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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Explicit la mort de Fromondin : édition et étude linguistique, littéraire et historique du passage correspondant aux vers 13935 à 14795 du ms. A de Gerbert de Mez d'après les douze mss complets ABCDEJMNPRSV et les trois amputés d'une partie de la fin ILQ / Explicit la mort de Fromondin : edition and linguistic, literary and historical study of the passage corresponding to verses 13935 to 14795 of the Ms. A of Gerbert de Mez from the twelve complete manuscripts ABCDEJMNPRSV and the three amputees of part of the end ILQ

Grüber, Gauthier 20 June 2018 (has links)
La présente édition s’attache à une partie particulière de la chanson de Gerbert de Metz, dernière partie du cycle original des Loherains, à savoir la conclusion du récit (de la fuite de Fromondin, dernier des Bordelais, jusqu’à sa mort). Cette édition comprend une description détaillée et une étude comparative de tous les manuscrits disponibles pour ce passage (soit douze manuscrits complets : ABCDEJMNPRSV, et trois amputés de la fin IL1Q), une étude littéraire s’attachant à analyser l’originalité de cette conclusion d’un point de vue narratif, stylistique et historique, une analyse linguistique ainsi qu’un glossaire, un index des noms propres. L’édition des textes en elle-même se présente sous une forme semi synoptique afin de permettre une lecture comparative des différentes familles de manuscrits envisagées pour la conclusion. L’intérêt de cette thèse est de proposer de nouveaux éléments dans la connaissance de la riche tradition manuscrite de la Geste des Loherains, ainsi que dans la possible écriture de sa conclusion (sources et interprétations). / This thesis is attached to a particular part of Gerbert of Metz, last part of the original Loherain cycle, the conclusion of the story (from the flight of Fromondin, the last of the Bordelais, until his death). This edition includes a detailed description and a comparative study of all the manuscripts available for this passage (twelve complete manuscripts: ABCDEJMNPRSV, and three amputees of the late IL1Q), a literary study attempting to analyze the originality of this conclusion with a narrative, stylistic and historical point of view, a linguistic analysis as well as a glossary, an index of proper nouns. The edition of the texts is presented in a semi-synoptic form in order to allow a comparative reading of the different families of manuscripts considered for the conclusion. The interest of this thesis is to propose new elements in the knowledge of the rich manuscript tradition of the Geste des Loherains, as well as in the possible writing of its conclusion (sources and interpretations).

L'Histoire ecclésiastique de Bar ‘Ebroyo : écrire l'histoire de l'Église dans le Proche-Orient du 13e siècle / Bar ‘Ebroyo’s Ecclesiastical History : writing Church History in the 13th century Middle East

Mazzola, Marianna 25 June 2018 (has links)
L'Histoire Ecclésiastique de Grégoire Bar ‘Ebroyo (1225/6-1286 apr. J.-C.), auteur syro-orthodoxe et maphrien de l’Est, a depuis longtemps été reconnue comme une source historique inestimable pour l’histoire de l’Antiquité tardive et médiévale du Moyen-Orient, mais elle a reçu une attention limitée du monde scientifique en tant qu’œuvre de littérature à part entière, et n’a jamais fait l’objet d’une monographie. En outre, l’Histoire Ecclésiastique n’est encore et toujours seulement accessible que par l’intermédiaire d’une édition du 19e s., qui est simplement une reproduction diplomatique d’un manuscrit du 16e s. Bien que la Chronique de Bar ‘Ebroyo, dont l’Histoire Ecclésiastique forme la seconde partie, soit le seul ouvrage historiographique en syriaque préservé dans plus d’un seul manuscrit, sa riche tradition manuscrite n’a jamais été examinée. Le but de cette thèse doctorale est tout d’abord de fournir une étude philologique et historiographique de l’Histoire Ecclésiastique. Plus particulièrement, je propose une analyse de a) la tradition manuscrite et de la transmission du texte, b) de la relation avec la tradition du genre de l’histoire ecclésiastique, c) l’étude des sources. Cette étude s’accompagne d’une nouvelle édition de texte et d’une traduction anglaise. / The Ecclesiastical History of Gregory Bar ‘Ebroyo (1225/6-1286 A.D.), Syrian Orthodox author and maphrian of the East, has long been recognized as an invaluable historical source for the history of the Late Antique and Medieval Middle East but it has received limited scholarly attention as a work of literature in its own right, and it has never been made the object of a book-length study. Moreover, the Ecclesiastical History is still available only via a 19th century edition, which is basically a diplomatic reproduction of a 16th century manuscript. Although Bar ‘Ebroyo’s Chronicle, of which the Ecclesiastical History forms the second part, is the only Syriac historiographical work preserved in more than one manuscript, its rich manuscript tradition has never been examined. The purpose of this thesis is to provide a first philological and historiographical study of the Ecclesiastical History. More particularly, I propose an analysis of a) the manuscript tradition and the transmission of the text, b) the relation with the tradition of the genre Ecclesiastical History, c) the study of the sources. This study is accompanied by a newly established text and an English translation.

