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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Leveraging Educational Technology to Overcome Social Obstacles to Help Seeking

Howley, Iris 01 September 2015 (has links)
This dissertation provides initial empirical evidence for Expectancy Value Theory for Help Sources and generates design recommendations for online courses based on the newfound understanding between theory and student behavior. My high-level research goals are pursued in the context of help seeking in the presence of reputation systems in MOOC discussion forums. Educational technology can be intentionally designed and introduced in such a way as to maintain the benefits of existing technology while reducing negative impact on learning-relevant behaviors. I do this through the lens of student expectancy and values for the help source, and costs of pursuing that help. Within this thesis I present three online survey experiments, one is intended to provide empirical evidence for the connection between Expectancy Value Theory for Help Sources and student help seeking outcomes. The remaining two survey experiments are designed to further investigate the results of a system for help exchange through the lens of Expectancy Value Theory for Help Sources. The first survey supports the existence of beliefs for help sources, although careful design of value manipulations is necessary to isolate value beliefs from expectancy beliefs for the help source. In a field experiment investigating the design of a help exchange system, I explore the connection between common reputation system features and Expectancy Value Theory for Help Sources. This provides support for the theory outside of a controlled laboratory setting. This Quick Helper MOOC Experiment and the supporting Quick Helper Theory Survey Experiment show that voting within a reputation system context decreases the number of peers invited to be helpers possibly through an increase in evaluation anxiety. Help giver badges ca reduce this evaluation anxiety and mitigate the negative impact of voting. I performed a final field experiment in a small private online course to examine these issues in a more naturalistic setting outside of the Quick Helper help exchange system. I explored learning expectancy-emphasizing email prompts and voting in the course discussion forum, and how these manipulations impacted larger, more nuanced dependent variables such as help seeking and learning. Results from this experiment are not as strong as the more tightly controlled survey experiments and Quick Helper MOOC field experiment, but we still see support in the general direction of our original hypotheses. From these experiments I generate a series of design recommendations for instructors of online courses implementing discussion forums: (1) reputation systems can have a positive effect on student engagement in discussion forums, but there may be a negative effect on help seeking and other vulnerable learning-relevant behaviors, (2) The negative impact of evaluation anxiety from voting can be mitigated through the use of either help giver badges or using only upvoting instead of up/downvoting which may reduce evaluation anxiety, and (4) Email prompts with dilute implementation have questionable impact on student contributions in discussion forums.

Strings, Gravitons, and Effective Field Theories

Buchberger, Igor January 2016 (has links)
This thesis concerns a range of aspects of theoretical physics. It is composed of two parts. In the first part we motivate our line of research, and introduce and discuss the relevant concepts. In the second part, four research papers are collected. The first paper deals with a possible extension of general relativity, namely the recently discovered classically consistent bimetric theory. In this paper we study the behavior of perturbations of the metric(s) around cosmologically viable background solutions. In the second paper, we explore possibilities for particle physics with low-scale supersymmetry. In particular we consider the addition of supersymmetric higher-dimensional operators to the minimal supersymmetric standard model, and study collider phenomenology in this class of models. The third paper deals with a possible extension of the notion of Lie algebras within category theory. Considering Lie algebras as objects in additive symmetric ribbon categories we define the proper Killing form morphism and explore its role towards a structure theory of Lie algebras in this setting. Finally, the last paper is concerned with the computation of string amplitudes in four dimensional models with reduced supersymmetry. In particular, we develop general techniques to compute amplitudes involving gauge bosons and gravitons and explicitly compute the corresponding three- and four-point functions. On the one hand, these results can be used to extract important pieces of the effective actions that string theory dictates, on the other they can be used as a tool to compute the corresponding field theory amplitudes. / Over the last twenty years there have been spectacular observations and experimental achievements in fundamental physics. Nevertheless all the physical phenomena observed so far can still be explained in terms of two old models, namely the Standard Model of particle physics and the ΛCDM cosmological model. These models are based on profoundly different theories, quantum field theory and the general theory of relativity. There are many reasons to believe that the SM and the ΛCDM are effective models, that is they are valid at the energy scales probed so far but need to be extended and generalized to account of phenomena at higher energies. There are several proposals to extend these models and one promising theory that unifies all the fundamental interactions of nature: string theory. With the research documented in this thesis we contribute with four tiny drops to the filling of the fundamental physics research pot. When the pot will be saturated, the next fundamental discovery will take place.

