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3D skenování pomocí proximitního planárního skeneru / 3D Scanning with Proximity Planar ScannerChromý, Adam January 2013 (has links)
Tato práce popisuje konstrukci skenovacího systému pro tvorbu trojrozměrných modelů. Kombinace laserového scanneru a robotického manipulátoru tvoří velice flexibilní zařízení schopné snímat jak velké, tak malé a detailní objekty. Zařízení nachází uplatnění v mnoha aplikacích, zejména v lékařství, kde přináší řadu nesporných výhod proti stávajícím systémům. Práce popisuje mechanickou konstrukci zařízení, funkční principy a jeho kalibrační proceduru. Součástí práce je i software pro vizualizaci naměřených dat a jejich zpracování do podoby modelů se stínovaným povrchem. Výsledkem práce je funkční zařízení a rozsáhlý obslužný software.
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Vývoj lineárního posuvu pro UHV STM/AFM / Development of a linear stage actuator for UHV STM/AFMPavelec, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to develop a linear positioning stage for Ultra High Vacuum (UHV) environment. Simple prototypes of the linear positioning stage were designed and incorporated as part of a multiaxis sample manipulator for a UHV Scanning Tunneling Microscopy / Atomic Force Microscopy (STM/AFM). Different types of position encoders and linear guideways are discussed. Implementation of the homodyne interferometer as an optimization tool for a slip-stick based linear stage is described. Scalar diffraction theory is used to model the diffraction grating optical position encoder behavior.
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Polohování objektu ve 3D prostoru pomocí paralelního lanového robota / Object positioning in 3D space using parallel cable-driven robotRajnoha, Andrej January 2016 (has links)
At the beginning of this master’s thesis the definition of types of robots using parallel kinematics are presented, its possibilities of usage and current prototypes are described. The second chapter focuses on the proposal of robot construction and sizing electric and non-electric components of robot hardware. Derivation of direct and inverse transform mechanisms with creating flowcharts of their algorithms are stated in the two following chapters. The state machine controlled from user interface is then programmed based on these flowcharts. At the end of the work, cable-driven robot positioning accuracy is evaluated and platform workspace, together with motion and electric parameters, are measured.
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Projekt výrobní linky / Production line projectJašíček, Radek January 2016 (has links)
This thesis describes the methods and procedures used in designing production lines, focusing on the production line for machining of train wheels. The thesis also describes the basic types of railway wheels, their design and important design elements. It also deals with the complete manufacturing process of train wheel from material selection through the technological processes of forming, heat treatment, mechanical tests, machining and non-destructive testing and measuring. Suitable equipment for the construction of automatic lines for machining, inspection and measurement of train wheels is selected according to the specified parameters of the wheel types, manufacturing productivity and production shop dimensions, These devices include vertical machining center, single-purpose machine for grease outlet drilling, device for ultrasonic inspection, magnetic particle inspecton device, measuring station and train wheel balancing machine. Several variants of the production line including detailed specification of manipulation cycle times is created. These variants are mutually compared and evaluated to find the optimal solution.
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Modélisation et commande des robots : nouvelles approches basées sur les modèles Takagi-Sugeno / Modeling and control of robots : new approaches based on the Takagi-Sugeno modelsAllouche, Benyamine 15 September 2016 (has links)
Chaque année, plus de 5 millions de personne à travers le monde deviennent hémiplégiques suite à un accident vasculaire cérébral. Ce soudain déficit neurologique conduit bien souvent à une perte partielle ou totale de la station debout et/ou à la perte de la capacité de déambulation. Dans l’optique de proposer de nouvelles solutions d’assistance situées entre le fauteuil roulant et le déambulateur, cette thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet ANR TECSAN VHIPOD « véhicule individuel de transport en station debout auto-équilibrée pour personnes handicapées avec aide à la verticalisation ». Dans ce contexte, ces travaux de recherche apportent des éléments de réponse à deux problématiques fondamentales du projet : l’assistance au passage assis-debout (PAD) des personnes hémiplégiques et le déplacement à l’aide d’un véhicule auto-équilibré à deux roues. Ces problématiques sont abordées du point de vue de la robotique avec comme question centrale : peut-on utiliser l’approche Takagi-Sugeno (TS) pour la synthèse d’une commande ? Dans un premier temps, la problématique de mobilité des personnes handicapées a été traitée sur la base d’une solution de type gyropode. Des lois de commande basées sur les approches TS standard et descripteur ont été proposées afin d’étudier la stabilisation des gyropodes dans des situations particulières telles que le déplacement sur un terrain en pente ou le franchissement de petites marches. Les résultats obtenus ont non