La Comedia delle Ninfe fiorentine. Revisione dell'edizione e commento / La Comedia delle Ninfe fiorentine. Révision de l'édition et commentaire / The Comedia delle ninfe fiorentine. Edition's revision and commentary

Catalano, Sara 08 January 2019 (has links)
La thèse se propose, dans une première partie, d’analyser et d'actualiser la tradition manuscrite de la Comedia delle Ninfe Fiorentine, œuvre de jeunesse de Giovanni Boccaccio, composée immédiatement après le retour à Florence de la cour angevine de Naples.L'édition actuelle de Comedia delle Ninfe, est due à Antonio Enzo Quaglio et remonte à 1963. Elle fournit, comme il était d'usage à l'époque, une description brève et peu précise des témoins interrogés. Les manuscrits sont donc classés selon un critère socioculturel (copie a prezzo et copie per passione), datant des codex au quart de siècle. Quand cela est possible, un profil biographique des copistes est fourni. Le travail est complété par les fiches de chacun des témoins individuels acceptés dans le corpus.La deuxième partie de la thèse est un travail de commentaire d’historie littéraire divisé par thèmes. La composition de la Comedia delle Ninfe est liée à l'expérience biographique de son auteur et au développement de son expérience littéraire.L’histoire du dédicataire de l’œuvre, Niccolò di Bartolo del Buono, nous permet de fournir des repères chronologiques pour chacune des deux rédactions de la Comedia.La proposition de mettre en relation Caccia di Diana, Comedia et Amorosa Visione nous donne l’occasion de comparer trois œuvres de Boccaccio, en considérant l’utilisation du capitolo ternario comme premier dénominateur commun.Le chapitre sur le prosimètre donne un aperçu des sources possibles auxquelles Boccaccio peut, ou ne peut pas, faire référence pour cette forme particulière (prose et vers).Enfin, l'analyse de la production bucolique de Boccace et de son évolution amène à considérer le Comedia comme une première œuvre de ce genre avec l’utilisation du vulgaire. / The aim of this thesis is to analyze and updating the manuscript tradition of the Comedia delle Ninfe Fiorentine, written by a young Giovanni Boccaccio in Florence, as he came back there from Naples. The current edition by Antonio Enzo Quaglio (1963) only provides, as was customary at the time, a brief and inaccurate description of the witnesses surveyed. For that reason, in this work manuscripts have been dated a divided into a prezzo and per passion copies. Where possible, a biographical profile of the copyists have been included. Moreover, each copy has its own detection form.The second part of the thesis consists of a historic-literary commentary: the Comedia delle Ninfe is has been interpreted on the basis of the biography of the author and of his literary production. The two draftings of the Comedia have been also dated according to the biography of Niccolò di Bartolo del Buono, to whom this opera was dedicated. Besides, the Comedia has been compared to the Caccia di Diana and the Amorosa Visione, on the basis of the use of the capitolo ternario. A chapter on the prosimetrum provides some hypoteses on the literary sources Boccaccio may have, or may not, referred to. At last, by analysing the bucolic literary works by Boccaccio, the Comedia can be considered the first example in this genre, regarding the use of the vernacular. / La tesi si propone, nella prima parte, di analizzare, aggiornandola, la tradizione manoscritta della Comedia delle Ninfe Fiorentine, opera della giovinezza di Giovanni Boccaccio, composta subito dopo il ritorno del Certaldese a Firenze dalla corte angioina di Napoli. L’edizione esistente della Comedia delle Ninfe, datata 1963 per la cura di Antonio Enzo Quaglio, fornisce, come d’uso all’epoca, una descrizione sommaria e poco accurata dei testimoni censiti. Si classificano quindi i manoscritti secondo un criterio socioculturale (copia a prezzo e copia per passione), datando i codici al quarto di secolo. Si fornisce, ove possibile, un profilo biografico dei copisti. Il lavoro è completato dalle schede di rilevamento dei singoli testimoni accolti nel corpus, redatte secondo un criterio stabilito a priori.La seconda parte della tesi è un lavoro di commento letterario suddiviso per tematiche. La composizione della Comedia delle Ninfe viene messa in relazione con l’esperienza biografica del suo autore e con il dipanarsi della sua esperienza letteraria. La vicenda del dedicatario dell’opera, Niccolò di Bartolo del Buono, permette di collocare con riferimenti cronologici l’identificazione delle due redazioni della Comedia.Occasione di confrontare tre opere del Boccaccio è la proposta di mettere in relazione Caccia di Diana , Comedia e Amorosa Visione considerando come primo denominatore comune l’utilizzo del capitolo ternario.Il capitolo sul prosimetro fornisce una rassegna sulle possibili fonti alle quali Boccaccio può, o non può, aver fatto riferimento nella composizione dell’opera con questa particolare forma.Infine l’analisi della produzione bucolica del Boccaccio, e della sua evoluzione, propone di considerare la Comedia come un’opera prima in questo genere per l’utilizzo del volgare.

