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Nekilnojamojo turto mokestis Europos Sąjungos šalyse: situacijos analizė ir tobulinimo glimybės Lietuvoje / The real estate tax in European Union countries: analysis of situation and possibilities of development in LithuaniaBrazytė, Monika 26 January 2007 (has links)
Magistriniame darbe analizuojama Europos Sąjungos šalių nekilnojamojo turto mokestinė sistema, siekiant numatyti šio mokesčio tobulinimo kryptis Lietuvoje. Lietuvos nekilnojamojo turto mokesčio sistema yra kūrimosi cikle, todėl nėra pritaikyta kiekvienam regionui kaip daugelyje Europos Sąjungos šalių. Tačiau daugelyje ES šalių, o ypatingai Lietuvoje įteisinta daug nekilnojamojo turto mokesčių lengvatų, kurios sudaro sąlygas korupcijai bei šešėlinei ekonomikai, o kartu iškreipia Mokesčių etikos kodekso taisykles. Tad norint skatinti smulkų ir vidutinį verslą, svarbu nustatant tarifus bei parenkant vertinimo metodiką atsižvelgti į regioninius ypatumus. Dabartinis pasirinktas turto vertinimo metodas, masinis turto vertinimas, neturi tokio efektyvumo, kaip buvo tikimąsi. Metodas ne tik, kad neišsprendė anksčiau buvusių problemų, bet sudarė prielaidas naujoms. Esant tokiai situacijai, tikslingiau būtų taikyti nekilnojamojo turto mokestį, susietą su žemės verte, apie kurio taikymą svarsto daugelis ES šalių. / The purpose of master work is to analyse the current situation of the real estate taxing system in the European Union countries and provide the perfect ways for this tax in Lithuania. The real estate tax system in Lithuania is on the creation cycle, so it doesn‘t adjust to each region as in many European Union countries. However in many EU countries, and especially in Lithuania are validate many privileges of the real estate tax, which make a reserve of the corruption and the black economy and also it twist the rules of the Taxes ethical codex. On purpose to stimulate a small and medium enterprises, it‘s very important estimate the rates and the value method regard to regional peculiarity. The current value method of the real estate, massive appraisal, doesn‘t have such efficiency, how was expected. The method doesn‘t crack the latest problems but made presumptions to new. In that case it would be advisable to practise the real estate tax, which is relate with the land value, about what consider many EU countries. The real estate tax impact not only laws or real estate value, but also taxing policy of the local government. From the local government chosen policy depends concatenations between authority and enterprisers, to manage motivate this tax incomes resorting for towns image and together for raising investment. To make the real estate system working in maximal function, it‘s necessary all named elements of jus base constantly development.
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Parallel Electromagnetic Transient Simulation of Large-Scale Power Systems on Massive-threading HardwareZhou, Zhiyin Unknown Date
No description available.
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Practical System Implementation for 5G Wireless Communication SystemsNi, Weiheng 23 April 2015 (has links)
The fifth generation (5G) wireless communications technology will be a paradigm shift which does not only provide an explosive increment on the achievable data rate per cell, but also ideally decreases the costs and energy consumption per data link. The engineering requirements of 5G standard can be intuitively interpreted as highly enhanced spectral efficiency and energy efficiency. This thesis focuses on the practical implementation issues of the massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) and energy harvesting systems.
To begin with, massive MIMO, as one of the key technologies of 5G systems, can provide enormous enhancement in spectral efficiency. For a practical massive MIMO system, hybrid processing (precoding/combining), by restricting the number of RF chains to far less than the number of antenna elements, can significantly reduce the implementation cost compared to the full-complexity radio frequency (RF) chain configuration. This thesis designs the hybrid RF and baseband precoders/combiners for multi-stream transmission in the point-to-point (P2P) massive MIMO systems, by directly decomposing the pre-designed digital precoder/combiner of a large dimension. The performance of the matrix decomposition based hybrid processing (MD-HP) scheme is near-optimal compared to the singular value decomposition (SVD) based full-complexity processing.
In addition, the downlink communication of a massive multiuser MIMO (MU-MIMO) system is also investigated, and a low-complexity hybrid block diagonalization (Hy-BD) scheme is developed to approach the performance of the traditional BD method. We aim to harvest the large array gain through the phase-only RF precoding and combining and then BD processing is performed on the equivalent baseband channel in the massive MU-MIMO scenario. The MD-HP and Hy-BD schemes are examined in both the large Rayleigh fading channels and millimeter wave channels.