seulement permis d’aboutir à un concept potentiellement capable de franchir des obstacles, mais ils ont également permis de souligner la principale difficulté liée à l’applicabilité de l’approche TS en raison du conservatisme des conditions LMIs (inégalités matricielles linéaires). Dans un second temps, un banc d’assistance au PAD à architecture parallèle a été conçu. Ce type de manipulateur constitué de multiples boucles cinématiques présente un modèle dynamique très complexe (habituellement donné sous forme d’équations différentielles ordinaires). L’application de lois de commande basées sur l’approche TS est souvent vouée à l’échec compte tenu du grand nombre de non-linéarités dans le modèle. Afin de remédier à ce problème, une nouvelle approche de modélisation a été proposée. À partir d’un jeu de coordonnées bien particulier, le principe des puissances virtuelles est utilisé pour générer un modèle dynamique sous forme d’équations algébro-différentielles (DAEs). Cette approche permet d’aboutir à un modèle quasi-LPV où les seuls paramètres variants représentent les multiplicateurs de Lagrange issus de la modélisation DAE. Les résultats obtenus ont été validés en simulation sur un robot parallèle à 2 degrés de liberté (ddl) puis sur un robot parallèle à 3 ddl développé pour l’assistance au PAD. / Every year more than 5 million people worldwide become hemiplegic as a direct consequence of stroke. This neurological deficiency, often leads to a partial or a total loss of standing up abilities and /or ambulation skills. In order to propose new supporting solutions lying between the wheelchair and the walker, this thesis comes within the ANR TECSAN project named VHIPOD “self-balanced transporter for disabled persons with sit-to-stand function”. In this context, this research provides some answers for two key issues of the project : the sit-to-stand assistance (STS) of hemiplegic people and their mobility through a two wheeled self-balanced solution. These issues are addressed from a robotic point of view while focusing on a key question : are we able to extend the use of Takagi-Sugeno approach (TS) to the control of complex systems ? Firstly, the issue of mobility of disabled persons was treated on the basis of a self-balanced solution. Control laws based on the standard and descriptor TS approaches have been proposed for the stabilization of gyropod in particular situations such as moving along a slope or crossing small steps. The results have led to the design a two-wheeled transporter which is potentially able to deal with the steps. On the other hand, these results have also highlighted the main challenge related to the use of TS approach such as the conservatisms of the LMIs constraints (Linear Matrix Inequalities). In a second time, a test bench for the STS assistance based on parallel kinematic manipulator (PKM) was designed. This kind of manipulator characterized by several closed kinematic chains often presents a complex dynamical model (given as a set of ordinary differential equations, ODEs). The application of control laws based on the TS approach is often doomed to failure given the large number of non-linear terms in the model. To overcome this problem, a new modeling approach was proposed. From a particular set of coordinates, the principle of virtual power was used to generate a dynamical model based on the differential algebraic equations (DAEs). This approach leads to a quasi-LPV model where the only varying parameters are the Lagrange multipliers derived from the constraint equations of the DAE model. The results were validated on simulation through a 2-DOF (degrees of freedom) parallel robot (Biglide) and a 3-DOF manipulator (Triglide) designed for the STS assistance.
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Entwicklung und Modellierung einer vollaktuierten DrohneSchuster, Micha 26 April 2018 (has links)
Diese Diplomarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der geometrischen Auslegung und Regelung einer vollaktuierten Drohne, die als fliegende Arbeitsplattform für einen Manipulator dienen soll. Dabei werden ausgehend von der geometrischen Beschreibung einer allgemeinen, symmetrischen Drohne mit sechs Rotoren Methoden entwickelt, die den anforderungsbezogenen Entwurf der Geometrie einer vollaktuierten Drohne ermöglichen. Darüber hinaus werden prinzipielle Einflussmechanismen einzelner Geometrieparameter auf die durch die Drohne erzeugbaren Kräfte und Momente aufgezeigt.
Zur Charakterisierung des Raums aller erzeugbaren Lasten wird dieser auf sogenannte Stützvektoren reduziert. Als Stützvektoren dienen dabei die für den Schwebeflug nötige Schubkraft, die garantierte Mindestkraft in horizontaler Richtung und das garantierte Mindestmoment um eine beliebige Achse, zu deren Berechnung zusätzlich analytische Formeln hergeleitet werden.
Aufbauend auf die Beschreibung durch Stützvektoren wird die Formuliernung von Metriken vorgestellt, die die Bewertung einer Drohnengeometrie durch eine einzige skalare Maßzahl ermöglichen, wodurch die je nach Anwendung optimale Drohnengeometrie ermittelt werden kann.
Zur Regelung des Systems aus Drohne und Manipulator wurde ein Regelungskonzept entwickelt, welches durch eine Entkopplung der Bewegungsgleichungen eine virtuelle Verschiebung des Schwerpunkts in das Drohnenzentrum realisiert und so eine präzise Regelung unabhängig von der tatsächlichen Schwerpunktlage ermöglicht. / This thesis’ subject is the geometrical design and control of a fully actuated drone, intended to be used as a flying operating-platform for a manipulator.