Les homélies de Jean Chrysostome In principium Actorum (CPG 4371) : projet d'édition critique, traduction et commentaire / John Chrysostom's homilies In principium Actorum (CPG 4371) : a critical edition in project with a French translation and a commentary

Geiger, Marie-Eve 03 February 2018 (has links)
Les quatre homélies de Jean Chrysostome In principium Actorum trouvent leur origine à Antioche entre les années 386 et 397. Elles sont prévues pour la période suivant la fête de Pâques ; le prédicateur s’adresse en particulier aux nouveaux baptisés et il cherche à introduire ses auditeurs à la lecture du livre des Actes des apôtres qui leur est peu familier. Ces textes portent sur l’importance des titres (première homélie), sur le terme « actes » (deuxième homélie), sur le terme « apôtres » (troisième homélie) et sur la raison de la lecture du livre des Actes juste après la fête de Pâques, et non après la fête de la Pentecôte (quatrième homélie). Une homélie sur l’auteur du livre des Actes, aujourd’hui perdue, s’insérait entre le premier et le deuxième texte. On montre que ces homélies forment une « micro-série » ouverte, en lien étroit avec d’autres homélies (De mutatione nominum 1-4, In Genesim sermo 9, In illud : Si esurierit inimicus). L’examen de la tradition manuscrite directe, la prise en compte de la tradition indirecte (eclogae, florilèges, chaîne sur les Actes, tradition arménienne, encomium pour la fête de saint Paul, témoignage dans la littérature byzantine) et l’analyse des premières éditions anciennes permettent de reconstituer l’histoire de ces quatre textes en vue d’une édition critique et de confirmer la cohérence de ce corpus malgré une transmission parfois éclatée. On propose une nouvelle édition des homélies In principium Actorum en la fondant sur des rameaux plus sûrs de la tradition manuscrite grecque. On donne ensuite une nouvelle traduction française des quatre homélies et on présente trois pistes de commentaire. Tout d’abord, la méthode adoptée par le prédicateur pour introduire à la lecture du livre des Actes a des conséquences sur l’exégèse des exemples bibliques choisis : on en montre quelques-unes tout en questionnant la proximité avec un éventuel commentaire suivi et avec des textes d’autres auteurs grecs (Didyme l’Aveugle, notamment). On met en avant l’importance de la mission dans ces homélies : enraciné dans la fête de Pâques, l’appel à la mission permet de créer un lien étroit entre le prédicateur, ses auditeurs et les absents. Ce dernier point mène pour finir à l’étude des visées apologétiques de ces textes : la conversion passe par un retournement de sens et elle se traduit par un changement irréversible de mode de vie, qui doit imiter non seulement celui de Paul mais aussi celui d’autres figures bibliques et du Christ lui-même. / The four homilies In principium Actorum originate in the Antiochene period of John Chrysostom's priesthood (386-397). Their liturgical frame is Easter time; the preacher is speaking especially to neophytes and aims at introducing his listeners to the book of the Acts of the Apostles, which they are not familiar with. In these texts the preacher explains the importance of titles (first homily), the word "Acts" (second homily), the word "Apostles" (third homily) and the reasons why this book is read just after Easter, and not after Pentecost (fourth homily). There used to be another homily about the author of the book of the Acts, which is now missing, between the first and the second homily. These homilies form an open "micro-series" which is strongly linked to other homilies (De mutatione nominum 1-4, In Genesim sermo 9, In illud: Si esurierit inimicus). The study of the direct manuscript tradition, the account of the indirect tradition (eclogae, anthologies, catena in Acta Apostolorum, Armenian tradition, encomium for the feast of saint Paul, testimony in Byzantine literature) as well as the analysis of the first editions make it possible to reconstruct the history of these four texts in preparation for their critical edition. It also confirms the coherence of the corpus, although the homilies have not always been transmitted together. The dissertation presents a new edition of the homilies In principium Actorum which is based on more reliable parts of the Greek tradition. A new French translation of the four homilies is also given. The commentary explores three important aspects. First, the preacher's method of introducing the Acts has consequences on the exegesis of the chosen biblical examples: the dissertation shows some of those consequences and questions the proximity to a continuous commentary and to texts from other authors (for instance Didymus the Blind). The importance of the mission in those homilies is then put forward: rooted in the feast of Easter, the call to mission creates a strong relationship between preacher, listeners and absentees. This last point leads to the apologetical aims of the texts: conversion is due to a shift in meaning and results in a complete change of lifestyle, which should imitate Paul's but also the way of life of other biblical figures and of Christ himself.

