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Estudo da gestão municipal dos resíduos de construção e demolição na bacia hidrográfica do Turvo Grande (UGRHI-15) / Study on municipal management of construction and demolition wastes in the Turvo Grande watersheed (URGHI-15)José da Costa Marques Neto 04 September 2009 (has links)
Os principais problemas enfrentados pelas cidades em relação aos resíduos de construção e demolição (RCD) estão associados à disposição irregular das enormes quantidades produzidas. O descarte clandestino dos RCD pode provocar a degradação dos ecossistemas água, ar e solo. O acúmulo de resíduos espalhados em diferentes locais das cidades leva à proliferação de vetores de doenças com danos à saúde pública. Além disso, provocam problemas nos sistemas de drenagem urbana. Do ponto de vista econômico, os custos de limpeza pública para remoção dos resíduos demonstram a não sustentabilidade do modelo corretivo. Essa situação pode ser explicada pela ausência de políticas específicas de gestão. Com a introdução do marco regulatório nacional para os RCD, vários municípios têm procurado implantar um modelo mais sustentável, mas as dificuldades para operação e manutenção têm inviabilizado sua continuidade. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar os modelos de gestão dos resíduos de construção e demolição na Bacia Hidrográfica do Turvo Grande (BH-TG) pertencente a 15ª Unidade de Gerenciamento de Recursos Hídricos (UGRHI-15) do Estado de São Paulo, bem como desenvolver um software para apoio à gestão municipal dos RCD - SISRCD. Ainda dentro da proposta do estudo, também são apresentados a situação dos RCD em Portugal e os resultados da experiência realizada em uma obra predial na cidade de Guimarães. Para estudo na UGHRI-15, foram coletados dados da situação dos entulhos nos 64 municípios integrantes, que permitiram fundamentar e sistematizar a metodologia. Os dados foram levantados nos anos de 2008 e 2009 com aplicação de questionário aos gestores e por meio de visitas aos municípios para levantamentos in loco das áreas de disposição final. Os principais itens avaliados foram os sistemas de manejo em operação, a produção de RCD, os custos com gestão, formas de tratamento e descarte. Com base nos resultados obtidos, dos municípios que fizeram parte desta pesquisa, foi possível concluir que apenas São José do Rio Preto possui um plano integrado de Gerenciamento de Resíduos da Construção Civil, conforme diretrizes da resolução n.º 307 do Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente. Por esta razão, a implantação do sistema de apoio à gestão municipal dos resíduos da construção civil - SISRCD - pode ser transformada em excelente ferramenta para orientação e auxílio no controle municipal dessas atividades. O SISRCD é uma proposta original de uma ferramenta computacional cuja principal característica é a simplicidade de utilização pelos usuários a qual, após validação poderá ter ampla aplicação nos mais diferentes municípios do país. / The main problems faced by the cities related to construction and demolition wastes (CDW) are associated to the illegal disposal of huge quantities produced. The illegal CDW discharge may cause water and soil degradation problems. The accumulation of wastes scattered in different city locations leads to diseases caused by vectors proliferation with damage to public health. Moreover, they cause problems in urban drainage systems. From an economic perspective, the costs of public cleaning services for waste removal have indicated the nosustainability of the corrective model. This can be explained by the absence of specific policies for CDW management. By introduction of the national regulatory framework for the CDW, several municipalities have attempted to implement a more sustainable model, however difficulties related tosystem operation and maintenance have not allowed its continuance. So, the purpose of this study was to evaluate models for the management of construction and demolition wastes in Turvo Grande Watershed (RTG) which is included in the 15th Water Water Resources Unit Management (UGRHI-15) of São Paulo State, as well as to develop a prototype system to support municipal management of CDW - SISRCD. The work also includes and overview of Portugal CDW situation and the results of an experience carried out on a building location at Guimarães city - Portugal. Information and data related to construction and demolition wastes from 64 municipalities members of UGRHI-15 were collected in order to support and optimize the methodology. The data were collected for the years 2008 and 2009 based on a questionnaire applied to municipal managers and also technical visits to municipalities along with surveys of final disposal areas. The main evaluated issues encompassed management systems in operation, production of the CDW, management costs, and treatment and disposal models. Based on the results, it appears that only Sao Jose do Rio Preto has an Integrated Waste Management of Construction Plan, in accordance to guidelines of in the resolution 307 of the National Environmental Council. Thus, the implementation of a prototype system to support the management of municipal construction waste - SISRCD - may become an important tool for guidance and assistance to the control of municipal activities. The SISRCD is an original proposal for a computer tool based on a simple user interface. The system after is validation may have a broad application at different municipalities around the country.