Starting with the general geometrical description of a symmetric drone with six rotors, methods for the application specific design of a fully actuated drone are developed. Furthermore general influencing principles of geometric parameters on the forces and torques that can be generated by the drone, are pointed out.
To characterize the drone's wrench-space, it is reduced to so called support vectors, which are given by the hovering thrust, the minimum guaranteed force in a horizontal direction and the minimum guaranteed torque in any direction. Additionally, analytic formulas are derived for the mentioned support vectors.
Based on the description by the support vectors, a formulation of metrics is introduced, to enable the assessment of a specific drone geometry by a single scalar measure, to determine the ideal drone geometry for a specific application.
Targeting the issue of controlling the flight system, consisting of the drone and the manipulator, a concept is developed that realizes a virtual dissplacement of the center of mass by decoupling the equations of motion and therby facilitates a precise control, independent of the actual location of the system's center of mass.
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[pt] O uso de juntas cardânicas ativas é restrito pela capacidade de torque de
pequenos motorredutores e, atualmente, os dispositivos embarcados são
obrigatórios para as aplicações robóticas. O controle dinâmico é essencial para
estudar as limitações desse dispositivo, portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi
controlar a junta cardânica ativa de três graus de liberdade usando simulações
numéricas e experimento em bancada de testes. O manipulador foi projetado com
apenas uma junta cardânica para que a sua cinemática e dinâmica sejam exploradas;
por esse motivo, a junta foi construída com sensores de carga na base e sensor de
unidade de movimento inercial na parte superior do efetuador do manipulador.
Além disso, foram fabricadas três placas de controle: a primeira foi projetada para
controlar os três acionamentos dos motores de passo; a segunda, para ler o sensor
da unidade de movimento inercial; e a última, para ler os sensores de carga. Quatro
problemas foram descritos para testar os limites deste dispositivo, analisando, além
da cinemática e dinâmica, o atrito do rolamento, a identificação da folga e o torque
do impacto. O primeiro problema mantém a posição do efetuador do manipulador
constante enquanto transmite rotação entre os eixos. O segundo problema, o
efetuador recebe um caminho planejado, por exemplo, um círculo, mas não
transmite rotação entre os eixos. O terceiro problema é a combinação dos
movimentos anteriores, em que o efetuador transmite rotação entre os eixos,
enquanto segue por um caminho planejado. Para o quarto problema: uma nova
abordagem é aplicada para mover o efetuador de um ponto para outro usando
rotação cônica. / [en] The use of active cardan joints is restricted by torque capacity of small
motors, and currently embedded devices have been mandatory for robotic
applications. The dynamic control is essential to learn the limitations of this device,
thus the objective of this study is to control active cardan joints of three degrees of
freedom using numerical simulations and bench experiment. The manipulator was
designed with only one cardan joint to understand its kinematics and dynamics and,
for this reason, it was built with load sensors on its base and inertial motion unit
sensor at the top of the manipulator end-effector. Furthermore, three control boards
were manufactured: the first was designed to control the three stepper motor drives,
the second was designed to read the inertial motion unit sensor, and the last was
designed to read the load sensors. Four problems were described to test the limits
of this device, analysing not only the kinematics and dynamics, but also the bearing
friction, the backlash identification, and the impact torque. The first problem keeps
the position of the manipulator end-effector constant transmitting rotation between
the shafts. The second problem is given a planned path to the manipulator endeffector,
such as a circle, but it does not transmit rotation between the shafts. The
third problem is the combination of the previous motions, where the manipulator
end-effector applies the output spin, while it follows by a planned path. The fourth
problem, a new approach is applied to move the manipulator end-effector from one
point to another point using a conical rotation.
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Konstrukce jednoúčelového montážního stroje pro kompletaci rozvaděče plynu v plynovém grilu / Design of single-purpose assembly machine for assembly of gas distributor in gas grillProcházka, Petr January 2020 (has links)
Objective of this thesis is creating the construction of one-purpose assembly machine for combination of gas switchboard in gas grill assembly, which is top part of the gas cooking grill, consisting of stainless steel plate and burners. There are three types of burners, one small type, two medium types and one big type. Each consists of aluminium body, nozzle, ignition electrode and gas leakage protection fuse. Prior to construction itself, variant solutions of the assembly operations arrangement are designated. From those, the most appropriate one is chosen based on multicriteria weighting method. Construction of assembly line is created using 3D modelling program with necessary design calculations. For selected assemblies and parts, a drawing documentation has been created. Risk analysis and security of the machine’s normal operation is an integral part of the thesis. Risk analysis is created for the machine’s normal operation. In conclusion, the costs of purchasing the assembly line are calculated and the return of the investment for purchasing the machine is assessed.
