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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Role of the Siberian Traps in the Permian-Triassic Boundary Mass Extinction: Analysis Through Chemical Fingerprinting of Marine Sediments using Rare Earth Elements

Santistevan, Fred January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Faunal Distribution Across the Ordovician-Silurian Boundary in Ohio and Ontario

Fuentes, Stephanie Renee 07 July 2003 (has links)
No description available.


Wiest, Logan A. January 2014 (has links)
Most major Phanerozoic mass extinctions induced permanent or transient changes in ecological and anatomical characteristics of surviving benthic communities. Many infaunal marine organisms produced distinct suites of biogenic structures in a variety of depositional settings, thereby leaving an ichnological record preceding and following each extinction. This study documents a decrease in burrow size in Thalassinoides-dominated ichnoassemblages across the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary in shallow-marine sections along the Atlantic Coastal Plain (Walnridge Farm, Rancocas Creek, and Inversand Quarry, New Jersey) and the Gulf Coastal Plain (Braggs, Alabama and Brazos River and Cottonmouth Creek, Texas). At New Jersey sites, within a regionally extensive ichnoassemblage, Thalassinoides ichnospecies (isp.) burrow diameters (DTh) decrease abruptly by 26-29% (mean K=15.2 mm, mean Pg=11.2 mm; n=1767) at the base of the Main Fossiliferous Layer (MFL) or laterally equivalent horizons. The MFL has been previously interpreted as the K-Pg boundary based on last occurrence of Cretaceous marine reptiles, birds, and ammonites, as well as iridium anomalies and associated shocked quartz. Across the same event boundary at Braggs, Alabama, DTh of simple maze Thalassinoides structures from recurring depositional facies decrease sharply by 22% (mean K=13.1 mm, mean Pg=10.2 mm; n=26). Similarly, at the Cottonmouth Creek site, Texas, Thalassinoides isp. occurring above the previously reported negative £_13C shift and the first occurrence of Danian planktonic foraminifera are 17% smaller in diameter (mean K=21.5 mm, mean Pg=17.9 mm; n=53) than those excavated and filled prior to deposition of a cross-bedded, ejecta-bearing sandstone complex commonly interpreted as the Chicxulub ¡¥event deposit¡¦. At both of these impact-proximal regions, the Cretaceous and Paleogene burrows were preserved in similar lithologies, suggesting that a reduction in size cannot be attributed to sedimentological factors. At all localities, up-section trends in DTh are statistically significant (fÑfnf¬0.05; non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test). Using the burrow diameter as a proxy for tracemaker body size, a reduction in DTh above the K-Pg boundary likely reflects dwarfing within the post-extinction community of decapod crustaceans. Dwarfing during the early recovery stages of the end-Cretaceous mass extinction, as recorded by ichnofossils, occurred within glauconite-producing (New Jersey), carbonate (Alabama), and siliciclastic (Texas) depositional environments and appears to be widespread. Because this ichnological signal appears to be a general phenomenon across the crisis interval, trace-fossil analysis provides a potential in-situ field method for constraining and correlating the stratigraphic position of the K-Pg and other extinction events, particularly in the absence of other macroscopic, microscopic, and geochemical indicators. Whereas overprinting of the original marine ichnofabric by morphologically similar continental traces is not a concern in lithified sections of Alabama and Texas, such an occurrence must be considered within unconsolidated sections. Within the Hornerstown Formation of New Jersey, a pervasive Thalassinoides framework contains traces of burrowing bees and wasps. Due to their penetration of up to 1 m, excavations just beyond the weathering front are insufficient for exposing the original marine ichnofabric. Insect burrow diameters (7-25 mm) are within the range of Thalassinoides traces (4-31 mm), exhibit occasional branching, and lack of ornamentation (bioglyphs) on the burrow walls. Therefore neither size nor gross morphology are adequate for distinguishing these widely diachronous and unrelated ichnites, especially when the insect burrows have been filled. However, the presence of backfill menisci and a beige clay halo help distinguish the ancient marine burrows, whereas highly oxidized fill and the occurrence of a terminal brooding chamber are diagnostic of modern insect burrows. / Geology

Extinction and recovery dynamics of Triassic-Jurassic macro-invertebrate communities