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Frihet under ansvar : En fallstudie om organisationsstyrning / Freedom under responsibilityMoritz, Frida January 2020 (has links)
The Bachelor thesis ”Freedom under responsibility” is based on the work of the foundation Fryshuset in Stockholm, Hammarby Sjöstad (HS) on the 8th floor. The foundation runs its operations in Sweden as well as internationally with the main focus being personal- growth and development of the youth. High trust levels in combination with holding great responsibilities enable the people of the foundation agility in their planning and execution in order to meet their objectives in a highly dynamic environment. This way of working is called freedom under responsibility and is greatly appreciated by the employees, however, lack of direction, accountability, and communication has been raised as an issue. The purpose of the study is to identify and clarify the problems that exist in the Fryshuset´s HS in the 8th floor 'Freedom under responsibility', in order to be able to improve and develop the working method.This thesis aims to analyze and evaluate the operation management strategies, leadership, and communication regarding direction, objective setting, planning, execution, and evaluation. The last part of the thesis contains recommendations for improvements of the operations of the foundation. The thesis result is based on data collected from Fryshuset's HS on the 8th floor documentation, interviews and survey. The result shows that one of the major problems in ‘Freedom under responsibility’ is the daily operations from the operation management. The recommendations for improvements is:• Improve the work to form the annual objective setting • Improve followup meetings / Examensarbetet ’Frihet under ansvar’ är inriktad på stiftelsen Fryshuset i Stockholm, Hammarby Sjöstad (HS) på våning 8. Fryshuset är en stiftelse som bedriver verksamhet i Sverige men även internationellt. Fokus ligger på unga och deras chans att utvecklas och växa. Medarbetarna på Fryshuset HS våning 8 har mycket ansvar med stor handlingsfrihet, de arbetar mycket självständigt och styr sig själva i arbetet. Medarbetarna uppskattar detta arbetssätt, som en del kallar ‘Frihet under ansvar’ men önskar en ökad styrning och bättre kommunikation från chef- och ledarskapet. Syftet med studien är att identifiera och klargöra vilka problem som finns i Fryshuset HS våning 8 arbetssätt ‘Frihet under ansvar’, för att sedan kunna förbättra och utveckla arbetssättet. Det som har undersökts i arbetssättet ‘Frihet under ansvar’ är Fryshusets HS våning 8 organisationsstyrning, specifikt ledarskapets styrning och kommunikation gällande målformulering, planering, genomförande, uppföljning och utvärdering. Resultatet baseras på data som har samlats in från Fryshusets HS våning 8 befintliga dokumentation, genomförda intervjuer och utskickad enkät. Resultatet tillsammans med analys visar att det råder problem i Fryshuset HS våning 8 dagliga styrning som i sin tur skapar problem i arbetssättet ’Frihet under ansvar’. Rekommendationen är att Fryshuset HS våning 8 möter problemet genom att förbättra upprättandet av den årliga verksamhetsplanen samt förbättra avstämningsmöten som hålls med medarbetarna.
