Spelling suggestions: "subject:"marijuana."" "subject:"mariana.""
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Asociación sobre uso de cigarrillos electrónicos y/o tabaco en la vida con consumo de marihuana en el último año en estudiantes universitarios. Perú 2016 / Association of lifetime E-cigarettes and/or tobacco with last year marijuana use in university students. Peru 2016Sangster Carrasco, Lucero, García Valenzuela, Arelí 10 December 2021 (has links)
Solicitud de embargo por publicación en revista indexada. / Antecedentes: El uso de cigarrillos electrónicos ha aumentado en los últimos años en el Perú, los cuales en conjunto con el tabaco aumentan la exposición de los jóvenes a nicotina. La marihuana es la droga ilícita mas consumida por los jovenes en el Perú.
Objetivo: Identificar la asociación entre uso de cigarrillo electrónico y/o tabaco en la vida con consumo de marihuana en los últimos 12 meses.
Material y métodos: Estudio transversal analítico secundario al III Estudio epidemiológico andino sobre consumo de drogas en la población universitaria de Perú, 2016 (EEACDU). Se realizó un análisis multivariado utilizando un modelo lineal generalizado de la familia y opción de enlace log Poisson, presentándose en forma de PR. Participantes: Estudiantes universitarios con criterios de selección (n=3981).Exposición: Consumo de cigarrillo electrónico y/o tabaco sobre la base de preguntas acerca de consumo de tabaco y cigarro electrónico en la vida, categorizándose en solo cigarrillo electrónico, solo tabaco, ambos o ninguno. Variable resultado: Consumo de marihuana en los últimos 12 meses.
Resultados: La prevalencia de uso de cigarrillo electrónico y tabaco en la vida fue de 10.1%; de solo cigarrillo electrónico en la vida, de 1.2%, y de consumo de marihuana en los últimos 12 meses, de 5.2%. Aquellos con uso dual tuvieron 40.34 veces la probabilidad de consumir marihuana en los últimos 12 meses (PR 40.34 IC95: 14.76 a 110.25, p <0.001) en comparación con los que no consumieron ninguno. Los que consumieron solo tabaco tuvieron 23 veces la probabilidad de consumir marihuana en los últimos 12 meses (PR 23.12 IC95: 8.43 a 63.35, p <0.001) en comparación con los que no consumieron ninguno.
Conclusiones: Se encontró un aumento de probabilidad de consumo de marihuana en los últimos 12 meses en aquellos estudiantes universitarios que reportaron uso de cigarrillo electrónico y tabaco en la vida, así como entre los que reportaron uso exclusivo de tabaco. / Background: The electronic cigarettes use has gained populatiry in the last years, and together with tobacco use, they increase the nicotine exposure. Cannabis is the most consumed illicit drug by the young population in Perú.
Objective: To identify the association between the use of electronic cigarettes and/or tobacco in life with the cannabis use in the last 12 months.
Methods: An analytical cross-sectional study was developed secondary to the III Andean Epidemiological Study on Drug Consumption in University Students, 2016. A multivariate analysis was performed using a generalized linear model of the family and the log Poisson link option. Participants: University students (n=3981).Exposure: Electronic cigarette and/or tobacco consumption based on questions about consumption of tobacco and electronic cigarette in life, being categorized into only electronic cigarette, only tobacco, both or neither.Outcome: Cannabis use in the last 12 months.
Results: Of the total number of university students who met the inclusion criteria (n = 3981), the lifetime prevalence of electronic cigarettes and tobacco (dual) use was 10.1% and 1.2% for electronic cigarettes. Cannabis use in the last 12 months was 5.2%. Those with dual use had forty times the probability of using cannabis in the last 12 months (PR 40.34, CI95: 14.76 to 110.25, p <0.001) compared to those who used none, and those who used only tobacco had twenty-three times the probability of using cannabis in the last 12 months (PR 23.12, CI95: 8.43 to 63.35, p <0.001) compared to those who consumed none.
Conclusions: An increase in the probability of cannabis use in the last 12 months was found in those university students who reported dual use of electronic cigarettes and tobacco in life, and also in those who reported exclusive use of tobacco. We didn’t find an increased probability of cannabis use in the last 12 months among the electronic cigarettes only users. / Tesis
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Prävalenz von Insomniebeschwerden und deren Assoziation mit dem Konsum psychotroper Substanzen bei Jugendlichen in Deutschland unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Kaffeekonsums / Prevalence of insomnia complaints in adolescents and their association with psychoactive substance use with particular regard to coffee useSkarupke, Christian 16 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Prevence závislosti na marihuaně / Prevention dependence of marihuanaVOJTĚCHOVÁ, Jiřina January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis finds out, confronts knowledge and experience with drugs at the pupils. It characterizes drug addiction, its emergence and reasons. It deals with the problems of drug prevention, their possibilities and practices applied at schools. It describes laws about using drugs. And the survey shows that the primary prevention of using marihuana cannot be underestimated.