On the other hand, energy harvesting is an increasingly attractive and renewable source of power for wireless communications devices, which contributes to the enhancement of the system energy efficiency. This thesis also designs the energy cooperation assisted energy harvesting communication between a practical transmitter and receiver, whose hardware circuits consume non-zero power when active. The energy cooperation save-then-transmit (EC-ST) scheme aims to obtain the optimal active time ratio and energy cooperation power for the maximum throughput under additive white Gaussian channels and the minimum outage probability under block Rayleigh fading channels. / Graduate
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Mineralization and Alteration of the Late Triassic Glacier Creek Cu-Zn VMS Deposit, Palmer Project, Alexander Terrane, Southeast AlaskaSteeves, Nathan 14 January 2013 (has links)
The Glacier Creek volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposit is hosted within Late Triassic, oceanic back-arc or intra-arc, rift-related, bimodal volcanic rocks (Hyd or Tats Group) of the allochthonous Alexander terrane known as the Alexander Triassic Metallogenic Belt (ATMB). The deposit presently consists of four tabular massive sulfide lenses with a resource of 4.75 Mt. at 1.84% Cu, 4.57% Zn, 0.15% Pb, 0.28 g/t Au and 29.07 g/t Ag. A deposit-scale thrust fault offsets stratigraphy along the axial surface of a deposit-scale anticline.
The massive sulfide lenses are barite-rich and are divided into 6 main ore-types based on mineral assemblages. There is a large range of sphalerite compositions, with low-Fe sphalerite dominant throughout the lenses and high-Fe sphalerite at the top and bottom of the lenses in pyrrhotite-rich zones. Lenses contain anomalous Sb, Hg and Tl. Gangue minerals include barite, quartz, barian-muscovite, calcite, albite, highly subordinate chlorite and locally hyalophane and celsian. Overlying massive sulfide is a tuffaceous hydrothermal sediment with anomalous REE patterns and local hyalophane.
The general footwall to all four lenses is a thick unit of coherent to volcaniclastic feldspar-phyric basalt containing extensive lateral alteration. Four alteration facies are recognized based on mineral assemblages. Mass balance calculations for the footwall indicate general gains of S, Fe, Si and K with coincident loss of Ca, Na and Mg, along with trace element gains of Tl, Sb, Hg, Ba, Zn, Cu, As and loss of Sr with increased alteration intensity. Short wavelength infrared (SWIR) spectroscopy shows a general decrease in Na, K and Al content of muscovite and increase of Fe+Mg and Ba content towards ore.
Integrated petrographic, mineral, chemical and sulfur-isotope data suggest a transition during deposit formation, from high-temperature, acidic, reduced hydrothermal fluids mixing with oxidized, SO4-rich seawater, to later cooler, low fO2-fS2 conditions of formation and a lack of SO4 in seawater.
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Geology of the Kidd Creek Deep Orebodies - Mine D, Western Abitibi Subprovince, CanadaGemmell, Thomas P. 13 September 2013 (has links)
The giant Kidd Creek Mine is an Archean Cu-Zn-Ag deposit in the Abitibi Greenstone belt, located in the Superior Province of Canada and is one of the largest known base metal massive sulfide mines in the world with a tonnage of 170.7 Mt (Past production, Resource and Reserve). The massive sulfides in Mine D comprise a number of ore lenses that are interpreted to be the downplunge continuation of the Central orebody from the upper mine. These are referred to as the West, Main, and South lenses. The massive sulfides overlie a silicified rhyolitic unit at the top of a mixed assemblage of rhyolite flows, volcaniclastic sediments and ultramafic flows. The sheared nature of the fragmental units in the hanging wall of the deposit, at depth, illustrates the greater deformation that has occurred than in the upper mine. Metal zonation and the distribution of Cu stringer mineralization suggest that the West and Main lenses may be part of a single massive sulfide body (Main orebody) that has been structurally dismembered. The South Lens is a detached body, separated by late faults. The large Cu stringer zone beneath the West and Main lenses has a thickness of up to 150 metres, and is much broader and structurally remobilized in Mine D partially due to a newly identified series of vertically trending offset faults, that extends along the entire length of the massive sulfide bodies. A number of features of the North, Central and South orebodies in the upper part of the mine (e.g., Se-rich halo around Cu-rich zones) have been recognized in Mine D and provide an important framework for correlating the deep orebodies with the upper levels of the mine. Drilling below the current mine levels indicates that the massive sulfide and Cu stringer zones continue below 10,200 feet (3109 m) and highlight the remarkable continuity of the deposit downplunge with no end in sight. Two main ore suites have been recognized in the upper part of the mine and in Mine D: a low-temperature, polymetallic assemblage of Zn, Ag, Pb, Cd, Sn, Sb, As, Hg, ±Tl, ±W, and a higher-temperature suite of Cu, Co, As, Bi, Se, In, ±Ni. More than 25 different ore minerals and ore-related gangue minerals are present, including Co-As-sulfides, Cu-Sn-sulfides, Ag-minerals, and selenides. The massive ores consist mainly of pyrite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, magnetite and chalcopyrite, together with minor galena, tetrahedrite, arsenopyrite, and native silver with a quartz and siderite gangue. Despite the high Ag content of the ores, the majority of the massive sulfides are remarkably Au poor except for a local gold zone that has been recognized in the deep mine in association with high-temperature mineralization. The trace elements in the ores exhibit strong zonation and diverse mineralogy. Spectacular albite porphyroblasts, up to 1 cm in size occur in the most Cu-rich ores of Mine D which are coincident with the peak of regional metamorphism and likely represent higher metamorphic or hydrothermal temperatures. Overall the orebodies have remained remarkably similar downplunge. However, unlike the upper part of the mine, pyrrhotite is dominantly hexagonal, only tetrahedrite was observed as the dominant sulfosalt, and magnetite occurs as both blebby porphyroblasts and as abundant intergrowths with sphalerite-chalcopyrite ores and siderite. These characteristics suggest that the deep mine has been subjected to higher metamorphic temperatures, possibly related to depth of burial, and that the original hydrothermal fluids may of had a lower H2S/CO2 and/or higher temperatures.