Opazo Mella, Luis Felipe January 2012 (has links)
This work is focused on characterising and evaluating the intensity and selectivity of the marine fauna during the Tr/J mass extinction and recovery of the ecosystem in different localities throughout Pangaea. To address this, four localities were studied: St. Audrie’s Bay, Larne and Pinhay Bay in the UK, and Portezuelo Providencia in Chile. From each locality, samples were taken at approximately 1m intervals throughout the Tr/J sections. Species abundance per sample was estimated and each species was classified according to autoecological information derived from the literature. In order to assess changes in the structure and composition of the assemblages, NMDS and beta diversity index were performed, dominance and richness were estimated and the data were tested against five rank abundance (RAD) models. Ecospace modelling was used to estimate the loss in ecological diversity. Measures of the body size of bivalves and ichno-parameters were recorded on each section. Through the UK sections, the richness, dominance and the composition rate shifted abruptly during the extinction event. A geometric model shows the best fit during extinction events and, in contrast, a log-normal model best fits the pre-extinction and recovery event. The body size of the bivalves did not decrease during the Tr/J, while the coverage, richness and body size of ichnofossils increased during the recovery. The Chile Tr/J section records low richness, but the ecological complexity and richness decreases through the interval and composition records high turnover, while the dominance increases. The results indicate that the Tr/J disruption changed species composition in a relatively short time period, which decreased the ecological functionality of the invertebrate marine assemblage. In spatial terms, the UK fauna show a clear response to the extinction effect, but the diversity response of the Chilean assemblage is not clear at all, which may be related to taphonomical bias. Alternatively, this work analysed stage-by-stage occupation of ecospace of 3181 genera recorded from Sepkoski`s compendium for the marine fauna from the Late Permian to Early Jurassic. The ecospace can be represented as a combination of the three axes of tiering, motility and feeding, each divided into six subcategories. From the Cambrian to Recent, ecospace utilisation has tripled, however the trend through the Phanerozoic remains unclear. This result indicates that from the Guadalupian to Sinemurian the number of modes of life did not increase significantly, but the ecospace packing does. There was a significant positive correlation between abundance of predators and both infaunalisation and motility. However, the ecospace utilisation decreased 35% and 16% at the end of Permian and Triassic, respectively. During the extinction events, non-motile animals, organisms with little physiological control of biocalcification and the epifaunal forms, were heavily affected. This indicates that the mass extinction had a particular ecological effect on the biota and is an important episode of ecological changes due to ecological selectivity. Parallel, the appearance of adaptations to new trophic niches during the Triassic, like durophagy, presumably increased predation pressure and drove the increase in benthic infaunalisation. This series of adaptation could be potentially associated with the Marine Mesozoic Revolution.

Taxonomie, Paläoökologie und Paläobiodiversitätsdynamik benthischer Mollusken an der Kreide-Paläogen-Grenze von Patagonien