L’Échelle de Jean du Sinaï dans la tradition byzantine : le corpus manuscrit, les scholies, le Commentaire d’Élie de Crète / The Ladder of John Climacus in the Byzantine tradition : manuscript corpus, scholia, Elias of Crete’s Commentary

Venetskov, Maxim 06 June 2018 (has links)
La présente étude s’attache à retracer l’histoire textuelle de l’Échelle, encore jamais entreprise, à travers un corpus manuscrit comportant près de 350 codices ; ce corpus est traité exhaustivement du IXe s. au XIIIe s. et partiellement jusqu’au XVIIe s .L’ouvrage composé au VIIe s. est constitué des discours ascétiques de Jean du Sinaï et de plusieurs pièces-annexes. Il est considéré dans la tradition manuscrite comme le livre de l’Échelle (Κλίμαξ) faite de trente degrés, guide spirituel menant au ciel, et son auteur reçoit l’appellation de Climaque (ὁ τῆς Κλίμακος). Les pratiques de lecture de l’ouvrage, sa place dans les recueils et ses emprunts témoignent du rôle important qu’a joué l’Échelle, avec ses aphorismes et ses métaphores, dans la littérature ascétique à Byzance. Un abondant corpus de scholies exégétiques rédigées au Xe s. et développé par des citations d’auteurs ascétiques au XIe s. atteste de la réception originale de l’œuvre de Jean Climaque. Le Commentaire d’Élie de Crète, composé au début du XIIe s. et conservé dans 19 manuscrits, propose une exégèse exhaustive de l’ouvrage en s’appuyant sur les scholies mais aussi sur de nombreuses références patristiques et philosophiques. La présente thèse propose un classement des codices de l’Échelle, de ses scholies et un stemma codicum du Commentaire d’Élie ; tous les manuscrits examinés sont décrits sous forme d’un répertoire. L’étude établit les éditions princeps et critiques de nombreuses scholies et d’une partie du Commentaire. / The study relates the textual history of the Ladder, which has never been made attempted before, through a manuscript corpus containing nearly 350 codices exhaustively from the 9th to the 13th and partially up to the 17th century.The work composed in the 7th century is made up of the ascetic discourses of John Sinaites and of a few textual pieces enclosed with them. It is considered in the manuscript tradition as the book of the Ladder (Κλίμαξ) made of thirty steps, spiritual guide leading to Heaven, and its author receives the name of Climacus (ὁ τῆς Κλίμακος). The ways this book was read, its place in the collections and its quotations indicate the important role played by the Ladder, with its aphorisms et metaphors, in the ascetic literature in Byzantium. An abundant corpus of exegetic scholia written in the 10th century and developed in the form of quotations of ascetic authors in the 11th century attests to the original reception of the treatise of John Climacus. The Commentary of Elias of Crete, composed at the beginning of the 12th century and preserved in 19 manuscripts, proposes an exhaustive exegesis of the Ladder, relying on scholia but also on many patristic and philosophical references.The present dissertation establishes a classification of the codices of the Ladder, of its scholia and proposes a stemma codicum of the Elias’ Commentary ; all the examinated manuscripts are described in a repertoire. The study provides Princeps and critical editions of numerous scholia and of a part of the Commentary.