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Genesis Of The Karaali (ankara, Turkey) Fe-cu Sulfide MineralizationImer, Ali 01 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
With the closure of Neo-Tethys in the Early Tertiary, oceanic crustal material was accreted along the izmir-Ankara-Erzincan Suture Zone. The Ankara mé / lange developed within this suture zone and contains Cretaceous ophiolitic fragments, some of which host significant Fe-Cu sulfide mineralization. Such mineralization is observed as massive to disseminated pyrite-chalcopyrite hosted by pillow to massive basalts in a dismembered and tectonically imbricated ophiolite block near Karaali, Ankara. Basaltic host rocks lack most of their primary mineral assemblages and textural relationships. As a consequence of greenschist-facies metamorphism and hydrothermal alteration, the basalts were strongly albitized and propylitized prior to late-stage argillic alteration, which is proximal to the main mineralized zone. Sulfide mineralization occurs in a massive sulfide lens and laterally extensive, 10-meter-thick zone of anastomosing quartz-sulfide veins. Other than pyrite and chalcopyrite, bornite, covellite and sphalerite also occur as minor sulfide phases, and the source of sulfur is determined to have been magmatic on the basis of 34S isotope analyses. A series of geochemical analyses suggest that the basaltic host rocks formed within a subduction-related tectonic setting, and the mineralization is thought to have formed during a medium-temperature hydrothermal event which was followed by another later period of low-temperature hydrothermal activity. Field, petrographical and geochemical evidence show that the Karaali Fe-Cu mineralization is genetically correlative with the Cyprus and Kü / re massive sulfide deposits, and may be classified as a Cyprus-type massive sulfide deposit.
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Spectral modeling of nebular-phase supernovaeJerkstrand, Anders January 2011 (has links)
Massive stars live fast and die young. They shine furiously for a few million years, during which time they synthesize most of the heavy elements in the universe in their cores. They end by blowing themselves up in a powerful explosion known as a supernova (SN). During this process, the core collapses to a neutron star or a black hole, while the outer layers are expelled with velocities of thousands of kilometers per second. The resulting fireworks often outshine the entire host galaxy for many weeks. The explosion energy is eventually radiated away, but powering of the newborn nebula continues by radioactive isotopes synthesized in the explosion. The ejecta are now quite transparent, and we can see the material produced in the deep interiors of the star. To interpret the observations, detailed spectral modeling is needed. This thesis aims to develop and apply state-of-the-art computational tools for interpreting and modeling SN observations in the nebular phase. This requires calculation of the physical conditions throughout the nebula, including non-thermal processes from the radioactivity, thermal and statistical equilibrium, as well as radiative transport. The inclusion of multiline radiative transfer, which we compute with a Monte Carlo technique, represents one of the major advancements presented in this thesis. On February 23 1987, the first SN observable by the naked eye since 1604 exploded, SN 1987A. Its proximity has allowed unprecedented observations, which in turn have lead to significant advancements in our understanding of SN explosions. As a first application of our model, we analyze the 44Tipowered phase (t & 5 years) of SN 1987A. We find that a magnetic field is present in the nebula, trapping the positrons that provide the energy input, and resulting in strong iron lines in the spectrum. We determine the 44Ti mass to 1.5(+0.5−0.5)*10−4 M⊙. From the near-infrared spectrum at an age of 19 years, we identify strong emission lines from explosively synthesized metals such as silicon, calcium, and iron. We use integral-field spectroscopy to construct three-dimensional maps of the ejecta, showing a morphology suggesting an asymmetric explosion. The model is then applied to the close-by and well-observed Type IIP SN 2004et, analyzing its ultraviolet to mid-infrared evolution. Based on its Mg I] 4571 Å, Na I 5890, 5896 Å, [O I] 6300, 6364 Å, and [Ne II] 12.81 mm nebular emission lines, we determine its progenitor mass to be around 15 M⊙. We confirm that silicate dust, SiO, and CO have formed in the ejecta. Finally, the major optical emission lines in a sample of Type IIP SNe areanalyzed.We find that most spectral regions in Type IIP SNe are dominated by emission from the massive hydrogen envelope, which explains the relatively small variation seen in the sample. We also show that the similar line profiles seen from all elements suggest extensive mixing occurring in most hydrogenrich SNe. / At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Accepted.