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Factors Influencing the Implementation of Information Security Risk Management : A case study of Nigerian Commercial BanksAghaunor, Gabriel, Okojie, Bukky E January 2022 (has links)
The banking industry is one of the critical infrastructures in any economy. The services rendered by banks are systematically based on innovation, products, and technology to leverage their services. Several associated risks come along with the rendering of these banking services. The protection of critical information assets of any banking organization should be a top priority of the management. They must ensure that adequate provision is made to develop a strong strategy to control, reduce, and mitigate tasks, such as fraud, cyber-attacks, and other forms of cybersecurity exploitations. Risk management is a series of actions to identify, assess and control threats and vulnerabilities in an organization's capital investment and revenue. These potential risks arise from diverse sources like credit risk, liquidity risk, financial uncertainties, legal actions, technology failures, business strategic management errors, accidental occurrences, and natural disasters. This research study aimed to investigate the factors influencing the implementation of information security risk management in Nigerian Commercial Banks, using a social-technical system framework to address a fundamental human risk factor, which contributes predominately to the failure in information security risk management. These research was motivated by the fact that Nigerian banking sector is facing serious threats' threat emanate from cyber-attacks. Evidenced by the ever-increasing cyber-attacks, as demonstrated by a total of 1,612 complaints from consumers of financial services over banking fraud and aggressive charges received between July and December 2018 of which 99.38% of these incidences were against the commercial banks. The banks are faced with a lot of vulnerabilities and cybersecurity threats, and most of the attacks that happened within the banking sector are focused on the customers, and employees through phishing and social engineering. These showed weaknesses in information security management within the Nigerian banking industry. However, the study was guided by the social-technical theory that advocates for overall training to the stakeholders that helps in changing their beliefs and norms about organization of IS security. In order to find out the factors influencing the implementation of information security risks management in respect of Nigerian Commercial Banks, this study evaluated the influence of management support, technical experts support, funding and users’ security awareness to curb the cyber-attacks in Nigerian financial sector. The contribution of this research is expected to lead to the improvement in the financial system, and organizations, where cybersecurity and information security risk management processes are taken seriously, to reduce the high level of information security risk, threats, and vulnerabilities. Nigeria is a developing country, and at the same time fighting to develop a more conducive business investment environment to attract both national and international investors. A mixed approach research (qualitative and quantitative) method was used to validate this research study. Data collection tools used included interviews and questionnaires. Data analysis was done using the SPSS and logistic regression model.
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Object Warehouse - Konzeption der Basis objektorientierter Management Support Systems am Beispiel von Smalltalk und dem ERP BaanMaur, Eitel von 18 May 2001 (has links)
Die Arbeit untersucht die Realisierungsmöglichkeiten der Potenziale des objektorientierten Paradigmas im Bereich der Management Support Systems (MSS). Die Untersuchung konzentriert sich dabei auf die grundlegende Datenhaltungskomponente, das Data Warehouse (DWH) respektive Object Warehouse. Dazu wird im ersten Teil zunächst nach einer ausführlichen Analyse der Begriffslandschaft im Bereich der Management Support Systems und einer geeigneten Neudefinition und Einordnung des Data Warehouse auf den Entwicklungspfad des Data Warehouse eingegangen, bei welchem insbesondere die Anforderungen und Zielsetzungen des Data-Warehouse-Konzeptes herausgearbeitet werden. Darauf aufbauend wird ein generelles, systemunabhängiges Data-Warehouse-Konzept entwickelt und gegenüber den in der Literatur und Praxis vorherrschenden, konventionellen Konzepten bewertet. Basierend auf einer umfassenden Klassifizierung und Analyse des objektorientierten Paradigmas und seiner MSS- und DWH-spezifischen Verbesserungspotenziale erfolgt anschließend die Konzeption für ein Object Warehouse. Angesichts der erheblichen Anzahl bezüglich Konzepten und Zielsetzungen sehr unterschiedlicher Objekt-Paradigmata, muss die gleichwohl notwendige Paradigmen-Diskussion und Integration teilweise beschränkt auf den Teilaspekt der Objectbase Management Systems (OBMS) erfolgen, speziell auf solche, die die geforderten semantischen Modellierungsmöglichkeiten des Objekt-Paradigmas für den Reconciled Object Layer des Data Warehouse unterstützen. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden die in konkreten Projekten gewonnenen Erkenntnisse bezüglich der Umsetzung des Object-Warehouse-Konzeptes in der Praxis vorgestellt und einer kritischen Würdigung unterzogen. Dabei werden erhebliche Diskrepanzen bezüglich der Umsetzung methodischer Konzeptionen in realen Software-Werkzeugen expliziert, was eine umfassende Umsetzung des Object-Warehouse-Konzeptes zur Zeit noch erheblich einschränkt.
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Employee Satisfaction with Supervisor Support: The Case of Direct Care Workers in Nursing HomesWhitaker, Lisa C. 12 1900 (has links)
The nursing home industry has been saturated for decades with culture change initiatives in an effort to improve resident quality of care. The direct care worker (DCW) is considered a critical position to achieving nursing facility quality improvements. Understanding what leads to job satisfaction for DCWs could result in improved resident care. The relationship DCWs have with their direct supervisor or upper-level manager can impact employee satisfaction. The purpose of this research is to identify factors that are associated with DCWs satisfaction with supervisor and management support. Data was obtained from 307 DCWs who were employed at 11 North Texas nursing homes. It was expected that factors affecting satisfaction with direct supervision and upper-level management would differ. In fact, the study found that the antecedents for employee satisfaction with supervisor support were participative decision-making/empowerment, age, information exchange and feedback. Furthermore, participative decision-making/empowerment, perceived competence, staffing, information exchange and feedback were found to affect direct care workers' satisfaction with manager support. In conclusion, this research provides a starting point towards a more holistic view of employee satisfaction with supervisor support by considering the preceding factors and its subsequent effects.