Alciphron, Letters of the Courtesans : Edited with Introduction, Translation and Commentary

Granholm, Patrik January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation aims at providing a new critical edition of the fictitious Letters of the Courtesans attributed to Alciphron (late 2nd or early 3rd century AD). The first part of the introduction begins with a brief survey of the problematic dating and identification of Alciphron, followed by a general overview of the epistolary genre and the letters of Alciphron. The main part of the introduction deals with the manuscript tradition. Eighteen manuscripts, which contain some or all of the Letters of the Courtesans, are described and the relationship between them is analyzed based on complete collations of all the manuscripts. The conclusion, which is illustrated by a stemma codicum, is that there are four primary manuscripts from which the other fourteen manuscripts derive: Vaticanus gr. 1461, Laurentianus gr. 59.5, Parisinus gr. 3021 and Parisinus gr. 3050. The introduction concludes with a brief chapter on the previous editions, a table illustrating the selection and order of the letters in the manuscripts and editions, and an outline of the editorial principles. The guiding principle for the constitution of the text has been to use conjectural emendation sparingly and to try to preserve the text of the primary manuscripts wherever possible. The critical apparatus has been divided into a main apparatus below the text, which reports variant readings from the primary manuscripts and a small selection of conjectures, and two appendices which report scribal conjectures from the secondary manuscripts and conjectures by modern scholars with bibliographical references. A third appendix has also been added which lists all conjectures adopted into the  text. The parallel translation, which is accompanied by brief explanatory notes on names and places, is literal and serves as a complement to the commentary, which primarily deals with matters of textual criticism. In the commentary problematic passages are discussed, especially where an emendation has been adopted or where the present edition differs from previous editions. After the three appendices the dissertation ends with a bibliography.

Les inscriptions latines de la Régence de Tunis à travers le témoignage de F. Ximenez / Latin inscriptions of the Regency of Tunis throw the manuscripts of F. Ximenez