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Design, Modeling, and Testing of a Force Feedback Haptic Device for Simulated Robot Interaction / Design, modellering, och test av en kraftåterkopplad haptisk pryl för simulerad robot interaktionLindström, Patrik January 2023 (has links)
Haptic feedback is a growing phenomenon that incorporates the sense of touch through tactile sensations such as vibrations, electrical signals, air pressure, and sound waves or through force feedback, which employs torques and/or forces to replicate the pressure and weight of a simulated object. Utilizing haptic technology establishes a communication bridge between the user and the technical component, enhancing the user's understanding of the technical component's surroundings. This thesis focuses on designing a force feedback haptic device with an impedance control strategy, enabling the imposition of dynamic behavior during simulated robot interactions. Impedance control is a commonly employed approach in haptic devices, utilizing a mass-spring-damper model to vary stiffness, damping, and inertia levels, thereby simulating realistic forces and torques in master-slave interactions. Initially, a haptic device resembling the shape of a Delta robot was designed using Solidworks, with size and weight distribution serving as the primary design considerations. Subsequently, the device was further represented using a generic robot description format, incorporating the design's joints and links. This representation was then paired with kinematic connections delineating the robot's motion and dynamic matrices to simulate the robot's movement. Alongside the integration of an impedance control strategy, simulations were conducted to emulate robot interactions. These simulations tested the system under various conditions, including scenarios with and without introduced torque disturbances. Including torque disturbances was intended to enhance the simulation's realism and assess the impact of impedance control parameter choices on the system's behavior. In summary, the research concludes how a closed-chain robot, the Delta robot, can be modeled as a haptic device with an impedance control strategy, offering valuable guidance for future research. / Haptisk återkoppling är ett växande fenomen som integreras i allt fler användningsområden. Genom att återskapa känslan av att röra vid eller interagera med föremål, antingen genom att simulera taktila sensationer som vibrationer, elektriska signaler, lufttryck och ljudvågor eller genom att återge kraftåterkoppling till användaren, kan användarens förståelse för tekniska komponenter och deras omgivning öka. Kraftåterkoppling möjliggör imitation av tryck och vikt hos simulaterade objekt, vilket förbättrar realismen i användarupplevelsen. Detta examensarbete har inriktat sig på att designa en haptisk pryl med kraftåterkoppling och en styrmekanism baserad på impedanskontroll. Genom att implementera impedanskontroll kan dynamiska beteenden inkorporeras i systemet genom varierande styrka, dämpning och tröghet. Dessa impedansparametrar möjliggör realistiska simuleringar av kraft och vridmoment i samband med virtuella robotinteraktioner. Först utformades en haptisk pryl som efterliknar formen av en Delta-robot med hjälp av CAD-programmet Solidworks. Här var storlek och viktfördelning primära överväganden i designprocessen. Därefter representerades enheten genom en generisk robotbeskrivning som inkluderade dess leder och länkar. Denna representation kopplades sedan ihop med kinematiska samband som reglerade enhetens rörelse. Tillsammans med integreringen av impedanskontrollstrategin genomfördes simuleringar som efterliknade robotinteraktioner. Dessa simuleringar omfattade olika scenarier, inklusive de med vridmomentsstörningar och de utan. Syftet med att inkludera vridmomentsstörningar var att öka realismen i simuleringen och utvärdera påverkan av valda parametrar för impedanskontrollen på systemets beteende. Sammanfattningsvis har detta arbete resulterat i utformningen av en haptisk pryl med kraftåterkoppling, som efterliknar en Delta-robot. Prylen har modellerats som en trädstruktur, med kinematiska samband som sammanfogar dess ändnoder. Det här arbetet har bidragit till kunskapen om hur realistiska haptiska interaktioner kan skapas och öppnat möjligheter för framtida forskning och utveckling inom detta område.
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Distributed Algorithms for Multi-robot AutonomyZehui Lu (18953791) 02 July 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Autonomous robots can perform dangerous and tedious tasks, eliminating the need for human involvement. To deploy an autonomous robot in the field, a typical planning and control hierarchy is used, consisting of a high-level planner, a mid-level motion planner, and a low-level tracking controller. In applications such as simultaneous localization and mapping, package delivery, logistics, and surveillance, a group of autonomous robots can be more efficient and resilient than a single robot. However, deploying a multi-robot team by directly aggregating each robot's planning hierarchy into a larger, centralized hierarchy faces challenges related to scalability, resilience, and real-time computation. Distributed algorithms offer a promising solution for introducing effective coordination within a network of robots, addressing these issues. This thesis explores the application of distributed algorithms in multi-robot systems, focusing on several essential components required to enable distributed multi-robot coordination, both in general terms and for specific applications.</p>
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