Weidemeyer, Sven 14 December 2009 (has links)
Aus Patagonien lagen bisher wenige Daten zu paläoökologischen Veränderungen und zur Paläobiodiversität an der Kreide-Paläogen (K/Pg)-Grenze vor. Um diese Lücke zu schließen, wurden in den argentinischen Provinzen Neuquén und Chubut zahlreiche Profile im Bereich der K/Pg-Grenze detailliert beprobt. Während einer Planktonkrise, wie sie für die K/Pg-Grenze angenommen wird, werden für benthische Mollusken folgende Entwicklungen erwartet: 1. eine Abnahme der Individuenzahlen der Benthosorganismen, 2. eine Abnahme der vom Plankton als Nahrungsquelle direkt abhängigen Organismen, 3. eine Abnahme der Benthonten mit planktotrophen Larvalstadien, 4. eine Abnahme der mittleren Körpergröße der Individuen benthischer Faunengemeinschaften und 5. eine Abnahme der Organismen mit hoher Stoffwechselrate bzw. aktiver, mobiler Lebensweise. Tatsächlich waren die hungerresistenten Gruppen der Nuculoida (flach-infaunale Depositfresser) und der Lucinidae (Chemosymbionten) im Danium signifikant häufiger als im Maastrichtium, während der Faunenanteil der Suspensionsfresser im Danium im Vergleich zum Maastrichtium signifikant niedriger ist. In den Faunengemeinschaften des Daniums von Bajo de Añelo konnten Abnahmen der Individuenzahlen, der mittleren Mobilität und der mittleren Größe festgestellt werden. Die beobachteten paläoökologischen Veränderungen zeigen somit eine Selektivität, die sich auch in der Paläobiodiversitätsdynamik widerspiegelt. Auch hier sind Suspensionsfresser, die direkt vom Planktonangebot abhängig sind, stärker betroffen als Chemosymbionten und flach-infaunale Depositfresser. Die Aussterberaten für Bivalven sind mit 28% moderat. Insgesamt sind die festgestellten Selektivitätsmuster konsistent mit den zu erwartenden Folgen einer Planktonkrise. Trotz einiger regionaler Unterschiede handelte es sich um ein globales Ereignis an der K/Pg-Grenze, das Nord- und Südhalbkugel gleichermaßen betroffen hat. / From Patagonia only a few data on palaeoecological changes and on palaeobiodiversity at the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg)-boundary are available so far. Therefore detailed samples in different K/Pg-sections in the Argentinian provinces of Neuquén and Chubut were taken to increase the data set for this region. The following trends are expected from a crisis of primary productivity in the aftermath of the K/Pg-boundary: 1. a reduction in the number of individuals of benthic organisms, 2. a decrease in the relative abundance of organisms which rely directly on photosynthesis, 3. a lower proportion of individuals with planktotrophic larval stages, 4. a reduction in the average body size of individuals within palaeocommunities and 5. an increased abundance of organisms with low metabolic rates or inactive lifestyles. In fact the proportion of the starvation-resistant groups of the Nuculoida (shallow-infaunal deposit feeders) and Lucinidae (chemosymbionts) were significantly higher in the Danian compared to the Maastrichtian. In contrast to this, the proportion of suspension feeders in the palaeocommunities was significantly lower in the Danian in comparison with the Maastrichtian. In the Danian benthic assemblages of the Bajo de Añelo area, a decrease in number of individuals, mean mobility and mean size was recognised after the K/Pg-boundary. Thus the palaeoecological changes display a selectivity, which is also reflected in the palaeobiodiversity. Suspension feeders, which depend directly on plankton particles from the water column, show higher extinction rates than chemosymbionts and shallow-infaunal deposit feeders. The extinction rates of Patagonian bivalves are moderate (28%). Overall, the recognized selectivity patterns are consistent with the expected aftermath of a crisis in primary productivity. Despite some local differences, the results argue for a global event at the K/Pg-boundary during which the northern and southern hemispheres were similarly affected.

Core-Shell Based Metamaterials: Fabrication Protocol and Optical Properties

De Silva, Vashista C 12 1900 (has links)
The objective of this study is to examine core-shell type plasmonic metamaterials aimed at the development of materials with unique electromagnetic properties. The building blocks of metamaterials under study consist of gold as a metal component, and silica and precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) as the dielectric media. The results of this study demonstrate important applications of the core-shells including scattering suppression, airborne obscurants made of fractal gold shells, photomodification of the fractal structure providing windows of transparency, and plasmonics core-shell with a gain shell as an active device. Plasmonic resonances of the metallic shells depend on their nanostructure and geometry of the core, which can be optimized for the broadband extinction. Significant extinction from the visible to mid-infrared makes fractal shells very attractive as bandpass filters and aerosolized obscurants. In contrast to the planar fractal films, where the absorption and reflection equally contribute to the extinction, the shells' extinction is caused mainly by the absorption. This work shows that the Mie scattering resonance of a silica core with 780 nm diameter at 560 nm is suppressed by 75% and only partially substituted by the absorption in the shell so that the total transmission is noticeably increased. Effective medium theory supports our experiments and indicates that light goes mostly through the epsilon-near-zero shell with approximately wavelength independent absorption rate. Broadband extinction in fractal shells allows as well for a laser photoburning of holes in the extinction spectra and consequently windows of transparency in a controlled manner. Au fractal nanostructures grown on PCC flakes provide the highest mass normalized extinction, up to 3 m^2/g, which has been demonstrated in the broad spectral range. In the nanoplasmonic field active devices consist of a Au nanoparticle that acts as a cavity and the dye molecules attached to it via thin silica shell as the active medium. Such kind of devices is considered as a nano-laser or nano-amplifier. The fabricated nanolasers were studied for their photoluminescence kinetic properties. It is shown that the cooperative effects due to the coupling of dye molecules via Au nanoparticle plasmons result in bi-exponential emission decay characteristics in accord with theory predictions. These bi-exponential decays involve a fast superradiant decay, which is followed by a slow subradiant decay. To summarize, this work shows new attractive properties of core-shell nanoparticles. Fractal Au shells on silica cores prove to be a good scattering suppressor and a band pass filter in a broadband spectral range. They can also be used as an obscurant when PCC is used as the core material. Finally, gold nanoparticles coated with silica with dye results in bi-exponential decays.

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