González Bordas, Hernán 29 April 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’activité épigraphique de F. Ximenez, administrateur de l’hôpital trinitaire de Tunis qui, entre 1720 et 1735, a entrepris plusieurs excursions dans la Régence. Ses ouvrages sont restés inédits pour la plupart et, bien qu’ils aient été dépouillés à l’occasion de la publication du huitième volume du Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (CIL), une relecture s’avérait nécessaire. En effet, plusieurs des informations relatives aux inscriptions n’avaient pas été relevées, tandis que d’autres n’avaient pas été interprétées de manière satisfaisante. Ces informations concernent les caractéristiques des monuments épigraphiques, leur localisation ainsi que les conditions de leur découverte. Les erreurs d’interprétation faites lors du dépouillement des manuscrits de F. Ximenez ont mené à la création de doublons, mais ont conduit également à situer la provenance de certaines inscriptions loin du site qui leur correspond. Afin de mieux cerner les itinéraires empruntés par F. Ximenez pour déterminer les sites de provenance des inscriptions, il a été indispensable de consulter des cartes archéologiques tant anciennes que récentes et de se rendre sur le terrain afin de suivre les pas de cet auteur et ainsi reconstituer ceux de ses parcours qui apparaissaient comme les plus obscurs. De même, la relecture des manuscrits de F. Ximenez et la comparaison avec les textes des voyageurs qui lui étaient contemporains ont permis de reconstituer les stemmata de la tradition manuscrite des inscriptions. Il s’agissait d’analyser la transmission des informations entre les antiquaires de l’époque et de rendre à chacune des parties en cause ce qui lui était dû. Ces comparaisons nous ont mené à analyser les motivations et les intérêts de F. Ximenez relativement aux inscriptions anciennes. Qu’est-ce qui l’intéresse principalement dans les épigraphes ? Quels types de données collecte-t-il les concernant et quelles informations tente-t-il de déduire à partir de ces documents ? Comment en fait-il les relevés ? Ces aspects nous ont permis de mieux situer F. Ximenez au sein des antiquaires de son époque ; pour cela, il a d’ailleurs été nécessaire d’étudier la réception par quelques-uns de ces antiquaires. Quelle était l’opinion de ces savants le concernant ? Comment se sont-ils servis des informations que F. Ximenez a recueillies ? / This thesis deals with the epigraphical activity of F. Ximenez, the administrator of the Trinitarians hospital at Tunis who, between 1720 and 1735, undertook several excursions in the interior of the Regency. Most of his work remains unpublished, and even and even after being dissected for the publication of the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (CIL), a re-reading have been proved to be necessary. Indeed, a certain amount of the information on the inscriptions was yet to be discerned and a significant part extracted from it hasn’t been correctly interpreted. They concern the features of the epigraphical monuments as well as their localisations and the conditions of their discovery. The major blunders committed interpreting the manuscripts of F. Ximenez have created duplications of inscriptions and have let researchers think that some inscriptions came from what it tourned out to be the wrong places. In order to draw up the itineraries of F. Ximenez and to determine the sites of origin of the inscriptions it has been essential to consult the ancient and recent archeological maps, along with a field visit in the country in order to follow his steps, shedding light on the case of his more unclear journeys. This new reading of the manuscripts of F. Ximenez and the comparison with the works of the contemporary travellers have also allowed to recreate the stemmata of the manuscript tradition of inscriptions. The aim has been to analyse the transmission of information between the antiquarians of that time and give back to all of the parties involved what was due to each one of them. These comparisons have led us to analyse the reasons and the interests of F. Ximenez with regard to the ancient inscriptions. What's his main interest concerning the epigraphs? What kind of data does he gather from them and what kind of information does he try to deduce from them? How does he take the tracings? These approaches have allowed to place F. Ximenez within the antiquarians of his time, but in order to do this it has been essential to study the reception which some of them have made of the manuscripts of F. Ximenez. What was the opinion of those scholars on F. Ximenez? How did they use the data he has gathered? We have attempted to answer these as well as other questions in this thesis.

La Vengeance Nostre Seigneur et son rayonnement dans le manuscrit de Paris, BnF, fr. 1553