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Information Technology Project Management Team Building for Project SuccessGuiney, Andrew, aguiney@smsmt.com January 2009 (has links)
More than ninety per cent of projects are run by project teams and the stronger the team the more likely the project will succeed. Team building activities are performed to both increase team performance and to enhance the likelihood of project success. For the purpose of this study, information technology (IT) business projects were chosen as IT is a major driving force in business today and there is widespread dissatisfaction with the performance of IT business projects. In analysing the causes of dissatisfaction, increasingly researchers are recognising that technology is a secondary issue behind the human side of project team management. Business projects were chosen because increasingly IT is being used in the business environment to solve problems in the post-industrial era characterised by the service industry, while the manufacturing industry, from which much of the project literature has emerged, reduces. The importance of the project team in developing IT business projects is well recognised and managers are concerned about their ability to transform an ad-hoc collection of people assigned to a particular project into a coherent, integrated project team. In most cases the activities recommended to build a successful IT business project team have been theoretically based, rather than empirically founded. The goal of this research was to investigate the team building activities used on successful projects. To achieve this goal, the research defines the key measures of project success and establishes their relative importance; determines the most important team building activities for project success with experienced project managers; enhances the understanding of implementation of team building activities on successful projects; and provides suggestions on how to increase the likelihood of project success through focusing on team building activities. The research used the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to develop a hierarchical model linking project success measures with team building activities. Confirmation of the AHP results and additional understanding of team building activities implementation was achieved by interviewing experienced project managers. The research found that customer satisfaction, although seldom used, was significantly more important as a project success measure than the three measures most often used - time, budget and scope. As identified by project managers, the most important team building activities for achieving customer satisfaction are team leadership; ensuring senior management support; staffing the team properly; planning the project with the team and empowering team members; building commitment among team members; developing strong communication channels and developing appropriate organisational interfaces. The research found successful projects focused on relationships in addition to the task focus of many project methodologies. The research findings on team building activities will enable project leaders on IT business projects to develop empowered project teams with stronger affiliations and support throughout the organisation. By empowering project teams to create effective internal and external relationships there will be fewer project failures, increased customer satisfaction and improved achievement of project success.
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Exploring operational level employees' contribution towards corporate entrepreneurship within a long-term insurance company based in JohannesburgMugunzva, Fidel Isheanesu 10 1900 (has links)
This cross-sectional qualitative study explored and described the role and contribution of operational level employees towards corporate entrepreneurship (CE) in the long-term insurance sector in Johannesburg, South Africa. Individual face-to-face semi-structured interviews took place with 13 operational level employees. Data analysis was done through thematic analysis where themes and sub-themes emerged. The findings indicate that operational level employees acknowledge that CE positively influences their entrepreneurial activity within the organisation. While operational level employees implement the CE strategy, they emphasise non-engagement in the CE initiatives as one of the main barriers to contributing to CE. This study concludes that management should focus on the antecedents of CE such as management rewards/reinforcement, work discretion, organisational boundaries, organisational structure and organisational culture. / Applied Management / M. Com. (Business Management)
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Mejora de la gestión del recurso hídrico mediante la incorporación de indicadores de regímenes ecológicos en el análisis de sistemas de recursos hídricosPardo Loaiza, Jesús 09 March 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El agua constituye un recurso esencial cuya disponibilidad limitada y su creciente demanda hace que sea considerado como un elemento de gran valor desde diversos puntos de vista (ambiental, biológico, social, económico, etc.). El mantenimiento de condiciones favorables que permitan un equilibrio medioambiental adecuado es una de las metas de una adecuada planificación y gestión de recursos hídricos. Una de las acciones principales para la preservación de la biodiversidad de las cuencas consiste en la implementación de caudales ecológicos. Para ello, es importante poder contar con herramientas adecuadas que permitan cuantificar los efectos de los cauda-les ecológicos sobre las actividades socioeconómicas y el medio ambiental.