Observational signatures of massive star formation : an investigation of the environments in which they form, and the applicability of the paradigm of low-mass star formation

Johnston, Katharine G. January 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents both a study of the cluster-scale environments in which massive stars form, investigating in particular how the ionized gas in these regions relates to the molecular star-forming material, as well as detailed studies of two luminous forming stars, AFGL 2591 and IRAS 20126+4104, to determine whether they are forming similarly to their low-mass counterparts. The results of this work include the identification of 35 HII regions (20 newly discovered) via a radio continuum survey of ionized gas towards 31 molecular cluster-forming clumps. The observed ionized gas was found to be preferentially associated with the clumps, which were shown to have a range of evolutionary stages. The massive star formation efficiency was determined for the clumps with associated ionized gas, and a relationship was found between the mass of the clumps and the mass of their embedded massive stars. By modelling the SEDs and images of AFGL 2591 and IRAS 20126+4104, it was found that the geometry of their circumstellar material was generally consistent with an envelope plus disk, similar to that expected for low-mass protostars. However, within the central ~1800 AU, the mid-IR images of IRAS 20126+4104 were better described by only a flattened envelope, suggesting that the radiation from IRAS 20126+4104 may be affecting the regions closest to the star. Observations of the ionized and molecular gas towards AFGL 2591 were carried out, and a photoionization code was developed to interpret these observations. The results showed that the observed 3.6 cm emission is likely to be produced by both a shock-ionized jet and a hypercompact HII region that does not appear to have disrupted the jet or the large-scale circumstellar environment. In addition, the C¹⁸O(1-0) emission observed towards AFGL2591 traces the densest parts of the outflow, with the blue-shifted emission exhibiting many of the properties of the outflows from low-mass protostars.

Tagging systems for sequencing large cohorts

Neiman, Mårten January 2010 (has links)
<p>Advances in sequencing technologies constantly improves the throughput andaccuracy of sequencing instruments. Together with this development comes newdemands and opportunities to fully take advantage of the massive amounts of dataproduced within a sequence run. One way of doing this is by analyzing a large set ofsamples in parallel by pooling them together prior to sequencing and associating thereads to the corresponding samples using DNA sequence tags. Amplicon sequencingis a common application for this technique, enabling ultra deep sequencing andidentification of rare allelic variants. However, a common problem for ampliconsequencing projects is formation of unspecific PCR products and primer dimersoccupying large portions of the data sets.</p><p>This thesis is based on two papers exploring these new kinds of possibilities andissues. In the first paper, a method for including thousands of samples in the samesequencing run without dramatically increasing the cost or sample handlingcomplexity is presented. The second paper presents how the amount of high qualitydata from an amplicon sequencing run can be maximized.</p><p>The findings from the first paper shows that a two-tagging system, where the first tagis introduced by PCR and the second tag is introduced by ligation, can be used foreffectively sequence a cohort of 3500 samples using the 454 GS FLX Titaniumchemistry. The tagging procedure allows for simple and easy scalable samplehandling during sequence library preparation. The first PCR introduced tags, that arepresent in both ends of the fragments, enables detection of chimeric formation andhence, avoiding false typing in the data set.</p><p>In the second paper, a FACS-machine is used to sort and enrich target DNA covered emPCR beads. This is facilitated by tagging quality beads using hybridization of afluorescently labeled target specific DNA probe prior to sorting. The system wasevaluated by sequencing two amplicon libraries, one FACS sorted and one standardenriched, on the 454 showing a three-fold increase of quality data obtained.</p> / QC20100907

Adaptive optic demonstrators for extremely large telescopes

Campbell, Michael Aloysius January 2011 (has links)
The next generation of ground-based optical/infrared (IR) telescopes will have primary mirrors of up to 42 m. To take advantage of the large potential increase in angular resolution, adaptive optics will be essential to overcome the resolution limits set by atmospheric turbulence. Novel techniques such as Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics (MCAO) and Multi-Object Adaptive Optics (MOAO) are being developed to achieve near diffraction-limited images over large fields-of-view. This thesis concerns the development of MCAO and MOAO pathfinders. Specifically, the construction of CANARY, aMOAO demonstrator, and the on-sky performance and scientific exploitation of the Multi-conjugate Adaptive optics Demonstrator (MAD). CANARY is under construction for the William Herschel Telescope (WHT) in La Palma and contains a telescope simulator to allow testing of the set-up in the laboratory. The simulator contains a natural guide star emulator, turbulence phase screens, and telescope relay optics. The work presented here concerns the integration of the various components in relation to numerical models and the CANARY specifications. MAD was a near-IR imager on the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile. Science demonstration observations were taken of R136, the young, massive cluster situated in the 30 Doradus star-forming region in the Large Magellanic Cloud. These data were used here to determine the MCAO performance across the ~1’x1’ field-of-view, for different pointings with respect to the guide stars, finding high Strehl ratios and relatively uniform corrections across the fields. The MAD data are then used to construct radial surface brightness profiles for R136, providing new insights into intriguing past results from the Hubble Space Telescope. The MAD data reveal that the profile is strongly asymmetric, removing the need for dramatic dynamical evolution of the cluster in the recent past, and highlighting the importance of considering asymmetries when analysing clusters further afield. The MAD data, combined with other near-IR imaging from the VLT, are then used to investigate the nature of candidate young stellar objects from recent observations with the Spitzer Space Telescope.

