1994 (has links)
by Li Sau-fan, Elsie. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1994. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 74-76). / ABSTRACT --- p.ii / TABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.iv / LIST OF TABLES --- p.vi / LIST OF FIGURES --- p.vii / ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --- p.viii / Chapter / Chapter I. --- BACKGROUND AND STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM --- p.1 / Chapter II. --- LITERATURE REVIEW --- p.7 / Definition of Quality --- p.7 / "Selected Approaches to ""Quality""" --- p.8 / W. Edwards Deming --- p.8 / Philip B. Crosby --- p.12 / Deming vs. Crosby: Conflict or Synthesis --- p.15 / Chapter III. --- MODERN APPLICATION OF THE DELIVERY OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN SERVICE --- p.17 / Applying Statistical Control Philosophies to Service Quality Assessment --- p.18 / Background --- p.18 / A Gap Orientation to Service Quality --- p.23 / An Example --- p.26 / Managerial Implications and Recommendations --- p.29 / Selecting an Appropriate Approach to TQM Implementation --- p.30 / The Organization Alignment Model --- p.32 / Implementation --- p.41 / Chapter IV. --- CASE STUDY --- p.43 / One : Rank Xerox Hong Kong --- p.43 / The Quality Planning Process --- p.44 / Leadership Through Quality Programme --- p.44 / Management Commitment --- p.45 / A Strategic Focus on Internal and External Customers --- p.45 / Problems Encountered and Remedies --- p.46 / Conclusion --- p.47 / Two : American Express --- p.48 / The Magnitude of Quality Service in Amex --- p.48 / Late 1970's: Quality Assurance Programme --- p.49 / Current Approach: Teamwork Approach to American Express Quality Leadership (AEQL) --- p.50 / Chapter V. --- IMPLICATIONS FOR FUTURE IMPLEMENTATION OF TQM --- p.54 / Five Tenets of TQM --- p.54 / A Strategic Approach to Quality --- p.56 / Conclusion --- p.58 / APPENDIX --- p.59 / BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.74

Incentive compensation scheme: case studies of two PRC softdrink plants.

January 1988 (has links)
by Tong Shing, Steve. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1988. / Bibliography: leaves 91-92.

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