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Det fygitala intåget : En kvalitativ studie om hur olika företag i klädbranschen kan implementera fygital i sitt arbete / The entry of phygital : A qualitative study on how different companies in the fashion industry can implement phygital in their workAlbertsson, Emma, Wallin, Fanny, Westerlund, Mikaela January 2019 (has links)
Examensarbete, Programmet för Inredning- och butikskommunikation, Ekonomihögskolan Kalmar, Linnéuniveristetet. 2FE77E. VT19. Det fygitala intåget av Emma Albertsson, Fanny Wallin och Mikaela Westerlund Bakgrund: Från att den svenska handeln började med vandrande knallar på landsbygden till att utvecklas mot att låta kunden plocka varorna själv, det här var starten för detaljhandelsbranschen. När utveckling tillkommit blev det en multikanal som sedan utvecklades till en omnikanal. Från omnikanal utvecklades fygital som är aktuell för denna studie. Där de fysiska kanalerna sammanflätas med de digitala kanalerna och blir till en kanal. Frågeställning & Syfte: Studiens frågeställning är: Hur arbetar konsultföretag respektive onlinebutik och fysisk butik i klädbranschen med fygital? Syftet med studien är att få en ökad förståelse i hur de olika företagen i klädbranschen använder sig av fygital. Detta för att bidra med kunskap om vad fygital står för, samt vilka likheter och skillnader som existerar mellan företagen. Metod: Studien innefattar en kvalitativ metod med ett hermeneutiskt synsätt, genom en deduktiv ansats med induktiva inslag. Insamlingen av empiri har utförts genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med representanter från tre konsultföretag, en onlinebutik och en fysisk butik. Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar på att det fygitala inte går att förbise då digitaliseringen utvecklas konstant. Utvecklingen av digitalisering påverkar den fysiska butiken genom att butikerna kan bli mindre samtidigt som de kan erbjuda företagens hela sortiment. Därmed blir de digitala kanalerna inte en konkurrent till de fysiska kanalerna utan ett komplement till varandra då de fyller ut varandras brister. I framtiden kommer det omfatta en förändring och utveckling för att det fygitala ska samspela på bästa sätt. / Bachelor thesis, Interior design and visual merchandising at School of business and economic Kalmar, Linnaeus university. 2FE77E. Spring of 2019. The entry of phygital by Emma Albertsson, Fanny Wallin och Mikaela Westerlund Background: The Swedish trade market began from wandering itinerant out on the countryside to stores where customers could pick the goods by themselves, this was the beginning of the development into becoming the retail industry which is still ongoing today. The companies had to make changes to go from multi-channels to omni-channels. And omni-channels led to new development called phygital, where the physical channels are intertwined with the digital channels to become one. This is what this thesis is aiming to study. Reserarch question & Purpose: The research question of the study is: How do consulting-firms, online stores and physical stores work in the clothing business with phygital? The purpose of the study is to gain an increased understanding of how the various companies in the clothing business are using phygital. This is to contribute with knowledge of what phygital stands for, as well as which similarities and differences exist between the companies. Method: This study involves a qualitative method with a hermeneutic approach, through a deductive approach with inductive elements. The collection of empirical data has been carried out through semi-structured interviews with representatives from three consulting-firms, one online store and one physical store. Conclusion: The conclusion of the study shows that the digitization is constantly evolving which makes the digitalisation hard to surpass. The physical store becomes affected by the development of the digitization because it enables the physical stores to become smaller while still being able to offer the entire range of the companies supply. Thus, the digital channel do not become a competitor to the physical channels, but a complement to each other as they fill out the absences of each other. In the future it will evolve and change for the fygital channels to interact in the best way possible.
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Important Factors for Designing Digital Maps from a Marketing Perspective木原直子, Naoko Kihara Unknown Date (has links)
進一步之研究包括其他大城市之關聯性研究和城市與鄉村之比較研究。 / The digital revolution influences our lifestyle and way of processing information in various fields. The Internet is a typical example of how it changes our lifestyle, the way people do business, the way people collect information, and the way people communicate. Map, concept of location, would be one of the most distinct areas, where people would more likely change the way of accomplishing some tasks. Digital maps would solve the major problems of traditional maps. Now, some web sites provide digital map services using GIS technology. This kind of digital map service is gradually spreading to ordinary people.
Since the concept of digital mapping itself is not widely known, there are some related studies from the technology aspect of digital maps, but not the marketing point of view. Therefore, the author was motivated to find out successful factors, which are helpful for all related vendors and service providers to design and provide digital map products/services in the most effective manner.
The author assumes that the successful factors of digital map are similar between big cities where not only life styles but also the infrastructure of telecommunication and traffic are almost the same. This thesis reviews in detail the situation in Japan as well as Taiwan, followed by an in-depth study of Taiwan through personal interviews and questionnaire survey. This study focuses mainly on private uses in metropolitan areas.