Millimetre spectral line mapping observations towards four massive star-forming H ii regions

Li, Shanghuo, Wang, Junzhi, Zhang, Zhi-Yu, Fang, Min, Li, Juan, Zhang, Jiangshui, Fan, Junhui, Zhu, Qingfeng, Li, Fei 05 January 2017 (has links)
We present spectral line mapping observations towards four massive star-forming regions Cepheus A, DR21S, S76E and G34.26+0.15 - with the IRAM 30-m telescope at the 2 and 3 mm bands. In total, 396 spectral lines from 51 molecules, one helium recombination line, 10 hydrogen recombination lines and 16 unidentified lines were detected in these four sources. An emission line of nitrosyl cyanide (ONCN, 14(0), 14-13(0), (13)) was detected in G34.26+0.15, as the first detection in massive star-forming regions. We found that c-C3H2 and NH2D show enhancement in shocked regions, as suggested by the evidence of SiO and/or SO emission. The column density and rotational temperature of CH3CN were estimated with the rotational diagram method for all four sources. Isotope abundance ratios of C-12/C-13 were derived using HC3N and its C-13 isotopologue, which were around 40 in all four massive star-forming regions and slightly lower than the local interstellar value (similar to 65). The N-14/N-15 and O-16/O-18 abundance ratios in these sources were also derived using the double isotopic method, which were slightly lower than in the local interstellar medium. Except for Cep A, the S-33/S-34 ratios in the other three targets were derived, which were similar to that in the local interstellar medium. The column density ratios of N(DCN)/N(HCN) and N( DCO+)/N(HCO+) in these sources were more than two orders of magnitude higher than the elemental [D]/[H] ratio, which is 1.5 x 10(-5). Our results show that the later stage sources, G34.26+0.15 in particular, present more molecular species than earlier stage sources. Evidence of shock activity is seen in all stages studied.

The ALMA View of the OMC1 Explosion in Orion

Bally, John, Ginsburg, Adam, Arce, Hector, Eisner, Josh, Youngblood, Allison, Zapata, Luis, Zinnecker, Hans 03 March 2017 (has links)
Most massive stars form in dense clusters where gravitational interactions with other. stars may be common. The two nearest forming massive stars, the BN object and Source I, located behind the Orion Nebula, were ejected with velocities of similar to 29 and similar to 13 km s(-1) about 500 years ago by such interactions. This event generated an explosion in the gas. New ALMA observations show in unprecedented detail, a roughly spherically symmetric distribution of over a hundred (CO)-C-12 J = 2-1 streamers with velocities extending from V-LSR = -150 to +145 km s(-1) The streamer radial velocities increase (or decrease) linearly with projected distance from the explosion center, forming a '' Hubble Flow '' confined to within 50 ''. of the explosion center. They point toward the high proper-motion, shock-excited H-2 and [Fe II] '' fingertips '' and lower-velocity CO in the H-2 wakes comprising Orion's '' fingers.'' In some directions, the H-2 '' fingers '' extend more than a factor of two farther from the ejection center than the CO streamers. Such deviations from spherical symmetry may be caused by ejecta running into dense gas or the dynamics of the N-body interaction that ejected the stars and produced the explosion. This similar to 10(48) erg event may have been powered by the release of gravitational potential energy associated with the formation of a compact binary or a protostellar merger. Orion may be the prototype for a new class of stellar explosiozn responsible for luminous infrared transients in nearby galaxies.