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My World of Warcraft : en studie om de komponenter i onlinerollspelet World of Warcraft som lockar till deltagande.Lindqvist, Anna January 2008 (has links)
<p>Fler timmar och större intresse läggs idag ner på onlinerollspel vilka under de senaste åren blivit omåttligt populära. Våra sociala beteenden har idag förändrats och vi behöver inte längre fysiskt beträda det rum vi vanligen kommunicerade i. Vi öppnar istället upp dörrarna till en ny dimension där du “är” en virtuell identitet, och där du kanske har väldigt många fler möjligheter än i ditt fysiska liv. World of Warcraft är just ett sådant spel vilket underhåller tusentals av spelare och som kommer ligga till grund för denna uppsats.</p><p>Syftet är att skapa en dokumentation av och ge en insyn i dessa nya sociala miljöer som vi finner i World of Warcraft. Vad har tillexempel en online identitet för betydelse för jaget (spelaren) och kan det som händer i ett community på internet påverka våra fysiska sociala liv? Samma sak händer om man vänder på frågan, vad händer med spelvärldens sociala liv om man inte spelar tillräckligt mycket, hur påverkar det spelandet i sig? Är en spelare tvungen att välja bara en social arena, eller finns det en god möjlighet till en balans mellan miljöerna? Frågor om interagerbarhet, interaktivitet och kommunikation i spelet kommer också att vara centrala i uppsatsen, eftersom dessa i någon form påverkar oss som individer och sociala varelser.</p><p>Alltså vad är det som lockar och varför kan vi som individer bli påverkade av detta?</p><p>De komponenter jag finner mest bidragande till delaktighet i World of Warcraft diskuteras och analyseras sedan utifrån utvalda teoretiska utgångspunkter. Syftet är också att utifrån videoinspelade intervjuer med spelarna ge en slags bild av hur fenomenet kan se ut. I Själva dokumentärfilmen ( som tillhör uppsatsen och som finns på separat DVD) läggs Fokus på intervjuerna, (där de intervjuade får en chans att säga sin mening) och de spelmiljöer man kan stöta på i World of Warcraft . Vi följer spelaren in i världen .Med dessa rörliga bilder kan vi också få större förståelse för vad World of Warcraft är och vad det betyder för miljontals människor.</p><p>I intervjuerna med dessa respondenter försöker jag att gå in i samtal som är mer djupgående och kvalitativa. Denna form av undersökning, där så få personer medverkar kan inte kvantitativt framlägga ett övergripande mönster av hur majoritetens spelvanor ser ut.</p><p> </p>
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An analytics-based approach to the study of learning networks in digital education settingsJoksimovic, Srecko January 2017 (has links)
Investigating howgroups communicate, build knowledge and expertise, reach consensus or collaboratively solve complex problems, became one of the main foci of contemporary research in learning and social sciences. Emerging models of communication and empowerment of networks as a form of social organization further reshaped practice and pedagogy of online education, bringing research on learning networks into the mainstream of educational and social science research. In such conditions, massive open online courses (MOOCs) emerged as one of the promising approaches to facilitating learning in networked settings and shifting education towards more open and lifelong learning. Nevertheless, this most recent educational turn highlights the importance of understanding social and technological (i.e., material) factors as mutually interdependent, challenging the existing forms of pedagogy and practice of assessment for learning in online environments. On the other hand, the main focus of the contemporary research on networked learning is primarily oriented towards retrospective analysis of learning networks and informing design of future tasks and recommendations for learning. Although providing invaluable insights for understanding learning in networked settings, the nature of commonly applied approaches does not necessarily allow for providing means for understanding learning as it unfolds. In that sense, learning analytics, as a multidisciplinary research field, presents a complementary research strand to the contemporary research on learning networks. Providing theory-driven and analytics-based methods that would allow for comprehensive assessment of complex learning skills, learning analytics positions itself either as the end point or a part of the pedagogy of learning in networked settings. The thesis contributes to the development of learning analytics-based research in studying learning networks that emerge fromthe context of learning with MOOCs. Being rooted in the well-established evidence-centered design assessment framework, the thesis develops a conceptual analytics-based model that provides means for understanding learning networks from both