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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Power of B2B Brands : A case study of how B2B companies in the forest industry can communicate sustainability through their Brand

Bålfors, Joakim, Ståhlspets, Johan January 2016 (has links)
Today’s B2B companies operate in a global business world that is characterised by product homogenisation and intense competition. Finding sources for differentiation and consequently competitive advantage is a concern that no company with a long-term horizon can ignore. The development of the brand, recognized as a strategic asset, has created new ways of conducting beneficial marketing management, which can lead to differentiation from competitors and create conditions for company success. The role of brands in B2B settings differs from the role in B2C markets, and its potentially beneficial outcomes have traditionally been overlooked by B2B practitioners. Consequently, B2B companies need to gain further insight in how and why to utilize the potential benefits of having a strong brand. The technology development demands constant evaluation of brand communication techniques and the demand for sustainability related solutions address the need for further marketing insights. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to contribute with understanding and further knowledge to the research field of B2B marketing. The goal is to outline how B2B companies can utilize the strategic asset of a brand by incorporating sustainability in the communication of the same. The research question that this study aims to answer is consequently: • How can B2B brands in the forest industry communicate sustainability? In order to fulfil the study purpose and answer the research question, six sub-purposes concerning the theoretical themes B2B brand management, sustainability and brand communication were outlined. The theoretical themes are the basis from which the sub-purposes stem. This study is written on commission for a production company in the forest industry. In order to fulfil the purpose of the study, a case study approach with a qualitative research method is used. The empirical findings consist of semi-structured qualitative interviews with employees of the case company and two external respondents. The external perspective consists of one customer to the case company and a representative from the forest owner’s branch organisation. The question template for the qualitative interviews is built upon the stated six sub-purposes and consequently the theoretical themes of B2B brand management, sustainability and brand communication. Based on the empirical findings and the theoretical themes, we analyse the outcomes and provide with conclusions and practical recommendations in relation to the stated purpose of this study. This study indicates that brands play a major role in B2B settings, especially as a mediator and coordinator of business relationships. The brand is built upon functional brand values and emotional brand values. In the context of the forest industry, the functional brand values are connected to hygiene factors, whilst emotional brand values are connected to the company as a whole and can thereof be a source for differentiation. The main conclusion from this study is consequently that sustainability should first and foremost be used as a way of conveying the identified emotional brand values credibility, trust, loyalty and long-term commitment. Embedding sustainability into the brand by highlighting the emotional brand values of credibility, trust, loyalty and long-term commitment is consequently a way for B2B brands to differentiate from competitors.

Marketingové komunikace ve veřejném sektoru na příkladu vybrané základní školy / Marketing communications in the public sector on the example of a selected basic school

Andrejsová, Jana January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the marketing communication in the public sector. The necessity of this communication in this sector is proved in the thesis by the example of the Basic school with extended language teaching Metelkovo náměstí in Teplice, based on image analysis based on field investigation and on analysis of the previous communication of this school. The thesis is devided into two main parts, theoretical and practical, the first one has one chapter, the other one is divided into 3 chapters. The theoretical part deals with marketing and marketing communication in general and in the second part these theoretical knowledge is applied on the case of the selected basic school. Frist, the image analysis of the school is performed, after that the individual communication activities from the past of the school are presented and in the end some pieces of advice are given to the school as well.

Analýza marketingovej komunikácie spoločnosti Diesel / Analysis of Marketing communication of Diesel company

Zvadová, Zuzana January 2010 (has links)
The main objective of this work is to highlight the specifics of marketing communications in the fashion industry on an example of a particular company, an Italian company Diesel. Theoretical knowledge of fashion marketing, management of fashion companies and the characteristics of the fashion market are applied to the brand Diesel. Marketing Communication is subject of analysis of individual campaigns and then summarized the common characteristics of the whole communication. Common features are compared with the communication features of premium brands in fashion and fashion brands of mass market. At the end is described Diesel brand on Czech and Slovak markets.

Analýza vybrané družstevní organizace z pohledu marketingového prostředí a komunikačního mixu / Analysis of selected Cooperatives from the point-of-view of Marketing Environment and Communication Mix

Zelená, Veronika January 2009 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the marketing environment and marketing communication in the cooperative society Jas v.d. In this work, both propose measures that would be appropriate to implement the identified deficiencies, and also focus on the possibilities of internet communication in society.