Ultraviolet spectroscopy of the blue supergiant SBW1: the remarkably weak wind of a SN 1987A analogue

Smith, Nathan, Groh, Jose H., France, Kevin, McCray, Richard 06 1900 (has links)
The Galactic blue supergiant SBW1 with its circumstellar ring nebula represents the best known analogue of the progenitor of SN 1987A. High-resolution imaging has shown H alpha and infrared structures arising in an ionized flow that partly fills the ring's interior. To constrain the influence of the stellar wind on this structure, we obtained an ultraviolet (UV) spectrum of the central star of SBW1 with the Hubble Space Telescope Cosmic Origins Spectrograph. The UV spectrum shows none of the typical wind signatures, indicating a very low mass-loss rate. Radiative transfer models suggest an extremely low rate below 10(-10) M-circle dot yr(-1), although we find that cooling time-scales probably become comparable to (or longer than) the flow time below 10(-8) M-circle dot yr(-1). We therefore adopt this latter value as a conservative upper limit. For the central star, the model yields T-eff = 21 000 +/- 1000 K, log(g(eff)) = 3.0, L similar or equal to 5 x 10(4) L-circle dot, and roughly Solar composition except for enhanced N abundance. SBW1' s very low mass-loss rate may hinder the wind's ability to shape its nebula and to shed angular momentum. The spin-down time-scale for magnetic breaking is more than 500 times longer than the age of the ring. This, combined with the star's slow rotation rate, constrains merger scenarios to form ring nebulae. The mass-loss rate is at least 10 times lower than expected from mass-loss recipes, without any account of clumping. The physical explanation for why SBW1' s wind is so weak presents an interesting mystery.


Chatzopoulos, E., Couch, Sean M., Arnett, W. David, Timmes, F. X. 05 May 2016 (has links)
We explore the effects of rotation on convective carbon, oxygen, and silicon shell burning during the late stages of evolution in a 20 M-circle dot star. Using the Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics we construct one-dimensional (1D) stellar models both with no rotation and with an initial rigid rotation of 50% of critical. At different points during the evolution, we map the 1D models into 2D and follow the multidimensional evolution using the FLASH compressible hydrodynamics code for many convective turnover times until a quasi-steady state is reached. We characterize the strength and scale of convective motions via decomposition of the momentum density into vector spherical harmonics. We find that rotation influences the total power in solenoidal modes, with a slightly larger impact for carbon and oxygen shell burning than for silicon shell burning. Including rotation in 1D stellar evolution models alters the structure of the star in a manner that has a significant impact on the character of multidimensional convection. Adding modest amounts of rotation to a stellar model that ignores rotation during the evolutionary stage, however, has little impact on the character of the resulting convection. Since the spatial scale and strength of convection present at the point of core collapse directly influence the supernova mechanism, our results suggest that rotation could play an important role in setting the stage for massive stellar explosions.

Mind Your Ps and Qs: The Interrelation between Period (P) and Mass-ratio (Q) Distributions of Binary Stars

Moe, Maxwell, Di Stefano, Rosanne 06 June 2017 (has links)
We compile observations of early-type binaries identified via spectroscopy, eclipses, long-baseline interferometry, adaptive optics, common proper motion, etc. Each observational technique is sensitive to companions across a narrow parameter space of orbital periods P and mass ratios q. =. M-comp/M-1. After combining the samples from the various surveys and correcting for their respective selection effects, we find that the properties of companions to O-type and B-type main-sequence (MS) stars differ among three regimes. First, at short orbital periods P less than or similar to 20. days (separations a less than or similar to 0.4 au), the binaries have small eccentricities e... 0.4, favor modest mass ratios < q > less than or similar to 0.5, and exhibit a small excess of twins q. >. 0.95. Second, the companion frequency peaks at intermediate periods log P (days). approximate to. 3.5 (a approximate to 10 au), where the binaries have mass ratios weighted toward small values q. approximate to 0.2-0.3 and follow a Maxwellian " thermal" eccentricity distribution. Finally, companions with long orbital periods log P (days). approximate to 5.5-7.5 (a approximate to 200-5000 au) are outer tertiary components in hierarchical triples and have a mass ratio distribution across q. approximate to 0.1-1.0 that is nearly consistent with random pairings drawn from the initial mass function. We discuss these companion distributions and properties in the context of binary-star formation and evolution. We also reanalyze the binary statistics of solar-type MS primaries, taking into account that 30% +/-. 10% of single-lined spectroscopic binaries likely contain white dwarf companions instead of low-mass stellar secondaries. The mean frequency of stellar companions with q. >. 0.1 and log P (days). <. 8.0 per primary increases from 0.50. +/- 0.04 for solar-type MS primaries to 2.1. +/- 0.3 for O-type MS primaries. We fit joint probability density functions f (M-1, q, P, e) not equal f (M-1) f (q) f (P) f (e) to the corrected distributions, which can be incorporated into binary population synthesis studies.

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