Esta tesis tiene como objetivo proponer metodologías para la obtención y análisis de indicadores que permitan la optimización de regímenes de caudales ecológicos en sistemas de recursos hídricos complejos. Estas metodologías posibilitan evaluar los efectos de los caudales ecológicos en la alteración hidrológica, la alteración del hábitat, las garantías de las demandas, y la explotación del recurso hídrico. Esta tesis doctoral se estructura como un compendio de tres artículos científicos publicados en revistas del primer y segundo cuartil del Journal Citation Reports.
En el primer artículo se define una metodología para el análisis de la alteración hidrológica en sistemas altamente regulados para diferentes escenarios de caudales ecológicos, apoyada en la utilización de modelos de simulación de la gestión de sistemas de recursos hídricos, y la posterior estimación y agrupación de indicadores de alteración hidrológica. Dicha metodología ha sido aplicada en la parte española de la Demarcación Hidrográfica del Duero.
El segundo artículo plantea una metodología para la obtención de un indicador de alteración del hábitat en cuencas reguladas, mediante la aplicación conjunta de un modelo de simulación de la gestión de cuencas y un modelo de estimación de series temporales de hábitat de las especies acuáticas presentes en la zona de estudio. La metodología se aplica en el sistema de explotación del Órbigo, perteneciente a la Demarcación Hidrográfica del Duero. Las series temporales de hábitat fueron obtenidas y analizadas para diferentes escenarios de regímenes de caudales ecológicos, evaluando sus efectos en la alteración del hábitat y las garantías de las demandas.
El tercer artículo propone una metodología para evaluar la variación temporal y espacial del índice de explotación del recurso hídrico (WEI+) en cuencas reguladas. Esta metodología, que fue aplicada en la cuenca del río del Órbigo, permite analizar los efectos de los regímenes de caudales eco-lógicos en el estrés hídrico de los distintos tramos de rio de una cuenca regulada. El enfoque propuesto para reducir la escala espacial del índice de explotación del recurso hídrico es también es útil para identificar las mejores fuentes de agua en las cuencas fluviales para satisfacer futuras demandas de agua y/o restricciones ambientales.
Finalmente, a partir de la información obtenida de estas metodologías, se realiza un análisis conjunto de todos estos parámetros para las diferentes alternativas de caudal ecológicos planteadas. Para ello, se evalúan de manera conjunta indicadores globales de alteración hidrológica, alteración de hábitat, déficits de las demandas y estrés hídrico. Estos indicadores globales facilitan, tanto a los gestores como a los usuarios del agua, el análisis de estrategias de planificación y gestión de recursos hídricos. / [CA] L'aigua constitueix un recurs essencial la disponibilitat limitada del qual i la seua creixent demanda fa que siga considerat com un element de gran valor des de diversos punts de vista (ambiental, biològic, social, econòmic, etc.). El manteniment de condicions favorables que permeten un equilibri mediambiental adequat és una de les metes d'una adequada planificació i gestió de recursos hídrics. Una de les accions principals per a la preservació de la biodiversitat de les conques consisteix en la implementació de cabals ecològics. Per a això, és important poder comptar amb eines adequades que permeten quantificar els efectes dels cabals ecològics sobre les activitats socioeconòmiques i el mitjà ambiental.
Aquesta tesi té com a objectiu proposar metodologies per a l'obtenció i anàlisi d'indicadors que permeten l'optimització de règims de cabals ecològics en sistemes de recursos hídrics complexos. Aquestes metodologies possibiliten avaluar els efectes dels cabals ecològics en l'alteració hidrològica, l'alteració de l'hàbitat, les garanties de les demandes, i l'explotació del recurs hídric. Aquesta tesi doctoral s'estructura com un compendi de tres articles científics publicats en revistes del primer i segon quartil del Journal Citation Reports.
En el primer article es defineix una metodologia per a l'anàlisi de l'alteració hidrològica en sistemes altament regulats per a diferents escenaris de cabals ecològics, recolzada en la utilització de models de simulació de la gestió de sistemes de recursos hídrics, i la posterior estimació i agrupació d'indicadors d'alteració hidrològica. Aquesta metodologia ha sigut aplicada en la part espanyola de la Demarcació Hidrogràfica del Duero.