Turcot, Virginie 12 1900 (has links)
La Vengeance Nostre Seigneur est une chanson de geste écrite vers 1200 qui raconte la destruction de Jérusalem en 70 de notre ère par Vespasien et Titus comme une vengeance pour la Crucifixion. Elle nous est parvenue dans dix manuscrits, tous des recueils, étant donné sa relative brièveté (1200 à 3400 vers, selon les rédactions). Or, ce texte adopte un comportement particulier dans certains des manuscrits qui le conservent : le récit de la vengeance du Christ bourgeonne dans d’autres textes où l’on n’attendrait pas sa manifestation. L’objectif de cette étude est double : comprendre comment est pensé, conçu et construit le recueil médiéval d’une part, à partir du recueil de Paris, BnF, fr. 1553 ; d’autre part, il s’agira d’évaluer le rôle que la Vengeance Nostre Seigneur peut jouer dans la composition des manuscrits qui l’hébergent. Après l’analyse du recueil du Moyen Âge central en général et du recueil de Paris, BnF, fr. 1553 en particulier, l’étude se concentrera sur la Vengeance Nostre Seigneur afin de la situer dans le paysage littéraire médiéval (étude des sources, analyse générique, contexte de circulation). Il s’agira de comprendre la place qu’elle occupe dans le manuscrit de Paris, BnF, fr. 1553 et de saisir le phénomène de rayonnement qui surgit dans ce recueil. Le rôle de la Vengeance dans deux autres manuscrits qui, bien que fort différents, occupent une place importante dans la tradition, le recueil de Paris, BnF, fr. 1374 et le recueil de Turin, BNU, L.II.14, sera ensuite étudié, notamment en ce qui a trait au rayonnement de la légende. Enfin, les trois copies du texte seront comparées afin de déterminer dans quelle mesure ces trois rédactions représentent précisément le même récit. / The Vengeance Nostre Seigneur is an epic poem written around 1200 which depicts Jerusalem’s destruction in 70 AD by Vespasian and Titus as a vengeance for the Crucifixion. It is now known in ten manuscripts, all of them miscellanies, given its relative brevity (1200 to 3400 verses, depending on the redaction). This text has a peculiar behavior in some of the manuscripts where it is kept: the story of Christ’s vengeance appears in other texts in which we would not expect its manifestation. The purpose of this study is twofold: on one hand, to understand how the medieval collection is thought, built and conceived, from the manuscript of Paris, BnF, fr. 1553; and on the other hand, to evaluate the role the Vengeance Nostre Seigneur played in the composition of the manuscripts that hosts it. After analysing the medieval miscellany in general, and more specifically the Paris, BnF, fr. 1553 collection, the study will focus on the Vengeance Nostre Seigneur to position it on the medieval literary scene (study of the sources, generic analysis, circulation context). The goal will be to demonstrate the role it played in the Paris, BnF, fr. 1553 manuscript and to understand the phenomenon of unexpected presence of the legend in other texts of this collection. There will then be a study of the same phenomenon in two very different manuscripts that both occupy an important place in the tradition; the manuscripts of Paris, BnF, fr. 1374 and Turin, BNU, L.II.14. Finally, the three copies of the text will be compared to determine if these three redactions represent precisely the same story.

Théodoret de Cyr, Interpretatio in Epistulam ad Romanos : édition, traduction et commentaire / Theodoret of Cyrrhus, the Interpretatio in epistulam ad Romanos : a critical edition with a French translation and a commentary

Lorrain, Agnès 05 December 2015 (has links)
L’In epistulas Pauli de Théodoret de Cyr (Ve siècle) est le plus ancien commentaire en grec des épîtres de Paul conservé dans sa langue originale. Cette thèse propose l’édition critique du Prologue et de l’In Romanos, à partir de l’examen de tous les manuscrits de la tradition directe ainsi que d’un manuscrit de chaîne. Elle offre aussi la première traduction de cette œuvre en français. Alors que de nombreux travaux se sont penchés sur les principes et les méthodes de l’exégèse antiochienne de l’Ancien Testament, celle du Nouveau Testament est encore assez mal connue. À travers différentes études thématiques, on tente de caractériser la démarche exégétique propre à ce corpus en analysant les éléments structurant le discours ainsi que certaines particularités sémantiques : on met ainsi au jour les lignes de force de l’interprétation à l’œuvre dans un commentaire dont la distance par rapport au texte commenté est minimale. Par ailleurs, on met en lumière le travail de l’exégète par rapport à la source chrysostomienne. Enfin, on étudie les articulations entre exégèse et polémique – discours sur les Juifs, cible marcionite, échos des controverses trinitaires et christologiques – en cherchant des rapprochements avec la tradition exégétique et théologique en ce qui concerne l’argumentation scripturaire. L’analyse de la démarche argumentative aussi bien que la recherche des sources permet de mettre en relief les richesses d’une œuvre qui, à première lecture, semble être une simple paraphrase du texte biblique. / Theodoret of Cyrrhus’s In epistulas Pauli (5th c.) is the oldest surviving Greek commentary that has been preserved in the original language. This dissertation presents a critical edition of Theodoret’s prologue and commentary on the Epistle to the Romans based on all the extant direct manuscripts as well as one catena manuscript. It also offers the first translation of the work into the French language. While many scholars have studied the principles and methods of Antiochene exegesis for the Old Testament, the methods used for the New Testament remain largely unexamined. Through different thematic studies, the dissertation explores the exegetical approach which deals with and is shaped by this latter corpus specifically. By analyzing the elements that structure its discourse as well as its semantic tendencies, it sets out to reveal the central features of Theodoret’s exegetical approach despite the minimal distance which he maintains between the Biblical text and his commentary. Special attention is also paid to Theodoret’s use of the works of John Chrysostom in his own writing. Finally, the dissertation explores the relationship between Theodoret’s biblical exegesis and the rich tradition of scriptural quotation both in a historical and theological context. The main focus is on his polemical discourses on the Jews and the Marcionites and also in his writings on the Trinitarian and Christological controversies. Through a careful analysis of the exegete’s approach to scriptural argumentation and his use of sources, we hope to reveal the richness and versatility of a work which, at first glance, appears to be little more than a simple paraphrase of the biblical text.