Nové trendy v marketingových komunikacích / New trends in marketing communications

Cigošová, Petra January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with the new trends in marketing communication. It shows the importance of new media and new tools of marketing communication mix. It aims to analyze new trends and forms of marketing communication and based on the findings to apply their use in marketing communication of company Direct Parcel Distribution CZ.


曹偉玲 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 整合行銷傳播(Integrated Marketing Communication;IMC)旨在透過綜效(synergy)的整合,提供顧客與潛在顧客清晰一致的訊息,以發揮最大的傳播效益,其帶動行銷理念與方式的革命性轉變,是今日傳播業界無法抗拒的風潮。然而,整合行銷傳播的定位,至今仍未具共識。Tom Duncan等學者認為:IMC 不僅是個流行而是趨勢,近年來,美國AAAA的廣告公司已將整合行銷傳播視為一種「新式廣告」(new advertising);公關界將其視為「行銷帝國主義」(marketing imperialism),為了驗證整合行銷傳播的概念與操作過程,學界人士已與業者合作,試行IMC運作模式,得到初步成效;但仍有學者批評IMC不具應用與管理實務性,以學術理論的標準,不足以成一家之言(Slon,1994等)。因此,本研究即將重點放在近年來各學派對IMC之理論文獻整理,另一方面檢視IMC在媒体業界的應用領域。 有線電視媒體因為業態屬性和通路特性,具有廣告客戶與觀眾兩層目標顧客,並具有資料庫建立途逕,理當具有應用IMC的可行性,因此本研究選用有線電視頻道為業態,期望能整理一套適用於有線電視界的整合行銷傳播模式,提供業者作為行銷傳播的經營參考。 本文屬於探索性研究,藉由國內外相關文獻的整理,來建立IMC理論架構,再以個案研究法,分析實務個案之三家頻道-三立電視台、迪士尼頻道、與太陽衛視,驗證架構得出結論,本研究發現:IMC的確可應用於有線電視頻道,具有提升品牌資產之正面價值,並可藉由IMC之策略義涵:建立觀眾資料庫、觀眾分類、企業利益關係人之分析與溝通、傳播工具之整合運用、以及組織架構整合等,達成綜效之行銷傳播效益。

The environmental concern and the marketing communications of car manufacturers. : A comparative case study of two carmakers.

Platel, Lea January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Perfect creation for a win-win situation : Four case studies of corprate events / Perfekt skapande för en win-win situation : Fyra fallstudier av företagsevent