El segon article planteja una metodologia per a l'obtenció d'un indicador d'alteració de l'hàbitat en conques regulades, mitjançant l'aplicació conjunta d'un model de simulació de la gestió de conques i un model d'estimació de sèries temporals d'hàbitat de les espècies aquàtiques presents en la zona d'estudi. La metodologia s'aplica en el sistema d'explotació del Órbigo, pertanyent a la Demarcació Hidrogràfica del Duero. Les sèries temporals d'hàbitat van ser obtingudes i analitzades per a diferents escenaris de règims de cabals ecològics, avaluant els seus efectes en l'alteració de l'hàbitat i les garanties de les demandes.
El tercer article proposa una metodologia per a avaluar la variació temporal i espacial de l'índex d'explotació del recurs hídric (WEI+) en conques regulades. Aquesta metodologia, que va ser aplicada en la conca del riu del Órbigo, permet analitzar els efectes dels règims de cabals ecològics en l'estrés hídric dels diferents trams de va riure d'una conca regulada. L'enfocament proposat per a reduir l'escala espacial de l'índex d'explotació del recurs hídric és també és útil per a identificar les millors fonts d'aigua en les conques fluvials per a satisfer futures demandes d'aigua i/o restriccions ambientals.
Finalment, a partir de la informació obtinguda d'aquestes metodologies, es realitza una anàlisi conjunta de tots aquests paràmetres per a les diferents alternatives de cabal ecològics plantejades. Per a això, s'avaluen de manera conjunta indicadors globals d'alteració hidrològica, alteració d'hàbitat, dèficits de les demandes i estrés hídric. Aquests indicadors globals faciliten, tant als gestors com als usuaris de l'aigua, l'anàlisi d'estratègies de planificació i gestió de recursos hídrics. / [EN] Water is an essential resource whose limited availability and growing demand means that it is considered an element of great value from various points of view (environmental, biological, social, economic, etc.). The maintenance of favourable conditions that allow an adequate environmental balance is one of the goals of water resources planning and management. One of the main actions for the preservation of the basin biodiversity in the implementation of environmental flows. To this end, it is important to have adequate tools that allow assessing the effects of environmental flows on socioeconomic activities and the environment.
This thesis aims to propose methodologies for assessing and analysing indicators that allow the optimization of ecological flow regimes in complex water resource systems. These methodologies enable evaluating the effects of ecological flows on hydrological alteration, habitat alteration, reliability of water demands, and water resources exploitation. This doctoral thesis is structured as a compendium of three research papers published in journals indexed in the first and second quartiles of the Journal Citation Reports.
In the first paper, a methodology for the analysis of hydrological alteration in highly regulated systems for different scenarios of ecological flows is pro-posed. The methodology is endorsed using models for the management of water resource systems, and the subsequent computation and grouping of indicators of hydrological alteration. This methodology was applied to the Spanish part of the Duero Water District.
The second paper proposes a methodology for assessing an indicator of habitat alteration in regulated basins through the joint application of a basin management simulation model and a model to estimate habitat time series of the aquatic species present in the study zone. The methodology is applied to the Órbigo exploitation system, which belongs to the Duero Water District. Habitat time series were obtained and analysed for different environmental flow regime scenario, and the effects of this environmental flows on habitat alteration and water demand reliability were assessed.
The third paper proposes a methodology to evaluate the temporal and spatial variation of the water exploitation index (WEI+) in regulated basins. This methodology, which was applied in the Órbigo river basin, allows ana-lysing the effects of ecological flow regimes on water stress in the different river sections of a regulated basin. The proposed approach to reduce the spatial scale of the water exploitation index is also helpful to identify the best water sources in river basins to meet future water demands and/or higher values of environmental restrictions.
Finally, based on the information obtained through the application of these methodologies, a joint analysis of all these parameters was carried out for the different proposed environmental flow alternatives. To this end, global indicators of hydrological alteration, habitat alteration, water demand deficits and water stress are jointly evaluated. These global indicators help water managers and users to analyse strategies of water resources planning and management. / The authors thank the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN)
and Spanish Research Agency (AEI) for the financial support
MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 to RESPHIRA project (PID2019-
106322RB-I00). RB was partly funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033
through Juan de la Cierva program (IJC2019-038848-I). Funding for open ac-
cess charge: CRUE-Universitat Politècnica de València. The authors also thank
three anonymous reviewers for their suggestions to improve this work. / Pardo Loaiza, J. (2023). Mejora de la gestión del recurso hídrico mediante la incorporación de indicadores de regímenes ecológicos en el análisis de sistemas de recursos hídricos [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/192461 / Compendio
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