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Sociální práce s mladistvými osobami závislými na psychoaktivních látkách / Social work with adolescents addicted to psychoactive substancesMalíková, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to draw attention to the serious problem of drug addiction among adolescents who are abusing addictive substances or marijuana. This increasingly important issue is discussed a lot, but very often neglected by the society. This thesis provides definitions and characteristics of individual drugs and their effects on adolescents. The need for prevention and treatment of adolescent clients is emphasized, alongside with the family support, which is often crucial. In the practical part, the author of the thesis focuses on organizations that are critically important in this field. These organizations focus on prevention, counseling services, social inclusion and treatment facilities (inpatient and outpatient services), etc. Their characteristics and methods of client treatment are described. Furthermore, in this work the author presents a survey that confirms the findings of some detailed quantitative research papers. The main findings are that drug abuse is a major problem of this century and also a burden on society, especially on the adolescents themselves. The solution is very complicated and time consuming, but everyone can contribute by not being indifferent to this problem.
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Culturas juveniles contemporáneas y espacios públicos urbanos: etnografía sobre consumidores de marihuana del parque Prolongación Paseo de la República, distrito de Santiago de Surco, Lima MetropolitanaCuadrado Del Castillo, Xiomara Naomi 30 October 2023 (has links)
La presente es una etnografía hecha en la capital de Lima entre los años 2018-2022
que trata sobre jóvenes usuarios de marihuana y su presencia dentro de un espacio
público redimensionado, es decir, compuesto por el e-p-caminable y el ciberreal.
La investigación inició dentro del parque Prolongación Paseo de la República –lugar
dónde los jóvenes acostumbran fumar, ubicado en el distrito Santiago de Surco–, no
obstante, la coyuntura desenvuelta de la crisis pandémica influenció para reflexionar
sobre los espacios compartidos. De modo que termine envergando ciertos estilos de
identidades cannábicas –tanto desde una visión pragmática como coherente con las
circunstancias contemporáneas– que confluyen dentro de la red social Instagram, con
el soporte teórico que me ofreció la ciberantropología: ligando ambos espacios.
El planteamiento del problema de investigación se tradujo en la pregunta ¿Cómo la
microcultura juvenil cannábica entiende, práctica y se posiciona discursivamente con
respecto al uso de marihuana en espacios compartidos? Los datos analizados salen
del registro etnográfico híbrido –presencia, observación, conversaciones informales,
entrevistas semi-estructuradas y grupo focal–. Procesé los datos cualitativos a partir
de un conjunto de metodologías complementarias que desembocaron en el Análisis
Situacional de Adele Clarke y una consideración ética desde la autoetnografía.
Entre las principales conclusiones se corrobora una contestación afirmativa hacia la
prevalencia del uso de marihuana y tendencias sociales que se fortalecen a favor del
consumo de concentrados cannábicos en ciertos estilos de culturas juveniles. Sobre
la situación de quienes componen el tejido social local –rotulado con el nombre de
Chorriweed: los que fuman dentro del espacio compartido “caminable”– se evidencia
una construcción identitaria que es inocua y útil para hacer frente a la vida adulta. Por
último, también se recalca la importancia de una discusión reflexiva en torno al
consumismo de la planta, el cual en la realidad cotidiana viene siendo avalado por la
industria cannábica norteamericana, la que pretende maximizar sus ganancias. / This is an ethnography made in the capital of Lima between the years 2018-2022 that
deals with young marijuana users and their presence within a resized public space,
that is, composed of the e-p-walkable and the cyberreal.
The investigation began within the Prolongación Paseo de la República park – a place
where young people tend to smoke, located in the Santiago de Surco district –
however, the unwrapped situation of the pandemic crisis influenced the reflection on
shared spaces. So that it ends up spreading certain styles of cannabis identities –both
from a pragmatic vision and coherent with contemporary circumstances– that come
together within the Instagram social network, with the theoretical support that offered
me cyberanthropology: linking both spaces.
The approach to the research problem was translated into the question: How cannabic
youth microculture understand, practice and position itself discursively regarding the
use of marijuana in shared spaces? The data analyzed comes from the hybrid
ethnographic record –presence, observation, informal conversations, semi-structured
interviews and focus group–. I processed the qualitative data from a set of
complementary methodologies that led to Adele Clarke's Situational Analysis and an
ethical consideration from autoethnography.
Among the main conclusions, an affirmative response to the prevalence of marijuana
use and social trends that are strengthened in favor of the consumption of cannabis
concentrates in certain styles of youth cultures are corroborated. In the situation of
those who make up the local social weave –labeled with the name of Chorriweed:
youths who smoke within the “walkable” shared space– is evidenced by an identity
construction, that is innocuous and useful to face adult life. Lastly, the importance of a
thoughtful discussion about the consumerism of the plant is also emphasized that in
daily reality it has been endorsed by the northern cannabis industry, which seeks to
maximize its profits.
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