individual and network levels. The proposed model provides a theory-driven conceptualization of the main constructs, along with their mutual relationships, necessary for studying learning networks. Specifically, to provide comprehensive understanding of learning networks, it is necessary to account for structure of learner interactions, discourse generated in the learning process, and dynamics of structural and discourse properties. These three elements – structure, discourse, and dynamics – should be observed as mutually dependent, taking into account learners’ personal interests, motivation, behavior, and contextual factors that determine the environment in which a specific learning network develops. The thesis also offers an operationalization of the constructs identified in the model with the aim at providing learning analytics-methods for the implementation of assessment for learning. In so doing, I offered a redefinition of the existing educational framework that defines learner engagement in order to account for specific aspects of learning networks emerging from learning with MOOCs. Finally, throughout the empirical work presented in five peer-reviewed studies, the thesis provides an evaluation of the proposed model and introduces novel learning analytics methods that provide different perspectives for understanding learning networks. The empirical work also provides significant theoretical and methodological contributions for research and practice in the context of learning networks emerging from learning with MOOCs.
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Mining the obscured OB star population in CarinaSmith, Michael January 2017 (has links)
Massive OB stars are very influential objects in the ecology of galaxies like our own. Current catalogues of Galactic OB stars are heavily biased towards bright (g < 13) objects, only typically including fainter objects when found in prominent star clusters (Garmany et al., 1982; Reed, 2003; Maíz-Apellániz et al., 2004). Exploitation of the VST Photometric Hα Survey (VPHAS+) allows us to build a robust catalogue of photometrically-selected OB stars across the entire Southern Galactic plane, both within clusters and in the field, down to ~20th magnitude in g. For the first time, a complete accounting of the OB star runaway phenomenon becomes possible. Along with making the primary selection using VPHAS+ colours, I have performed Markov-Chain Monte Carlo fitting of the spectral energy distributions of the selected stars by combining VPHAS+ u, g, r, i with published J, H, K photometry. This gives rough constraints on effective temperature and distance, whilst delivering much more precise reddening parameters A0 and RV - allowing us to build a much richer picture of how extinction and extinction laws vary across the Galactic Plane. My thesis begins with a description of the method of photometric selection of OB star candidates and its validation across a 2 square degree field including the well- known young massive star cluster Westerlund 2 (Mohr-Smith et al., 2015)1. Following on from this I present spectroscopy with AAOmega of 283 candidates identified by our method, which confirms that ~ 94% of the sample are the expected O and early B stars. I then develop this method further and apply it to a Galactic Plane strip of 42 square-degrees that runs from the Carina Arm tangent region to the much studied massive cluster in NGC 3603. A new aspect I attend to in this expansion of method is tightening up the uniform photometric calibration of the data, paying particular attention to the always-challenging u band. This leads to a new and reliable catalogue of 5915 OB stars. As well as increasing the numbers of identified massive stars in this large region of the sky by nearly an order of magnitude, a more complete picture of massive star formation in the Carina Arm has emerged. I have found a broad over-density of O stars around the highly luminous cluster NGC 3603 and have uncovered two new candidate OB clusters/associations. I have also paired up the ionization sources of a number of HII regions catalogued by the RMS survey. It is also shown that the OB star scale- height can serve as a roughly standard ruler, leading to the result that the OB star layer shows the onset of warping at RG ~ 10kpc. My results confirm that this entire region requires a non-standard (3.5 < RV < 4.0) reddening law for distances greater than ~2kpc. The methods developed in this study are ready to roll out across the rest of the VPHAS+ footprint that has been observed to date. This extension will take in a strip ~ ±2 degrees across the entire Southern Galactic mid-plane (a sky area of over 700 square degrees), within which we expect to find the majority of massive OB stars. This will result in the largest catalogue of Galactic OB stars to date.
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