Svenhed, Kristin, Gustafsson, Anna January 2008 (has links)
It is becoming increasingly difficult, although very important, for companies to reach out to its customers and differentiate themselves in the market place. The main reason is that the competition is extremely intensified and customers can quite easily switch between suppliers. Focusing on relations is a way for companies to overcome some obstacles of competition that is evident in today’s market place. One way for companies to reach its customers, strengthen the relation, and meet them face-to-face is to create events. How-ever, finding the target group and motivating individuals to attend events is an important issue for the companies arranging events. There has to be a match between what the company arranging the event want to communicate and what the invited individual expects to gain out of attending the event. It is further important to direct the event towards certain individuals and also to make sure that the invited people actually attend the event. The purpose of the thesis is to explore how companies can arrange meaningful events to a targeted audience and examine what factors motivates the individuals to actually attend these events. An inductive approach is mainly used since it allows for flexible structure where empirical data is collected and before applying appropriate theoretical framework. The authors have further chose to collect data in a qualitative manner as this allows for open ended inter-views which can generate in deeper understanding of the reasons for individuals to attend corporate events. The primary data was based on interviews related to four corporate events previously taking place. The authors found that there are numerous reasons for creating corporate events mainly because events are a platform that naturally integrates many marketing activities. When targeting individuals a personal contact can increase the likelihood that the invited people will attend an event. The reason is that through direct communication a person has the opportunity to tailor the invitation by explaining the reasons for why this particular person should find the event important and interesting to attend. Corporate events should offer valuable information for the attendees otherwise there is risk that invited individuals will not attend an event. Individuals attend events for the purpose of interacting with representatives from the arranging company as well as people from other attending companies. It can be concluded that a corporate event should be work related in some how and include new information and/or offer networking possibilities. / Det blir allt svårare, men ständigt mer viktigt, för företag att nå ut till sina kunder och differentiera sig på marknaden. Den främsta anledningen är att konkurrensen är mycket intensiv och det är förhållandevis enkelt för kunder att byta leverantörer. Genom att fokusera på relationer kan företag övervinna några av de konkurrenshinder som är påtagliga på dagsläget. Genom skapande av events kan företag nå sina kunder, möta dem öga mot öga och där-med stärka relationen till dem. För att lyckas med detta är det viktigt för företag att hitta de tilltänkta målgrupperna och motivera individer till att bli intresserade och faktiskt besöka eventet. Det är viktigt att anpassa ett företags motiv för skapandet av ett event men det som de inbjudna individerna förväntar sig få ut av att besöka eventet. Det är vidare viktigt att ett event riktas mot de tilltänkta individerna och för ett företag att se till att de inbjudna verkligen besöker eventet. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka hur företag kan arrangera meningsfulla events för en tilltänkt målgrupp och ta reda på vilka faktorer som motiverar individer att faktiskt besöka dessa events. Ett induktivt tillvägagångssätt används till största delen i uppsatsen eftersom det är tillåter en flexibel struktur där författarna utgår från empirisk data för att sedan hitta lämplig teori. Författarna har även valt att använda kvalitativ data eftersom det möjliggör öppna intervjuer som kan ge djupare inblick i hur företagsevent kan skapa mervärde för ett företag och dess besökare och förståelse för de inbjudnas motivationsfaktorer. Primär data baserades på intervjuer med individer relaterade till fyra olika företagsevent som tidigare ägt rum. Studien visar att företag har många olika skäl till att arrangera events och den främsta orsaken till detta är att events är ett forum som integrerar flera marknadsföringsaktiviteter på ett naturligt och ofrånkomligt sätt. När ett företag marknadsför ett event till en tilltänkt målgrupp kan personlig direktkontakt öka sannolikheten att de inbjudna kommer att besöka eventet. Anledningen till detta är att direktkommunikation ger ett företag möjligheten att skräddarsy inbjudan genom att förklara varför just denna individ bör besöka eventet och varför det bör vara viktigt för denne. Ett företagsevent bör erbjuda besökande individer värdefull information, i annat fall riskerar företaget att många individer inte kommer priori-tera just detta event. Individer besöker företagsevent i syftet att integrera med representan-ter från det arrangerande företaget och individer från andra besökande företag. Studien visar att företagsevent bör vara arbetsrelaterade i dess utformning och erbjuda intressant in-formation och/eller erbjuda integrationsmöjligheter.

The Impact of Radical Innovation on Consumer Behaviour : A case study of iPhone

Ungsusing, Antika, Pinyotrakool, Phromporn January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Varumärkesuppbyggnad och Marknadskommunikation i Svenska Fotbollsklubbar : En fallstudie på BK Forward & KIF Örebro / Building brand and market communications in Swedish Football Clubs : A case study on BK Forward & KIF Örebro

Johansson, Andreas, Carlström, Anton, Sonesson, Johan January 2013 (has links)
Background                      European football has during the past decades seen a fast development towards a more professionalized and commercialized climate. This had led to the fact that a lot of clubs are run like any other company, and the focus on marketing and market shares has increased. To be able to create a strong brand clubs have to put a lot of work into marketing, not only of their own brand, but of their sponsors and partners as well. Purpose                              The purpose of this study is to (in step 1) analyze how two smaller Swedish football clubs build their brand and work with their marketing communication. In step 2, the purpose is to create a model of how these clubs may work to develop their brand and marketing communication. Method                              With a qualitative approach, the authors of this paper have analyzed text and documents as well as performed two in-depth interviews. Findings                             Both clubs lack a well-developed strategy regarding their work with their brand and marketing communication. However, there are in both cases factors that, if developed correctly, could help build a stronger brand and better the marketing communication. One of these factors is the clubs’ work with social responsibility. Conclusion                         There is an importance of creating a strong internal identity in order to be able to position the club and define the offer towards different segments. Through this comes the possibility to create a strong strategy for marketing communication.

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