In this thesis, both qualitative and quantitative methods are employed. First, the author asked key persons to have a mixed style interview (using both closed and opened questions) so that this paper can includes the key person’s ideas and feeling in depth. Then, the author conducted the questionnaire survey to obtain quantitative data for eight different groups of people. This eight hypothesized clusters were formed with the considerations of sex, age, and status. There was no such a relevant study to specify the most differentiating variable for the digital map in the past at the time this study was conducted. Therefore, this paper used Chi-analysis to find out the key variables, which influence consumer and user behavior toward digital map. From this study and observation, the following variables are selected for investigation in this study: sex; age; education level; type of job; income level; family cycle, and eight hypothesized clusters.
From the result, Taiwanese indicted a strong desire for all four types of digital map services specified in this paper. Only 2 out of 109 (1.8%) are not interested in the services of map and searching a specific genre of service. Everybody wants to use other two services. The connecting method to use larger LCD (20%) was also wanted. Interests on wireless Internet map services were also strong. The top three variables, which indicated significance to many questions, were 8 hypothesized group, age, and job type. Overall needs of digital map in the metropolitan area of Taiwan (Taipei) were recognized by this study.
Correlational studies among other metropolitan areas and the one between city and rural areas are left for further studies.
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Constructing authenticity : A qualitative study of internal CSR communication / Konstruktion av autenticitet : En kvalitativ studie av intern CSR kommunikationKöllner, Karl, Hofvendahl, Julia January 2017 (has links)
The rapid increase of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has led to a large numbers of programs that have failed to meet the expectations of stakeholders (McShane & Cunningham 2012). The reason being that stakeholders are becoming more sceptical about firms true purpose for engaging in CSR activities (Arendt & Brettel 2010). It may fuel worries that firms are acting in self-interest and trying to look good instead of doing good and not acting in line with the communicated CSR (Porter and Kramer 2011). Despite this downside, a well-executed CSR can lead to an increased company attractiveness and stakeholder identification. CSR is acknowledged as one of the most important tools for companies to use for creating corporate reputation (Arendt and Brettel 2010). This thesis wants to understand and evaluate the development of CSR, given that organizations must continuously look at both the tensions between profit seeking and the conflicting demands from different stakeholder groups. Authenticity can be seen as an appropriate view or perspective since stakeholders want to know if the communicated CSR is a reflection of the organization’s true self (Harvey et al. 2006). The aim of this study is to investigate CSR as a marketing practice and to explore how authenticity is constructed in relation to internal CSR communication. By answering this aim, there will be an enhanced understanding of how authenticity can be constructed and how CSR can be communicated within organizations. A qualitative approach has been conducted for this thesis. The primary data has been collected from semi-structured interviews at Grant Thornton and the interviews consisted of eight respondents with different positions in the company. Five mechanisms have been developed, showing how the work of constructing CSR is carried out, as well as how Grant Thornton integrate CSR into the organisation. Furthermore, three features have been developed showing how authenticity can be created within organizations. / Corporate social responsibility (CSR) har ökat kraftigt bland organisationer vilket har lett till ett stort antal CSR program som inte kunnat uppfylla intressenternas förväntningar (McShane & Cunningham 2012). Anledningen är att intressenterna blir allt mer skeptiska gällande vilket organisationers verkliga syfte är till att driva CSR program (Arendt & Brettel 2010). Intressenternas skepticism grundas i att företag kan välja att agera i eget intresse för att skapa en förbättrad image istället för ren välvilja. Därmed agerar inte företagen i linje med deras kommunicerade CSR (Porter & Kramer 2011). Däremot kan en välutvecklad CSR öka attraktionskraften och skapa samhörighet mellan organisationen och intressenterna. CSR har därför blivit erkänt som ett av de viktigaste verktygen för företag att använda för att förbättra företagens image (Arendt & Brettel 2010). Den här uppsatsen ämnar att skapa en förståelse för utvecklingen av CSR eftersom organisationer måste kontinuerligt välja mellan att följa vinstdrivande initiativ eller följa krav från olika intressentgrupper. För att avgöra om den CSR som kommuniceras är i linje med vad organisationer utger sig för att vara, kan autenticitet ses som ett lämpligt verktyg att utgå från (Harvey et al. 2007). Syftet med studien är att undersöka CSR ur ett marknadsföringsperspektiv samt hur autenticitet kan konstrueras inom intern CSR kommunikation. Genom att undersöka syftet kommer teori att skapas för att visa hur autenticitet kan alstras i intern CSR kommunikation samt hur CSR kan kommuniceras inom organisationer. Ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt har använts. Primär data har samlats in med hjälp av semi-strukturerade intervjuer som utfördes på företaget Grant Thornton. Respondenterna bestod av åtta individer med anställning på olika positioner inom företaget. Fem mekanismer har kunnat påvisas som beskriver hur företag kan arbeta med att integrera CSR i organisationen. Tre funktioner har också utvecklats som påvisar hur autenticitet kan skapas inom organisationer i samband med CSR.
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