Late-Byzantine hagiographer : Philotheos Kokkinos and his Vitae of Contemporary Saints

Mitrea, Mihail January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation offers the first systematic historical contextualization and literary analysis of the five saints' lives composed by Philotheos Kokkinos (ca. 1300-1378) for his contemporaries Nikodemos the Younger, Sabas the Younger, Isidore Boucheir, Germanos Maroules, and Gregory Palamas. Notwithstanding Kokkinos' prominent role in the political and ecclesiastical scene of fourteenth-century Byzantium, as well as the size and significance of his hagiographic oeuvre, both the hagiographer and his saints' lives have received surprisingly little scholarly attention. My dissertation fills this gap and shows Kokkinos as a gifted hagiographer who played a leading role, both through his ecclesiastical authority and hagiographic discourse, in orchestrating the societal breakthrough of hesychast theology that has remained at the core of Christian Orthodoxy up to this day. The dissertation is structured in three parts. The first, Philotheos Kokkinos and His OEuvre, offers an extensive biographical portrait of Kokkinos, introduces his literary oeuvre, and discusses its manuscript tradition. A thorough palaeographical investigation of fourteenth-century codices carrying his writings reveals Kokkinos' active involvement in the process of copying, reviewing, and publishing his own works. This section includes an analysis of the 'author's edition' manuscript Marcianus graecus 582, and presents its unusual fate. Moreover, Part I establishes the chronology of Kokkinos' vitae of contemporary saints and offers biographical sketches of his heroes, highlighting their relationship to their hagiographer. The second part, Narratological Analysis of Kokkinos' Vitae of Contemporary Saints, constitutes the first comprehensive analysis of Kokkinos' narrative technique. It first discusses the types of hagiographic composition ('hagiographic genre') Kokkinos employed for his saints' lives (hypomnema, bios kai politeia, and logos), and then it offers a detailed investigation that sheds light on the organization of the narrative in Kokkinos' vitae and his use of specific narrative devices. This includes a discussion of hesychastic elements couched in the narrative. Part II concludes with considerations on Kokkinos' style and intended audience. The third part, Saints and Society, begins with a detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis of the miracle accounts Kokkinos wove in his saints' lives. This considers the miracle typology, types of afflictions, methods of healing, and the demographic characteristics of the beneficiaries (such as age, gender, and social status), revealing that Kokkinos shows a predilection for including miracles for members of the aristocracy. Second, it presents Kokkinos' view on the relationship between the imperial office and ecclesiastical authority by analysing how he portrays the emperor(s) in his vitae. Moreover, this part addresses the saints' encounters with the 'other' (Muslims and Latins), revealing Kokkinos' nuanced understanding of the threats and opportunities raised by these interactions. Finally, it makes the claim that through his saints' lives Kokkinos offers models of identification and refuge in the troubled social and political context of fourteenth-century Byzantium, promoting a spiritual revival of society. As my dissertation shows, Kokkinos' vitae of contemporary saints sought to shape and were shaped by the political and theological disputes of fourteenth-century Byzantium, especially those surrounding hesychasm. Their analysis offers insights into the thought-world of their author and sheds more light on the late-Byzantine religious and cultural context of their production. The dissertation is equipped with six technical appendices presenting the chronology of Kokkinos' life and works, the narrative structure of his vitae of contemporary saints, a critical edition of the preface of his hitherto unedited Logos on All Saints (BHG 1617g), a transcription of two hitherto unedited prayers Kokkinos addressed to the emperors, the content of Marc. gr. 582 and Kokkinos' autograph interventions, and manuscript plates.

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